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French Cannibals...
CMRKeyboadist18 October 2006
Well, what else can you say about this movie other than it sucked royally. I don't normally use such mediocre words to describe a movie but nothing else could come to mind. The acting was bad, the script was bad, the story was bad, the gore was disgusting (but still bad), and the cannibals take the cake as being the worst looking I have ever seen. It looks like a bunch of French guys got together and decided to put on make up and pretend to be cannibals... wait a second!

Anyway, the story is about 3 crooks who kidnap a little girl and demand a ransom. When the heist fall apart they escape out to the jungle (which looks like a forest) and take refuge with a Spanish couple. When one of the crooks rapes the Spanish wife, the husband leads the crooks to the cannibals and now there is Hell to pay... yeah, right.

I can't help my sarcasm with this movie. It was just dreadful. I read other reviews that say something about Jess Franco having something to do with this movie. Man, if that's true he must have come to a real low point in his career.

This movie is strictly for people that have to see all of the cannibal films. If you aren't into that sort of thing, stay far FAR away from this train wreck. Even I who love the genre struggled to sit through this. 2/10
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Terrible cannibals!
The_Void31 October 2006
It's safe to say that cannibal films are an acquired taste, but I think it's safe to say that it is one that I have acquired. However, even I am struggling for good things to say about Cannibal Terror. The best cannibal films hail from Italy, so the fact that this one was a French and Spanish co-production may have something to do with its sub-par quality. The plot follows two would-be kidnappers who end up hiding out in a house near the jungle. However, when one of them rapes the home-owner's daughter, the bunch is left to the nearby cannibals. Cannibal Terror was one of the handful of cannibal films banned by the DPP back in the eighties. Indeed, there is some rather nasty gore on display; but it's nowhere near as gory as the best films that this genre has to offer, and the gore is hardly shocking as the whole production is so badly done. Director Alain Deruelle never manages to impose the jungle atmosphere on his audience, and the film feels like merely a rip off of better cannibal films. Needless to say, the plot doesn't really go anywhere and the overall effect is really rather dull. Overall, I can't recommend this film as the only reason for watching is that it was once banned! Avoid.
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Makes you want to rip out your eyeballs and EAT THEM!
Coventry6 December 2007
Ah, the wondrous mysteries of late 70's/early 80's Euro-exploitation cinema… With almost a 100% positive certainty, the script of this film was improvised along whilst shooting. Judging by the tone and cheerful atmosphere of the opening sequences, it doesn't even look like the creators (Alain Deruelle and Julio Tabernero) ever intended to make a movie about cannibals, but maybe the producers forced them in order to quickly cash in on the gigantic success of contemporary horror-hits like "Cannibal Holocaust" and "Cannibal Ferox". As you probably know, everything was possible in the exploitation industry, even hiring the notorious smut filmmaker Jess Franco to shoot some additional footage. The film opens with a rhythmic and jolly carnival song, introduces several comical characters and a potentially interesting (but poorly elaborated) kidnapping/ransom plot. The cannibal tribe and obligatory grossness only kicks in after about 40 minutes and comes across as totally ridiculous. Three amateur thugs, one voluptuous woman and two guys, randomly decide to abduct the daughter of a wealthy businessman and demand a ransom. When one of their accomplices gets involved in a banal car accident, they flee towards the jungle (I think the South American) and seek shelter in the hut of a friend. Nearby there's a tribe of primitive cannibals, but they appear to remain politely within their perimeters. Only when one of the thugs rapes the lady of the house, her husband almost literally feeds them to the cannibals. Meanwhile, the parents of the kidnapped girl have also arrived in the jungle (don't ask me how, though), but they're good people and hence don't get eaten. Needless to say "Cannibal Terror" is an incredibly bad film and I honestly can't name one good element, apart maybe from the jolly theme song. Sure, there's a bit of nasty gore, but there's absolutely no prior tension building and the actual munching goes on for far too long. You know you're in trouble when even the gory bits in a movie are dull. The acting performances are atrocious. The lines of the little girl are practically inaudible and I'm pretty sure an adult woman imitating the voice of a child spoke them. The "jungle" setting is quite hilarious, as the film is clearly shot in someone's home garden and the "natives" are plain white day-players. Several of them even have sideburns and sophisticated haircuts. Oh dear
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Moshing Hoods4 January 2002
This is a total mess of a movie. A Spanish/French co-production, this was accredited to Jess Franco for a long time until the real culprit (a Spanish ex-actor by the name of Julio Tabacana) was revealed. However, the fact it shares cast/scenes/plot with Franco's THE CANNIBALS, which was released at a similar time, hints that his veiled hand may have been at work somewhere in the production. Other "Franco-isms" include looping stock sound track (in this case, the same bird call repeated ENDLESSLY) and long shots of characters doing absolutely nothing and wandering endlessly through the jungle.

