
20 Reviews
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Cobweb (2023)
What could have been!
22 July 2023
I'm a huge horror fanatic especially these under the radar films. I went into this really not knowing much just the cool looking posters. The movie starts of amazing with great camera work and the main cast was really good (creepy) the star was the child actor and he was the star. I enjoyed what he brought to the film and was very believable. The movie didn't have any straight forward runs, every time you think you have it figured out it gave you a hard left (Barbarian) type style hard turns of the plot. It had me fully intrigued and committed as a horror fan. First half of the movie I couldn't figure it out but yet I thought I had it figured out. Now that last act was the let down. It could of been delivered so much better but it felt rushed and without a set conclusion, no actual closure. It was a tale of 2 half's and the first half was an amazingly done film the last half I don't know what happen, so disappointed but I'll say it's worth a viewing.
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Trailer was the entire movie!
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't often write reviews but when a trailer excites me and lets me down like this, I have to let the masses know. For starters the Meg (The Black Demon) gets a total of 2 minute of screen time in total and it's alway dark shots. We never get a full feel of what could of been. The movie it's self is pretty straight forward and not much else. Josh Lucas is really a bad all around actor, every scene was hurtful to watch. He is just a really bad actor and can't sell a scene. We have a runtime of 1hr 40mins and I have to repeat we get a total of 2 minutes of shark time. It's not even a fairly good 2 minutes either. This was more suited to be maybe a Tubi film. How in the world this got a theater release it's beyond me. Aside from a very well put together trailer in my opinion I don't know what else this film does. I'd say don't waste your hard earned money on this film, wait for it on a free streaming site.
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2 March 2023
I haven't written a review in a long time on this site. I have time today! I saw the cast and figured, hey this should be cool. Oh man, was I incorrect! I've seen some bad movies but this one here is one of the worst I've ever seen. It was nothing lots of pointless dialogue, lots of awkward laughter, odd smiles for 98% of the movie. This was a total utter waste of time. The director I know from (Death at a funeral) which I love that movie. This catastrophe, waste, sewage water of a movie was not. I get everyone needs a paycheck but this movie is so beneath Bosworth & Long. I don't understand actors, actresses and directors. When making a film and finishing a film it doesn't occur to them, holy crap this is a total waste of film! That's the summary of this thing I wasted my time watching last night! Only gave it 2 stars because I enjoy Kate Bosworth and this put that under review for myself!
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What went wrong!?!
20 October 2022
I'm a hardcore Michael Myers fan and I have been in high anticipation of this final movie. I've seen it 3xs to maybe get in the direction the movie was trying to go and as of yet it makes no sense. This feels more like a sequel than the actual finale. Seems like they had a toxic relationship movie with no ending and Halloween Ends had an ending but no plot. Two people agreed to combine the movies and we got this version of Halloween Ends. This is a case in which each following sequel got worst. I did appreciate the fact that yes indeed Halloween ends but in the manner the first 1hr or so played out was a total bore. The person I was with (I swear) told me he would check with theatre customer service to confirm we sat in the proper theatre because nothing was happening. Long story short this wasn't the conclusion I wanted to see for my #1 all time favorite slasher. (MYERS HAD MAYBE 7 minutes of screen time!)
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The Requin (2022)
I was thrilled about this movie until I saw it...
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I came home from work excited to see this movie. I rented it on Apple TV and that was the start of the end. This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The CGI was below SYFY channel standard. The floating house on the ocean was the worst! It looked like a sticker was placed in the ocean that was hand drawn. The shark postered was nowhere near the sharks shown. They were sharknado worthy. As far as the movie goes what can be said. Alicia Silverstone was horrible, she was so bad a raspberry award would be an honor. The opening credits took 3 full minutes. No "shark" action until an hour in the movie. Someone owes my $6.99 or 1hr 30mins of time. Reason for the 2 stars is the drinks I made excited to watch this movie came out delicious!
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Invasion of time!!! Slow burn X 1000!
29 December 2021
This show is the definition on a show burn. I'm past the mid way point and absolutely nothing of substance has happen. Aside from me wasting 5 plus hours waiting for something to happen. S L O W !
