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Scream 4 (2011)
SOOOO Much Better Than Scream 3
13 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It has been too long since Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson teamed up to deliver the goods what with Craven concentrating on his rehash of remakes and Williamson penning the likes of the Vampire Diaries. It has also been too long since a good "Scream" movie hit theatres, after the dreadful Scream 3 passed by in a whimsical, so you can imagine my horror when Dimension announced they were reviving the sequel and adding a fourth movie on the end. Not only did I feel that the Scream franchise belonged soley to the 90's (and thus it avoided the campy 80's slash era and the 2000's torture gorn obsession) I also wondered how on earth would they pull it off, after more than ten years since the last intalment.

Scream 4 or (Scre4m as it is being cleverly marketed) follows the usual concept behind a re-visited sequel. The main characters from the previous movies end up re-uniting for whatever reason, the killer has an even more ridiculous motive that is as nonsensical as it is insane (or in this case obsessive), the body count is once again cranked up and the in-joke references are gracelessly thrown in. The result is a good rehash that hovers somewhere between the greatness of Scream and the finely rendered shocks of its first sequel.

The plot is fairly thin, and sees the series protagonist, Sidney Prescott returning to her hometown of Woodsboro following the 10 year anniversary of the famous Woodsboro Murders, to promote her new book. Here, Sidney's younger cousin Jill (excellently portrayed by the fantastic Emma Roberts)attends her old high school and the towns sheriff is non only than Dewey Riley who is now married to the cantankerous Gale Weathers. Unfortunately, a serial killer cottons on to the fact that Sidney's last stop on her book tour is Woodsboro, and takes it upon him (or her)self to start a new reign of terror, evoking horrifying memories for Sidney, Dewey and Gale who must once again solve the mystery behind Ghostface.

There you have it- a simple minded plot that strides on familiar territory whilst managing to twist the story elements enough for the audience to focus on solving the mystery. What Scre4m does well is to build up enough tension for the audience to be scared whilst also being funny enough for the same audience to laugh out loud. There are some genuinely gruesome scenes in this one. The opening is gut wrenching and very well thought out, but it is also hilarious and sets the overall blackly comic tone the rest of the movie glides on. The kills are actually quite original, and there are plenty of them. The acting borders on very good to corny and wooden, as does the writing (they had to pull Williamson's script and make changes and this is very noticeable.) Overall the cast do a good job, especially Neve Campbell who gets stuck into the role once again, and Emma Roberts as the lead. She is a great actress and she almost carries the movie when the three headlining stars are out of the picture. It is nice to see Courtney Cox post-Friends in her gorgeously over-the-top dramatics routine and David Arquette is as campy as ever. The rest of the cast are generally OK, especially Hayden Panettiere and Anna Paquin. Rory Culkin also does well filling the shoes of Jamie Kennedy in the comic role.

Everything from the script to the direction is carefully painted. You can tell that despite the production problems Craven and Williamson had a blast. They throw in a few nods to recent movies, add in the old cat- in-the-closet scare and even take the pi$$ out of the Saw franchise so Scre4m is as playful and funny as it is scary. Don't get me wrong, there are some terrifying moments littered in there, but it all comes with a nicely polished laugh track that reminds us why Wes even bothered making the original in the first place. Now for the negatives. Whilst Scre4m makes good use of its young cast, it appears that Cox, Arquette and Campbell were underused in some scenes. Also Emma Roberts was not given enough screen time which is a shame as she plays a big part in the finale and yet we don't see her develop much as a character. She is just "Sids cousin" which is odd as she is is supposed to be the new lead. I found Culkins character slightly obnoxious and cliché at times, but he did a good job with what material he had. The ending was good, if not slightly absurd. The killer's motive is obviously well thought out but it seemed a bit far fetched for my liking. Overall though a great movie.

So... here it is. Ten years in the making and finally Scre4m is ready for mainstream audiences. Craven and Williamson have crafted together a nice sequel that is funny, scary and a LOT better than Scream 3. Here's hoping Scre5m and Scre6m follow this lead.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
Fish, And You've Had Your Chips!
20 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Piranha 3D

starring Elizabeth Shue, Christopher Lloyd, Richard Dreyfuss, Eli Roth, Kelly Brook, Jerry O'Conell and Stephen McQueen

directed by Alexandra Aja Jake Forester

Plot: An underwater tremor unleashes thousands of prehistoric man-eating fish upon a busy lakeside resort during Spring Break. A doting Sheriff and and her trouble-loving son must stop them in their tracks before they destroy everything in their path...

Review: If ever a movie title caused controversy then it has to be 'Piranha.' The 1978 original was dragged through the mud and slapped with a wet fish. The critics called it a 'shameless Jaws rip off' and ignored it's existence. Only in the last few years did people realise it is a fantastically written parody that capitalises on the seriousness of Jaws, with timeless appearances from big talents such as Heather Menzies, Bradford Dilman and Barabara Steele to name but a few. John Sayle's wonderfully explicit script and Joe Dante's tongue-in-cheek directing made Piranha a great movie that was fun, scary and which playfully played Jaws at it's own game.

