Feel the Noise (2007) Poster

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Instantly Forgettable.
paul-darren17 October 2007
Once in a while a Movie comes along that really stirs you. Inspires you to go out and realise your dreams. Or at least makes you glad to be alive. Unfortunately,this was not one of those Movies. I did make it through to the very end. Though this was mainly due to the batteries in my remote control having died and me having a bad leg. It was so instantly forgettable that when my partner came home and asked me what i'd done all day i was able to recall the ironing and clipping my toenails,but any semblance of having watched a Movie had completely disappeared from my mind. I only remember it now to write this because i've just had a phone call from the video store telling me it's overdue.
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Its not even worth seeing for the music
dbborroughs23 December 2007
Guy from the Bronx wants to be a hip-hop star, however he's forced to flee to Puerto Rico when he has a run in with some bed guys. Generally it isn't a good sign when the selling point is that a film is produced by a movie star, in this case Jennifer Lopez. Done on the cheap I kept wondering why they couldn't get more money for a better cast and crew.The film is okay, but never really connected with me since its so specifically of a place and life style it fails to click as a story or larger importance. Whats worse is the music isn't very good, which is something I rarely say about urban dramas such as this. Its so abrasive and unremarkable that you don't want to watch the film simply so you won't hear the music.
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3 because Zulay Henao
tedthumb30 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Feel the Noise was a joke. It earned a 5 because of Zulay Henao's hotness. I agree with other reviewers that this movie had no real plot or a decent script. I felt like I was stuck watching a long music video. Nothing about Feel the Noise was remotely believable. Omarion's character is wanted in NY by a Supreme McGriff type syndicate. The syndicate goes as far as trying to shoot him. He jams to Puerto Rico to hide out. When he comes back the syndicate threatens his mother. After all this build up Omarion ends up fighting one of the syndicate to make things okay. WTF? A NY crime syndicate tries to shoot him then decides a school yard street fight is good enough. LAUGHABLE nonsense. Westside Story had more urban action than this POS. Stay away unless you want see Zulay Henao who is a fox.
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This movie was awful -- DO NOT GO SEE IT
astaples-accounts6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So... imagine going to see a movie thinking it was going to be like You Got Served. Probably not the best plot wise, but with some redeeming features (dancing, specifically). Then you see it, and it's AWFUL. ALL of it is AWFUL. Awkward. No dancing. Stupid acting. AWFUL. When you are done, you wish you hadn't paid and taken a nap instead.

There are probably too many plot lines trying to happen, which is generally a problem for a movie anyway. But then there are horrible transitions between the sections, and often after a "major" plot point you find yourself looking at a friend going "what just happened? really?" And every once in awhile, without a reason, the filming style changes. Oh, and did I mention the entire movie is awkward? People just aren't like that...

I highly recommend NOT going to see this movie.
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More like feel the No's, the no ways, the no way Josés...
intelearts13 December 2007
Yikes, quite possibly one of the worst music films of all time...

The plot could be written on an envelope and you'd still have an acre of space left.

It is not fun, funny, or down dirty - it's just plain yeeuch... honestly. And it's extremely misogynistic in places. The women here aren't strong, thinking, role models - it's all short skirts and hips a swinging... which is just plain depressing...

And the film... it reminds me of elephants leaping over a cliff hoping to fly... just really doesn't stand a chance... really does look and feel like a very middle-class white teenager's idea of what Latino music should look like.

Just didn't buy this, and what's more half way through I didn't want to buy it anymore. I did stick it out to the end, but I was really, really unimpressed.

Formulaic crap - avoid unless you like headaches. Sorry guys, non es muy impresionante...
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Horrible Movie
lilswimeyfish0814 October 2007
If you think it is going to be a mix between Step Up and Stomp the Yard, you are brutally wrong. I was ashamed to spend $8.50 on this movie. It was so bad in the first half hour, that my friend and I left. If you want to waste your money on a horrible movie, this is the one to go to. I never thought I would hate a movie this much, but this proved me wrong.

