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Suits: Shadow of a Doubt (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
Louis Litt and Nigel Nesbitt made this episode for me...
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The continued Louis Litt and Nigel Nesbitt feud made this episode for me, especially when Louis picked up Nigel's cat and completely turned the conversation around. Later on Nigel giving his cat to Louis while he's on a last minute trip to Asia.

Rachel and Mike at dinner meeting the parents was OK. Mike speaking with Rachel's dad finding out about Rachel and her application to Stanford. Mom giving Rachel tips that as long as he hasn't killed anyone it'll all work out.

There was a Harvey & Jessica moment by the NYC bagel cart which I enjoyed. Harvey and his poppy seed bagels and now Jessica finally coming down for a bagel. The bagel cart started selling her favorite asiago bagels. It has me wondering how fresh and tasty those bagels are... especially if they are bringing down all the big shots from their office towers.
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Suits: Play the Man (2011)
Season 1, Episode 7
Star Trek is mentioned and honored in this episode... =D
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode with a fitting title "Play the Man" gets a 10 because Star Trek was mentioned right after the beginning credits. I found it interesting how well the Trekie connection went along with the rest of the story for both Mike and Harvey and them trying to do the right thing in the respective situations. Kobayashi Maru and the Captain Kirk mentions really fit with the episode.

Leadership, integrity, and facing challenges with courage are themes that come up a lot in Star Trek a lot and certainly did in this episode too. I really enjoyed seeing Harvey's smirk just after Mike leaves... it was right after he mentioned captain Kirk and Mike says Aye Aye captain. That was one of the best parts of the episode for me.

Later on I like how Harvey managed to make his situation a win win for everyone and how Mike gave up a silly mock trial in order to keep his friendship in order. Also great line at the end of Rachel saying Mike was a smart guy and that he could figure out why she expects more of him than the others.
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The Core (2003)
More memorable than one would think...
6 May 2024
I saw this film many years ago maybe a couple of times and I would say it was is a very memorable film especially Stanley Tucci who I don't even think was considered a main character. For some reason whenever I see another film with Stanly Tucci in it such as the Hunger Games I think of The Core so his performance here sure stood out to me.

As for the film itself I think it was a unique story and enjoyable and I would watch it again even if some people consider it a B class movie. I didn't even remember the other actors in the film until looking through IMDb. I would watch this again on a movie night. I think I might even have it on VHS somewhere when I find it I'll update my rating again.
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One of my favorite episodes...
3 May 2024
This is probably one of the better episodes for me. I really enjoyed the topic and how we got a surprise with both Sheldon & Missy at the end.

They are both very intelligent & dumb but in different ways and I think this is the episode that finally shows that aspect of both of the twins in the series. It's as if both were born with a different half of the intelligence or at least that's how I saw it.

A few of the twins that I have known have also had similar capabilities where both had strengths and weaknesses that complemented each other. I feel that's the case with Sheldon and Missy where they both make up for each others weaknesses.

Overall I really connected with this episode. Great job to the writers and actors.
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Fraggle Rock: Born to Wander (1985)
Season 3, Episode 14
One of the more important episodes...
3 February 2024
This is probably one of the most important episodes since the start of the series. Why? Because it fills in the back story about Gobo's great uncle travelling Matt who is constantly sending Gobo postcards every episode since the start of the series. Matt sends them from the "real" world for Gobo and his friends to read and the theme is of the postcard is often connected with the rest of the story in a meaningful way.