Piranha 3D caused even more of a stink after a nine minute clip was leaked online, the same footage that outraged the film board just a couple of weeks before the movie was due to open. The finished product is more polished and less gut wrenching than the controversial footage (MGM had a field day threatening to sue any site that dared show the clip) but Piranha 3D is by no means tame. The film pitched an R rating as soon as the previews came out and it certainly lives up to that! Piranha 3D is a loose remake of Dante's original. I say loose because other than a handful of outrageous cameo's and the piranha's themselves there isn't much to tie the two together. Artistic director Alexandra Aja (the master behind The Hills Have Eyes remake and the more recent Mirrors) ups the ante in terms of gore and fish carnage but tends to steer away from the comic element, settling for in-your-face splatter and eye popping nudity over witty one liners and black comedy. For this reason Piranha 3D is more of a straight played monster movie than a satirical Jaws rip off but Aja somehow makes it work.

The movie starts on a definite high with classic Jaws actor Richard Dreyfuss appearing as a drunken sailor who mistakenly awakens the toothy terrors after causing an underwater tremor. After becoming fish food himself (in an awesome death scene) and setting the plot for the rest of the movie we meet Elizabeth Shue, a sheriff who is tired of outlandish teenagers causing havoc on the 'usually quiet, picturesque' Lake Victoria, a beautiful lake and a popular spring break hot spot with bikini clad babes and hormone ridden preps and jocks. Her own son, Stephen McQueen wants to be in on all the action but he is forced to stay home and babysit his bratty brother. Whilst Shue patrols the lake front, carting trouble makers off to the padded room for a hose down and finding maggot infested corpses, McQueen decides to sneak out and join porn director Jerry O'Conell and his porn star sidekick Kelly Brook for a bit of 'harmless' underwater ballet which ends in a bloody gag fest. Meanwhile Wet T-shirt host Eli Roth gets the party started down stream as thousands of hormone ridden teens head to the lake for drunken carnage. Pretty soon the splashing and shouting attracts the hungry fish (well, what can you say? they haven't had a meal in over 2 million years!) and before you can say 'Swim fools!' people start disappearing by the mouthful. McQueen joins Shue and Christopher Lloyd (in a bit of a crocodile Dundee meets James Bond cameo) to ward off the fish before it's too late...

There are many things to like about Piranha 3D. Aja has already proved himself as a brave director after throwing buckets of blood over Wes Cravens cannibal shocker 'The Hills Have Eyes' and he steers Piranha 3D into similar waters. The movie is by no means perfect. The 3D gimmick is average and doesn't offer much to the actual screening, the CG piranha are questionably flawed to say the least and the acting is that of a typical 'B' movie. Having said that, Aja has set up some pretty awesome death sequences that will undoubtedly make you cringe and squirm and the cameo appearances from Dreyfuss, Roth and Lloyd are welcome to the genre. Fans of gore and bikini models alike will be pleased, with an exess balance of both and Kelly Brook makes a welcome appearance. To sum it up, Piranha 3D is a fun movie that shouldn't be taken too seriously. Sometimes the gore comes across as tasteless and the 'for the sake of it' nudity is a bit too in your face at times but Aja has created a good solid monster movie that will shock and entertain every time it rears it's ugly head.

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Amazing! Spectacular! Fabulous! The Best High School Musical Yet!
22 October 2008
I was not a huge fan of the first 2 High School Musicals. One would say a formula set for money making and taking from young people of the world whilst at the same time milking the old cash cow in the process was never going to flutter in my eyes. The first was a tried and tested approach to reproducing the next best 'thing' in the Disney tweenie bop department, but it worked quite well leading onto many other followups of the same league (The Hannah Montanna esquire audience will agree.) The sequel was obviously a cash in to sell more merchandise but it was arguably as good as the first, with many more catchy tunes and typical High School cliques for the little ones to boggle at. So here we are, back again with High School Musical 3: Senior Year. But this time we are taking things to a whole new level. The BIG screen in fact!

The concept here is the biggie- all our HSM stars are about to leave and start their new lives at different universities dotted across the map, but for some, like Gabriella and Troy this seems like too big of a step to take too soon (just listen to the song and you will be welling up like a baby.) Instead of prying and worrying about losing contact, the students decide to perform in one last musical, primarily about themselves and their own hopes and fears towards growing up. But of course the real question here is will Gabriella and Troy really lose each other for good? Will Sharpay ever be the main show girl? Can Ryan outshine his twin sister and become the next big American sensation? And will Troy give up the Wildcats after graduation?

What works with HSM3 is the fact that it tenders towards being incredibly sweet, but not too sickly for its own good. The songs are catchy, and whilst some feel a bit icky (like Sharpay's never giving up on fame song) they tend to be toe tapping and carry a feel good vibe missing from the previous two. The acting is relatively good considering most of the action is singing (or rather miming) and the dance choreography is stunning this time around, particularly in the High School Musical song right at the very end and the Junkyard scene with Troy and Chad. Things are also a lot more grown up this time around and director Kenny Ortega doesn't shy away from portraying the harsh realities of growing up. Relationships end, friendships are threatened and each individual is portrayed how most graduates leaving High School would be feeling at the given time. Its really quite an emotional movie taken away the bright and brassy songs and at quite a few points its noticeable as you reflect on your own experiences. Aside from the teenage gooey stuff there still remains the childish in-jokes (like a rehash of Troy's favourite toys from when he was little) and plenty of eye candy for visual viewers. The sets are lavishing and the costumes are gorgeous. It feels so theatrical but is all the better for it. There is also slapstick thrown here, there and everywhere, like when Sharpay has to duet alongside 'Rocket Man' and her reaction to his intentions. Classic! So, for the most part High School Musical is amazing. Its breathtaking in some scenes, stunning in others and heart pulling at the rest. Its a very entertaining movie and people are going to like it.

