"Doctor Who" The Giggle (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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A Marvelous Ending for Tennant, A Spectacular Entrance for Gatwa!
2004Daniel9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Russell T Davies delivers quite possibly his most ambitious, and certainly one of his best episodes yet - this regeneration story is genuinely like no other and I have to applaud RTD for going with this idea, and executing it brilliantly.

The episode begins with a introduction to the Toymaker, an old foe, and throughout the story Neil Patrick Harris was fantastic in making a character the audience genuinely hates, as he taunts the Doctor and Donna.

This episode was so quickly paced, it could have been made into an entire series arc, but that's full credit to RTD for being able to make all of this fit within one episode. The concept of the giggle being engrained in human minds is great, and given it's origin, allows for some creepy puppet scenes.

The sequence with the Doctor and Donna being taken through the haunted house and the creepy dolls was exactly what I want from Doctor Who, especially considering the heartfelt conversation the Doctor and Donna had half way through it. This is what RTD can do best, it's not a case of occasionaly bringing the story back down to Earth, actually, among all the craziness, it's all down to earth emotional drama. And it's brilliant.

The use of UNIT was great, I can imagine them playing a big part in the future of Doctor Who. Speaking of which - Ncuti Gatwa burst onto the scene in the first bigeneration of the show. To have David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa act along side eachother was incredible, especially knowing that for one, this will be their last episode, and the other, this is their first.

A game of throw and catch as the climax of the episode? I can see why people may have issues with that, but I'm here for a good time and I thought it worked in a classic RTD way.

Then the next 10 minutes is just wonderful Doctor Who - the 14th and 15th Doctor's figure out where they stand with some beautiful writing, acting, and music.

And as the 10th/14th Doctor's theme transitions into the 15th Doctor's theme, we know who's in charge now. It feels like Murray Gold has a new "I Am the Doctor" now, and that piece was a great way to end a fantastic episode of music!

I think it's going to be controversial to some, but I also think this will go down as a favourite, especially in years to come. When Gatwa becomes a popular Doctor as I'm sure he will, we'll look back at his first appearance, acting alongside potentially the show's greatest Doctor, with great fondness.

Russell T Davies, David Tennant, Ncuti Gatwa, Catherine Tate, Murray Gold. Well done all.

To conclude: Fantastic episode from start to finish. Was it an anniversary celebration like the Day of the Doctor was? No, but it didn't need to be. Brilliant episode. 9/10.
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The Giggle
Prismark109 December 2023
You have to laugh at Neil Patrick Harris doing his German accent. I think he got away with it.

It was all a game to him as he crossed the realm to our universe. So he can dance to the Spice Girls.

Mel Bush somehow made it back to the present Earth after travelling with Glitz for almost 50 years.

Donna goes demented with some puppets. While the Toymaker puts on a puppet show explaining what happened to some of the Doctor's companions. That's alright then.

It was all rather crazy and wild and that is before the bi-generation. The jury might be split on that.

The ball game was underwhelming, RTD going the Alice in Wonderland route than something more Marvel.

I did like RTD trolling some aspects of the online media who think they are always right and are permanently angry.
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What a great way to say goodbye (for now) to David Tennant's Doctor and hello to Ncuti Gatwa's doctor.
garyvines-0129025 December 2023
I began watching Doctor who in the 80s with reruns from Tom Baker's time as the doctor so that Doctor was the one that imprinted on me the most and the model which I hold all the other doctors thereafter. I got to meet Sarah Jane Smith, Harry, Leela, K-9 and then I dopped off thereafter. When Netflix first started, I decided to try to start from the beginning and watched the first doctor and some of the second. It's hard to find all the earlier seasons as that BBC purged their files at some point after the series was going and those files are lost. I did get to see the episode of the "toymaker," and hadn't seen him again in a long time. The Daleks, Cybermen the Master, they all keep churning back up but I haven't seen him since Doctor 1! There is no better actor I could think of that could bring the toymaker to life than Neil Patrick Harris. He was perfect for the part and I'm thinking he'll show up again later on.

The toymaker is a celestial being that has unlimited powers, but he chooses to use them for trickery and jest. While he seems harmless in his actions, he's actually deadly but for some reason likes to toy with the Doctor as that he's one of the more clever begins the toymaker has encountered.

