Pulse 2: Afterlife (2008) Poster

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DigitalRevenantX711 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
PLOT OUTLINE: The world has been invaded by ghosts who enter this realm through computers & cell phones. Michelle Kramer, a single mother who lost custody of her daughter Justine to her unfaithful husband, goes out on the streets looking for her, only to find that the child is actually with her father. Michelle, who is unaware that she is actually dead, tries to get her daughter back while her ex-husband does his best to save the child from her.

PULSE was one of a spate of horror films made in Japan during the boom of the late-90s / early 00s. This particular film was the work of Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a filmmaker who was not unlike David Lynch, with his work being almost universally hard to follow due to having murky impenetrable plots. That said, Pulse was the greatest success that Kurosawa ever had, probably due to the strong atmosphere that he had invested in the film. The execs at Hollywood made the decision to conduct a remake. This remake was strictly a mediocre affair, the only good thing it did was having explained all the plot dead-ends that the original failed to do.

While it was a rather dull remake, the film only just made its money back, prompting the execs at Dimension Studios to greenlight not one but TWO sequels, of which Pulse 2: Afterlife and Invasion was the first. The man responsible for making the film was Joel Soisson, a director who is known in the industry as a 'hatchet man'; his career consisting of stepping in to finish other people's films & making cheap sequels to genre films.

With Pulse 2, Soisson figured that the few fans the remake had would be already familiar with the concept, so he decided not to invest any energy in re-establishing the concept, instead hitting the ground running.

The first thing you'd notice about this film is the fact that the film suffers from a very poorly written script. You'd think that having spent close to twenty years in the B-movie gutter would make Soisson a good filmmaker. He does have good experience. But the fact is, Soisson is quite a bad director & even worse writer. The script he delivers for Pulse 2 is written according to cliché & has some absurd characterisations. The female characters here are so badly drawn that the viewer is left groaning. Georgina Rylance, who plays the mother, delivers her shrill characterisation with a completely flat performance that becomes the source of unintentional laughter. The 'surprise' revelation that she is actually a ghost is telegraphed miles in advance & only serves to make the viewer groan in disbelief. As for the rest of the cast, only the male actors manage to give good performances, most notably Jamie Bamber, who plays the father. Bamber is the only actor who gives us reason to feel sympathy for him.

Acting & script aside, what really sinks the film is the rampant overuse of digital effects. Most of the background shots & sets consist of still images digitally inserted into the film, the actors doing their thing in front of a green screen. This unimaginative use of CGI is pointless to say the least & reeks of lazy filmmaking. The sets are not the only victims of digitalis imageris insertis – the ghosts themselves look like they were taken from a video game!

Another flaw with Soisson's approach is the way he mounts the shocks. The set-pieces – Rylance's uncle covering himself with dead cat entrails; a fat man stripped down to his underwear jumping off a bridge; a gas station attendant pouring petrol all over himself; a man having sex with a partially-disintegrated Boti Bliss – are not only lousy, they veer into bad taste.
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straight to DVD sequels
kairingler15 October 2009
i was thoroughly disgusted, and disappointed with this one,, how could they say that this picked up where the first one left off. i seen like one cell phone. 2 computers,, and a cell tower,, wow o boy no TV sets no radios. this one made absolutely no sense whatsoever. they can't pick up on red what's up with that,, at least explain why the dead can't transmit through the color red. one thing i did like was the character Marna very appealing to the eye,, but other than that, i mean OK the storyline with the little girl mother and dad divorce stuff, it was okay at best . i don't know if it's just this film,, but there seems to be an awful trend going on over the past few years,, this straight to DVD sequel stuff, enough already,, and they made pulse 3 shortly thereafter,, doesn't that give you a clue if they put out 2 movies in such a short timespan,, stay away from pulse 2 it's just wretched.
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Pointless horror sequel with some of the worst CGI backdrops ever
Leofwine_draca31 October 2015
PULSE 2: AFTERLIFE is a sequel to the remake of a Japanese ghost film. The Japanese film was great, a fine little slow burner, which is why I'm subjecting myself to these American versions of the tale. I wonder why I bother when the film is of the quality of PULSE 2, which is as awful an attempt at a horror movie as you're likely to get.

