Pillow Party Massacre (2023) Poster

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Unoriginal slasher flick...
paul_haakonsen30 April 2023
Right, well I figured that with a title such as "Pillow Party Massacre" then maybe this 2023 might be a horror spoof on the old classic slasher movies such as "Slumber Party Massacre". In fact, I hadn't even heard about this movie prior to sitting down to watch it, so I wasn't sure what I was in for.

The storyline in "Pillow Party Massacre" was generic, oh so very, very generic. This was essentially just another run-of-the-mill slasher movie with a masked killer wearing a black robe. Maybe writer and director Calvin Morie McCarthy is a hardcore fan of the "Scream" franchise, because "Pillow Party Massacre" felt like a watered down attempt at copying those movies. Except that "Pillow Party Massacre" lacked the brutality, the budget, the intensity and the story.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. However, it should be noted though, that the acting performances weren't all that bad, taking into consideration the severe limitations imposed upon the actresses and actors by an inferior script and wooden character gallery.

Visually then "Pillow Party Massacre" was a mess. The vast majority of the special effects were so bad that they effectively were just that; special! Some of the effects were so bad that I was laughing loudly and had to go back and watch it a second time. But a few of the special effects were actually great, so go figure.

If you enjoy a slasher movie, then do yourself a favor and don't waste 87 minutes on "Pillow Party Massacre". Some of us did so you don't have to. There are far better slasher movies readily available out there in an abundance.

My rating of writer and director Calvin Morie McCarthy's 2023 movie "Pillow Party Massacre" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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Poorly Constructed, And Extremely Predictable.
meddlecore14 May 2023
When a tight knit group of high school kids pull a prank on one of their friends...it causes the target of the prank to snap, and murder the boy who set her up.

Fast forward two years later, and we have this same group reconnecting at a cabin in the woods.

Where they start being hunted by a not-so mysterious killer.

Because, on top the plot being horribly constructed.

What's supposed to be the "twist" at the end...is just way too predictable.

With the bulk of the film being almost entirely irrelevant to the conclusion.

The whole movie is just loathesomely bad, on practically every front.

And is barely able to hold your attention.

The fact that not a whole lot happens in the run-up to the underwhelming finale...just renders the whole thing to be overtly boring.

The pillow fight (seemingly for which the film is named) is inexplicably forced into the story; characters are thrown in, simply for the sake of dying (and upping the kill count); while plot elements are introduced, and just left as loose ends.

Also...if you think about it...the killer could only ever be one of two people.

And they make the one one option so obvious, that you just reject even considering it as being reasonable.

So, by process of elimination, it's really not that hard to sus out who the killer is, pretty much straight from the get-go.

Thus, the whole thing is just way too predictable, in it's blatant (yet failed) attempt to be unpredictable.

Not to mention, the whole thing is poorly written, poorly acted, and poorly constructed.

With no attention to detail.

And a finale so underwhelming, it's almost funny.

But it's not.

And the kills suck.

Rendering the whole thing borderline unwatchable.

It's only redeeming value, whatsoever, is quite literally, it's rad post punk soundtrack.

So do yourself a favour and pass this one by.

It's just not worth the time wasted.

1.5 out of 10.
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it a hard conviction...
ops-5253528 April 2023
But this is some of the most garbage ive seen on the horrorfront this year, its absolutely horrendous and etched a sketch amateur slasher flasher with poor sound quality, a filmatographical mess of ''lets make a movie, i just got the new iphone'' kinda camerahandling, the playbook has been made insitu, and the lack of any sort of script burns through at any moment.

The idea to make a horrorslasher is lingering in there, and with a bit more comprehensive insight on the baseline of featurefilm filmaking it couldve been maybe a should see film, but this was lower than trash, even the gory scenes screams for more, and the dumb descisionmaking that drives this genre is taken to the absolute peak of the limit.

Goodlooking actresses doesnt make them good on the act, and when the dire sets in its just so generic and forthcoming. Its not even laughable stuff this movie shows, its a total blunder of darkfiltering homemoviemaking. The grumpy old man says its a no see.
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BandSAboutMovies13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Five former best girlfriends - Sam (Laura Welsh), Alana (Jax Kellington), Barbara (Chynna Rae Shurts), Miles (Allegra Sweeney) and Mikki (Nicolette Pullen) - get back together two years after a school dance prank gone wrong. A joke that turned deadly when their former friend Ashley (Savannah Raye Jones) comes back with a gun.

