You Should Meet My Son! (2010) Poster

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A Lovely Piece of Work!
tinevisce24 August 2011
Set in Southern USA, this movie deals with a conservative mother's reaction to finding out her son is gay: she sets out to find him a husband!

I read about this movie at, and it looked promising. Boy, oh, boy, does this movie deliver the goods! While it's true that it shows that the movie was shot on a shoestring budget, you honestly don't even think of it as any big impediment at all. In fact, it adds to the "earthy" feel of the entire movie.

I did read that the accents were really supposed to be fake; but being from India, and never having been to the States, this isn't something that I could pick up on: I leave it to Americans to rate that particular aspect.

I would have to say that the strongest aspect of the film would be the wonderfully quirky characters:

Mae and Rose really shine in this film; hell, you could say it's THEIR movie.

All in all, it's a light hearted movie which doesn't fall into the trap of taking itself too seriously.

I totally recommend this one!
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Hilarious :D
nnenok10 June 2012
I didn't have high hopes for this movie since in looks low-budget, the female protagonists are all very loud and everything is shown very stereotypical, but boy was I wrong. They use all of these "disadvantages" and make them work really well together.

The idea behind this movie is brilliant and the realization is very successful and funny. To me, it was like a combination of Absolutely Fabulous, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and The Birdcage. Everyone was pleasantly annoying and chaotic and Bryan does well in being the most stuck-up character in the bunch.

I definitely recommend it as a evening-relaxing movie!
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highly enjoyable gay friendly entertainment
jvframe29 July 2011
True to the DVD cover art, "You Should Meet My Son" doesn't masquerade as being anything other than light and fun entertainment, but it is also honest and passionate. In brief, a young gay man has tried far too hard to keep his sexuality secret from his mother and aunt - to the point where his partner leaves for greener pastures. Brian's mother and her sister discover the big gay truth and quickly dispense with their culturally acquired bigotry. They then set out on a mission to find heartbroken Brian a suitable gay male partner - taking a crash course in gay community diversity and etiquette, but thankfully things are not that simple (and only marginally overladen with stereotypes).

Keith Hartman does a wonderful job with the script - keeping things fresh, lively and relevant. Hartman also ought to take a deep bow as director in his first feature film - and he happily gives plenty of due credit to the talented crew he assembled to make this film always look beautiful and interesting, and to also sound wonderful (especially, as we learn from the commentary tracks, in quite challenging circumstances). The editing is particularly praiseworthy - my award goes to Donna Matthewson. The slightly surreal colours remind me very much of the UK original 1999 Queer As Folk series (NB: the cinematrographic quality is much better in this film - due no doubt to the improvement in digital technology.) I recommend that anyone who likes the film should also take the time to watch the DVD with each of the two commentary tracks - and then watch the film again with the original soundtrack. Your appreciation is significantly amplified, making "You Should Meet My Son" a film which you're likely to recommend to all your family and friends, and to enjoy re-watching with them any number of times. An excellent original music soundtrack adds further lustre.

The cast all do a fine job and they must be very proud of the final edit. It's no surprise that this has been an award winner at gay and lesbian film festivals.
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Cute, funny, and very adorable
dramageek15117 November 2011
This movie has been sitting in the gender equity office at my university for awhile, this morning I decided to pop it in. I was surprised at how sweet, funny, and endearing this movie is! Most "gay" comedies are poorly acted and are filled with nothing but shirtless men and awkward sex scenes. This is the type of movie a person could watch with their mother and not cringe. The acting is very well done, the script is very witty, and the drag queens are fabulous! The movie may be low budget, but it really doesn't affect the quality of the movie, much of the talent and decent use of camera angles makes up for it! Will be watching this movie again!
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A fun movie that is incredibly random at times
Alvin336 March 2013
"You Should Meet My Son" is a comedy about a closeted gay son and his loud and crazy mother. The son tries his utmost to hide the fact that he is gay all the while dealing with an emotional breakup. The mother discovers that her son is gay (with the help of her equally loud and crazy sister) and sets out to find the perfect guy for her son to be with.

The first half hour of the film is funny and lighthearted, with bits of clever jokes here and there. The jokes end however when "comedy" turns into "crack humour." The film begins to pack clichéd drag queens and a very predictable anti-gay Christian family into the same scenes. The film stops being about the gay son and the mother and just becomes a great big mess of gay characters and religious characters interacting with one another.

The story between the gay son and the mother is enjoyable and kind of touching, but you will need to sit through a lot of crazy, random stuff before you get to see the ending to that story.
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In their own ingenuous way
bkoganbing26 July 2014
You know when I first came across this title I thought it would be New York Jewish. Instead it's a delightful southern fried gay comedy about a concerned mother who wants her son to finally get hitched. Not thrilled about her son being gay, nevertheless Joane McGee and her unmarried sister Carol Goans are going to do what they can to make son Stewart Carrico happy.

