
33 Reviews
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The Clapper (I) (2017)
Should be named The Victim
20 March 2018
I found The Clapper to be a very absorbing film, but odd in a number of parts.

It was a very good study with elements of Educating Rita, when compared to the evaluation of certain long-held ideas: that becoming "famous" is desirable, that it is OK to use people for financial gain, and that just because you want something you should have it, regardless of the morals and responsibilities that go with the territory.

America's obsession with becoming famous, and becoming rich (& famous) for basically doing nothing but being famous, is lightly viewed here, and I can't fathom why the script called for such low intelligence depicted by the characters Eddie & Chris.

We are all subject to the seduction of money and "elevating our status", and certainly the hegemony of America's wealthy is shown to some degree and put to the test. However I felt it wasn't necessary to have Eddie & Chris shown as less to lower average intelligence, and therefore grossly gullible. The greed of getting something for nothing as depicted by the network executives is interesting, as was the price of eventual "fame", but I would have been more interested in seeing how persons of average intelligence find it so difficult to earn a living in a country that allegedly worships the dollar and is fixated on making a buck at the expense of "the other guy" - more egalitarian countries don't have the socio-economic problems that such predatory behaviour brings. Being used & discarded is distasteful to anyone, and the likes of Hilton & Kardashian cashing in on vapidity is hopefully a trend that will ultimately end, when networks stop trying to sell advertising by elevating such lack of ability to do anything & its hollowness is finally recognised.

Two marks above pass from me, and I hope to see more of the same in the future - its getting very difficult to find a film that is thoughtful, reflective and interesting to anyone over 25 these days, we don't all need explosions and gun play, and yes we still go to the cinema and pay for tickets - please stop ignoring your most loyal audience !
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Separation (2013)
No Separation just a really quick divorce please...
17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A masterful piece of Hitchcockian suspense ?

What a load of drivel.

I've had more suspenseful moments completing tax forms than this bag of tripe - there's more horror in the thought of losing yet another 90+ minutes of rubbish wrapped up & sold as excellent indie cinema.

You're in it for the money and shill reviews just add insult to injury.

At what point does someone churn out a turd like this & think it's good ? No sane adult could possible do so without an ulterior motive - CA$H....

Watch a real Hitchcock film to see how its done properly - I kept waiting for something to happen out of all the disjointed mess, but it failed miserably, in the last 10 seconds of the film, to salvage anything from a huge waste of time.

Only David Lynch can write scripts for movies like this, and for God's sake when you set out to address the noire, add something to it don't just turn in a feeble imitation.

Get a job Greg White, something more fitting to your ability - ditch-digging or mushroom farming maybe, anything where you can play in poop & leave us movie lovers in peace.

Shame on you & your shills.
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On the Brain (2016)
On The Nose is more accurate
7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A true piece of garbage, bad acting, bad dialogue, absolutely stupid storyline, bad direction, special effects good, camera work & sound good.

Probably been made as a "local content" stringer to get something else funded from overseas backers, but I kid you not, you'll want every second of your life back, after wasting any time on this turd.

You've been warned, run away as fast as you can, and for everyone else but the above mentioned good standard of work - stay away from this type of business, you're hopeless.

Have a really good look at the standard of work you turn in, and feel ashamed that you waste so much of other people's precious time waving such faeces around, & calling it a film.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Reviewing from a barge hole
14 December 2016
Good God mason barge, are you from a rival network or something ? We all know the US is isolated & barely above reading level but jeez, wooden ? What a load of crap ! I found the show to be interesting and an extremely accurate portrayal of a person grasping at answers while acting out of grief, guilt and self-recrimination. Fleabag is suffering the pain of loss while trying to find her way in a cold & unfeeling world, while clinging to the warmth of a best friend and the free & easy (better ?) side of her nature.

Yes she is grasping at straws, coping with grief and loss by self- medicating with alcohol, sex and throwing herself at the wrong guys, but that is life. Unlike many US shows, the characters don't whine & question their every act, thought, deed & fleeting notion - being English the characters are somewhat reserved, desperate to avoid offending or embarrassing others, and try to ignore someone else's misdeeds. That is not wooden, one dimensional or boring. It takes some intelligence and knowledge of the national characters, traits and above all, psychology of humans in pain & loss.

