Rise of the Scarecrows (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Don't bother
aqos-112 May 2009
This has got to be the very worst movie I have ever seen. I watched it all of the way through to be fair in giving a review, but the only good thing I can say about it is that it had a few good songs. You could tell in any and all fight scenes that no one came even close to landing an actual blow. The camera could not stay in focus. There was no "blood" until after the person was killed. They describe their friend as being "torn to pieces," but the only thing you saw was some blood pour out of his mouth as his head tilted forward. He just had his arms draped over a tree in back of him. Something a dead person could not do because they would need the support of their legs to stand up. The proof that this low budget film was far below low budget was the constant use of the "f" word and the obligatory female nude scene. I support people making their own films, but they shouldn't have bothered with this one. If any of the actors in this movie ever make a real movie, they need to make sure and not mention that they were in this one, or they'll never act again.
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Please don't waste your time on this movie
saaqi13 May 2009
This is my first review on IMDb.com, I don't really write reviews, but this movie really pi**** me of much that i had to.

This movie is taken with a Regular Camera, and the Acting performed by team is Awful, Editing is even worse. I was so mad that i could not stop myself from writing this review.

I got this movie, just because it had over 7 stars, but I did not know whoever voted for this movie was actually the person who worked in the movie, not even 1 Single LEGIT star( I believe ).

I think its safe to say "My Grand mother can make a movie better then THIS ONE".

Do not waste your time even looking at the title of this movie.
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The ultimate zero star effort. Just Awful
jt858121316 May 2009
Wow would be the first word to come to mind after watching this disaster of a movie. I have seen so many b grade films over the years and have really enjoyed them. I'm a huge supporter to the b genre and love to see young directors trying to make it in the film industry, but this one's just too much. There is not one thing positive to say about Rise of the Scarecrows no matter how hard you rack your brain. Prior to this I considered Full Moon to put out the worst movies ever but have been proved very wrong. At least Full Moon films have some entertaining qualities which could earn a few stars. This one deserves nothing above a zero.

The story follows a few of the world's worst actors as they try to uncover the mystery behind a small towns zombie scarecrows. Somehow these scarecrows arise to take the lives of the remaining townspeople, but you'd never know it because they show nothing. The best you'll get is a view from the scarecrows eyes as he hunts someone down while they let out an amazingly fake scream. It's just awful. All you get is a group of terrible actors, a script that must have been written by a chimp, and home video camera quality. At all costs please avoid this film unless you are looking to waste time and money.
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somehow (against all odds) even worse than his first film
movieman_kev19 May 2009
Officer Tony Brown chooses to relocate to the small town of Adams in Massachusetts after he gets fed up with all the crime of big city life. But he soon comes to realize that both the local sheriff as well as the townspeople are part of a plan to lead unsuspecting out-of-towners, such as hitchhikers and people with car troubles, into the woods to get slaughtered by scarecrows.

This movie has a lot going against it, atrocious acting, slow pacing,characters that are extremely unlikable (for no good reason whatsoever), it's relatively bloodless, and the parts that try (too hard) to add humor are just cringe-worthy. I usually support independent cinema so I gave Geno McGahee a second chance to impress me after the cinematic sludge that was "Evil Awakening", but as mind-numbingly awful as that film was, this second attempt is actually somehow worse.

Eye Candy: Amanda Negro gets fully nude in a gratuitous shower scene, it's not nearly enough to make the film watchable though

My Grade: D-
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The awesome power of Windows Movie Maker.......
jfout-318 May 2009
For any young directors who may be shy of making a video (or anyone on YouTube for that matter) this film will cure your apathy. Trust me.

Here, let me sum the whole thing up: Some guy got a new video camera and decided to make an amateur movie. THAT'S IT! There is nothing else to this film. The dialog is funny at certain points. There is no sound stage. No make-up or wardrobe. There is a constant humming in the background. All the characters are laughable and...how this so-called film was able to get distributed on DVD is beyond me. Yet, I give it a 5 out of 10 for their boldness. Oh... and displaying the power of Windows Movie Maker.
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gripper103-213 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is without doubt the worst film i've seen. its not scary.badly filmed,and the acting is like high school kids having a laugh. The actors seem to make up the lines as they go along. The killings are impossible,i thought you had to touch someone with a weapon to kill. I need to say more but feel speechless. Please can i have this 90 minutes of my life back. Do not watch this. I don't know how it got rated so high in stars all i can think is everyone associated with it gave it a rating.If this film was a sick animal the vet would put it down as an act of mercy.Its one saving grace is a very pretty young lady having a shower,seems to have no bearing on the story but was a welcome break.
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Don't even think about watching this.
tymac7619 June 2009
Is this 4 real looks like a bunch of kids grab a camera and film this I mean record because its made with a regular digital camera. Damn wow I just wasted my time watching this ,this movie has bad editing, bad acting and the director has to be the worst movie director ever. 4 real don't waste your time you been warn.

