
31 Reviews
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
It is clear to everyone - this is a soap opera
14 March 2021
This show has some interesting moments and could have used its potential. But no...the writters decided to make another splash of soap opera and unnecessary gay scenes. I often have to use fast-forward because it's hard to do with drama, cringe and too much irrationality. Here you can see the relationship between robbers and robbers, robbers and hostages and all other possible combinations which neither makes sense nor purpose. Just another soap opera that you can only watch if you turn off your brain. It is a pity that the potential was not used.
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Shame. Plot holes in every episode, Terminator shoot tons of bullets and miss everyone...
25 May 2020
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I do not know where to start from. This show is literally full of plot holes. But some people seem to like not to use their brain while watching series. Sarah Connor absolutely not well portrayed. She looks too soft and she always makes the same facial expressions that start to get annoying (bad acting) and has a completely different character. The same goes for John Connor. Totally different character. Hacking computers is joke. "Can you hack this?" "-Sure...and it's done". Action scenes are ridiculous. Cyborg should shot and kill, not miss everyone. In some scenes evil terminator shoots literally tons of bullets and missed every single target (eg. church shooting). Is this joke? Who wrote that crap? Why John is forced to go to school? He was chased by terminators, FBI is looking for him and yet he go to school. Idiocity. Hello writters ... here is the question marks above your head -> ? ? ? Tiny female protector Terminator wears makeup, underwear, eats..? Really? Hello logic? At least she perfectly fits her role because of wooden acting like in Firefly. Scene in the school when The terminator as teacher replacement, takes out a gun hidden in his leg (???) start shooting at John. And of course he missed like he never used a gun. That's ridiculous. If Cyborg from the future start shooting at you from few meters while you are sitting, you are dead. But somehow John Connor was faster than bullets, so he jumped out the window and run away. Even Bollywood did better. In almost every single episode there are lot's of plot holes, and the writters have no idea about technology and computers. This show is just empty shell. No wonder it was canceled.
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Van Helsing (2016–2021)
Plain bad
19 May 2020
One of the worst TV show I ever seen. Literally. Acting - zero, Dialogs - zero, Story - zero, The script - zero. Cringe and boring, could not finish any single episode without fast forward. I tried to give it a chance, but show is punching in the face with bad script, acting and literally everything else. This show is bad even for a very low budget series. I was shocked when I saw it has 5 seasons. The world is a strange place
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Joker (I) (2019)
Slow and boring
10 November 2019
First 50 reviews are like: "best movie ever", "masterpiece", "legend". And you know what? 99% of these comments (and other 10/10 comments) are paid comments or from microworkers. Real rating for this movie would be 4.5 up to 5. Every single person who watched this movie in cinema told me that movie is boring and nothing special. Only on the internet you can see fake reviews as part of their marketing. Joker in this movie is nothing like real Joker we know. I mean acting is good, but writting is bad. He was dissapointed in society, nobody pay attention to him, so he start crying, dancing and killing. That's literally all in this movie. Cringe every second minute. And movie is sloooow to the bones... Ratings are totally irrelevant because fake reviews are part of the movie.
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The Walking Dead: What It Always Is (2019)
Season 10, Episode 5
Paid workers everywhere
6 November 2019
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What really annoyed me in this episodes is that the walkers came out of nowhere. Like they just spawn near character and attack without noise or sound. We've seen that before and again. What about that slingshot kill? That's complete nonsense. Many reviews here are about "Negan is back" but just think. It's stupid. He transformed (probably) to old Negan just like that. So that's all story about him and tons of paid workers here vote 10/10. To be honest I more like good, wise and positive Negan than mindless and boring psycho.

