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Worst Episode of the Entire Series
29 June 2023
Just bad, strained, forced, painful. And who decided that Paxton needed a whole episode devoted to him? I had the distinct impression that whoever is usually in charge of this show must have been out on sick leave for this episode. Come to think of it, 90% of the cast was missing. Maybe another new and extremely overblown Covid variant popped up? Whatever. I'm a bit concerned that the final 4 episodes of this series may put an ugly stain on all the good things that came before. Hopefully not, because it used to be a great show. Here's an idea: Devote an entire episode to Kamala and get this series back on track.
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Zulu (1964)
Even the Zulu Music Kicked Ass Over The Dowdy Brit Version
15 February 2023
I loved the panoramic Zulu scenes and their chanting and beating of shields was really hypnotic. The British attempt to counteract it with their own horrid tunes was embarrassing and very lame by comparison.

Then the whole pompous Brit thing, sheesh, just kinda painful to listen to. But the minister was the absolute worst character. We were praying that he'd be disemboweled by a Zulu spear but no such luck. It was a little odd to hear his daughter's heavy German accent. Maybe she was adopted, or else it was a bad casting decision more likely.

They say the story is true but I think you wouldn't go far wrong by betting that most of the details are fake.
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Better Than Citizen Kane, More Powerful Than Titanic !
13 January 2023
Giants in the earth will come to life before your eyes. Prepare yourself to be blown away by the realization that your ancestors were monstrous towering beasts who stood should to shoulder with T-Rex himself. We will be ants squished under their enormous shoes when they are brought back to life via the science of DNA amplification. Those who are not yet afraid are extremely foolish and naive. The rest of you, the brainiacs among us, will know to hide the women and children while gathering a supply of the rare tsetse fly venum, the only substance known to harm the giant trolls who have crawled out of the ground to slaughter us.
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How To Get Girls To Take Their Clothes Off
27 November 2022
This dude Kubrick, I dunno, I'm not buying the whole complicated genius thing. I've done an analysis of his movies from my living room sofa and here's my diagnosis. The guy is a fraud. Not a total fraud, he just runs out of ideas during a movie and then somehow fools most viewers (not me) into thinking the content is so deep that it must be beyond their capability to comprehend.

Uh, no, not deep at all. More like those people who drown in 2 inches of water. Two inches deep. This guy has bamboozled all of moviedom into believing he's the Wizard of Oz, but there's nothing behind the curtain.

Well not quite nothing. In this case there's a massive supply of naked women who have been fooled into disrobing for a chance to have a part in the Wizard's movie. In fact there were so many naked women having sex that it got extremely boring watching them. It reminded me of the time I ate a whole box of almond bark and got sick and have never been able to eat it again.

I felt like Stanley probably wasn't bored though. This was his ultimate plan all along. Like when I was 6 years old and convinced the neighbor girl to play doctor. Except Stanley was playing doctor with about 50 full grown girls.

So the movie wasn't too good. Tom was pretty good but Nicole seemed to be high on pot the whole time, very groggy and low energy.

