DNA (Video 1996) Poster

(1996 Video)

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I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun with it.
Vomitron_G7 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, since I watched this movie for the third time, I must like this rubbish, no? Damn right I do! This is one pretty bad PREDATOR rip-off. Actually, this movie borrows so many elements from so many other movies, you can't even bother beginning to count them. Jürgen Prochnow looks like he's on cocaine or something, over-acting every line he speaks intensely. He looks pretty insane as the mad scientist with no conscience or morality. Mark Dacascos plays a doctor (haha!) who suddenly turns into Rambo (hoho!) or (more appropriate) into Major Alan"Dutch"Schaeffer (hihi!). The special effects are hilarious (that helicopter crash!!!) and the monster-suit is cool (with red & green colors). Of course it looks extremely rubbery. Plus: that annoying native kid gets killed! Way to go scriptwriter! So yes, this is rubbish, but of the enjoyable kind!
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A very "Alien" like creature in a very "Predator" like movie
ebiros29 April 2011
The story takes place in province of Sarawak in the island of Borneo Malaysia, and the scenery is beautiful.

An alien creature called Balakai's DNA gets used to create an alien clone that goes in a rampage killing people at random in the jungles of Borneo.

The script is the worst part of this movie. There's lot of scene changes that doesn't blend smoothly, and a plot that doesn't make sense at times. As many people have pointed out, there are the blatant rip off of scenes from the movie Predator.

Everything else about the movie is pretty good (for a B movie that is). Acting is pretty good, special effect is okay, and there's some decent action, and a story that's reasonably compelling.

So it was a good movie to watch and provided good 2 hours of entertainment.
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One of the biggest, most blatant, rip-offs ever
Leofwine_draca27 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This below average monster movie is about as original as a forger's art gallery. Freely copying from many, other, better films, the only reason I can think that someone would enjoy this is if they haven't seen any of the other films which it references, sorry, I mean steals from. INDIANA JONES, the first two in the ALIEN series, JURASSIC PARK, and PREDATOR are the inspirations here, with the film owing most to PREDATOR.

I had no problems with the cast in this film. Mark Dacascos (SABOTAGE) looks the part of an action hero although he is pretty bland and emotionless and not much of an actor, but then neither are Schwarzenegger or Van Damme and their films do well. Jurgen Prochnow (IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS) serves his role as respected-actor-turning-to-role-in-awful-film, just like Michael Caine did before him in ON DEADLY GROUND. Prochnow is a stereotypical ruthless scientist and he chews the scenery with aplomb. The rest of the cast are interchangeable, the female lead does absolutely nothing except carry around lots of baggage and help Dacascos occasionally, and everyone else is just cannon fodder.

The special effects of the monster range from being quite good (some CGI shots are used, and these are the most effective) to the poor man in a monster suit, where ALIEN is the most obvious influence. There are lots of explosions and a few fight scenes in the film too, including a hilariously unrealistic back projection of a helicopter crash which is at a totally different scale to the actors in front of it. You'll never see any effect quite so bad as this.

I would have enjoyed this film more if it hadn't been such a rip off, like when the alien turns invisible as it runs through the trees. The end sequences, where Dacascos strips off and makes traps for the alien in the jungle, and then jumps off a waterfall, and also hides in mud to avoid detection, are directly ripped from PREDATOR, a much better monster on the loose film, and comparisons are pointless as this is nowhere near as good. Still, if you're a fan of cheesy movies then I guess you could do worse, but the outright rip-offs on view here just left a nasty taste in my mouth.
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B movie greatness!!
Slimz_l23 September 2001
This wasnt a bad straight to video B grade movie,which is why I constantly go to the video store to purposely get these movies out. You know what you're in for the moment you rent such movies, so I'm not sure why people are surprised by its triteness. What were you guys expecting? Shakespeare?

Some people say DNA rips off scenes from movies like Jurassic Park,Alien and Predator. I prefer to say that it pays *homage* to those great movies by *borrowing* scenes from them.

As for the special effects, I can find it in my heart to forgive the producers as they probably didn't have enough budget to hire the technical wizards at ILM. Besides cheesy special effects are part of the fun in B movies!

And finally the fact that Mark Dacascos is in it elevates the film and prevents it from falling into the bog of true mediocrity. :-) Mark is truly a talented actor and martial artist and sometimes I wish he gets to do more mainstream films that are released theatrically.