Getting through this is an ordeal. The "natives" are clearly white in origin (possibly cast members?)- many of them have coiffured hair and beer guts, and the only thing to distinguish their cannibal nature are smatterings of paint on their flabby bodies. In some scenes they clearly can't hide their amusement at the "tribal rituals" they are involved in. Their "cannibal village" is quite obviously not in a jungle, as the lawn is neatly mowed and in some shots you can see a road in the background with vehicles parked on it. Adding insult to injury, the disembowelment scenes are all achieved by shamelessly swapping the victim's torso for that of an actual pig corpse wrapped in clothing. Seriously.

For the cannibal enthusiast only, this is painfully boring and inept. It is an insult to CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST that the films share a genre.
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Vraiment Terrible!
Before watching "Terreur Cannibale" (aka. "Cannibal Terror") I was expecting to see a film of the kind that is so awful that it is actually kind of funny. Awful it is indeed, but in a manner that is nothing but... awful! I am a huge fan of the gruesome Italian Cannibal flicks that were made around the time (most memorably Ruggero Deodato's disturbing masterpiece "Cannibal Holocaust"). Director Alain Deruelle apparently wanted to cash in on this popular wave of gruesome movies about Cannibals, that were mostly ingeniously set in the Amazon Jungle. "Cannibal Terror" is also set in the jungle. A jungle that is very obviously situated in France, that is, however. I will not even try to explain the absolutely ridiculous and moronic story, the performances are among the worst I have ever seen. In the first half of the movie, Deruelle seemingly wanted to enhance the atmosphere by having crickets chirp for about ten minutes. The scenes change, but the chirping of the crickets keep monotonously drowning out all other sounds (such as the dialogue), which is even more annoying than it sounds.The 'Cannibals' in the film are entirely white guys in savage costumes, some of them sport beards, others are bald and have beer-bellies. Apart from being the whitest savages ever seen on film, they are also astonishingly well-behaved, as they never seem to leave their territory, and their hunger for human flesh apparently concerns bad people only. The score wouldn't be that bad, but it nearly always seems terribly out of place. Also, the gore-sequences are quite well-made and nauseating for a film with such a low budget. Nevertheless, it is beyond me why this film landed on Britain's infamous Video Nasty list, as nobody could possibly see anything but ridiculousness in this sorry attempt of a film. The moderately disgusting gore cannot save this. The only reason to watch "Cannibal Terror" is the wish to look at absolute awfulness. AVOID!
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BA_Harrison4 April 2009
For years, Cannibal Terror was believed by many to be the work of horror/sleaze director Jess Franco, a reasonable assumption since the film bears what seem to be most of the prolific Spaniard's hallmarks, most notably a dreadful script, unconvincing locales, inept direction, terrible acting, and endless meandering shots of nothing much in particular (and I guess, for some, it was also hard to believe that there might be another person out there who could make films quite as bad as Franco).

The real culprit, however, was French director Alain Deruelle, who proves that he can be just as inept as Jess when it comes to delivering jungle horror.

Deruelle's dreadful film follows a trio bumbling kidnappers-two men and one woman-who escape across the border (to where, I have no idea!) with their hostage, the young daughter of a rich businessman. Arriving at a safe house that borders 'cannibal country', the threesome are able to relax for a while, until one of the gang, Mario, decides to rape the wife of their host (after spying on her having a wash in a giant wooden bucket). This kick starts a chain of events that results in the criminals and their hostage being pursued by bloodthirsty natives, with the father of the little girl in hot pursuit.

Taking a leaf out of Franco's Big Book of Cannibal Movie-Making, Deruelle opts to set his adventure in what appears to be a large botanical garden, hires himself some of the least convincing cannibals ever to grace an exploitation film (some have sideburns, many have coiffured hair, a few have beer-bellies, nearly all of them are Caucasion, but none of them look like savages), and throws in some cheapo blood and guts (using what looks like pig carcasses to stand in for human remains) in order to satisfy the gore-hounds.