I am warning you, do not see this even if your life depended on it. I'm not saying Omarion or any of the "actors" in this movie are horrible, but the plot sucks and you've got people who have never really acted before. It is elementary acting, and while the music is good, after 10 minutes of reggae, you never want to listen to it again.
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bryanhelder17 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The whole time I was watching this I couldn't figure out why they were making omarion out to be such a joke. It doesn't take that long to discover this whole movie is really just an excuse to prop his ego. Only it backfires, because this whole movie seems like it either started out as a music video and was made into a movie afterward, or it was a practical joke on 2008's top pick for biggest douche in the universe award.

The acting was pretty bad, or maybe it was the script, I really don't know which was worse. The crowds don't look like they like the music, in fact no one other than omarion sounds like they really dig the crap they are being paid to dance to. Too many musicians think they need to be doing everything. Leave the acting to people who have way more talent and practice at it, and maybe go work on those "phat rhymes".
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It's "West Side Story" gone bad!
Len987615 August 2008
If you are looking at this film to learn about Puerto Rican culture and ethnicity, you will not find it here. In fact, all this film offers is a Hollywood-stereotypical of Puerto-Rican-American generic. And, the generic is offered on the 'cheap', with a low-budget film that is anything but authentic. A cameo appearance by J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez), at the end of the film, does not legitimize the film. As for the music, it starts out okay at the start of the film, but then goes from bad to worse. The dancing is okay, but disappears by the end of the film. A song entitled 'Puerto Rico', which (I guess) was sung at a Puerto Rican festival in New York City, feels more like a commercial than a movie. But, the film fails to promote anything but garbage.

There does not seem to even be a plot--and, as someone has suggested, I would not even bother to write what may be a plot (quoting the suggestion) "on an envelope." It would be a waste of an envelope that can be better-used elsewhere. If there is a script, it certainly must be brief and threadbare. Did anyone ever both to do any research, at all, on Puerto Ricans? If so, the research findings do not find their way in this film. In fact, this film appears to be a poor remake of "West Side Story" gone bad (the Jets and the Sharks even get lost).

The film is more like a nightmare on Upper-West-Side's Main Street. And, the script is filled with a Caucasian's misconception of what the writer blindly sees as a Puerto Rican Yellow Brick Road. The script needs lots, and lots, and lots of work. And, the actors and dancers are like a "Peter Pan" that just does not know how to fly. Also, the film's creators need to re-write a more-believable, if not more-authentic, workable kind of formula.

Do not even listen to, or watch, the dialog or music from the film. Or, at least take two aspirin, after you get a migraine headache. Do your homework, or go to Puerto Rico, to learn about what it really is to be a Puerto Rican. All you will get, from the film, is plenty of chaos, confusion, noise, and static.

The film is so awful that it deserves a zero, but the lowest rank is 1 out of 10. Due to 'extreme awfulness', the film is not recommended. Keep the adults--and the children--home.
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I felt no noise, but I felt my Time slip by
khaldoon_rizeq11 September 2008
This movie was a waste of time! I would rather sit with my grandma, while she teaches me sewing rather than watch it again!! Before I walked in, I thought this is a dancing movie, because this is how it was marketed. Now, the only good thing about this movie was the way it was marketed. It is true that they fool the people into thinking that it is a dance movie, but the preview of this movie was amazing. Honestly, I am willing to watch the preview over and over again for the 1 hour 20 minutes of the movie, rather than watching the movie again. The acting was horrible. Omarian keeps on proving to us that he is a lousy actor; he is a good dancer and singer, why can't he just stick with that?! The storyline was just too weak. It contained no suspense, it contained no twists, it contained no "spice"! The music in the movie was also horrible, it was literally noise! In the end, try to avoid this movie at any cost!!
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Young Freestyler In Latino Land
baciumc23 April 2008
The movie started very awful. I know Omarion is more a dancer than a rapper, but as they say... "gotta try'em all" To start good i give this movie a fair 5. Some of the viewers might contest my rating, but if you were part of a world like this you would understand. This is the worst movie for someone who eats movies for breakfast, and the best movie for a reggeton dancer. And since I'm caught right in the middle, i justify my grade. The music is very cool comparing to the movie, I've actually paused the movie in mid "action" to look for the OST online :) The one thing you can't say about music is that it S.U.X. because it doesn't. Just because some of us you don't line one king of music. This doesn't mean that if this movie was about heavy metal, you would have seen a rating of 1 and a post saying that the music is bad, not from me at least. My advice to all of you is watch the movie, and if you don't like it, grab a camera and do your own.
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This movie rocked!
Aoshi59518 October 2007
Okay, I dunno what the guy above had against this movie, but me and my girlfriend really liked it! It's a great date movie, the music is really different from anything out there, and it's just a lot of fun. And it never really advertised itself as a dancing movie, it's a MUSIC movie. Hence the title- "Feel the NOISE".

