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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
That's life
2 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Nine years. More than 200 episodes. In that time I've grown to really love my fake, imaginary friends who week after week put themselves thru wacky hijinks, silly jokes and emotional teases. For me, HIMYM was always the strongest when the focus was on love, rather than on laughter. And in the last 2-3 seasons, they also reminded us that usually, life doesn't work as we plan it.

That is why I believe Last Forever was wonderful. It was sad that Barney and Robin got divorced after seeing how far they've both come with their character development, but that's something that happens. It was heartbreaking to see Barney go back to his old ways, but that's probably what would have happened in real life as well (also - knocking up some random girl). It was beyond beautiful to see him reject those ways for his greatest love of all - Ellie. It felt so real that Ted and Tracy never got their big wedding, because that's also what happens.

In the end, we have to remember the very beginnings. Ted has a (supposedly brief) conversation with his children about how he met their mother. He doesn't talk about their time together, because they know that already. He doesn't mention the (probably agonizing) last 6 years, because they've lived them together. And knowing Ted and his vast capacity for love, we simply know he cannot be without his one true love, or at least the closest one there is.

Maybe Ted and Robin make it. Maybe they don't. That's life, and that's what we got from this episode. I know they've made me cry, made me think and, above all, they made me feel. A lot. And I believe that was a major accomplishment (MAJOR accomplishment!)
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Marvelous experience
28 May 2004
I guess this is the ultimate Jules Verne adaptation. This mini-series is in every way far superior to the 1956 movie, and almost certainly will be to the upcoming one. I have to admit I haven't read the book, but somehow I believe the series to be pretty true to the story. Humor and thrills are making the fabric of an exciting adventure story throughout the world. Look for some interesting references to historical figures, like Sarah Bernhardt or Jesse James, and also for some beautiful geographical locations. A brilliant cast, headlined by pre-007 Pierce Brosnan, excellent Eric Idle and a perfect Peter Ustinov makes this one of the most enjoyable TV experiences ever.
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10 November 2003
Matrix Revolutions has truly made me sad. I appreciate all the aforementioned references to both Christian and other mythologies, but this was supposed to be (at least in my humble opinion) an exciting sci-fi action trilogy.

With "The Matrix" it started brilliantly, moving the borders of imagination, taking the special effects to a whole new level and destroying action films for the next 10 (probably) years. It was truly a work of remarkable vision which could, but didn't have to be furtherly exploited.

One way or another, "Matrix Reloaded" came. Even though it was clearly obvious the vision was significantly weakened, it still provided even more breathtaking effects, with a little flaky but still promising plot and putting an enormous expectation on the conclusive part III.

And then there was "Matrix Revolutions". It started slowly, making me think all the dark previews were correct. Then it finally got rolling, leading into the battle for Zion which was not only breathtaking, but I believe was only surpassed by "The Two Towers" as the best battle scene ever filmed. And I truly started believing "This will be a magnificent movie". And when we got to the final confrontation between Neo and Smith, I still had very high hopes and I still believed. The fight is great (of course, nowhere near the "Burly Brawl", but still...), but at one point it got too long and I began to think "This isn't good".

And then...

Well, no point in spoiling the ending for anybody, but I must say that that was by far the most unsatisfying ending of any movie I have ever seen and one of the biggest disappointments in my life altogether. To be honest, I did try to imagine what kind of ending could meet the enormous expectations the trilogy has put upon itself, and I came up with nothing. Nothing they could have possibly imagined would be good enough.

Unfortunately, that doesn't lessen my disappointment. I loved part I, liked part II very much and cannot mourn part III enough.
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Hulk (2003)
Surprisingly good
2 November 2003
I had rather low expectations before seeing Hulk, since the early criticism was pretty harsh and basically the whole mojo around this movie didn't sound very good. However, I was very pleasantly surprised. As many previous reviewers pointed out, Ang Lee has created a marvelous movie/comic book amalgam, which may be too cerebral to most of the viewers, but Hulk has always been pretty complicated character anyway. If the movie had been made as a "Hulk Smash!" bruhaha it would most certainly...well, suck! This way we got excellent Sam Elliot and Jennifer Connely, and very good Nick Nolte and Eric Bana, all capped with absolutely brilliant directing by Ang Lee. If only all the other comic book movies were directed in this way...
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Far away, so close
25 August 2003
I am a big fan of the Terminator franchise. I think T1 was brilliant, while T2 was an excellent sequel. That being said, I had very low expectations for the T3 film: there was no James Cameron, no Edward Furlong, the trailers were suprisingly unimpressive and I simply didn't think there should even be a sequel, since T2 seemed so conclusive.

