"The Brady Bunch" Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy (TV Episode 1969) Poster

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Cindy's Dilemma
Jimmy_the_Gent48 November 2020
Cindy gets the lead in the school play but can only invite one parent.

A pretty good Cindy episode. Funniest scene is when the boys try to help Cindy in her part of the Fairy Princess. She has to fly in one scene so they tie her to the clothesline! She does not know if she should invite her Mommy or new Daddy. Greg and Marcia give her differing bits of advice.
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The lesson here...whine and get your own way
rerunwatcher2 August 2023
This episode of The Brady Bunch annoys me. Cindy is not more important that any other child in that school play. Yet, she is treated very differently. Now, ALL the other children were only allowed one person to come to the play, yet all Cindy has to do is whine and gets her own way. The play was put on especially for the Brady family. Look at it this way, the other kids in the play have to be away from their own home, own parents, own hobbies or activities to go to the school to put on a play to appease one whining child. Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain could show you what happens if you appease people (look it up). What if the other kids in the play wanted to do something else? What if they wanted to play sports, or had a hobby they wanted to pursue? Or be at home with their very own parents? Or merely lie on the couch and watch TV? Could they do these activities? NO! Because they had to go to the school auditorium and put on a private play. Your childhood is only a limited amount of time, only a limited amount of time to be a child, now this is time they will never get back, time others in the play could have been living their own life. Why? Because a whining kid named Cindy Brady.
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