Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (Video 2000) Poster

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He should be commended.
imacreep_69 June 2006
I think Alex Jones should be given a little more respect. He risks his life every single day to try and help expose what seems to be true. After watching many other films based around similar subjects, the facts seem undeniable. His courage in breaking into such a heavily guarded and dangerous place is totally impressive. What you see in the documentary is fitting with everything else that you'll find out if you start to research just a little into these things. Please, look at what's happening. People are waking up and Alex Jones is in no way a fatalist, as someone has said on one of these IMDb reviews. He reminds us what power each and everyone of us has and how much change we can effect.

Oh and just to remind people that Charlie Sheen has now come out (and joined former members of the Bush Administration, the former German defence minister and hundreds of other physicists, engineers, firemen and victims families) and said that he believes that 9/11 needs to be re-investigated and that we all need to look at the facts and see that the official story is just that - a story.

Thank You, JJH
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First part of Alex Jones' Science Fiction trilogy.
jaltesorensen3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Jones is an unknown director, who has made a Science Fiction trilogy which is very poorly made. This film (Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)) is the first in the trilogy. But as a mentioned earlier: it is very poorly made. Alex Jones thinks that if he categorises his Science Fiction trilogy as being documentaries they will be better, which clearly is not the case. Even if it were a documentary it would be very bad; Alex does not have any proof of any of his accusations, he does never use reliable sources (if any) and his theories are very laughable. In this first film in Alex Jones' Science Fiction trilogy, Alex Jones claims that a secret conspiratorial shadow government is taking over the United States of America. This is an organisation that is infiltrating every party in the world, and is tend on world domination. But the so-called facts and all the theories are so laughable that it possible can't be a documentary: it must be Science Fiction (very bad Science Fiction) – it is as good as Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer space". As a Science Fiction film it is boring. As a documentary it is laughable and it is not even documented (which documentaries should be). It is just a pack of wild conspiracy theories slung out by a crazy man. The rate: 1 out of 10. It is just not entertaining or informative – it has no value, it can not be used for anything. Do not watch it.
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An overall great documentary that shows there is always more to the story than what they tell you.
chadman27713 January 2009
An overall great documentary depicting what some of our politicians are really up to. At first I didn't want to believe it, but after watching this, there is no doubt in my mind that there is always more to the picture. For an early Alex Jones documentary, this one delivers great information and insight. Alex Jones does come off as loud at times, but anyone can see that he has passion in what he does. This is a movie worth picking up or even burning to pass around to people as I've heard many do with his films. One negative thing I can say about the film is at times the camera angles are horrible only due to the fact it was a micro camera they were using to film the documentary.
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yrsaerlaekker24 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This "documentary" shows that Alex Jones is a Buffoon.

60 people have voted on it, and most find it very bad (it has a grade of 4 - which shows how poorly made it is).

The most funny thing: Alex Jones is the ONLY PERSON who is credited for the "documentary" - that shows how believable it is (NOT very much).

This "documentary" is SO poorly made, that children in a kindergarten could have done it better.

It is funny that we should take what Alex Jones seriously about 9/11 when he makes such filth as this.

It is a rape of the documentary-genre to call this amateur-piece of fiction a documentary - when it is not.

You will get dumber by watching this - therefore DON'T WATCH IT.
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The innocent practice of human sacrifice
sumtimes12 July 2006
I think it's naive to dismiss as trite and innocent the practice of any human sacrifice, even if in symbolic form, but using babies is nothing short of morbid. Many skeptics may not realize how suggestive rituals are at the subconscious level of our brains. If we witnessed children involved in the same behavior I think we'd be concerned. How are adults different in this instance? How do we not judge them as sternly as we would children? Think about it. If we saw a handful of neighborhood kids practicing a ritual at night, before a bonfire, with hoods over their faces, and they were throwing a human doll in the fire, and exclaiming they were sacrificing a human baby, who would not be shocked. Now, in Alex Jones' footage of Bohemian Grove, we see this scene, where grown men hiding their identities beneath hoods, use a baby in symbolical fashion to burn in a blaze. I challenge any expert in the field of psychology to excuse this behavior. To my senses it's repugnant. Subconscious messages need to be better recognized in our society for what they are. In our environment of daily advertising bombardment, our subconscious is targeted. Why? Because "they" know that's where you hit to make the biggest impact. Not to get too tangential, just don't underestimate the intention, and the sardonic nature of this ritual at Bohemian Grove. And while I'm at it, let me thank Alex Jones for risking his neck to expose these people. While some may think Alex looks foolish, I think these people he's exposing look like idiots. And to think many of them are member of our society, in influential positions of power, ruling us. (sick)

