"Survivor" One Thing Left to Do... Win (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Just really confused..
kevinandrewsphoto16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I suffered through all of the forced PC all year. Even when the season started off with claiming the word "guys" needed to be removed from the show. And a group of 4 black people thinking that voting people off because they weren't black was somehow a win for the "movement back home".

But when the votes were about to be read I was expecting 5 Xander votes and maybe 3 Erika. But Xander didn't get a single one? How many other players held an idle that everyone knew about for the whole game. Or built relationships with everyone. Either they didn't show us something pivotal from Erikas game or the jury literally voted for her because she's a woman of color and Xander was a straight white male. I hate to say that but even Deshaun, who played one of the most embarrassing games in recent memory, got a vote. Something smells weird.
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A Breath of Hope...
copperrd16 December 2021
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With all the build-up on who was going to make it to the final 3, there was some potential to make the final vote a little interesting. I would have loved to have seen Ricard and Xander battle it out in the final 3, and I think that would have scored Xander more points with the jury to do a bold move and use his idol on Ricard. Instead, taking Erika, who only made it to the final 3 because random advantages were literally handed right to her. Even after the questions and comments from the jury, I am very confuse as to what her game play really was, other than just tagging along, and attempting to stamp her name on every move/play that was not her own. This season atleast gave us some memorable players I hope to see return in the future, but the crazy twists and turns can definitely stay behind.
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The blandest of seasons, but touted as 'a new age'
SmudgeSmill24 December 2021
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As a survivor fan, this season was ... merely watchable. This season was touted as being 'a new era', but that doesn't seem to be a good thing -- if this is the beginning of a new era, I think I might prefer to just rewatch the old era.

The gameplay twists were pointless or uninteresting. Erika's 'decision' was never really a decision; Jeff basically gave her an option between something that was massively to her own benefit, or something that was not. Why would she ever have chosen not to smash the hourglass? The new 3-way 'beware' idol was poorly-implemented, and poorly used by the contestants. The 'false merge' was still a merge -- the only difference was that half the contestants were immune.

There was so much talk about how difficult this season was -- no food, breakneck speed ... but it felt just like any other. We didn't see them enfeebled by starvation, nor desperately trying to hunt or fish or forage.

The focus on race and sex is either indicative of a really bigoted cast, or of some truly woeful editing. So what if there have been 7 male winners in a row? And why on Earth is it okay for 4 black players to be shown as heroic for forming an alliance based solely on their skin colour -- that's precisely the kind of thing that is called supremely racist if done by light-skinned players, but because they're dark-skinned, it is cheered as progressive and empowering.

The finale was a massive letdown. And not because Erika won, but because: 1. Erika's win didn't seem justified by the jury. There was a lot of talk about how Erika's game was respected ... but why? I couldn't tell you. And why was it deemed to be so much better than Xander or Deshawn? I couldn't tell you that either.

2. The back-and-forth between the jury and the final 3 was ... mind-numbingly boring. The questions were bland, the answers were bland, and the emotions were bland.

3. The production seems so unprofessional. Maybe this is what they're intentionally going for, but having crew members walking around (on camera) handing out pizza and drinks is the sort of thing that would normally be considered an editing failure. And having the cast all fussing with pizza while Jeff is busy asking one of them a question -- it completely ruined the immersion of the process, for me.

All-in-all, it was a weak finale to end a weak season. Nowhere near bad enough to deserve 1/10 or 2/10, but solidly lackluster.
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Zander underestimated his greatest enemy
tory-chapman16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Xander didn't realize that his greatest enemy was himself. Him being a straight white male was his biggest curse. A season completely focused on woke culture could not end with a human like Xander winning.

He may have had a better chance if he had identified different.
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Awful end to an awful season
kalburov19 December 2021
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Every time I talk to someone about Survivor I used to say: "Going for 40 seasons, and the last one was the best, and it just keeps getting better." Very hard to say this now. It's like they took all the bad ideas for advantages and they somehow crammed them in this season. No huge moments, no crazy tribals, boring challenges. And how Xander did not get a single vote is just insane, when he played the absolute best game of them all.

