
20 Reviews
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A PCP Epic! A truly incredible, accidental work of cinematic Art...
30 April 2007
'The Avenging Disco Godfather' is actually a rather amazing film. The first time you watch it, you will find yourself transfixed and mesmerized, but unsure as to why. There are a number of reasons for this...

The lighting in this film is so completely inept and perplexing that it will blow your mind. I truly believe that all of the budget that was initially set aside for lighting was spent on PCP. This entire film appears to be lit with disco lights. There are some scenes that are so dark, all you can see is teeth. Occasionally people wander towards the back of the frame and disappear. You really have to see it to appreciate the amazingness, words cannot convey...

The Doctor. If your Doctor looks like this, you are in trouble. First off, he looks like a PCP dealer. The man is always wearing sunglasses. The scene in which he is in the SUPER dark hospital room with Bucky, he has his shades on. There is no logical reason for a man (let alone a doctor) to where sunglasses in a pitch black room. And further more, what possible reason would there be for keeping a hospital room as black as midnight? I think the main reason for this, is that everyone was on PCP, making things appear much brighter than they actually were...

The PCP Factory. The PCP factory that is apparently supplying most the world with PCP is a small room in an abandoned warehouse with no laboratory equipment. Sweetmeat (the head PCP distributor) rolls into his 'factory' and demands that 1500 gallons of PCP be produced. Huh? A lab of this size would have trouble producing an ounce of PCP in an afternoon. 1500 gallons? hahaha. Not only that, they were also supposed to dip 10,000 cigarettes in the PCP at the lab. That is 19 liquid ounces of PCP per cigarette!!! Wow!

The Disco Godfather himself. Rudy Ray Moore is an incredible actor, with an even more incredible sense of fashion. Put your weight on it!!! His gift for delivering dialogue, being a pimp, a superStar DJ, and blowing a bunch of nose candy off of a Saturday Night Fever Album cannot be topped. In addition, his Kung-Fu stylings are not of this Earth...

The incredible PCP freak-outs. These are truly the work of a cinematic visionary. These scenes take you deep inside the mind of an individual in the midst of a deranged PCP freak-out. Very believable...

The amazing ending of this film can truly not be described. I love how The Disco Godfather is captured, forced to wear a gas mask, and gassed with PCP. Following this, he has an amazing sequence of visions involving PCP archetypes, and his mother. Things then proceed to abruptly end. I think they must of run out of film...

The dialogue. The mistake-filled press conference is a sight to behold. Try and count the mistakes, I dare you. Attack the Wack!!!

There are so many more examples of ineptitude and confusion that I could probably write a book if I were so inclined. However, duty calls and I must go out and Attack the Wack. Put your Weight on it!!!
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A Very Sexy and Very Trippy Pinku Film...
27 April 2007
I have been on a bit of a Japanese Pinku film bender of late, and this is one of the more interesting of my recent purchases...

Notorious director, Hisayasu Sato directed this little gem in 1989. The fact that a Westerner can acquire obscure films such as this on DVD nearly 20 years after the fact is wonderful. We have Arts Magic to thank for a fine batch of classic Pinku films unleashed recently on the unsuspecting, always-hungry exploitation loving populous. Arts Magic is best known for lovingly bringing the delicious 'Angel Guts' series to us last year...

Anyways, 'Survey Map Of Paradise Lost' (or 'Hard Focus') is a very trippy and steamy, highly sexualized little slice of film. One of the things I like best about these films, is the swift and expeditious flow of the proceedings. Most of Sato's film clock in at around 65 minutes, which is the perfect length for materials of this nature. 'Hard Focus' can be a confusing experience for those that feel they need to understand the reasoning behind every little thing that occurs, as the story arc occasionally gets a bit twisted. But for me, that is part of the charm...

Me and my lovely girlfriend found this film to be VERY erotic. If you are into fetishized sexuality, you will very likely feel the same way. This was also an artfully shot film, very stylized...

I think that is one of the main reasons that Sato's films work so well. Many of the shots are framed up very artfully and composed perfectly. This film is full of original and exciting P.O.V. shots (the bath-tub stabbing, the camera under-the-grate shot, the video-within-a-video sequences). I also rather enjoyed the quasi-disturbing, evil late eighties Japanese Industrial soundtrack that would periodically surface during disorientating sequences...

