The Badge, the Bible, and Bigfoot (2019) Poster

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Utterly Awful
cdffdfjuz18 October 2021
Is this a joke? I've seen more professional grade 5 video projects. Was it shot on an iphone? I'm guessing the 'actors' had never had any previous experience. Just trying to make up my required 150 mandatory characters now, but this film was utterly awful. Utterly utterly utterly (have I made the count yet?) utterly utterly awful.
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Holy jesus is this bad!
Hitting84119 October 2021
Doesn't even deserve 1 star. This thing makes Gravitas movies look like Oscar nominees. You'll know right from the Christian rock theme opening that you're in for a flaming hot dumpster fire.
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Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel.
melodymoore-0905920 October 2021
I love bigfoot movies, but you would be scraping the bottom of the barrel to want to sit through this film.

The opening music and score is absolutely woeful, The actors lacked any form of expression and quite frankly don't know how to even act. It honestly sounds like they were reading their lines straight from a script.

It appears that the film's producers have no idea what a and how to use one because there was very little to no thought given to scene composition.

Most scenes look like they were shot with a camcorder or mobile phone sitting on a table, There are scenes where the camera operator often cuts the actor's heads off or they are very poorly framed for the scene.

I turned the movie off after 5 minutes because it was so disappointing to watch. I rated this film with one star, but that was one too many in my opinion. This film is definitely a huge flop.
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Shamefully bad
helicreature25 March 2022
This is basically one family's self-made vehicle to proselytize, self aggrandise and self promote. Don't be fooled by the mention of Bigfoot in the title. It's purely a ruse to attract attention. It actually consists of a huge amount of Bible thumping and a few rednecks and a guy in a bad monkey suit running around in front of a static camera. The hero is the husband of the writer who is also in it and trust me, neither of them could act their way out of a paper bag. Endless mentions of how pretty she is (she wrote it!) and his (long over) military service. Just embarrassingly dreadful. I urge you not to waste any time on it.
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Worst movie ever made
cujorocky14 November 2021
Well I finally found it.... The worst movie ever made with the worst actress in history. What a disgrace. Horrid camera work. This has, 6 members if the same real family in it. Husband, wife, young daughters, brother and all of them are horrendous actors. I bet none have ever acted before. I've never seen such awful camera work. The worst. No framing, idiotic angles, non focused, etc. It is so bad I don't feel like going on. I promise you this is utter garbage, a families ego piece to themselves.
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Is this movie a spoof of itself?
travisbrewer-4949715 September 2022
This movie is so bad it is like it's making fun of itself. Every line is delivered so poorly it's like the actors (if you can call them that) were instructed to read it off a card with no emotion or reaction at all. Filled with weird pauses in the dialog' accents so bad they seem like they are making fun of the mentally deficient and stiff performances this is PAINFUL to watch. Almost the whole cast is related (same last name)...was it so bad everyone else refused to be a part of it? Probably, God knows they should have. Speaking of God, there is weirdly interjected Christian music (if you can call it that) that is interjected throughout and totally doesn't belong. I would say it ruins the movie but the cast, dialog, and ridiculous plot had already thoroughly done that. Please burn this piece of garbage. 0/10. How did this get 3.8/10? So bad....
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Good comedy, awful thriller
sjwestbrooks15 January 2022
I would normally give a low-budget movie such as this the benefit of a doubt, but sadly I cannot. This movie could've worked, I believe, as a comedy/parody. Instead, the filmmakers repeatedly seem to demand that we take this movie seriously, even putting a dramatic "Parental discretion advised" warning at the beginning of it. If we obey them and do so, however, we are all in for a rough hour.

There are, like, two shots and a couple music tracks that are decent. The rest, however, is exceptionally bad.

The editing seems to have been done hastily, with dozens - and I mean dozens - of jump cuts. The acting rarely seems real, and the "action sequences" near the end are so badly choreographed it's hilarious. But the worst part is the script. Its plot moves very slowly (which says a lot given that it's 66 minutes long), and basically all of the characters' decisions are illogical and dumb. The moral of the movie - don't worry or watch violent/monster movies - is good, but comes into the story awkwardly and seems...kinda ironic given the filmmakers just a year later made a movie called, "The Exorcism in Amarillo." Just saying.