The story is about characters who find themselves pursued by the dead who can now appear thanks to wireless communication devices. What this boils down to is a never-ending storyline of a father and his daughter who find themselves pursued by the spirit of the girl's dead mother. The CGI ghost effects are awful, like something out of THE RING remake where the ghost girl comes out of the TV, but even worse are the endless CGI background to almost every scene.

Why shoot the whole film on a green screen, 300-style? It makes everything look fake and unrealistic, and to compound this the acting is poor and the characters one-dimensional. Scares? Try elsewhere, you won't find any here.
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If you like the first one, stay away. If you didn't stay away.
Southboundnorthstar4 October 2008
I am a huge fan of horror films and I loved the first one, but this was perhaps the most disappointing and distracting film I have ever seen. At no point was this film cogent, constantly hopping from theme to theme and direction to direction. None of the characters ever acted like people facing the end of the world instead staggering through what I can only describe as a directionless ambling incoherent miasma. I wish I could say anything was redeemable but I can't, at no level did it even manage to entertain.

If you liked the first film this one will do nothing but upset you as they fail to match the emotional tone or thematic value of the first film. They also consistently violate the rules set forth by the first film as well as their own rules they make up in this one making me wonder if there was anyone at any time paying attention to the consistency of the film.

As a fan of good horror I have to rate this as unseeable.
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Absolute Junk!!!
wyattej200024 October 2008
Do not see this movie. There, I warned you. It is an absolute pile of garbage. I'm not even talking about the plot, story, screen writing or the acting, I am talking about the way the film was shot. The entire thing is shot in a sound studio next to a blue screen. The first minute of this film look creepy and promising. What follows is an absolute disaster. The actors are not even interacting with one another. It is glaringly obvious that one actor was shot doing his or her part in front of a blue screen, then another, then another, then it was all layered together. None of the actors are even looking at one another because they are not there. This movie sucked, and it looked like hell. What a waste of time and money.
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If you thought PULSE was bad...
Pigs_rock_1230 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought PULSE was bad, OOOH just you wait! They made a sequel!

If you did happen to see these both, you may at least recognize some of the actors in the first one, however this movie only was supplied with some of the worst. If acting was a draw- back, then understanding what they where talking about was another story. It also used the pleasantly Awful blue screen, where the backdrop... well looked as fake as it was.... While it was vivid and layered with parts atop of another, the actors looked washed-out and out of proportion. Even though I didn't LIKE the first movie, this one just sets another bar! To add, the plot is TERRIBLE, and questionable.

And what's up with the father calling his daughter 'squirt'? It was obnoxious and corny, and given the circumstances I wouldn't appreciate it...

And the naked girl.... obviously just wanted that thrown in there to widen their target market, and make us laugh even harder they added a fat man jumping off a bridge.

Seriously, don't waste your money or your time on this movie like I unfortunately did.
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TdSmth517 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In the intro we meet some guy all dressed in red including using red dye in his eyes. He walks around town and runs into digital souls.

Then we meet a woman surrounded by ash. She realizes her daughter is missing. She starts looking for her everywhere, but everyone acts weird, even a little girl who's supposed to be her daughter.

Then we meet the husband/dad. He too is looking for the girl. When he finds her, he takes her to the woods were folks are trying to keep the disease away. The disease is something that turns your veins black and kills you and has affected the entire country. His mistress also ends up at the cabin. When he starts reading emails from the wife, the mistress catches the disease and infects some other guy.

Meanwhile dad and daughters are on the run and meet red guy who forces him to take some piece of electronics that according to red guy will save the world.