The result is a mind-numbingly dull piece of Euro-sleaze that now shares top spot with Mondo Cannibale on my Crap Cannibal Movie list.
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Quite possibly the worst cannibal movie of them all.
capkronos3 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For a long time this was mistakenly listed online and in various books as either an alternate title for Jesus Franco's MONDO CANNIBALE (aka WHITE CANNIBAL QUEEN), or an entirely different Franco film altogether. It was also mistaken for Franco's DEVIL HUNTER because it basically shares an almost identical kidnappers-stranded-in-cannibal-country premise. However, despite being made by the same production company (Eurociné) around the same time and containing some of the same actors, this isn't a Franco film. I'm not sure he even had anything to do with it despite still being listed in the credits here. And speaking of credits (as if they aren't confusing enough already), the ones in the version I saw list Ilona Kunesova (the script supervisor for MONDO CANNIBALE) as the screenwriter and "Allan W. Steeve" as the director. It says here that "Allan W. Steeve is an alias for Alain Deruelle, yet also lists the films co-star, Olivier Mathot, as well as Spanish actor Julio Pérez Tabernero, as additional uncredited directors. So who the hell actually did make this thing? I can't really answer that, but after watching it, I can't blame everyone for wanting to hide behind a pseudonym.

A trio of "gangsters," Roberto, Lina and Mario (the latter played by Franco movie regular Antonio Mayans) decide to kidnap little Florence (Annabelle) and keep her hostage until her wealthy parents (Silvia Solar and Olivier Mathot) can come up with the ransom money. To ensure an easy escape, the trio decide to drag the little girl across the border into "Indian territory" to hide out with some guy named Antonio and his much-younger wife Manuela (Pamela Stanford). On the way there, their jeep overheats and the female guide is kidnapped by a cannibal tribe, dragged off to their village and is then sliced open and eaten. The kidnappers manage to get the jeep running again and make it to Antonio's home. After Antonio leaves, Mario ties Manuela to a tree and rapes her. When Antonio returns, he ties Mario to a tree and whistles so that a couple of nearby cannibals can come eat him (?!) Everyone else flees into the "jungle" when the parents finally show up looking for their little girl and are picked off one by one by in unexciting ways by the tribe. The end.

I don't even know where to start describing how awful this thing is. I can only say that it's consistent in that everything (the acting, the ridiculous dubbed dialogue, the inappropriate score, badly edited in stock footage, etc.) is awful. It also commits the cardinal trash movie sin of being extremely boring. Aside from just two moments of gore (which are recycled from the aforementioned WHITE CANNIBAL QUEEN) and one scene of nudity (provided by Stanford during a hilarious bathing scene where she rapidly tries to scrub her body because she's obviously freezing her ass off outside in the "jungle") this movie is lacking in anything cannibal movie, horror or exploitation fans want to see. The entire grueling first hour consists mostly of people sitting around complaining, while the last half hour consists mostly of people walking around in the "jungle."

Notice I keep putting quotes around "jungle." That's because the "jungle" consists of pine trees, a couple of strategically-placed ferns, gravel roads and a snow-covered mountain backdrop to capture that authentic tropical feel. Even more ridiculous is the "cannibal tribe," which seems to consist of all ethnicities that they try to hide by painting everyone with multi-colored clown makeup. There are Asians, Caucasians, skinny guys, fat guys, little boys and hippies with porkchop sideburns, yet oddly just one female tribe member to populate the entire village. Even if you're a cannibal movie completist, I would think twice about picking this one up.
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abhishek-shu28 February 2009
I generally like movies that depict anything that is "non mainstream". And I even don't mind gross movies if they are done well.

But this movie is a huge disappointment - no real story, no building up any character or situation, extremely bad acting (a school play does far better), the shots were pathetic, the gross scenes were not necessary (nor were they shocking).

The close up in scenes is really bad, i think i even spotted a 'cannibal' with long stylish locks! Looks like the directors/producers paid no attention to the movie at all !