Dude shoulda gone out on top after Lolita and Dr Strangelove. Now those were some high quality classic movies, two of the best ever.
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The Lips Did 90% of The Work
5 March 2022
I sort of liked it but c'mon, it was all about the lips. Over and over, the lips front and center, no dialog, just the lips. It got old after awhile, the lips. Scarlett could have stayed home and sent her lips because they did 90% of the work. Try this experiment and see if I'm right. Watch the movie and imagine that the lips aren't there.
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Semi-Transparent Rebecca Ripoff
18 March 2021
Shameless ripoff of Rebecca, except instead of Manderly, this house is named Hilltop. The same old lady too, I forget her name but she's always good. There are a few cringe-worthy racial issues ("they all look alike") but hey, it's "The Greatest Generation" so I guess we have to cut them some slack. Really I was drumming my fingers waiting for it to end, but it wasn't half bad, or half good either. Was a solid ok.
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Atlantics (2019)
Slow Like Molasses in January
2 September 2020
I liked that it was not your typical movie. But like most movies it did have a pretty girl in it. Without her I probably would have fallen asleep halfway thru. A love story combined with an updated version of I Walked With A Zombie (1943).
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Danny Douchebag
16 October 2019
It's another movie where you know it's gonna be bad in the first 2 minutes. Actually i did like his wife and girlfriend but really the whole thing was very predictable and dumb but harmless. I'm surprised it has a 6.7 rating, that just means I'll have to limit myself to 7.5+ in the future.
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It's Worth It Just To See Kim Novak
28 September 2019
It's 1960 and everybody is banging the people next door so you know it won't be allowed to have a blissful ending. Ann Landers probably used this as a cautionary tale against engaging in heavy petting with the lonely housewife down the block. A sordid story with plenty of adultery and beastiality that was so common in the good old days which the oldsters are always reminding us was full of good clean fun (and no tatoos on the female doormats). Kim was 27, Kirk was 44... lucky guy. Makes me want to go watch Vertigo and Picnic again too.
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Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Possibly The Dumbest Movie I've Ever Seen
9 August 2019
Angst-ridden teenage malcontents who've taken too much LSD might get a kick out of this. You need to be at that stage of life where astrology and tarot cards and other BS seems like it makes sense to you. And everything is a giant conspiracy run by the Rothschilds and Goerge Soros and The Powers That Be. If that's where you're at then you'll love this. Otherwise, run away!
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The Trip (II) (1967)
Bottom Line: Never Drop Acid With Bruce Dern
14 April 2019
Bruce Dern is one of those guys who says, "You can trust me!" while staring at you with beady little eyes and a creepy grin. It's frightening enough when you're straight, but when you're coming on fast to your first LSD trip and Bruce is the one who mixed the psychedelic cocktail for you, well, let's just say you are in for a bumpy ride.

So what's your plan of action? Run away! Break into a complete stranger's house at 2:00 am and start watching TV with the 6 year old girl who lives there while her parents are upstairs in bed. I guess it beats trying to fly like Art Linkletter's daughter. Either way it doesn't do much to upgrade the image of LSD in the general population.
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Strictly For Toddlers
16 January 2019
I prefer a feel good movie any day over superheroes, car explosions, giant robots, horror flicks, and 90% of the other crap that's out there. And i love dogs & cats but as soon as I heard the voice-over for this dog I knew it was doomsday for the movie. I just can't stand over-the-top syrup and watching this was like having a coronary at House Of Pancakes. I don't even know where to start. The fake cat? Oh God i hate stupid looking fake stuff in movies.

Casting was apparently done using some sort of checklist which included people from every conceivable walk of life: single mom, adult child living with parent, at least one person of every identifiable race, rednecks, biracial couple, gay wine-drinking Volvo drivers, straight white man, homeless man who really shouldn't have a dog, female vets, vets with PTSD, diasabled people, dogs suffering from breed discrimination, female cops, dogcatchers gone bad, and evil property developers. So that's nice but really it seemed somewhat forced or artificial. Unless that makes me a bigot, hopefully not. Vegans were suspiciously missing, possibly so as not to upset the dog who was a raging carnivore.

I think i might have really liked this when i was 8 years old. You know, before you start noticing how freaking farfetched everything is. I think they wanted to make a nice friendly movie and i applaud them for that but this one is strictly for toddlers.
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Roma (2018)
It Went Off the Rails in The Opening Credits
21 December 2018
Seriously, i was dying before the opening credits had finished. That splashing sound was killing me and the sudsy water was turning my stomach, making it impossible for me to swallow my formerly delicious eggnog.

But i doubted my own doubts, i kept watching even though i wasn't sure if it was the bracketed subtitles that i was supposed to be reading, or the unbracketed ones. I lasted about 25 minutes and then decided to read some IMDB reviews because i still couldn't trust my own unsophisticated views and had to get confirmation from some other slobs. Which i did. I felt vindicated! You're not alone!

Anyway, i'll give it this... it's a beautiful looking movie, smashing cimematography. The actors seemed excellent too, i thought i was watching a documentary. But i was bored. The word pretentious comes to mind but maybe i'm just a dullard and unable to glean the finer things. I've been called worse.
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Moonrise (1948)
First 3 Minutes is a 10, Final 83 Minutes is a ZERO
27 October 2018
If you're in the mood for meatheads, this is the movie for you. Absolutely prehistoric romantic moves by the lead meathead, on par with the cavemen from Quest For Fire. Is this the crap that the oldsters are always telling us was so great about the Greatest Generation? No f'ing thanks.

