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Perfect adaptation of a ruined life
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a man that gave up on his life due to his negligence, causing the killing of his children. He wants out and tries to, by attempting to shoot himself in the police station, with an officer's gun, but forgets to unlock the trigger.

His brother, in some sort of knowing way, and knowing his illness is fatal, wills his brother to care for his son, and that this in some way, will help both son and brother..... which it does.

So basically, his honor doesn't permit himself to refuse to help his brothers son, after that brother's illness/death. And the son still has a blood tie.

There are pages and pages of negative reviews. I assume from people that are used to watching fast twitch no thought or character development movies.

The scenes and acting are superb. Yes, it's a sad movie. Yes, Casie's character is ruined and to the point of him using his loss as a mode of self-punishment, and even to the point of figurative self- flogging by bar fights.

But there is no denying this is a superb movie.
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Best of a disappointing series though rushed to market.
14 April 2017
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The end of the book, from a fantastic series, was incredibly exhilarating. None of this was brought forth in this series ending movie. The ending was off from the book and frankly, just not very good. Even for someone that didn't read the books which is probably rare, the anticlimactic ending was a letdown.

The good. Some better acting overall. The effects were more on cue and the feel was pretty good.

Didn't Neville kill the snake at Harry's awakening from feigned death? Didn't Harry and Voldemort circle each other in front of the students and teachers. And wasn't there a big hurrah after Harry killed him?

From poor acting and character building, this whole series of movies was a general letdown. I understand the need to put all the major points of the book onto film but why stray at the end and change the ending. The very awesome ending.

I don't know. I give this whole series a "C"
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Phenomenally Boring
7 April 2017
A sluggish, low key, mopey, dragged on movie that needed a good shot of Drano. I don't even recall much what happened because after 10 minutes I just let it run in the background and did something else.

Every once in awhile I'd look over and watch Hoffman do his best impression of an actor bent on being as boring as possible. Occasionally, he would make a face or say something benign.

Hoffman's best performance was probably in Boogie Nights. One of the best movies of the 90's.

Sad that this was Hoffman's final hurrah. The man had talent.
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Alan Rickman only redeeming value.
7 March 2017
Relatively boring and mundane series of movies based on the book series. I've watched them to add value to the books and give me faces for more depth to the books. And that is all the movies are capable of.

Though the ending to prisoner of askaban was not bad, the follow-up's ending was boring and voldemart not very convincing.

Unfortunately, the only redeeming actor has passed and any hope for an offshoot is gone. Alan Rickman and Radcliffes(Great physical features.) character are the only ones that rings true and are the one I see constantly as I read his character in the books. The others not so much.

The movies should have been based around Rickman and Oldman and their characters from the book. Really, the only great actors in this series. Richard Harris doesn't fit for me in his roll.

Everyone else should have been co-star and back story.
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Trainwreck (2015)
Regular solid formula movie.
25 February 2017
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This is your basic formula romance movie with a little twist. Not worthy of a 10 but certainly not worthy of a 2 or 3. It's a solid average movie that a couple should enjoy.

There are some pretty funny sex scenes with her bodybuilder boyfriend. She is pretty funny as an actress and has some good sardonic lines.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
On the edge of greatness!
12 October 2016
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No show has ever given me the desire to stop watching, but still watching, more than SOA. It flails on that edge between not enough strong story writing to carry and too much violence for its own good.

Instead of building storyline, the viewer gets thrown into violent themes which are then explained. There is constant turmoil turning from one disaster into the next and missed chances at character building. These missed chances are where the show hurts and gathers its 7 star rating.

There is so much more available from Callie's and Perlman's characters who are the deeper and more complex of the show, and so much attention given to the other character's in a one-dimensional manner, with the lack of shocking violence, the show might actually bore me.

A constantly brooding Jax wife and over the top meddling mother makes for an annoying predictable show at times.

A constantly vengeful and sensitive Jax drives the show one dimensional.

But the turns and spins keep me coming back for more. Polk's death completely threw me. Juice still alive I just knew wouldn't happen. I was certain Kim Coates character was a goner and Opie would be around to the end.

Which brings me to Coates' character. The over protective dog and woman loving psychopath does give the show a needed comedic relief at times.

