The Black Rider (1954) Poster

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Has the good - natured innocence of a romping spaniel puppy
ianlouisiana22 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently in 1954 you could make an atomic bomb from articles obtained "sur le continong" (presumably in a plain brown wrapper)and end up with an object no larger than an artillery shell.Of course only a foreigner would want to do so and then let the thing off somewhere in Dorset(going by Mr K.Connor's attempt at the standard Rank "rural accent").I should have thought it might have caused about £15 worth of damage from the state of the film set.We do eventually get a glimpse of this Doomsday Weapon which resembles something Valerie Singleton might have put together when she was in Infants School. However,you discount Cub Reporter Jerry Marsh - a rather portly Mr Hanley former Army Dispatch Rider - at your peril and the best laid plans of mice,men and megalomaniacs gang aft agley,fortunately for half of the West Coast of England. You might think local newspaper owner/editor/printer(Mr.L. Dwyer - splendidly grumpy) might be pleased to have such a fine young man as a prospective son - in - law,but there's no pleasing some people. That nice Mr Hanley belongs to a motor cycle club whose members clearly do not go around biting the heads off live chickens and together they track down the gang renting the local Manor House to assemble their bomb which rather begs the question why - if it's that small - they couldn't have smuggled it all in in one hit rather than a bit at a time ,but hey,why spoil the fun? "The Black Raider" echoes back to the era when very few people had motor cars.Motor cycles were widespread,Combinations for the family day out. It is significant that the only character with a motor car is villain Mr L.Jeffries who has a sinister black Rolls Royce and a chauffeur who looks a lot like Raymond Massey. It would be unfair to be anything but gently chiding to this movie because it has the good - natured innocence of a romping spaniel puppy. It belongs to a never - never England of country inns,firm - jawed Customs men with Webley revolvers and blokes who wear sports jackets with open - necked shirts on the beach. And there's not a Honda,Kawasaki or Suzuki in sight.
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not the British 'Wild One'
didi-510 July 2008
If you remove the thought that Jimmy Hanley is the British Marlon Brando in this biker movie made around the same time as the classic 'The Wild One', then you might enjoy this laid-back tale of smugglers, deceit, dads, and dark pubs.

Jerry (Hanley) is a reporter who rides a motorbike despite the disapproval of his parents - the fact that he seems rather elderly is neither here nor there! There's a girlfriend, a local legend of a ghost, and a nice comic turn from a young Kenneth Connor.

The local rich chappie and maybe villain of the piece is Lionel Jeffries, in a reliable performance. Hanley himself is adequate but perhaps an actor like Albert Finney would have been so much more interesting as Jerry. However, 'The Black Rider' is a good wheeze and a decent little B movie.
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The Legend Of The Black Rider Of Brockham Castle.
hitchcockthelegend30 January 2013
The Black Rider is directed by Wolf Rilla and written by A.R. Rawlinson. It stars Jimmy Hanley, Rona Anderson, Leslie Dwyer, Lionel Jeffries, Beatrice Varley and Micahel Golden. Music is by Wilfred Burns and cinematography by Geoffrey Faithful.

There's a grand line of British movies involving smugglers/gun runners that use some supernatural legend to hide their crooked activities. Think The Ghost Train and Will Hay classics like Oh! Mr Porter and Ask A Policenman, and you find it's a splinter of the horror comedy that has been well served in Blighty. The Black Rider carried on this tradition but only with a modicum of success.

Out of Nettlefold Studios, it's by definition a quintessential B movie. It clocks in at just over an hour, is low on production value but oozes the cheap and cheery ambiance that makes it impossible to dislike. Plot basically follows the concept of a small coastal town in awe of a local spook said to haunt the ruins up there on the hill. Cue sightings of said spook (a hooded monk), an investigation of Famous Five type proportions by some straight backed heroes, a snapshot of ye olde Brit village life and low and behold there's some crooks to be snuffed out for a big hooray ending! Throw in a bunch of motorcycle riders and their awesome bikes, though this is no Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and it rounds out as a brisk and amiable time waster; with Rilla showing nice fluid camera work that often belies the low budget afforded the production.

Safe as houses really, or in this case, Brockham Manor! 6/10
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"There's something fishy going on at Brocken Castle"
heedarmy14 December 2003
This sturdy British B-picture features a plot right out of Enid Blyton or Scooby-Doo. A gang of crooks, bent on smuggling "atomic sabotage equipment" into the country (crumbs!), are using the legend of the Black Rider to scare people away from crumbling Brocken Castle, where they have a secret headquarters in the dungeons. Gosh!