I love the show but this season was truly awful.
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Calm Down, Watch Survivor
russellhammd18 December 2021
The reviewers freaking out about the 'demise' of Survivor are misguided by their own focus on who they personally think the cast should be and act.

This season has a few too many twists (and still didn't really bring anything crazy different as was advertised) but had entertaining challenges, many strong players, a good soundtrack, and some very fun extra-slow-motion.

Perhaps it's not your favorite cast or you feel like the show (that has always been a microcosm of society) has been tainted by....society. But if you can get past that, I think you'll find it was a solid season, a solid cast, and a solid finale at the least.
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All good things come to an end
MetalCup18 December 2021
Ah it was fun while it lasted.

Survivor is over.

I started watching Survivor since day one in 2000. Beautiful show I thought. And I kept watching.

Over the years, there were changes made to the show, some I liked some I didn't. But the essence of survivor, the last wall of defense stayed the same. The winner is picked by the jurrors for reasons I can understand and respect. Whether it is personal admiration or hate, or honest evaluation of skills. The reason was always understandable and ok.

For example, russle did not win even I think he should, he played a cunning game and reached the end with complete control. But the jury did not like him in face they hated him so much because of his aggression twards them they awarded a far far less deserving contestant the trophy.

I understand that.

But what happened this season is something new... something disgusting... something that would kill the pleasure of the show for many fans. The winner won simply not because of the talent.. not because he/she was likable.. but because she was the right race/gender.

They were looking for a minority or a female to win.. as was stated or implictly stated many times during the show in its last season.

Xandar, who manueverd with great skills through a vicous female alliance and went through a merge with no allies and ended up controling the vote, but did not receive a single vote at the end. Unbelievable!

Something stinks. And its not just my BO.

I think ricard may have done some damage in the jury. But the real damage came from CBS and the producers whom I think somehow influenced the result and guided it twards the winner.

Enough with my rant... after watching 41 seasons, this is the first time I stopped the episode after the result was declared and slammed the remote. Didn't watch the reunion for the first time in 41 seasons. I really do not want to watch another episode anymore.

What a sad ending for a great show. Sigh!!
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Satisfying Ending
shelbythuylinh16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well it was such a pretty short season on 26 days and how that a lot had to do with the pandemic. But despite over in wanting to root for those underdogs and get out the villains asap.

Still the ending is satisfying. As those that were in the bottom of the food chain. Had to work their way up. It is satisfying and there is a twist in the end there. The final contestants were well liked about.

Love it when people we like a lot. Win in the end.
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2021 in a nutshell
tsteffen-0447616 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The clear best player of the season didn't receive one single vote because he was a white male. This season was a total woke mob show with one of the worst winners of all time. The jury honestly should be embarrassed of themselves.
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One Thing Left to Do... Win
kaden_lewis22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an amazing finale. It's rating should be way higher than it is, but I can see why a lot of people didn't like it. They didn't like Erika winning the season. I went into the finale cheering for Xander and Erika. I was cheering for Xander because I thought he played an amazing game, and Erika because she is Canadian. Everybody (including me) thought Xander should have won. He made smart moves, major strategical decisions, managed to not have to play his idol for 20 days, till the final 5 all while everyone knew about it, and more. Don't get me wrong. Erika played a great game. But not as good as Xander. Deshawn was right when he said there were no goats in the final three and all of them had a chance to win, I just thought Xander had the best game out of the three. That is why me, and most people are upset because he didn't even get a vote. If I wasn't Canadian, I probably would have given this episode a 5 or 6/10 at the best, but it was so cool for me, to see only the second ever Canadian to play win the game. It was a very cool moment, and I like how Jeff acknowledged it when he announced Erika the winner.

