"Resident Alien" Girls' Night (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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At least we had Season One.
PeteB12310 February 2022
It's all about the alien, people! Everyone else is just filler to support the alien.

Tudyk showed up for, what, five or ten minutes, and the rest of the episode was about drunk women dancing poorly. Don't care about the mayor and his wife; don't care about the sheriff (funny in small spurts) and his deputy; the two kids are funny, but only when they're with the alien. Asta, don't care; Alice is funny only when she's lusting after the alien.

The producers and writers should figure out how Gunsmoke went for twenty years and Supernatural went for fifteen, because Alien's only going to go for three years without a shakeup.

Edit: Don't let Jenna Lamia write any more episodes.
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The yacht spot
Calicodreamin10 February 2022
While a few really good laughs and fun to see the whole cast in one scene, this season has a lack of purpose and it shows in this episode. They magically ended a big storyline, lamely developed a few weaker subplots, and then created a subplot to distract from not having a main one.
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Really Bad Episode
JVIRT9917 February 2022
The first two episodes of season 2 were subpar efforts, but watchable. Episode 3 was so bad it made me lose interest in Resident Alien. The first season was unique and entertaining, because it was dark and unpredictable. The second season so far, is way below average.

The women, the kids, the Sheriff and his assistant, along with the Mayor&Wife are supporting players in the show. The main driving force is, Alan Tudyk as the Alien, PERIOD!

The producers and the writers have to get back on track quickly, or else this show will die.
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Nearly unwatchable...first episode I've forwarded through...
pmerrill-387262 March 2024
Not sure what they think they're doing here...

I've been really impressed with the subersive nature of the show up to this point. I'm hoping it's a one-off hiccup, because it's some of most lazy 'girl boss' writing I've seen in a long time. It's called subtext... The show just BARELY stopped short of a female actor shoving her face and shouting, "BOY BAD, GIRL GOOD."

It's nearly that bad.

Up to this point I've been really impressed with the structure and writing. While the message has always been there, it's been amazingly executed. This was just plain lazy.

I would actually recommend skipping this episode. It may put a bad taste into your mouth. Hopefully, better storytelling ahead!

Tudyk is a genius, as usual.
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Please Let This Be an Exception
sumtim3s00n13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The season has already been very lackluster compared to the 1st one and now this.

Nothing against ethical or moral messages in shows However this was downright horrible, unoriginal , an assault of forced feminism and one dimensional, clichee and hundreds of times already done points.

The worst and the most shallow and definitely unimaginative/uninspired on the nose episode in the whole series.

If you must force more political,woke or whatever stuff down viewer's throats at least do it with taste and originality. Look up to past Star Treks or something, where any moral messages were done with taste and flawlessly incorporated into storyline.

Not like here, where it was horrendously transparent , stereotypical and redone numerous times exactly like this before.
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Talk about being overly critical of a fun show
bpete33312 March 2022
This show is great! The episode in question isn't "the best of the series" but it's still good. It drifts a bit from the main story but is still fun and throws in some relevant commentary which that show has ALWAYS done. And for those who think pay discrepancy isn't still a thing you are woefully ignorant.
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Really not that bad of an ep
Oni-Wulf12 February 2022
So coming into this episode I was a bit worried reading all the negative reviews, but I try to take things with a grain of salt and glad I did. That being said it was not some sort of man hating pro feminist agenda as people made it out to be. What's wrong with a bunch of women getting drunk at a bar saying it like it is? Nothing. I thought it was entertaining. Yes Harry took kind of a back seat during this ep, but Tudyk still had his moments and was pure gold as usual when he was on screen, which made it all worth while anyway. Also shout out to Alex Borstein who killed it, especially when trying to play as Harry. It showed Harry as someone who continues to grow accepting humanity, treat women fairly etc. It wasn't the funniest episode, didn't do a ton for the plotline, but it was still entertaining and put a smile on my face.
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A big step down
optimus_spbla12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to the intelligent, witty writing from season 1? This episode was truly terrible. The shame is that whoever is behind this episode is going to say that big-bad men can't handle strong women. Nope, this show has always had strong women on it who were well written. This episode just made them into a farce. This isn't empowerment, it's degrading. Plus the whole 'when a woman talks, sit down and shut up" line - seriously? WHO is writing this?!
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Why the Hate?:
ganthonystx11 February 2022
What is with all the hate in some of these reviews? Yes, Tuduk is the star, but filling out other characters is good. More background and depth for the show. The "woke" and "PC" comments by reviewers is very disappointing. Maybe Harry's race should kill us all.
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Don't listen to the haters
jcollins-458-41538721 February 2022
First, the episode moved the plot along. Also, it was funny. It may not be the best episode of the series. So what. It was still funny and part of the story.