Imagine the Dubois sisters invading an Atlanta gay bar in their best Lucy and Ethel manner. It's quite a sight as they make all kinds of new friends and invite them for dinner. Just like Jimmy Stewart and Harvey used to entertain.

But Carrico is nothing if not a dutiful son and he's going to get married to a good Christian girl Ginger Pullman. Pullman and her fundamentalist parents collide at a dinner party thrown by McGee and the results are hilarious. Even Pullman rebels against her parents, a touch added to this Auntie Mame type climax.

As you can see You Should Meet My Son takes some inspiration from many fine sources. It's a fine comedy from the gay cinema and I recommend it highly to all audiences.
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Funny, charming, even heartbreaking
imcginn20 June 2011
I loved it! Fake accents or not, the primary purpose of film is to entertain its audience. I was entertained and my spirits were lifted. I watched this film on a day off from work with the flu. The only awkward part for me was the flower delivery scene.

It was refreshing to see a film which portrays gay people who are actually happy. Some single, some not, all of them over 21. I guess there's something to be said for that. You go through the teen years feeling like a freak and believing the only way to get around is to be an arrogant little snot, like that 16 year old neighbour. It usually takes the experience of someone older to make you see the truth of the matter.

The bathroom scene was so touching for me. To see the people in the room melt when they realise what's going on just made me want to hug my TV screen. I loved the portrayal of the mother, who just wants her son to be loved and happy. So she tried setting him up. When she realises her error, she goes through the normal panic, then readjusts her aim and tries even harder. I would love for her to be my Mum.

Look, this may be "predictable", but it was far from trying too hard to make a point, and it made its points perfectly. I also like the bible bashing mother not being afraid to let her guests know that they are far from perfect themselves.

It was nice to see that underneath the stereotypes of gay men there are real people who have real feelings and who are just wanting an easy life. There was not one character in this film who I didn't feel fitted perfectly. The leather goth couple, the icy drag queen and her protégé who melt and show their true loyalty, the bashful stripper artist who knows what he wants from life. Even the uptight religious bigots who had their own secrets to hide.

Fabulous film, charming characters, amazing acting. I loved it, loved it, loved it.
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A highly entertaining comedy that makes light of coming out, matchmaking and a mothers' endless interference in her sons love life.
tduckypotts23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'You Should Meet My Son' is honestly such a great movie! However, you need to know what you are getting into, this is not a movie that tackles the seriousness of coming out to your family through lots of angst and self loathing. This is not a tearjerker like 'Prayers for Bobby.' This movie is a farce in the best way possible! The scene near the end with the male protagonist's breakdown was such a tender moment between mother and son, and the insistence of the gay youth needing better gay role models couldn't be more true! The gay culture is shown brilliantly here, the leather couple and skanky teens to the snarling gay bar patrons, glitzy drag queens and master/dog fetish. Everyone writes about how the mother and son have the greatest character development, but can we look at the character of Aunt Rose? The makeover scene is something that is tackled by every chick flick out there, but I can honestly say that this one had me cackling to myself, and the way in which she slowly comes out of her shell is definitely something to take notice of. The drag queen gang is hilarious and so entertaining! Yes, the accents are fake, the acting is over-the-top, the plot is predictable, but this only adds to the movie, and it's success lies in it's comedic way of portraying common issues within the LGBT community. NB: Anyone who enjoyed this should definitely give 'The Big Gay Musical' a view!!!
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A Mother's Job is Never Done
alassenamos10 October 2010
"You Should Meet My Son" A Mother's Job is Never Done Amos Lassen When conservative Southern mother Mae learns that her only son is gay, she decides that he is not to go through life alone and starts looking for the ideal husband for him. Do I have to say that this is a comedy? Not only is it is a comedy but it is very sweet and a wonderful movie experience.

