
61 Reviews
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Please go back in time and kill me...quick!
4 November 2012
Dear god i have no clue what the point of this movie was. I have seen lindsay lohan strip in a mystery movie called " i know who killed me" i base that ,movie as the very bottom of the scale or the "most bad ever seen" Point? That this is the second worst movie i have ever seen.

I really did give it a chance i wouldn't lie to you i watched at least half of it and that is saying a lot cause there have been many a red box that has been givin the 15 min boot.

If you want a movie that is board as watching paint dry this is your movie. This movie is the second worst movie i ever seen SAVE YOUR DOLLAR!
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Classic, Must see.
5 July 2012
This movie has been a classic since it came out. It is smart and clever and a little sexy at times. I think that this movie has had much influence on other movies after it. IT is very 80s, the fashion and such though it came out in 1991 there is still a very 80s feel to it. When this movie came out i was not old enough to go see it. They use to not let kids see movies that were not OK for them, even with a parent. When this movie came out it was HUGE. Every now and then i like to bust this movie and Alfred Hitchcock's "psycho" The perfect pair! I would also recommend A movie Called "American psycho" To watch With this movie
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Ring Around the Rosie (2006 Video)
Could have went some where, but it did not make it..
5 July 2012
The start of this movie it could have been something It started out with a decent story, good set up with a million places to go. Then it just keeps getting worse and worse. Each event driving one more nail in to the coffin. It got really weird really quick, the plot starting going all over the place, hard to follow. Is it a dream? is it real, very confusing

I think its funny they could not afford jessica alba so they found a girl that kind of looks like her, a little. Im not going to say don't watch this movie. I have seen way way worse, like "I know who killed me" With linlo......that was stupid!
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Good flick. Interesting to watch.
2 April 2012
I just found out that this was a remake of an older movie. Now i will have to find the first one and watch it. its not the first time this has happened.

The story is great, the acting was really good from katie homes and the little girl. I did not think much of the guy that played her dad. The movie movie moved at a good pace. The only thing about the plot missing was the "creepyness" of the house. They did not set the mood right. But all around i liked this movie. IT was really good. I wish i could live in a house like in this movie, it looked really cool. You should watch it for sure
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Like Crazy (2011)
Not a normal movie for me but WOW
2 April 2012
This movie was fantastic, i don't like your middle of the road love movies but this movie is different, its real and not frills, no stupid quirks My wife and i had to be apart a lot in beginning of our relationship and i can really relate to this movie.

These days most actors have to "over act" because the plot of the movie is lacking. Not in this movie, it was so simple and innocent, like real love starts. Then shows how we take something so rare and hurt it.

Watch this one with the wife or girl friend. It is a romantic movie in a way. This is a sun dance type movie but you don't have to TRY to like it.
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The Muppets (2011)
Left wing trash, even the muppets are not safe. But still a great movie.
2 April 2012
I love the muppets, i have for my entire life. But there is something really a matter with this movie I don't care what your political views are and i don't care. But why push ideas on people. "Evil Oil Baron" . But enough of that.

The movie is a solid 7. I found it funny and entertaining. I am a huge muppets fan and thought they did a good job. It has that guy from forgetting sarah marshall, and i like him. I did think that is was a little serious for a muppet movie and not silly like it use to be

I am just happy to see the muppets back. I really wish i could have seen this movie in the theater
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Hard to watch, middle of the road flick
7 February 2012
I don't know why i had such a hard time watching this movie. i just predicted every thing that was going to happen and there were no real reason why i should have kept watching it was all just really predictable and middle of the road Kevin bacon plays a stupid role in this movie his acting was really bland and annoying, i haven't seen many of his movies so i don't know if all of his movies have the same bad acting, kiefer sutherland should have played the lead of this movie i think he would have been a much better fit. Some things don't add up to in this movie to me but i really cant say with out giving some stuff away. Should you watch this movie? I would not go out of your way to see it but there are many worse movies out there.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
Middle of the road i guess
5 February 2012
There things i like abut the movie and i don't most of what i liked had to do with core stuff. the acting was good and the story was good they did a super good job filming it as well but now for the bad part, this said based of true events when i looked it up this movie is no where near the true of what hapened, its like half of a story from 2001 and the other half is from 1900 I really really hate when they use the whole based of true events to sell movies, even if it is a real lie. Over all its a good movie and you should watch it i think its a alright movie. The guy that played the bad guy did a great job the park that they filmed this movie at is really cool and you should check that out to
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Alive or Dead (2008)
I saw some thing better then this, when i threw up in the toilet.
3 February 2012
Congrats alive or dead, you are tied for the worst movie i have ever seen, and you are tied with "i know who killed me" with lindsay lohan. I don't even know where to begin, i am so so confused with this movie i have never watched a movie that made me feel this way so many things don't add up, i have seen better acting in a 2nd grade play The start sucked and middle and end was worse, there were so many different story lines going on in this movie its like they took 3 really bad movies and made a super mega meca bad movie i know you don't know who i am but please do me a favor and don't ever ever watch this movie don't let your kids watch it either because it will make them stupid and you don't want that.
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The Descent (2005)
original movie idea, really good. For the most part
3 February 2012
I gave this movie a 7 because it did have a very original story i liked a lot of things about this movie besides a good plot the location where the filmed it was really good in this day and age Hollywood is putting out some pretty crappy stuff where people just talk and move from room to room, but in this movie they go out in to the world and do something. i was super shocked when the filmed developed about half way through I expected the movie to be stupid and it turned out to be a great flick i have not seen the sequel to this movie but i really want to now super good movie, even with the British people in it lol I think that you should watch it for sure, i think that this is a thriller and a horror in one, it was great
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Seen this movie so many times, still love it
2 January 2012
I watched this movie again today. I have seen it at least 5 times. I think it is one really good movie.

