I Am a Killer (TV Series 2018–2022) Poster


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No remorse
valstone521 April 2020
I've been watching this series lately, some of the people you feel sorry for. Most of them forget what they've said, then try to change it around. As for the crying only one had real tears. The others were just making sobbing and sniffling sounds. How can you grin when talking about killing someone? No pity.
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This shows is almost like a parole hearing, decades after a headline grabbing murder took place
Erik_Surewaard31 August 2022
For over a decade I have an interest in anything having to do with true crime. And this with an empasis on jails, prisons, the justice system and court trials. This has led me to read numerous books like prison diaries, forensic science and even autopies. Apart from that, I have seen many of the available prison shows from "MSNBC Lockup", "Locked Up Abroad", "Hard Time", Werner Herzog's "On Death Row", "Behind Bars" and off course the many shows available on Netflix... Finally, I am follow a lot of murder trials on e.g. "Law & Crime Network".

So it probably doesn't come as a surprise that I watched "I am a Killer" with a big interest.

What I really like about this show is that it goes beyond showing or reenacting the acts. It is completely based on interviews with not only the inmate, direct family, counsel, prosecutor, victim's family and even the judge. So far as I know it is the only show that even goes back to the inmate allowing him/her to hear all the opinions of those parties.

Not seldom we see tears of anger or regret. The latter could be fake, but it exactly these emotions that make this show special.

The sentenced inmates are also ones with very violent crimes - often murder - whereby the facts took place several decades ago. The inmates interviewed therefore have already been in prison for quite an extensive period. And regularly these inmates are even on death row. This whereby those inmates will be likely in the last stages of their appeal's process, thereby coming close to the point where an execution date will be set.

What makes the third season of "I am a Killer" very interesting is that it tries to challenge the viewer in thinking of what exactly is justice. And whether there even may be situations that certain inmates are not guilty or are serving a too big a sentence. Especially in episodes 1-4 from season 3, you will start to think of this "what is justice"-question...

I was a bit disappointed that the third season only contained 6 episodes instead of the regular 10. But since Netflix nowadays seems to come with some "surpise releases" of additional episodes - like they have done with e.g. "Stranger Things" and "The Sandman" - I still hope that we may get some additional episodes of "I am a Killer" in the next few weeks or months.

From reading the above, you may have already understood my enthousiasm for this show. I think it clearly deserves a rating of 8.1, rounded down to 8 stars. I most certainly hope that Netflix will keep releasing new seasons, whereby I also hope that in the future we will again get the usual 10 episodes per season.
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Some good/some bad
Calicodreamin28 January 2021
Some really interesting episodes and some that seemed more to serve as a he said she said. Good documentary style with relevant interviews.
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Yup, its binge worthy
MoDo128 August 2018
I skipped over it many times because why would I want to hear from death row inmates? But its now my current favorite show. Very well made with equal time given to each side of the story so that the viewers fully understand what happened. This isn't a show about some liar criminal pleading innocence in the face of evidence proving guilt, they know they are guilty - its often the full story that wasn't told or isn't widely known that will pull you in and that makes it such a good show. As someone else said and I will agree with, prepare for a roller coaster of emotions - and yes, you'll likely shed tears more than a few times.
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One word Wow!
iffitheking6 August 2018
One of the best documentaries series, interviewing death row inmates, the idea is so amazing, once you start watching you can not stop. You will go through seesaw of emotions.
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Cool concept, but really frustrating to watch...
hellebenzon-263671 September 2018
I really like the concept of talking to death row inmates, but the editing is annoying and frustrating. Why am I watching paint dry up-close, a girl pressing broccoli on the register, coffee being poured, flags, birds, water, snow e.t.c It made me wanna smash the tv and keep fast forwarding.
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A fascinating series.
Sleepin_Dragon15 February 2021
This is a fascinating, and at times unnerving series. I binge watched the whole of series one in a day, and have series two to look forward to.

I'll start by saying, I am British, so understanding some of the legal system in the US has been challenging, but this has informed me of a lot of things.

You have to appreciate the variety of people they interview, they chat to a range of people, different crimes, different personalities, even different intelligence levels.

Some are genuinely unnerving, and you will leave feeling happy they're locked up, one really did get to me though, Kevin Foster, that one stuck with me, he's the one so far I've had a degree of sympathy with.

These are well produced, well edited, and punchy, they don't drag, they certainly don't bore you, these are instructive and fact based.