Mom shows up again to take the daughter but dad saves the girl. Eventually a bus shows up that take people to a refuge camp.

I didn't see Pulse 1, but more or less knew what it was about based on the trailer. The premise is a good one. Dead people live in this digital limbo, they are alone and hang around the world eating people's souls. What they get from it though isn't explained. Pulse 2 could have done a lot with that idea. But instead because of a small budget I presume, focuses on this one completely uninteresting family. There is no reason for the audience to care about any of them. At first it deceives us by focusing on the mom, who turns out to be one of these digital zombies interacting with a bunch of mental zombies. Unfortunately when our main characters are the living, things are still lame. The pace and tone of this movie are super dull. I fell asleep near the end. Even terror scenes are filmed in such a boring way. But that's the problem when you have a short script and have to make a 1:30 long movie out of it. Another problem with having no budget is that they chose to film the entire movie in front of a green screen. An interesting choice during the scenes where the digital zombie is the center of the action. But for the rest of the movie not so much. A shame that this movie isn't better. The basic idea really lends itself for some good movies.
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What Did I Just Watch?
Matttttttttttt3 October 2008
Wow, there are so many bad things to say about this one that I don't know where to begin. Let's start with the obvious: the excessive use of green screen. I'm not lying to you when I tell you that about 90% of the scenes take place in front of a green screen. The use of it in Pulse 2 is just absolutely unnecessary. Do we really need a green screen background when a woman is walking down the street or someone else is walking down the steps? Even just sitting down in a cabin...you guessed it, green screen. It completely detracts from the film because it uses up all of your focus and it's done horribly. When you're watching a film and the background looks like an old video game and DOESN'T MOVE, it's a little ridiculous. The budget on this film must have been a couple thousand dollars since they definitely didn't use any money on the sets or effects.

Now, on to the story...also pretty bad. Not only does this film come as a sequel to a horrible remake (Who asked for Pulse 2 by the way?), but it doesn't really fit in with that film too much. In a nutshell, we're given a story of a woman searching for her child who is now with her husband and these computer creatures are chasing them and yadda, yadda, yadda. You begin to realize quite quickly that the story makes little sense and most of the acting is rather awful.

There are very few redeeming qualities in Pulse 2. Even when you find something about the film that you might enjoy, it's completely ruined by the constant green-screening of EVERYTHING. Let me say that I'm being generous even with a 3/10. Don't even give this one a rental unless you're desperate to see just how bad it is. And Pulse 3 is on the way soon...God help us all.
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Potential going down the wrong road
Vomitron_G4 October 2011
So the apocalypse has been brought forth by ghosts who want to suck the lifeforce out of the living (as the first film sets things up). That's a pretty neat concept for any horror movie. Except, in "Pulse 2" not too much is done with it. Instead the story focuses on a divorced man trying to protect his daughter from his ghostly ex-wife, trying to get her hands on her. It's applaudable that the scripts takes different routes, presenting us new protagonists (instead of trying nothing new by whooping up another bunch of teenagers), but it hardly makes up for an exciting movie. The plot is oddly structured too, as the first act exists solely to lead the viewer up the wrong garden (after about half an hour, it gets clear who the real protagonists are). There are a few entertaining moments - like the scene with the naked woman half melted into a black goo on the floor - but they remain nothing more than just moments. The story is pretty thin and the ghostly images are severely underwhelming. Nothing ever gets scary in this film. And what on earth was up with all those obvious green screen effects? A lot of backdrops were used for both exteriors and interiors (the sequences in the cabin were just a bit too much of all this). On the one hand it created a weird look & feel for the film, but on the other hand it's just too distracting for the viewer (I spent most of the running time figuring out how they composed all those shots, instead of getting involved with the story, acting, etc). So, "Pulse 2" turned out a strange viewing experience: interesting from a technical point of view and a bit offbeat in some ways, but way too average and unconvincing as a scary movie. Still, it's good the producers didn't go flat-out for what could be expected in a nowadays sequel. "Pulse 2" turned out something 'different', and while not all of it works like it should, it's not as bad as most people claim it is.
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Worse Sequel Ever. Movie Doesn't Have A Pulse.
Blackace12 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping that the sequel would continue where the first movie left off so we could get to a final ending. As we know the first movie ended with Mattie & Dexter driving down the road to try and find survivors. Well this sequel, isn't even a real sequel. It's basically the same story, but with a different cast. The soulless ghost have taken over the city. We find a women searching for her child who she believe may have been taken by a soulless ghost. She finds the little girl with her father, but there's a twist. The women is actually a soulless ghost and she's out for revenge against her husband. The story is really a mess and it looks like the production people couldn't afford to film is many locations. At least half the film is green screened images of towns, fields and cities. It's gotta be the worse green screening you've every seen. Everything looks washed out and fake. It's like you just woke up and have sleep in your eyes and the world around you is unclear.

