Orcs! (2011) Poster


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Not better than LOTR
weemonk16 June 2011
Tut tut to the person who wrote the glowing review.

This is an oddball film. It's low budget with first time actors....I'd even go as far as to say this is some sort of strange LOTR fan-boy homage. That's the feel that I had at the end of the film.

So - 2 dorky park rangers, whilst out doing their jobs, encounter Orcs which have been living in the mountains for a long long time. It's up to them to stop them. That's it! As simple as that, you have the story.

I can't say that the film was an engrossing entertaining watch but for a low budget 'I have a film idea and I'm gonnna make it' labour of love for those involved in making the film, it's not too bad.

The acting could use some work but otherwise the locations, costumes and effects are admirable considering. If you want to waste some time watching something mildly entertaining then give this a try.
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Fun Little Moron Movie
kdkpranks26 June 2011
Obviously, this isn't better than the The Lord Of The Rings trilogy as someone else suggested (I wish IMDb could stop cast and crew from posting glowing reviews of their own movies). What it is, is a fun, cheap, cheesy little exploitation flick. It's done for laughs and really is kind of funny. The plot in a sentence : 2 bumbling idiot park rangers square off against guys wearing armor that looks a lot like what the orcs wore in Lord of the Rings. The armor is, of course, to avoid having to have any special effects make-up most of the time. They apparently claim the movie cost 3 million to make. But, if it did, someone stole at least 2 million. It's not great. But it's not awful.
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Come on... Seriously?
paul_haakonsen31 July 2011
Well, you know what you are in for when you look at the title of the movie alone. But still, I decided to watch this movie to conquer the boredom.

The movie in itself was a mixed blessing. The camera-work was actually quite good, and the locations and scenery was off the charts. Lots of really nice stuff to look at here. Lots of vibrant colors and locations.

Now, the bad stuff about the movie was the story. Come on, orcs being released from the confined subterranean of a mountain by some miners blasting for ore. Well, alright, why not? But orcs? Come on... And to make matters worse, the orcs resembled nothing more than teenagers running confused around at a live role-playing game event. It was dreadful to look at. And the fighting scenes were rigid and painful to behold.

As for the acting, well, it was not top notch. Unknown names and faces, to me at least, but then again, in a movie like this, I wasn't expecting to see anyone with a named carved for themselves in Hollywood already. There were moments of good acting, but there were also moments of horrendous acting. And the movie wasn't particularly helped along by an exciting dialogue.

All in all, "Orcs!" is a low-budget movie that uses pungent humor and suffers from a terrible storyline. But the movie is set in amazing surroundings, which actually helps make it bearable to watch. If you are bored out of your mind and want some non-brainer movie, "Orcs!" might just be the thing for you.
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Revisiting Willows is much better than this lousy movie.
Fella_shibby4 May 2024
I first saw this more than a decade ago on a dvd which i own. Revisited it recently on a fast forward mode. The poster of the dvd cover enticed me then.

A group of Forest Rangers fight back against an army of orcs, somehow they came out of the blue from some cave with helmets, armours, spears n different weapons.

Lots of extras in bad costume running here n there. The fight scenes are rubbish, there is zero horror element n this movie cannot fall into a decent fantasy genre.

Revisiting Ray Harryhausen/Charles H. Schneer's movies are much better options than this lousy Orcs!

Why the makers decided to make a movie on orcs, if their budget was less, is beyond me.