If you are a lover of exotic and under-the-radar fare, Pinku films, or exploitation, you will probably enjoy this film. I realize movies of this nature aren't for everyone, but if you are reading this review, that most likely means that you are interested in this sort of cinematic fare. If that's the case, give it a shot. Just don't go in with expectations. Pornography this is not (but damn, is it ever hot!)
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From Beyond (1986)
A Horror Classic. One of Gordon's finest films. A personal Favorite...
4 April 2007
This is without a doubt one of my favorite horror films. It really is a shame that there is not a proper Region 1 NTSC release of this Masterpiece...

'From Beyond' is pure horror delirium from start to finish. It is as close to a perfect horror film as I have I witnessed so far in my ceaseless quest to see every freaking horror film ever made...

The plot is dynamic and swift (It is based on one of Lovecraft's better stories). It has delicious special effects, an excellent score, and pitch perfect performances from Combs, Crampton, Sorel, and Foree...

'Re-Animator' has been a long time favorite of mine, a true Classic in the genre. For years I had been literally dying to see the supposedly amazing follow up- 'From Beyond'. However, it has long been unavailable.

I finally broke down and purchased a Region Free DVD Player (best toy I have EVER purchased). The first DVD I obtained to break-in my new machine was this one. An outstanding PAL DVD of this film from Dragon (Germany). I popped this film in excitedly and was promptly blown away...

If you have never had the pleasure of witnessing this far-too-rare Classic, YOU MUST. In my opinion, it holds up to Re-Animator. It is really that good. Since acquiring this piece of celluloid perfection 3 months ago, I have watched in about 6 times. Each time I watch it I love it more and more. It is seriously worth obtaining a Region Free DVD Player for. Gordon and Yuzna have not even come close to this level of film making perfection since this and 'Re-Animator'. You need to see incredibly film now...
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This is It! The Undisputed King of Terrible Movies...
12 March 2007
I have spent a rather disproportionate amount of my life seeking out bad, obscure, horrific, insane, and exploitative film/video trash. That being said, this incredible movie occupies a very special spot in my Heart. No movie I have EVER sat thru even comes close to the sheer, mind-numbing ineptitude on display here. ..

From the amazing trance-inducing Casio excreted soundtrack, to the unparalleled videography on display, 'Black Devil Doll From Hell' truly stuns...

If you can actually sit thru this entire movie in one sitting whilst sober(I was able to once), you should be given some sort of award. The proceedings crawl along at the pace of a Quallude-ridden slug...

Do not let that deter you from cinema-history. Some of the hottest love scenes ever committed to celluloid (oh wait, this is video), await the daring viewer. I will not reveal anymore. Hearing about the content of this movie is absolutely no substitute for actually witnessing it...

If you consider yourself to be a connoisseur of the bizarre, the bad, and the trashy; there is no excuse for not running out and acquiring this masterpiece. I obtained mine via Ebay for a mere $10- It was the best $10 I have ever spent in my entire life. I would gladly pay $500 for this incredible Masterwork. Stop what you are doing right now and GET THIS MOVIE!
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Red to Kill (1994)
Wicked Entertainment! Another Cat III Masterpiece of Edgy Entertainment...
2 February 2007
Billy Tang's 'Yeuk Saat' ('Red To Kill') is a wicked little gem. This film occupies a very disturbing, but thoroughly entertaining realm. I went into this film with high expectations. Needless to say, I was not let down in the least. They just don't make films like this in North America or Europe. 'Red To Kill' pushes the limits of acceptability brilliantly, and will no doubt leave even jaded viewers surprised and entertained...

Ben Ng's portrayal of a psychopathic rapist who falls in love with a retarded girl whom he had raped is amazing. There is just something about the main antagonist is these Cat III films (I am thinking of Mr. Ng & Anthony Wong) that borders on frightening. The level of mania, and the exuberance which with these fine actors execute scene after scene with obvious psychotic glee is spellbinding. Me and my girlfriend were blown away by how unbelievably psychotic and deranged Ben Ng was in this gem. He easily rivals Anthony Wong (from 'The Untold Story' and 'Ebola Syndrome') for cinema's most wicked and insane psychopath...