What's happened with real people writting reviews? Once we have forum, real discussion, real votes, real people. Today we have paid workers to vote and write reviews. Not just here but everywhere. Creating fake public opinion with money and paid microworkers sucks and I will never support it. Shame on people who do this. They are like viruses.
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The Outpost (2018–2021)
Low budget, but not so bad
9 September 2019
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The beginning of the show is not so great, but over time it gets better. The story is standard on this type of series and nothing special. Certainly the story pulls you in to watch the next episode but sometimes dialogues are too boring and don't make much sense. What is a big flaw is that literally everyone who has been in prison has escaped and this is repeated from episode to episode. Pure nonsense. Also, action (fight) scenes could be better. It is better to do choreography for fights than use large camera zoom and unarticulated camera shake effect (to avoid flaws in choreography). The action scenes are pretty pathetic. All in all not a bad show and I hope it gets better with time
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Boring to the bones
7 August 2019
This show is extremely boring. I could not even watch any episode till the end. Looong and boring dialogs, no logic, no science, just some show for kids.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Dark...literally. All this 10/10 rating are generic
29 April 2019
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By reading comments everywhere on the Internet (youtube, social media), and even here I do not understand something. How is possible that this episode have so high rating? That's not right. Edit: seems like marketing team is here to pump up rating for this episode. Just look at those "WoW, "Perfect", "Incredible" and other 10/10 generic comments given by accounts created few days ago (or with only one movie rating). Seems rating is not reliable and means nothing anymore.

I understand that events are going on during the night, but this episode can not be watched how dark it is. This battle was supposed to be epic, but everyone (most people) was disappointed. We watched the dragons fly for 10 minutes then they wrestle, bite, the camera shakes...Really? So wasted time.

What is the point sending Dothrakis in suicidal fontal attack. To provide even more troops for Night King? What is this overall strategy and position of the army? Catapults? Where are archers? Literally none. I have absolutely never saw so stupid defense strategy ever. In the crypt, skeletons break down the thick stone as if it were made of cardboard. And we watched so many episodes and season just to end like this? That's why most are disappointed. For instance, look at 5x08 was much much better. This episode should be one of the most important and it's written very stupid. Besides this episode, I do not even know why the story of the Night king has changed. The way he was created is pretty stupid and I do not like it at all. He should have been a mythical legendary being, not a creature created by some children by piersing a man into his chest. This episode is a big failure and there is a lot of illogical and bad writing.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
If you do not have anything else to do...
3 March 2019
This show remarkably reminds on Misfits (at least from S1 to S3). But Misfits is incomparably better...and it was almost 10 years ago. This show needs better dynamics, better character development, everything is slow and without much logic. Sometimes the series was made not strictly because of the quick money grab, but also because of the quality. Today, it's rare...very rare. Watch this if you do not have anything else to do.
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Bela ladja (2006–2012)
10 February 2019
An excellent show that can be viewed multiple times and still be funny. Great acting, great scenario. In order to understand some scenes, it is necessary to understand the Serbian language.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
It started well, but it went downhill at light speed
31 July 2018
The beginning is interesting, although it degrades the common story of the vampires. But ... the show is monotonous, very long and uninteresting flashbacks, a bad acting turns this series into pigwash. And that kid...In my life, I have not seen a person who is more annoying in the show. Every time the kid appears it's very painful to watch. Grumpy, brainless kid with punchable face. I reduced the rating by 3 stars only because of him. Generally, very tedious, boring show.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Extremely dull
12 April 2018
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I watched Punisher's role in Daredevil. They showed Punisher character in Daredevil in few episodes much better than in entire Seasion of this show. That's why I started to watch this show. A disappointment soon followed. Drama, boring, boring and boring. I think writters should read comics and get more information about Punisher. If you like drama, soap opera, "Spanish Series type of show" than this is show for you. But if you want real and normal Punisher skip this. This is not show about Punisher.
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Paul (2011)
At least they tried to be funny...
20 November 2016
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This is one of the films that forces you to think as the author imagined, a lot of the stereotypes and weak arguments. It feels as if you are forced to listen to a stupid man that talks 2 hours. Yes, there are a few funny scenes, but it's transformed into "swill".

It's not about whether you are religious or not, but the movie shows a forced belief of the author and without any arguments, but uses the stereotypes that are not really arguments. You feel like you are in the prison of stupidity. I really do not like movies like that.

Also, it's very predictable, you just wait when it will happened, imposing the wrong model (drugs, bisexuality, "strong" language...).

I think every film needs to have a lesson (final word) and this garbage have: smoke, be gay - it's fine, there's no God, drugs...