Yes she's foul-mouthed, but no she isn't a prude, repressed or ignorant of human desires and foibles. The show isn't afraid to explore many issues that American television can't cope with & prefers to ignore, and it is told from a woman's viewpoint, with female insights and bitter rivalry all around.

Americans don't understand subtlety & perhaps this is why some US reviews just "don't get it". That's fine with the 95% of the rest of the world which isn't American, we get it, like it would like some more - Brit wit, not Yank w ank.

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Space Cop (2016 Video)
is just a Space Waster
2 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
More shill reviews from halfwits.

1 star because I can't vote minus 1 million.

This type of crud should attract a jail term for theft of your irreplaceable time alive.

No excuse for even trying to make this junk, why anyone would want their name associated with excreta like this (apologies & exclusions to honest working crew)is beyond any reasoning.

Shhot it, burn it, nuke it, transport the ashes to a satellite & point it at the Sun, so it will disappear forever.

No one will hear you scream up there.....
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Plague (2014)
Let my People Go
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone has to start somewhere.....this is the bottom.

No plot.

No exposition.

No acting.

Not even sincerity in voices.

No use of the remarkable Australian terrain. Thankfully the unique light in this country did its own work & shone through.

Rip off from every Romero movie going.

WTF a Henry Martini rifle ? Where does that weapon come from ? Where do you get rounds for that ?

Poor sound in vehicle.

No time setting.

No location information.

Positives: Many false and cringe-worthy reviews from what must be friends, family, returned backpackers used as free crew or extras. the writer has friends so we need not worry about depression.

The .357 looked real.

We hate the characters within 5 minutes & couldn't care less what happens to them, so it's a relief to see the end of the film.

If you've read the bible you know Moses leads his people away from the plagues & spent 40 years looking for the Promised Land, that's the best you can do rather than watch this rubbish.
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Give me back my fare...
1 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film with great anticipation, I had a one-word question - WHY ? Why all the great hype ? It's not a great movie.

Why all the superlatives ? It does little to address racism as another review claims.

Why was it even made ? It wasted a superb opportunity to discuss Australian attitudes to passing, assisted suicide, the ignoring or shrugging of death's finality, and the simple attitude toward life.

Why did it lack so much exposition ? Why did it squander the myriads of opportunity to showcase the staggering beauty of this country.

Why did it simply take the viewer through a dull series of unfunny, unremarkable & stereotypical discussions, set-pieces and clichés ? Everyone involved in front of the camera, and Jeremy Sims, is capable of so very much more.

What a disappointment.
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Trainwreck (2015)
is Well Named
21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WTF Amy ? An avid fan for years, smart sassy & sexy stand-up with intelligent observations and real humour.

And then this garbage.

Tired, clichéd, childish, boring, UNFUNNY crap.

What the hell went wrong ? This could have been so much more, "one of the boys" from the female perspective, but I suspect I have the answer.

Judd Apatow and his sick obsession with kidults, pot and adults that won't grow up.

As soon as that name came up at the end credits (was I glad to see them !) it made sense - Amy lost control of this movie in order to get it made, taken hostage by Apatow and his mind-numbingly stupid view of life.

Best advice I can give you Amy - ditch that fool and next movie keep creative control and do something worthwhile. Apatow is box office poison and you don't belong on the 14-17 year old market.

You have something to say that he can't understand and reducing the message to the lowest common (retarded) denominator is demeaning to all concerned.

Move on or he'll ruin your progression into films, concentrate on the message via comedy and don't compromise, look further afield. Crowd source if you have to but DITCH APATOW.

One star for Tilda Swinton, nailed it as usual.
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Operator (I) (2015)
, please make this call collect
6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another great idea wasted.

Looks like a plan to sell a computer game, with masked robbers that can twist sideways & dodge shotgun blasts.

Mischa Barton completely miscast, looking sour as if her cat hadn't kissed her goodbye from her trailer.

More thought into the threat & less rubbish on the phone control would have improved this out of sight.

Also unbelievable were Ving Rhames, Michael Pare and all the smart savvy phone operators that didn't notice what was going on right next to them.

Too silly to sustain action/thriller watcher interest.
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Southpaw (2015)
South is where this should be flushed
5 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Boxer is a fool with no advisors & wastes his money.

A black man taunts the boxer.

Boxer loses temper.

