
13 Reviews
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Raw emotional pure talent!
24 November 2023
I may be biased as I am a huge Ronnie fan but also have a little insight having met him in Sheffield and experiencing first hand his personality and temper. This isn't a story about mental health nor gives an insight into the turmoil of sporting heroes etc, it's just a film completely devoted to what goes on in Ronnie's head on a daily basis.

We've all wondered while watching him play, and act up before, during and after playing, and also heard the stories. But this confirms and explains everything about him from the horse's mouth.

Great doc and a great insight into the life of my fav sports star.
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JFK (1991)
Masterpiece! Get this movie to the top!
13 September 2021
Literally the only movie I studied at school 25 years ago! And still today a complete bemusing masterpiece. It angers viewers by the obvious conspiracy that will never be uncovered. A perfect ensemble of drama, facts, thrilling score, writing, directing, acting, editing etc. I literally can not pick fault and every time I watch it I am made more angry by the obvious truth that's been sorely covered up and the fact this is not in the top ten movies of all time!
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Stillwater (2021)
Was all going so well...
25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Captivating until about 10 mins from the end. Very slow paced but I enjoyed the atmosphere. Although we were introduced to lots of indigenous characters that were forgotten about. The whole relationship build up between the French family and Damon were forgotten about.

The twist and reason for Lina's death was merely brushed over.

Unfortunately due to the last rushed 10 mins of the film, its forgotten about.
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The Ice Road (2021)
I really wanted to like it. But it's abysmal!
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the off I was dubious about Liam Neeson. But with Larry Fishburn I succumb to curiosity. Oh my word what did I do!!!??

It's god awful. I mean there's awful then there's God Awful! I can not understand how this is a movie! Iv watched worse things go down my toilet after a vindaloo! Every single line spoken by every single "actor" is terrible! It's a rubbish linear plot to begin with which has no twists (apart from the extremely obvious one with the main villain) The effects are mystifyingly diabolical and the characters, if you can call them Characters, are all pointless!

The fight scenes. Wooden as hell! Neeson's final punch is something out of a carry on film! The technical aspects of ice and how they drag 2 fully Losded rigs up from on their sides without a fulcrum at height is impossible. How they tie a winch to a perfectly sized pole they just happen to find in the back of the trailer along with a boring machine, and use that to winch their way to safety when the head of the trailer, with a 3tonne engine sat in it, is buried in a freshly collapsed hole in the ice? Nonsense!

Every scene inside the mine was a Complete waste of time. Who cares that they might have to kill a few off for the rest to survive. I'd rather have watched them all eat each other for 2 hours than this abomination!

Neeson, fishburn, hang your heads in shame. No more movies for either of you! No coming back from this! Dire!!
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Agree with the majority
15 December 2020
Great start Boring middle Rubbish end

Well done Ridley! Another concept ruined!

Give up!
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
This movie deserves to catch covid
22 October 2020
Please ignore any reviews above a 5.

Russell Crowe. Body suit? Or just fat? Either way it looks like he's given up on life. Shame he didn't give up this movie. It's plain awful. A simple plot choice which had to be wildly exaggerated yet still follow the same predictability and mundane tone. So many bloopers, so many unnecessary predictable moments, no characterisation at all, no in depth background of any character, just a silly boardroom idea bought to the big screen which I imagine 90% of the budget was spent on casting Crowe. Let's face it, his acting skills makes a movie. But not even this one was salvageable with 10 A-listers!

Dialogue - terrible! Plot - Predicable Acting - All but Crowe atrocious Point - none

Glad i streamed this movie for free because I would have been fuming if I had paid to watch it!!

Avoid like Covid-19
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Joker (I) (2019)
The perfect film
20 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I want to know how anyone can NOT give this film a score of 10! It's impeccable in every way! Long term fan of Joaquin, but here his acting culminates in the most amazing, Oscar worthy performance ever!

Not everyone who watches Joker may be a Batman fan, and some may not agree with the storyline featuring him and Thomas Wayne. But if you can ignore the routes the other films follow and just immerse yourself in this storyline it makes perfect sense.

It's a huge wake up call for mental illness and how it can be dealt with by society. Persecuted and beaten up for uncontrollable laughter! The epitome of negative attitudes towards those less fortunate.

And no ridiculous storylines about falling into a tank of acid to become the joker. However I am not knocking the performance of Jack or Heath as the same character. Imo they were both equally as perfect in their own rights.

The mere fact that the start and the whole film is Joker trying to write jokes and become a comedian, and has to go through a huge metamorphosis to become the character we all know and love, then refuses to tell his councillor at the end because "she won't get it" is the perfect anticlimax that he deserves!