Matt sharing his adventure stories has always been a curiosity of mine to know how it all started and this episode answers that question. I feel it came at a good time in the series partway through season 3 because by now most viewers are invested in the characters so it's nice to have not just another random episode but one that progresses the story and shows a bit of the history as to why things are the way they are.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Overall great show but to much swearing
19 October 2023
Interesting show but way to much swearing at times. I like how the show deals with recent and current events. I like how the writers connected all the characters and involved them in those events. Seems to show only left side views on this show while completely ignoring the right. Examples being COVID and Pro choice vs. Pro Life. Some episodes better than others. I really enjoy the Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston duo they both bring something unique to the show. There area a few flashback style episodes randomly throughout the seasons which at first seem out of place and random but do give context to the following episode. Overall I think the show is pretty balanced between the seasons though was kind of annoyed with the constant Mitch Kessler stuff which seemed to carry on way to long.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Repression (2000)
Season 7, Episode 4
And the Maquis are back again...
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After having recently just finished watching all of TNG and DS9 this was a decent Voyager episode with a Maquis and Bejoran connection and a nice change from some of the the previous episodes. Although initially I did not like the story it seemed OK in the end. It was interesting to see that even Tuvak was actually connected all along to the Maquis which makes some of Tuvaks actions in previous episodes in the first seasons questionable. Funny to see all of the Maquis officers fall back into that mid DS9 mentality after a couple of years... with their almost complete takeover of Voyager. The part that is not very well understood is what the Maquis would have done with the Voyager after dropping off all the Federation crew? With the death of the Maquis, the end of the Dominion war and peace between the Bejorans and Cardassians. The whole point of the Maquis was to defend the "former" Federation citizens still living in the demilitarised zone along the Cardassian border so what would a Vedek gain from taking over Voyager? It was hard to see the point of the takeover and what good it would have served the former Maquis or Bejoran interests being so far away. Overall I think the episode could have been better and that maybe the writers were just looking for an excuse to have the former Maquis crew members finally take over Voyager.
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El Dorado (2010)
Overall decent low budget film
5 January 2023
Having been to much of latinamerica and Peru myself I enjoyed watching the film. I loved the locations used for the filming and saw multiple familiar shots in Lima and Cusco. It seemed to show a lot of Peruvian culture and music. Considering the low budget I thought the film did a good job with the acting... the English and Spanish dialogue seemed to fit well together. The action scenes and chases were pretty decent for a low budget film. I watched the film with grandmother and got the feeling she enjoyed it too... She would've complained if it were really bad. Though it was not perfect I loved the village scenes and the references to the quechua.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Move Along Home (1993)
Season 1, Episode 10
Misunderstood episode with some great life lessons...
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very unique first contact episode which seems to be misunderstood. This episode reminds me of the first contact episode in TNG where the race spoke in riddles and stories to try and have a shared experience.. while this episode shows us a race that seems to use a game to share values and ideas... it's like understanding through a different language.. a race that is interested in an honest game where one playing the game can make life much easier or more difficult for ones companions depending on ones level of greed or care. Despite us all tending to be greedy and selfish we do have a caring side that show that financial gain is not the only motive and that the wellbeing of ones friends and companions is also important.

The episode gives us an insight into the possible consequences of cheating. Anyone who enjoys gaming, riddles, puzzles or casinos may find this episode interesting.

The value of the game as a teaching lesson to Quark and the four missing officers who ended up having to work together. Some ask why those 4 officer? Those were the 4 officers that were supposed to meet and greet with the delegation and it seems perfectly acceptable that they should be used in the game... and since they involved Quark it all seemed rather fitting to select those 4 officers as the game pieces. The goal wasn't to do harm but to present and share ideas and how one thinks through a game. The very different personalities of the officers as they work together to overcome the challenges they are faced with and at times having to step out of their comfort zone or mindset in order to succeed is probably more the purpose.

Dax in her wisdom sees right away the value in mimicing the the child... While the Doctor sees the value in trying the drink as an antidote to suppress the effects of the poisonous gas. At times we think we have or knows all the answers but these scenes show us there is value in keeping an open mind and at least trying the different ideas and solutions presented by ones coworkers. This new race now has left DS9 with a very good idea of humanity and federation showing that people make mistakes and when they realize their error seek to make amends.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dax (1993)
Season 1, Episode 8
Overall great episode in the Star Trek universe
25 September 2022
I ended up enjoying this episode more than I thought I would. This episode explores a very unique legal question about who is fault when two beings are merged into a union. One could compare it to a type of legal marriage. Is one held responsible for the past crimes of a new spouse upon marriage?

Aside from that TNG episode there wasn't much explenation of the Trill so this gives us a deeper look which helps to further our understanding of the race. It also gives us a good connection episode between TNG, DS9 and Discovery which is great for those starting out new to Star Trek in general and looking for connections between the Star Trek universe.
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Does not really connect with Part 1
19 September 2022
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I think most would agree Part 1 was great starting with the Enterprise at Deep Space 9. What is strange about this two part story is that they don't connect very well... there were two stories one following Worf and the other following Data and the Doctor from DS9 but then in part 2 suddenly we see nothing of Data and the Doctor.