Second, people who think women's issues are politics are short sighted and clearly have a political bias. Don't they have a rally to attend?
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Planet Killer
Rob-O-Cop13 February 2022
A massive misstep for the production.

Instead of focusing on the premise of the show it appears to have been hijacked to make a bunch of social statements (no matter how worthy), and it derails the series possibly catastrophically.

The entertainment is ejected from a quality cast and set up and we're left with the equivalent of a gate crashing cat lady neighbour ranting about animal rights at our party. Unwelcome, and a conversation none of us need or want to be lectured on.

So, fire the Writer and Director of this episode and do your best to repair the damage to a previously promising series or you're all going to be cancelled and unemployed. It's up to you whether you let this be a planet killer event or an embarrassing misstep that we all agree to forget about.
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Character building done well
squallsrapture11 February 2022
I don't understand the hate. I'm seeing "too PC! Girls don't touch my special area" in these reviews. Like.. I'm lost. A few of the female characters mentioned it's hard being a girl and be respected sometimes. Holy heck calm down guys. I laughed constantly. I like that more of the town is being featured. Solid writing.
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What's going on here?
haveanothertwo18 February 2022
This otherwise very enjoyable show's greatest flaw is its tendency to be all over the place. Like Harry, it's not confident about its true self and half-ass tries all sorts of strands.

This episode, admittedly below average, dipped its unfocused toe into the pool of girl power. And now the internet goes kablooey. Oversensitve much, folks?
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Bad writers, and one episode can ruin an entire series
csteinmayer-2514127 February 2024
This could be the episode. My wife and I started watching this on a whim. Season one was out of this world! Couldn't wait to start season 2. It started out ok, not as good as the first season. Then this episode came on. Way to lose the plot. Seriously, the start of the show seemed like a featured extra in this episode. We get it, you writers who have no real skill crafting a good story, can only craft The Message. I bet you writers are fun at parties! But serious this episode seems to have derailed the entire series. We are still watching, but now it's kinda meh. The show feels like it's changed from a show about an Alien stuck on earth bent on killling eveyrone, to a show about a bunch of small-town ladies unhappy with their lives with an alien bent on killing everyone in town also. The following few episodes didn't do much for us either. I'm not sure we can stick with it. We will try. Afterall, we are watching for Alan Tudyk not for a soap opera built around small-town women. But then again, it also feels like they have run out of funny scenarios for Harry to get himself into. Why can't writers craft a compelling story or show anymore without insearting there politics into it?
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Feminism... for laughs?
Gaymers25 February 2024
This show seems to suffer from not knowing what it's supposed to be. The first season started strong with a fresh and funny plot involving an alien masquerading as the town doctor while a murder mystery unfolds. The puns were clever, the characters were witty and charming. I think it hit its peak too early.

The show was at its strongest when we watched an Harry the alien adapt to a medical environment. I wish the writers had leaned into that more and kept it as part of the core story because that's where it really delivered laughs.

Instead, they quickly phased out the medical angle after the first few episodes and by episode 6 he wasn't even the town doctor anymore. That left writers struggling to justify the medical setting, diluting the story with a bunch of filler plot lines like vilifying adoption and making Asta look like a villain. I guess the adoption plot is intended to add emotional depth, but her biological child hasn't really had a bad life or suffered in any way, causing the story to fall flat. Incidentally it would behoove the writers to know adoption is not a bad thing and plenty of adopted children lead normal and happy lives.

So we finished out season 1 with an uneven mix of highs and lows. There were some incredible moments and some real stinkers.

That brings us to season 2, which feels like everything good about the series is gone. There was hardly anything fresh, funny, or memorable about the first few episodes. That brings us to this episode, which was the last for me.

Its core purpose is, I guess, is making some huge statement about feminism. Every other scene ends with a pun or a jab aimed at illustrating how it's terrible being a woman, everything is better/easier/more awesomer for men, and how the women of Patience, CO are apparently going to right all the wrongs of inequality with one night of drinking and celebrating sisterhood. Cool, cool, let me know how that turns out.

The alien plot line is barely existent, just a slight buzzing in the background as we watch Harry fumble through a couple of cringey and super forced interactions. Again, this show doesn't know what it's supposed to be. The characters aren't moving forward so much as they're just moving along.

If the point of this series was to make some landmark change to society, I'd say yay for that. But the plot is forced, the jokes aren't funny, and the series is barely recognizable from where it began. Even the characters don't really align with who they were in season 1. For example, we're treated to an ongoing gag about BDSM that was mildly humorous at first but has been dragged out and forced into almost every scene just to make the point that BDSM is, um, funny, I guess? It has nothing to do with the original story and feels very weird to see so much sex in a show that wasn't very sexual at all in the beginning.