Now sadly for the criticism. As much as I can appreciate a Disney flick, the cheese here is almost unbearable. It was obviously going to be cheesy (all of the HSM movies are) but here they take thing way ott. The beginning for example, where Gabriella suddenly pops up in the crowd at the Wildcat's game and starts singing to Troy telling him to carry on and win is almost ludicrously overdone and far fetched. Another flaw here is the fact that it darts to and fro between reality, flashbacks and daydreams so you never know if something is actually happening or whether it is indicated as a dream. And this corresponds with quite a few notable plot holes. Now I am not the best geographer in the world, but how is it possible for Troy to turn up over a thousand miles to Gabriella's campus at the university in a mere few hours to ask her to come back to the prom? This would require some big bucks (not that Zac Effron himself couldn't afford it) and a huge time lapse. Its just not possible I'm afraid and again one would say this was cheesy. I suppose if you put this aside the movie can be taken seriously, but certain things are sadly out of place and they stick out like a sore thumb.

So, a final verdict? High School Musical 3: Senior Year is a very good movie. It moves along fast, it enchants and it makes you want to get up and gooo! The acting is good, the songs are great and the dancing has improved greatly. Aside from a few flaws its a very entertaining and well made picture and one which is going to smash the box office. Move over 007! Would I watch it again? Yes. Would I go out and buy all the merchandise after seeing this? Probably. If I was the target audience anyways. One thing is for sure though, this is very good and I really loved it. I would recommend it to anyone for its feel good factor. Just see it. You will know what I mean.
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20 July 2008
A true honest review? Some true honest advice? Don't waste your time on this, its terrible.

I am a true fan of the original. I like the way it was weaved together with interesting characters, hammy dialogue and breath taking action sequences not to mention a beautiful location and some great plot devices. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weiz lit up the screen with his charisma and her likability factor. They made a good screen presence and carried the story along until its fantastic action packed finale. I also like the way the producers mixed up the scenes, to spoon out not only violent and eerie scenes involving the main villain himself but to water it down to family standards with John Hannah's comical brother. It was a film of epic proportions. A fun story, likable characters and good use of live action and cgi, for the most part. Then about 2 years later Universal ran out of idea's and so decided to return to the bandwagon to churn out another cash cow sequel. 'The Mummy Returns' was released and whilst not as good as the original at least had the decency to be spectacular enough for the risibility. Fraser and Weiz returned (having made an offspring) and warbled, walloped and crashed through the bustling busy streets in a less than original screenplay but at least maintained their charm and kept the spark glowing from the first film. It was a likable sequel, and whilst no where near as good as its ancestor still managed to be entertaining.

So here we are folks. 2008 and yet again we are re-visiting a tired series. The next gruesome threesome to bring home to Hollywood is not only the worst of the Mummy films, but quite possibly the worst sequel of the year to date. Its so bad in fact that even Rachel Weiz turned it down, but its not surprising having listened to some of the laughably dire dialogue churned out here. I bet she took one look at the script and threw it in the trash can. The story goes something like this... Brendan Fraser (back as Rick O'Connell) his wife Maria Bello (yes they replaced her with someone with half as much talent) her brother John Hannah (what is he doing in this?)and their son Luke Ford (who has now aged by about 20 years) are somehow prancing around in their ordinary lives (in the Far East?) but suddenly the son awakens an evil Mummy Emperor (because hey thats what your bound to do in a movie like this) who wants to use his army of the undead to take over the world and get revenge on the sorceress who put him to sleep so many years ago. The only people who can stop him are the O'Connels who crash and bang through armies of stone beasts, supernatural winds and all sorts of other unoriginal menaces. Of course the showdown at the end will result in global domination or ultimate Savior. But by that time, you just wont care.

So.. why do I hate this one? when when one of the main stars from the original backs down and bails out and when the other looks bored throughout the whole darn thing you know you have a problem on your hands. And its sad because Brendan Fraser makes it blatantly obvious how unhappy he is reprising the role without Weiz by his side. He is never able to connect with Bello who tries to be chirpy but comes off looking rather ridiculous as the smart girl. And there we have another problem. Bello just cannot squeeze into Weiz's cleverly filled shoes. Its embarrassing to watch her warble on and you can really tell she felt uncomfortable trying to live up to the characters standards. The same can be said for Luke Ford, who makes a very unconvincing action hero-sidekick next to Fraser. Again they have no spark or connection what so ever. It feels like a cheap decision casting Ford because he never really brings any emotion, good or bad to the screen. The exception here is Jet Li, who whilst is not as menacing as Arnold Vosloo (the original mummy) still pulls off a good dark role. Its fresh seeing him portraying an evil character and it pays off when he is actually on screen. However his presence is short lived and at times feels like a guest appearance. And of course John Hannah who never disappoints and steals the show altogether with his one liners and witty charm. He almost makes this passable. Almost.