With that said. It's a very violent and sexually graphic show.(For TV) The violence is at the point of uncomfortable in Season 5 with a very graphic de-tonguing and jail rape scene which will probably keep the show at a 7 for me.
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San Andreas (2015)
I'm a sucker for hero heroine movies
3 March 2016
This is actually a 7 star movie but the negative people are leaving 1's and 2's. This is not a 1 or 2 star movie.

Yes, the physics did not always work out and buildings always fell just as the stars got away. And I think 2 minutes officially passed before the girl came back to life but it's a movie and time doesn't need to be perfect. It's a representation of time.

Not too much character development, but what's to be expected when the earth is imploding. There's enough to give something to the viewer.

Great special effects; lots of action and pretty decent acting.

Let's just say the 90 minutes will go pretty fast and you might get a tear in your eye at the end.

Might I add with some humor, one wondered when the movie would give a tease shot of the daughters(18+) upper closet area. Well it came gratuitously underwater in the last 20 minutes. Thank you! Hollywood.
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True Detective (2014– )
The new best show on TV.
25 April 2014
Gripping, thought provoking, suspenseful and incredibly done are words that come to mind. The first two or three episodes are somewhat slow and I almost gave up on it. Now it wasn't a bad show just taking to long for me to warm up to the rhythm which was a little meandering for me. It's bloomed like a good cigar into rich story telling and wonderful in depth character development.

It even carries a bit of an evil mystical effect with eerie moody visuals and "bad" people left unmolested for decades, who appear to have ingrained into their surroundings a weird kind of acceptance.

I'm almost through the first season and I find myself refraining from chain watching the episodes in one sitting so I've limited myself to one episode per night. Sort of what I did with Lost until Comcast pulled it as I entered the 5th season.

Sit back and enjoy the first few episodes and watch it open up into a gem.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Greatest TV drama ever written.
4 October 2013
Some TV dramas deserve 10's and this is one of them. May be the greatest TV drama ever written. May be better than the Sopranos. Visceral, scary, exhilarating, funny, excitingly vengeful,sad, pitiful, intelligent... .

Never has any two actors so filled the screen in one show and grabbed one than both stars with Cranston grabbing more due to his incredibly stellar screen presence, but I think we are in for surprises from Paul in future roles.

Cranston was born for this role. Cranston was born to act and does so with such convincing conviction I never thought he was acting at any point. The same goes for Paul and really, most every other actor, including Norris who was stellar and Gunn, Brandt and Mitte.

Yes I'm gushing but who doesn't with such a great show.

Thanks AMC. Your the channel to beat nowadays.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Entertaining love story.
14 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing that bothered me was that someone would want to be with someone who back stabbed them by writing a story about them in a rag. If someone had done that to me, I would have been so long gone.

That's why the movie gets a 7 and not an 8 out of 10 from me. Other than that, James is funny as all heck and is quite a good physical comedian. Smith does his thing which is always entertaining. Smith deserves better scripts on the whole but I think he gets flagged as a comedian and studios don't want to risk "good" drama scripts on him.

Worth the watch.

Probably good for 13 and over.
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Nothing great but watchable due to movie set and degradation.
28 May 2013
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This movie holds nothing great or engrossing and is a one sided bio on Liberace. Making a movie based on the descriptions from a jaded lover, offers sketchy re tellings in terms of reality.

What one does find is two star male actors of the day, playing kissie face, hump the tiger and making lovey dovey throughout a quarter of the movie which seems to be it's purpose.

Nothing of matter or worth comes of this movie. There is no character building, no feel or any sense of self awareness but endless degradation.

Basically, its a movie about a very wealthy man who uses his wealth and fame to seduce and run through scores of young men with one of them tractable enough to get talked into a sick operation by a very degraded man.

If one wants to watch several degraded and sick people degrade each other with sex, body deformation, drugs and emotional abuse then one will watch this movie.

I went into this with the hope to find an artist's story about an ambiguous man and his battles with his demons. Sort of a "Gods and Monsters" which was a stellar movie but found a movie with little substance.

Do not let the children anywhere near this movie and block HBO while it's running. It should only be shown after 11PM. This movie could definitely distort young minds as the script is quite disgusting.
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OK movie which moves real well and some over the top acting.
14 January 2013
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William Defoe gives an over the top, over acted, half comedic and outrageous performance as the gay FBI agent.