like the guy above said My Grand mother can make a movie better ,even my 5 year old sister.

I watch a lot a movies and by far this is the worst. if you want to waste your time you better watch Barney instead. to bad I can't put a 0 score . And 1 more thing some people are rating this movie really high even 10 stars rating and they are all from Massachusetts's I wonder why?? Please keep it real.
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The worse film I've ever seen.
paulie-3230 May 2009
I watch quite a few low budget horror films, I kind of know what to expect. The acting is never great; the special effects are never great; the writing often has a few little holes. They usually have character and merit. But this film, from start to end, is just a new low for any type of film.

The acting is the worst I've ever seen. The script is awful. The story is so weak and forced, that the writer had to keep characters saying certain things over and over again, or have them speak things out loud, while alone, just to make sure the viewer gets it. When, in fact, it's so dumb and simple, that everyone will have known before it was even spoke.

Do not watch this movie. Ever.
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Embarrassing, padded-out home video.
capkronos13 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is not an actual movie; it's a bunch of people goofing off with a 200 dollar Sony Handycam. It's also the kind of talentless garbage that somehow manages to get distributed and goes on to discourage anyone who stumbles upon it from checking out other independent horror films in the future. Trust me, I've viewed a lot of low (or no) budget films and the majority of them deserve better than to be lumped together in the same category with this crap. The worst thing about it is that you're left with the general impression that the people who made it didn't even try to make a good film. How else can you explain the ridiculous choreography of the fight and attack scenes? When people are fighting, they don't even bother adding sound effects. When someone is stabbed, the weapon never makes contact with the body. When someone is hit with a stick, it looks like a gentle tap and then the person falls over. If someone actually cared, they'd do sound looping during post production. If someone actually cared, they'd watch the film back and realize machetes and knives aren't even coming close to the victim. Then they would take an hour of their time to shoot some close-ups of the weapon entering a body using a cheap prop dummy or something. These people apparently just didn't care.

The plot is basically about zombie scarecrows. But the majority of the movie is actually people aimlessly walking around in the woods throwing out profanities left and right like it's high comedy. Unfortunately, the dialogue isn't the least bit amusing. Aside from the corrupt sheriff and his new deputy, the main characters are three male campers. One of them is sad because his wife left him. Another is basically around just to die. And the third is an obnoxious fat guy you'll want to punch in the face every time he recites a line. Others include a psychic artist, a redneck mechanic and some guy who beats his wife and wants to start running a whorehouse in his home. The performances from most of the above are laughably awful and many of the subplots and side characters serve no purpose other than filling time.

The scarecrow design is limited to flannel shirts and guys with sack cloths over their heads. There is almost no gore to speak of. The best they could come up with were off-screen kills or a couple of people spitting up fake blood. The only possible redeeming factor is when the mechanic's wife takes her clothes off and hops in the shower. Other than that, it's virtually unwatchable. God forbid you actually pay 20 dollars to buy something like this. I saw it for free and still feel ripped off.

