Jessie's Super Normal Regular Average Day (2019) Poster

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Light on plot, heavy on charm
voliveri19 February 2023
I get the impression from some of the reviews that you have to be stoned to enjoy this movie. I was completely sober when I watched it and I would say it's an okay flick. The story is not "epic." Epic would be the last word I would use to describe its story, since, when we think of epics, we think of heroic tales of triumph over incredible adversity, with lots of danger and action. None of those words describes this movie or its story.

I would not call this movie a comedy. It's mainly theater of the absurd. I got the sense it was reaching for Rosencranz and Guilenstern are Dead or Waiting for Godot. But because we live in a culture saturated with the idea that our universe is meaningless and God is dead, the existential philosophizing and Freudian dream logic don't feel revolutionary. I suppose if you're young enough, or high enough, this will all seem exciting and new. Others might find this to be r/showerthoughts, the movie.

It's a fun movie but it can get old watching the plot move from random thing to random thing, everything just sort of happening to the protagonist. Ellie Church has to carry the movie--if you find her utterly charming, as I do, then you'll hang with it. Two supporting performances are also noteworthy: I love Jett Bryant's performances. He's delightful. Cory Poucher was also terrific as Dr. Rev. Grinder.

So, final verdict. This is a very well-made movie. The cast is clearly having a great time. If you can tolerate the philosophizing and near absence of a plot, you might have some fun with it. I enjoyed it, but I don't know that I have any desire to watch it a second time to see if there's any sense to be made out of it.

1-3 Not worth your time 4-6 Good 7-9 Great 10 Outstanding.
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Stoner comedy without the comedy
dannorder13 September 2024
I probably should have guessed this would be awful considering that its director and lead actress were so heavily involved in the earlier film Harvest Lake, which at least started fairly well before becoming totally ridiculous. Jessie's Super Normal Regular Average Day is ludicrous straight out of the gate. Jessie waits on an alarm clock to wake her up so she can crawl out and do drugs. Then she goes out and does drugs. And you watch her watch TV. A televangelist is funny because, well, she's on drugs. Then we hear that reality might be different than what she thought, and reality is apparently the kind of world that visually fascinates someone who is on drugs. A snail moves. A topless nun holding a pink chainsaw (and duplicated twice over thanks to green screen special effects) talks to herself. A cocaine-filled banana explodes on Jessie's chin. Quite intentionally nothing really happens. They comment on nothing happening. They say that even that's probably not real. They say things that only people out of their skulls would consider deep. You know those films that are nothing but fish or birds and moving red dots but no plot, just to attract your cat's attention? That's this movie, except it's for assisting with a drug experience.
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Fun and Trippy!
krowface24 January 2020
Drugged fueled and whimsical, this twisted little film is a light hearted story about killing God. I'd try to explain it better, but you'd have to be as high as I was while watching it. Good news though, the collector's edition comes with rolling papers, so that'll help. This film is nearly perfect, and it takes some weird and delightful turns as it goes.

Go for the feature, stay for the amazing behind-the-scenes featurettes.

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Unique little gem
Floated23 December 2022
With relatively little amount of total votes, and not many reviews. This is a film which is quite creative and has a very imaginative and distinct feel. Starring Ellie Church in a role where she has performed very similar to her previous roles, she is the clear standout and we wonder as to why she isn't a bigger star. She has the talent, the look and the overall charisma.

As a film, this film doesn't take itself too serious and is an overall joy to watch. A lot of supporting characters which may be acting over the top, as they seem to come. There is some over the top skin including three nuns (player by one actress- they appear from time to time).

Overall this film is better than expected, and we should see a surge in overall viewers.
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This movie probably doesn't even exist
demonian955 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Anyway have any of you heard of douglas adams? You probably said sorry, who, so don't worry about it, anyway this movie exists but it probably doesn't and me and some friends watched it assuming my friends are real and I don't think they didn't hate it as much as I did but i think i liked it more than they hated it because it was very ya know, movie, I highly recommend.
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great fun
kerosene197-690-17686720 November 2019
What a blast i had watching this movie. it is a little crazy but fun to watch. ellie church does a great job as the lead, everything that woman does is amazing. great cast and soundtrack. there is even a nod to troma that i caught right away. if you want to just have fun i recommend this film, you wont be disappointed.
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How to kill god!!!
pch-2030718 July 2020
So much color and so much imagination in this cinematic treasure chest. I love pot.
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