They cud have settled for savage cavemen instead.
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Decent production values(mostly) but a very odd movie otherwise
TheLittleSongbird12 July 2014
The best thing about Orcs! are the production values, which in the photography, costumes and scenery are very good. The photography has fluidity and skill, that way it allows us to enjoy the beautiful scenery more. The costumes are reasonably attractive too, colourful and neither over-the-top or ugly. The music does have some excitement that is not there in the rest of the movie, there are some beautiful parts and it doesn't play too much of a dirge. However, the special effects are slapdash at best, they are weirdly proportioned and there is nothing smooth in their movements. The orcs are no better, design-wise they fare even worse, the Chamber of Horrors actors in Madame Tussauds' are far more believably made up, and they are very amateurishly acted. In fact the acting is not very good in Orcs! There are a couple of mild bright spots, but a lot of it screams of inexperience and I found myself constantly annoyed by the characters, especially Cal who's annoyingly acted by Adam Johnson. Orcs! falls down badly in the script and story departments. There is a lot of "humour" in the movie, and the bad news is that very little of it works and there really needed to be much less of it. Instead of witty, it just felt cheesy and immature, made worse by the actors' forced dialogue delivery. Aside from the humour, the rest of the script is very stilted and confused. The story is a mess and never seems to find the right tone, it tries to be quirky, it tries to be suspenseful and it tries to be scary and it succeeds at neither. The orcs are nowhere near threatening enough and have no presence really, while the movie is too dull and predictable to be suspenseful and the action is sluggishly edited, is choreographed with no excitement, tension or fun whatsoever and is performed with no involvement. In conclusion, the production values(outside of the effects and the look of the orcs) are decent but the rest of the movie is a big misfire. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Reminds me of "Left 4 Dead" (x-cept for the ORCS!) :)
matrix-11414 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Other than that, it's got a decent plot and nice acting. I'd say the movie as a whole is like the movies from the early '90s - not many special FX, and a not-too-bad storyline.

Probably your average "zombie" movie. Only it's Orcs they're fighting, not zombies ^.^

That ranger volunteer seems a bit gay-ish, but that's probably cuz of the role itself, not the actor :)

The final battle isn't too long nor too boring. I believe they caught the movie's culmination very nicely.

Although I can't shake the feeling of a bit clichéd plot - hordes of crazy creatures attack several people, and those few people win the big battle against a whole army.

Still, I rate it somewhere in the middle - not bad, but not great either. I think 5's a decent mid-rate grade for this one :)
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dull flick
trashgang22 December 2011
All over my country you couldn't visit a shop without seeing this flick. When you pick it up you will notice immediately that it says, the monsters from Lord Of The Rings are back. Do I need to say more?

I didn't liked it at all, why you ask yourself. Well, there should be a bit of comedy in it, I didn't laugh at all. The only thing that gives my face a bit of a twist was the return of an urine sample. The main lead (Adam Johnson)annoyed me a lot and wasn't funny at all. I'm not used to see him in those acting parts, I remember him from Frozen (2010). The cadet Hobie wasn't funny neither, if youngsters would look at it maybe they would laugh.

The orcs did look nice but when the are being shot they are hit with CGI bullets and the cheap kind of CGI, so it shows. And when they attack it goes on and on and nothing really happens. There are a few killings that are worth noticing but it doesn't save this picture. The decapitation was okay but it was too late.

It's sad that this so-called comedy didn't work at all for me.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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kosmasp7 September 2011
That is the "Orcs(!)" for you. And while I do like low budget movies with quirky characters, this just has nothing offer. It's one thing to be predictable, it's another thing, not to try to bring at least something unique to the table if you have nothing much more to offer. I'm not sure, if someone really wrote that this is better then LotR. And while tastes differ, you shouldn't really watch this movie with that review in mind .. you'll be devastated in the end.

Unfortunately the actors have nothing much to work with, bad cgi and poor directorial decisions only add to the mess. If you go out and make a movie with no money, at least try to make something different and don't check all the boxes. That's my take on it of course. Was really disappointed in this, there is so much potential for a movie like this ...
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What a load of Muzgash!
BA_Harrison29 May 2012
In Orcs!, forest rangers Cal (Adam Johnson) and Hobie (Maclain Nelson) battle a horde of mythical monsters from Middle-Earth, who emerge from a mountain to wreak havoc in a National Park. Such a set up is clearly intended to be nothing more than a bit of dumb fun, but while the film is certainly dumb, there's not nearly enough fun, with a lack of decent jokes and scares, and a failure to deliver on the outrageous gore and gratuitous nudity suggested by an early shot of a decapitated head on a stick and the presence of two young hotties in tight vests.

Most notable of all, perhaps, is the distinct lack of actual creatures. Sure, there are plenty of extras running around in cheap looking suits of armour, but as far as identifiable orcs are concerned—you know, ugly critters with real bad complexions and over-sized fangs—well, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. No doubt this was due to budgetary constraints, but the viewer can't help but feel a tad cheated. This is where an excess of gore and a spot of nudity would have come in handy: after all, it doesn't cost a fortune to throw some buckets of blood around and get a few aspiring starlets to strip off, and it sure would have helped matters immensely.