Besides the outcome, the actual episode itself was very good. They had one of the best fire making challenges ever. It was unbelievable to watch. Also, Ricard getting voted out was a sad moment. I never really liked Ricard in this season, but towards the end of the season, he started to grow on me and I really respected his game.

Lastly, the reunion in Fiji was cool, a little odd, but cool. I understand they didn't want to risk anything with the Covid situation, so they decided to read the votes and have the reunion show on location, but I miss the classic on location, in LA reunion show. It probably won't be in season 42 either because they filmed it back to back with season 41. I will admit, announcing the winner on the island for the first time since Season 1 (Borneo) was pretty cool.

This season had a VERY rough start, but it ended up saving itself in the end and didn't end up being that bad. It definitely isn't one of the best seasons, but it is for sure not near the worst. Season 42 looks like a literal mirror image to season 41, but regardless, I am excited to watch it!
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Zander was robbed
parkerwillis-2852016 December 2021
Disappointing ending. Felt like the whole season was staged for the woke culture. I felt like Zander played the best game.

The jury saw race before character.
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Fast Forward...
quockquock16 December 2021
This season was the first time in 41 seasons that I constantly used the fast forward button on my DVR. I actually sped through the speeches at the finale. It wasn't worth listening to. Fake, scripted speeches. Woke agenda. I was hoping that nobody would win. Ricard ruined the season, every scene he was in or any time he spoke.
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Says white male- Forget it.
johninvaldosta17 December 2021
I've watched Survivor since the beginning and am upset at it's demise.

You have a 20 year old who has played one of the best games ever for someone so young going against someone who brags about walking in and controlling a Board room. This implies that the person is financially secure thus the younger person just beginning his life would receive the votes necessary. Especially since he played the best game. But not in this day and age.

I'll look at the player make up for next season to determine whether or not I'll invest my time.

If players are going to continue to vote based solely on "culture " then I'm gone. I stopped watching another reality show this summer because it became apparent that if one wasn't a certain "culture " then they would be voted off. Wise up Hollywood. And wise up people, stop watching.
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ellievieburg16 December 2021
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Absolutely terrible ending. Erika literally did nothing to deserve to win. Shame on the jury and shame on CBS for letting this happen. What an absolute joke!
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Bad and fake
wardg-0278516 December 2021
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This season seemed scripted, also is was edited horribly. Xander clearly deserved to win but because he didn't get the chance to talk about his strategic moves and he lost. I have to imagine as they rewatch the season they realize Erika is a bad winner.
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Blah skip blah
ennynz17 December 2021
I wonder if the 10/10 reviews are written by people working on the show. I would be running out of that editing room very quick. This show has lost his wonderful shine to make place to wokeness. I'm a gay man and found myself disliking Ricard so much. In my opinion he didn't at all represent gays, actually I found him cringy. I am so disappointed and ended up skipping a lot and still found this so boring. I don't look forward to the next season, I really hope they can still fix it, but most likely due to the fact that season are shot back to back this is the trajectory of this show. What a shame!
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The worst season in survivor history
estiaan-joubert18 December 2021
The best thing about this season is that it's finally over. Survivor execs need to do something drastic to save this show, what a disaster.

From woke ideology to Jeff trying to get involved in the game and commenting on who he thinks is going out, to pregnant husbands to a black alliance and the most unlikeable player the show has ever had, this was dreadful.