In conclusion, I feel that the filmmakers had their hearts in the right place. They just didn't seem to know how to express themselves on screen right. I would advise them to next time study the basics of storytelling, and to give the scenes more thought during pre-production.
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Don't waist your time!
jrtyler-tcs16 December 2021
Doesn't deserve 1 star. Wish we could give negative stars. I don't like giving bad reviews but this deserves it. Good luck to the creators for their next project. Think of this as constructive criticism. Looks like a high school club project. Terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible action, just terrible all around. I've been on this Bigfoot kick and I've been watching all of the Bigfoot movies I can find. This was one of the only ones left on my list and I wish I hadn't. Watch at your own risk but I can say with confidence that you probably won't pay any attention to it. They would have to pay me to watch it again. Don't...... Just Don't. You have been warned. Oh.... And don't listen to those who gave it good reviews. They never watched a good movie, or any movie in fact, in their life!
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Very little talent.
superstition-3242025 September 2022
It's obvious this was made with a non-existent budget; I get that. But the "actors" have ZERO training or ability. It's almost like they were bored high school kids being forced to make a movie for a project in class. Who ever filmed this, again, no training or talent. I could have done a better job with the just one camera. Yikes. This doesn't even belong on YouTube. This appears to be nothing more than shoving their faith in your face, using the concept of a movie. The concept/story is washed up and old. It would be nice to see a fresh take on the whole bigfoot subject. Done right, it could make for a scary, well worked movie. I have yet to see a bigfoot movie that is even slightly worth watching.
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One star too many
amythelion18 May 2022
This is the worst film I have ever witnessed I wish I could leave a review stating some redeemable feature or something along the lines of " the writing was stellar unfortunately the budget was limited and they needed more than one camera" but I can't this movie is garbage in every sense the actors are atrocious and i seriously wonder if they have any ability to reflect on there own lack of talent. The cinematography is laughable it seems somebody has taken a flip-phone from the early 2000's and filmed this christian summer camp nightmare of a movie. The fight scene between the bigfoot and the 'cop" was amusing like something you would see on Mad TV or SNL. Don't waste your time with this film you will never get your 80 minutes back.
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Sure fire Oscar winner
baldyeke5 March 2022
This non stop action thriller had me gripped from start to finish. The special effects were incredible! That gorilla costume from the fancy dress hire shop must have taken a battering.

No wonder there was such prolonged scenes in the forest, that much wooden acting takes a lot of trees!

I was grateful for my Bible lesson at the end as I was losing the will to live.

It is so bad it is hilarious, a must watch for anyone that hasn't seen the worst movie ever made yet!
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The Worst Movie Ever Made
mommasmister10 April 2023
Save yourself some trouble....burning your eyes out is most likely more enjoyable. Poor acting, poor camera work, poor story, horrible horrible ending. I don't know why this move was even made. If this were produced by 16 year olds, in a drama class, it would be better. I am glad after the first scene I fast forwarded through most of it. When I say it's unwatchable, I mean it's unwatchable. The fact this made it to Prime, and they charge for it, is very disappointing. I am glad I watched it free, or I would be demanding my money back. Prepare yourselves for the biggest train wreck ever produced.
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hiboblingo13 August 2022
Want a great laugh? WATCH THIS MOVIE!

It had to be a 4th grade school project!

A great movie to poke fun at.

This is a lesson for all aspiring film makers and actors. Don't do anything that's in this movie!
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Sweet Jeez 😆 🤣
helenamurphy-7089212 March 2022
Well thank you I have not laughed so much in a very long time, in fact I laughed so much until I literally cried. I can safely say this is the worst movie I have ever watched, as for the man dressed in a gorilla outfit 😳 😅.
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This deserves 10 negative stars
magnumfan-195-5597211 May 2023
The people who gave 10 stars must be the "actors" themselves or their family and friends. I couldn't get past the first ten minutes!

