
14 Reviews
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wow, wow, wow, wow ....
5 April 2021
... and wow again! What a movie! Won't lie it made me cry!

May the force be with you ....

enough said.
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... rather long ... but ...
5 April 2021
... has a really good twist at the finale and delivers suitably in an effed-up way as befits the B-movie parody genre, and it is generally effed-up throughout; in fact it is truly effed-up, with a totally effed-up script, effed up drawn-out scenes, and monologues that go on for effing ages and almost zero soundtrack.

Quintessentially effed-up.

'nuff said.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
rather silly
21 March 2021
3/10 for the concept, the characters were annoying as they kept on making idiotic choices and didn't seem to ''jell'' as a family, also, the aliens were unconvincing and their soundtrack appeared to have been lifted straight out of Terminator Judgement Day. Boring. Enough said.
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one hour in I finally began to enjoy this
15 March 2021
This is my bad, but I am just not a Clooney admirer. I always think of him as a TELEVISION actor and not a big screen feature player. Swinton's performance (always excellent) was carried on over the sparse amount of time of her being on screen.

I don't believe for one minute that she was really pleased with an Oscar for THIS picture, but hey, an Oscar is an Oscar, and everyone knows that she should have actuallly already been recognised on multiple occasions before. The story here is basic and so is the plot. I am giving it 10 because about an hour in I realised what it was they were trying to do with this film: deadly serious, that's what they were trying to do, and it worked, for me it did anyway. Also, my opinion on Clooney may now be changing slightly.
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one hundred stars in the first eleven minutes!
10 March 2021
Listen up people! I am only 11 minutes and 18 seconds into this work of art and already I have had to blow away the 10-star ratings limit. I do not possess any idea as to where the plot, script, direction, etc, etc, are going, but what I have witnessed thus far (Tilda Swinton! Tom Hiddleston! Are you kidding me!) and what I am probably about to continue witnessing (John Hurt! Are you kidding me!) is gorgeous acting and portrayal of character. I don't give a flying duck where this ends up: it's already beautiful.

Enough said.

Addendum: Watched it. It was utterly beautiful. Only zombie-philistines will not like or ''understand'' it. John Hurt's line concerning Shakespeare is immortally hilarious.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
ZERO/10 for this awful waste of young acting talent-especially that of Olivia De Jonge
9 March 2021
I hope that the young actors involved in this totally implausible pile of rubbish got a decent pay package because their very obvious and under-used talent deserves reward. The writers and the director of this dung-heap should respectively give up writing and directing and go clean toilets instead, maybe then they would begin to learn something. Don't misunderstand me, the concept of a psychotic 12/13 year old is very interesting and should have been handled differently from just simply taking pot-shots at other movies such as Home Alone, Joker (weird celebratory dancing), The Strangers; etc; etc; YAWN. The attempted portrayal of psychotic behaviour in this soon to be forgotten forever (especially by the excellent young actors as just another payday!) waste of film-making equipment was NOT convincing. Got that? Your main character's plans and actions (psychotics are extremely focused on the primary reason for their actions and are meticulously intelligent) did NOT ring true. Main character failed therefor the whole enchilada failed.

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Fight Club (1999)
3 March 2021
....the first and second rules of fight club....

enough said
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The Matrix (1999)
This now four part movie series will NEVER EVER be surpassed
2 March 2021
Brilliant, utterly artistic - both in a classical and contemporary sense, cinematic platinum, gold and silver, a ruby, an emerald, and definitely a diamond; legendary performances from all cast members and the back-room sfx production teams. A defining moment in story-telling that builds upon narratives that have been around since the dawn of time.

For this work of art there will never be

enough said
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Blackbear (I) (2019)
Is it a Blackbear or a Submission?
1 March 2021
This undisguised piece of ''Christian'' propaganda apparently masquerades under a couple of different titles. D-movie wanting to be a B-movie. Totally unconvincing cage fights, reminding one of school and ''settling it behind the gym'' with boys one didn't quite get on with. A yellow chicken.

Enough said.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
8/10 0ut of pity for Nick who now clearly needs a better agent
28 February 2021
This production was brought by those who will not be able to avoid eternal damnation on the rapidly aproaching final day of judgement. Enough said.
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Face/Off (1997)
A classic.
28 February 2021
Travolta and Cage. Cinematic gold. Watch it. Enough said.
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Grand Isle (2019)
8/10 only because I like the actors
28 February 2021
What an utter waste of acting talent. Wasted on a crap script. Enough said.
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Compliance (2012)
This movie made me VERY angry
26 February 2021
Due to the individual performances of the cast members and the quality of the script, and the camera work I had to switch off this movie at a certain point and calm myself down from the anger welling up inside of me and then muster the ability to resume watching. If a movie is able to do that to ME it deserves a perfect 10.

Enough said.
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I will give it 8/10 because the story was excellent
25 February 2021
I believe that those on here who are mercilesly panning this movie are more than a little envious of a writer, director and lead actor who has ACTUALLY created something ( yes, of course, it contains many flaws- but then is not imperfection room for growth?) whereas they (I am willing to bet) have not created anything whatsoever. So what if the creator got excited for all of his FB ''friends'' to see this. Wouldn't YOU if you had spent time and effort actually making something?

This is my take. The story was very good. It was full of humour and pathos and actually did manage to affect one's emotional centre; even ''play with one's mind''. The slightly pathetic yet stolidly genuine lead character, Steven Booth, was convincingly portrayed by James L Edwards, as was that of the beautiful and brutally honest Candy/Christa Sullivan by Shianne Daye. The supporting characters, Nick Perkins and Raven, were respectively excellently performed by Drew Fortier and Kaylee Williams. Well done all of you, and thank you for an unusual and entertaining take on romantic horror. Yes. I would definitely classify this as belonging to the genre. I have no idea why some on here think otherwise. This movie, after all, is a shocker and not for the squeamish. I very much liked the split-screen sequences (perhaps a throw back to certain film making styles of the sixties?) My main (negative) criticism would be of the special effects used during split-screen comparison shots of Christa's body. I personally would have preferred them to have been a little more convincing, but only because the lingering opening shots of her body at the movie's start were very convincing and drew one into the picture and were still in my mind. A different use of SFX here, in my opinion, would have added to the shock-reveal, however, I do see some getting a slightly comedic tongue in cheek vibe from these sequences (similar to American Werewolf in London)

I definitely will be recommending this film to all of my film-buff friends! I believe we have the makings of a cult classic here!

Thank you.
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