
13 Reviews
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Flip or Flop (2013–2022)
Flop N Stop
7 June 2015
I stayed up one day and watched five or six of these episodes and I was not impressed in the least. Neither of the two hosts know a thing about flipping a house. The episodes get really annoying as you want to have a knowledgeable host tell you about the steps to making a broken down home beautiful again. Here we have two people on every single episode asking each other tons of questions they have no answers to "can we fix this, how do we make that happen" all the while a short time later they always ALWAYS have to ask the staff that is working for them for the answers. I understand HGTV wants more family oriented hosts but who the heck picked these people? Oh they look good so lets put them on TV even though they don't know a thing??? A TV program is paying two stooges actual money just because they look good on camera eventually im guessing thinking they will learn the ropes by asking tons of questions. I Don't want to watch a show where Myself and the TV host's have to learn along with me the entire time from a second hand source. Never once have they said anything intelligent about flipping a home. Worst show on HGTV in my opinion.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Good idea perhaps or not?
8 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer for this movie over a year ago and it didn't look that bad. So today I finally got to watch the movie and i have very mixed feelings on it.

First if you are expecting this movie to make sense technically/scientifically or have a friend that likes to point things out just stay clear of this as you will or your friend will have a field day picking out the flaws as their are many.

The scenes take way to long at times, maybe 50% of the movie is that way. From just people talking to one another to fighting. There are way to many slow motion captures and ridiculous camera shaking moments during fight scenes that lead you to believe the choreography was not very good at all to have to use that effect, plus it gives you a headache. The long pauses when people are talking especially at the end of the film before the last door was agonizingly boring and in no way suspenseful. You as the viewer end up wishing you were in control of the film as there are many instances were the main characters hesitate to do anything in strange situations.

Scenes / Characters:

I have already said that the scenes were way to long. Of coarse there are scenes specifically that really were not needed. Like the School scenes that seemed to go on forever. I understand it was used to let the viewer know how the train started and why they are their but even after the explanation you felt it was really hokey and stupid. A specific character i would like to point out on the bad guy side, gets his butt kicked at the start of the film and is pretty much a nobody. You get plenty of shots of him but he in no way seems a threat not even at the Guys with axes car, he gets beat easily, later midway threw the film he suddenly comes out of nowhere and is a huge force to be reckoned with, I think everyone that was watching this film with me at the same time cried out " what the hell is this crap " . I have never seen an under-developed character just start kicking everyone's ass out of nowhere. For example its like Bilbo Baggins randomly just kung fu fighting all the orcs by himself while the dwarfs just start watching like its no big deal. It was that stupid.

The train itself:

Only noted is that the train is self sustaining and the tracks all around the world are connected. Its supposedly beyond freezing outside and if you go out their you'll insta freeze. If thats the case how is the train still going? How is it that the rails haven't bent or snapped. Why hasn't the trains bent or become warped.

Basically, you'll figure most of the movie out before it happens, the characters are okay but never feel really important. The story is not developed in a way you can follow most of the time. If you are to watch this movie just dumb down your intelligence a bit and go in with low expectations and it will be a lot more fun.
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The Punisher (2004)
The Punished for almost 10 years..
25 March 2014
I heard a lot of rumors when this movie came out about how bad it was. So i avoided it like the plague. I thought of John Travolta like how he was in Battlefield Earth and just passed it by. I ended up watching it many years later because i heard Thomas Jane was actually the lead (never looked it up). I can see why people might have been discouraged when it came out, the scenes in a lot of parts looked like they were shot with a soap opera daytime camera. The acting by the girl in the apartment especially when she was crying (played by Rebecca Romijn) was beyond horribly embarrassing to say the least in her acting ability. I loved the fact that John Pinette received a role in the film, but i have no idea why he was even in the film as he didn't really do anything? The main bad guys were OK, the Russian fight scene was pretty damn good though. I liked that the Punisher was shown as a regular guy with abilities that only suited his training just using them to the extreme. Thomas Jane did a great job with the role and surprisingly John Travolta did as well, he wasn't the biggest bad guy on the block but he was a regular boss type with no special abilities other than having a lot of henchmen. Some characters should have never been on screen, some were alright. All in all i did enjoy this movie for what it was, its not spider man or x men but seems more of a regular action thriller than anything, so i left it as that.
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Virus (1999)
Virus, A Virus of your Time...
17 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
No wonder Jamie lee Curtis stated that this movie was the worst in her entire career. Its alright all in all but the focus of the movie is on a Russian science ship that is found by Donald Sutherlands crew. The Ship is alive and thinks the Crew is a virus. OK no problem right? seems not to bad. Until you start to watch it, the characters seem rather odd and somewhat hard to take seriously, Donald Sutherland sounds strange at times as if hes trying to do an accent every so often but never pans out what kind of accent he was trying to achieve. Every character is very bland and you find it hard to focus on the happenings around them, cliché lines and cheesy robotic bad guys. Humans turned into robots just seem strange rather than scary, they are supposed to be threatening i guess to the crew but they always manage to get their butts kicked quickly, so much for the robot humans.