The story that was shown in part 2 was just following Worf in captivity. The overall story of part 2 didn't seem well coordinated. It felt like Worf came in and destroyed everything in a peaceful culture when he was supposedly just supposed to be looking for answers about his father. I feel like it wasn't fair of him to destroy or upset a rare peaceful life shared between a few Romulans and Klingons who have come to peace with each other.
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Not a great episode...
13 August 2022
Why is the first episode of every season so bad? There are to many errors and timeline mistakes in this episode. Still engaging and a decent ending but not as good as some of the previous episodes.
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When Calls the Heart: The Heart of a Father (2020)
Season 7, Episode 2
Some great scenes and life lessons in this episode...
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love the dialogue between Rosemary, Leland and little Jack during the babysitting scene... It was a great followup to Leland's marriage tips to Jesse. Also appreciated all the life lessons in this episode about giving people chances, not spreading bad rumors, owning up to your mistakes...
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Marry Me (2022)
Watch the film not the trailer..
5 August 2022
I stumbled upon this on an Air Canada flight and hadn't seen the trailer or heard of the film prior to watching... and perhaps because I hadn't seen the trailer or even knew what the film was about or eve what actors were in the film it was all a big surprise and very enjoyable. Looking at the other reviews I think most people are being harsh. I would watch it again and really think the music stands on it's own too. I love how the film put two unsuspecting people together in a very unique way so it was fun to see how it all played out.
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The Lost City (2022)
Enjoyable film
23 June 2022
A decent adventure comedy with some familiar actors. I found the film one of those fun sit back and relax family films where you don't have to do to much thinking to enjoy the film. I think my grandmother would even enjoy it being a harry potter fan. Maybe some of the topless seens might be a bit much for children..... but it wasn't over the top which I appreciated and the jokes were decent. I find so many comedy films these days stupid and over the top dirty jokes but this one was just perfect. I'd watch it again not because it was an amazing film but just because it wasn't a bad comedy.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Booby Trap (1989)
Season 3, Episode 6
Loved the ship in the bottle history jokes...
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the whole beginning and overall theme of this particular episode... going from a failed La Forge date to the bar scene was great. I also really enjoyed the ship in the bottle jokes later on with Picard, Riker, Worf, Data & O'Brien all in the transporter room.

All the episodes that connect with the history or future in some way I feel really add to the overall Star Trek universe. As someone that has seen mostly Deep Space Nine, Voyager, & Discovery prior to seeing The Next Generation it's great to see all the connections that each series has tried to make to The Next Generation. Overall I am really enjoying the 3rd season and this is another episode on the favorite list.
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Character development episode for Riker
15 April 2022
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One of the better character development episodes for Riker. I loved the invented sport, very creative! It was pretty much a blind duel between father and son. Some padding and an oversized Q-tip.
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Could have been it's own movie...
15 April 2022
I am watching all of Star Trek: The Next Generation for the first time and this so far is one of my favorite episodes. I don't rate every episode but this is for sure a 10. The entire theme of the story could easily be a full length movie.
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Such a bad intro...
25 January 2022
Such a bad intro to the Next Generation series always put me off from getting into the show but once you get through the terrible intro episode every episode after is much better.

The original Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and Discovery all had much better intros.
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Enslaved (2020)
I liked the variety of places that were visited throughout the series...
19 November 2021
I like how this series went all over the world trying to find answers and to bring to light the reality of our past. Sure it's not perfect and I am sure there is loads of missing information but it's a step in the right direction and it's a part of our world history. I feel like we touch on this topic of the atlantic slave trade in history in school but it's one thing to read about it and another to actually connect the viewer with these historical places. For them to actually go visit these unmarked or forgotten greaves... some being right under our noses does a service to all those who never had a chance and their story. The parts about Portugal, Gabon, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Brazil. Suriname and French Guiana I found very interesting. It's worth marking these places and visiting these places in person.
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