He does carry the movie and if not for his presence, the movie may have been a yawner.

The easy filming and scene movements make it watchable, even with all the inconsistencies and absurdities.

Basically two guys fall ass backwards into a vigilante roll and kill some bad guys. Their predisposition towards killing bad guys, probably gleaned from their father, takes off from there and they go after the mob and start killing them off by the truck load.

They bring their buddy into the mix who has a scene so funny I was laughing out loud. The one where his knitted cap mask with the cut out eye holes fits absurdly and he can't quite get it to fit.

As long as you realize from the start that reality is left at the door and this is a movie based in fantasy, you'll be OK and enjoy it.
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The Grey (2011)
Forget reality and you will enjoy the film
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There seems to be a lot of inverted reviews. Either like the movie or despise it. I liked it. Does the movie leave reality in the dust? Yes, for the most part. But if one looks at this movie as a fantasy, you will come away liking it.

Maybe I was in the mood for this type of movie. Visceral, gritty and naturalistic. It is what it is. Let the movie take you on a journey and you'll be involved.

Personally, no way in all hell would I have left the plane. I would have held up but that's not the premise. Hell we can all watch Survive if we want to see a movie like that.

This movie is a fantasy movie into the wild and how 6 grown men live and die presented with what they are given. I liked it.
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Very good romantic comedy
17 November 2012
There are some pretty good redeeming qualities to this movie. There are some true to life scenes. Overall the movie descends just under excellent and stands just below the Descendants which was an easy 9 star flick.

Ryan Gosling stands out with an excellent performance as a womanizer with style, class and a hint of humanity in his mentor ship to Carrol's character.

Some scenes seem to not be right for the movie and some seem to be made to slide under a cookie cut like movie.

Overall it is an above the fray movie and stands as a great watch and a worthy addition to any DVD collection.

Definitely not a family movie as I wouldn't watch it with the kids due to embarrassing and adult content but I might not be adverse to a teen watching it.

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Not your everyday movie
26 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie appears to somewhat be divided between the book readers and non book readers. I haven't read the book so went along for the ride missing information and enjoyed it.

Some loose ends were not tied up for me in the movie. Did the one spy get the girl. Did they send the other spy back. What happened to some of the spies.

Who the hell was who. The main problem watching this movie is the assumption that the viewer already knows who many of the characters are and unless one watches "very" intently one struggles to follow and really, can't completely anyway.

Very well filmed and very well acted. Gary Oldman is a force to be reckoned with and unfortunately, isn't given more cerebral type roles to show his prowess intellectually and whether through necessity or preference, is cast in mystical and sci fi roles.

Barely know any of the other actors but all were excellent actors.
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Larry Crowne (2011)
A solid movie with some undeveloped story line.
17 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pleasant movie, easy going and happy. All movies don't need conflict, violence or unhappiness to be good.

As far as story line goes, the relationship between Hanks and Roberts is a little contrived and under developed but their superb acting skills somehow covers it a bit.

This is almost a family movie and should be OK for 10+.

I know there are some unhappy reviewers wanting more substance and conflict. Understandable, but the movie is very easy on the soul and flows nicely from scene to scene.

Makes a great date movie.
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Superb mystery film!
4 September 2011
Polanski has a way of building a film from what appears to be a somewhat benign viewing into a masterpiece.

His pacing is flawless with little waste. Each scene commands your attention and is perfectly conducted.

He pays attention to each little nuance which in its end, allows the viewer to not be distracted. From gravel crackling under the weight of a car to the sound of a jet. It's quite wonderful at the risk of sounding like a gushing fan.

The flaws. They are minor. The music is similar to the Ninth Gate, another masterpiece of his. The very ending or last scene with the car was unnecessary though understandable.

The film is for mature adults, in that, there are no gun battles to speak of, no punching or kicking of substance and no nudity. Just pure acting and superb directing. A rarity nowadays.
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True Grit (2010)
15 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is abundant in cinematography. Great western feel! Jeff Bridges is a premier actor as is Damon who managed to conceal his identity to me for the first moments of his presence. And the young lady is quite good herself, able to convey such a mature young girl with ease.

Both Jeff and Matt did a wonderful job at conveying characters of the time as well as the dress.