The movie deserves another good kick in, this time for its overly used CGI action sequences which feel cheap, tacky and unoriginal. Imagine a Roger Corman flick added into a Uwe Boll video game adaptation and your halfway there. The sets are nice to look at, but the CGI is really distracting and you can tell they did things all by computers. The character development is replaced with an endless array of pointless battle sequences. Pointless !

Its also really degrading seeing our much loved characters from the first movies spout lines of almost ridicule. Brendan Fraser cringes as he reads his lines (is he auditioning for the high school play?)and like I said Bello looks uncomfortable. Even Hannah looks bored and whilst trying to rescue this epic failure always looks like he wants to be doing better things. Like the ironing for example.

There is just so much to bash this movie about. Its an obvious cash in, but even fails at being entertaining. It doesn't live up to the first or even the second. It is boring, confusing and the characters are bland. The action is over the top and don't get me started on the screenplay. Its just an all round failure and should be buried in the Tomb of the title, never to be re-awakened.
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'Funny, Entertaining, Crude- Everything you want it to be' Puts the SPRING in Springfield!!!
24 July 2007
Finally I have had the pleasure after many long years of waiting to screen test this movie- and afterwards I can scarcely say this is definitely going to be the highest grossing animated movie ever made!! It has all the usual characters (its obvious when watching that the creators wanted to show every character from the TV series even if it means giving them a small part) of course there's Homer, who is as loud and proud as always, and Marge, who is cautious but loving throughout Homers huge mishap (which would stretch out to be the storyline) and Bart, Lisa and Maggie are all back too.

The storyline is quite different for a Simpsons theme- Homer miraculously pollutes the local river, thus the power plant is closed down and the residents of Springfield are evacuated. Cue the Simpsons who must fight to save their town or lose it forever!!! I was interested to discover that Mo was given a lot of the limelight in this movie, and that Homer was less seen than some of the other characters- hmm... Anyways, there really is little to criticise about this movie. A lot of people are rattling on about the movie being too similar to a single stretched-out episode, but this was always going to be an issue from the beginning. I suppose if you go into the movie expecting an overly long episode then thats what you'll get, but if you take it with a pinch of salt then the Simpsons Movie is great fun, and very funny.
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Gruesome..Disturbing...Brutal...Hostel: Part 2 Delivers!
1 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Eli Roth is, what the US can call, a happy young director-much like the younger Quentin Tarantino. In fact, Roth is vastly becoming the young Tarantino, hooked on delivering gore feasts and twisted flicks with an underestimated plot and numerous details to make the whole complexity of the movies he makes stronger. Roth began his reign with Cabin Fever, a film which gore-hounds instantly lapped up. Then, with a little help from Tarantino himself, Roth took on Hostel, which was a squeamishly entertaining, if not slightly morbid piece of snuffery in a torture flick. Whilst Hostel didn't exactly get the critics screaming, even they had to admit that the movie had balls, if not brains.

Hostel 2 is much of the same. The story evolves around three students travelling to Slovakia where they encounter a ware-house of terror and torture. OK, that is pretty obvious- yes there is torture, yes there are pretty girls, and yes once again the setting is in the beautiful picturesque town in Slovakia, which plays host to the hidden warehouse. Except this time, the torture chambers are a lot bigger and a lot harder to escape from (in Hostel Part One, main character Paxton and his lady accomplish managed to sneak their way out of the chambers-) no such look this time. Now, the chambers are bolted up and require a labelled code to use the exit doors. Too bad for our young chicks.

Anyways, now the security is ramped up, the capture and torture scenes are obviously a lot worse. And so are the methods used in snuffing of the 'victims' with decapitated heads, upside down neck slashing, blades of fury and in one particularly nasty scene, a brutally realistic penis chop. Now, I hear you say- how can they let a movie like this ever hit theatres, especially when it is perhaps arguably more violent than previous video-nasties such as Cannibal Holocaust, and in such terms perhaps the answer to that is unknown. Eli Roth admitted himself that he expects the BBFC to wrap him over the amounts of gore used. He even boasted that the gore scenes were so intense that he himself could not watch!

Yes, this movie is violent, yes there are buckets of the red stuff spurting about, and yes sometimes the scenes playing are disturbing, but Hostel: Part 2 still pays off as being very entertaining. Squirmish. Yes. Bloody. Hell yes. Gruesome. Need I say yeah. But no matter how twisted this movie is, it is definitely going to sell a lot of popcorn. I have seen the movie once, and once is enough (trust me this isn't something you want to re-watch) but all in all, it is an experience I am glad I took on. I am also happy to see the return of the fabulous Jay Hernandez (who played the hero in the first movie) however, be warned- he is also on the hit list!!! 9/10
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Hard-hitting, Spectacular, Fantastic- Ends the franchise in style!
21 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have been waiting a long time to see this movie, and thus I was happy to buy tickets for a special screening in the US whilst on my travels. Now, as it is, most threequels (or the last in a series of films) are hugely disappointing (look at Jaws 3, Scream 3 etc etc) so I was expecting to be slightly displeased, especially being a life long Pirates fan, so I was hoping and praying that the makers would get it just right, and thankfully-very thankfully they did. In fact, I would argue that Pirates 3 or 'At World's End' is up to the standards (if not better!) than the original- a question I will leave open to other viewers. The story is fairly new- Barboassa, Elizabeth and Will must sail to past the end of the earth to set free the disfuctioning spirit of Captain Jack Sparrows who as we know has been devoured by the hungry and monstrous Kraken (which makes yet another appearance along with other fantastic creatures) and once Jack is back, he has to confront the evil Davy Jones for one final battle which will determine weather our witty, joke-cracking, swash-sing buckling' hero can sail away on the high seas or become a life-long slave on the Flying Dutchman.