This is director and screenwriter Keith Hartman's feature debut and it is about the mom and aunt everyone wishes they have. Mae (JoAnne McGee) is a Southern mother who just wants the best for her son Brian (Stewart Carrico). Mae and her sister Rose (Carol Goans) invite Brian and every single girl in town over most Friday nights to meet Brian. (I can't help but think that Mae also should be a Jewish mother as well). Brian, however, always brings his "special friend and roommate." Finally mom and aunt understand but they help with a survey in a magazine called "Is Your Son Gay"? That doesn't stop them and now they try to find a man for Brian. They get a computer and the teen neighbor sets it up for them and they go to "Manhunt" at the teen's recommendation and find themselves cruising the site. They even go to the bars and are determined to find the right man for Brian. The film is loaded with good performances and laughs and it is very, very gay.
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a fun mess
Erick_CT15 December 2021
The first third of the movie is funny, it shows the absurdity of conversion camp mentality and laughs at it. But sadly the everything deteriorates from here and ends up being annoying for every kind of public. The shots get boring, the plot never gets to the point, disrespectful of trans people. But the characters are so charismatic, the acting is so good you can't not give this movie a chance . Some fun bombs in the dialogue and the happy ending makes up for it.
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Funny at times; annoying at times.
paulclaassen6 June 2018
This was a funny (if somewhat annoying at times) way of dealing with a son coming out as gay. His mom takes on a very interesting approach once she accepts the fact that he's gay, and wants him to be happy. It is a bit tongue in cheek and also a bit of blasphemy thrown in the mix. I really enjoyed the various, colorful gay characters but the son was a bit of an idiot, though. Although the film is called 'You should meet my son', the son was pushed to the background while the mother and her sister stole the show, along with their interesting new friends. To be honest, I found the film more interesting and enjoyable when the sun was not present.
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Mom sets out to find her son a husband
wizardofsod29 December 2011
"You Should Meet My Son!" is a wonderful comedy that will have you in stitches. Things go awry after Brian, an attractive and ideal man nearing his thirties, is discovered by his mother and aunt to be gay. Before long, the two stodgy Southerners realize that this is not a flaw in Brian's wonderful character, but rather just another part of who he is. Determined that Brian should have a happy and fulfilling life complete with a stable relationship, Brian's Mom and aunt embark on a journey to find him a man while befriending some "colorful" characters along the way. However, things don't go exactly as planned, and Brian's mom and aunt are left trying to get Brian out of a complicated ordeal that only adds to the hilarity of the movie. Probably one of the best low-budget films I've ever seen, you'll definitely get a good laugh out of this movie.
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Fun - funny - low budget - flick
cekadah24 August 2013
You can't not like this movie! It's full of crazy quirky characters that are charming and entertaining.

The plot is simple and easy - the title tells it all! Brian's mother and aunt are on a mission and they learn an important lesson.

The production 'look and feel' in this movie is about on the same level as the TV show 'Mama's Family' with the same type of extreme but funny characterizations.

This is a movie anybody can have a good time watching and 'laffing' with it and at it. My favorite character is the silly southern blond girl friend near the end of the movie!
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Hilarious, Uplifting and Inspirational Classic
mgold-830 August 2014
It's not often that I watch a movie, and then look at the cumulative IMDb rating for the movie, and find myself totally baffled as to why the rating is so low. YOU SHOULD MEET MY SON! is definitely one such film. I just don't understand how the average rating of this movie could possibly be 6.6. This was a hilarious, original, refreshing, unique, engrossing, well-acted, well-written, and well-directed film. I have watched hundreds of "gay-themed movies" and I'd easily rank this one in the top ten, maybe even top five. Certainly not as "deep" as BEAUTIFUL THING or NORTH SEA, Texas or SHELTER or LATTER DAYS, but just as uplifting and inspirational as these other favorites of mine. There is also HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH which kind of defies classification but is without question one of the best of the best as well, both because of the second-to-none soundtrack and because the scene where Hedwig and Tommy kiss with that awful Whitney Houston song playing is the most beautiful and touching make out scene ever captured on film. Although actually the scene in BEAUTIFUL THING where Jamie and Ste make out while that Mama Cass song plays is also the most beautiful and touching make out scene ever....

Getting back to the point, if there is one: although YOU SHOULD MEET MY SON! does not have any poignant and compelling make-out scenes like the ones I just mentioned, it is nevertheless, on the whole, as poignant and compelling as these other wonderful gay-themed movies because its overall tone and point of view are so different from the rest of the genre - and I mean this in the best possible way. I like this movie so much that I bought 5 copies of the DVD on Amazon and had them sent as gifts to my 4 friends, and of course 1 copy for my mother. Who, I am happy to report, has never tried to set me up with anyone, male or female. And I made it very clear, in the gift card, that my giving her this DVD should in no way be interpreted to indicate a desire on my part for things to change in this regard!
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Loved every second of it
Gordon-113 May 2020
This comedy is really delightful! It is warm, accepting and just really funny. I loved every second of it!
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Hilarious comedy and feelgood movie
Mickey08917 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Easy one of the best gay comedy's ever made. Good acting, Mum in particular, great story line that plays a bit with stereotypes and cliches, but never cross the line between laughing with the characters instead of laughing at them.