Instead, we get irritating main characters, supposedly 'witty' dialogue that falls flat on its face, one or two unconvincing death scenes, a repetitive over-long night-time siege totally devoid of tension, and a couple of inexplicable pastiches of key scenes from The Fellowship of the Ring which are neither clever nor funny—all of which adds up to an instantly forgettable waste of time.
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WTKat29 March 2019
I can't believe this got 4 star rating...maybe 4 out of 1000. This was simply terrible. I was very disappointed.
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Battle for balancing rock, yeah...
Erikwk046 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. Orcs! is a parody of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy where orcs have been released from their mountain prison and are now on a rampage thru a national park.

Our would-be heroes are parks rangers Loser and Dumbass, hippy tree hugger / Amazon warrior princess and Pee-man. Worse than the characters themselves is the acting, making each character completely unbelieving and impossible to warm to. The film suffers greatly from a lack of budget, with the orcs wearing masks to save costs on make-up and off- screen action moments. Simply put, the original A-team TV show had better special effects.

That being said I will admit the director showed some real skill in hiding the lack of budget with some trick photography. But it doesn't make up for a bad story and the simple fact that Orcs! just isn't entertaining.

I don't recommend this movie.
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If you liked Dudes and Dragons - 2015
carybarnard26 February 2021
Orcs have overrun a park. Obviously a low budget movie that doesn't take itself to seriously. Adam Johnson is great... check out Dudes and Dragons too.
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Good Movie if you are willing to sit back and relax
lil_heimy21 December 2011
While this movie is far from the best movie that I have ever seen I found it surprisingly good. Maybe its because when I rented out this movie I didn't have great expectations. Sure the acting was pretty average, the story line while making sense wasn't the best. The subtly jokes that it pulled at other movies and just the idea of having orcs as the major villains made the movie funny. While it is considerably short I believe they made a wise move of keeping it at that length as the story line didn't drag.

So in conclusion it's a good movie as long as you don't over think any of it as it is not a smart movie.
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Better than Lord of the rings trilogy!
tonnithorsen10 June 2011
This is the movie we have all been waiting for. If you like fantasy movies like Lotr, willow and the likes, you surely won't be disappointed about this movie. The setup are excellent, casting and acting superior and the computer effects truly brilliant! The movie is about 2 park rangers, that comes face to face with orcs as we know them from Lotr. Will they survive or will the orcs win.

If you are as lucky as I was, that the movie came with the virtual reality helmet, you are in for an fascinating experience. wear the helmet, relax and watch as the world around you turns into a fantasy setting with you in it.

I've seen a lot of movies in my life, but this is not just like any other movie, its beyond that. Its a life in a movie. Your life!!!

What are you waiting for?!?
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Watch this if you're NPS
sjane-2701120 April 2021
This movie is truly terrible, there's no getting around it.

That being said, if you have ever worked for NPS, specifically in law enforcement, you will love this movie. It gets so many of the stupid agency details so right, it had to have been written by someone in park service LE. Specifically, someone who has been around long enough to get salty and poke fun at things like the amount of stupid paperwork and the "you're just a park ranger" mentality.

If you've never worked for the park service then this movie is probably not for you. But it should definitely be required viewing for all new rangers.
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Orc Crusaders
andreyrigel5 September 2021
I chose this movie for viewing only for the simple reason that I wanted to watch the horrors of this year. And since there were very few of them in this ode, I had to watch THIS.

I say right away - this movie is not worth watching as a horror movie. It should not be viewed as a fantasy. And even more so, it should not be viewed as a comedy. Honestly, it's not worth watching at all. Although fans of mixed genres may like it, but it is unlikely. If we had added a little more comedy here, there would have been 'nothing else'. And so 'about nothing'. The Crusader Orcs (you can't call them anything else) came out of the bowels of the earth and staged a massacre in the park. Two rangers of this very park will confront them (plus the ex of one of the rangers).