And it really is one hell of a battle. This battle makes the one's in Star Wars and Harry Potter look like a sing-song with Alvin and the Chipmunks-really. Its swords at the ready as the ending unfolds into a huge eye-opening thriller. You'll be asking yourself- 'is he really going to do that?' before screaming in delight 'oh my god-he is!!' and when he does you can bet you wont be disappointed! But its not just the amazing ending that makes Pirates 3 a masterpiece of cinematic history- the rest of the film is perfect too, from Captain Jack's one-liners 'Aye men, we must fight...to run away!' to the swash-buckling baddie-turned goodie Barboassa, to the sweet performances given off our young hero's Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom, who do equally as well in carrying the film along. Another cool aspect of this film is that unlike the second film the pace is kept running with scenes tending not to drag on, plus we see a lot more of Jack than in the first 2, so we have more time to like him and understand him, something the fantastic Johnny Depp can do with charm. The characters are all there and superb. The settings are stunning and beautiful, the music is thrilling and there is something for everyone without getting tiresome or boring beforehand. Pirates 3 completes the series, not just with a bang, but with a Yo-Ho and a bottle of rum!
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Eragon (2006)
No where near as bad as people are saying it is!
25 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm missing something, but I actually really enjoyed this movie. OK, so the acting was a bit messed up in some parts, but wow the effects and Saphira the dragon were both special and breath-taking. If you have read the book, then maybe you will see this movie as a joke, but if you haven't then you might, like me, find it rather extraordinary. It has something to offer to everyone, not to mention a hot young cast, amazing CGI work and cool set visuals. Plus, the ending, when the Saphira dies is quite emotional, and had a lot of my mates weeping into their popcorn lol. So yes, I would recommend Eragon as a good movie, despite a few flaws, and overall I would say Eragon is spectacular.
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The Reef (2006)
absolute carp- the worst animated film ever ever ever!!!
24 February 2007
Firstly, let me start by saying that if I could give this movie 0, then I happily would, as it goes I cain't so a 1 will have to do. Now, then on with the review. 'The Reef' or 'Shark Bait' as it is otherly known is a floundering story about a young guppie fish named Pi who is forced to move to the glossy reef under the sea after his family are killed. It is here where he encounters bullying sharks, dopey but cute angelfish and a storyline so drip it makes you want to bury your own head.Queue all the kiddie-flick clichés which so merrily unfold. There are just so many bad points about this movie (not to mention a laughable stab at trying to rip off Finding Nemo and Shark Tale) The animation is absolute carp, the voice-over work (by a blatantly wannabe Will Smith-like Freddie Prinze Jr and Rob Schneider) is a jumbled mess and the whole 'complexity' of the story is just bad. The set visuals are very candy-eyed but only add to the dishorientation of the film. It is a very appalling movie, even below Shark Tale's standard, and very very un-original. Don't see this for your own good...
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Celebrity Love Island (2005–2006)
Very funny and often emotional- a great show!!!
22 December 2006
This is a really funny celebrity reality show. its sexy, original and most of all, funny. Watching celebrities like Sophie Anderton and Lady V fighting over a bloke really cracked me up, and when Lady Victoria tipped a bottle of wine over Miss Anderton's head, i screamed in laughter!!! I am 15 years old, and currently living in the UK, and I have to say, that following Love Island for 6 whole weeks was a fun adventure. Me, my dad and his Girlfriend watched every episode and often couldn't stop laughing at Sophie's tantrums, Lee's over-obsession with sexy Colleen (bless him) the Love Triangles between Sophie, Chris, Lady Victoria and Bianca, Leo and Callum. Pure TV gold!!! I really hope another series of Love Island comes out because watching Celebs fighting, screaming and cheating was never so fun!!!
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The movie which doesn't hold water
1 September 2006
After the ridicule that was open water, you'de expect the 'oh no, we're stuck in the middle of the ocean' scenario to be long sunken, but no, here we are, revisiting the watery graves yet again...This time with a bunch of hapless nobodies forming a high-school reunion on a 5-star yacht to sail the seas, despite the fact that one member of the party is petrified of the water (?) Sound confusing (if not similar) ? well, i've only just begun! Deciding to go for a dip, the pals on the yacht jump overboard. Now this might not sound too bad, if it weren't for the fact that the yacht is 30ft tall, and that some silly asswipe forgot to drop down the ladder, and there's a sleeping baby blobbing on board alone, and the nobodies (despite their best efforts) simply cannot climb the slippery sides. Thus, the terror begins. By terror, i mean, a few b-actors trying to click their tongue's around a predictable screenplay, ushering a few screams here and there and splashing a wave or two. And whilst Open Water was not the best thriller to sail the seas, at least it included sharks and carried an edgier sense of style. The problem with 'Adrift' or 'Open Water 2' as the film buffs have harshly branded it (despite the writing revenues best efforts)is that it is running closely to a franchise in which we have already witnessed. Had Open Water not gotten in there first, then perhaps it would be uppered from 'Awful' to 'Average' but the lack of thrills, the string of endless plot holes and the unreliable dialogue makes this sea tragedy laughable.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Ultraviolet- Confusing and Converse.
13 July 2006
After the lamentable lukewarm reaction from the Resident Evil movies, you would expect our beautiful young hero Milla Jovovich to hide away from movies involving the undead, yet here she is once again, in another send up of tomorrows world of Fantasy epics involving...yes, you guessed it...the undead...