Thank God for Australian Survivor. Will be giving season 42 a chance before giving up on this show.
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Everything woke turns to ....
GoldenJack22 December 2021
You know how the saying goes. Overall horrendous "woke" season . I'll say it as some of these positive reviewers have said ...chill out about the negative ratings, I'm sure you would love to censor them but we are still living in a free world , so chill out and accept that majority of viewers (that voted/reviewed ) HATED survivor 41 .
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This person won because..............
terrylarosa16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
She's female and a person of color. That's it. I can't remember a single thing she did except took a week to make fire when she was by herself. Xander had this hands down. Deshawn didn't win because he was immensely disliked. Otherwise you know, you know what I'm saying? Huh? Huh? Ricard saying his husband was pregnant was one of the most disturbing things my wife and I have ever heard. Can you imagine kids watching and perplexed, asking men can have babies??? Nauseating and what's with all these people patting themselves on the back. Briana so proud that she was totally duped. These millennials have no pride. At least Shan ( one of the most unlikabke players ever ) didn't even get close so there is that. If Survivor continues this nauseating woke trend then it's time to end it before it becomes a complete woke joke. Hey Ricard and Shan you GUYS lost.
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Woke Olympics
minuteofdecay17 December 2021
This season has been rough and we all know why. The Woke Olympics with nobody missing a meal or losing weight because it's not that bad. Saying its the toughest season doesn't make it so, nobody even ate a rat. The most dangerous challenge ever! (Choosing a box) I have no idea what the winner did besides being handed every advantage.

I am personally looking forward to the next season. Its only 1 day with a dozen tribal councils. The day starts with most of the participants telling the camera how they magically grew up not seeing faces like theirs on TV or in classrooms. Then they vote out all the unsuspecting white people "because we need this after the year we've had". The final winner is then celebrated for being the first black pregnant man Survivor.
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The one thing left to do is never watch the show again
dkarw6383417 December 2021
The one thing left to do is never watch the show again. Survivor used to be amazing and now it's unwatchable. I watched every single episode of every single season including this one.
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Just bad
ASBKnight17 December 2021
Saying it's the thoughest season and then you handover advantages like never before... Just another example of how bad this season is.

And too tired to mention all the Woke BS.

And the winner .. jeez. Worst votes and season for that matter by far.

Calling this Survivor is a joke.
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A negative turning point for Survivor
getbacks18 March 2022
Why was this season horrible?

It started first with the cast chosen. About 1/2 there appeared to be "I just to try it" instead of "I'm going to strategize and win it!" 3/4 of the cast were unathletic and the challenges were quite mundane.

The game play rigid, obvious and sloppy.

The idea of having a more diverse cast turned into having more racist overtones oddly enough. I cannot fathom who might have been overlooked as a potential cast member due to hopefully not being a police officer or because of the color of their skin.

Now after all the effort that cbs put into S.41 one would say that the winner was going to be someone considered to be a minority. Even after the jury interviewed the finalists I though "Zanders got this". Perhaps for a large part they all felt he was more deserving....buuuuuuuuut as mentioned before the diversity agenda was pushed through the entire game and how appropriate for the jury to vote the way they did.

Was Zander robbed? Of course he was. And nothing could make CBS happier.

Oh and....."COME ON IN GUYS!!!!"
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Started terrible. But by 3/4 of the season it was ok
grlym-4684920 December 2021
It was clear that voting off Shan and Llian was the best for the kids show. Their drama and who they are does not lift those around them but instead brings people down. After they left, survivor felt so much like the show I love. This was reinforced in the jury questions. And ricard was so bitter and extra. But to his credit, he should be since he was probably the only real level player (besides Shan, just she is a villian who thinks she is a hero).

The last 3 to survive.... I was fine with any of the. To win. But clearly none of them are all Star material. Not even Ricard.

I'm grateful for a season during the pandemic. But , wow this season was rough. So much real world agenda, vote for POC only, I doting problems and really missing the heart of why so many of us watch

I like the Robinson Crusoe esque surviving the elements, sports challenges, building camp and building alliances and all that goes with it. And the editing always felt like you were a player in the mix of it all

This season did not feel like that at all. It felt like when you are in school on a rainy day and the principal says you get to watch a movie and have a party instead. But really it's just eating your lunch on the basketball floor watching a documentary rife preachy agenda. The editing or lack thereof really made this evident until about episode 11.
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