Megalodon: The Frenzy (2023) Poster

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Conversations go on forever
bridgettemctigue8 January 2024
This movie was bad. And I like low budget movies shark movies. The most irritating thing to me is that there would be scenes of people talking about what they're going to do and why for an unnecessarily long time to the point where you just stop listening. And there were a number of times they did this. Eric Roberts' character made me laugh. His facial expressions had me howling sometimes. The military characters were not believable. I expected the effects to be bad, but when it gets added on top of all the other issues I couldn't look past it. I laughed watching this movie, but I also almost turned it off many times because those long conversations were making me actually mad and impatient.
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Some movies are so badly made, that they should pay people to go see it. This is such a movie.
imseeg26 August 2023
It's a full blown B-movie allright. Dont think for a second that the only "star" (Eric Roberts) is gonna save the day, because his star has faded long ago and he simply looks ridiculous trying to act like a tough military something.

I really meant it when I wrote that these are the kind of movies that they should pay ME for, and pay YOU for, just to go see it.

In my wildest dreams I cannot phantom anyone wanting to pay for this.

The only 2 good things I can say about this picture is that it has got a great title and a great looking poster. And I mean that.

But all the special effects are used up in the first minutes (which dont look impressive) and from then on it's just a parade of terrible B-movie actors in a story that is VOID of ANY quality or thrill.

To be avoided!
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Watch the trailer ^_^
scrag99927 August 2023
Watch and enjoy the trailer, and save your precious time for something fun or enjoyable.

The Meg2 was awesome! Great cast, exciting suspenseful story and beautiful special effects. Nice actions and good pace... It's the Megaladon movie you're looking for.

This is one of those movies you wished you skipped. Even the people playing in it would probably not recommend it.

You can stop reading now.... but I have to fill the 600 words to save you, from watching this abomination.

Some alternatives are "the Meg","jaws","47 meters down" even "toxic shark" is beter, "underwater" was cool but no sharks in that one.

Enjoy your time!
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So bad its funny
bobclasen-144-36453812 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some movies need Elvira to comment on their key features and this is one of them. It is amazing that mediocre movies can include a half way decent sharks in such a silly movie. Thanks to computer generated special effects. Giant sharks. Volcanos. Megaladons. Tsunamis. Bad acting. This movie has it all. The shark is so big it can eat giant luxury ships and flocks of tourists all at once. The marine Commander looks like he is wearing pajamas and has long curly hair. The shark jumps out of the water and eats people off of navy ships and the beach. The actors can be given one decent excuse. The dialogue would be really hard for anyone to read without laughing.
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Don't waste your time
brandon-9931329 December 2023
This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The writing is atrocious, the acting is ridiculous, and the special effects look like they were done for a high school first year project. It's like the entire movie crew did zero research on any subject matter, military and shark behavior. The actors were obviously stumbling over their lines like they had no idea what they were talking about. I love all shark movies even the B type movies from the SyFy channel, but this was worse than anything I've ever seen. Bad acting is usually laughable, but that becomes part of the charm. This bad acting was like a bunch of drunk friends decided to make a movie they knew nothing about.
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Run for your life bruh
stanleyabor26 August 2023
Eric Roberts looking all cloned up like he's about to have a heart attack or something. He should respectfully retire like Bruce Willis.

Man this movie is sh**"t; failing at trying to replicate meg 2. Its storyline is baseless, CGI effect is trash, the cast comprises nursery/intern amateurs and more annoyingly the whole team looks under-prepared for this movie. Almost like a volunteered probono act sorry to say.

In my opinion, you should watch SpongeBob SquarePants instead of this (My 2cents). Trust me, use those cents for something much more useful. Or play Need for Speed No limit 2015. Don't laugh, I mean this sh...
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Viewer Perspective - Possibly a Megalodon't Watch
joe_martorano28 August 2023
The thing that annoyed me the most was calling the Sailors who were wearing Naval uniforms, Marines. I served in the Marine Corps and although we are part of the same fight, that doesn't bode well with Marines or Sailors alike. I wasn't expecting much from the special effects or cinematography; and I'm not saying this is a megalodon't watch, but just understand what you're getting yourself into.

While watching this film I felt that the actors were having separate conversations while talking to one another and not feeding from what the other actor was saying. The pacing seemed a bit off with the dialogue, as though the editing wasn't tight.

As for the cinematography, obviously there were signs of being a lower budge film with the special effects, but it was better than I expected. I've watched films where it looks like they used a VHS recorder from the 90s, but this film was nowhere near that.