I wish this show has reached its full potential, but I think the writers tried to do too many things all at once without much planning for the overall story and direction. This was the last episode for me. I have no interest in watching this show continue to go downhill.
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A skippable episode of no consequence
Critical_Potat6 March 2024
Nothing but a misinformed and misplaced north american "feminist" power fantasy hijacking a formerly funny show.

The episode doesn't bring anything to the table except a few "you go gurl!" moments for the chronically online lonely, misandric specimens watching the show with their cats and a bottle of wine. If anything it ruined a few characters and robbed them of their formerly established interesting, multi-dimensional personalities and portrayed them as a bunch of boring, self-centred, entitled and dumb upper class californians..

If the actress getting the chance to write an episode got bored of playing the town harlot she could've changed her own character or left the show instead of trying to chase away viewers by filling the episode with all this nonsense.

The number of people living their lives in a constant state of seething isn't enough to justify this episode.
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Different and fun
DarkL12 February 2022
Wow, I really can't believe the low ratings this episode is getting. I thought it was one of the best and funniest of the whole series thus far. It was revealing, silly, zany, nutso and entertaining, showing sides of the characters not seen before. I liked it exactly because it was so different from all episodes to date.
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Would have been 9/10 except...
minxiepinx15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... for playing Is Suicide is Painless at the end. It didn't go with the rest of the episode.

Not sure what everyone else is complaining about: the issue is real and something that is on-going. It was handled well.
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Mehh... If you are new please watch Season 1 cause it was brilliant! This is meh!
martinsmarkss10 February 2022
Now you done it SyFy ! I actually wish you cancelled Resident Alien after first season like you did with many good shows before ! It's painfull to wach once super funny funny and brilliantly writting show being destroyed - Alan is great actor but with this even he would not be able to save RE !
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Loved this episode what's the big deal.
brumsy21 February 2022
Plenty of laughs in this one? What the issue? I'm confused why are people so critical of a show that is meant to have a little humour. No one can ever be happy.
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We get it, you guys have never been invited to a girl's night out!
coonsmicah3 March 2024
It's a fine episode. The show has always been preachy and a bit has fished with it's messaging. It's still been funny the whole time. This episode may have been a bit heavy handed, but any rating below a 5 is just clearly a dog whistle that you are a fascist who hates change of any kind. Probably the same people who hated that the new star wars were too radical with their talks or rebellion and fighting the "evil empire" which just wanted to bring law and order to the galaxy smh. If you think this episode strayed from the rest of the series you haven't been watching the show, you've just had it on whole scrolling 4chan.
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They had to go there
Silicone544 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First season was a pleasant surprise and I was really looking forward to the second season. The first 2 episodes dragged along and I started worrying. Episode 3 was a full on feminist brouhaha. The underlying theme was the deputy earning much less than her superior the Sheriff. Well isn't that the way its supposed to be? If they compared her salary to a male deputy of equal standing then I can understand the frustration. Then the theme slowly evolves into a whole fantasy based outrage over equal pay for women. Again without any context to why the "inequity" exists.

So how does this contribute to the resident alien story? He should call in the storm troopers asap and blast us all into oblivion.
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Really funny
ukgreek10 February 2022
I don't know what some reviewers are complaining about. This was pure Resident Alien. Tudyk was in perfect form and the script was great -- funny and inventive. It had a couple of slow moments (as it always has had, given it doesn't have a huge budget) but the addition of Alex Borstein was brilliant. She nailed Harry's speech. Loved the use of the steamer basket.
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Girls' Night.
bombersflyup10 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Resident Alien goes PC. Also like the previous episodes of the season, less screen time for Tudyk. These other characters aren't good enough to be at the fore, but also tired in parts. The two kids have been doing the same thing for three episodes now and this feels like filler, for what's already just a show for some laughs, which it's lacking here.
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Writers do not know Islam
dusadomovine27 August 2022
Writers should fully understand the topic they are writing about. The comments made by the Muslim girl about Western society not liking the female body and forcing women to shave. No one forces women to shave - they do it because they want to do it. ALSO learn a bit about Islam. In the Muslim faith - to strive towards purity, bot men and women are guided to remove armpit and pubic hair at least once every forty days. There is too much feminist BS in this show.

Out of curiosity, why is it OK for women to say "Men will never understand women" but women have absolutely no interest in understanding men? It is hypocrisy. It is now just toxic femininity.
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