What this movie lacked was feel. Both the female and male leads were cold. One didn't feel any true bond or emotion between the two. The only warmth in the movie was when Damon left the two near the end and he said his goodbyes to the girl Jeff, though a fine actor played his part to far. There is supposed to be a warm heart that pours out as Wayne did in the original. A drunken rough man who had a heart for the girl underneath the rough exterior. Jeff was not able to portray this and for that the film failed.

The gunfight at the end, appeared rushed and lacked and real visceral feel.
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Avatar (2009)
One of the greatest movies ever made.
7 July 2010
Some movies deserve a ten and this is one of them. Absolutely spectacular imagery and graphics. Spellbinding effects and scenes throughout the whole movie. This movie is a jump to a whole new realm of movie making not available in the 20th century. To have a movie based mainly in CGI create such feeling and spirituality just knocks my socks off. From the flying jellyfish to the natives to the creatures, I never thought I was watching an animated(mostly) movie. I might not take children under 7 to see this movie as there is a bit of violence and some sensuality. But for the shear beauty and revolution in movie making, I would definitely consider taking children under 10. As an adult who is based in "real" movies, I was glued to the TV throughout the whole adventure. If your real set in watching movies based completely in reality, I still say, give this movie a shot. At least through the first hour. The movie is long, very long at three hours but I didn't notice.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Clooney at his absolute best.
12 April 2010
There are movies that deserve 10s and this one is on that list. Unique, funny and sad all wrapped up in a nice little travel package. A commentary on people and life seems to be what great movies possess and Up In The Air has those things. Though almost on the verge of a formula movie in the end, it manages to fly away from this glimmer of mediocrity to a deep sadness for the main character who accepts his decisions with wisps of kindness. From not quite as cocky of a person when the movie begins, to someone realizing their wrong assumptions and having to now live by those as time has passed him by. Clooney has forged himself into one of the great actors of the day with this movie and shows himself to possess an extraordinary amount of talent. He emits a charisma of proportion not found in any other actor today but manages it with a decorum. Except for some brief but graphic rear end shots(Though very shapely.) and language, the film might be OK for 16 or over.
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Rob Roy (1995)
Special movie with a great cast and story
14 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Spectacular movie of the common man of the Scottish hills compared to the upper crust Lords of the day. Great comparisons of the lives of the two classes. Summed up by watching Liam Neeson awake on a padded bed and Tim Roth awake on a sprawling king size feathered bed with all the garnishes.

I give Braveheart the edge in its epic feel and intensity that stayed with me for a day or two. But Rob Roy is no slouch and is a more mature and possibly a more realistic movie.

Liam Neeson is a superb actor and is excellent in his clan leading role. But Tim Roth gives a world class performance as the sleazy, vulgar, feminine wimp with an evilness that comes through in a mannerism that has to be seen and a god gifted ability in swordplay that puts one on the edge of their seat.

Don't get me wrong. Liam is a superb actor and possibly better overall but this is Roth's Tour De Force.

A simple story of good versus evil,done in a way that one does not see it as such, but is molded into the story. And one does not see the two forces colliding until half way through the movie.

I will leave all but the final scene out of this movie. But you've been warned to stop reading here if you have not seen this move.

The final scene is of Liam and Roth meeting to duel for Liams honor which Roth horribly trampled on. One feels the end for Liam's character as he enters the sword fight. One of the great things about the ending is as the fight begins one suddenly realizes that Liams sword is to heavy for the contest as Roth has a lighter model and swings it with ease. Near the end of the fight Liam tired and injured walks toward Roth dragging his broadsword. Its at this point that Liam grasps the sword with both hands and the camera aims to Roth who in his manner you see he says to himself, yes your sword is to heavy.

The battle ends with Liam on his knees basically at Roths will and with Roths blade under his chin Liam reaches up and grabs the sword with his left hand. You see Roth startled and unprepared for such a move try and pull the sword back. Liam with a shaking hand grasps for his sword and with a battle cry stands up and slices Roth practically in half across the thorax. Both stunned and dying with blood flowing from his mouth Roth gives one of the best death throes ever recorded and falls dead.