I watched the other Megalodon films prior to this new installment, so definitely felt I should give it a go and it's by far not the worst movie I've ever seen... being that I was able to watch it all the way through.
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Laughably Bad!!!
nightwingcreations8 January 2024
This movie is so bad it's laughable. The acting is atrocious. The effects are bad. But the worst part is the stupidity of whoever wrote the script or maybe it's the continuity or costuming? The military (I use that term loosely), are wearing navy camo and their tag says US Navy....but they repeatedly refer to themselves as Marines. These are NOT the same branches of the military at all and the terms are not interchangeable. Even if nothing else was bad in this movie that would be a big negative to me. Unfortunately everything is bad in this movie. Save yourself! Don't watch this movie.........
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Acting Was the Worst of It
stuart-wise28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a pretty good movie if the acting was so bad, especially the main cast. It wasn't just the dialogue but just the acting ability seemed to be terribly lacking. I get the plot, and while not unique, was OK and the sharks were pretty good at doing their thing. The ending was pretty stupid and were it to follow other similar types of movies, the three survivors at the last minute, as they wait to be rescued, would be swallowed up by a Meg they didn't know about.

I usually forgive bad movies because after all it's just supposed to be entertaining and even a bad movie can accomplish that, but the dialogue and acting were so bad, I just had to downgrade this movie from a rating I might have given.
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insult to intelligence
tsushima-1187127 December 2023
This and 'The Rising' are about the worst films I've seen, even 50s B movies were better. Writers of absolute rubbish like this have no idea on how to give each 'actor/actress' character, they all sound the same, shouting, over-dramatic dialogue, broken, clipped sentences. When a couple of women got together in praise of each other, it descended into a mutual admiration society. Drippy! Where is a bucket to catch all the syrup running out of the TV? The CGI was hopeless and there is a total lack of research into how the navy operates. How come we have a young-ish woman in charge of a battleship? PC forever! And ship names - US battleships (obviously IOWA class) were named after states; USS KING ? And who came up with that ridiculous name FRAGASSO? How much longer are US movie makers going to inflict such crimes against entertainment on us?
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Eric Roberts Must Have Needed the Money BAD!
ENIGMA0526 February 2024
Anyone who's ever seen an Asylum film knows that they are always very cheap and bad. This one was just stupid. And all you could do was just laugh through the entire thing. I feel very bad for Eric Roberts. He's a good actor, but why the hell did he choose this dumb a$$ film to star in? The sharks and their CGI were completely out of sync with the rest of what was going on in the frame. It made me laugh so hard, how there was this massive battleship, and only three soldiers. Where was everyone else? The fact that they kept screaming the chant for the Marines while they were in navy uniforms from the neighborhood thrift store beats the hell out of me. I think Asylum should've gone out of business when it first started so I have no idea how it made to 25th anniversary, but it still makes very crappy films. The fact that everyone was filmed from the waist up at pretty much all times was ridiculous. I don't even think they had a script. It was all improv and bad improv. The actors weren't actors; I don't know where they found these folks, but they should get better jobs or other jobs. Anyways, typical of the production company, but even worse than usual; avoid!
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Monster CGI Sharks spreading blood pixels just everywhere!
rickmacnamara15 January 2024
You know you're in trouble when the movie starts with a narrator explaining to you what the movie is about. And even after the explanation, you still don't know what's going on. We learned that a US Navy vessel, piloted by Eric Roberts was viciously attacked, and there was a loss of crewmembers and the captain and big chunks getting out of the side of the ship, so why didn't they start the action when that happened instead of catching us up with a recap of the first part of the movie that was apparently never made? Did they forget to make that part of the movie and when they realizes their mistake they were already out of money? This movie is screaming out for little robot guys to sit in the shadows, making comments, which is probably the only way that you'll be able to get through to the end. I was determined to do so, but it became so stupid that it was actually a bit boring. Poor Eric Roberts. I kept thinking of how good he was in the Pope of Greenwich Village, and Hal everything I've seen him in in the last 10 years has sucked. If you want to watch a really crappy movie, there are much better crappy movies out there to watch.
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Feeding five fish for fun?
unbrokenmetal8 February 2024
Asylum flicks were always cheap, but oftentimes fun nonetheless. This one, unfortunately, was quite annoying. Trying to exceed previous Megalodon movies, The Frenzy doesn't show one or two, but five of those beasts. Can't say it's 5 times as scary, though, when CGI never makes them more than cartoon characters. Eric Roberts stars as a captain commanding 2 "marines". He always shouts like a whole crew stand before him, but the next shot will mercilessly reveal the same 2 guys. They didn't have money for 5 extras in uniforms, so I presume Mr Roberts was as embarrassed as the audience. The same surely goes for the "scientists" pretending to read instruments while staring at an empty wall. Nope, this flick definitely crossed the borderline between cheap and ridiculous. In several scenes, characters just invite sharks to kill them and thus take them out of this movie. Although these, uh, 'heroic' death scenes make you cringe, one can't blame them.
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Gives bad movies a bad name
okpilak31 December 2023
The opening is from Asylum, 25 years. When they started out, their movies were some of the worst, and with this movie, they have returned to their roots. Even the CGI is terrible, and today even a good high school film class can produce passable CGI. There is no reason to go into the plot as one soon doesn't care. And the less said about the actors, the better. If one thinks of a really bad movie and compares it to this, that bad movie starts to look pretty good. I am giving it two stars, because I know what I have given one star to, and giving it the same would be a disservice to those films. But those films were real amateur, low budget films where there was not a pretense of a budget. I streamed it, didn't have to pay extra, but I feel I am deserved a refund.
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Talk Is Cheap
ta-6064420 February 2024
Talk is cheap; so we get lots and lots of talk.