The film is best enjoyed for its view of the vanished innocence of 50s Britain. This is a place where smiling librarians select handpicked novels for little old ladies, where the teapot is always full, where the harmless village drunk (Kenneth Connor) is plied with booze by indulgent locals and where the local youths are too busy fixing their motorbikes to bother with vandalising the bus shelter. No Hells Angels these - they are all clean-cut and impeccably polite, trundling along the leafy lanes at a sedate 25 mph or participating in motorised egg-and-spoon races at the village fete.

Jimmy Hanley and Rona Anderson make a charming hero and heroine, Lionel Jeffries is good as the urbane villain and there' s a jolly, infuriatingly catchy theme tune. Nobody gets killed and even Hanley's irascible employer and future father-in-law turns out to be a decent cove at the end, even buying his own motorcycle and sidecar combination for some exhilarating spins with the missus. Somehow I doubt if Quentin Tarantino will be doing a remake.
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Cheaply made B Film that celebrates British motorbikes
geoffm6029522 July 2020
'Black Rider' is a low budget B film, which sees the bright and breezy Jimmy Hanley, the 'honest and congenial young man next door type' endeavouring to foil the dastardly, rogue Lionel Jeffries and his henchmen from carrying out atomic sabotage in a sleepy coastal town. The storyline is something out of a boy's comic of that era, with the oily and supercilious moustached villain, Jefferies, always appropriately dressed in a black suit, with our forever smiling and irrepressibly, cheerful Hanley, who is cast as the hero as well as a local reporter. It was one of those cheaply made films that was a time 'filler' to complement the main A film. The film is not to be taken seriously as a crime story, but more of a homage to the importance of British motorcycles of the early 1950's, when buying a car was out of the financial reach of most working class young men, whereas the average young bloke could aspire to becoming liberated by buying a Triumph or Norton motorbike and thus enjoy the freedom which the countryside had to offer. Motor bikes and youth in the 50's would be forever associated with the young American rebel leader, Marlon Brando, terrorising a town with his gang in 'The Wild One.' This film couldn't be further away from rebellious, 'angry young men' as Jimmy Hanley is the very epitome of modesty, honesty and respectability. His 'eager to please' character provides no menace or edge. Indeed. Hanley's jolly character and his very proper and cosy relationship with Rona Anderson, marks him down as a young man every prospective mother would want their daughter to wed. The film itself reveals a forgotten 1950's world of a quintessentially quiet British coastal town, with the pub as its social hub, where local folk were respectful, warm hearted, and where violence, crudity and sexual innuendos were conspicuous by their absence!
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A good old British drama
chris_gaskin1237 August 2002
I only recently found out about this movie thanks to ITV screening it. As it was on during the early hours, I set the video to record it and was pleased I did.

A group of smugglers are 'haunting' a castle, which happens to be haunted anyway by a monk. One of the smugglers poses as this monk and frightens some of the locals. A reporter and his girlfriend decide to investigate this and discover these smugglers are importing parts to build an atomic bomb which could course great loss of life and destruction over a large area. They get arrested at the end.

This movie also gives you an idea on what life was like during the 1950's including a village fete which were popular at the time and still are today.

The nuclear jitters of the time probably spawned the movie, which was made at the height of the Atomic Age.

As well as Jimmy Hanley, it also stars Lionel Jefferies (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) and Carry On star Kenneth Conner. All play good parts. The movie has a great theme and score too.

This movie is worth watching if you get the chance as it is rather hold to get hold of.

Rating: 3 and a half stars out of 5.
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Leofwine_draca21 February 2013
THE BLACK RIDER is a ridiculously-plotted and mildly entertaining B-movie about a young reporter on the track of the sinister local legend of the 'Black Rider', who haunts the marshes and scares drunks. What he uncovers goes way beyond the boundaries of believability, involving a sinister secret in the dungeon of a local castle. It's straight out of the pages of an Enid Blyton book.

The film is unashamedly racist, preying on viewers' Cold War fears, and features Lionel Jeffries miscast in a highly atypical role. Jimmy Hanley, as the supposedly youthful reporter protagonist, is old and camp, and the many scenes involving his motorbike gang have a whiff of naffness about them.