Anways, I enjoyed seeing such a positive and inspiring movie when so much else out there is so depressing. I thought it was a lot better than You Got Served, because it covered something outside of the usual "Street Kid Makes his way with Hip Hop Dance." Reggaeton is totally different. Plus if you don't listen or never have listened to Reggaeton it's a great way to hear some great music.

Side bonus: CC's really hot! If you want a fun movie to see with a date or a friend, I definitely think you should go see this film.
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Wow...rough crowd.
planktonrules10 February 2010
Wow. I am surprised at how tough the reviews are as well as how low the score is for "Feel the Noise" on IMDb. In fact, it's rated so low that it can be found on the website's Bottom 100 list! Owch!! However, after seeing it, I just felt that a lot of people are being really, really rough on this little film. Now perhaps my perspective is different from most--after all, I'm a 45 year-old White guy--hardly the typical viewer for this reggaeton/rap movie!! However, I saw some things about the film that I liked--though I'll also admit it had a few shortcomings.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons I enjoyed the film is that I've been to Puerto Rico a couple times--the last time being just a few months ago. A lot of the scenes in the film were very familiar because I saw the same places when I visited. It's funny, but the basketball court and cemetery near the two old forts in San Juan really are NOT that close to the neighborhood in which the family lives--but I can understand a bit of artistic license. I also liked hearing the music. While I am FAR from a reggaeton fan, I sure heard a lot of that music and it was nice to hear it again--it's hard to hate that infectious beat.

The story is about a young punk from New York that nearly gets himself killed for hanging with the wrong crowd. Overstaying his welcome, his mother sends him to his estranged father in Puerto Rico to live--at least until the heat dies down--otherwise, he might be a dead man. Once in his new home, he forms a quick relationship with his step-brother and they find a common bond through their love of music. Eventually, they create their own demo tape--a fusion of reggaeton and rap. The two guys and their lady friend eventually are discovered by a record producer and things look great. But a few problems develop along the way--the girl's ex-boyfriend is nuts and the producer is not quite as nice a guy as he seems. Will they make it or die trying? The film is not especially deep. The main characters could use a bit more depth and likability. However, the story is fast-moving and never boring and the music very nice. I particularly liked the ending at the Puerto Rican Day parade in New York. Light and enjoyable fluff.

By the way, I was unfortunate enough to have seen this on VH-1. There were tons of commercials and I think they cut the heck out of it, so perhaps the version I watched was a bit different and had a different flow than most others saw--though this wouldn't account for THAT big a difference in scores.

By the way, this is about the third or fourth film from the Bottom 100 I have seen that's about Black culture with Black actors that made the list but seemed MUCH better to me--too good for this infamous list. A couple other films I felt were unfairly maligned were "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" and "Phat Girlz". All three were decent entertainment. Sure, they had a few faults...but not anything THAT significant.
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deserves to be bottom 10
captlou4125 April 2008
It is riding high at number 11 worst film of all time. Deserves to be bottom 10! Reminded me of Eraserhead. You sat there watching this load of crap hoping it would turn into a goose, let alone a swan. But never did.

With gas prices at $3.50 I wish I had the money to blow on producing such nonsense. At least it arrived in the mail! Avoid at all costs! Garbage. I am already wasting my time trying to fill in ten lines to describe a waste of 1.5 hours of my life.

yes, CC is only value.