Acting throughout is flawless, the pace is perfect. I love the slowness. Because even tho you may end up aching in the cinema rafter watching it, the longevity of the story carries on for ages after you leave.

It's a movie that you can watch over and over and really empathise with Arthur. A mentally ill person who is tarnished by a failing prejudicial society who eventually constructs a demonic, revenge fuelled monster. A perfect film. A perfect metaphor.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Very mediocre
29 November 2019
Firstly, any actor/actress could have played the role of Henry. There was nothing Smith-esque here. He must have been fairly desperate to take this film on. However, I am a fan and he did an ok job albeit a little woody in places. As the first time seeing a doppelgänger based movie using cgi, I have to say I was impressed. It did seem fluid in places yet silly and computer-game-like In others. But in time I'm sure this technology will be nailed. I still can't see a better job being done then Tom Hardy in Legend tho.

The plot was extremely transparent. There's nothing surprising at all. There's not really any kind of twists to keep us interested. You can spend the 2 hours munching popcorn and knowing exactly what u already know about the movie before you see it. It should have been darker and less predictable but I guess they spent the budget on the technology rather then the writing!

That said, it's enjoyable. It's a film you'll prob be glad you got round to see although not groundbreaking. But to see the Fresh Prince's face again does bring back some great memories. I think Will is the only reason this film gained the notoriety. In fact it would work with any a-lister imo. But I think he needs to choose his next role more wisely or retire himself.
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Child's Play (2019)
Ignore any reviews above 3 stars!!
24 September 2019
As a huge fan of the original, this could not have been further from it! I'm disgusted this film was allowed to be made. Understandably a twist on the original storyline but it was just so predictable and pathetic! I really really wanted to like it, but 99% of the film made me physically sick with anger at how bad it was! Please save yourselves from this monstrosity!
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Who let this be released??
11 September 2019
I loved the first 2. They could play 24/7 for all I care and I'd watch them over and over. Raw and quintessentially 80s.

The third outing literally should NEVER have been made. I can't stress how much I wanted to throw things at my tv while watching it. Annoyingly when it's broadcast, I do watch it, albeit in the background, as I physically can't bring myself to see the wooden acting and pointless homages to the original. What's even more annoying is the trying-to-bring-it-up-to-date music! Like Jesus!!!! My ears!!! Oh and everyone is perfectly clean shaven and gestapo-esque.

No body looks genuine. The plot is as transparent as glass, everybody's actions are deliberate and over-acted. Even pulling their guns out is cringeworthy! The music throughout every action/fight scene makes u want to rip your ears off and eyes out.

There isn't one apparently comedic part to this whole film that moves a facial muscle to create a smile.

If I had a time machine I would use it to make sure this film never happened.

One star is generous. Any body who gave this more than one star is a liar!
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The Boys (2019– )
Epic dark comic watch
23 August 2019
Having heard only one recommendation for this series I was initially dubious. But having binge watched the whole series so far today, I feel like it was warranted. Anti heroes may have been touched upon in the likes of The Watchmen, but I feel this dark comic touch with its doping related undertones set itself a world apart from the others. I wanted to rate this a perfect ten, but I feel it was only let down by its unnecessary casting. Simon Pegg Has literally no place in this series. Anyone could have played his role and I feel it would have been taken more seriously without him. As soon as he put on the awful American accent, I put my head literally in my hands. As well as Butcher and the English/Aussie mash up which I still can't see any reason for. However I did like the randomness of the characterisation and found all of their traits were portrayed perfectly. I mean Deep, and his fishy fascinations were hilarious! Stole the laughs for me. With regard to the plot, there's nothing I can fault. The only downsides are that it started becoming slightly predictable in what should have been an unpredictable plot full of hangers and twists. Hopefully the rest of the series will add marks, and I hope they don't just cash in on the brand and ruin what is bound to be a second series. For now; a thoroughly good watch and thanks to my bro for the recommendation
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D-Railed (2018)
Please do not watch this atrocity
20 August 2019
I can not stress enough how bad this "movie" is. Its worse than a Z movie! I can not think of any other film ever made with worse acting! I laughed throughout at how utterly appalling it was and was angered that the creators of this film expected it to be taken seriously. Avoid like an Sti
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Chernobyl (2019)
Wholly engrossing honest depiction
20 August 2019
Without a doubt the best miniseries I've seen in years! Studied this at school and they really hit the nail on the head. The acting was flawless. The brutal honesty of the characters and the deliberate use of actors own accents made everything feel more honest.
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