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Saw 3D (2010)
3 November 2010
This is my first review in a long time because I really felt I had to share my feelings with everyone on To start the acting is beyond horrible. I can't get over who did the casting, like did they just go outside the studio and grab any random person because it was terrible. The cop playing Gibson belongs doing movies on the scifi channel and that's giving him credit. His performance and the performance of his partner were so bad I just can't get over it. Like did the director and producer not notice they had hired horrible actors or did they just NOT care. Now to the story... I have been a fan of the SAW series since part one and I have to agree the series has gotten really dumb with all the flashbacks and loose ends. Pretty much anything after part 3 is a huge flashback of events. This story takes us to a guy who lied of surviving a trap and introduces us to a team of survivors which we never met aside form the girl with the cut arm. The story was really weak and one key returning character was highly under used and yet we are left with so many new and unanswered questions. As much as i wouldn't mind a SAW 8 i'm glad it came to an end. (HOPEFULLY) because for some strange reason a can feel a "SAW REBIRTH" in the near future!!! I guess i'll make my own answers for the new questions this movie left. I do have to add some of the traps are insane which leads me to wonder how in the world does Hoffman have time to create these off the wall traps and never be seen. Confusing yes!!! Now the 3D... If you even want to call it that...I'm really getting tired of movie studios throwing in 3D to get us to pay more money for tickets. SAW 3D was worthless, the only 3D I notice was during the opening credits with the splattered blood aside from that its pointless and worthless. My conclusion is to wait for this in your local $1 blockbuster Kliosk or wait for it on NETFLIX because it's not worth a movie ticket, in reality it's not worth the hour and thirty minutes!!!
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Saw VI (2009)
Saw 6... More flashbacks!!!
24 October 2009
Well I was counting down my time to leave work and go check out SAW 6, i have been a huge fan of the series since part 1 and sad to say since part 1 it has gone down hill really. Each movie seems to be a collection of flashbacks to other parts and very little new things add on to the story aside from the traps. Now we have SAW 6...

To start SAW 6 you go back to part 5 and that gap if you even want to consider it that gets filled and now we have a collection of the most gruesome traps to date. I have to say the creator of these traps, whoever thought them up is sick but i loved it. As far as the movie very little NEW is brought to the table other then the fact that we now know why Jigsaw was never insured for the cancer treatment and thats pretty much it with little very little plot holes fixed. Well if you want to see tons of blood, gore then this is for you but if your not a fan of the series you won't really enjoy it. Now we have SAW 7 in 2010 which i understand will be in 3D... They are destroying this franchise but as a fan ill go see it and as a fan if you are go see SAW 6, not great but good to catch up on the plot holes from the other 5 movies and again I have to add the TRAPS were GREAT!!!
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Nothing new but worth the time!!!
16 October 2009
I was able to see a private screening of this movie at AMC on 86th Street and well it was pretty much what I expected of yet ANOTHER remake. It brings really nothing new to the table and pretty much just introduces younger crowds to our old school classics.

The Stepfather is yet another movie remade and re-imagined but they couldn't really take it to far as the original did. The movie while yes its very suspenseful at times and I do have to say the audience was very much into the movie, some people were yelling at the screen so it did receive good audience feedback but for me personally I just have to say its just another Hollywood remake which introduces nothing new, nothing we didn't already know, just another cheap attempt for a movie studio to make a few bucks from the younger generation. Basically if you haven't seened it and have the time and no desire to see anything else check it out, if your a fan of the original don't check it out. Want to see a horror movie this Halloween then go see PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. The Stepfather is worth a viewing if you can see it during matinée hours.
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2 Words: Shock Value!!!
12 October 2009
I was breaking my head trying to see this movie and every time I went to AMC on 42nd it was sold out and these were midnight showings. All this made me want to see this movie more not to mention the trailers and the great DEMAND IT hype!!! So finally this past Friday 10-09-09 me and my wife saw the 6:55 showing at AMC on 42nd street. Quickly noticed that the theater was very packed compared to other times I have gone and the audience was very excited and now came show time. The movie starts off pretty basic you get to meet the couple and see a little of what's it about. Quickly start to realize this is an ordinary couple and there chemistry was great. About 20 minutes into the movie is where the movie quickly picks up steam and you just start saying to yourself this is just a movie. Every time the couple goes to sleep something more terrifying happens. I actually saw 2 couples leave the theater in fear. This movie is very scary and disturbing really what has been lacking in many years for a Halloween release. Very cheaply done for under $15,000 and I assure you, once you get home and lay in your bed you will be looking at your doorway it's very disturbing. My wife had her eyes covered for the last 10 minutes which by far were the most intense. This is a must see and it shows all these Hollywood people you don't need $50 million and tons of CGI to make a terrifying, scary and disturbing movie. This made my top five all-time list of most scariest movies. GO SEE IT!!!
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Zombieland (2009)
It's Bill ******* Murray!!! I just want a Twinkie!!!
2 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Im a firm believer that comedy and horror should never be mixed in but I have to say zombieland change my view very quickly.