Beyond that, this idiot walks around like he's wearing a big neon sandwich board that says GUILTY! How about a tiny bit more subtlety, please. And the chick falls for this dolt... you have got to be kidding me.

BUT the 1st 3 minutes is fantastic!!! I thought this is going to be a really good movie. No such luck. Tried to force myself to keep watching but couldn't get beyond minute number 30.
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A Plethora of Hotties From Your Grandmother's Era
23 October 2018
I could not figure out who was who in this impossibly complex story. Until the very end I thought the various babes were all the same person. I have no idea who did what to whom, who was married to whom, who died, who was good, who was bad, nothing, a total mystery. Still it was pretty enjoyable.
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What Happens When Your Wife Earns More Dough Than You Do
14 October 2018
The dude is all eaten up inside cuz da wife is a big shot and he's only a lowly cop. So he tries porkin some nightclub hoe but deep down he knows he's a sick dick, a nowhere man, a 2 bit copper with a 4 horseshoe headache. Etc etc.

This movie started s l o w but got better as it went along. It never got great, just better. In the end i think maybe his wife quit her high paying job so that Johnny Boy wouldn't have to feel inferior any longer. Wow, that is some kinda throwback mentality right there. Think about that when people start talking about how great the 50's were. At least 5 characters ate lead during the movie so that somewhat makes up for its shortcomings.
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Come and See (1985)
Extremely Disturbing
5 September 2018
I had to watch but i sort of wish i hadn't. It should have been nominated and won best foreign film but no doubt too gut-wrenching for most people. Not sure whether to get sick or cry or go completely numb. Robot World might not be so bad after all when compared to what human beings are capable of doing to each other.
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I Had To Watch it Twice In Order To Love It
2 August 2018
The first time i watched this i didn't really like it. I think i was expecting something else, something funnier, something like a Louis CK episode on TV. This movie made me uncomfortable and i didn't want that.

So i watched it again a week later, just for something to do. This time it was a whole different experience. It's a great movie, very thought-provoking, kind of sad, kind of funny, kind of like real life in a way that few movies are anymore. Characters that i found annoying the 1st time were not annoying at all the 2nd time. Weird.

This movie deserves a major release. I mean get over it, get a grip, grow a spine, keep an open mind and watch something that might challenge you just a little bit. In time people will recognize this as the great film it is. That's my prediction. It'll take time because most people suck, but mark my words, this is one of those movies that they'll be talking about decades from now when they wonder what the hell was wrong with the idiots in 2018 who essentially banned it for no good reason.
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I Used To Think I Was Way Cooler Than The Cowsills But I Was Wrong
2 April 2018
Way back in the day, for my friends and me, it was all about rebellion against the mainstream, and the Cowsills seemed about as mainstream as you could get. You could just look at them and be pretty sure that while we were dropping acid and blowing our minds with Abbey Road, they were downing Hostess Twinkies and hanging out with their mom and little sister.

Well, it turns out that they were a bunch of very talented and fun people who accomplished a whole lot more than my wasted friends and I ever did. You get to know them and like them in this movie, and hear all about the extreme ups and downs of their lives. It's great, I'm glad they seem to have hung together as a family, although a number of them have died. I think Susan is my favorite. How could you not cheer for a precocious little girl with seven big brothers.

One thing that's kind of interesting to me is that they all appear to be very self-confident and outgoing people, both now and as kids, despite their tumultuous upbringing. It makes me ponder the "nature vs nurture" thing, especially since nurture was lacking in that household.

Anyway, a really good movie, I enjoyed it and have done a complete 180 regarding my opinion of the Cowsills... they are fantastic!
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Really? I Just Couldn't Get With The Program
16 December 2016
I was disappointed. The plot was super thin and there was barely any character development. I'm sure she was a great kid and all, but I didn't feel I knew her in the slightest when the movie suddenly ended. Didn't really care all that much about her struggles. And yeah, was the whole thing staged or what? Like a recreation? A fabrication? I'm just not sure.