Overall the movie is a fun, slightly cheesy, yet entertaining cheap thrill ride!
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bluefang129 January 2004
When I got about one hour into the film I noticed something. THIS IS EXACTLY LIKE PREDATOR! These people basicly lifted scenes right out of predator. i.e. the monster is invisible, the hero makes traps and then waits on a tree, the monster has heat seeking vision and the monster looks a lot like the predator. This film had a good creature costume and some good cgi for the it too. But near the end when the helicopter crashes, the effects are probably the worst you have ever seen. Rent it if you want a good laugh. But rent Predator first.

Rated 14A for some violence and some language (Canadian rating)

14A is like a PG-13 rating in the U.S.A.
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Cheese at it's finest
soralapio22 February 2002
DNA is a sub par movie, but a shining B-movie. Ripping off material from such box office hits as Indiana Jones, The Predator, Species and Alien, it mixes action, suspense, romance and horror into one hilarious stew.

The plot is convoluted even for a B-movie. Our main hero (Marc Damascos) begins the movie as a doctor of some kind but is forced to become an elite soldier as the plot progresses. He and his female companion must fight an evil professor and his Predator-like space monster through a jungle, aided only by their wits, heavy firepower and some jungle magic provided by the local natives.

The special effects deserve a special mention. They are nothing special up until the last moments of the movie, at which point the budget must've ran out, for they suddenly look like something out of a 60's action movie.

You'll cringe, you'll groan, you'll laugh and you'll have a great time. Cheese at it's finest!
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A mixture of Predator, Alien and Jurassic Park... is it good? Well... NO!
swedzin15 June 2011
When you take three legendary, blockbuster hits Predator (1987), Alien (1979) and Jurassic Park (1993), and you put them in one big cooking pot and add some water. OK, next you put jungle, local Borneo tribes, fake Anaconda snakes, few helicopters and a few gore scenes. Now, Carefully chose actors... But, too late! Jurgen Prochnow with very neurotic performance and nervous eyes, stiff as a board... A fine actor, didn't expect him here... put some B actress just for cuteness, a little kid for more cuteness, Mark Dacascoss for martial arts action fans to see, but WRONG! no martial arts here! And finally add a creature which was created from the bug DNA (a local myth from Borneo tribes, you can see the cravings in the cave at the beginning of the movie, the craves were craved like in 1997... very ancient!) The creature looks like Alien very much, has those movements, but visually it reminds you more of Syl from "Species" (1996), but as a cheap halloween costume, creature has, to look more cool, a heat vision, or a negative vision, or perhaps a combo of sepia and negative... figure it out! It has a cloaking mechanism and it has very lame roars... Now, you spice this with few fake guns, grenade launcher toy and bad acting. And you get this piece of cr... I mean cake. And guess what... you ain't gonna like it.
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Very poor, but what did you expect?
sionyn13 October 2005
This film is a nothing more than series of rip off moments from other, better films. It's a mash of Predator, Aliens, Terminator 2, Species, amongst others. To be fair it doesn't try to hide it's 'influences', but when they are performed so badly it's hard to forgive. The actors all try to keep a straight face, especially Mark Dacascos. It's a shame the rest of the crew didn't seem to be bothered about making a good movie. Obviously the budget was low, so low the studio couldn't afford an original screenplay. Watch only for the unintentional comedy, such as the laughable helicopter crash and the blatant theft of an entire scene from Terminator 2!!
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Rip off
Jona-525 March 1999
This movie is a total rip off of the movie Predator. The waterfall scene is exactly the same as in Predator. But the movie is worth watching if you don´t want to use your brain so much. Good for the moment.

Dacascos is a pretty good player too. I have only seen two of his movie. This is the best of it. His other movie I seen "Redline" is an awful movie.
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Freak-619 October 1998
It starts promising but as more you see it becomes more like the movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the end it´s just the same but with worse special effects. The Predator in this movie is better than in "Predator"
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Many rip-offs for the price of one...
Funky A18 October 2000
DNA rip-offs so many movies... First there is the beginning when you think this is going to be an Indiana Jones rip-off... Then you get the feeling that you are watching a rip-off of Jurassic Park, but near the end it becomes a total rip-off of Predator. The climax is pure rip-off... Actually, the whole movie is... Mark Dacascos brings his special "lack of special touch" to this movie, where he doesn't seem to get that he is playing a DOCTOR!!! And he also has to to take his shirt off because he seems to be really proud of his chest. He simply loves to take his shirt off since he does it in every movie he plays in. OK, Mark, I mean the doctor played by Mark, is really annoying but the worst character is Matzu, a kid which has everything required to make you hope he dies soon: an annoying voice and awful lines he delivers with no conviction whatsoever. The bad acting doesn't stop there. Jurgen Prochnow plays the bad guy. You know he is the bad guy from the start since he looks like a bad guy and sounds like a bad guy... Not very subtle since you are supposed to believe he is there to help Mark, I mean the doctor Mark plays(sorry, it's just that Dacascos seems to play the same character whether he is a soldier or a doctor). Also, the script is so bad, it's almost confusing. I am sure you know the kind of script where the writers make things confusing to make you believe there is actually a story behind all the killing... Did I mention the special effects? If I didn't, I should... Beware, this movie has the worst helicopter crash I have ever seen in a movie. I mean it is a must-see for any cheesy movie watcher just for that crash. It is so fake you will have to watch it twice to believe that in these days of CGI, someone could do a crash that bad... Simply unbelievable... As much as the acting and script of this huge 90 minutes rip-off... At least you get three rip-offs for the price of one...