Watch this episode if you liked Russell T. Davies storylines, David Tennant as the Doctor, Donna or Neil Patrick Harris in anything.
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I don't wanna go 2: electric boogaloo
DanTheMan2150AD9 December 2023
The Giggle rounds out the 60th anniversary specials on a high note bringing back a very special foe from a time long ago. The Giggle was the centre of the marketing for a very good reason, it had no right to be good and delivered something that was equal parts epically camp and horrifically dark. The budget was clearly spent here and it just delivers every step of the way.

Controversial? Oh undoubtedly so, but Russell and company is having a blast, trippy hypnogogic visuals, gorgeous music, outstanding direction, hilarious writing and a fantastical dance sequence. Yes, you heard me right.

Tennant is on top form as is nearly everyone else in this story but christ alive Neil Patrick Harris absolutely steals the show as the Toymaker, having the time of his life in a role he easily makes his own while standing toe to toe with the iconic Michael Gough. Ncuti Gatwa makes his debut here and all I can is, the future of Who is in safe hands, he makes a fantastic impression, one I can't wait to see more of this Christmas.

The Giggle not only delivers a satisfying end to what could have been a gigantic disappointment, Russell brought Who back to top form and he had no right to do so... but can someone please tell 15 to put on some trousers already.
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Best of three! in more ways than one.
Sleepin_Dragon10 December 2023
The Doctor faces a deadly adversary from the past.

Russell you absolutely nailed this one, every inch an anniversary special. Everything I had hoped for, big story, big foe, and familiar faces from the past.

I don't know about you, but it was not possible to avoid who and what was going to be in this one, the villains and companions have been plastered everywhere.

The Human race thinking they're all right, that did make me laugh, Russell took aim, and launched, social media, cancel culture, covid, he had a few digs.

Some magical references to the past, just what you want from a special. A few creepy moments too, this really did have a tonne going on.

Neil Patrick Harris was outrageous here, I think it's one of the best performances on the show, period, let alone from the last few years.

Lovely to see Bonnie, hopefully she's going to pop up again.

Who's the someone else? The Boss? I think it's going to be a while before we learn exactly who this is, will that be the thread for Ncuti's first full series?

As for Ncuti, I think we're in safe hands here.

Parfait!!!! 10/10.
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Brilliant just brilliant
stuartpbottomley9 December 2023
Finally the doctor is back with someone in charge who knows how to write the doctor. The three 60th anniversary as a whole have been breathtaking. That Star Beast manages to re-introduce doctor 10/14 and Donna Noble without been too convoluted and tells a fun story. The Blue Yonder whilst been the weakest of the 3 specials is still better than the whole run of the 13th Doctor's. It allowed for the Doctor and Donna to bond again.

Then we get to the Giggle. From Star to finish, it sizzles , fizzles and bubbles off the screen. Then you get to the best bit but I won't say anything about that. SPOILERS My only gripe is this wasn't shown at the cinema, like the 50th was. It would look great on the big screen.
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An emotional and deeply satisfying ending to the 60th specials.
DVD_Connoisseur10 December 2023
The Giggle was an absolute joy to watch, from its sinister beginning in an old British toyshop, to a spectacular and unexpected finale.

Russell T. Davies had mischievously warned that there would be a controversial ending to this episode but, no spoilers, I found it the most satisfying of conclusions.

Davies is the master of playing with one's emotions and there were a few moments where I had to hold back the old water works!

Neil Patrick Harris plays The Toymaker, a villainous character last seen way back in 1966. He has a blast in the role; the musical sequence, accompanied by The Spice Girls' "Spice Up Your Life", is television gold, mixing humour with bloodchilling horror.

Speaking of horror, those who suffer from Pupaphobia (a fear of puppets) will be hiding from behind the settee in at least one scene.

As with the preceeding specials, Tennant and Tate are absolutely fantastic. Tennant's 14th is definitely one of my all-time favourite Doctors. The additional years since last playing the role, have given Tennant even more gravitas. He's brilliant.

So, another perfect 10. Welcome to another Golden Age of Doctor Who. I've been watching since 1973 and the show still feels fresh and exciting. The countdown to Christmas Day has begun.
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Neil Patrick Harris shines on one of the best episodes of Who in YEARS!!!!
blablaklingklang9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The performances were undoubtedly the strong point of this episode. I sort of wish they had made more of the Toymakers's maze place, that was brilliant. All the stuff with the dolls was genius and Neil Patrick Harris' performance!!!!! Massive coup and also a master stroke getting him in for this. However, I see no benefit to the bi-generation idea. Why did it need to happen. If it was just Ncuti, I feel it would've been far better handled. I thought the whole point of the doctor was that he could never live a normal life, and yet Davies has used the same plot point he used in Jouney's End but for a different companion. I always found that the prospect of Donna forgetting the Doctor to be more sad and a better ending for her character. I feel slightly betrayed by that.

