Excrutiatingly tedious 'romance' relying on two main characters who're neither likeable nor interesting
28 March 2024
In director Peter Hutchings' pretentious romance flick "Which Brings Me To You" Nat Wolff (terrific actor - wasted here) & Lucy Hale (meh) meet at a wedding where he defers having sex til after they've shared long, competitive accounts of their love-lives (only Keith Bunin knows why (or Steve Almond & Julianna Baggott on whose novel he based this screenplay on)). It gets tedious fast, and ends up dragging excrutiatingly - mainly due to the dislikeableness of the characters, particularly Hale's. Any appeal it could have would rely on maintaining interest in the two leads... who except to themselves (and apparently each other) are not interesting at all. A turd. Flush it away.
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