With this movie, I've decided to stop watching any more "cannibal" genre movie!
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Jungle Gore: The Black Sheep
Tromafreak11 May 2009
Well, that was... uhm, different. I've been putting off buying this one for far too long. I knew it was only a matter of time, besides, I've seen all the others. As revoltingly interesting as the others are, I had to know what the black sheep of the Cannibal sub-genre was really like, and if its bad reputation was nothing more than a bad reputation.

This Spanish-French obscurity has the reputation as a cheap knock-off just because the gore, the cannibals, as well as the entire vibe of the movie is completely different, not to mention no real jungle to speak of, but mainly because of the obvious lack of an Italian director.

Alright, well, that about sums it up. Cannibal Terror is a cheap knock-off of an already "misunderstood" sub-genre, but that doesn't mean this movie deserves to be hated. Besides having a swell score, and unintentionally humorous dialog, there's a little girl who's voice is dubbed by an adult, which always goes over well in low-budget European horror.

Let the unfitingly inspirational music begin. Some quaint Euro-scenery. Now, as the story goes, a trio of inept kidnappers who steals the little girl of a rich couple and figure that a fake French Jungle with crickets dubbed in the background would be a suitable place to hide out, besides, the local cannibals are fake, yes they do eat human flesh, but it's also very, very fake-looking, so, it's all good.

The original plan for collecting a ransom is derailed when one of the kidnappers decides to rape the wife of the guy lending out his place for a hideout. New plan, rapist gets tied to a tree near fake-cannibal country by angry husband while the other 2 run off into the jungle and suffer perhaps an even worse fate.

Ouch!! This film constantly screams "Not Italian" at the top of its lungs, which is the only thing drowning out the fake crickets. If Italian Cannibal icons such as Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox is what you're used to then Cannibal Terror will seem like a Cannibal movie from another dimension, or perhaps a sick joke posing as something it clearly is not... Or is it?

There are subtle qualities in this one that I prefer over "the real ones", although, they are few and far between, but I think the biggest problem most fans of the genre would have is the gore quality, I've just never seen gore like that before, but wow, it sure was a hell of a lot, regardless of what that stuff actually was.

The Cannibals, who I swear I heard one of the characters refer to as Indians are plain and simple, the worst cannibals ever. Some of them are clearly white, some of them have sideburns, but in their defense, they seem a bit more level-headed and fair than their authentic counterparts.

When watching Cannibal Terror, don't compare it to the others, compare it to something overrated from Jess Franco and you won't go wrong. Awkward dubbing, pointless one-liners, unintentional humor, an obvious euro-vibe and ineptness from all directions is what you should expect. because it's exactly what you're getting. Don't hate Cannibal Terror, it tried. 7/10
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Not the worst of the genre
MovieManiac4226 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now this film is by far not a masterpiece out of the Italian cannibal sub-genre, but it definitely is not the worst either. The film follows two crooks as they kidnap a young girl and take refuge in the jungle. They stay at a friends house, but one of the crooks cant control his urges and rapes the house owners wife. As a result the two crooks are thrown out into the jungles to be eaten by the local cannibals living in the area.

Now if you are not a fan of the cannibal genre you will have no interest in watching this film, because in all honesty it is not that good. But for you cannibal enthusiasts out there I suggest giving this flick a watch. It is the last film to have come out of the "Cannibal Boom" and though it has been stated to be the worst film to come out of the genre I ensure you that this is not the case. White Cannibal Queen, or Primitif deserve such a title, this film on the other hand can be categorized as one of those "its so bad its good" types. The natives look European, the cannibalism scenes go on for too long and is obviously just a pig torso, and the dialog is humorous.

I would say the greatest element in the film is the dubbing of little girl who is kid napped voice. It is clear that it is just a grown women trying to sound like a child and failing miserably, definitely something that keeps you chuckling through out the film.
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More like Carry On Munching on People's Guts
Bezenby23 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Are people absolutely sure this isn't a Jess Franco film? The cannibals have the same make up as his White Cannibal Queen, there's footage from that film here, there's actors from both White Cannibal Queen and Oasis of the zombies in here, and the film has that strangely empty feel that his films usually have.

Two horrendously acted gangsters and proportioned lady kidnap the daughter of some rich businessman and head off to a jungle retreat to hide out. Well, it supposed to be a jungle, but it's really Spain, with a grand total of two stock footage shots and an incessant soundtrack of birds singing to create the illusion of a jungle. While there, following probably the least erotic bathing scene committed to film, one of the gangsters rapes the daughter of the guy hiding them, which leads to all sorts of cannibal mayhem.