The whole movie is a slow bore. Both me and my wife fell asleep several times while trying to watch it. The ending had a nice little twist, but it was a little to late, as most people would have probably removed the DVD from the player before that part. The acting is terrible. Everyone walks around like zombies and speak like they just walked into the movie and don't know what's going on. Jamie Bamber who is excellent in Battlestar Galactica, is horrible in this movie. It's like he forgot how to act or just got very poor directions from the director. The other actors and actresses are worse then he is.

Stay far away from this garbage. Like a fool I actually bought this crap and will try my best to get rid of it on Ebay with a large collection of other crappy movies I own. If you must see this movie, wait for it to come on cable, if ever it does. Don't waste your money renting it. You've been warned. I give this film a 2 out of 10, and that's actually generous. I can't believe they made a Pulse 3 after this movie. More garbage.
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Intreresting twist on a typical sequel
bigdawgsheet17 October 2008
Even though I liked the film, I can see why Pulse 2 got slammed by a lot of horror reviewers. OK, it's more of a drama than a horror film. And the ghosts aren't all that scary. But there's more going on here than just your average ghoul chase. You have real people with real flaws and yearnings that go beyond life and death. There's a reason why you feel an odd disconnect with this film -- largely due to the unorthodox use of green screen -- but the technique succeeds for that very reason. You feel out of place, just like the dead and dying. Admittedly, the green screen style works less well when dealing with "normal" situations and settings like the cabin retreat. Then it comes off as mildly irritating. And another complaint is that the guy in the red suit is a character that doesn't pay off, at least not, I guess, until the next sequel. But all in all, I found this film most rewarding in ways horror films are not meant to be. Which means you can like it or hate it for the very same reasons. I'll stick it in the plus column. Watch it without expectations.
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How can movies like this even be thought of being made?
vampyrecowboy22 February 2009
OK...everybody who writes scripts can have bad days...bad ideas, lack of creativity, a blockage of something to make the story good or better.

This is a travesty.

Who thinks of a movie like this, then actually films it and then believes that a 3rd of the series should be made? This is not Back To The Future and in no ways should there have been a second or a third portion of this movie made.

While the music and camera work was alright, the story was a ruin.

It's stupid, it's pointless, it's boring. I need not write much more.

The third portion of this movie is even worse...how can that be? How can a film with a 25 million dollar budget as this is to have had - be this bad? I love movies - I can watch them almost 24 hours a day...but then there comes a time when after watching 3 or 4 movies in a row that are just horrible as a finished product, they become quite sickening to watch.

Not because they are scary, but because they are just crap - like this is and like the one following it is.

There's art, there's entertainment and there's just garbage - and this entire series falls into the garbage pile.

What could have been a really cool concept is stretched out into a 3 part series of nothing.

This is the review and it's more entertaining than the movie.