A chilling watch, these are binge worthy. 9/10.
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Disgusting campaign of disinformation
michaelfrancis-635313 December 2018
This show tries hard to be balanced but it consistently plays the murderer as the victim. The stupid and unneeded slow shots of a local restaurant or park are silly fluffs to add more airtime and minutes to the show. Maybe, just maybe, 2 of these men deserved the life penalty they had their sentence commuted to. Otherwise, this show is absolutely subject and hard to watch. These people killed other people. As much as Netflix tries and frame it, they killed somebody and violently.
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Season 3, bring in the nut jobs!
johnbaggs31 August 2022
Season 3 rolls out the red carpet for the nuts, and it's not just the criminals.

First episode, the sister tries to prove the killer's innocence despite overwhelming evidence, then convinced her to clam up.

Number 2. Nutty convict correspondent befriends death row inmate probably so she can see another execution. First sentence out of her mouth "I was the first Italian woman to witness an execution". Yeah, riiiightttt... All the prisoners have the typical M. O. blame drugs, abuse, blackouts. They all are right where they are supposed to be.

Feel no sympathy for them, they are pathological, violent, and blame everyone but themselves. This show does one thing well; it cements my belief in the death penalty and why we need to make the process more efficient.
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Captivating insight on a handful of death row inmates' cases
lestat-3458310 August 2018
A great binge-worthy show that discusses the motives and circumstances behind selected death-sentence cases. Some reviewers seem angry because "nobody should be interested in a killer's side of the story; they're killers" but I think that's where they're wrong. In almost every episode this documentary tells the story behind both sides of the party, the prosecution and the killer, and leaves the viewer to make up his own mind about the case and the punishement.

You will not get bored.
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Episodes are hit or miss
francocholo2 December 2021
This first season was decent and certainly higher quality than most of the true crime shows being produced by the truckload recently, though still full of faults and highly variable episode to episode. The second season saw a big dropoff in quality, to the point where many episodes were unwatchable. The show relies entirely too much on captions between shots in order to tell a story, which comes off as amateur and unsuitable for the subject matter. It felt so hacked together and rushed that even blatant typos even made it through. Compared to similar series like Werner Herzog's On Death Row or BBC's Life and Death Row, this series isn't even on the same planet in terms of quality.
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Very powerful
jordan_costigan12 August 2018
This show provides a humbling insight into what makes a killer, and how their actions have impacted themselves and others. It's an eye opener into how easy it is to look at people who have committed horrific crimes and label them monsters, but in almost every case they have suffered in horrible ways as children, often abused by those closest to them and denied the love and nurture a child needs, and are products of their environments.
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Watch S2, skip S1
wjannick22 October 2020
If I could rate the both Seasons separatly, I'd give S1 a 4 or 5 and S2 an 8. I can only recommend the second Season...

Because Netflix let me watch the latest Season first and I always forget, I watched S2 before S1 and I can confirm the bad editing and sloppy research in S1 that reviewers mentioned before.
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Too much "filler" stuff!
jobaybe15 August 2018
I love shows like this, but boy did they get it wrong when editing this series. Instead of just focusing on the story, they give us these long drawn out shots of random things. Boats drifting down ocean front property, trees billowing, restaurant workers pouring coffee and serving up the next order of fries. Really? Aye, aye, aye...I was ready to bang my head against a wall. Instead of this looking creative, it only ended up being completely annoying and taking away from the story. This is the sole reason for the low rating of a "3" from me. Sorry Charlie. Boo Hiss.
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Total "Onion" show
mattoid-4560521 May 2020
By that, I mean, as you watch each episode, more and more layers of the onion are revealed. Incredible study of human nature. Drug abuse, manipulation, desperation, criminality all leading to murder. I was mesmerized watching this series. If you're a fan of Lockup, Cops, Live PD or any crime dramas, do yourself a favor and watch the first episode. I guarantee you you'll end up binging this series.
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Really loving it
nicktatta14 August 2018
Interesting crimes, welp paced, just an overall wonderful show. They unravel each story perfectly AND add interviews with KEY players. It's well worth your time if you like true crime.
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No Logic at all
activesilver16 January 2024
I know each case is different, different lawyers, different states (even if USA is 1 country??), jurors, judges, circumstances etc etc.

But halfway throught the first season, i see a guy in a love triangle gone bad and a weakminded guy trespassing and ending up shooting an old lady, both recieveing a deathrow sentence.