Well, substitute 'mayhem' for 'people walking through the 'jungle' forever' and substitute 'cannibal' for 'a bunch of North Yorkshire Miners letting someone draw on their face with magic markers' and you'll have a better idea of this film. The cannibals make a grand total of two appearances, and when they do, we're subject to endless shots of them nearly collapsing with a fit of the giggles while they play around with pig guts.

By no means a great film, at all, but there's a few laughs to be had by the atrocious acting by all involved, the repeated shots of cannibals dancing (over and over and over again), a bit of nudity, a terrible gunfight and a 'touching' ending. At least they don't stop every five minutes to eviscerate an animal.

White Cannibal Queen is a very similar film, but much funnier. Cannibal Terror is just like that film, only much, much, worse.
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If you revel in the glory of mediocrity, this film may end up being your Citizen Kane
websterforrest16 May 2011
"The genius of this film is impossible to put into words. There are times when the celestial bodies which rule our fates like the machined cogs of so many gears in an enormous and ethereal mechanism come together at one moment of perfect alignment to produce an event of such staggering proportions that it stands out like a beacon of what it means to be human. Such is the nature of this film. The script, acting, special effects, and the music - oh the music! - are all sublime. The direction is GENIUS. This, surely, is cinema at its very greatest." --- Ernesto Guerriero

OK the above may seem a slight exaggeration - but take this as the inverse of what I really mean, and then turn it back around again to get an idea of how GOOD it is to watch - because of its serene horribleness.

This movie was clearly made in haste and without much money or ability. It was clearly made at the same time as Jess Franco's equally sublime 'Cannibals', since it features several actors in common, much footage in common, and many locations in common - and the writer of this film is one of Franco's dozens of pseudonyms. Roger Corman used to make two movies using the same set to save on cash, or quickly to shoot a movie on the set of another film before they struck it. Clearly Franco was doing the same here.

If you like sitting back and maybe getting a bit hammered and eating a pizza and shutting the brain off while you watch some gross effects and bad dubbing, then Cannibal Terror will have more to offer you than most other cannibal films.

Don't pay more than a couple of bucks for it. Save your real money for a definitive edition of Cannibal Holocaust, which actually is good. This is just fun.
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Not very interesting cannibal movie, but with a kickin soundtrack
Ivan Ravenous14 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(sort-of spoiler) Cannibal Terror is the least interesting of the cannibal movies I've seen. It involves a group of criminals who kidnap a little girl and then cross the border into another country (I forget which one). There, they are taken in by a man and his wife. But, when one of the gangsters rapes the wife, and the parents of the little girl lead a search for her, the criminals are forced to flee. They are then attacked by a pack of cannibals.

This boring film lags a lot, and is burdened further by an incredible amount of pointless footage (I mean, how long do those natives dance around anyway?). Also, it's not too gory, and the gore scenes aren't done very well. But it does have one hell of a groovy soundtrack! If you can find a copy (which isn't very easy), I'd recommend picking it up for the music alone.

My favorite part is the beginning, in which the gangsters use even more profanity in five minutes than in the opening of "Make Them Die Slowly"! Now that's impressive!
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I watched it so you don't have to.
lastliberal17 September 2008
Out on video at last! One of the original video nasties that were banned by Britain. It was finally released uncut in 2003. Obviously, the Brits don't like cannibal movies as they banned five of them.

This film was really bad on so many levels.

It seemed as if time and distance were totally disregarded. For example, Monsieur Danville (Olivier Mathot) left for three days and seemed to come back in 30 minutes. The jungle must have been in Southern Spain, as it took everyone so little time to get there.

If you are looking for titillating scenes, there is only one: Pamela Stanford taking a bath. Other than that the rest focused mainly on the eating of people's guts. Yech! They really didn't need to ban this as it is too awful to watch.
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Just like a Jess Franco "cannibal' movie, but perhaps even worse
lazarillo29 March 2009
Many suspect that this film was directed by Jess Franco because it's very similar to (and at least as bad as)two Eurocine films he DID direct--"Mondo Cannibale" and "Sexo Cannibale". The movie in fact was made by some of Franco's cronies at the low-rent French production house Eurocine. One of the directors on record was another Spaniard, Julio Tabernero, who directed the superior film "Sexy Cat", but since that film has no cannibals in it, it will probably never get the kind of upscale DVD release this one--and the two Franco cannibal films--have gotten in recent years. There's just no justice in the world.