Acting: The acting was great, but thats what you get when you hire 2 amazing actors to be husband and wife in a movie together. Both harrison and michelle did such a good job.

Plot: The plot is great. Great story and it moves along just fine. Its creepy and 10 years ago it was even more creepy.

The struggle/ action shots are very well don't, they are very believable and not all fake looking. I really would recommend this movie to any one that likes creepy, thriller mystery.

I i was going to pair this movie with another movie to watch in one evening. I would choose the secret window.
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Touchy movie for me, i am torn between two points
2 January 2012
I am torn on this movie. You have to look at this movie from 2 point of view. The first point of view is the view of every one in the entire world, meaning your average person that is going to watch a movie.

From the every one point of view i described above this movie is a big stinky pile of horse crap, steaming up steam clouds of bad acting and poor filming. Most of these types of people never made it though the movie. Im not bashing this group, i am in this group HALF of the time.

Then the next group of people are the types of people that are in to these types of movies, little budget, independent films that the little guys make. You can tell them from a mile away by the picture on the box and the description on the back.

IF can look at this movie from the second groups point of view, this movie is really not that bad at all. If you compare this movie to 50 other independent movies of this type it stands out from the crowd in plot and acting.

Now looking at this movie from both point of views? my only big problem is the guy that hassles the main guy at work, he was so over the top stupid and really had a huge part in making this movie bad.

If your the actor that hassled the dish washer and your reading this for some reason, YOUR the main reason this movie was corny, and bad.
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The Eye (2008)
Above average, not the best worth a watch
1 January 2012
Got this movie on blue ray the other day and was really really interested I thought it was going to be a hit out of the park but sadly i was mistaken.

But it must be said that this movie was pretty good. It should have been much much better then it was.

Jessica alba was smokin hot as usually and played the part very well The movie really went all over the place and really took a long time to get to the point then ends. You have to watch it. it is worth it there are so many worse movies out there for you to watch At the very least the subject matter of the film in very interesting.
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very well done and you'll love the end, but im not tellin
1 January 2012
I have seen all of the FD movies, i was a little late i saw the 3rd first then the rest within a month of that. I liked all of them and this one was also really cool, More gore in the movie then the others more blood and guts At the end there

is something really really cool that happens special and if you have not seen it yet then you should. If your going to buy this movie buy it on blue-ray, this is a good movie for blue-ray there are a lot of cool parts that look really good in 1080. I am glad that they did a good job, its impressive that in a series of movies that 5 is good at the rest!
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The Skulls (2000)
Bland and predictable but still interesting to watch
30 December 2011
predictable, i saw every thing that was going to happen. But most people want that in movies so there brains do not have to go out side of the box

This movie is about a secret group and controls things the old fashion way.

I do think this movie could have been a really good movie with a lot of changes, some better actors and plot changes.

But lets but all that aside and be a normal person watching a movie, it was good.... it was not bad by any means. Would i tell some one to watch this movie? yes, i think that every one should see it at least once. This movie was made over 10 years ago, if you think of all the others movies coming out at the end of the 90's this was really pretty good.

Watch it! Don't expect the world!
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Orphan (2009)
So So So Good- done very well
29 December 2011
I really liked this move it had every thing you could hope for and more.

The movie played out with great time

It kept my interest through out the whole thing i feel that the acting was very good and could not have thought of better people to play the parts. This movies is creepy on so many levels, it plays all of your emotions

Over all this whole movie was done very good i could not find any thing a matter with it.

On one funny note on the DVD, there is this thing in the preview before the movie starts, saying that "this is just a movie and real orphans are not bad"

I think its really funny because they must think that the over all watchers of this movie are stupid and can not see the difference between fact and fiction.

Thanks for believing in us!
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The Number 23 (2007)
there are 23 other movies you should watch
29 December 2011
I really did not like this movie, maybe because i grew up watching jim carry play goofy roles and i can not take him seriously.