Zombieland starts of great, your introduced to the cast quickly and of course the zombies. You quickly see kills and funny death scenes and it just picks up more steam from there. I found this movie to have the best amount of horror and comedy to balance it out and even a bit of a love story which fit right in perfectly. The young cast aside from Woody was right for this movie but the star has to be Woody Harrelson he mad this movie great. He was back to form and never let up. The movie had very funny moments especially the entire Bill Murray scene. OH MY GOD was the funny not to mention the obsession with twinkies. Zombieland will be the movie to knock off Meatballs and be number 1, zombieland is worth every penny its a must see movie which everyone of all ages will enjoy.
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90210 with FANGS!
26 September 2009
Megan Fox is out to prove she can have a bright Hollywood future without Michael Bay and Transformers but is she thinks JENNIFER'S BODY is going to help her career or even show of her "acting" skills she is really mistaken! I like everybody else believe Megan Fox is gorgeous, sexy and has the best lips since Angelina but her acting is more suited for direct to video movies. Diablo Cody gave us JUNO which was a pretty good movie with a great story and message but to comeback and give us this! What was she thinking! JENNIFER'S BODY is 90210 with fangs but that's were it ends. The movie was awful and that's just the start and it moves forward it actually gets worst. Megan Fox was just to stiff and really never changed her attitude and emotions. The story, plot, jokes and even death scenes were dreadful and left me wondering how in the world did this movie make it to the big screen. Oh yeah Megan Fox!!! That's the reason why this makes it and we have to DEMAND movies like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY to be shown at our locations. JENNIFER'S BODY please don't waste your time and money on this, just wait for bestbuy to have it in the $4.99 DVD bin.
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Surrogates (2009)
Good way to start the FALL!!!
26 September 2009
Well the summer came and went and well it wasn't really a summer blockbuster filled summer. Remakes, prequels, sequels and over loaded CGI movies dominated the summer. No real originality or fresh ideas stood out in my mid what so ever. Now fall is here and we have Surrogates! Surrogates while its not 100% original I have to say I enjoyed every 88 minutes of it. The movie starts of documentary style to explain the idea of Surrogates and it just picks up steam from there. Bruce Willis is back and kind of brought his Die Hard "John McClane" swag with him for Surrogates. Great acting by Willis, movie moves along great, action packed, no over blown CGI, easy to follow, no plot holes, endings simply great. This movie is worth the over priced movie tickets.
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Pandorum (2009)
Aliens meet The Descent!!!
26 September 2009
I simply loved the posters for PANDORUM, they were edgy and graphic enough to make me want to give this movie a shot even thou i'm not a Dennis Quaid fan at all. I gave it a shot earlier today and i have to say it was a pretty good movie.

PANDORUM is your classic outer space scifi movie which we really haven't had for sometime. I do have to say the aliens kind of reminded me of the creatures in the movie DESCENT just with armor. The movie itself had a feel of the original ALIEN movie. Now to what I enjoyed about this movie was the way the story evolved into a edge of your seat thriller with twist after twist. The story is what separates this from other spaceship, scifi movies. Even leaves the viewer thinking "what if" this happens. PANDORUM is a good way to enter this fall season. Great story, good effects, easy story to follow, just enough gore to satisfy everyone and not to much Dennis Quaid to make me happy!
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Grace (III) (2009)
High Hopes, Big let down
13 September 2009
I was really looking forward to this movie. The horror site fangoria really gave this movie great reviews and even dared to say it was a great horror movie. I again really went out of my way to see this great movie which was suppose to be ground breaking horror and oh boy was this a piece of horror scifi channel trash!!! The concept was pretty good, car accident, baby dies and yet at birth the baby is alive. Sounds interesting right!!! Well thats pretty much it because after that the movie goes downhill. It goes from a still birth baby to a crying baby and then you get an hour and ten minutes of asking yourself how and why is this going on with this baby. Did I miss anything within the movie that I'm left wondering what i just saw and why is that happening. This is a movie which will leave u running in a circle and yet the ending makes things much worst and adds no closure other then expecting a sequel to try to understand this movie. Do yourself a favor if your reading this review and take my word please. Skip this movie and save yourself the time and read a book or color a picture because this movie is just that bad.
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Please be "THE" final destination!!!
29 August 2009
I am not a very big FINAL DESTINATION fan but the 3D thing did get my attention as the fact that it went head to head with Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN 2. I gave HALLOWEEN 2 a shot first and then saw this piece of 3D trash... HALLOWEEN 2 TOOK IT BY 20 MILES!!!! First the person who casted these actors for this movie should be fired and banned from Hollywood. The acting was simply put horrible and belonged on the scifi channel. Now the movie itself brings little new to the table the only thing as a death that stands out to me was the death by pool drain. Pretty creative!!! The movie had many funny gaps, as how does a group of kids who are always around people who are dying and are feet away NEVER get questioned by the cops and keep moving around as if nothing happen. Death after death the main stars went along as if nothing had happen as if a friend didn't just die which I found very dumb. Makes the feel of the movie seem beyond fake. I do have to say the 3D effects are pretty good and a few times my wife did jump out her seat.