The people who made it also did a film last year called EVIL AWAKENING (which I haven't seen) and are currently shooting their third movie. Hopefully they'll manage to improve. Hell, there's nowhere to go but up from here!
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time to QUIT the biz
gottaste18 April 2010
Let's be honest, most of us would give this so-called movie a zero if we could. I guarantee the high voters were all IN this sad attempt at movie making. What happened is this- a sad guy with dreams of movie making rounded up coworkers and friends and said "wanna be in a movie"? For those that answered, "I've never acted", the answer was "no problem". Not true, there are many, many problems. These people cannot write leaps to mind first. No budget, I can overlook that, but zero talent cannot be overlooked. For them the answer seems to be, nothing to say?, just swear. Other than actually calling this mess a movie at all, what bothers me is a guy running around calling himself a film maker, but not wanting to actually work. No effort to train himself or his "staff", no decent rehearsals or rewrites, no re-filming when the sound, picture, direction, acting, script, etc. is complete garbage. It seems that the only thing going here is a total amateur with the ability to get a piece of film unworthy of high school drama class quality to DVD. I'm completely serious to say that I would be embarrassed to put my name anywhere near this guy and his pretend work. If you must continue your "craft", go to school and get a clue.
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Low Budget?
cjbbaugh7 June 2009
I've seen a few low budget flicks over the years, but this was probably the lowest. It seemed to me that a couple of buddies got a hold of some low end cameras and decided, why not? The acting is, to put it nicely, HORRIBLE. Listen mother trucker, what's your issue? Writing? Not so much. I could sit back, close my eyes and see where the idea could possibly work, but it would have to be done by at least high school drama students who have been taught the basics of acting. I'm not even mentioning the production value, if you can call it that. I am being hard, I have never made a movie. Kudos to the effort and balls to do it. Not one that I could ever recommend, but then again I've never attempted to do it.
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A good movie
kuklinski_richard13 May 2009
I actually bought this movie at a horror convention and maybe my low expectations is why I liked it so much, but it was really amusing to me. I like how the scarecrows aren't just in the movie from start to finish. You have to wait for them and sort of question if they really exist.

There are some shaky moments and some bad acting for sure but it is a microbudget movie and I was thoroughly amused. I give it a B since everyone else likes to rank movies by grade. Could've been better with the gore and technique but I recommend it if you like low budget horror movies.
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Diabolically bad
Leofwine_draca25 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
RISE OF THE SCARECROWS is an indescribably bad slice of rural horror, shot on video without wit, merit, or style. The story is about unseen killer scarecrows that go around and murder random strangers in the woods. The whole running time follows uninteresting and unimportant characters and a big and needless cast who add nothing to anything but are cheap to film and merely take up screen time. Add in an exploitative shower scene and you have the sum total of this film's ingredients.
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Micro budget or not, it's just a bad movie
WhoFan19 May 2009
OK, I can respect the small budget and actually the idea had hope, but the writers to use swears words constantly gets really tiring, no character development.

And at least get the country of origin of the car you are complaining about, right! It really had hope, the idea was almost there, just needed a little bit more creativity, character development and fun from the people in it, that is not about a budget.

I wish I could right more about this movie, I just can't really get creative with it, maybe it's contagious

Watch it and form your own opinion, fast forward is your friend :)
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Words fail me...
Flealan22 August 2009
This movie is perhaps the worst movie I've seen to date. I love B movie flicks but this was so poor. I couldn't get past the hour mark. I just couldn't. I watched in awe the entire time as the film got worse and worse. One example of how bad this movie is is when the dude hits his girlfriend/wife. How hard is is to stage a slap?

Seriously as if the movie purposely went out of it's way to avoid any good filming or stage techniques.

This film only gets 1 star due to the Old Redneck character. He was so over the top he made me laugh extremely hard all the way through his parts. The part were he his painting and goes into a massive rant made me laugh so hard, I couldn't stop giggling at the thought of it for days. It's just the fact it wasn't meant to be funny.

Watch at your own risk.
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Why do i keep watching this film?
CraigHollands13 July 2016
Rise of the Scarecrows is in it's own right an excellent example of how not to make a low budget horror film. As every minute passed i felt a tiny piece of my soul leaving my body, I would really like to say that this movie is so bad that it's good, but it really isn't. The only redeeming factor is the occasional cheap laugh from the expertly executed acting and script writing, yet i can't seem to stop watching it. I am currently into my 5th viewing of this movie as i type out this review, all the time wondering, "why?, why am i doing this to myself? and why can't i stop?" Although i have rated this film 1/10 i am extremely thankful to Geno McGahee for making it, this film has changed my perspective of life and why we exist on this floating rock we call earth.
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Absolute Brilliance
kirstyld15 October 2009
When people say they have seen the worst movie ever made they are exaggerating. Unless of course they mention this film as the worst ever made. It was so awful it was like a train wreck, you want to look away but you just can't. In fact, this movie was hilarious. If the makers intended it to be how it is then well done to them. There was a basic storyline, no acting skills, no script, and well, THAT'S IT! ARRRGGGHHH!!! Haha, seriously, absolutely brilliant. A definite must see, if only for you to be able to say you've seen the worst movie ever made.