Terrible thing happens.

Boxer gets depressed and things get worse. Loses his possessions.

Boxer gets angry against the system, of course system is to blame.

Boxer turns to black man for help.

Black man is old school, offer boxer a job including cleaning toilets.

Boxer rebels, loses motivation, changes mind & takes job.

Black man is convinced to take on boxer & train him.

Black man trains boxer with string & verbal appeals.

Boxer regains hope.

Miraculous hot at title appears from very same black man who taunted boxer.

Boxer works out to get insane abs.

Daughter must attend fight.

Boxer fights taunter, who even says bad thing while in the ring ! Comes to last second split decision, everyone happy except bad man.

What a load of poop ! A straight rip from every Rocky movie, woodenly acted, nothing repeat NOTHING new, a complete waste of time. Even the title bears no relation whatsoever to the storyline.

Raspberries & thumbs down all the way, if you're going to plagiarise, make at least a 20% improvement on the original somewhere along the line.
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needs a Re-master
24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What should have been an unbearable cliffhanger in the making was not only NOT a Total Rebuild, it was a Total Letdown.

The copy I saw was only 43 minutes, so I can't speak for a fuller version, but even so this had the framework of Pumping Iron to follow, and it was just plain shoddy.

Poorly shot, poorly edited, badly produced, no information, not even a timeline or basic explanation of events, let alone letting the viewer know where it was shot (Sydney) and the behind-the-scenes drama that Pumping Iron captured so well, this cut is a perfect example of how not to present footage.

A crass attempt to cash in on Arnie and bodybuilding followers, probably with the intent of "they'll buy anything" and doesn't it show.

What a waste of an incredible event in history.

I'm glad Paul Hogan shoved an ice cream down your speedos Paul Graham, you deserve a belt in what is probably a very small target.
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is welcomed and desire for more....
10 January 2015
Like Tilda Swinton's "Only Lovers Left Alive", this is a vampire story for serious adherents to the genre.

No ridiculous spraying of fake blood, and I loved the philosophical discussion as to vampires' targets and the relationships between humans and vampires.

8 out of 10 stars, keep it up we the consuming audience will lap this up and clamor for more - standing ovation !!!!

If only every vampire offering had this level of thought we wouldn't be so thirsty for decent offerings...

I loved this film and look forward to more from writers and directors....
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Makes me think about a third...
9 January 2015
Nice, this 55 year old liked it.

Fluffy, yes.

Light, yes.

But also intelligent, well written, well acted, and realistic.

No puerile toilet humour.

No clichés.

A very smart move which leads to a pleasant end to a pleasant movie, topical on the way people hook up today and deal with the traps, pitfalls and dangers in pursuing the elusive "no strings attached" night of "just sex" with no thought for past, present or future.

I liked it, no world beater but it kept me entertained and I felt pleased at the finish.

An honourable pass at 5/10 stars.
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will kill you by boredom
25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film was written, directed and starred in (plays Simon Conjurer) by Stuart Paul, who took his name from the credits completely. It was produced in 2006 under the name The Legend of Simon Conjurer, and yes it is Jon Voight under all that makeup and a fat suit.

At 138 minutes it's too long by 128 minutes, and I can well understand why Stuart Paul with-held his name from this his own writing and directing creation.

It's appalling.

A twee message movie, not ever sure whether it's supposed to be an adult tale for children (but far too much language), a children's story for adults (too childish and simplistic) a parody (of pantomimes ?) or a comedy (unfunny in the extreme) the film fails on all levels, despite Jon Voight describing it as an adventure none have gone on before.

Or will ever want to again, Jon.
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Felony (2013)
Crimes & Misdemeanors
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I do like MsSQ's review; I liked those things too.

Tom Wilkinson gave a sterling version of the standard Aussie accent too, well done Tom.

However, even though I don't like pointing out flaws in Australian films (there aren't enough of them since our shameful PM John Howard sold us out to the US with his Free Trade Agreement)I have to make the following points:

1) We do not have a felony/misdemeanor system here as in the US.

2) Joel Edgerton can't act - at all. Give up mate, or get more emotion going on in your face.

3) Why keep dyeing your hair Joel,it's fine the way it is. The dye is never convincing and always, repeat ALWAYS, looks cheap. Ditch it.