Now about these very rangers. Well, this is a separate story. One is the spitting image of Pedro (the hero of Cheech Marina from "Stoned"), the second is the spitting image of Gordy (the hero of David Arquette from "Ready to fight"). When they start finding human parts all over the park, they behave very naturally, like this: 'Oh, my God. Look. Damn, that's not good."That is, these are ordinary things for them.

In short, there are a lot of disadvantages in the film and I have no desire to list everything. Of the advantages, I can name only one fact: the authors of the film fulfilled the mandatory attribute of the end of such films - a kiss before the credits.
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They loved LOTR
altencocker21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad this was classified as comedy. Otherwise they would get 2 stars. This thing contained a number of direct references to LOTR such as the junior ranger saying that the tracks led away from the battle (a quote from Aragorn) and then they stand at the edge of the woods (Fangorn Forest). A good try but in the end, pretty bad. But it was worth a few laughs.
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3 Million Dollars Worth of Rubbish
mboyd19865 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, really, Mr chicagopoetry? How much did they pay you to write your nonsense review? Laugh? When exactly did you laugh? Pathetic acting, pathetic actors and story. I suppose the cameramen and editors have to start somewhere, so it wasn't a complete waste of 3 million dollars.

And the incidental music? Yes, that must have given some people some work for a few weeks.

Unfortunately, this rubbish type of film is now getting into rubbish TV channels, so there's no avoiding them. Ah, well, at least I can pass the time by writing genuine reviews on IMDb that, hopefully, people will take more notice of than the stuff written by the actors' or producers' shills.
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Entertaining but really low budget
rdamian19638 May 2021
This is a silly/goofy movie but it is entertaining. The plot is simplistic and the script is marginal. The acting is far from exceptional. However, the movie's quirkiness still manages to generate some laughs. If you are in the mood for some low budget silliness, then it's worth a watch.
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i enjoyed it
cameroonray12 February 2021
I have seen many movies that i couldn,t watched for more than 10 minutes. I enjoyed this film from begining to end. May be the story is a litle crazy but It was funny and enterteined all the way.
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Lighthearted fun
bobbywell30 November 2018
If you are looking for LOTR look elsewhere. A stoner ranger, his dim witted trainee and his militant enviormentalist girlfriend fight an invading tribe of orcs at a national park. All the characters are pleasantly two dimensional. Cheesy special effect and costumes. Predictable plot. But fun none-the-less.
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So Much Fun My Gut Hurt
chicagopoetry8 September 2011
I was laughing from beginning to ending of ORCS! The dialogue is so well written and witty that I felt like I was watching an instant cult classic. It's not forced camp but dry humor delivered with a straight face which makes these goofball characters and the orcs they are fighting so believable even if they are absurd. The two park rangers reminded me of Cheech and Chong in their early days, sort of at each other's throats but loving each other at the same time. Unlike most horror movies that deliver unlikeable characters getting slaughtered by unoriginal monsters, ORCS! gives us fresh, caring characters fighting against a truly original premise with a climax of a siege reminiscent of Assault on Precinct 13. I enjoyed nearly every minute of ORCS! and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see something funny and original.
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Campy fun every bit the quality of Hollywood's campy movies.
draciron8 August 2017
This is very similar to stuff like I married an ax murderer, ghost busters, Stripes, etc. 80s & 90s campy movies. You could easily see Candy, Murrey or Moranis in a film like this. It's funny but not hilarious. Surprisingly well acted, especially Renny Grames. Special effects are low low budget, and the script is of course intentionally goofy. The movie takes pokes at several other movies, especially Lord of the Rings, where several scenes are direct spoofs of LoTR scenes. Simple good fun, nothing more nothing less.
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Cute Movie
Rainey-Dawn15 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Orcs! Is a very cute dorky comedy. I "get" the humor in the film.

To me: The best aspect about this film was the relationship between the two rangers... The wise long time ranger and the new recruit!

IMO the movie didn't have to be Orcs as the problem in the park it could have been Bigfoot, Apes, Bears or other creatures and the film would have been just as cute. Since I love LotR and odd-ball comedies this movie worked for me.

The acting was good - it is suppose to be a dorky comedy and the actors pulled it off well.

All in all I will rate the film 7/10.
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