
65 Reviews
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Tombstone (1993)
Fun but weirdly edited
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The dialogue is weird at times but the charisma of the main cast make the film engaging and worth watching, especially if you're a Wild West fan.

The action scenes are fun but sometimes scenes, especially action scenes are so awkwardly edited. Like the last big action scene is straight up edited to look like some fever dream compilation, making it impossible to follow along with what's happening in real time.

I understand how it could be a guilty pleasure movie for some but overall I think this may be a little too highly rated and sought after my film buffs. I would recommend a later cowboy film of Kurt's bone tomahawk.
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It sucked
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so boring I fell asleep ten times and didn't miss anything. If you are waiting for a plot twist at the end, it's not coming. The piano in the background was interesting, but it seemed to be just a flick of Tom cruise constantly being tempted to have sex and constantly obsessing over a hypothetical affair his wife may or may not have had. This movie is not misunderstood.
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Perfect film
15 March 2021
I watch this whenever I'm sad! Great acting especially from the skydivers and Tarantino should take notes for his final film!
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Batman Begins (2005)
A great time
27 July 2019
  • well acted
  • great origin story
  • bale is perfect for the role
  • amazing action
  • the vibe of Gotham is unreal all throughout the film
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A pretty good time
27 July 2019
  • well written
  • smart with the intro looping plot and writing
  • great atmosphere
  • well acted
  • can be just slow at times
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A great time
26 July 2019
  • well acted
  • Anthony is amazing as the crazed serial killer
  • spooky and thrilling
  • best to watch at night, alone
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • well acted
  • amazing dialogue as always
  • can seem a little too much background story at times
  • satisfying ending
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A great time
26 July 2019
  • an iconic film
  • great visuals for the time
  • a feel good adventure movie
  • still holds up as an all time favourite
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A must see
26 July 2019
  • the trilogy is a must see
  • amazingly acted
  • mind blowing visual effects and costume design
  • still holds up today
  • great adaptation of the books
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A great time
26 July 2019
  • well acted from fox, waltz, Washington and Leo
  • action scenes are raw and sometimes disturbingly good
  • beautifully paced plot
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A great time
26 July 2019
  • several iconic scenes within
  • well acted from all parties but especially Pitt and waltz
  • narrative and set design is on point
  • classic bloody Tarantino action as always
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A must see
26 July 2019
  • arguably one of the best marvel films
  • amazingly paced action and spy thriller
  • builds on cap and widow's tight knit friendship
  • intro to falcon and winter soldier is excellently done
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • isn't flawless
  • the mid movie twist is fun in my opinion
  • brings tony back to his roots
  • very cool to see all the different armours
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • people bash it but it's actually pretty good
  • there's less focus on the action and more on character development this time around
  • makes you care more for tony, pepper and rody
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The Martian (2015)
A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • well adapted from the book
  • Matt is excellent in this role
  • set design is great
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An okay time
26 July 2019
  • tbh pretty boring
  • villain is not that great
  • premise is there just not well executed
  • first one was leagues better
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Thor (2011)
A good time
26 July 2019
  • Chris hemsworth is amazing as Thor
  • pacing is a little off
  • action is pretty entertaining for the most part
  • just feels a little too Shakespearean for for a kids film
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • a solid intro to captain America
  • Chris Evans is perfect for the role
  • well paced action
  • great dynamic between Bucky and cap
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • great visuals
  • Benedict is perfect for the role
  • well acted from all parties
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • ages better over time
  • people misjudge it comparing it to the previous avengers movie
  • action is very satisfying
  • introduces new characters and builds off the ones we already love
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Se7en (1995)
A must see
26 July 2019
  • excellently written
  • creepy and engaging story
  • well acted
  • spacey is creepy AF in this role
  • an ending that will blow your mind
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A great time
26 July 2019
  • does a great job at wrapping up the trilogy
  • very good villain
  • brings in and finishes several plot points from the previous two films
  • amazing practical affects
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A must see
26 July 2019
  • the insanity of the premise is enough to keep you engaged
  • well acted
  • beautifully paced
  • Leo is amazing in this role
  • clearly glamourizes jordan's Life but does it with perfectly balanced Hollywood style
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A pretty good time
26 July 2019
  • not as good as the first or the third
  • action is very well done
  • does a good job of setting up the plot for the third and movies onwards
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Inception (2010)
A great time
26 July 2019
  • amazing visuals and action set pieces
  • groundbreaking practical effects
  • very engaging
  • very original concept
  • too 5 best Nolan films
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