I thought about killing myself 23 times turning this movie, it was really bad. I did not find it the lest bit scary.

the person the wrote this movie smoked 23 joints while writing.

I will say the story is really original, i will give it that, but i found it kind of hard to follow and boring. I can see how some people might thing this is a master piece but its not really for me i guess

2 times i wanted to turn it off 3 times i did = 23

1 time i watched it 22 times i will not recommend it =23 OMG!
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Zodiac (2007)
Movies like this don't come along very much
29 December 2011
I get tired of movies trying to keep your interest with something that is borderline interesting. THIS MOVIE WAS FREAKIN GREAT Im sitting there on the edge of my seat just driving my self crazy wanting to know what is about to happen.

The movie had it all, great acting, great story great plot.

I don't like movies that do the whole "3 years later" bit, but i have excused it in this case because it was part of the real story and not just an excuse for bad writing.

I had heard of the story a lot when i was a kid but never knew that it was what it was,

The case is still open to that makes it even better.

I was a little worried this movie might suck, i mean look at what they did with the last helter skelter, it was alright i guess but not as good as it should have been.

This movie was a total home run out of the park flick! You have to see it.
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10 out of 10
28 December 2011
Wow what a great movie, it pulls on the heart strings and shows what can happen with some faith The acting was real, the acting was great the story was so so good and real, there i said it again So many movies out there have these happy endings and what not but this movie showed real like and heart ache.

I can really relate with the main guy because i struggle with anger at times and it is cool to see it for real in a movie! They did a good job on the area they picked for the film. I like that there were a lot of struggles but he kept trying I think you should really watch this movie Enjoy!
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Church (2010)
To rough to watch, i have some questions about this movie
24 December 2011
I like movies like this, a lot. BUT this movie was really bad.

Why did the sound suck so bad?, it sounded like it was filmed in a submarine?

Was this movie shot with a cell phone? Was the main guy Theo from the Cosby show? T

he movie had a good message, and the message is right up my ally.

But sometimes people get mad at me because i can be a critic of Christian movies,

but even if the message is good and its what i believe does not mean its not subject to judgment based on the film quality and plot.
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Mothman (2010 TV Movie)
Pretty good movie. Mothman maybe out your window right now!
24 December 2011
I first saw the mothman prophecies i thought that it was good.

Many people that review this title did not think much of the movie and gave it low ratings.

I have seen much much worse movies than this one and thought that over all it was good. It kept my interest through out the whole movie and i found the acting to be OK.

I am a fan of the story and im not here to debate if moth man is real but it is a original story and have enjoyed all of them.

Is this movie the best? no its not but i think it is worth watching for sure so you should check it out.

Just do try to hide a secret from mothman because well.....
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Not funny, corny, a real waste of time. Hollywood has givin up trying
24 December 2011
I gave this movie a 2 JUST because Cameron diaz was smokin hot in this movie.

1. Not Funny Me and my stupid friends could have made up better jokes then who ever wrote this movie, i mean t was really really bad i don't think i laughed one time at all. The only thing funny about this movie was how bad the plot it.

2. Plot not thought out So where is the plot of this movie? She needs money? oh shes a bad teacher, thats right.

They were trying to make this movie float on shock value but it did not work.

I wish i did not even spend a dollar on it at the red box.
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In My Sleep (2010)
Slow start but then really really good
22 December 2011
This movie started slow and i was kinda wondering where it was going but then it got on course.

This movie seemed really original, it had kind of a "American psycho" feel to it.

The acting was a little bit forced at times but over all seemed good.

The main guy did a great job in the movie, he really made the movie.

Looking at this movie it came out in 2009 i just got it from red box and its almost 2012, i thought that it was new but it was not.

WATCH it and you will like it, it has a lot of suspense.

There are a lot of cute girls to watch at the very least
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Shredder (2001)
Wow, i think they would have had to try to make it suck this bad
29 November 2011
I gave this movie a 3 because i think you have to be really talented to make a movie suck this bad. I Mean this was really really bad. The only thing that made this movie good at all is that the girls were pretty hot, well 90's hot.

This movie is about some snow board kids and such, They go to this resort and its got some issues.

GET THIS! The Main character was the boyfriend of DJ Tanner in the 90's show Full House! I saw it from the moment he came on he screen it was instant.

Lets just say danny tanner would be very upset with this guy, he is vulgar and riff raff.

This movie is so bad that you have to see it. There are some sexy parts. But just a little. lol
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Identity (2003)
Very good story, cool ending
24 November 2011
When i started the movie i was no impressed at all.

I only started to like the movie at the half way point. If you can make it to the have way point it gets a lot better. Maybe i judged the start to harshly but it just seemed hard to watch for a while.

John cusack is a good actor. he can play so many different parts. He is one of the only actors that can do funny, serious and every thing. I am a fan of him.

The ending will take you by surprise for sure. I watch a lot of movies and can most of the time guess the ending but i never saw this ending coming not by a long shot.

Good Watch.
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