If you are familiar with Cat III films, you know what to expect- over-the-top violence and wicked rape scenes unflinchingly caught by the lens. I have witnessed many of these films in the past 6 months, and this is one of the better ones...

Some may take issue with the fact that the majority of this film takes place in a home for the retarded. To me, that made the film all the more entertaining. Perhaps if I believed in hell, I would go there; but damn, I sure got some cheap laughs out of this film. The retarded actors and actresses were highly amusing. Me and my girlfriend couldn't help from laughing out loud at numerous scenes...

At the same time, there were some very touching elements to this film. The scene after Ming-Ming (Lily Chung) got raped, when her fellow institution mates were crying and giving her gifts nearly brought a tear to my eye- it was incredibly touching (for real, I am not being facetious)...

I realize I haven't covered too many plot details in this little review/comment. You will have to watch this amazing and unforgettable film yourself if you want to know what happens. If you are a fan of extreme cinema (specifically Cat III films), you will very likely love this movie. From a cinema-obsessive who seeks out edgy entertainment, 'Red To Kill' comes highly recommended...
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I Stand Alone (1998)
Not nearly as shocking as I has expected...
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
... Perhaps my expectations were too high. Perhaps I am jaded. Perhaps I have seen films like 'Salo', 'The Untold Story', and 'Cannibal Holocaust' too many times...

Gasper Noe's first official film 'I Stand Alone' has quite a reputation. I almost wish I would not have read so many reviews before hand. If I had went into this film with no expectations it very likely would've knocked me over with it's sheer nihilistic impact. However, after hearing a few rumblings about the shocking and disturbing nature of this film I became intrigued. Consequently I went and read a number of comments and reviews from IMDb & Amazon whilst I patiently awaited for my DVD to arrive...

I don't want to say that I was let down- this was a very entertaining and effective film. Very well-done (as we should expect from Noe). However, the prior knowledge I had of this film before hand perhaps muted and dulled the effects of viewing...

In my opinion, the pregnant-wife battering scene was much more shocking and brutal than the ending. The on-screen warning near the end of the film seemed a bit extraneous and actually unnecessary. If anything, that warning should've been placed before he beat on his pregnant wife. The ambiguous incestuous ending did not really shock or surprise me. It was actually kind of sweet, as it was the first time that the Butcher appeared human and capable of love. It actually redeemed him abit to me...

The Butcher was just about the most loathsome and pathetic creature I have ever seen upon the screen. He actually had me laughing out loud many times at what a miserable, nihilistic freak he was. I found myself wishing he would end his laugh to spare me having to listen to him anymore. He was utterly ridiculous. I say many of the awful and terrible things he says from time to time- the difference is that I am joking. The Butcher actually meant all of this. Incredible that someone could be so negative and pathetic...

All in all, this was a rather entertaining and unique film. If you are anticipating a blood-soaked shock-fest, you will be very disappointed. However, if you leave your expectations at the door and watch with an open mind, you will likely be amused and entertained. Do I recommend purchasing this film? That all depends on your level of obsessive DVD collection. If you have not had the pleasure of viewing Noe's 'Irreversible', most definitely see that first. I can whole heartedly recommend 'Irreversible' as a blind buy. Alas, I cannot do the same for 'I Stand Alone'...

Although it is a very effective work; an example of fine cutting edge film-making, tempered with a heavy doe of psychological battery; it is not quite as good as 'Irreversible' (in my opinion). However, if you are a fan of edgy cinema, and looking for something different, you can do much worse that 'I Stand Alone'...
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Amazing Juvenile Delinquent Epic from the Exploitation Master...
31 January 2007
H.G. Lewis was on quite a roll in the late 60's... In fact, he directed 11 films (!) in '67 and '68. I realize that Lewis has his share of detractors. Many consider him a no talent hack who relentlessly regurgitated disposable entertainment at a disturbingly prodigious rate during the mid-to-late 60's. They often bemoan the nailed-down camera work, wooden acting, and ridiculous situations depicted on screen. Interestingly, these are the exact elements that make Mr. Lewis's films so endearing to me...