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Brazenly unoriginal, but a blast nonetheless.
plinko200422 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get it out of the way now - this movie has not an ounce of originality in its body. The creature is brazenly stolen from Predator, and the plot incorporates elements of Jurassic Park shamelessly.

It is also an incredibly fun film to just sit back and enjoy.

Part of this is the surprisingly earnest performances turned in by the main cast. Despite the silliness of his role morphing from a scientist to a doctor to an action hero as the plot demands, Mark Dacascos fills his part capably. Robin McKee is serviceable in a sidekick role that doesn't feel like a waste, and Tom Taus performs well as a surprisingly capable stock child companion. The underrated Roger Aaron Brown has a good part as a scientist working for the villain who has a crisis of conscience about the experiment. The real show-stealer, however, is Jurgen Prochnow, who chews the scenery but just avoids pushing it too far as the mad scientist main antagonist of the film. He is always entertaining when he is on screen, and his death comes far too soon.

The plot is standard, and the visual effects bounce between impressive and bad. Mark McCracken (of Pumpkinhead 2) has a dual role as a tough soldier and the man inside the creature's costume. When he is in the costume, the creature has a nicely slimy and menacing appearance. CGI, however, is poor, both for the creature and for other scenes, especially the infamous helicopter crash.

All in all, though, this is a very enjoyable film for fans of B-movies. If you're into such things, seek it out.
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A cool B sci-fi film! (contains spoilers)
Big_Mike54919 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this on TV I must say it was done fairly well. Good acting, average special effects with explosions, and a semi-storyline taken from other movies. The lead monster of the film looks okay. Some of the shots done in costume were below average while some of the CGI done at night were passable. The acting was good and made you feel the characters. I was surprised the writer killed off the lead child in the story. But on the down note the movie did rip-off a lot from other films. The African American computer expert is like the clone of Samuel L. Jackson from Jurassic Park. Wearing the same clothing and even has a cigarette in his mouth all the time. And the ending was the same as Predator. The monster is a mixture of a Xenomorph and a Predator. And the helicopter crash was VERY fake. But I enjoyed the movie. A plus is how the script didn't go dull like in Boa and Arachnid. It capitalized off other movies.

The bottom line. DNA may not be a masterpiece, and may not work out for everyone but for a late night movie it is more then some may need. 6/10
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Not a particularly great movie...
paul_haakonsen3 October 2021
I stumbled upon the 1996 movie "DNA" here in 2021. And as I hadn't even ever heard about the movie, I didn't know what I was in for here, nor what to expect. However, I saw that the movie had Mark Dacascos on the cast list, and that was essentially all that was needed to make me watch the movie.

Writer Nick Davis didn't exactly manage to come up with an overly impressive or entertaining storyline. I mean, it borrowed a bit much from "Predator" and also have elements of "Rambo" in it. Perhaps Nick Davis was doing a sort of homage? I don't know. Regardless, then "DNA" just wasn't a spectacular movie.

Sure it was watchable, but it was a cheesy movie experience that didn't bring anything new to the table, not even back in 1996.

The creature was interesting enough in concept, but that was about it. The transition from concept idea to screen didn't go well, and the creature was rather poorly made and didn't really stand out as being a particularly menacing creature.

"DNA" is a very stereotypical action horror movie, though it ended up a bit too bland and mundane.

Mark Dacascos was enjoyable in the movie, and he was joined by the likes of Jürgen Prochnow. So if you grew up with movies in the 1990s, then you have some familiar faces at least to look at.

All in all, then "DNA" made for a subpar viewing experience. As such, then my rating of director William Mesa's 1996 movie lands on a four out of ten stars.
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PREDATOR rip-off
Jonathan Horner22 September 2001
Right imagine the movie Predator but take away the brilliant cast, the great visual and special effects and replace them with crap acting, pathetic special effects and a rip off plot and you have DNA.