What I did get was something maybe worse than a bad movie: an unfulfilled potential.

The special FX are OK, not impressive, but it should be noted that the bar is extremely high for the FX, so one can't expect to be blown away as easily as in, say, 1991. Kristanna Loken is a good T-X, Claire Danes is a solid addition and Nick Stahl is good enough not to think about Furlong.

What surprised me the most is that the story actually made sense. There really was room for this sequel to be made, and the ending really showed that T3 had the potential to be an excellent exclamation point to the Terminator series. However, it didn't go that way. Mostow's direction is simply not suitable for the Terminator atmosphere. Action sequences look as in any recent blockbuster, the jokes simply are out of place and there is no 'dark' feeling the previous 2 movies had. It seems as Mostow simply didn't take this movie serious enough to make it as good as it could have been.

In the end, I couldn't say T3 is a bad movie, but it simply should have been much, much better. Let's just say it didn't spoil the franchise for me, and I hope it will stay this way.

Arnie, don't make T4. Leave the legends at peace...
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17 January 2003
To say "LOTR: TTT" is a 'movie' is like saying Sixtine Chapel has a 'ceiling'. This is the most amazing display of movie magic that may never get surpassed, regardless of progress made by computer technology. The scenery is second to none, and the battle sequence is as breathtaking as it gets.

I only pity those Tolkien-maniacs who will moan how disappointed they are, since it doesn't blindly follow the book. They are truly deprived of the most wonderful experience you could enjoy on the big screen.
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My So-Called Life (1994–1995)
The best there ever was
12 January 2003
This is the best family series ever. All of the characters are so realistic and so life-like, it almost seemed like a documentary.

And maybe the whole legend of it is due to its duration. It lasted only for one season, not having enough time to water down or to show any weaknesses. We'll never know what happened later to our heroes. And maybe we shouldn't have, anyway. It was their life. We were only watching.
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Go, AJ
21 September 2001
Well, Angelina is truly something. Incredibly hot-n-juicy, definitely the best action heroine, probably ever. She alone is probably the reason to see this movie. As for the rest, there are some great action sequences, some not so great, and everything truly looks like a video game-turned-movie: nervous plot, not too much brain involved, lots of bangs. Maybe the sequel won't be a "Video game movie", but rather "an adventure epic starring Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft". That would be cool.
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9 September 2001
This is probably the funniest of all the recent Disney animated movies. Original jokes are simply bursting out of every odd second, and the entire movies sure provides a great enjoyment. There are, though, a couple of issues which have become chronic in recent animated movies, especially Disney's:

  • although the animation is getting better and better, the quality of the drawings is becoming simply awful. Did they ever see a llama? Did they ever see a human?!? - why center the movie on pre-school kids and then fill it with jokes they cannot possibly understand?