When I watch movies, I do so for two main reasons. Either I want to be entertained and amused; or I want be pulled out of my comfort zone, and placed in a mental area in which I am forced to think about and ponder various facets of life. This film entertains in a big way. In fact, most H.G. Lewis films never fail to entertain me and bring a big smile to my face...

Mr. Lewis is best know as being the Godfather of Gore. Not many film-goers realize that Mr. Lewis was an incredibly versatile movie making machine; dipping into children's films, morality tales, hillbilly musical comedies, juvenile delinquent tales, nudies, roughies, and other assorted ephemera...

'Just For The Hell Of It' is H.G. Lewis's juvenile delinquent masterpiece. These are some bad kids...

The film starts out with a bang, and within 45 seconds a reckless groups of youths can be found laying waste to and completely trashing a house. These bad boys (and girl) are led by Ray Sager(as Dexter). The entire film is dedicated to the exploits of Dexter and company, as they terrorize a town and it's inhabitants. The pranks and mischief start out relatively harmlessly (setting newspapers on fire, dousing citizens with water, destroying laundry, trashing a restaurant), become more bizarre and off-color (putting a baby in a trash can, beating a blind man with his own cane), and of course become very malicious (gang rape and murder)...

I really enjoyed this film quite a bit. With subsequent viewings, it has never ceased to put a smile on my face. I also liked that Mr. Lewis didn't try to justify or explain the actions of the rowdy youth- they did it all 'Just For The Hell Of It'.... they did it for the kicks... In fact, You should watch this highly entertaining piece of nostalgia for the same reason...
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Decent , sleazy early 80's Art-house Slasher... Best Commentary Ever!!!
23 January 2007
I am sure you are all aware of the history surrounding Mr. Ferrara's first proper film the 'Driller Killer'. It has achieved most of it's notoriety due to it's distinction of being one of the first so-called 'Video Nasties'- films banned by the UK due to lurid content. From what I have gathered after watching the majority of these 'Video Nasties', is that this was some sort of backlash and hysteria by the moral police. If you go into this film expecting gore-filled mayhem and over-the-top violence you will likely be very disappointed...

However if you go into this film with no expectations, you will likely be amused and entertained. This film will be much more enjoyable if you are over 30 and from the glorious, sleazy NY before it was sanitized. The dirty punk rocker sleaze factor oozes nicely from this film and I found it very satisfying...

Keep in mind, this was Abel's first film and it shows. Some of the shots are rather extraneous, and certainly a few of them could of been framed better. The pacing does a lag a bit in spots, and some of the dialogue is rather inane (I actually find the inane dialogue to be charming and amusing)...

The factor that elevates this DVD to 'must-purchase' territory (I am referring to the Cult Epics version), is Abel Ferrara's amazing commentary. He is obviously on lots of strong drugs and his stream of conscious rambling really enhance the viewing experience. he is very quick to point out flaws in his film with wild abandon. It is also lovely to listen to him oogle the actresses and ramble off incoherently in stream of consciousness Frankenstein quasi-sentences...

If you are a punk rock child from the 80's you will probably appreciate this film much more than the casual viewer. I hesitate to call it a horror film. It is more of an Art-house, drugged-out, sleazy portrait of early 80's New York City set in a slasher film regarding man's frustration and gradual descent into madness. Check it out, and please re-watch with the commentary. I promise you will be amused (and amazed)...
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Very effective Cat III horror film... I was blown away...
18 January 2007
'The Untold Story' is purportedly based on a true story. If that is indeed the case, this film is one of the more horrifying endeavors I have had the pleasure to witness in all my years. Even if it is not, this still quite a film...

Herman Yau directed this HK horror masterpiece masterfully. Anthony Wong (as Kai) gives one of the most convincing psycho performances I have ever encountered (at that's saying a lot)...

The story is a relatively simple one (albeit very effective). At the outset, Kai and his boss have some sort of monetary dispute involving gambling and cheating. An argument ensues, at which point Kai than proceeds to go sickhouse, and kill the man... Fast forward 8 years...

Kai is running a restaurant. Mysteriously, the previous owner and his family are nowhere to be found. As the police and various people begin to inquire about how Kai came into ownership of the restaurant, the questions begin to pile up (as do the missing bodies)...

Kai, being witty as well as psychotic devises a clever and creative way to dispose of the various bodies that he has created. By the way, don't eat the 'pork buns'...