Ultraviolet may well be the most confusing movie of the year, without a doubt. The story evolves around a super-human/vampiress named Violet, who in stealing a super-powerful weapon from a group of Vampire Maffia's, discovers that she must pit herself in danger to protect a 'vunerable' ten year old boy named Six (Six?) But when she discovers that the boy may hold the key to setting her free from the terrible curse which made her un-human, she must decide whether to hand the boy over to the enemy, or keep on protecting him...

okay, so an out-of-this world plot may seem okay in a movie such as Ultraviolet, however for every good idea here there are a few VERY dodgy ones, the most dodgy being the fact that we are supposed to swallow the continuous verse which pours from the characters mouths, making none sense at all.

No, the reason I score Ultraviolet a reasonable (passable) mark, is for the fact it gives us more than enough action scenes, each one lethal and pushing you to want more. Jovovich sure has some moves! And the creepy smile of Cameron Bright (Six) is enough to send shivers down my spine (thus the 'mild action and SCARY SCENES) well, i'm not going to say 'make sure you see Ultraviolet' as there are many a greater movie out there which perhaps you would enjoy, however fans of this type of genre may find the action and candy-eyed costumes something to snap up. I couldn't enjoy it too much, as i found the laughable screenplay un-realistic, however the action was good and Jovovich is sexy as Violet...
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A 'Cool' movie and a 'Cool' review!
10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
At last, a comedy we can look back on and say...thats what our decade is all about! After the horrors such as 'Chicken Little' and 'Cheaper by the dozen' It seemed as if good kids movie's had been wiped forever. Well we were wrong! Ice age was a 'thawesome' movie. Ice Age 2 is even better. All the character, including some new ones, return for the sequel, where it seems the animals are getting on with their normal lives...that is until their wintery wonderland begins to melt...leading to the ultimate race against the clock! Can Manny, Syd, Ellie, Scrat and all our other Ice Age friends make it in time, or will they all perish in the melt-down? The storyline is actually pretty harrowing, however the non-stop humour and charisma of each of the characters makes this for an incredibly magical experience, for fans, kids and adults alike. We also see the return of Scrat, the half squirrel / half rat, who has a nack of getting into tight spaces on his perilous journey to chase that acorn! And of course, It wouldn't be ice age without Sid the sloth, who never fails to perform a good trick, making giddy kids jump up and down, and adults make a nice smile. And for once, this could actually be a part kid part adult movie, with a few 'adult' jokes causing a few smirks here and their. Whilst the kiddies may not get these jokes, there is enough colourful verses and phrases which will, indeed have them smiling.

To conclude, all i will say is, see this movie if you have kids. see it if you don't, because i can guarantee that you will enjoy it all the same. if you don't, then let me know. In the meantime, have fun, and get ready for the ICE AGE! (lol)
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Been there, Done that.
9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, first let me say that i have no problem with the Scary Movie series. The first one was pure magic-and created a whole new genre in the Satire industry. The second was also pretty funny, mainly because the Wayans brothers were still on board. The third was merely passable, but because Shawn and Marlon Wayans were onto other things it seemed that the whole thing would come to an end. Now, we return to Scary Movie 4- another follow up of Parody sketches based on recent films. this time heading for the cut, are such classic horror films such as 'Saw,The Grudge, War of the Worlds, Will and Grace and Dawn of the Dead.' Okay, so it's hardly lacking there then. A particularly funny scene taken from War of the worlds involves a furious Tom Cruise lookalike who literally nearly decapitates Anna Faris (Cindy)with a baseball. 'Are you alright?' he says. 'Oh i'm OK. I've taken balls to the face before!'

And i must add, that a few of the scenes are pretty funny. A huge alien creature/tripod/Ipod which rises from the ground suddenly begins to play some very strange music. 'The Tripods are circulating all over the world!' says Faris. Okay, so Ipods are a big thing right now, but do we really need a sketch on how popular ipods are selling? I think not! Despite a handful of silly mistakes, SM4 is not that bad. I wish i could say it was excellent, however as we enter 2006, it seems a good time to leave all that Satire stuff back in the year 2000. As Date Movie proved, the whole thing looks tired. Scary Movie 4 does look tired, limping from a good start to a frustrating ending, and still refusing to give up.