Sometimes there is moments that don't make sense. At the start of the film when first finding the science ship they make note there is no weapons on board. But throughout the movie we find machine guns, a Missile room?, and various other weapons throughout the ship.

The movie is a B rated movie at best but to be fair to B rated movies this is actually not even that good. Id pass up this movie if I were you but its your choice if you really like bad flicks.
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Torchwood: Countrycide (2006)
Season 1, Episode 6
Completely Fantastic to Complete Rubbish!
16 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
At the start this was a great story somewhat, The story of a village where people are completely missing,..on the other hand randomly in the series the writers decide that Gwen is confused about her sex life and her dedication to her boyfriend is put into question. There is really no call for that or build up to show for it as to why she would question her need for sex. That was the first screw up. We are taken to a small village where people are missing taking a bit to find a young guy that shoots gwen with a shotgun fearing that evil will come back. That was pretty interesting as the acting was good. Two others Ianto and Tosh are taken prisoner by they don't know what. Ill stop and say the build-up of characters in this series you have to take with a grain of salt as they are just put in at random for each cast member. Like in this as Tosh now is someone who likes to get out of danger? skipping ahead this was a great story as you find the villagers are eating people, and gets quite scary. Where does it get worse? When Tosh is running away from the meat hungry guy in the woods, isn't she supposed to be good at escaping? great writing... She trips over herself, looks back way to many times and yup falls on the floor for over 15 seconds face down unable to move, i thought she was caught in a bear trap but nope just laying for no reason not even trying to get up on the floor. so the guy catches up to her...yeah...

The Worst part. The tosh on ground, guy choking her, owen shows up with gun to meat guys head. the guy lets go of tosh and a random cop they found earlier now points a gun at owen , sooo gwen points a gun at the cop. Even though gwen should know she has the upper hand here, the baddies tell her to drop her gun aaaaanndd she does. what a cop instinct eh. so now they are all taken except for jack who stayed behind to question a random thing he shot, turns out to be a villager gone hungry. So everyone's in a room, all the villagers will eat them, nope jack smashes threw with a tractor rig jumps out and shoots all the villagers with a shotgun, not one of the 8 villagers with guns shoots him at all, wow he does all this with a shotgun?? not even a two second delay to cock it, nope. Apparently Jack is the king of fixing issues and the rest of the team is only needed to get caught in issues as meat bags so he can figure out the crime/phenomenon of every episode. wow. Not to mention none of them died he just makes them unable to move. what an expert..... Now he wants to kill the main meat guy but Gwen says stop and the others say stop, WHY? there's no reason to, at this point its life or death if they get up again but sure well risk it. gwen wants to question the guy..... why again... .just getting 10 times more bad before that last seconds of the show stop. So the guy tells her it made him happy to eat people. shes horrified oh no. Later shes talking about how she could have a baby with her boyfriend and get promoted before torchwood. Scene blacks out to Gwen and owen together, owen with his shirt off she starts making out with owen. what ....the ....hell...were the writers thinking. All this within one episode does a women with a good man at home throw everything away for a guy at work that just wants to get laid, so basically heres the Episode. 1. Villagers that eat people. good 2. Shotgun scene with gwen good. 3. Gwen questioning sexuality. Bad. 4. Tosh liking escaping dangerous areas then failing horribly. Bad. 5. Gwen giving up gun when she has advantage. Bad. 6. Jack as superhero with gun. Over the top Bad. 7. Gwen wanting to question meat guy. Bad. 8. Gwen becoming a complete slag for no reason. Bad.

Great plot. bad way to fit the actors into the story. Almost made me never want to watch another episode.

Never have I saw a show that was so good, and an episode so interesting go to total crap.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Best Television show I Have ever seen.. And thats saying Something!!!
2 November 2011
I read Game of Thrones back in 2000 it was amazing i made all my friends run out and get it as well. I just recently got the chance to see game of thrones threw HBO go and it brought back all my fond memories with ten times the amount i couldn't have even envisioned in my own head. Its true to the book and the visuals are breathtaking.

Sean bean just happens to be one of my favorite actors of all time but honestly all the acting is so good i cant believe how good it is. Even though i love Seans skills i have to give it up to Kit Harington as he pulls off Snow so brilliantly, although i shouldn't say that because there has been not one person within all episodes that has not done a top notch job. The music is fantastic and the sound effects divine, except on one occasion one the first episode where it showed horses being rode in the snow, the sound effect was that of horses walking on a road rather than a forest with snow (should of been soft followed by crunches fellas lol) anyway this show is an easy 11 out of 10.