4) The story suffers from a lack of drawing the skeins of the other police work going on around the event. What is the relevance of the raid on the factory ? What happened to the normal everyday police work going on to keep the pressure and tension going ?

5) Joel doesn't know enough about police internals to really give an accurate depiction of what goes on behind the scenes, and how actual police have protected one of their own offending. Nowhere near enough reasoning was given as to why the real offender either should or should not have given themselves up.

A credible fail; with more reality and tension, and no Joel Edgerton "acting", this would have been a world class production.
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should be bloody annulled
30 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This whole waste of time, space & effort is a spoiler.

It's becoming a very clear trend - written, directed and starring the same person = pure crap.

Another brain dead juvenile pile of pap for no apparent reason, written with no discernible intelligence.

A single cell amoeba would rise up in anger after being requested to watch even 60 seconds of this tripe.

Do yourself a favour - if anyone recommends this poop as worth watching, push them into a bath of cold water and throw in a high-powered electrical appliance - you'll have more fun in the free police ride to jail than anything this dross can achieve.

Avoid at all costs.

A million points below nothing is still too fair.
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The Rover (2014)
meets Mad Max II & No Country For Old Men et al,
29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
And loses the plot completely.

Technically this is a good film - sound, lighting, location, actors gave it their all.

But it's a dud.

Constructive criticism: Anything set in a post apocalyptic scenario, especially in the Australian Outback, will be compared to Mad Max 1 & 2. Joel Edgerton old buddy, you can't write films - stick to acting. If you produce a film in this genre, it has to add to the noir, not copy it.

All stories need a beginning, a middle and an end - you MUST take the audience on a journey. If you don't grab the audience and hold them, attention wanders and pretty soon feet fidget, mobiles are switched on and messages are read - also opinions posted. I kept thinking all through this film "that's from Mad Max" "The Proposition" "No Country For Old Men", in fact anything by Cormac McCarthy, who has mastered the art of keeping a viewer compelled to watch.

Australia is a unique setting - use it. This movie is a transplant of a US road wander, The Book of Eli, The Road and many others. There were barely three lines of Australian vernacular, everything else was US based, including the senseless American brothers characters, and the silly obsession with US currency (what's wrong with Australian money - it's all just worthless effen paper !) - a cynic would simply conclude it has been inserted to gain favour for US release. Neither they nor the rest of the world is that dumb. Seen a few movies guys ? So have we...

The rest of the criticism is standard fare - stupid stunts, characters walking past perfectly serviceable weapons and vehicles, not collection spare ammunition, leaving automatic military weapons while sticking with 9mm pop-guns, suddenly producing cash when needed, "crazy" characters spouting supposed profound comments, the list goes on.

Don't make the public think you're just cashing in on the word Australia - it's worth far more than that.
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The Reckoning (I) (2014)
is in......I give it a pass.
15 August 2014
I was about to let my attention wander with this movie, when it took an interesting turn.

It had my full attention from then on, and while not a world beater, I quite enjoyed it.

Made a change from over-the-top clichéd rubbish, and put a new turn on the almost exhausted found-footage genre, which I hope will take a long rest very soon.

This not a found footage film per se, but uses the style to clever use to keep our Detectives on the hunt and guessing, as does the viewer.

I liked also the intelligent denouement and completion of the storyline, except for one section, which still needs work in most films.

More attention should be paid to this critical part of any film (budding film makers TAKE NOTE), as it can often snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, leaving the viewer appalled at a "cheapskate" way out of a corner the writers have painted themselves into. Reference American Gigolo as an example of a poor and rushed ending that spoiled an otherwise very good film.

A little more use of the Australian scenery would have added a more Aussie feel to the picture, which has somewhat of a generic feel (could have happened anywhere) but overall the dark subject matter was handled quite well with deep moods and lighting to match, not too dark and still able to hear every spoken word.

Nice one John Soto, more please.....
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went Around the Point & Missed it Completely
30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I looked forward to watching an Australian film, about Australian problems, in our most-known Australian city.

What a let down.

I should have been warned by the inclusion of Cristina Ricci as a token American, who supposedly knows how to fix urban Aboriginal "at risk" (from what ?) kids' problems, laughably by teaching Hamlet.