There's no point in rehashing the idiotic plot again. Everything about this is laughably unconvincing from the horribly dubbed dialogue to obviously European "cannibals" to the "jungle" setting which was obviously a European zoo. The canned sound effects include one bird who seems to be chirping all the time in every single place in the "jungle". The public domain music is imported entirely from Mexico (with horrid variations on such standards as "La Bamba" and "La Cucaracha"), a country not exactly famous for its cannibalistic tribes. (If this had been an actual Franco film, it would have at least had better music).

Franco-regular Anthony Mayans has a small role here. Pamela Stanford has a nice nude scene, which is literally the ONLY worthwhile scene in the entire movie. Sabrina Siani, the heroine of "Mondo Cannibal" has a a don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it cameo, which (aside from her not being naked) is probably her best role ever since she makes no attempt whatsoever to act (actually she made no attempt whatsoever to act in "Mondo Cannibale" either, but the horny producers still insisted on casting her as the lead). But I'm obviously really grasping at straws to find ANYTHING nice to say about this. This movie has nowhere near the power of an Italian cannibal flick like "Cannibal Holocaust" and frankly it barely rises to the level of a bad Jess Franco imitation. Avoid with extreme prejudice.
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Uncut, uncensored, unwatchable
nogodnomasters28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Two petty thieves and a prostitute (?) decide they want to strike the big one. They kidnap a young girl and fly off to a safe house in the grasslands of South America where the cannibals live. The thieves insult their host and become feed stock.

The dubbing was bad. Sometimes people are "talking" when their lips are not moving. The "Indian" dancing left something to be desired. If you are going to restore the film, get rid of the corny soundtrack. There is a spicy extra of a deleted scene where a woman dances and strips.

3 stars for the camp value.

F-word, sex, rape, nudity.
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Terrible French cannibal movie.
poolandrews16 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
****possible spoilers**** Nobody makes cannibal films like the italians. This a good case in point. Three crooks, Mario Roberto and a woman, kidnap a young girl Florence Danville. They call in a favor and hide out in a house near a jungle with a guy and his wife. Mario rapes the wife. The guy extracts revenge by leading Mario into the jungle and leaving him there to be eaten by cannibals. The girls parents find out where she is and go looking for her. The remaining crooks leg it into the jungle, hotly pursued by the parents and owners of house. And so it goes on until the cannibals dole out some punishment on the crooks. Inept and poorly made in every department don't waste your money. Theres only a couple of gore scenes in it, and not very well done either. The jungle setting is'nt very convincing with neatly cut grass clearly visible in certain tight shots. The native cannibals themselves are laughable, they have strange 70s styled hair-dos and neatly cut side-burns!!!! Cannibal Holocaust still rules.
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Absolute Nightmare
wumbi3 September 2021
Just around two weeks ago I saw Cannibal Apocalypse and I thought it was really bad but man this movie is way worst than that, its a total mess. It's not even one of those movie that is so bad it becomes a laughing stock, the movie just suck. The whole experience was a nightmare. The acting is a complete garbage, the soundtrack is annoying, the plot is dreadful it doesn't even make any sense, and the gore is just terrible you can clearly see they were eating sausages in one of the scene near the end of the movie. This is definitely one of the worst movie I've seen this year.
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seeing is believing
trashgang30 January 2021
What the hell was this! Made in the year of Cannibal Holocaust, the one that was really gory and had many problems, well that same year this one came out.

Scenes jump from on to another. Girl gets lost nobody cares, girl got raped, the other night she is dancing with her raper, seeing is believing.

After two burglars are fed up with almost having nothing they decide to abduct a young girl and are set to cross the border but behind the border there are cannibals. And even that, white men disguised as cannibals.

And still, Cannibal Terror is one serached by the geeks. Only fr two reasons. When the cannibals finally are eating it's gory, but for a flick over 90 minutes they only eat for 5 minutes, for the rest they dance and jump from one scene to another.