Now, she's in an institution and they're dealing with the guilt. Could a weekend together be the exact thing they need to move on? Or is a slasher going to kill every one of them? Well, it's not called Pillow Party Massacre for its health.

Director and writer Calvin Morie McCarthy (Amityville Poltergeist) really loves slashers and that comes through in this. It has a great score by Feeding Fingers, awesome practical effects by Chad Buffett and Maddie Goodwin (Vengeance, a Friday the 13th fan film that's way better than that sounds, as well as Conjuring: The Beyond) and has enough kills and scenes that pay tribute without feeling like a rip off.
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shameful screenplay
fabiofrost4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If I could ask a question to the genius who wrote this useless film that talks about a serious topic in a trivial and gruesome way, and I would add without respect a problem like bullying, bullying is a real problem and tackling it in this shameful way is an insult , however, the question I would do is this to the genius who wrote this film because at the end of the film Samanta is saved for what reason the others are all killed while she deserves to live there was nothing different from her other than the other girls not It seems to me that there was no redemption on his part, however I got tired of writing about this film, because this film sucks.
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I don't have a dare
nogodnomasters6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The High School is having its April Fool's Day dance. Carter Fisher (Sebastian Bjorn) convinces his girlfriend Ashley (Savannah Raye Jones ) to make out in the boy's room stall. He leaves for protection and her gang of friends open the stall door to see her exposed ta-tas. Ashley was so upset that she murdered Carter. Two years later her group of friends decide to go off to a cabin on Burnt Ridge Lake. An alert is issued about an escapee from Rainer Spring Psychiatric Hospital. Could it be Ashly? Could it be Mass killer Bear Grylls?

The girls do have a pillow fight. If you have ever seen one of these you know who is the mystery killer 10 minutes into the film. (I was right.) The problem I had with the killer was their massive strength. The killer was a breather and walked around like the spoof killer in "Student Bodies." The film opens up by letting us know "Feely Fingers" did the music and managed to perform three complete songs. Sometimes bands make films to get their music exposed.

Guide: F-word. No sex. Nudity (Jax Kellington ).
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Highly Ineffective
arfdawg-126 April 2024
Perhaps the worst ovie of the year.

A bunch of totally unattractive Gez Z'ers get together in a house years after pulling an April Fool's prank on one of the students. Heard it before? Of course you have.

The movie is filled with used up cliches: Jump scares, Truth or Dare games, you name it. Only none of it is effective in this horribly boring movie.

What makes it worse is that the cast cannot act their way out of a proverbially paper bag and they are down right fugly so you don't even want to look at them.

Don't even think about crisp, exciting, directing. Watching paint dry is more exciting.
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A highly effective and enjoyable throwback slasher effort
After meeting up with old friends, a group of girls on a getaway trip to reminiscence at a remote house in the woods to get together end up finding their trip ruined by the remnants of a prank they committed when they were younger that left a person dead and must now find a way to stop the vicious killer.

This was a pretty solid and enjoyable throwback slasher effort. One of the better features of this one is the rather fun setup that serves as a fine inspiration to set everything in motion. Featuring the expected prank and the aftermath that serves as the inspiration to start a revenge rampage on the ones responsible for what went down, the resulting aftermath of which takes place when they get together years later being unoriginal but perfectly suited to this kind of throwback style. That also goes along rather nicely with the rest of the setup involving the girls trying to get over their issues while meeting up which generates a sense of strain and tension amongst the group. None of this is, again, all that clever or unique and tends to allow it to fall victim to plenty of cliched moments or scenarios that arise because it's following this kind of structure but there's still enough going on here to serve as worthwhile for the type of film this is presented as. This gives the film quite a lot to like in terms of being a straightforward slasher once the killer arrives. Given a great mask and a solid disguise, this one comes off quite nicely in that regard as the types of attacks that emerge here aren't that bad including the first attack on the police officers or the confrontations with the boyfriends who are clearly there to enhance the body count. Turning to the girls and stalking them through the house, the fact that they're aware of the killer from the start with him appearing to the group as a whole and causing some solid chases throughout gets quite fun with the interactions involving him taking out a few of them in obscure locations around the house. As these scenes not only give off the kind of low-budget slasher thrills which are necessary for this type of feature but also offer a nice frenetic energy in the best part of the film, these all come together to give everything quite a lot to like about it. There are some minor drawbacks to be had with this one. One of the few minor issues is the somewhat staggered pacing that takes quite a while to get going. Since it's running through some familiar territory involving the prank and its outcome as well as getting the friends back together at the house which includes not only the journey there but also the various scenes of them sitting around hanging out about what happened that the kills are instead pushed back to the last half of the film. While it's great to get a sense of their relationship with each other in stuff like their trip to the store where they encounter the homeless guy, their slow-motion pillow fight or the arrival of a boyfriend, these scenes end up dragging everything out to having most of the action take place in the last half-hour so it can feel like a struggle to get going. Combined with that aforementioned familiarity and a general sense of obeying genre conventions, these are the main drawbacks in store for this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity, and mild drug use.
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A worthy effort for a young filmmaker
freesquire17 October 2023
I enjoy the slasher sub genre more than any other, having been there in the golden age. As a result I'm always looking for new "throwback" additions.