No music, no dance, just time ticking by.
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Not as bad as I thought, just mediocre
skyvolt20005 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's the common plot of guy gets in trouble and gets sent away (like Stomp the Yard) and gets interested in music (You Got Served). It does stray away from the two most common movies everyone thinks You Got Served and Stomp the Yard. We actually get to see two issues get resolved during movie and a plot hole that could have been dealt with if Malik Yoba wasn't in the film. You want to talk about doing a cameo for a check-at least Chris Brown was in Stomp the Yard for more than 2 minutes. Oh don't blink or you will miss J Lo and Marc Anthony's ultra quick cameo towards the end of the film. The acting was mailed in by some of the cast and one of the scenes between Rob and his father in one scene gave you no cause to feel for Rob being upset that his father was never around. It is also interesting that almost everyone in Puerto Rico spoke perfect English and there is a scene that takes a dig about that. For those expecting to see a long version of a music video. Sorry that movie doesn't do that in fact most of those dance scenes happen ultra early and you never see them again. The music was enjoyable and actually got me interested in learning more about Reggaeton. So I don't feel like my $2.50 was wasted on a film that won't be showing this time next week at my theater.
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Did the actors really need the money or were they held against their will ?
ja-191-28046516 September 2016
Imagine being bored out of your mind while sitting on a bus or train listening to random strangers talk about absolutely nothing. Or walking past a group of people having mindless chit chat. Now imagine you're not watching a movie and instead picture every character on screen as some annoying, clueless person you know in real life. And there you have it: For starters, the performances are so amateurish that one might think this was the first time any of them had ever been on the big screen. There is also no real acting going on here. It seems as if the actors are simply saying their lines without any real emotion. The story begins with Rob,(Omarion) a young aspiring rapper who lives in Harlem with his mother Tanya.(Kellita Smith). After getting into trouble with local thugs, his mother sends him to Puerto Rico to live with his estranged father Roberto, a musician played by Giancarlo Esposito. Rob meets his brother named Javi (Victor Rasuk)and the two quickly bond over their love of music. Javi introduces Rob to raggaeton, a mixture of hip hop, reggae and Spanish beats and they soon decide to create a demo. Rob meets the lovely CC (Zulay Henao)an aspiring dancer and the two quickly take a liking to each other. Pretty soon, Rob, javi and CC head to New York to pursue their dreams but they quickly realize that the price of fame can be costly.

One of the things that makes this film so bad is the horrible acting and dialogue. Unfortunately, these actors just don't have anything good to work with here. I often wondered whether Chomski was trying to capture the essence of urban street life. Although not a bad idea, this concept would've been great with stronger dialogue and better character development. The majority of the film is very similar to other films of its kind which makes the plot seem very bland and formulaic. I could not understand why veteran, seasoned actors such as Kellita Smith, Giancarlo Esposito and Malik Yoba would agree to star in an atrocity of a film. What a complete waste of good talent !!! Victor Rasuk ("Raising Victor Vargas", "Lords of Dogtown" has done better acting than this and unfortunately Zulay Henao ("Fighting") barely acts and comes across as just another pretty face with a great body.

Last but not least,, Chomski's terrible sense of direction doesn''t help either. Watching "The Mayor" (Yoba) frantically run from the cops as Rob helps him get away is dreadful to watch. Not to mention Rob going against ex crew/gang members after returning to New York. Horrendous !!! Chomski makes an attempt to wrap the film up neatly with ending it at the Puerto Rican Day parade. JLO whose also the producer of the film makes an appearance.
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It's painful to watch
AngelHonesty20 November 2022
It's like someone woke up one day, took a home camera, grabbed a few friends and said "hey, lets make a movie." it's hard to know where to start with what's "wrong" with the film, because everything is terrible. So instead lets talk about the only thing that was "right" with the movie.

The story. A young adult, in a bad situation getting himself into crime, but has a talent and really wants to do the right thing. He goes after his dreams and everything is all good. Ya, it's beyond cliche and predictable, but it's a story that never gets old and lets admit it, we want to see an average person who has nothing, become someone. Because that's relatable and that's how we want our story to turn out. The problem with the movie was how that story was delivered. Obviously there was next to no money put into the movie. So I think the writer said "how can we made a film with this tiny budged." And this is what you get. Very little quality. The only thing I enjoyed about the movie was the over drawn out long scenes of the dancing/clubbing. Over done, but entertaining.
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Not one of my favorite movies
damonikastephens25 June 2014
It's been years since I saw this movie. And I'll admit it's very forgettable. As an Omarion fan since I was 11 during his days of B2K, I didn't know what to expect of this movie. So during 2008, after a very busy first half of my junior year of high school, my mom rented this movie and my sister offered for me to watch it. I'll tell you how forgettable this movie is. I don't even remember what was the first scene. And I was in and out of it during the movie. I was so bored out of my mind. The only thing memorable about it was the music, for I LOVE music. But the scenes were too short for my liking, the plot was in pieces, the acting wasn't good but not great either. I will say that Omarion looked sexy in this movie but even he couldn't save it. 3 out of ten.
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Beats and chicks
oye411-131-64082414 February 2018
Rhythm and dancing is always good especially when its done right...
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I'm FEELIN the noise! YOU should too~
dissasterific15 October 2007
To be honest, YES we have seen this plot before with inner city struggles and the rise to fame. But THIS time; it has a different flavor, especially with the Reggaeton / Rapping element added. Omarion Grandberry plays a troubled teen (Rob) with super stardom aspirations who has to go live in Puerto Rico with his estranged Father (Roberto) and his new wife due to a run in with some gang members.