To conclude, annoying, stupid conversations, things taking place you think, huh, terrible terrible

Gore 3/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 1/5 Story 0,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Nothing positive
hellholehorror25 February 2024
This is such a bad film. It has no redeeming features. It is just a long boring movie with rubbish special effects. A poor excuse for filmmaking. There is no content except for the cannibals and even they look totally fake. The violence consists of people playing with bloody raw meat and nothing else. That is not a special effect, it is just plain stupid. Interestingly this is a French film unlike the majority of the cannibal films which are Italian. Moral issues aside this is probably the worst as it offers so much less than the Italian films. It is dire. Don't bother watching, you will regret it if you do.
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As bad as it gets
BandSAboutMovies9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Italians are the best at making sword and sorcery movies, end of the world films and, of course, giallo. Mondo, too. And yeah, cannibal movies.

Except, well, this is French.

The film shares footage with Jess Franco's Mondo Cannibale, as well as a number of locations, cast members and even dubbing talent in the English version. It also has Sabrina Siani show up in a bar scene, which is a step down from being the white queen of the cannibal tribe, but that tribe footage seems interchangeable between films. In fact, there are some actors that show up as three roles, so the French believed in green filmmaking since before we knew what that was.

It's weird seeing the parallel earths between these films. Pamela Stanford might be Al Cliver's wife, who gets eaten in Mondo Cannibale - or Cannibals, which confused me enough that I watched it twice forgetting that I had already written about it - is now a major player in this movie.

This was directed by Alain Deruelle, who mainly made adult films and was assisted in making this - just imagine if he didn't have help - by Olivier Mathot (who wrote The Panther Squad) and Julio Pérez Tabernero (the director of Sexy Cat). Deruelle also took Franco's Barbed Wire Dolls footage, filmed a little bit more, threw in some Captive Women 4 and a dollop of Hitler's Last Train and re-released it as Les gardiennes du pénitencier (Jailhouse Wardress).

As for the script - man, I want to see how many pages that thing is - it was written by Tabernero and H. L. Rostaine, the writer of Countdown to Esmerelda Bay, Maniac Killer and Franco's Golden Jail.

This gets in everything you expect from exploitation: a failed theft, a gang of criminals, a hideout and, there you go, an assault on one of the female characters and then, the cannibals arrive and what a sorry lot they are. French white male cannibals, all slow motion eating a pig carcass.

There's bad and then there's this movie bad. It's amazing that Deruelle ever saw a movie, much less directed one.
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Innards and sideburns.
parry_na6 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Often referred to, when it is referred to at all, as a 'video nasty' from the 1980s, 'Cannibal Terror' is not the work, as some believe, of prolific Spanish Director Jess Franco. French Alain Deruelle can take responsibility for this: Franco was filming 'White Cannibal Queen' at the time, and when he stopped filming, Deruelle begun, using the same sets and some cannibals from Jess's production. This even stars a few names from his repertoire, Pamela Stanford (as Manuela, sporting a black wig) and Antonio Mayans (as the diabolical Mario). Olivier Mathot is also on hand as the rather aged father of little Anabelle. The child is kidnapped (off camera, which is strange for a key dramatic moment), and the ensuing chase to sun-drenched outlands is what fuels the story.

Perhaps dullness is this film's biggest sin. With such an emotive title, you would expect more spectacle than we get here. It might be unkind to suggest these three are the only actors in the production, but it would be true - and that includes those 'voice artistes' responsible for the dubbing. Other cast members are uniformly dreadful, clearly having a bit of a laugh rather than delivering anything, which is absolutely fair enough: view this film in the same way, and you may even enjoy it. But 'a bit of a laugh' is stretched following certain distasteful developments 'Cannibal Terror' has to offer, as well as the grisly gore close-ups (presumably involving animal innards replicating the human variety).

Purely from a practical view, if you are a fairly inept outlaw on the run with the kidnapped child of a rich family, one of the least sensible things to do is to brutally rape the young wife (Stanford) of the friend who is giving you refuge. This is what Mario does. A couple of scenes later, Manuela instigates a wild party with everyone, dancing and offering to strip and having a laugh. Has she forgotten her earlier trauma? Certainly Mario seems a little grumpy, but apart from that, it is business as usual. Bizarre.