BTW, a documentary is a presentation of factual events, regardless of the filmmakers' biases, which is always a factor--even in our daily news broadcasts. (Gee what a concept, preconceived notions.) And fyi, I'm not a religious zealot. I don't adhere to any doctrine, religion or philosophy.
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Are there really people simple enough to believe this nonsense?
zenkidu9 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Pathetic production values, delusional narrative, not a single assertion is documented, and interviews and events are interpreted in ways which contradict what the viewer has just seen and heard. Not to mention if this clown was right about the cabal in control of the world this video would not exist and neither would Mr. Jones for producing it. The fact that you can watch it proves it is nonsense. In spite of the damage this might do to those who are susceptible to it's benighted blather, it's existence provides comforting reassurance in the 1st amendment. This should scare the right, the left, and moderates.

Hey, it's a free country, waste your time if you like.
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It exists
waverider-464147 January 2022
Most o the reviews here have 0 arguments of why this film isn't good or true , and try to either sell on atheist agenda ( i guess lack of education and iq) , or try to discredit the truth.

I guess it is very easy to notice -the topic of this film is true, based on being on earth for the last 2 years, and people which does not want to see it - well what to expect of people in 21. Century - they mostly are sorry excuse for men.
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Unconvincing hype!
wiztwas7 May 2005
Perhaps the most religious zealots, might buy the claim of Satanism and mock human sacrifice, but no one else.

Entertaining and at times embarrassingly poor at others, even the most uneducated will spot the lack of logic and the leaps of abstraction.

Clearly this exclusive club does have distinguished visitors, they openly have a mock ritual, the link of the mock ritual to paganism is tenuous at best and to human sacrifice almost non existent. The ceremony itself had more in common with a modern day theme park than any Pagan rite.

This "documentary" tells us nothing of Paganism, an ancient faith based around nature worship. Instead it attempts to demonise what I imagine is otherwise a very successful business selling expensive "retreats" to the top Men in America.

All it did was to convince me that Alex Jones is a self serving publicist out to make a name for himself by attempting to create stories where clearly there is none. Looking at the credits it appears there was no one other than Alex Jones involved in the film, certainly had there been, they would have pointed out the lack of credibility of his claims and suggested that he not waste his time and ours on the venture.