It's a movie about pain, redemption, finding yourself and ultimately going for your dreams against the mounting odds against you. It's a HUMAN story filled with real life situations that a lot of us in the inner city have gone through, ARE going through, or know someone with the same struggle. Most people won't be able to swallow this movie if they think it's a super sappy romance or an edgy rap battle movie with NOTHING but dancing / breaking. (This is NOT You Got Served! XD)

Omarion is convincing as a rapper, and in the side-plots you can feel his grief and anger towards his Father and his overall frustration at being thrust from his hometown into a new environment that seems foreign to him. (Not to mention Zulay as Cici doesn't hurt as the gorgeous and talented eye candy who is seeking to fulfill her dancing dream.) As time goes on he is enveloped in the culture and we see the bond between him and his step-brother and a love-interest grows.

The kissing scene / love scene was rather awkward to me and I didn't feel the chemistry but other then that; the dancing was bomb, the grainy lens and visual effects were minimal yet appropriate and pretty soon you'll find the storyline just sucking you in from scene to scene. (Not to mention THE BEAUTIFUL scenic landscapes that are Puerto Rico!)

But I definitely recommend this movie! (Really. Ignore the bad reviews. Most of them are tactless and rushed.) 'FTN' possesses a plot that HAS been seen before but with the rich acting and lovely cast-choices in this movie MORE than make up for that. Besides, it's Omarion's debut role by himself on the big screen. You can't miss that!
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nice movie...
dalstorey19 January 2008
not sure why there's so many disparaging comments on this movie -

it's just a lighthearted "musical" movie -

i've seen plenty more movies that try harder...

it's nicely shot , features some great beats and performances , has some good dancing , and lots of good looking people -

what more do you want in light entertainment ? the script didn't blow me away but then again I didn't expect it too...

it's just a nice easy to watch movie.

there's a good contrast shown between NYC and Puerto Rico

omarion comes across as fairly self assured without being annoyingly cocky ala will smith...
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It's a WRAP!!!!
Einsteezy11 October 2007
I think it's all right... because this movie it's what maybe happened to some Reggaeton rappers, and I know for sure some of them are very related to this movie... and it also shows how we live our lives in our countries. It's kind of like the movie "U Got Served", but I think it's better, just because it has that "Latin Flava" in it. I recommend it to everybody, not because I'm Latin, but because it's worth watching it. Honestly, I didn't like some parts, but that always happens. This movie it's gonna be a hit in the Latin movie market, it also has big reggaeton stars like: Alexis & Fido, Arcangel, Voltio of course and... I don't remember them all, but if you like Reggaeton, this movie IS OFF THE CHAIN!!!!
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No real surprises here
Wizard-81 January 2017
I feel I should first of all say that I am definitely not in the target audience for this movie - I am a Caucasian who is middle- aged. However, all the same I have a strong feeling that the target audience for this movie won't find much that's engaging here. The main problem with this movie? The script. The script rehashes so many elements from past youth-oriented movies that you'll be several steps ahead of the story and characters at every point. But that's not the only problem with the movie. While the movie attempts to introduce a new style of music, the problem is that the music we get to hear is only adequate at best. It's not catchy or exceptional at all.

The movie is not without merit. Director Alejandro Chomski does manage to build a surprising amount of atmosphere in both the Puerto Rican and New York City locations. And the cast does give decent and likable performances, though they can only go so far with that aforementioned script. All the same, most viewers will probably be feeling for their remote in order to change the channel not long into watching this.
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