The cannibals are a mixed bunch of awkward-looking, painted youths and middle-aged males, a fact conceded by Deruelle - who has never seen the completed film - who gave up any pretence at authenticity when he saw the paucity of the budget. Nice musical score by Jean-Jacques Lemêtre though, although his theme for the film is as far away from anyone's idea of 'terror music' as you can get. That the cannibals turn out ultimately to be rather nice, especially the younger gang-members, should put a smile on the hardest of faces. My score is 5 out of 10.
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A bloodily bejewelled terror-chest of quite some considerable magnitude!
Weirdling_Wolf17 October 2021
In many ways horror iconoclast Alain Deruelle's blood rare, salaciously sanguineous, and crassly opportunistic, Eurociné cannibal platter is, perhaps, one of the more 'progressive' terror titles in the still frequently maligned Cannibal oeuvre, since it apparently takes such a boldly surrealistic approach to said micro-genre, guerrilla film-maker Deruelle eschews the expected lurid documentary verisimilitude of Martino & Deodato, and somewhat boldly shoots his oft derided, intestinally fortified opus in sunny Spain, strikingly using sketchy locations that suggest being anywhere BUT the humid green hells of the Amazon, which strongly leads me to think, that 'Cannibal Terror' might be a knowing melange of sinfully sleazy cinematic B-tropes, and when you factor in the wholly mannered and lugubrious acting affections of slinky Euro-cult icon Slinky Silvia Solar, and the outrageously ominous Olivier Mathiot, along with the asymmetrically appealing Antonio Mayans, 'Cannibal Terror' may well be a far cleverer exploitation film than the vociferous naysayers would have you believe it to be, as there is a gleefully unfiltered, autistic earnestness to all the maniacal silliness, that might, on occasion, even be entirely intentional!!!

While the Italian's gleefully torture defenceless animals for our sadistic edification, in Alain Deruelle's 'Cannibal Terror', this meta work of forward thinking splatter actively tortures the viewer with its aggressively prosaic Ed Wood-style, jungle juice-fried aesthetics, which magically transports the brain-boggled, will-sapped viewer into weirdly warped, Cannibal-clotted realms many are too uptight to relate to!! Or, it is a merely cheap, tawdry, and witheringly inept excuse for exploitation cinema? Either way, it's a diamond-encrusted, steel-thewed win for me, as I dig tawdry and inept, and I can righteously groove on Deruelle's gruesomely grubby descent into his bonkers B-Movie blood-spattered murkiness, which finally proves to be certainly no less of a rarefied viewing experience than maestro Jean Rollin's exquisitely strange, frequently soggy-bottomed 'Lake of The Zombies'. Cannibal Terror's loosey-goosey, gut-slingingly garish, marvellously mush-headed, ribcage-wrecking mondo movie is quite deliciously mad, and is arguably one of the funniest 'Video Nasties' ever made. The tired phrase 'Cult Movie' is far too often used, but rarely has a lunatic exploitation film been more deserving of said moniker than 'Cannibal Terror', and it must be noted that Deruelle's bawdily eccentric, terrifically trashy, Carry On Cannibal freak-fest is one terminally titter-worthy, wig-splittingly wonky, bloodily bejewelled terror-chest of quite some considerable magnitude!
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Not as bad as everyone says
HorrorFan26511 February 2019
So i got the blu ray double feature of cannibal terror and devil hunter. I watched terror first and really enjoyed it sure its not the best but definitely entertaining and has some pretty decent gore. And i see alot of reviews saying this is a bad film and its not.
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Exceptionally crappy cannibal clunker
Woodyanders17 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of dumb hoodlums and their busty prostitute moll abduct the irritatingly cutesy young daughter of a wealthy tycoon. Their plan goes awry when the trio make the fatal mistake of hiding out in a jungle that's the stalking grounds of a savage cannibal tribe.

Sound good? Well, it just ain't. Man, does this painfully awful bilge strike out something rotten in every possible way: The slack (non)direction by Alain Deruelle, the meandering narrative, the pitifully unconvincing cannibal tribe played by mostly white guys sporting beer guts, comb overs, and/or sideburns (!), a lame'n'tame rape scene, the dull and uneventful wafer-thin script by H.L. Rostaine, tacky gore, flat acting, alarming paucity of nudity, insipid villains, annoying little girl hostage, terrible acting, and laughably lousy dubbing all make this steaming pile of celluloid excrement a positively agonizing chore to sit through. Absolute dreck.
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