Yes, this is a retarded movie - and to watch it makes you one.
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Pulse 2
zsannak22 September 2008
I have never seen a movie like this one. I really do like horrors of any kind, but after seeing this movie I thought that I wasted one and a half hour from my life. First of all, I would like to mention that I enjoyed the first Pulse movie, and that's the only reason why I watched the second too. In contrast with the first one - which got a good story, some mysterious scenes and great effects -, the second is about some phantom women, who died, but they came back to life for some personal revenge. I always watch the IMDb's votes for a movie, and I think that barely all the votes were objective and understandable. Than how could this movie got 3.9 votes? In my opinion even the 1 point is too much for this production. Sorry, to say this, but don't watch it!
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There is nothing there to watch
Mak_Khalil4 October 2008
Well , Its just a waste of time , There is nothing there to watch , in addition to that , the cast make it worse ! Jamie Bamber acting like hes just learned how to act yesterday.

Everything makes no sense in the movie , Its a ghost revenge but even the ghosts there are really stupid , don't expect horror, its comedy !!!

The plot is sick , the acting is sick , even the shooting is stupid.

For long time I didn't see that assembled shots, a man standing in a farm with visual effects that makes you believe he is still in the studio!
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Reddy or not
p-stepien17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not long after the going ons in "Pulse" the city is in chaos. Leftover survivor try to find safety. Among them Stephen (Jamie Bamber) and his 10-year-old daughter Justine (Karley Scott Collins). Unfortunately for them the child's mother Michelle (Georgina Rylance) has succumbed to the contagion and is now intent on regaining her child from beyond the grave...

Really don't feel like writing too much about this waste of time. Even though the original was hardly a commendable film this straight-to-DVD movie was somehow filmed (almost entirely on a very poorly done blue screen). The plot is tedious and the direction really wallows too much into random scenes and situations. The special effects are several notches below those in the original and the acting is mostly laughably pathetic. The only saving grace is the fact, that the two main characters - Stephen and Justine - actually do a decent job, even though the script and director throws multiple hurdles in the form of stupid and pretentious dialogue. On a plus side there are a couple of really interesting horror ideas wasted in this movie (fatso sex scene, Michelle self-mutilation or the whole idea behind Michelle not being aware she is dead) and for fans of gore there is one very disgusting cat scene. Unfortunately even those plus sides are pulled down in the undertow of bad scripting, directing and an overdose of blue screen.
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Pulse 2: Afterlife Review. My o my where do i start...........
Klovemovies31 May 2009
Well here is the sequel to the remake of the korean movie Kairo. As if the first one was bad enough dimension went on to make two more pulse films DTV. Lets first look at the positives the story sounds good and promising it takes off where the first one left off (except with nobody from the first one) the dead have found a way back to our world- through cell phones and WiFi- and the human survivors have take to remote ares to escape, when a young girl ends up missing, both her mom and dad cross the infected city in search of her. It also has a great start with the red man (this guy wearing all red to keep the ghosts from getting him)walking out of his apartment through an ally to the street you see some of the few ghosts and near dead people that this movie has to offer, then its gets slowwwwwwwwwwwwww........ yeah very slow and one of the most irritating things about this movie other than the acting, and lack of common sense the characters have the CGI o my goodness were they really serious like this looks just fine? I continue to ask myself in disbelief cause of how much this makes my head hurt is how did they even this this would be OK i'd say about 80+% percent of the screen time is green screened, i mean even the backyard scene was cgi the trees all of the area and walking through the house all fake and its so obvious. There is nudity if it matters to you I mean the chick is OK she has a nice body but its got the black stuff anyways so it gets gross very quickly. Thats about it cause this movie is just plain boring it has a lot going for it but falls flat on its face terrible terrible movie i don't recommend it even if you liked the first one this movie is terrible. And as far as the third one goes i have not seen it yet i probably will just because i am the type of guy to finish what he starts. And i bet there will be a 4th and 5th this series isn't over yet
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why was this made?
Horrorfan19956 April 2011
I"m a big fan of the horror genre, and watching this movie from beginning to end was one of the stupidest things that i've ever done.