How this movie was allowed to be made I do not know!

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"How quaintly melodramatic"
hwg1957-102-2657044 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins well with Ash Mattley and Dr. Carl Wessinger going off into the Sarawak jungle to look for a rare beetle that will cure lots of things with it's DNA. Something like that anyway. Then the film becomes 'Alien' then 'Predator' with a touch of 'Rambo' and 'Apocalypse Now' thrown into the mix. There is lots of action, particularly in the second half, but its 'borrowings' from other films eventually become laughable. In its favour it does have a few things to like. One, the location cinematography is colourful and attractive. Two, the music score by Christopher L. Stone. Three, Mark Dacascos being suitably sterling as the hero Ash. Four, Jürgen Prochnow being suitably unhinged as the villainous Wessinger. Could have been better.

The monster Balacau looks quite decent as a man in a rubbery suit but looks terrible in it's CGI incarnarnation.
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Watch it (maybe) just for the Helicopter Crash!
knightox23 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
LOL! As others have said, this was a pure cheese-fest. There were so many ripoffs from so many other superior movies I don't see how they weren't sued after showing it to the public. They also did a horrible job mimicking those other flicks as well. The special effects were unintentionally hilarious! I know it was 1996 but even back then the props they were using looked like kids' toys, especially the so-called "weapons". WTH was that grenade launcher/zap gun thingy supposed to be? The best two parts of this brainiac production are this: There's a stop motion helicopter crash so poorly done that it will have you rolling on the floor laughing just like the plastic model 'copter itself! And secondly, there's a bratty, annoying kid who actually bites the dust to everyone's surprise. That's why I didn't rank this wonderful gem any lower. Watch if you're really bored.
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Cheap movie with bad direction, bad writing and bad acting
tsmithjr12 February 2004
For anyone who likes to watch a bad movie for a good laugh. "DNA" isn't it. "DNA" is just plain bad all around, with nothing to even laugh at. It was made on a cheap budget, has real bad action, acting and REALLY BAD directing and no writing. I think everyone made it up as they went. There's no interest in the action (Joe average guy is able to take out several big commandos, I don't think so). The sad moments don't make you feel sad or sympathetic.

The idea that the CIA would send into the jungle one agent (who's your stereotyped woman who falls at the critical point type), with a doctor as a guide, to take out a dangerous villain and the monster he's created, is just stupid. As I said, it's as if they didn't bother to write a script.

Any TV station who shows "DNA" should be ashamed. I just watched it on the SCIFI channel. They're too good to show something like this. I'll bet no one on their staff ever saw it before. It was a complete waste of my time!
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Not Good Enough to be a B Picture
arfdawg-128 May 2014
As a picture, it's below a B pic. It would be like the 4th pic in an all day screening. Horrible The special effects are laughable. They actually use toy helicopters and pretend they are real!

The Plot Deep in the heart of the jungle in North Borneo a group of scientists excavate the bones of a creature buried among the ruins of ancient and forgotten civilization.

The expedition is lead by Dr. Carl Wessinger.

He discovers how to extract DNA from the bones.

They only need an enzyme to recreate the creature.

Wessinger asks the help of Ash Mattley. Ash had done research on enzymes.

He is double-crossed and two years later Claire Sommers, who works for the CIA, asks Ash for help after a number of mutilated bodies are found.

Claire believes Wessinger is behind this because her 'company' has no contact anymore with the lab in the jungle.

Wessinger who recreated the creature, wants to sell it to the highest bidder as a war machine, and it is on the loose in the jungle, killing everybody.
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They created a monster... this film!
s_pike_66617 September 2001
This film is the worst rip-off I've seen. The poor acting and poor special effects stand to mark the lack of money for this film! It was torture to watch, my eyes started to bleed and my my head started to hurt!

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One of the worst movies ever...(*Spoiler*)
xavier_ladu_aguayo7 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movies doesn't have stolen scenes but they do have some stolen ideas from other movies. So here we go...

A doctor in the movie finds some bones but a mad scientist wants to clone it so he can create a perfect war-machine. The beast is inside a cage like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. And the dude who is taking care of the computer system is a black dude smoking just like Samuel L. Jackson in JP...

Then the beast escapes. It looks like Alien but it can do everything that Predator can. You see? But the best part is the helicopter scene. Man, I laughed a lot, the worst special effect ever!!