The film does remind us how individuals can try to distort the truth, it also shows us how easily some people can accept a distorted truth (some people believed the film totally and gave it a 10) Hype and sensationalism are great for fiction, but when we confuse them in news and documentaries it is quite damaging. Good film if only for reminding us to question things more.
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Not for beginners
Effexra8 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of Alex's earlier films and his skills as a documentary film maker have since improved. Just watch his new one "Martial Law" to see this. So, on a technical level, this movie is very amateurish in skill. However, it is the content of the film that makes it so fascinating. He is the only person to ever successfully infiltrate Bohemian Grove, which makes this an underground cult hit. The problem is that anyone who does not know about secret societies and politics will not understand this film. Start with "Martial Law" and some of Alex's other works, and then watch this film. You will then start to appreciate the hidden camera footage and the significance of what he accomplished. To me, it is disturbing to see world leaders performing mock human sacrifices to Moloch while wearing clan-inspired robes.
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Very bad documentary – good fantasy story
loleralacartelort789030 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Once again Alex Jones has shown that he does not live in reality. Once again Alex Jones shows his discontent with everyone who does not have the same opinion as him. In this "documentary" (though it is not a documentary, it is in fact fiction) Alex Jones accuses the top Men in America of being part of ancient cults who are trying to rule the world. Never have I heard anything so laughable, besides in fiction, therefore this must be fiction - it was simply classified wrongly as a documentary. It can only be fiction because none of the so called "evidence" is believable. Throughout the whole "documentary" I thought it was fiction. But Alex Jones kept saying that it was fact – then it dawned to me: Alex Jones meant it, he thinks it is real. First I laughed, then I got afraid, cause what if people actually believe in such lies, and then I saw that people on this fabulous site actually believes in all his documentaries, and I screamed as high as I could. But then finally it dawned to me: the people that watch his documentaries are the people like "Fox Mulder" in the TV-series "X-Files" - they want to believe – and then I said to my self: "Ok, good for them". It is not my role to take people that believe in Alex Jones' documentaries out of their fantasy-world. The world is what you make of it. And if you want to believe the lies that an evil cult is taking over the world, then it is fine with me, if it makes you happy then live in the fantasy-world of Alex Jones.

But as a documentary it is poorly made, and it is "documentaries" like this that are ruining the notion that documentaries should not be bias. But it was fun to watch, as long as kept you head in the reel world.
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A one-of-a-kind undercover investigation
take2docs5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
July 15, 2000. Most people probably don't recall where they were or what they were doing on this particular date, but for Alex Jones it's a date that's in all likelihood quite personally historic. He wasn't in his studio at the time hosting his radio show but rather helping to make this unforgettable, obscure classic, as an undercover investigative journalist.

Nestled deep in the remote, timbered regions of northern California, among the redwood forest, lies an estimated 2,700-acre plot of land called Bohemian Grove; a pilgrimage point for various global elites, who annually flock to this secluded place to do God only knows what.

Not too much is known about what goes on at these yearly get-togethers, which are said to last a fortnight, but rumors and speculation abound. As it stands, it's been a men's-only summer camp and there are those who surmise that nothing goes on here other than innocuous fraternizing. Others are of the opinion that this is a site where the movers and shakers and other contrivers of the world assemble to do their covert plotting and scheming. Much of the speculation in regard to Bohemian Grove is fairly down-to-earth, yet questions still remain as to the primary reason for this gathering place and why since its inception so much secrecy surrounds it.

Enter Alex Jones. His goal is to get inside the Grove and to secretly record its goings-on. As one who hasn't been invited, he eventually makes his way inside as an incognito and gate-crasher of sorts, all the while secretly videotaping his mission with the aid of a hidden camera attached to his body.

Suffice to say that the technical aspects of this documentary are of rather low quality. Once inside the Grove, there is much camera instability as a result of Jones constantly on the move, walking here and there throughout the campground. As we follow Jones trekking through this heavily wooded territory, with the picture image bobbing up and down in sync with his footsteps, it kind of felt like I was sitting through certain spooky scenes from "The Blair Witch Project." There isn't much voice-over narration during these moments of the film; this silence, combined with the jittery footage, gives DARK SECRETS INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE a certain atmospheric quality.

The first hour of the film is basically a lead-up to the main event. We watch Alex Jones as he prepares for his journey, study a map of the area, hit the open road, and consult with an accompanying film crew in a motel room as to the best route inside the Grove. The last hour follows Jones inside the mysterious encampment, all the while with the momentum of the movie leading up to its climax: a rather bizarre vespertine ceremony, centered around a 40-foot stone statue of an owl.

'Tis a curious commemoration, to say the least. In the dark of the night a gathering of approximately 1500-2000 men sit in a clearing among the trees, oohing and aahing as they observe a strange rite or stage play, performed by men in robes, at the foot of this massive idol. The nocturnal ambience of the outdoors combined with the faint chirping of crickets that can be heard provide these final few moments with an almost otherworldly component. The ceremony, which includes some strange operatic chanting, is narrated by what sounds like a pre-recorded monologue of an eerily voiced man reciting cryptic verses or just plain meaningless doggerel.