On the bright side, Ncuti Gatwa is emitting charisma radiation from everywhere. Although I'm not entirely sure why he was only in a shirt and pants. I look forward to him continuing the show's legacy.

In conclusion, the first 40 minutes of this episode were genius, high class doctor who. The last 20 minutes I'm fairly mixed about: the bi-regeneration etc. But I feel happy knowing we can start a new era of the show without looking back (hopefully!).
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markal-019859 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best episodes of Dr Who I think I've watched ever.

Neil Patrick Harris was fantastic as the toymaker and played his role perfectly!!

The build up throughout the episode was brilliant, we knew that David was going to regenerate but i didn't at all the Bi regeneration being what was going to happen.

Nucti's energy is fantastic and I know he's going to be brilliant Dr!

The best part of the episode for me was seeing David's Dr finally getting his rest and to be part of a proper family but best of all he got to do it with Donna Noble.

The gold tooth?? It's most definitely a return of the master but will this be an old face returning?

Russell T Davies has brought this show back to life!!
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No notes
browniesnack579 December 2023
This episode's title is arguably misleading. It is neither the true centerpiece of the finale nor is it reflective of how many times I laughed while watching.

Irregardless I have had more fun than when I started back in 2014 with Eccleston. The best way to introduce the new Doctor by far. Just, casually rewriting the canon regarding Time Lord biology. Because you can. Since, the Doctor isn't really a Time Lord anymore. Showrunner takes full advantage of his playing field.

I didn't think I could be surprised one way or another but BLIMEY does RTD give other imaginative writers a run for their money!

I'm glad I don't have two hearts 'cos apparently I did not study up sufficiently for this rollercoaster of a mindwarper. Yum.
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Bigeneration sucks, I hate it so much
t-37410-8858911 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode, they really greatly set up the toymaker, it's really exciting, great character building and build up and then...!

He just kills the doctor. Like, what's the point he could have done that immediately is that where all that build up was for? He could have done that the entire time. He pretended like he would have a great ending to his game, and them, Tennants doctor is finally ready to let go of being himself. "Allonsy" pretty beautiful. Random pointless moment for a regeneration, but fine, it's a good arc.. and then...!

He bi generates? That takes away from all the emotion!!! How does that even work? Regeneration is made to heal a timelord. The next time I shoot an axolotl it will spawn a clone instead of heal? It doesn't make sense! We get no introduction to 15 whatsoever, het gets no "who am I?" Arc, something crucial for a new doctor, he's just there, we're given no time to get used to him or to show his character... he's just a random bloke that runs away with the TARDIS, and now we have two doctors?? Two Tardisses? THAT MAKES EVERYTHING THE 15th DOCTOR DOES POINTLESS, CUZ IT DOESNT MATTER, CUZ THERES ALWAYS ANOTHER DOCTOR TO FIX IT! Like the timeless child we have no fear for the lives of the doctors now, but doubled, cuz a died version will be back in the other doctors regeneration. I hate it I hate it I hate it. It's not even explained how it happened! It's a pointless plot device for nothing. It just ruins everything. Thanks rtd, we thought you'd fix it but you ruined it even more.
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What happened.
charlesingworth_o10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After Wild Blue Yonder, I think we all expected The Giggle to be THE special. And wow. The first half of the episode is great, but the plot soon fizzles out into nothing. The toymaker was hyped up so much in the return, just to be wasted and be disappointing. The regeneration is the worst yet, as it feels that they only kept David around so that if Ncuti's series fails, they can bring David back, similar to how they didn't with Jodie. Mel was useless (just like the old days) and Donna had nothing to do this episode other than linger around the Doctor. You know how the Doctor's thing has always been keep moving forward and never look back? Well they stuck a big fat middle finger up to that and stranded David to let him... Think? Its weird, because now there are two doctors, and after the timeless child, how many more are there? They keep changing the fundamental things in doctor who, and it feels like they're actively trying to kill the show off.
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Splitting Your Sides...
Xstal11 December 2023
Now here's an episode you might have to grin and Baird, which those of a disposition and most typically grey haired, may find the evolution, more akin to revolution, as the hero of their childhood regenerates with flare. Stooky Bill begins adventures though you may see him as Saw, and if you watched the stuff created early on it's such a chore, when compared to modern times, that uses pixels and not lines, though the shock towards the end you couldn't possibly ignore. In between there is a maker of fine toys and games to play, a celestial of sorts who wants to have another day, up his sleeves he may have tricks, numerous accents on the lips, but there's division that will catch your eye, and on your mind might weigh.
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Just Something Truly New and Refreshingly Brilliant
rstenstrom12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a fantastic episode, it was just outstanding from start to finish. This completely exceeded my expectations, just truly brilliant, RTD as really shocked and amazed us all.

