"Gilmore Girls" New and Improved Lorelai (TV Episode 2005) Poster

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makes no sense
MidoriAi25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Once again we see Lorelei doing what she wants despite everybody else.

Her daughter wanted to do something else and she was upset. She was the one that fixed the "hardward" university in Rory's head since she was a child, despite the fact that she herself didn't wanted that life... but for Rory is ok?

And Rory did something stupid (stealing a boat?? Is that spoiled rich people do?) because somebody ("the" somebody) told her that she wasn't up for the career of her life, the only egg on the basket, and then everything falls apart, Lorelei don't want for Rory to go crazy and leave Yale so she did what her mother would do: going away from her.. oh but she is right and everyone else aren't!!

Emily, Lorelei and Rory are the same. Spoiled, narcissistic, capricious.. you name it!

Lorelei and Luke engagement made no sense at all, I mean, the relationship has no sense. I already said it many times in these reviews.

Rory should have known better to go to their gramparents home. She knows how they treated lorelei in the past, but grandparents aren't the same as parents.

But, hey, even tho she has no job and everything is handed to her, she is a "grown up, independent, and on her own".. really?

Ultimatelly, it is a great plan to have another perspective, instead of thinking the king of the world of the newspapers knows everything, even her own Yale teachers teachers. She has no backbones to back her dreams, I mean: she was handed a great highschool, a great college... but someone says she is not worth it and everything falls apart?

Emily is snob as always. And oblivious of what really Rory want to do.. and Rory don't know what she want to do in life.. really, that's a great plot.. because that's what's happening to a lot of people, specially in big cities where you have a lot of places to choose and people saying "if you study this you wont/will have a job after the diploma".

And we have, of course, the clasis slooooow "pa pa pa paa paaaaaaaaaa pa paaaaaaaaa" that is insufferable to the core!!

Michelle at the front desk.. tell me why they need him? It is really rude and it is not relatable that he behave like that and nobody fired him, or even, that he chose to work in a place like that.

If rory and Lorelei are such a good friends Rory wouldn't cross her mother out of the equation everytime she disagrees with her. She didn't even went to pick her belingings out of the house.

Richard got angry with the judge and the lawyer that is his friend and did the job free.. that was stupid, given the fact that Rory is the one comminting a felony.

Lorelai hard headed makes me facepalm a lot.
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Luke took off his baseball hat
elisaisabel2 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And he was not bold.

I'm listening to a lot of podcasts about different tv series, and Gilmore Girls are one of them. And I must say, in one of them they pointed out something that i felt every time I saw this show: what people see in Rory? She's bland and boring. But in the show they picture her like people around her must be the ones that should be high to her standards, because "she's special".

When she robbed the boat Lorelai didn't do anything to her, more like, she didn't say anything to her. All the ride back home without talking about the issue.

And then Rory decided to ditch her mother because she didn't aligned to what she wanted to do (no, no councilor from Yale to guide her into the right path, no therapy....) Lorelai got a taste of her own medicine because she taught her to ditch people and things. That's not good. And now Rory is living in her grandparent's house.

But returning to the "everybody loves Rory for some reason I don't get it", Logan takes Rory to his dorm or something and there inside everybody was dressed with old prisoner costume singing her a song. Did they know her at all? Do they know that you need to have an actual relationship for people rally around to celebrate you? Yes, could be possible, but.. RORY HAS NO CHARISMA.

On the other hand, I don't get why Lorelai's boyfriend's want to co parenting with her. Rory is over 18 years old and Luke is fixated with Rory getting back to Yale "what are you going to do?" Nothing Luke. You are not the father. Oh but then when he meets his daughter in later episodes (an annoying character after her sister and brother in law) he's going to do it all on his own and not count Lorelai into anything.

The "papapapa" is getting tiresome, maybe because i'm binge watching the tv show.

Babette running to gossip to Luke was funny. Holding her breasts was relatable.

Luke wanting a really big place for the 2 of them was super murican. Only the people living in USA that don't have their own gentilice would spent so much money into a house big enough for 2 families (5 families in this case) Many people agree that Rory was really not likable after season 3, and I agree. Not only not charismatic and boring, but an AH.
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ISmellSnow12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Luke and Lorelai are officially engaged. Rory has her court date and ends up having to do many hours of community service. Emily and Michel have an interaction and it's great. Lorelai hilariously dumps Rorys clothes at Richard and Emily's house.
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