I'm a big fan of over-the-top sci-fi movies with ridiculous plots, bad acting and entertaining special effects. The mismatched military branch being represented, the rusted, mothballed, tourist ship that is clearly docked somewhere just adds to the entertainment factor.

The problem is they used to actually try to make a good movie and just didn't have the budget to pull it off. They couldn't reshoot scenes until they looked good so we got an early take. Now, they don't care, they know enough of us will watch whatever they produce, hoping for a low budget gem; so they pump them out as fast as they can.

These are the ugly Christmas sweaters of the movie world. Ugly Christmas sweaters were fun when they were inadvertently ugly and given as actual gifts that the giver thought was nice. When they are manufactured to be ugly it takes away a lot of the fun. These movies are manufactured to be bad and that also takes away a lot of the fun.

One key thing the companies behind these realized is few things are cheaper to shoot than people sitting in a dimly lit room talking about what is going on. So, we now get most of the movie taking place in what is supposed to be some sort of control room. With just 2 or 3 main characters and talking, lots and lots of talking.

I had some hope for this one early on with the sharks eating entire boats in one bite, only seeing 3 people on the entire ship and what even appeared to be people running through a brewery shown as people escaping a laboratory. But after so much talking, I literally fell asleep.
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Too much talking, not enough Shark!
2BoZozz517826 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Captain Lynch and Commander Moore are dead, NOOOOOOOO!!! Basically offscreen from the end of the last film. Should have brought back Commander Ahearn from the last film, he was scary, but entertaining LOL. So now the USS King has a new Captain, Ltd. Cmdr. Sharp, played by the one and only Eric Roberts, who looks like he is on his last leg Lmao. The ship has 2 maybe 3 sailors on it Lmao. Somebody said skeleton crew, they weren't lying. No name tags as usual and for some reason Eric Roberts keeps calling them Marines, two different branches of the military, I just kept shaking my head. The Asylum can't afford a military consultant and more actors? This was funny!

Caroline William's plays Dr. Rylie Clark who's tapping into a limitless source of natural energy in the ocean who comes across one of the megs and begins a battle with these giants, with the help of her intelligence team. I'm actually being kind. Her character talks way too much, a bunch of nothing, too much dialogue. Boring! The first 2 Megs were actually entertaining and way more laughs. They introduced this Captain of the USS Fragasso, where they got the name for this battleship, I have no idea. It seems the Captain forgot his uniform at the crib, this was funny as hell. Everytime they showed him, it was neck up, don't know what that was about.

The sharks in the movie ate yachts, small boats, and people in one swallow, this was hilarious. This movie is ridiculous and the acting is bad. I have alot of Asylum films, so this is nothing new. They get worse and worse, but I get alot of laughs out of these flicks, this one not so much.
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One star, only because I had to give it something
jewgirl952-627-80999629 December 2023
I couldn't even watch even half of the movie! From a so-called commander, who could barely walk, to an important scientist (I guess that's what she is), who had more plastic done on her face than a Barbie Doll! As I said, I could not even watch to the half-way point. That's how bad it is. Then I went to reviews and saw that I hated it for a good reason... everyone else did as well. I'm glad I'm on my computer, so I don't have to sit and watch it on the big screen, and I could just click off. Maybe a four-year-old boy might enjoy it. As for adults, it's a big joke and waste of time and an insult to intelligence.
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