The first PULSE movie in 2006 wasn't perfect, but it was a good movie. This is just another bad sequel that shouldn't be made. The acting is wooden, the characters were complete and utter idiots, the story is extremely weak, and the effects are slapped on in the laziest way possible.

My biggest complaint (and you will agree with me) is that 90% of the film is green screened. That make the movie even lazier.

Please do me a favor and don't watch this movie.

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An absolutely horrible sequel!
glaurungstarcraft31 July 2011
The movie starts out leaving the audience confused and wondering what is happening. The video looks out of place and doesn't pull you into the movie like the first one did. Georgina Rylance's acting in this film was purely unimaginative and lacking enthusiasm. The visual and special effects are greatly disappointing. The scenery is almost as bad as the script writing and talent recruiting for this film. This film is worthy of only a 1/2 star in my opinion. The movie had scenes that seemed to just drag out to make the movie seem longer than it actually is. I wish I could go get my money back and have this erased from my memory. If you thought the first movie was good then stay away from this film!
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Great Scary concept- Ruined by BAD movie
Rabh178 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I rated "Pulse I", I had two bad impressions:

1-- Characters I did not care about.

2-- Failure to breathe the expectation of terror into the premise of the Dead coming back through our communications Technology.

Pulse II made a good try. The Characters, this time around, were people the audience was supposed to connect with-- unlike the first movie which focused on a couple of vapid cardboard college students.

This time, it's a family that is caught up in the on-going emergency created by the undead communications plague. A little girl, her mother and father have been separated-- both by the plague and by marital strife.

Problem: the movie begins moving with these long camera shots of a woman crying and whinging through the remains of her shattered life and wondering where her little girl is. Now-- for a guy looking at a horror movie-- we're waiting for the whinging to be ended by something bloody and scarifying. Instead, she goes on and on and on until it becomes just annoying to watch and hear. What's her problem? Is she a Moron? Hello, Lady-- we know about the female penchant to be dazed and Confused and Whiney at the End of the World-- but JEEZ!! THEN we get the picture! OHH. SHE'S DEAD!

That's alright then-- but the movie should have clued us in that TWENTY MINUTES AGO!!!!!

Okay-- mystery cleared up. But the movie fails to pick up the pace. Enter the Father and the equally clueless brat-- Excuse me-- adorable daughter.

In fact, Daddy is clueless as his dead wife. I mean, in the middle of a catastrophe caused by the Dead invading the world through Cellphone and the Internet-- you figure a GUY would know that poking at an email program with your crazy dead wife on the other side is like--SUICIDE?!?!?

Well DOH! Even the tramp girlfriend knew better!!

The failing here, again, was the the inability to create a sense of terror in the notion that the dead are lurking behind every electronic On/Off switch. The sight of a blinking light on a Laptop should instill dread and expectation. Instead-- it's turned on because Idiot Dad humps tramp girlfriend and bumps the table. And Now, it's connecting to the WIFI signal.

The viewer just rolls his eyes. Ooooooh Scary! Pop a finger out your mouth, whirl it in the air and make the appropriate expletive we all know. Besides, even when we're in the City, we WISH we could get a WIFI signal that fast!! SO we KNOW it's unreal fantasy!!

A Half score. A near failure only because the first one was a pure failure. Jamie Bamber was wasted here-- unless the director thought that this movie would click with the Chick-Horror-Flick crowd. Again, in the end, we just don't care.

Pulse III was on the shelf at Blockbuster when I picked this one up-- it will stay there. I won't even bother if I see it for download. Such a waste of a great scary idea!! WASTED!
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nitro7219 January 2022
Incoherent narrative slapped together employing Breen-like filmmaking "prowess" with even less self-awareness. Superimposes actors in front of still images for no discernible reason. A broken compass has better direction. #nitrosMovieChallenge.
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Complete Rubbish
flow_down11 July 2009
After watching the first one, I was hopeful of a good sequel. I found Pulse to be brilliantly done, and didn't find out there was a sequel until recently. So, I sat down for a good scare, pizza slice in hand, only to be disappointed. In fact, as the movie went on, I found myself getting angry. Angry that someone had the gull to make this movie. Angry that they would associate this piece of junk with the first Pulse.