I hope this series goes on forever. Game of Thrones was the only reason i picked up HBO and if it stays on HBO, HBO will forever be purchased in this household.
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Dual Survival (2010–2016)
Beyond the Limit!
22 October 2011
I literally have not watched television in 8 years, I had found no reason within that time to watch it with all the garbage on it nowadays. I was at a friends house and was left alone with the TV on for a few minutes and low and behold Duel Survivor was on. Within the depths of very possible unlucky survivor circumstances Dave and Cody are placed in areas of the world in which someone may or has been stranded, crashed, sunk, abandoned, wounded, all in all left to survive with only your wits. These two guys are fantastic, Dave being the Military more gung ho and always in need of a greater challenge at times adrenaline junky survival expert (more of the risk taker) is always a joy to see what he will do next. Cody is the Naturalist survival expert, the way I tend to view Cody is more laid back than Dave. Cody being the one with the more level head and eye on safety brings a terrific balance to the two man survival team. Even though Cody and Dave don't always see eye to eye, both of their individual skills that are much different from each other in survival more than compensate from the little bickering that occurs, as they know they will need the other one to help survive their trials.

The survival Techniques used are completely amazing to me at times, the circumstances they endure and the ways they go about figuring out natures puzzles are oust-anding.

Its not like other shows where the host will just drag you along and point out specific plants, animals, dangers but not go into the danger, like a short documentary. No these guys are in the danger while explaining at a moments notice what they will do next , there's no reading from a script here. Anything from scaling mountains, cliffs, swamps, molten lava rocks, desert - you name it.

This is the show that has me watching TV again, well the only show i watch on TV :) Fantastic 100%
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Pathfinder (2007)
Great Movie! Visually and Fun!
8 January 2008
I have to say this movie to me when i heard the plot from a friend sounded horrible. Then i sat down to watch it for myself. I loved the Visuals and Story, even though there was not a lot of talking, not all movies need to have loads of talking in it, and The plot is a little overused - the person coming to realize his own people are not good. To be honest that I'm pretty sure if you think about it, It happened a lot in history! So i do not mind the story one bit, i came to enjoy the romance of the movie as well. I have read a lot of reviews and they seem very Contradicting of this movie, a lot have said how bad this movie is with giving the exact same answer as the last guy right before him, "This movie is a copy of so many others" stop and think that ummm lets see, your writing the same review as everyone else with the same plagiarism. This movie Has Suspense, Action, Romance, and everything you could want in a good time viewing. I highly recommend this movie, Its definitely an acquired taste of movie delight (this is my opinion hehe) Definitely worth a rent, because i know eventually this will be a cult loving classic.
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A Great attempt at one of the First Video game Movies!
8 January 2008
This Movie is not as bad as people make it out to be, very fastly contradicting themselves without looking into the fact that this was a movie that Capcom put their money into not some huge name company like warner brothers.

The Actors in this movie did well for one of the first video game movies ever put out, i believe they deserve a lot more credit, especially since if you were a movie actor and were handed a script for a video game, at that time how would you prepare for such a role? I don't think there are too many actors out there that were at home playing video-games at the time, lets face it they are a little more busy. So they did what they could, read some of the comics and did their best, which i have to say was pretty impressive, especially since most games at the time were more considered for the teen consumer.

The Movie has a few Gags and the fighting styles are a little humorous, take the time to put yourself in mind that this movie might have been more than a challenge to make at that point in time and don't be to serious with it, enjoy the film as a kid comedy and I'm sure it will be much more appealing if you are looking for a violent no holds bars kind of movie i'd think about another film. It's not like they lied to us before the movie came out, they said it would be self funded by Capcom and the movie was directed towards a younger audience in the trailer. That in mind, try it once more, enjoy!
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Elegance within Honesty
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I must say this film is very well done. It shows a deep respect for the book it followed "From Emporer to Citizen" written by Pu Yi himself. Everything from the Elegant screen captures to the Actor's that portrayed Pu Yi. I believe no one could have directed or accomplished anything better on screen about the Forbidden city and Pu Yi's life better than Bernardo Bertolucci. The movie kept me well informed and emotionally concerned for the Emporer's life and what would happen to him. His life was a sad one i believe but not forgotten (in my opinion). Most of the Movie was completely flawless, i do think though that the sexual imagery could have been dimmed down a bit, obviously in scenes where Pu Yi did not witness such acts, so how could he write about it. The movie could also have moved more faster, Believe me when i say i loved this movie but it took me 2 days to watch because it took my attention away at times, especially when you know whats going on, ... you do not need 5 minutes of watching someone in bed or slowly roaming down the length of entire loooooong table. Those moments should have been avoided. But none the less this film brings out much history of that era and remains to be a beloved story as well as a witness to sympathetic tragedy.