Just do not waste time on this.
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"Art"? My a** art.
24 October 2016
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This movie is garbage in its purest form. Not because of unconventional film making, violence, sodomy etc. But of the clear fact that the director wanted to "shock" the audience and said to himself: "You want a movie that will shock you? I will show you how to make horror movies". And he literally made a sh*t and called it "A Serbian Movie".

Realistically, I was completely indifferent as I watched this movie, because it was dull and boring. I saw immediately what the director wanted to achieve...

Do people really think that this is art? On that level of consciousness we should not talk. This movie is banned in some normal and developed countries. In any normal country this director will be also banned and would never directed movies again for the benefit of the people and the art of filmmaking. He needs to go back to school to learn what film art is. Bravo, Serbia has made one of the worst movies (in all its forms) that exists and the director must be proud of himself.

If you miss this movie, you've done a great service to the time.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Fun but poor casting
5 May 2016
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In this series all divided: good and bad (terrible) actors, Bad episode, good episodes... So my vote too. What irritates in this show is that it is full of clichés and stereotypes. The main actors can cast spells and believe in magic, but do not believe in other worlds or animals that can speak or believe in God(s) or similar. This is especially seen in one episode where Julia is actually disgusted a man who believes in God, but hey...she has faith in magic and all sorts of imaginary things, but disgusts of people who believe in God. This is a very forced and imposed. There is no reason for such a religious imposition (which is obviously the aim of writer). Also, her character is totally stupid as she escaped from a psychiatric institution. Acting is at a very low level, many unnecessary sex scene, especially when there is no chemistry between the characters, and they are forced by the scenario to be lovers or something, gay scene are now normal in every show (i have nothing against it, but I was embarrassed to watch this scene and I do not really like). I hope that in the future shows writers will skip unnecessary sex scenes as well as unnecessary gay scenes. The main character in the show is incredibly boring...he is just like some dummy character who walks around and sometimes cast some spells. I believe that no one will complain if they remove him from the show. The main actor has to be interesting and exciting, and there's no point to watch the show if it is not so.

Some episodes can be fun and interesting, but if they continue like this I think this show is doomed.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Going downhill with high speed
20 April 2016
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It's amazing how good series can be so fast to ruin. I clap to writers. The first season was great, as well as others. But the fourth season was a total disaster. Vikings that were presented in the series (not historically true, but it does not matter) completely lost identity. Each episode in season 4 is more boring and boring so that I can not wait to end. The main characters have become incredible boring and uninteresting, completely lost the role and character. If there were not the previous seasons, no one would have watch "Vikings" and this show will end at the beginning. Another show that turned into a soap opera.

The main character - Ragnar looks like a psychiatric case, neurotic and irrelevant character. Floki is psychotic too... No viking does not look like a viking that history knows. Bald guys with tattoos and beard are not even close to the Vikings. On the other hand, this series is not historically accurate, more complete fiction (which is more or less OK).

What's left of the series in the last season (current): retarded, tattooed and psychotic characters, some blood, boring dialogues and soap opera.

I can say do not waste time after the third season.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
A good start, but it's getting worse and worse
3 December 2015
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I loved this series, but after season 3 it has become monotonous. What happened to the character development? The main problem in the new seasons is that the characters have lost their role and importance. I continued to watch this series just because first 3 seasons. And I hoped that it will be better. But unfortunately, it turned out the opposite. The series is all boring and the characters have no role and do very stupid things. TWD has now high rating only because of the initial series (1-3 season), but people are less and less like it, because it is monotonous and uninteresting.

Even when the zombies interesting than the main characters on that we know that the series is doomed. But I hope it will not happen.

If someone starts now watching this series, I recommend skipping episodes after the third season - will only waste time.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Entertaining but it could have been better
19 May 2015
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I was hesitant to write this review, but because for some time now follow this show, I decided nevertheless to write.

Show was interesting at first, entertaining although it encountered a series of boring episodes. Also, the constant repetition of "I'm here to protect you" which repeats at least 5 times in each episode is really annoying.

Dramatic effects are poor... I really do not like forced scenario, only for dramatic effects. The culmination of the drama queens is Thea Queen. Her acting is pretty bad. Similar is with Felicity whose role is "funny", where she is a hacker, doctor, engineer... and she is not look like that at all. How she hacks and doing her job is at least ridiculous.