In my eyes, David Lucker has ruined a good opportunity. I think that perhaps we should move on, and not continue to make the Scary Movie genre and it's fans look worn out and 'sooo last year' Instead, we have another tired, wont-give-up sequel that combines few laughs and fading charisma to pass a laughable PG-13 rating. The first 2 were so graphic, and sexually hilarious, that they were almost instantly given a 17+ R rating. The last 2 are so laughable dire, they are scooping up 14 year old girls, who think that they are incredible for getting in to see a 'real' Adult movie. That adults can be bothered with this is a debate in itself. Cult fans of Scary Movie won't be disappointed, however everyone else will soon get tired of the bum and tit jokes. Not even Faris can save her career now... 4/10
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Truly terrible. A far cry from the original!
9 April 2006
I would give this movie a 0 if i could, purely because it is so insulting. I am a huge fan of the Pink Panther, and i have collected a lot of the films over the years. I obviously dreaded the fact that it was to be made by...er...Shawn Levy...What!? Possibly one of the most boring directors in history, who has created such horrors as 'Cheaper by the dozen 2, which starred unfunny man Steve Martin, who we see again in Panther' Okay, so perhaps a bored-looking Martin should not take the rap for this over-rated money spin-off. Or maybe as the screenwriter, he should, i dunno. Or maybe we should blame Levy for using no enthusiasm in his film at all whatsoever. There are no real gags, just your average giddy sex phrases and a rubbish unconvincing Pratt-fall now and then-a far cry from the original. In fact, i can think of only one reason to actually bother with this movie at all- and that's for the pretty as ever hot-head Beyonce Knowles, who does her thing. Forget Martin, because his crazy antics and frustrating and corny take on a french accent will have you nursing a migraine.

It saddens me that this could have been a huge new remake. Instead it is a lost opportunity, which is cruelly unfunny, lacks any gags and literally throws itself in the bargain bin in BlockBusters. If you want to see the hilarious originals, then spend a $9.00 on them, not this. Avoid...
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Kids will love it. Adults sure won't!
8 April 2006
IT seems that when it comes to family, Robert Rodriguez is the ultimate dad. Wouldn't it be great if your father turned round to you and say...hey, why not make a movie together? That's the way Sharkboy was made-by a six year old kid and his dad. The story is of young Max, a dizzy daydreamer who is bullied because of his 'WILD' imagination. He magics up two superhero's, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, who happen to be real...sort of. Well, now Max's enemies better hide in shame, as his creations blast through the walls of school to take us all to Planet Drool, the hype world which the hothead and the coldfish so happen to live on. Confused? you will be in the muddy 3-D effects that follow. Turns out that Max is needed to dream the planet back to life...

But he has forgot his dream journal!!! Oh no! Like I said, the effects don't work in 3-D and the world of Planet Drool is totally over-the top. Fans of Spy Kids and Robert Rodriguez and kids won't be too disappointed, but those over 14 and really unhappy children won't see eye to eye with the CGI. The cast is relied on three young amaetures (Lautner and Dooley as Sharkboy and Lavagirl and Boyd as Max) however, it is the young cast, and not Latino God George Lopez who carry the story. That is why it has got a higher mark- For its younger casts enthusiasm. The adults are easily out-acted by the young sprogs. Lopez can'y be bothered, Kristin Davies plays the bored mom and David Arquette (the movies most famous star) shows up on screen with boring quotes for just twenty seconds. In fact, the movie has no real stars. just amaetures willing to boost their young careers. Oh well, Drew Barrymore wannabe all round.

If you like really whacky movies then see Sharkboy. If you have kids then see it. Otherwise, don't bother...
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Cry Wolf (2005)
Crushingly frustrating 'teen' horror.
8 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After an awful hangover, My mates insisted on me joining them for their little movie outing. I dragged myself there, and we purchased 5 tickets to see 'Cry Wolf' for $9.50 each. It was a PG-13, however, the title seemed enticing enough. And so the titles roll. A huge mistake!

The story is as absurd as the screenplay. A group of incredibly type-cast actors (including a rather drib Jared Pidackili from...er...house of wax)Dream up a serial killer to circulate rumours on the internet to their friends after the mysterious death of a teenage girl on campus. Of course, soon a real killer turns up with twisted actions in mind... Well, twisted as in twisting the knife in which the film stabs you through the back with.

It apauls me, how we as an audience, are expected to gobble up the trash that this movie delivers. It's shady acting, it's far-fetched storyline and it's laughably dire Killer make this a bargain-bin 'can't be bothered, might as well watch' under rated teen thriller. Clearly, the screen writers were having an off day? Avoid.
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It (1990)
The Scariest Film I have Ever Seen.
3 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first caught this movie when i was only eight years old, and it has scarred me for life. The maestro of all Horror geniuses, Stephen King has unwittingly shook the world with all of his interactive horror experiences, however forget 'Carrie', 'The Shining' and 'Pet Sematery', because if you really want to have the pants scared of you, then IT will go down a treat.

The story couldn't be simpler-a group of school friends or the 'Loser Club' as they are known to everyone else, fall victim to a shape-shifting creature that forms their deepest, darkest fears and uses their terror to feed on. This might seem too far-fetched and even laughable to some people, however the main scares in this movie are delivered by Tim Curry, who play's the notorious and evil Pennywise The Dancing Clown character. Basically, Pennwise is the original shell or 'guise' for the creature and spends most of his or 'IT's' time lurking in the sewers and enticing and preying upon young children who happen to pass the drain, or the bathroom sink, or the school shower room, or the school basement...you get my picture right? Anyways, nothing comes scarier than or old circus foe, who's glistening razor teeth will haunt us all for the next five decades.