Rating 1-10: 2

A bad movie but I really recommend this movie if you like b-movies. :D
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Probably one of the worst movies ever
maffelu14 January 2004
This is the most crappy film I've seen in a long time. The bones of a creature is found in a jungle and they turned in to a creature of malice(I can't remember how, the movies was so bad). The creature starts killing people. The visuals of the monster is a history of it's own. Sometimes it's a man in a costume, sometimes it's animated. The differance is like the one between a wookie and a fish. The special effects are... hard to describe without crying. They are horrible. Some events in the movie are just odd, like when a grenadelauncher, or some sort of big mega gun is thrown in the water and floats ashore.

I'd say you should see the movie though, just to get a laughter. We laught/cried in the end, we had rented it for some money, and, well...
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Predator wannabe
brianmikkelsen20 October 2021
I must admit I love this movie. Why I do is more of a mystery, even to me. It very clearly is a shameless Predator ripoff, I suspect they actually use the original Predator suit. The acting is ok, though Prochnow has never been my favourite actor. Most of the effects/CGI are really badly done, but it is a movie I can watch over and over and over again.
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Spectacular scenes with a fantastic creature attacking human preys
ma-cortes10 December 2007
The film starts in Sarawak , a province of North of Borneo where an idealistic doctor named Ash (Mark Dacascos of Double dragon). He mistakenly reveals his DNA theories to an evil scientific (Jurgen Prochnow , Das Boat) who utilizes on illegal genetic experiments , blending beetle and alien DNA . As a nasty scientist's DNA experiment on the bones of a mysterious jungle creature brings the carnivorous beast to life . Two years later , there appear various bodies dead and wounded ; one mutant , a giant insect-like specie with super powers , lurks in the lush forest from into perilous jungles , waiting for prey . The weird creature begins attacking one by one . Meantime , Ash along with a beautiful doctor( Robin McKee) are surrounded and both of whom set out to track it down.

This is a semi-remake to ¨Predator¨, told in terms of jungle warfare with an over seven-foot-tall monster on the loose . It's a brutal , exciting and violent Sci-Fi thriller with gory action and little logic . So we ought sit through the creature dispatch enemies one by one before the ending showdown comes , leaving the utter mechanics of the thing to keep our interest buzzing . The final confrontation is particularly exciting stuff , even though it makes no great sense . The result is thoroughly unpleasant but undeniably thrilling action movie . Acceptable special effects and special make-up by , nowadays famous , : Robert Kurtzman , Greg Nicotero , Howard Berger . Adequate cinematography by Gerry Lively and nice musical score fitting to action by Christopher Stone . The motion picture was regularly directed by William Mesa , he's usually visual effects supervisor (Dark Water , Deep blue sea) and occasionally cinema director . Rating : Passable and entertaining.
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head for the floppa !!!!!!
godinamachine12 March 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review ....PrEdAtOr part 1.5 starring - brendan lee , and jossie foster ...... THE MOVIE !!!!!!!!

Now i know everyone bashes this film for being the predator wanna be film that it REALLY obviously IS ...absolutly zero doubt about it .... i mean there are scenes in this one that are out right .... just wow him jumping off the cliff into the water and the "creature" following him, the "special " vison of the creatures , the invisibility of the creatures ......the trap creation from the main guy ....i mean SO many things just step by step the same true ...... though this one ALSO has its own story thing going on ... like this isnt an alien ...wait ....well okay so its not one that landed RIGHT NOW ....its one brought back to life lol...........and its not a group of militant guys trying to ....oh... wait ... well .... these ones are not here to clean up a mess of ...dang ...you know what .......... this is literally the cheaper brand predator film thats it ..........but i mean i still enjoy it .....

the cgi for being in the 90s is superior to almost ANYTHING from the era (not including jurassic park) and it does have a couple of everyones favorite B actors from back when ......the FX are not bad off in general and they have solid sets / locations throughout ......so even though it IS a obvious try hard to be predator its not a bad one ......and if the monster was a predator it might even be considered a pretty good sequel compared to some of the ones they DID make officially ......

the creature design its self is pretty solid for an alien species it looks good .... im glad they DID NOT go for a out right rip off of predator ....though its kind of a alien predator hybrid ....but its physical vs cgi versions go pretty well together so its not to shabby ............

over all this film gets alot of hate BUT i feel its only because of it ripping off a much better more well known franchise IF they would have gone their own route with a few parts of this story wise and idea wise this could have / would have easily become a cult / underground phenom and might have even rivaled the actual PREDATOR film in fame - sadly however they chose to just try and ride the coat tails of someone else and now they just get laughed at for it ........ could have had gold ...but chose poop ...

4/10 - due to lack of originality , it deserves better , but then again so does the audience ........
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