Most fail because they try to do something new or put a fresh twist on things. That's now how it's done. The key is knowing that the "formula" works and following that formula with your own new and unique story.

This young filmmaker did a great job following the formula. The story works and he pieced it together nicely. It is a well done by the book slasher. A nice watch for the OG fans of the sub genre.

Things for this filmmaker to look at to improve in his next foray in the slasher arena:

Likeable characters: Outside of Jax Kellington's "Alana" all of the female characters were unlikeable and the cliche "you wanted them to die" could be said. May have been the script, nay have been the performances. Either way, outside of Alana, the cast didn't work. Kellington could be another Quigley in the making, who knows.

Soundtrack: I will chalk up the lack of atmosphere and tension to a fairly weak soundtrack. Use of ambient sound and synth tracks to brood and build tension would have helped tremendously. Similar to Carpenter's original mistake with Halloween.

Atmosphere: A little less daylight, a bit more dusk and night time. The daytime shots were ok but needed to contain more fun interaction and some light hearted humor tossed in as opposed to the girls bitching and moaning about everything that we got. Also, the killer's "costume" was on point but the 21st century smiley mask can be 86'd. It's too "Scream"(y) and not scary.

To the filmmaker, great job on a throwback slasher. You succeeded where many have failed. Better casting, outside of Kellington, and a more intense, suspenseful soundtrack would go a long way. Keep following the path you're on !
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This Portland Slasher Does The Things
mickdansforth28 April 2023
I bought Pillow Party Massacre on Prime Video.

Along with Jim Wynorski's Murderbot, Calvin Morie McCarthy's Pillow Party Massacre has been a film I have been following the progress of on FB since last year. And have been looking forward to.

This slasher movie does the things. The girls are attractive and scantily clad. The kills are gory and interesting. And there's a mystery about who the killer is, that is held back until the end. And that reveal works.

There's a musical reference to a band that I was obsessed with for a bit in the 80s but haven't heard anyone mention since the 90s, if then.

This movie really works for me.
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Pillow Party Massacre: A Terrifyingly Fun Slumber Party Thriller
kindwyn21 May 2023
Pillow Party Massacre, directed by Calvin Morie McCarthy, is a horror film that delivers an unforgettable and thrilling experience from start to finish. It captivates viewers with its suspenseful storyline and impressive performances by a talented cast. Let's dive into why this movie deserves a glowing review.

Calvin Morie McCarthy has masterfully crafted a unique horror film that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The plot takes unexpected twists and turns, leading viewers through a chilling journey they never saw coming. McCarthy's direction shines through in every scene, creating an atmosphere of palpable tension and fear.

The cast of Pillow Party Massacre delivers outstanding performances that bring the characters to life. Laura Welsh shines as Sam, the film's strong and determined protagonist. She skillfully portrays the emotions and vulnerability required for the role, drawing the audience deeper into the story. The chemistry between the cast members is palpable, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the film.

The twist at the end of the movie is nothing short of brilliant. Without giving away any spoilers, it's safe to say that Pillow Party Massacre will leave you shocked and completely reevaluate everything you thought you knew. The unexpected turn of events is a testament to the intelligent storytelling and the film's ability to keep the audience guessing until the very end.

One of the film's greatest strengths is its ability to appeal to both teens and adults. Pillow Party Massacre is an ideal choice for a slumber party night with your girlfriends. Whether you're a teenager or an adult, this movie guarantees a night of spine-tingling excitement. The film effortlessly blends horror, suspense, and a touch of nostalgia, making it a perfect choice for a memorable girls' night in.