Written and directed by Sarah Spillane, who allegedly lived for years in Redfern & is now Los Angeles based, the film meanders around very clichéd subjects such as disaffected youth, a family member in prison, racial problems, and stereotypical police and teacher roles.

No depth, no great character development or logical behaviour sequencing & progression, technically lukewarm to pass-mark for lighting & sound, weak dialogue and almost no use of real-life dilemmas.

Even the title has a twee, American "did you see what we did with that double meaning in the title ?" about it. Very un-Australian, and very off-putting.

Anyone brought up on a diet of American rebellious youth movies and TV could have written this tripe, which bears little to the reality of the subject matter. Gangsta rap and hand gestures have absolutely nothing to teach Aboriginal kids, other than "violence is the answer" and separatism cures race rifts.

To round out how far the movie misses it's own point, a ridiculous lesbian scene with Australia's most useless, no-talent, celebrity lesbian, Ruby Rose, is tossed in for no apparent reason (and no sub-plot storyline introduction) and should have been left on the cutting room floor.

It has no utility and is not germane to the poorly expressed storyline.

There are enough real and important issues arising from Redfern to make several concise and insightful full-length features, and this is not one of them. It unfolds as a "US garbage morals and message" movie, superimposed on an Australian scene and for the most part ignoring Aboriginal reality.

Australia has entirely different problems between indigenous and white settlement, than American "White" and "Negro" race problems. Using a US cookie-cutter outline on an Australian problem smacks of opportunism and only serves to further differences between Aboriginal and non Aboriginal people - useless at best and dangerous at worst, creating an American style sub-culture and ghetto mindset which will only repeat, not break, the cycle of loss and alienation.

The standout acting in this film is from Mark Coles Smith, who has screen presence and a cheeky, engaging and charming smile, who could sell ice to Eskimos, and if utilised correctly will see great things for him in years to come.

Stay in Los Angeles Sarah, and write American crap over there. Don't try to parasite from the back of troubled people to a comfortable life as a movie "director".

Two stars for providing local employment. Try a LOT harder next time.
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Tammy (2014)
the whole film is a spoiler
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What a piece of garbage.

How does this stuff get produced,even with the marketing lure of sucking in the punters ? Crap, crap and more crap.

Shame on you all, yes you McCarthy, Sarandon and all the other names, what a cynical cash-in and self destructive exercise this is.

No wonder the folks don't go to the cinema any more.

How could you expect anyone to pay $10 for this drivel and be satisfied ? How can you look at the paying public again with any sense of self worth ? This is just crude garbage to rake in dollars with no redemptive value at all.

It negates all aspects of acting and movie making in every sense.

You all deserve to be wrapped in toilet paper and flushed away, along with every former dollar you ever made.

You've all stabbed your audience quite knowingly in the back.

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Cross Bearer (2013)
should be crucified.
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where can one begin ? With this pile of pus, anywhere.

What a load of tripe. This isn't dark, gritty and sleazy, it's dumb, gross and stupid.

Acting - zero.

Story - zero.

Believability - zero.

Camera steadiness - 1.

Lighting - surprisingly, good.

Corny Crappiness - gazillion.

No originality, no skill, no interest, tired, clichéd, done a million times before with much better effect. Scratch that, with ANY effect.

Another example of why digital cameras should be sold with a license and a public listing as to where to serve the budding film-maker with a writ for wasting our precious time.

If you want to make films, make a name for yourself, be a director, *source talent*, starting with yourself, including script, story, acting and above all else, grab the audience and make the film something *memorable*, but with bloody orginality, not with a ridiculous script and hammy actors. Serving up excreta and expecting the public to make you a household name just gives the public a reason (and the right) to sling the poop right back at you.

No matter how small the budget, there is no excuse for a crap product and if you want to go somewhere & be somebody, put in some effort and TALENT, rise about the efforts of a 7 year old with school friends, a towel, and some tomato sauce, making a film in mummy & daddy's backyard.

That goes tenfold for anyone that writes gushing meretricious drivel, praising a thimble of flea dung as the next "Michaelangelo of Movies", in order to hoodwink some poor fool into watching 90 minutes of dross for some hidden reasons, like you were an extra on the film, know the friend of someone who once knew someone who went to school with one of the make-up girls, or were promised $10 if you write a good review for pure puke.

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must have lost his way....
13 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very odd movie.