After watching the first episode of season 4 I completely lost interest in this series. Everything turned into hog wash. I almost fell asleep. Dialogues are so bad, skinny Thea throws heavy people in truck like they are made of paper...idiocy. The idea that everyone wanna be super heroes in general does not make it interesting and is very boring. the characters have lost their meaning and role. No character is no longer interesting, even Arrow.

Just a pity that there is material much better, but they blew it with excessive drama and stupid (meaningless) dialogues. Boring...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Very bad but entertaining
12 March 2015
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After watching the second season, I decided to write a short review. The first episodes were really bad, nothing made sense. And then things started to be interesting...until the end of the second season.

End of the second season is really badly written that now I really have no interest in watching the third season.

The biggest drawback is that they do not have the technology to examine the status of planet Earth, but they have enough technology to sustain life in space station for many many years. We viewers are not so stupid: how much energy is needed to maintain life in a space station 100 years (including oxygen, heating, lighting etc..). It requires HUGE amounts of energy. Lexxa commander? Blood must have blood? She let 500 warriors to die to get back 50 weak people, betrayed an ally and she retreated on the brink of success (all at the same time). Failure like this is rare. This would not have done even a feeble-minded man.

The story is full of holes, and critics are mostly mentioned many, so I will not write the same.

This series had potential, but many holes in the script, too predictable as well as poor end of the second season, make "The 100" unworthy to watch the continuing series.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Hard rubbish
20 August 2014
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Indeed, I was expecting an interesting and entertaining film, but I watched totally garbage.

Story is full of holes and illogical. There is no explanation for the 90% of the events in the film. For example, the arrangement of wagons: elementary school next to the slaughterhouse, people who jumped from the train still standing in the same place and not covered with snow; from where milions of cockroaches come from in train? People are starving and by default are doomed to cannibalism (stupidest thing in the movie, and the story of how they ate babies).

The main goal of the story: great plan for population control - create riot and kill people - in train, sacred train, that never stops. The idiocy of idiocy.

Indeed with sadness I regret the time I've spent on this garbage movie. My strong recommendation is as soon forget that this movie ever existed.
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Excellent movie, but unfortunately underrated
25 December 2013
After a while I realized that rating do not matter at all - this movie is underrated. Greatest role is marketing and placing the film on the market (and advertising), after which people no longer think for themselves. Funny, but it really is true. Today we have a lot of bad movies that are highly rated (example: Man of steel, Skyfall, Pirates of Caribbean - even my kid gaper while watching pirates ... Iron man etc.). Well, this film is better (and underrated).

I will not compare this movie with the video game, but only as movie, regardless of video games. Prince of Persia is fantastic movie with great story. It was fun, had a lot of action, acting was nice, great CGI and suitable for all age groups.

Those people who rated this movie low are mainly fans of video game. They will probably give a better rating to a movie like Skyfall only because it is covered by better marketing and more advertised. I think it is about time that people start to use their head, instead of the media bomb.

After all, I recommend this movie. Watch it, will give you a great entertainment.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Definitely overrated
16 December 2013
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When I started watching this series, it's great. But only the first season. The series are all based on stereotypes, which only superficially seem funny, but when you use it 0.01% of the brain understand the point that's not funny at all.

In the second season appears Robin's sister, who tells everyone how will she lose her virginity, like to talk about her shoes, in front of hundreds of people in the lobby, plus friends and it should be funny or interesting...Nope, it's not. It's sad and somewhat pathetic. Also, in some episodes it appears that Marshall, Ted or even Barney cry for absolutely nothing (just to make the scene look superficially funny). Pathetic, again. Marshal and Lily are utterly boring couple (and I am talking just about first 2 seasons, but guess how they will look later).

When you really think about the meaning of the dialogs at the beginning of the first season (and later) where Ted is trying to find a woman of his dreams, you will realize how everything is pathetic and sad. I think those are the right words for this show: Pathetic show.

I do not know who the target audience of this series, but the writers seem to think that the audience never thinks deeper than the superficial. I just can not give more than 2/10, as much as I tried to pull out the more positive of this show.