First of all Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker was just brilliant. Brilliant casting by RTD. He was menacing, funny and outstanding. He stoke the episode and was just brilliant in every scene.

This episode really does celebrate 60 years of Doctor Who in a very clever way. Linking the past 57 years from the Toymaker's first appearance to now, just think of what the Doctor has done since then.

Now the regeneration twist was just a brilliant, genius idea. The bigeneration of David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa was fantastic seeing two Doctors on screen was riveting and Ncuti Gatwa is excellent what a brilliant actor he is. It was a welcome change of pace to actually have a taste of what his Doctor will be like rather than the plain old regenerate and end the episode. This is where it also gets emotional as to why the Doctor has bigenerated, it's because he's been through so much pain and suffering for not just 15 years but their whole life and they just cannot hold that anymore. The Fourteenth Doctor can live a normal life remembering that pain and finally settle down with a family, meanwhile the Fifteenth Doctor and forget that pain and go onto adventuring.

The Fourteenth Doctor might have Tenth's body and many similarities, however there is just one difference he's much more emotional and open about his feelings. He holds all the emotion that the Doctor has been through.

Bonnie Langford also returns as Melanie Bush which she was great in the episode. Jemma Redgrave is also always great as Kate Stewart.

Now I think RTD is building up to many big things. There are two moments in this episode in which makes me so excited for the future which is someone picks up the Master in which he was trapped inside the Toymaker's gold tooth. The other bit which is very intriguing is the Toymaker mentions a person which he references as "the One Who Waits" who he was scared to confront. This is probably the same person who is the Meep's boss.

The Christmas episode also looks great fun and I cannot wait for Ncuti's Doctor to be fully fleshed out and Millie Gibson's Ruby Sunday to be introduced.
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Doctor Who is properly back!!
tommaughan-8292010 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode. One of the BEST EVER!

My only complaint is that it wasn't longer. Felt a bit rushed and could have easily played this out over 2 or 3 episodes! But overall, superb!!

And the regeneration part... oh my days! Never saw that coming! Looks like the Whoniverse vision is firmly OFF THE GROUND! RTD has smashed it!

Love the fact they haven't said goodbye to David Tennants Doctor just yet - fully expect RTD will bring him and Catherine back from time to time over the coming years, and when he does, I'm sure it will be incredible!

But yeah, everything in this episode, from the acting, to the cinematography, the music, the effects and the writing, was incredible. I feel Doctor Who is properly back now and it makes me very excited!!
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An interesting introduction to the next Doctor
Tweekums12 December 2023
This episode opens in 1925 as a man goes into a toy shop and buys a ventriloquist's dummy; it is to be used as a prop in John Logie Baird's first ever experimental television broadcast. Back in the present UNIT pick up The Doctor and Donna; they tell him that something is causing everybody to believe that they are right, and violently react to those with other opinions. UNIT are only unaffected due to a special device. It soon becomes apparent that the events are linked to that broadcast nearly one hundred years ago. The man who sold the toy was the Celestial Toymaker, a menace that the Doctor hadn't crossed paths with for fifty seven years. It looks like it is the end for this Doctor and the much heralded arrival of the next doctor... without going into details the regeneration doesn't go as anybody expects.