Minor criticism is the character of the son. A bit over the top towards the end, but playing a gay man wanting to have family and kids is not easy in a comedy with limited screen time. However, the drag queens and oher side characters are really well written with a great sense of humor.

Overall, the movie worked for me really well and love watching it. Enjoy. :-)
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"You Should Meet My Mom & Auntie!"...... (What a "HOOT!"....Oh, wait, I......
arizona-philm-phan4 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
......think I just dated myself. I meant to say: What a "BLAST!" What's that you're saying....I'm still talk'n like an old guy. Okay, okay...just whisper it to me. I get it: What a "KICK-ASS!" pair these two ladies are.

And I obviously agree with you. This Mom and this Aunt are all those Capital letters, above....rolled up together (and even more so, aren't they). What Gay youngster, having been thrown out on the streets of this world, wouldn't give for a mother and father, or any family member, like either Momma Mae or Auntie Rose? (They really deserve at least a half-Star, extra)

Since you've probably already seen other reviews / comments outlining this story, let me only add that it is, basically, just the tale of a Gay young man, afraid to Come Out to the family. Yet, what makes this one pretty special is the verve.....the life.....the acceptance that just pours off the screen, and out over us, from these two marvelous ladies.

Oh, and are there ANY bases not covered by first-time, feature length Director, Keith Hartman? Hmm...let's see now....I recall that they include:

1 - Loss of the long-time boyfriend (don't worry...he doesn't die).

2 - Discovery by family of someone's "abnormal" sexual orientation (a Big 6 on the Kinsey Scale).

3 - Struggle over Acceptance.

4 - Search for a suitable replacement, needed due to Item 1, above. (Doesn't hurt he's a gorgeously hunky go-go dancer, wearing tight briefs)

5 - Attempt by "Kinsey 6" at a Heterosexual lifestyle.

6 - Consideration of enrollment in a Gay Conversion Therapy program.

7 - Time spent in cleaning up all the Holy Mess....created by Items 1 thru 6, above.


PS--(It's a lot of Fun + Laughs----You'll enjoy it)

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Hot and steamy!
dion_pangallo1 February 2021
This is such good fun. Enjoy with your significant other ;) !!!!!
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You should meet a bunch of fun people.
Suradit8 February 2015
Really enjoyable, fun movie.

Yes, it was obviously done on a budget, but that didn't detract from the production.

Yes, it was somewhat heavy-handed with the stereotypes, whether the clueless but well-intentioned mother & aunt, the over-the-top drag queens or the flawed but close-minded religious bigots, but the exaggerated characteristics were obviously meant to be caricatures of those types. And they were nicely balanced by the very down-to-earth Brian, Chase et al.

The boy from next door, Greg, was hilarious in his interactions with Brian's mother and aunt. Chris Nolan did a great job in the role.

Why exactly Brian would suddenly decide to marry the air-head Jennie Sue, especially considering her suffocating parents is a bit of a mystery, but I guess it was meant to drive home the message ... and yes there was a genuine message buried in the mayhem ... that everyone should exit whatever closet they've buried themselves in and just accept who they really are and enjoy it to the fullest.

Definitely a feel-good movie. I've watched it three times over time and expect to see it again from time to time.
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I laughed so hard ...
mokegent-3354626 December 2021
Oh lord, I didn't expect anything of this movie and that might have been the case why I loved this move so much... A comedy with so much cliches... but with a real story behind it... Most people can relate to the story in any way gay or straight... When we want to change to fit in any situation to make our parents happy...
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Shrill, fake and tiresome, but its heart is in the right place
jm1070114 June 2011
This is a painfully obvious, predictable and broad-as-a-barn farce about a Southern mother and her gay son. If non-stop, shrieking fake Southern accents, garish stereotypes, and humor as subtle as being hit in the head with a cast iron frying pan send you rolling in the aisles, then you will probably love this movie. I was raised in a subtler, less obnoxious South than the one celebrated here, and I am too happy being gay to relate to this hysteria, so I hated it.

But any gay movie that celebrates being gay deserves some support, so I gave it three stars just for having its heart in the right place. God bless it, its makers, and anybody who can enjoy it.
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Over the top funny!
fil-nik0923 August 2021
Rarely a gay themed movie is funny. But this one is over the top funny! It went so fast because it is so entertaining! The cast is really cool, the characters are all over the top - which goes well with everything.

10 from me because it is a pure delight!
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Chaotic! But I Love It
Alhapra30 July 2022
Oh my god! I just want to make a quick review. This movie is hella chaotic and full of gayness. I can't stop laughing the whole time but I'm so happy with the ending.

So, if you don't mind with chaotic movie then you definitely should give one a try!
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