Aside from that this is a movie I wont bother watching again or buying on DVD. Actors are boring and need lessons and the flow of the movie was even comical. Don't waste your time and just wait for the rental!!! I just hope this is "THE" final destination!!! BEST HORROR MOVIE THIS SUMMER GOES TO: HALLOWEEN 2!!!
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Halloween II (2009)
28 August 2009
I have been a huge Michael Myers fans for many years since the original (1978) and beyond that. John Carpenter set a blueprint for what many slasher flicks copied and some mastered. Michael Myers is the original slasher and only a sick twisted mind as is ROB ZOMBIE could remake and in a sick twisted way make it his own!!! Halloween 2 is not a remake as the movie does not take place inside a hospital and its not a hide and go seek fest. This movie is a runaway train. Michael Myers in H2 is a beast that kills for the fun of killing. Rob Zombie really made Michael Myers into a beast, a killing machine. The plot is pretty simple as are all the Halloween movies, but the unique twist I find is that Rob Zombie tried in his own way to explain what motivates Michael, what keeps Michael going as no other Halloween movie even tried to do. The movie is not one i would take my child to see because as I said its a murder fest and it's done so sick and twisted no child should see it. Rob Zombie yes is not a great story teller, doesn't have the most interesting characters but he is a breath of fresh air in the horror/slasher genre. He takes in back old school to the early 70's and shows you what a slasher movie is really about.

If your a Michael Myers fan you will not be disappointed at all the movie is a fresh idea, a fresh look into the mind of Michael Myers. Rob Zombie has showed us what a real horror/slasher killing machine looks like. Many death's in this movie will have the view saying "oh man stop already, he's - she's dead" Myers is relentless and its a good way to end the summer of CGI trash!!! GO SEE HALLOWEEN 2!!!
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District 9 (2009)
I guess opinions make it interesting!
16 August 2009
I was very excited about this movie after seeing the trailers. One thing I didn't agree with was the fact that they showed the prawns (Aliens) during the commercials. That tactic in movie cinema is hardly ever done. They usually have you anticipate how the creature will look. Anyway, as the movie goes it really wasn't my kind of movie. The first 30-40 minutes was documentary style to give the movie a real feel but for me it really didn't do it as it just really bored me. Minutes later it goes to a more movie style play and even thou I still found myself falling asleep and really not enjoying this movie. Yes it was really original it wasn't your typical remake junk it was a good story but for me it just didn't keep me interested long enough to enjoy it. I was with my 6 year old and understandable yes he is 6 but his exact words after the credits were "dad this was boring" I feel the commercial showed way to much and really the movie itself just dragged at many points. The CGI was great, the look of the PRAWNS was unique being the fact that they didn't use the basic big headed big eyes aliens. Knowing this, this is a movie I wont want to sit thru a second time or even bother to buy on DVD. Original YES.... Summer blockbuster NO!!!
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Orphan (2009)
The good Son times 10!
13 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I wasn't to big on seeing it but I gave it a shot and I have to say it was one of the better thriller/suspense movies I've seen in some time. This movie is not a horror flick as THE COLLECTER or THE PERFECT GETAWAY, in my opinion its a updated and slightly better version of THE GOOD SON. Esther is great as the main character, you grow to really like her then really hate her all within the 2 hours of movie run time. There were no plot holes at all and all the characters help the movie move along. Of course the "TWIST" many say they knew and saw it coming well there were a few hints as the cutting of the steak, the piano, the history she knew of Romania and a few other hints to the major twist but it wasn't easily put out there for you to guess. All around great movie.
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The Collector (I) (2009)
Worth a view from all these CGI movies!
13 August 2009
I have seen all the big summer blockbusters and I have to say they were good some even great but I've grown a little old on all the CGI. The Collector yes it does take away from SAW and HOSTLE but in its on way is worth a viewing. Yes the story has many plot holes and it leaves you guessing on why and how but if your a big gore and horror fan then this is the movie to see. It holds nothing back in form of gore and torture. Cheaply done and yet very well executed. No big name actors or big budget effects. In my opinion its what has been missing this summer. I would like the second part as in SAW 2 to answer all of the questions that this movie left us guessing. I look forward to seeing The Collector character again!
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