This movie is definitely worth the watch.
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Good movie worth the watch Depp is good as usual.
8 February 2010
I find it very hard to dislike basic dramas when Depp is in them. His talent is to often wasted on movies of a comic book type. This is your basic retelling of the Dillinger criminal hero of the 30s. I liked the story line. Its hard to tell the life of such a famous character in 90+ minutes and you have to fit a lot of stuff into the movie so you also tell history as well as the personal story of the character.

It's a sad story of a somewhat decent but violent criminal(Depps role) who becomes the target of governmental change in policy. The story is told in a way that you see Dillinger as a political target as the mob is forming into a business entity and the beginning of federal enforcement on a local level. Though one might find pity in how Dillinger is made the scapegoat, one has to remind themselves that he was an arch criminal and had to be stopped. But the rebel in oneself might want him to escape with his woman to a far away place.

Depp gives humanity to Dillinger and Bale does a very good job as the hunter.
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Spartacus (2010– )
OK but no Rome. A little over the top
27 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A satisfactory series for Starz. Watchable but that is about it. Breasts abound and gratuitous sex which is there for what appears to be the viewers pleasure not for the story. Rome did it with style. Men standing around naked, oral sex and lesbianism show itself in the second show. This story steals from Rome, Gladiator and 300.

The violence and the effects which help produce it are of a substandard quality, with legs chopped off in perfectly even cuts as if done with a surgeons tool or in a comic book. Blood splatters in perfect sheets and sprays in quarts and gallons. One scene where a fighter has his neck cut you clearly see the fake neck.
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Actor script switch.
21 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie appears to have had a lead and script switch mid shoot. Rare but it does happen. Sam Worthington appears to be the original lead with Bale thrown in last second. This may not be the case but has that feel. So they had to adjust the script to that decision.

I think the John Conners role was going to be a character but not the lead in the movie. He may have even been dead already. Kyle Reese and Marcus Wright were to be the staring pair. And Moon Bloodgood was going to be the female lead and Marcus's romantic as she is in this script version.

My guess is the producers got cold feet and stuck their big noses into the script and actors list and ruined the movie. They probably said, uh oh, we don't have a big name actor.

Personally I think the director purposely ruined the movie because the powers that be ruined the script.

Bale, was terrible and certainly appeared to be out of place. Please, who made him do the Batman voice again. It was bearable in Batman but stupid in this movie.

The director had a great script which would have started the series all over again with Worthington as the half human half terminator. Did you see the scene where they are getting into the jeep and Worthington says to the kid " Don't look at me like that Star." It was out of place. Worthington was supposed to have a relationship with the kid. But since the script was destroyed we didn't see any character development to justify that comment.

By the way, Worthington is as good an actor as Bale, maybe better.

Bale was terrible from the start. Out of place and uninspired. Again, I am guessing here, but it appears Bale took the role for the money. He had some free time between gigs and was given this part.

I could see Bale on set, going around to the actors apologizing for stepping all over their movie.

Anyway, what we get as movie goers is a mish mash of scenes that the director tried to give in somewhat of a thoughtful way but without any heart as the true movie had been ruined by untalented, distrusting old men with money. imho

I can see the director sitting in his directors chair and getting a message from upstairs that says " More CGI and more Bale"

This isn't all that's wrong with this movie but the bulk of what is. Whats with the terminator leeches. Could someone please explain this to me? Oh and what's with the new terminators that look like the robot from an Iron Maiden concert. At one point it looked like one of them was smoking a cigar.

Everything you think is pretty good in this movie is the original script. Anything that seems stupid or out of place, you can call the Bale script.
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Taken (I) (2008)
The best action movie of the past twenty years!!
13 December 2009
The only reason this movie does not get a ten is the ending which I thought could have been better. The very end when he has his daughter back

Absolutely superbly made and directed. Liam Neeson is a superb actor and plays this part as good as anyone.

He basically cuts a path of destruction through many many bad guys, all who deserve an early demise.

It's done with style and righteousness which hasn't been done in a very long time.

What I like about the movie the most is the intention of the lead actor Liam. His sole purpose is to get his daughter back safely. There is no posing for the camera or extra kill shots to emphasize the revenge. He just wants to get his daughter and anything in his way gets it good.

Not since the Patriot has a movie of this type and quality been made.

If you want an hour and a half of blazing action with non stop thrills done with class then this is for you.
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