Seriously, I wanted to see an uplifting movie where a determined little girl torches some guys in a competition and teaches them that Girls Kick Ass So Get Outta The Way!!! But the competition was sort of lame. Then they go chase a scrawny fox. Then it's over.

The scenery was majestic. Mongolia is a sweet place with a bright future. This movie doesn't do it justice. But it looks like I'm the only one who feels this way, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Or else the other reviewers are involved in some type of Freemason conspiracy. You be the judge.
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The Lobster (2015)
This Lobster Stinks of Dead Fish
24 June 2016
Oh God, this thing was a real challenge to sit through. I kept wishing I wore a watch so I could calculate how much more agony I was going to be forced to endure. Not having a watch made it even more unbearable as I kept thinking it's gotta be over in just a minute or two but no, it went on and on and on. And the longer it went on the less I knew what it was about. By the end it seemed like a random collection of images with no rhyme or reason. Which was fine, I didn't care anymore, just get me the hell out of here. And the crowning blow was you don't even get any lobster! Back in the day with "Attack Of The Crab Monsters" at least you got some real crab activity. With this you get nothing. No lobster, no butter, no fun.
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The Big Short (2015)
It Was OK I Guess
14 January 2016
Not really an accurate portrayal of the housing bust. The movie makes it out like these few people were the only ones who knew there was a problem brewing. Uh, no, zillions of people knew as early as 2004, including me, and I'm no Einstein. What set these guys apart is that they figured out a good way to profit from the coming collapse, although it was never made exactly clear just what sort of percentage return they made.

The Michael Burry character was portrayed as an annoying mental case which seemed wrong to me since I've seen videos of the guy giving various speeches and he never struck me as a nutjob except in this movie.

Didn't care for the bimbo in the bathtub explaining financial jargon to the viewers. Very contrived.

No laying of any blame on the people who bought houses they couldn't afford. A lot of those people were closer to idiots than victims. The victim was ME, I bailed all you dumbasses out and you'd better believe it ain't over yet! Round 2 coming up.
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Lost Horizon (1937)
Show This To Your Children Before It's Too Late!
20 March 2015
I was probably 7 years old when I saw this on TV and it had a powerful effect on me. The search for Shangri-La where everything was peaceful and beautiful. The wise and ancient High Lama who knew all the answers to all of life's mysteries. I knew right then that I would be following in the footsteps of Ronald Colman.

So yeah, I finally made it, I'm sitting here in the Valley Of The Blue Moon writing this movie review and having all my needs attended to by friendly native girls! What a life, and I owe it all to being inspired by this great film when I was just a young and troubled nitwit.

You should show it to your kids too, but do it while they are very young, before they have seen too many action movies or video games, or else they might just roll their eyes and be bored with the lack of explosions, in which case you'll know it's already too late for them.
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Warning: Animal Torture Scene Destroys Entire Movie
6 March 2015
It started out watchable, in a Plan 9 type of way, until maybe 30 minutes into it when some jackass starts ripping a whole bunch of live chickens to shreds. Sick and demented garbage, was 1962 the Stone Age or what? Who participates in this crap and thinks it's acceptable? Am I allowed to swear here on IMDb because this animal torture scene was so freaking outrageously inhumane it makes me want to go back in time and pour gasoline over everybody involved in this thing and then light a match to put them out of my misery and make sure they can't procreate because I don't want to live on the same planet with jerks like this or their spawn either. Disgusting!
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The Sadist (1963)
Teenage Werewolf Morphs Into Psycho Sadistic Maniac
23 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this gimpy legged grinning killer and his mute but sicko giggly girlfriend are impossible to scrub out of your brain. They make up for their mental midgetness with over the top murder and mayhem. When they jack off the soda pop bottle you know it's time for their next victim to beg for mercy in a fruitless attempt to go on living for one more minute.

I loved the music during opening credits while the sadist's eyes burrowed into your soul. This was 1963, early days for this much madness on screen. Enjoy yourself watching this and expect to be yelling, "Run, you idiot, run!!!" more than once during the show.
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