Back to the storyline then...Well, or young hero's (the Losers Club) thats, Bill (the stuttering freak), Eddie (the ggggirly boy), Richie (the likable geek) Stan (the worrying Jew) Ben (the porky pig) Mike (the good black guy)and Beverly (the janitors daughter), must face up to Pennywise by confronting the red haired menace in it's sewer lair. The crew are only 12 years old, but still as they march into the sewers with only a catapult and a few stones, you can't help but really feel for them. Take away the whole 'Pennywise' content, and any scares or shocks, and this would still survive as an awesome tale of friendship and pulling through, chuck in a giant child-eating clown, and you get a whole new genre...BANG BANG! and they have killed the clown! Whopee!...of course, they haven't actually killed IT, because thirty years later, when the kids are all grown up, IT returns and starts it's reign of terror all over again. 'Hi, Bill it's Mike...IT's back...can you make it?' Those words left me in a humbled mess.

And so the second part of the story unwinds. The now grown up 'Losers Club' remembers all of the times that IT tried to get them. Each one of them then meets up with Mike in Derry (where IT is lurking) and amid warnings from the now actually quite funny Pennywise...'exuuuuse me maa'm is your refrigerator running?...yes?...well then you betta' go and catch it! me ha! me ha! me ha!' They still vow to return to the sewers and finish the job. Leading them is the likable, but often annoying Bill, who lost his little brother to IT many years ago...'Heeelllloo Georgie!!!' And so down down down they go again, to once again confront the evil clown. 'You can't kill meeee! I am the eater of all worlds and the eater of children!!! go back whilst you still can!!! go back!!!' Screams the clown as it echo's it's way deep into the sewers. Of course, our hero's are not gonna back down. But as they follow IT into it's domain, things start to go downhill.

First of all, we learn that IT is actually just a bright light waring a clown costume. We also discover that IT can transform into the most laughable and weak monster you could ever imagine...a CG spider that ambushes it's victims by tangling them up in it's web. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Okay, so this really spoils the second half of the movie. The first half however, is collected with neat scares, dark humour and a likable, mature young cast. But the only reason to watch the second half is for Anette O Toole who does her thing and wobbles her neck now and then.

To end my review, all i will say is, pick up a copy of IT. The first 1hr and a half will have you shaking in fear. the second will have you laughing in disbelief. It still scares the life out of me to this day...
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A nice little shocker that will have you biting your knives...
31 March 2006
Freddy Krueger...The name strikes fear into all Horror Movie fans...and that infamous line...'I'm gonna kill you slowly' is still one to send shivers down our spines. This is one of my favourite movies of all time, probably because it combines Horror, black humour, convincing drama and catchful phrases to make one hell of a movie. It still has the power to grip you in a fiery rage, and spit you out when it's bedtime...Believe me, see this and you won't sleep for some time, and the coffee will be an every day luxury! Okay then, As a movie...GREAT, as a horror movie...FANDABYDOZY...as a comedy...GOOD as a psychological nightmare...DANGER DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE!!! This is original, fun, has a good convincing cast, and Robert Englund as Krueger is an icon. See this NOW!
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Hostel (2005)
A good, solid hardcore horror movie that will have you biting your nails.
31 March 2006
Eli Roth was the master who brought us the neat little shocker 'Cabin Fever' which was a pretty gruesome piece of work. Now, he has donned the role as director in Quentin Tarrantino's torture shocker, Hostel, which completely over goes the limit of how far a hardcore horror audience will go. This sick little shocker relies on it's main cast, and it's low budget, but believe me, this is far more believable than your average J-movie ghost stories, and arguably more scary for example. The story is pretty simple. 3 guys looking for booze, sex...and well...booze and sex, stumbles upon a seemingly superb hostel...and...you know the rest.

Roth was clearly feeling peckish, with limbs flying about like a tennis tournament, and scenes to curl even the straightest hair. an eye for an eye i must say, as a women is literally ripped apart. Okay, then. I found this movie pretty shocking, and couldn't believe the reaction from others in the Cinema. Wow...Gosh...AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Unbelivebly gory, but this really is Hardcore Haven, and compared to such 'horror' trash as 'The Fog' remake, this is the granddaddy of all horror movies...
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The Fog (2005)
Absolutely terrible!
31 March 2006
For all of those out there who are horror movie fans, i have a few words to say... DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! OK, then, so that's not my decision, but if you are thinking about seeing this then be warned-you may never want to see a Horror movie again! As if a remake wasn't enough, this soppy ghost story fails as a horror movie, as a drama, as a thriller-in fact as anything. The story resolves around a mysterious fog that causes havoc on a remote island with a lighthouse. Okay, so the story is Corny, but hey, who cares? The original Fog with Jamie Lee Curtis was a nice little shocker, and John Carpenter made sure the scares were proud and bold. This version is so laughably drib and unscary, your average episode of Balamory is more moving. A terrible waste of everyone's time...mainly yours. Go see a real hardcore Horror movie, and avoid this evil contraption. You will come out of the Movie Theatre cursing it, and yourself...
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