It's all very predictable and genteel, without one iota of genuine tension, but there's something distinctly nostalgic about watching such fare from this era. Watch out for Kenneth Connor's hilarious cameo as the town drunk.
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Sturdy British Quota Quicky
boblipton15 April 2019
Jimmy Hanley is a young (?) reporter on the local paper, a motorcycling enthusiast, and in love with his publisher/editor's daughter, Rona Anderson. When strange doings are reported at the ruined castle, raising old myths of a "Black Rider" used in old days to cover smuggling, it becomes clear that someone is smuggling something. But what?

It's an enjoyable little newspaper thriller, even if 35-year-old Mr. Hanley is getting a little old to play a youngster any more. It's not an expensive movie, but old-time cameraman Geoffrey Faithfull shoots the scenes efficiently, and the professional cast, including Leslie Dwyer and Lionel Jeffries certainly earn their paychecks under the direction of Wolf Rilla.
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A Spectre Haunts Nettlefold
richardchatten20 July 2020
Riding motorcycles (as they're called here) is one of the bad habits Jimmy Hanley picked up in the army as a dispatch rider at Normandy. Postwar as a member of the Swanhaven Motorcycling Club he tears along the South Coast (attractively shot both by day and by night by veteran cameraman Geoffrey Faithfull) with foxy librarian Rona Anderson on his pillion in the face of initial criticism from her father that they're just "nasty, noisy, clattering bags of machinery" until his path crosses that of 'The Black Monk', played with an Italian accent by veteran voice man Robert Rietty.

SPOILER COMING: As in countless Children's Film Foundation productions and episodes of 'Scooby Doo' the phantom turns out to be a courier for a bunch of smugglers, this time led by Lionel Jeffries (on this occasion the 'MacGuffin' being components for "an atomic sabotage weapon"). All at just 66 minutes and carrying a 'U' certificate; with a jaunty saxophone and guitar score by Wilfred Burns that will stay in your head long after you've forgotten the rest of the film.
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The Black Rider
CinemaSerf21 November 2022
This is actually quite a fun story that is rather let down by a really mediocre cast. "Jerry Marsh" (Jimmy Hanley) is a local journalist with a penchant for motor bikes. When, one night, he spots a mysterious rider near the beach, he is intrigued and together with Rona Anderson ("Mary") and his editor "Robert Plack" (Leslie Dwyer) they are drawn into a criminal conspiracy with a gang led by a really not very menacing at all Lionel Jeffries! It's only an hour, and it passes that amicably enough - but the cast and the writing are all pretty unremarkable...........................................
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Dark smuggling business going on in a small town on the east coast.
clanciai28 March 2020
A trifle of a film but not without interesting deserts. The story is about smuggling, but no one has any idea of what is being smuggled or by whom and for what, while gradually Lionel Jeffries (later known from many Peter Sellers comedies) emerges as the leading villain. It is an idyllic and cozy film from a small town and its quiet life, while the plot gradually emerges as more and more intriguing in assuming impressive dimensions. It is great entertainment with a finale of some suspense, but it's certainly not a great film, but it will do for a change, if you need someting totally different.
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Pleasant, fluffly 1950s capsule - stunning Rona Anderson
adrianovasconcelos10 April 2023
I like Director Wolf Rilla very much. German-born but raised in the UK, he has a different touch even as he abides by British stiff upper lip humor within the limits of Butcher studio's shoestring. That said, I am not British but British B pics of the 1950s and 1960s are the equal of just about any A pic anywhere in the world.

Rona Anderson constitutes an immediate plus: she has to be one of the most stunningly beautiful and elegant women ever! Hanley's comic touch helps convince one that this physically not particularly attractive male can snare such a bombastic beauty and from that point on we see how a band of rascals on motorbikes is taken down Famous Five style by Brocken Castle.

Great fluffy fun!
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Whatever happened to Jimmy Hanleys film career
malcolmgsw1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy Hanley was a Tank contract actor in the forties and early foggiest he then had 3 barren years till he made this film in 1954. Presumably he was a victim of the axe wielded by John Davis to stave off the company's bankruptcy.

Hanley career never regained traction till television came to his rescue.

This is a fairly standard smuggling yarn with a twist which involves atomic sabotage.

Lionel Jeffries gives us a suave villain,and Roma Anderson is a typical fifties heroine.

Leslie Dwyer is the newspaper editor.

There is nothing particularly original about the story but it is competently made with no aspirations for a bottom of the bill film.
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Purely British
searchanddestroy-123 June 2022
Tyically British in the plot, directing, acting, a gentle nonsense ghost topic, where comedy is never too far, but it is not interesting at all; only because it is from Wolf Rilla I tried this supposed to be a crime oriented film. It is a bit boring, predictable, but for nugget films diggers it may be worth the effort.
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