Jesus: He Lived Among Us (Video 2016) Poster

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The story of Jesus told by the apostle John
scottmullins096 April 2015
Brought to us by the Voice of the Martyrs. The story of Jesus told via flashback by the apostle John....the only remaining original member of Jesus' inner circle. Now an old man, the apostle John recounts the life and times of Jesus to some Roman guards. The animation is amazing. Very realistic with some blood shone, probably not for viewing by small children. If I had to give it a rating, I would say Y-12. But definitely a good movie...better than some live-action movies in that it sticks to the New Testament Gospels for the most part without a lot of subplots like a lot of stuff coming out of Hollywood the last couple decades. 8 out of 10.
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Excellent overview of the life of Jesus
cameyjoy22 January 2019
This was a good movie that sparked interest for my kids 6,7,9 years old. We watched as a family movie night. Most children bible movies I've seen have been too graphic or sub par animation. This movie was true to scripture and easy for children to follow and understand. The music and voice overs were sub par, but overall highly recommended.
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Amogus 😳😳😳
spitfiresteampoweredcom21 February 2021
Haven't watched the movie yet, probably never will. But the name 'Jesus' has the word 'sus' in it which is pretty funny I suppose. Just then I saw the words 'Among Us' back-to-back. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me like the weird people I keep seeing on the sides of my eye sight but it was the real deal. I was so happy to see Jesus in the title of Among Us, it was a sight to behold.
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well made
Kirpianuscus12 September 2020
The basic virtue - the perspective about The Savior life and mission. This detail did it inspired option for entire family. Second - the drawings. Not the best but profound useful for a public who has the fair package for the message. And, not the last, the honesty. It is a familiar story and it has the great privilege to define each Christian. The animation has the science to reflect that in beautiful manner You feel it as your story. And , no doubts, this detail make it useful.
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Jesus: He Lived among us review
catsdogsboom3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well I just got finished watching Jesus He Lived Among us and the movie was bad really, from bad poor voice acting to the animation, and it is so bad that I would say that it is the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have watch Cool Cat Saves the Kids! Now let's cover the studio Vision Video or is it the voice of the martyrs? To tell you the truth I don't know when I look at the movie on IMDb it says that it was made by the voice of the martyrs but on amazon it says that it is made by Vision Video and it was made in 2011 and that is it! Now onto the meat of this review the technical aspect and I am going to compare the movie to a show from 2007 4 years before this movie and the series is called Wakfu witch dose not have the best animation but I'm going to compare the semi-final episode of Wakfu season 1 "I Am A Legend" to the part of Jesus He Lived Among us when he gets put on the cross .Let's start off talking about the sense where Jesus dies on the cross. this is one (by the way I'm starting when Jesus is already on the cross) starts with Jesus asking for the people to be forgiven for there actions and music starts to play which dose not fit with a scene like this it feels more like music that would be played at a funeral I think that ambient sounds would fit much better, and after that a man next to him says "Aren't you the Christ, Then save yourself and us." This line has all the problems in the movie all at once, from the voice actor delivering the line as if it was a small robbery not them being killed and the character who says that only having his mouth moving it is all bad and after that a different character tells him how he should respect God and how they deserve this but Jesus dose not and it comes off as so unnatural and forced it is like saying to your buddy on death row that they deserve this but that other guy dose not it is not normal. Now onto Wakfu! The music choice of Wakfu is masterful starting with the mail heroin staring down the monster as it is about to kill her and all you can hear is the sound of its cannons charging up and then as the monster fires its cannons sound cuts out as we get shots of the people staring off scared for there lives then we cut back the main characters and we see she is alive but we see another character Dally standing there covered in burnt marks and she starts telling him it is time to go and right after that he falls to the ground and she keeps telling him that he can not die but he tells her that he's not dying he is becoming a legend then he dies. That was some comparison the funny thing is that as I mentioned before Wakfu came out 4 years before this movie! This movie was bad and not the funny kind of bad it is the RELLY funny type of bad, so I recommend it to everyone who has internet access, you can find it on amazon or people with no money watch it on YouTube this is a movie everyone must watch. Somehow this movie has a 7/10 on IMDb but, if must give this movie a review score I give it a 1/10 for everything in this movie being terrible!
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dislikecuyaa19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jesus's family has to flee to save him from an envious ruler. He forgives sins, heals the sick and gives hope to the dejected and oppressed, yet many loath and reject him. Among Us 😂
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amog us
jgmanning-3727630 May 2021
The title has both words sus and among us in I find this rather amusing.

Never seen the movie.
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Amogus sus
Kniz04 June 2021
Amogus, sus, sussy, sussy memes. When the movie is sus.
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jesus reminded me of thr best character in family guy jesus
familyguyfan-5648421 April 2022
This movie was a masterpiece, it bought me to tears. The character arc of jesus learning what it truly means to be the son of god was a pleasure to watch unfold never seen the movie.
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Beautiful movie
myabenson14 June 2019
This is a great movie, hands down. Well-made, unique, and quite realistic. The point of view that the story was told from really stood out. Thoroughly enjoyed. A true gem. Highly recommend!
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i love jesus
wccoughlan3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love jesus who was among us. I can not belive jesus amongs amogsn amogsu amogus sussy. I cant belif that he SUS was amon yes, i agree with the other poster, he is insightful. That you for pos ing this rev.and remember jesus he sus susi vaka.the impoter you.
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Jesus_is_among_us28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That movie was so good. Gorgeous love story filled with twists that I would've never seen coming. Was not expecting it to end like that, especially Judas' then Jesus' death, PLUS Jesus' love confession to Simon. Beautiful. This should be turned into a tv series. Would recommend.
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I thought Shrek would be in this
awfulreality23 September 2024
I thought Shrek would be in this since he is a cartoon, but he wasn't. Instead, the show is about a guy named Jesus. He wears sandals (🤢) and does party tricks like turning water into wine (which is kind of funny, I guess) and feeding a huge crowd with just a tiny bit of food lol. It's like if a really nice wizard who loves giving pep talks went on adventures. The animation is super colorful and silly, with Jesus making fish and bread appear out of nowhere. He's always sharing meals and performing miracles like a magic chef with a flair for the dramatic. There are also moments where he walks on water and calms storms like he's the ultimate chill dude. The whole thing wraps up with cheesy morals about love and kindness, all served with a side of eye-roll-worthy antics. It's like they took a serious story and turned it into a cartoon circus where the magic is as over-the-top as the lessons. Personally, it would have been better if Shrek was in it.
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