I really enjoyed this episode; as much as I enjoyed the previous one. It is very different though; that concentrated on the characters of The Doctor and Donna while this involves a cornucopia returning of characters. The highlights were the return of the Toymaker and the arrival of a new Doctor. Neil Patrick Harris is really great as the former and Ncuti Gatwa impresses as the latter even though he arrives fairly late in the episode I suspect he will turn out to be a great Doctor. Of course that needs good stories, on the strength of the past three stories I think he might get them. As expected David Tennant and Catherine Tate were great; it was a real treat to have them back for these three specials. Overall an impressive episode that, with the previous two specials, makes me think the series has found its feet again.
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Doctor Who is celebrating its 60th birthday with a love letter to the fans
grigoraaakis-889-29591810 December 2023
I'm an emotional wreck right now. I can't believe that the only story about time travelling across time and space that used to cause me so much pain, healed us from a fifteen year old trauma just now with this episode. I have so many wishes and hopes for the future but still I can't cope. Are we starting a new era of Doctor Who? Quite probably. Russel T Davies returns as the show runner to start a new era of the Doctor, and I'll be seated. I'm in awe! David Tennant gave his hole to the Doctor, he will forever be the supreme, and being able to meet him again after all this years to heal our broken hearts is very special. Russel T Davies really did this for the fans. What a way to end things!
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Exciting times for fans
nbailey-3681710 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A fantastic episode and introduction to the new rendition of the Doctor and his story. With the exception to a somewhat vague and not explained biregeneration, from the start it was packed full of mystery and intrigue, a crazy, short and meaningful story about the Doctor and one of his oldest enemies. At its core however the episode delves into the Doctors mentality of never ever stopping his crazy adventures. Fourteen is a very well done continuation of ten and all those who came after. Finally giving us an impactful conclusion to the show we've come to love, of course it doesn't end here though. With superb and energetic acting from all actors this is truly a treat for fans of the show both longtime and new. Well worth the multiple rewatches between here and Christmas.
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Bi-generation, Tri-generation, Quadri-generation?
imaxxing11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Giggle" is a 60th anniversary jolt of déjà vu. The 1960s era antagonist "The Toymaker" returns, and the Doctor supposedly (and mindbogglingly) "bi-generates", a bit like Janus; the god of transitions and dualities, who is portrayed with two faces-one facing the past, and one facing the future. The face of the Doctor's future is Ncuti, who is introduced towards the end of the episode. Tennant's Doctor is given closure, yet I can't help but feel Tennant's story with Donna should've been left unapologetically as-is; as a poignant and bittersweet tragedy. This is bending over backwards to change that, despite the appreciable glory lap for David Tennant.

The villainous Toymaker is somewhat transfixing and beguiling. But the overdone German accent quickly becomes grating. Aimed more at children? Most likely. But nonetheless, very cheesy. Many "chaos" scenes are the Toymaker boringly flinging around cliché "scary" toys (mannequins, dolls and the like) in a thoroughly clichéd manner. The repetitive giggle.mp3 did not instill any fear whatsoever, and a ventriloquist dummy called Stooky Bill was also underwhelming. Sadly, this version of Dr. Who doesn't cater enough to older Whovians and Sci-Fi aficionados, who are left behind in the midst of all the fun-loving cheesiness.

All in all, bringing back the most popular actor to ever play the part before handing over to a brand new Doctor, played by a rapidly rising talent, is a smart move to get Dr. Who back in the public eye. The Spice Girls segment was also a calculated move to get the episode making the rounds on social media. Gatwa's tenure now begins. Yet, a bi-generated, Doctor-in-emeritus Tennant remains in the backdrop, might he return at a later time? Can the BBC just keep really profitable Doctors on the side for emergencies? Is a tri-generation on the cards?
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Amazing episode with a mixed ending.
spaltner9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I really liked this episode and the first 40 minutes. The pacing was great and it was scary Doctor who once again. I actually feared for the Doctor and Mel's return was a nice surprise. The dance scene was great and showed the Toymakers strength. That's the reason why its 9/10 and not lower.

I didn't really liked the concept of the bi-regeneration initially, but after rewatching the last 20 minutes I'm ok with it since Ncuti says: "I'm fine because you fixed yourself" meaning Tennant will hopefully regenerate into Ncuti and get back sent in time to bi-regenerate. Ncuti also had clothes on and wasn't naked, another indicator for that.

The defeat of the Toymaker was rushed in my opinion. Yes, he follows rules, and yes, it's a great game, but it was just a short montage, and he was defeated. I would have wished a longer scene before he doesn't catch the ball.
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bigeneration makes my head hurt
zedabt9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How does 15 have memories of being 14 when hes just regenerated, shouldn't they have the same memories like the metacrisis dr did? Acght even if the in-show explaination was just "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" that'd be better. It just raises too many questions, maybe I am thinking too har

Other than that good episode i like Niel Patrick Harris as The Toymaker his dominion was nice, and a good use of the budget, the presentation of his powers was very cool, hope he comes back somehow.

The callbacks to old who were nice, even if I didn't get them, and it's always nice to see an old who companion return.