Now, if only I could find the other movie made by these guys...
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It's a waste of time.
kpreston201017 November 2010
My mom and I decided to watch this movie last night. After the first 30 seconds my mom wanted to turn it but I told her that we should watch it just to see how bad it really was. I was beyond right. It looks like a bunch of high school drop outs had nothing better to do than try to make a movie. The language was crude, very crude. I'm a teenager and I thought MY generation was bad with the way they speak; These people obviously never opened a book. The way the "Scarecrows" killed people was seriously the only reason why my mom and I continued watching because it was so funny seeing them pretend to hit the "victims". The blood looked more like liquid JELL-O rather than anything that remotely looks like blood. I've never seen anything this poorly made. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Not even a dog because they would howl out of pain just by watching it.
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Couldn't watch more than 15 minutes
A_Swirl_Of_Hues9 December 2009
I can't believe they set this film in Adams -- it gives my hometown such a bag image. Judging by the scenes that I did see, and the fact that I didn't recognize any of the last names of the "actors" it was probably filmed for the most part somewhere near Northampton. Either the filmmakers thought they would just pick a random "hick" town west of them to film such a horrible movie, or they were playing a complete joke on anyone who happens to be tricked into thinking this would be worth the time it takes to view it.

Do yourself a favor --

turn it off like I did.
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Can't find the words to describe this movie...
reowens-569-82094510 December 2009
Here are the only ones I could find.... Amanda Negro's nude scene.

But since I need to post more lines here we go...

I haven't made it to the end yet but I should tonight. I have seen about every bad movie ever made and this has be about the worst. Thank god for Netflix and Roku I never had to pay to see this. I haven't figured out how the nude shower scene had anything to do with the movie (usually the bad guys come when the girl in in the shower). The only reason I will watch the rest is in hopes of seeing Amanda Negro nude again (great breasts). They should have had her in a starring role and nude more often then this movie would have been worth watching. It's not to late to re-edit and re-release this movie... Oh yes it is.
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Exceedingly Bad
Uriah436 July 2021
This film essentially involves three friends driving in a car and developing car problems near the small town of Adams, Massachusetts. While ruminating about their bad luck the local police captain named "Sheriff Howard" (Cedric Howard) comes along and advises them to park in a nearby rest area and wait for the only mechanic around to help them. Since there is no hotel and the mechanic is in no obvious hurry to fix their car they are forced to sleep on the ground in the rest area that night. The plot eventually shifts to a young cop known simply as "Officer Brown" (Anthony Brown) being interviewed and subsequently accepted by Sheriff Howard to become his new deputy. However, it isn't long before Officer Brown realizes that there is something very strange about this town which both he and the three young men with the car problems will soon experience first-hand. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an extremely bad movie which basically consisted of bad acting, crude scripts, pathetic action scenes, erratic volume control, poor costumes and awful music. In short, other than a nice shower scene-which has very little to do with the overall plot--there is absolutely nothing worth the time spent to watch this film and I have rated it accordingly.
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Dicky, you hero!
jonb-2926 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This was truly a freaked-out effort. I noted that "Dicky" wrote, directed and acted in it and made sure that the only nude scene was of his "on-screen" wife. Nice one! This movie is worth it just for the gratuitous nude shower scene, Amanda is very photogenic. Aside from that the sheer bulk of the actors is awesome, this is what the real USA looks like. The acting is substandard, in some cases you can tell the director (Dicky) said "Look, just wander around bitching about kids hassling you". The fight scenes are laughable. But the lack of "POW, SMACK, BIFF" somehow work to make this a more realistic movie, maybe. The plot would easily fit on a napkin, OK maybe half a napkin. We took three nights to watch it all but it was worth it. Because now we can say in all honesty, "We have seen the worst movie ever made, and we loved it!"
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jackfinlayson16 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I couldn't stop watching, the domestic abuse was a bit heavy but the rest of the film was a masterpiece. It reminded me a lot of the room, There was a lot of Tommy Wizeau moments in this film. Officer Brown is a babe, and anyone that disrespects this film is a Fat F**K. All hail the scarecrows!
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