Is this all simply harmless playacting for the amusement of the so-called "Bohemians," or is there possibly something very real and sinister going on? Whatever the case, Bohemian Grove has been in existence for over 120 years and to this day much mystery surrounds it. Kudos to Alex Jones for attempting to uncover what this annual event and creepy ceremony is all about.
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not as entertaining as his more recent ones
cadreau6 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: The following contains hardcore truth. If you wish to live in the matrix please do not view the following comment.

This was definitely not one of Alex's better movies but the reason I gave it a ten is because he did what he does the best: expose the NWO.

In all honesty, the movie gets boring in the middle where Alex and his crew begin infiltrating the grove. The most interesting part of this movie is the bizarre mock ritual at the end. And of course, seeing Alex scream on the street saying "This is how Bush dresses in the Bohemian grove."

I have seen a quite a few people giving this a one. This is either because one of the following: They wish to live in the matrix, they have the attention span of a circus money, or because they are insane religious fanatics.

Stop reading the bible, and download this.
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the bohemian grove does exist.
kejbra16 January 2014
This is a documentary made to expose the Boehmian Grove as real, and it does. No matter what one may think about bohemian grove one cannot deny that it exists anymore. This documentary is filmed with personal spy cams and doesn't offer the best quality footage, but who could have gone inside with a big camera anyway. Its worth a watch if your interested in knowing what people like, George W H Bush, Richard Nixon, Dwight D Eisenhower, , Herbert Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, Donald Rumsfeld, David Rockefeller Sr. & Jr., Clint Eastwood, James Woods Henry ford, Jack London, Mark Twain, David Packard and Colin Powell has been up to in one of they're yearly vacations, and how religious symbols and themes play a part in the bohemian club. I gave this documentary a 10 out of 10, not because the quality of the documentary is excellent, but because its message is.
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Can I get the last two hours of my life back?
jay-9404 June 2007
What a horrible piece of sensationalist journalism. While I commend Mr. Jones for his apparently easy 'infiltration' of what should have been a very high security compound, I found his commentary to be utterly conjectural.

What we receive for the price of rental is some shoddy footage of a failed Disneyland attraction, mounds of unsubstantiated speculation, an uncalled for use of the word 'infiltrate, and a few less brain cells. I've heard more compelling conspiracy theories at a local comic book shop.

With such great source material this documentary should have at least left us questioning something more than the director's skill at film making. A truly inept attempt at fear mongering.

Note to program director of Bohemian Grove ceremonies: Mickey Mouse wants his soundtrack back.
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2023 quick review
richardrc-1859627 January 2023
Pretty good documentary especially since it is from 2000. Alex gives some good history on it and I love when he shows proof of the existence over time via newspapers and other media writings. So there's no debate about it being real or not. A lot of Republican and democrats attend. Pretty interesting no? Almost like the political parties mean nothing in the end. I wonder if this get together still happens though? I don't hear anything about it anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if they have morphed into something else, just the builderberg group. Anyways, the only reason I give it a 9 is due to the quality. He coulda splurged a bit more and got better quality cameras, even back then. Oh well. Still exposes the hypocrisy of the politicians claiming to be "Christians" or "godly" but watching occult stuff and cheering.
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Alex Jones gets himself excited...
natzdachic17 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Jones. Oh Alex Jones. I have listened to him rant on regarding the Patriot Act and so forth and I cannot deny that some of the information he "awakens" people to is very interesting and, in some cases - Valid. But the idea that 'the elite' meet in Bohemian Grove in Northern California to perform pagan rituals such as faux human sacrifice just seemed too good to be true. NOT ONLY are they trying to rule the world, they all worship an owl too! I'm sure if the owl was a large symbol of the Christian religion and the chants were instead prayers... Mr. Jones would see little problem with it.