14 spending a lot of time with Donna and her family is a good ending, I prefer the tragic ending after season 4, but shes happy I can't complain that much.

I did not like Kate being ableist why did they do that :/
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Endings are tough, and thats the beauty.
edvinpikachu9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After having a minute to think about it i think my main issue is that regeneration, i feel, sums up the heart of the show: "everything ends, and it's always sad, but everything begins again too, and that's always happy" and i feel bigeneration kind of takes away from that.

I understand the gravity of the doctor never having peace or time for himself so they give him that.. i just dont know why they need 2 of him to be doing that?

The episode felt like it was hopping from random set piece to random set piece wasting time until it introduced ncuti gatwa, and then refused to explain what bigeneration was and why it happened. It was honestly just.. really bad.
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Best of the three
masonsaul11 December 2023
The Giggle combines both elements of the other 60th anniversary specials for a fun large scale adventure with some more disturbing moments interspersed throughout. It's nice to see Doctor Who be angry again as it's so ready to critique the hatred that's rife in the modern world and only made worse by technological advancements.

It's also a regeneration episode like no other, doing something new and exciting, confirming that this new era of Who won't be empty nostalgia. Tennant's run as the 14th Doctor has been brief but still a gift and this episode still finds the time to make his final moments sink in, giving him a send off that makes the return absolutely worth it.

David Tennant and Catherine Tate continue to be an all time great duo here with the episode giving them plenty of moments that are funny and sincere. Neil Patrick Harris' Toymaker is a top tier villain purely because of the delightful villainy the character is imbued with. Ncuti Gatwa really couldn't have made a better first impression than what he does with the limited screen time.

Chanya Button directs the episode with an energy that's easily able to match Tennant's mobility. There's a lot of impressive stuff done with the Toymaker's reality distorting games that constantly keeps the episode on its toes, helped by some snappy editing and it certainly has one of the most thrilling games of catch ever put to screen.
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Brilliant finale AND introduction
willculver9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A great episode!

So much going on from the proper return of Mel, to the toy makers domain to the amazing combination of Ncuti and David. I absolutely loved it. It had all the components for me, tense, funny, spooky and even made me a little misty eyed at points.

Masterful work from RTD to include satisfying conclusions for essentially an era of the show, managing to "send off" Donna and Rose without making tragedy for no reason, giving a truly happy ending for a companion!

And Ncuti! I with many were unsure how Ncuti would take on the roll, though seeing just these first glimpses, I am both thrilled and endlessly excited to see more. The energy he brings is something I think will go on to make him an all time great in this roll.

My only gripe is the resolution of the toy maker. Having his ending in a game I had no problem with, I just feel the moment could have been a little better executed. But a minor problem, nothing that massively disrupts my enjoyment of the ep as a whole.

Concluding these thoughts, The Giggle is my favourite of the specials topping two other great episodes. RTD has done great ushering in this new era, and resolving some of the questions left by the "unceremonious" end to Jodie's run. I go into this new era with a grin from ear to ear and an alarm set for each new episode. After losing faith in the show with many others I am thrilled to be back on the dr who horse.

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As one door closes, another opens
Coke2411 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fantastic episode. Although RTD changed the lore, he did it in a way that actually kept the history of the show's integrity in tact. I liked the explanation of how the first time he faced the Toymaker, he was in the Toymakers own dimension/realm. That explains why we haven't seen the Toymaker since then. Then, in the Wild Blue Yonder, the Doctor invokes a superstition while tricking the not-things, essentially playing mind games with them, thus "inviting" the Toymaker into our universe.

It was very clear that the although Toymaker has to play by the rules of the game, he's not afraid to twist the rules, or make them up as he goes. A little bit like a Genie from a lamp. By killing the Doctor, he updated not only the rules of the game, but the rules of regenerations. The Toymaker is here because of a superstition, and now he's playing games with the Doctor and inadvertently made a Timelord myth a reality.

At first I wasn't so sure about the second Tardis but on a rewatch I realized I had missed an important point. Only the 14th Doctor claimed his prize (to banish the Toymaker). The 15th Doctor hasn't claimed his prize, and is hoping there's enough residual energy from the Toymaker left. There is, and he claims his Tardis as prize. Nicely done Russell.

Final thoughts, I loved the creepy aspects, the nostalgic moments, the dance sequence, and the happy ending. It really does feel like we've closed the chapter on the 2005-2023 Doctor Who story, and are ready to begin afresh with 2023-????. Let's go Ncuti!
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