Very rarely do you get to see the whole life of someone and their struggles - from child to death. So much information, so much Beauty and so much Old culture, this still is not a movie to ever be missed, definitely see it as it is sure to captivate your imagination.
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Venus Wars (1989)
Nothing Less Than Perfection!
8 January 2008
I saw this movie when it first came out. All i can say is that this movie is what movies are all about, catching your eye, the characters interaction with the environment around them. Suspense, action, Romance, horror, its all here. A story which shows us the trials of finding yourself, and what you have to do when it is time, will you sit there when problems arise or will you fight!? These are the kinds of questions Hiro the main character in this story is asked multiple times throughout the film. Bascically, everything is flawless in this delightful fast paced brilliant movie, Everything from the Characters, colors, trials, scenery to the Music score.

I don't know what the other people are talking about with how it sums up next to Akira, as it is a totally different movie with different choices and situations taking place. Sure it came out around the same time lots of other Anime's came out on sci-fi channel back in the day. Hard to say it is the same kind of film as i don't see any indication of similarity in it. It was a very popular movie for its time as well, not in the US but in Japan, Following many comics re-written to English by dark horse comics and soon following the Venus wars strategy game on the Regular Nintendo system. The fans of this series (movie and comic) could not get enough as I'm sure you will feel the same after seeing this Masterpiece. I still find it to be the greatest 80's anime of all time perfection.
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A little out there, Great Beginning - Lost me at the End.
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I like old movies, so much and the Beginning of this movie pulled me right into it. I watched with wide eyes, the beautiful colors, and great actors, and nice beginning to a story i believed to be a nice romance. It then hits me, why are the Chinese speaking so well in their ability to use English? lol. The movie tended to show the Chinese to be mindless kids doing there daily chores but not knowing anything more than what they are told to do. I find this disturbing because they are a very well cultured and smart people. The story has a lot of instances where you think the main character a priest Father O'Banion played by William Holden is having feelings towards Siu Lan played by France Nuyen and maybe just maybe they would get together by the end of the film. But what ends up happening is a pushing away game the whole movie, Father O'Banion shows some feelings then all of a sudden tries to get the girl away from him, kind of destroys the mood so many times.

In the Midst of all the pushing away, a military man Ho San played by Weaver Lee, keeps making trouble for the Priest and the head priest and giving them receipts for things he takes from the priests such as wine, horses, food etc. Eventually he ends up raping Siu Lan and by the end of the movie they have a child? And eventually Siu Lan is OK with this....? as soon as that occurred i was turned off from the film i think it destroyed it really.. it was a great beginning the stretched out for too long , to leave you with a sense of wrong at the end.

I must say that the Actors were Spectacular in this film, France Nuyen was perfect for the role of Siu Lan and had the perfect charm to keep you watching. William Holden was a perfect example of a priest with past regrets and his trials at temptation. All in all this was a fun to watch movie, but with a flawed ending. I give it a 7 because No matter what the ending was, the beginning to me was a great start and the ending may be flawed but the movie was made more for propaganda than anything else around that time.

If you would like to see a movie about china, i would highly recommend " The Last Emporer ".
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The Incident (1967)
Upsetting do nothing
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The first time i saw this film is the same feeling as i had on the second time i watched it. Garbage that you can't turn away from. As you sit to watch the film, you get a sense of nervousness coming over the passengers in the train. You watch as 2 teens terrorize each passenger one by one. This didn't make sense to me, The 2 terrorizers go to each person causing different issues, and the passengers all watch and do nothing, they all feel the same way about the 2 thugs causing problems and speak out eventually, what gets me is that you'd think by the 3rd person saying for them to stop what they are doing, the other 2 would have spoke up as well and ganged up on the terrorizers. But no? they sit there and pretend nothings happening... I'm sorry but its not human nature to sit there and let things go on like they were. Especially when you know the next person probubly is going to be you. On the flip side of things, i can't stop watching this movie no matter how frustrated i get with the passengers on the train. It really pulls you in and grabs your every attention hoping that someone will put the 2 thugs in their place. And i am so happy to say they eventually do. Even at the end again things seem not to make sense, the police show up and take the 2 terrorists that just got beat up out of the train, but no police officer questions anyone they just leave? Then the passengers all leave one by one saying nothing..? This movie is really a movie that would not happen in real life, there are problems like that that may happen, but the way the passengers and police were acting is definitely not. Maybe on an Elementary school bus but i cannot imagine adults letting such tragedy happen. So it's safe to say its a good movie to make your emotions get the best of you in anger for whats going on, because you feel you would never act that way with 2 psycho youths doing whatever they want. If you like to challenge your emotions , its a good movie to watch.
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