Unfortunately the documentary results in the biggest anti-climax you could imagine. Rather than a sinister display of the occult, heavily guarded by FBI agents the 'ceremony' resembles something you might see at DisneyWorld. A fireworks display complete with a well known soundtrack. Despite Jones' assurance that they were security checked several times during their infiltration of the grove - we see nothing more than happy revellers. The most convincing part of the entire charade was the reaction of the locals to questions regarding the Grove, however in hindsight... they may have just been stupid.
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His film totally misses the point and shows how much of a lunatic he is
btalex199028 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film and when he thought he infiltrated the most secret place with orgy's, forbidden sins, doing god knows what with god knows who and these people are our leaders but when I saw this all it looked like he taped was a play that looked like it was satanic to one persons point of view, no orgy's, nobody running around in tootoos, nobody doing gay stuff while the American people think their leaders are perfect.

So when u went out in the streets and yelled "We have you totally exposed, the politics are doing crazy stuff in Bohemian Grove, we have the tape, we have the evidence" or something like that people were just laughing at you in the film. This film was poorly made and has boring parts and you have no proof that our leaders are doing sexual or immoral stuff in secret, all you got were a bunch of people acting like they are being attacked by a evil force that turns off their fire and they want to banish the evil. I read that plays are being done at this grove, So I know you probably thought it was Pegan screwup religion but it sounds like it is only a play and you have no real proof about the sacrifices, orgy's, or even any misconduct done by our politicians in this film.

I only buffed it up to rated as 2 instead of 1 is because it was funny the way you walked out there with a guy that dresses up in a cloak and demon or Halloween like mask and yelling that you have all the evidence and that it's all on tape.

Also another thing that concerns me is how can you prove that this wasn't a regular political play if you claimed secret service, police, and security kept interrogating you, yet you had a hidden camera and never showed one scene, Not One Scene! that a cop wanted to kick your butt, torture you, and wipe your camera, so how can I take your documentary seriously, it sounds like Santa Claus is there too and you didn't get video of that and Bush was kissing The Rednose reindeer and your recorder is shut off so you have no proof either, and you found that our leaders use Genies to be gods of this world but you didn't get that on tape either, Darn! I really wanted to see Santa, The Evil Genie and Bush kissing a reindeer, oh well, should've known this film doesn't have any evidence of our leaders doing massive secretive black magic and wrongdoing and voodoo.

next time if you gonna admit all the Horrible sins worldwide politicians commit next time do a better job of collecting the evidence and actually get our leaders running around naked (with censorship), and our leaders acting crazy and doing trashy stuff behind closed doors before you go around telling everyone how bad our global elite can be.
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Alex Jones exposed - Koch brothers agent
khanbaliq219 April 2014
Alex Jones is just one of many conservatives in America that are funded and promoted by the Koch brothers, just like the Tea Party movement, Libertarians and many Republicans. Alex Jones' task is to defend the interests of the monopolist Kochs, which means supporting cuts to health care and social security, badmouthing the Soviet Union, and distracting people from the problems of monopoly capitalism in America. You don't get to appear on The View if you're against the establishment. The Kochs are not the only elite group in the USA, but they're definitely one of the most important and influential. They do have one redeeming value though - they seem to be against big wars. Alex Jones is a vile deceiving character.
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Terrible in so many ways
dtanenhaus30 August 2015
This boring documentary purports to reveal Satanic rituals of the Rich and Famous in a California redwood glen. This Bohemian Grove get together has been occurring for almost 130 years and reflects secret society booze fests similar to the Masons, Skull and Bones, and service clubs. A time for men to behave badly out of sight of the paparazzi.

The goofiness is harmless and maybe fun for the participants. The narration couldn't be more uninteresting. The quality of the jiggly camera work requires Dramamine to survive.

The narrator's analysis is unbelievably paranoid.

What a mess. Makes you feel sympathy for the devils that are conspiring to take over the universe.
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couvillonsusan13 June 2024
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