This is one of the worst movies I have ever watched. Don't let the first two minutes deceive you. That is by far as good as it gets.

The acting and script is PAINFULLY bad, the effects were cheap and obvious, the music was made from somebody's "pawn shop special" keyboard, and the story line is totally boring and predictable.

This is somebody's money making scam, banking off the first movie to sucker people into watching this rubbish.

Don't waste your time, especially if you enjoyed the first one.
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Still OK enough if you do understand the background of the whole story.
Boba_Fett113828 July 2010
Seems to me that the reason for people to hate this movie is because they don't understood what is going in it. And I can't say I blame them. If you don't know any of the background, that the story was originally supposed to be about, this is one confusing and just plain bad movie to watch, since this movie and its predecessor does such a bad and lazy job at explaining stuff. However if you have seen the first original Japanese movie "Kairo" you'll understand things a lot more and better and you will even be able to appreciate this movie better.

But having said that, this still isn't a very good movie. Thing with this movie is that it has a very thin storyline that it follows. At first you think that this is all an introduction to a greater, bigger plot-line but after half an hour in you start to realize that this is actually it. There isn't really a point to the story in terms of trying to resolve a great conflict or attempt to find answers and a way out of things. Stuff just happens in this movie and its weak main plot line is not strong enough to really hold everything together, or to make this a very effective movie to watch. The movie its characters simply also aren't good or likable enough for that. The characters that potentially did seem interesting and strong hardly get developed in this movie and are being pushed to the background, so they instead make a redundant impression.

It's not a typical horror movie, which might also be the reason why the movies series never praised or recognized. It's hard to say what is the right kind of audience for these movies. Horror fans surely won't like it enough and those who aren't really into horror will probably never have any intentions of seeing these movies because of its main, still horror-like, concept.

I don't really understand why the first "Pulse" movie ever spawned a sequel. It's not like it was a financial or critical acclaimed success. Maybe it was still due to it's promising and different main concept. It was definitely a series with potential, especially when you see how well the original Japanese movie worked out but non of the Hollywoodized remakes ever managed to capture the right mood and to keep the right ideas in the movie. Instead they made some bad choices and additions to the story, in an attempt to still gain the interest of the horror buffs.

Can't say I really hated this movie but it certainly isn't a very strong one.


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This is not a decent movie even in the afterlife
Fernando-Rodrigues19 April 2021
I thought that the CGI FX was a problem only on the first movies, but here IT'S DEFINITELY A PROBLEM! Not only that but the actings, ambiance, plot.. everything. More unnecessary than this movie, only the sequel of it.
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Could've been something great...
greenberg-paulf2 June 2022
The concept behind the Pulse movies could've been made into something amazing, or even legendary, with the right touch. Sadly, they all fall short of the starting line. I'm happy they never made any sequels to the Japanese version from 2001. Not every movie warrants a sequel, let alone a trilogy (or, if you're like Paul W. S. Anderson and batsh** crazy about making Resident Evil movies).

The story.is a bizarre mish-mash of randomized events. Whoever taught them how to give exposition effectively should be shot repeatedly with a paintball gun until sufficiently bruised all over. So much of the movie is displayed just for the sake of existing in that particular world, not because it's actually organic to the underlying plot (of which, could be generously touted as abysmal).

If that's not bad enough, let's switch to the visual effects in a nutshell: High School-failing AV project for an extracurricular activity. The ridiculous green screen effects shown all throughout the movie completely pull you out of the immersion (if you were even a little immersed in the movie at ALL, anyway...).

I would like to be refunded the time used to watch this movie. I got more of a mental workout writing up this review.
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