Addition: I just watched episode 14 (Season 2), and my mouth was almost open, but not for laughs but of astonishment. Is it possible that someone wrote this? Scene: "Friends" want to watch super bowl, but some guy died and it turns out that they need to go to his funeral and now they make a "funny moments" because they don't know him. Then all look in his coffin to see his face, and all said "oooh" (means: "now we remember who he is"). *background laughter*. A man was noticed their reaction, so then again, they say "oooh" (like they are all sad). *background laughter*. Super bowl is over and they want to watch the game but all agreed that no one knows the result in the meantime. And then follows "the funny moments" where they act as they were out from mental hospital. Seriously, who wrote this episode?

Objectively, there are some funny moments, but there is so much nonsense that it is hard to describe, as it is a series made ​​for retarded amoeba that respond to background laughter. How did this series get nine seasons? "How I watched pathetic show".
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
Not so good
3 October 2013
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I really enjoy science fiction and could not wait to start watching this series, but soon after watching this show I was disappointed. Right from the start you can see that show is something like "Sanctuary", "Fringe", "X-files", "Indiana Jones"...but this is very bad. First of all, acting is bad. Everything is sterile and forced.

At the start of the series Pete saw that artifact has blood, then took it and just a went where Arti is. And just at that moment he drop artifact just to get into the hands of Artie. Just forced scenario without too much logic. Arti talks about vehicle that is powered by human energy by holding the bar. And it was invented by Thomas Edison. Really? Edison? And acting in that part is so bad that I immediately wanted to stop watching the series. It destroys human intelligence and knowledge. Dialogues are bad, and all could have been more creative.

It is difficult to take seriously the main characters, because in fact no one knows their true role. When you add bad acting, this series turns out hogwash. Even if you look image gallery for this series, you'll see bad acting and facial expressions in pictures.

I do not recommend.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
The bad acting
17 August 2013
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After the first episode, I thought this was great and refreshing show. But soon I was disappointed. What is most reflected from this series is bad acting ... very bad. While watching the show I was watching the actors' faces, looking for someone who is really good one. Sterile and wooden acting mainly affect the rating.

In almost every episode happen some inconsistencies. For example, in the last episode (first season), Amelia dies and Sarah trying to help her, and immediately puts her hand in her pocket and found paper (??). Cosima reveals that they have synthetic sequence (bar code), which is the intellectual property of company and because of that they could claim Kira. That's ridiculous ... especially because cloning is illegal in the show. It is against human rights. Eventually, they kidnap Kira. Why no one keeps a child? The child was left alone in the house or what?

The first episode hooked me to watch the other episodes, expecting something interesting, but now I know that I wasted my time...I'm done with this show.

Orphan Black just spits on human intelligence. In my opinion, not worth watching.
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Europa Report (2013)
People said "good science." But where they see that?
9 July 2013
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Someone wrote in review that today we have such amazing technology, which is not shown in the film (computers without keyboards, drones, voice, thought controlling...teleportation???). Wtf...too much science fiction or what.

This all is almost irrelevant in space travels. First keep in mind the following when we talk about space travel: physics versus chemistry...and most important artificial gravity without spinning the ship. Without this technology, long space voyages were impossible.

Imagine what is required for space travel: The life support systems for a long space journey, with sufficient food, water, oxygen and an energy source to keep their living quarters warm and bright. Add the rockets and rocket fuel for mid-course corrections, and for landing somewhere interesting then taking off to return to Earth, and the mass spirals to excess. The laws of physics are immutable. According to these laws, accelerating that large mass and fighting against planetary gravitational fields requires a tremendous amount of energy.

Therefore, all of which mention the good science in "Europa Report", really wrong. The movie is almost no logic applied science.

Overall, the movie is not so bad. Probably does not have a big budget, but the film is watchable. I do not like what is done in the style of "found footage", and I believe that it irritates many who watched this movie. Also, there is a lot of stupid scenes ... eg. a girl who has seen the light and wants to investigate without the support and physical connection to the others (ship or whatever). First time when I saw flashing light I thought, "just not to be some kind of creature like an octopus or a shark". And it was.

5 stars
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