So, if you don't mind quirky drawings, you're over 14 and want to see a really great comedy, this is the movie for you. If you don't.. well, you probably haven't read this at all, anyway:-)
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19 July 2000
Not quite right. I expected an objective perspective on 2 people's marriage throughout the years, but it didn't turn out quite well. In the entire movie, we don't see HIM making anything bad, so it turns out it's all HER fault, SHE being the annoying whiner. Too bad, I thought it had potential to become a classic.
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It's not THAT good
16 March 2000
I'd say, in the classical genre of American movies about middle-age crisis, this one probably is the best. The characters are great and the dialogues interesting, but really, it doesn't offer anything new. The plot has already been seen, all the turnarounds are pretty much predictable, and in the end all you've got is a really good movie. I just wouldn't say it's worthy of the #2 overall rating.
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26 February 2000
What is this? Is this funny? Intelligent? I know the girl sitting next to me in the theater was laughing her head off. I personally didn't find this movie amusing at all. I thought it was pretty boring, dull and not a bit entertaining. Maybe it's just me.
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End of Days (1999)
12 February 2000
This is definitely NOT a typical Schwarzennegger movie, everything probably more resembles Bruce Willis or somebody else. Arnie doesn't play a can't-miss hero, and he isn't invincible. Overall, the movie isn't bad, but the problem is, it doesn't offer anything new. The plot has already been seen, Satan very much reminds me of T1000, and the effects aren't exactly ground-breaking. Come on, Arnie, make something splashy already!!
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Do NOT miss it!
17 January 2000
It's amazing how can a movie with such a thin plot be so incredibly impressive. H.J. Osment is fantastic and Bruce Willis is as good as he gets. The whole atmosphere is almost tangible and, I have to admit, for the first time in my life I was tempted to cover my eyes during the movie. And the end ranks as the best ever in my book, better even than "Shawshank Redemption" and "Usual Suspects". All in all, by far the best horror movie ever and probably one of the best generally.
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That's it?
15 December 1999
A huge disappointment. There isn't a single original motive in this movie. OK, the language-learning scene is quite cool, but everything else is either seen in other movies or very similar. The Banderas character was supposed to stand out in some way among the Nordiques, but I guess the movie could have been called "Some guy who fights" as well. I expected a lot more from McTiernan-Chricton combo.
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As good as it gets
24 November 1999
Well, I'm not sure you can make an Asterix movie any better than this. The effects are great, the whole scenery looks just like it should, actors resemble comic characters, the Romans are flying... However... It seems this just isn't movie material. I don't think it captures the spirit and the comedy of the comic book, just as the cartoons failed at it, too. The movie isn't really funny, it's just fun. If you want REAL Asterix, you'll have to read some of the Goscinny-Uderzo masterpieces. This movie is just a fair try.
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Celluloid bible!
26 July 1999
This is not a movie, this is a religious experience! I worship this movie, I've seen it over 20 times and I know it by heart. In my opinion, the greatest movie (transcending into trilogy) ever made.
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28 June 1999
This is a truly excellent movie! Lots of people have bashed it as a "basketball" movie, but the truth is, it ain't about basketball at all. It could have been hockey, dart playing or curling, it wouldn't matter. It's about human weaknesses and making new friends. Rosie Perez gave probably her best performance ever, and the interplay between Harrelson and Snipes is great. Don't miss it.
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21 March 1999
Simply incredible. This is, by far, the best war movie ever made. No story, no heroes, no nothing. Just war. War inside people, war with nature, war against ourselves. I probably haven't blinked in all 3 hours of the movie. Visually stunning, atmospherically perfect, this movie is a masterpiece for the ages to come.
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Sliding Doors (1998)
Two average movies rolled into one fine
20 March 1999
This movie isn't like anything I've ever seen. If any of the possibilities had been screened as a separate movie, it would be average at best. However, this combination really works! At moments you do get confused, thinking which altercation has just been showed. But, all in all, this is a very good movie about destiny. And it really makes you think, what if you did something in your past differently? Would it change your life from scraps? Or would it turn out to be insignificant in the long run? Think about it...
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Way to go, Arnie
14 March 1999
I always liked Schwarzenegger movies. Of course, most of them haven't been too smart, but all of them have been extremely amusing and a real fun too watch. But, after seeing this movie, I have found a whole new respect for Arnold. I mean, to be able to ridicule himself in such a way, to be completely aware of his role inside Hollywood, that can only be achieved by a truly intelligent man. And besides, the movie is great, it's funny, it has action and comedy, and is one of Arnie's best. (Watch for the scene inside the videostore, with Arnold comenting on Sly Stallone. Fantastic!)
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19 February 1999
Good movie. Lots of good jokes, probably not so funny for someone outside Central Europe. All in all, one of the best products of Croatian cinema in recent years.
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Tango (1998)
14 February 1999
A dull movie with no rhythm. The best part of the movie are supposed to be dance sequences, but they're not that original, anyway, and they tend to become boring as the movie progresses. Sure, there are bright moments, like the men's dance, but overall pretty disappointing.
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...and there is, indeed!
1 February 1999
Brilliant. Great. Excellent. Everybody who characterized this movie as "stupid" obviously hasn't got a clue and was completely blinded by zippers and hair-gels. The thing is, even if you removed all the jokes (and some of them are truly tasteless), you'd still have a great movie about people's obsessions. And then there's Cameron Diaz who... Well, let's just say There's Something About Cameron...
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1 February 1999
Bizarre, to say the least. If "Babe" had a form of a kids movie, then "Babe: Pig in the city" more resembles an existentialist drama. Don't get me wrong, the movie is great, but it is so much different from the first one, it's nearly impossible to compare them. Some of the scenes are truly disturbing, and some of the characters are truly tragic. Overall, very surprising, but excellent nevertheless.
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