Now i in no way want to judge otherwise, but i am asking if they are a menace to society, will they keep on killing? I think probably not.

Then there is this episode with a underaged guy killing in the name of satan etc bla bla bla, this person gets 40 years because he's to young to get the deathsentence (???) which releases him at around 60 years old and still pretty able to go and kill some more people in the name of satan.

Leaves me to ask which of these 3 guys i fear most and which of them has the best chance of release?

Not god (whatever that is supposted to be) but the law works in mysterious ways....

Overall a good series though, just a very wobbly justicesystem.
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Editing issues
kiramango310 April 2020
This is an outstanding series that shows more of a complete picture - not black and white at all. Each episode consists of interviews of the convicted person and others involved in some way. Mainly writing here because of quite a few reviews complaining about editing issues such as showing scenes that don't seem to have a lot of relevance to the story, broccoli, etc. I feel that those types of scenes are needed for some down time so that the viewer can process the various view points and issues being addressed.
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Interesting Psychological Study
joncheskin2 January 2023
I Am a Killer is an interesting documentary Netflix series in which convicted murderers describe the circumstances leading up to and the execution of their crime. The killers also generally describe their upbringing and other contributing factors. Friends, relatives, law enforcement and victims families are also interviewed to give alternate perspectives. Questions of guilt and innocence are often left ambiguous as a result of the multi-valent examination of the crime.

I generally do not like shows like this because they often glorify criminals, or at least profit off of their actions, but I Am a Killer does give something significant in return. Like few other shows, this show gives you a very realistic eye into the psychology and contributing factors that give rise to murderers, and is indeed very enlightening in that regard. In most cases, child abuse and substance abuse play substantial roles. Often the murderers seem to be expert liars and manipulators, it is impressive when watching this show to see how fragile the truth can be. Also interesting is the colossal bad judgement displayed by many of these people.

This show is a hard watch, in every case the murders, victims, families have their lives completely shattered. It is worth it, however, if you are interested in shattering many of the misconceptions and myths you may have about violent criminals.
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Some you feel sorry for others...
moviejen-0315028 August 2018
I really enjoy this docu series. It's hard to watch though I don't agree with those that say it's "binge worthy". For me I need to watch something funny after because it's often very dark and sad. I need a break between episodes. Some of these guys (the murderers) you genuinely feel sorry for, others are total POSs. You can tell right off the bat who is lying and who isn't. This series really highlights how our justice system is about keeping people in. Not rehabilitation.
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Slow but interesting
jonmurdock20 August 2018
If the sad piano music is intended to make me feel sad for everyone involved, it's not working. The only thing these murderers regret is getting caught. It's a good documentary, worth watching. What would have made it a fantastic 10 star show would be watching each and every one of these sadistic killers swing at the end of each episode.
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I've Never Written a Review Before...
petrus66-439-22058923 December 2022
But as a forensic psychologist who has worked many years with offenders in max, I must say this is a highly insightful, accurate and well-balanced series. The series appears to accurately represent the spectrum of situations and personalities who populate corrections as the result of murder. Fairly presented without unnecessary sensationalism. The format of initially questioning inmates and then circling back four months later was excellent. The forensic psychologists included presented themselves professionally and credibly. Great job and kudos to those responsible for this series. Thank you!
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eryui6 August 2019
It's not that bad nor that great, it is slow here and there, and not really engaging but, watchable.

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Great Concept, Poor Execution
cmeddau11 August 2018
This is such an amazing and exciting idea for a show, but whoever filmed and edited this completely dropped the ball. Instead of focusing on the content of the murderer speaking, they continuously switch to random shots of dramatizations, irrelevant clips, whatever. They actually give significant airtime to the kitchen workers and waiters at the Beef O'Brady's while interviewing a guy there. It's very distracting and completely takes away from the content of the show.
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Cleverly filmed
ninasimunovicc29 December 2022
I thought it was a very good bit of production for them to film the killer first and have them explain their side of the story. You (I) always feel bad for them and think, 'aw well maybe you don't deserve life behind bars' and theeeennnn once their story is told they whip out the facts from the police/detectives/family/friends and it all makes sense. Very well done by anyone's standards. Even someone who didn't like true crime may be persuaded to like this one!

I very much hope there is going to be another season! I gasped out loud when the final episode finished and Netflix went to "watch next". Devastating.
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