The acting attempts are the worst I've ever seen and the characters are not believable as real people. The camera angles don't make sense, the dialog is stupid, and there's absolutely no chemistry between the main characters, which is REALLY bad since they are married in real life! Why don't they make eye contact? I can picture them taking turns with the camera - "Ok, I said my lines so give me the camera so I can film you saying your lines". The kids act better than the adults.

I found out from reading the reviews that the female main character is also the writer and director. That explains it!!!
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Wow! Horrendous.
jocky_n3 March 2022
This has got to be a joke? Worst acting you will ever see,it's actually embarrassing. I actually watched the film right to the end just for the cringe factor. Aside from all the religious nonsense,the Bigfoot is just some person wearing a cheap monkey costume. The hero of the film and his love interest,the female mayor,are so bad they are actually funny. Watch and find out for yourself........
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God Awful.
talkingwhateverwednesday6 October 2022
First, I have to know WHO gave this movie 10 stars? Seriously. If I could give it negative stars, I would. Nothing about this film is even "good".

Acting - Terrible.

Directing - Terrible.

Cinematography - Terrible.

Judging by the VERY odd camera angel, I am certain that the filmmakers did not have permission to film in the diner.

I'm not sure you can just film random people on the street and put them in your movie. Did the filmmakers get their permission? Did they sign a waiver or something?

What was that Bigfoot costume? Did they make that at home? Could have just bought a gorilla suit from a costume shop and I could forgive that.

They shoehorn a message about Jesus into the film as if it's relevant AT ALL. I guess Bigfoot and Jesus are both playing "hide and seek" with the rest of us, so that might be a tie-in. Other than that, I have no idea.

This was a 20 minute movie stretched out to 66 minutes.

I want my 46 minutes back.
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Bad, bad, bad
dinsmoretrevor15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If I couldn't make something better than this, I would not even bother. What a waste of film. I didn't know that a picture could even get this bad. PLEASE don't Waste your time or hard-earned money on this garbage. Seriously, folks, blow your money on most anything else would be a better place to waste cash. These folks stayed up at night and hatched a plan to waste time and money. It is sooooooo bad that I am embarrassed for them. If there is an award for biggest piece of junk in the film industry, this DRIVEL should win...twice. I actually rated it a two. Hold on...there...I changed it to a one. I apologize folks.
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Horrendously Hilarious!
MissAnnThrope4 October 2022
I really don't know what to rate this. I mean, on a scale of talent, film making abilities and plot, this is a solid 1. But for hilarity, this is a 10. So I guess I'll give it a 5.

The mayor of a small coastal town in Oregon defunds the police. Meaning, she fires the lone police officer, because the county already has a sheriff. And you know what that means to the sovcit mindset. Only the sheriff has jurisdiction. Also because that is what fundies think defund the police means.

But when Bigfoot needs to be hunted down, the sheriff disappears, so it is up to the cop who has been fired to work for free to save them all.

This movie was made by a family who don't watch TV and are only allowed one family friendly movie a week. Almost everyone in the cast has the same last name. So I guess this is the kind of movie those poor children are subjected to once a week. Mommy's home movies.

This movie makes those from The Asylum look like masterpieces that need Critereon Collection releases. It makes Troma movies look Oscar worthy. It is trash.

But if you enjoy trashy bad movies, you will love this. I highly recommend this to afficianados of terrible movies.
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Don't listen to the haters!
scoobyhead5 December 2021
A pulse pounding supernatural thrill ride from start to finish. The protagonists strong physique and slick moves are balanced with his amazing ability to capture your attention with his raw emotion and believable acting abilities. The cinematography is second to none; among the best of all time in my humble opinion. I only gave this movie 10 stars because IMDB wouldn't let me give it 12.
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Enjoyed it
jerrolsmith8 October 2020
I am usually on the hunt for a good Bigfoot movie, however I can't handle a lot of gore. This seemed to be a safer option because there was Bible in the title. I didn't see many reviews at the time, but I took a chance on it anyway. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I really had a fun time with this, and there was not even one swear word. It is definitely an indie style film, lower production budget, but the wholesomeness of this movie made it feel bigger. It wasn't obnoxiously unrealistic. I liked that. It's definitely a new Bigfoot favorite for me. I went away feeling happy.
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