Technically it is near perfect - beautifully lit, well shot, sound is great, very well edited, and yet.....

While the filming is so good you can practically smell the Australian bush, the scenery spectacular, the script is, well, rubbish.

The lines are delivered in a monologue style, dull and expressionless, weakly spoken and at a strange, high pitch.

Knowing one of the actors personally, I can attest to the fact his voice is nowhere near as weak and high-pitched as it sounded on screen.

The film comes across as a project for a film school, one that should attract high marks for technical ability and direction, but not for mainstream or commercial release.

With a good script and strong acting, this film would have been a gem.
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I REALLY want to stay there !!!
5 June 2014
I found this movie one of the most enjoyable for years, a delight to watch unfold. Very well directed and a credit to all.

In the tradition of an Agatha Christie whodunnit, beautifully shot, superbly acted, excellent lighting and sound, marvellously crafted and definitely for those approaching 45 and over.

Sorry kiddies, no explosions, no gore, no explicit sex murder or "moral/value lessons", no government conspiracies (sorry Americans & conspiracy theorists) just pure plain old-fashioned movie enjoyment.

Sit back, engage with the film and follow the story...

A sumptuous production in the style of Murder on the Orient Express, real productions values that would receive approval from Henry Bumstead, an intelligent script with a vastly entertaining beginning middle and end, all come together to tell the engrossing tale of the Hotel's history - but with a cheeky swipe at practically every genre and noire there is: you will start counting them and the movies lampooned, here's a few;

Night Train to Munich

Grand Hotel

The Great Escape

Schindlers List

The Count of Monte Christo

Murder on the Orient Express

Inglorious Basterds

Where Eagles Dare

and many more...

A cast of excellent actors including Ralph Fiennes (which I insist is pronounced Ralf Feeney) F Murray Abraham, Jude Law, Adrien Brody, Bill Murray (with at last no fake depression scenes), Willem Dafoe, Harvey Kietel, Edward Norton, and even a well-behaved and sensible Owen Wilson, give us adults who know how to enjoy a story without blood, machine guns, mass killings and CGI monsters, a rollicking great time in the style which we remember.

If you have some intelligence, movie knowledge, an attention span of an adult who doesn't need explosions and expletives every 30 seconds, and the appreciation of the sheer hard work necessary to make a really good film such as this, you'll enjoy this movie.

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Proxy (I) (2013)
WOW ! No proxy ride here....
26 April 2014
This is an outstanding film, but it isn't for everyone.

It isn't a slasher-screamer-jump out of your seat flick. No no.

This film gained my shocked interest immediately, and to be frank it was held throughout the rest of the ride.

This is definitely not a film for anyone who has recently suffered a loss, in fact it should be viewed by the loss-experienced only when they have completely recovered and can look at anything. Preferably YEARS after they've fully recovered, because it will take you right back to the grimness of deep loss and the eternal question, why ?

For those who work in the field, or have seen others go through loss and grief, or have experienced counter-cultures on a personal basis, this film is an incredible insight into the workings of twisted minds, no matter be they rich, poor, in-between or socially minded misguideds who treat their clients like fodder.

Superbly acted, very well crafted and a sensible and life-like script and dialogue are to be rewarded with praise indeed.

Just be sure to be aware of your mental strength before you embark on a true roller-coaster ride that is definitely not by proxy....
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Powder Room (2013)
Not a complete flush in the pan...
20 April 2014
I happened to enjoy this film, even though it occurred mostly in a womens' bathroom.

The opening exposition is clever, and if one can set aside the disbelief that rises due to the amount of time the characters spend a penny (and other things) in the loo, this drama unfolds slowly but interestingly for the rest of the film.

It's not a comedy per se, but some amusing moments do take place, some of which involves the British love of lavatory jokes.

The movie builds momentum and once the main character's elaborate tale starts to unravel, the pace picks up dramatically and critical mass is achieved. It is a little overlong and could have done with some deletions, but being converted from a stage play perhaps the author did not want to leave out some items which were considered important.

More an introspective drama with some female fart jokes, than anything else, although I did laugh at Chanelle's diagnosis of her intestinal difficulties.

As all the good music finished about 1978, watch out for the Womens' room attendant, who happens to have a magnificent voice, displayed at the final point before the end credits.

And us men always did want to know why women like to visit the toot in two's....
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