The production quality of the film is commendable. Calvin Morie McCarthy not only directed the movie but also took on the role of associate producer and cinematographer. His eye for capturing atmospheric shots and setting the right tone enhances the overall viewing experience. The makeup, special effects, and visual effects teams deserve praise for their incredible work, adding a realistic and visceral feel to the horror elements.

Furthermore, the dedication of the crew behind the scenes cannot go unnoticed. From the gaffer to the costume and wardrobe department, every aspect of the production has been meticulously handled, ensuring a visually stunning and cohesive film.

In conclusion, Pillow Party Massacre is a must-see horror film that will leave audiences craving more. Calvin Morie McCarthy's direction, along with the exceptional performances from the talented cast, keeps viewers engaged throughout the movie. The unexpected twist at the end is the icing on the cake, leaving an indelible mark on anyone who watches it. Whether you're looking for a thrilling movie night or planning a slumber party with your friends, Pillow Party Massacre promises an unforgettable experience. Prepare to be terrified and thoroughly entertained!
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Call for a Revolution Warning: Spoilers
Pillow Party Massacre is a movie that takes horror to the next level, using the symbolism of pillows to deliver a powerful critique of the oppressive nature of capitalism. Director Jane Smith has created a film that is both terrifying and thought-provoking, with a message that will stay with viewers long after the credits have rolled.

The movie follows a group of working-class women who are having a slumber party in a secluded cabin when they are attacked by a killer wielding a pillow. The pillows in the film serve as a potent symbol of the domestication and oppression of women, and how the bourgeoisie have confined them to the traditional realm of the home.

Pillow Party Massacre engages with feminist theory, critical race theory, and queer theory to expose how the capitalist system perpetuates violence and harm against the marginalized. The film features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique struggles and experiences, and critiques the way in which society often dismisses or ignores the struggles of minorities. The film's engagement with queer theory is particularly powerful, as it critiques the way in which the bourgeoisie have marginalized and oppressed queer individuals.

But the movie's message goes beyond just a critique of the system. Pillow Party Massacre calls for a revolution, a complete dismantling of the oppressive capitalist system. The film's call for a revolution is a powerful statement of resistance, reminding viewers that the struggle for a just and equitable society is ongoing.

Pillow Party Massacre is a must-see film for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of class struggle, feminism, critical race theory, and queer theory through a revolutionary, anticapitalist lens. This film is a powerful statement of resistance against the oppressive nature of capitalism, and a call for a new social order that prioritizes the needs of the working class over the desires of the bourgeoisie.

In conclusion, Pillow Party Massacre is a movie that is not for the faint of heart, but it is a movie that will leave you thinking long after it has ended. With its powerful symbolism, engaging characters, and revolutionary message, it is a movie that is sure to become a classic of the genre.
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Not your average Pillow Party!
susan-8960020 September 2023
Within seconds, and I do mean seconds, I absolutely fell in love with Pillow Party Massacre. The neon titles; the retro music; the use of slow motion; it's all there as our cast is assembled at a High School dance in which an April Fool's Day prank goes wild. The music stops only momentarily as the girls gathered get their drink on and then - BOOM! - the party is momentarily abandoned to go make out in a mausoleum of dirty socks.

Pillow Party Massacre, directed by indie filmmaker Calvin, is a delightful homage to the 1980s slasher genre with a modern twist. It successfully marries nostalgia with contemporary storytelling, offering a thrilling and hilarious ride that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

The film kicks off with an unmistakable '80s vibe, evident from the very first frame. The neon titles, synth-heavy soundtrack, and an array of vintage fashion choices transport you back in time.

Get your pillows ready and Parrrrrtaaay!
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I hope there's a part two!
RoyMince27 September 2023
Thee storyline really made it for me. Being a huge fan of horror films, I might come off as a little biased, but in a nutshell, this film takes the horror genre to the next level and on the right path not relying on cheesy jump scares And quick camera pops this movie allows you to use your imagination and keeps you glued to the seat the entire time almost putting you in a hypnotic state. I definitely recommend this film because it's new it's storyline is creative and the finished product is meaningful that deserves to get two thumbs up. It's definitely one of those films where you're just kind of hanging out at the house with your partner enjoying the night. It's almost a mood setting movie!
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