Eventually the local police (who are portrayed as silly, Police Academy-esquire buffoons) become suspicious, leading to the arrest and eventual imprisonment of Kai. Torture and brutality ensue, culminating in a coerced confession presented beautifully and horrifically by Yau...

Much has been made of the violent and wicked nature of this film. Perhaps I am jaded, but I did not find this film to be gratuitously violent. All of the violent and wicked acts depicted were in context, and served the purpose of showing what a monster Kai is..

This may sound like a rather simple film. Plotwise it is. However, the story was well-constructed, and Yau's capable direction keep things moving forward engagingly so. This is a captivating and enthralling story, all the more incredible because it allegedly happened. If you love a good true crime/horror story (and are not of the squeamish variety), you will most likely find this to be a fascinating and well-done film...
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Videodrome (1983)
Cronenberg's SciFi Horror Masterpiece...
18 January 2007
David Cronenberg's 'Videdrome' is a dark and surreal film, dealing with the nightmare of the human body, boredom, and the media's prevailing control upon the mind...

The Burroughs-esquire world portrayed here by Cronenberg is dark and stark, providing the perfect ambiance for this sinister story. The film entails Max Renn brilliantly brought to life by James Woods as a low-budget cable television programming director, bored with life and seeking kicks through violent video stimuli...

He happens to stumble across the violent and sadistic 'Videdrome'. As a consequence, his life is slowly transformed into a hellish and surreal nightmare. Deborah Harry is perfect as the hot-blooded and kinky Nikki Brand, a thrill-seeking sexed-up radio talk show host...

This is a very atmospheric film that had me mesmerized and enthralled. The topic of media control of the mind is always relevant, and explored very creatively within the frames of this film...

This movie was a lot better than I had expected, and definitely stands amongst Cronenberg's best films. If you enjoy dark psychological science fiction, you will love this movie. This has quickly become one of my favorite films. I consider it to be an essential part of any cinephile's DVD collection...
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Style Wars (1983 TV Movie)
The UltraMagnetic King of Hip Hop documentaries... True Art...
18 January 2007
In 1983; director Tony Silver, and producer Henry Chalfant dropped this bomb upon the unsuspecting (except for those lucky enough to live in NYC at the time) populous via PBS. The world was exposed to true urban art, and it's unlikely Picasso's- the bombers and taggers of NYC's resilient subway system...

Not only that, but also to 'acrobatic body dances like breaking', and to rocking the mic. This is so much more than just a documentary about the evolution of graffiti. It is truly a time capsule, full of unforgettable characters, stuffy bureaucrats, and the chaotic urban landscape of early 80's NYC...

There are so many memorable lines and incredible characters indelibly etched in my brain from this film. Just writing this review makes me want to run over to the DVD player and watch it over and over again...

I would gladly pay the price of admission (approximately $25) just for the film. However, our good friends at Plexifilm have once again delivered the goods, including a staggering 3.5 hours of bonus footage to accompany this one-of-kind historical document...

The bonus footage includes 32 artist galleries, interviews, trains, and ultra-rare photos from the best-of-the best, including: Skeme, Seen, Frosty Freeze, Dondi, Blade, Rammellzee, and many others...

This is a must have document for Hip-Hop heads, historians, social anthropologists, and cool people. Buy this now and support good art...
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Supervixens (1975)
Meyer's at his most entertaining...
17 January 2007
Russ Meyer is a truly original American filmmaker of the highest caliber. His films are filled with lightning-speed edits, larger-than-life characters, delicious women, and over-the-top acting. His movies are shining examples of wonderful exploitation. They are by no means 'high-art' and should not be judged as such. Myer masterfully puts his unique vision on the screen in all of his films, and 'SuperVixens' is a shinning example of this...

This film starts off wonderfully, for it is incredibly entertaining and highly humorous (filled with VERY sexy women, large breasts, and lots of violence of course). It maintains a pretty rudimentary story-line, but that was never something that Meyer really pursued. He is more concerned with amusing characters, gorgeous women, and sweet violence, and this movie has plenty of that. Charles Napier gives one of his best performances ever here, as a psychotic, impotent, woman-killing cop. Shari Eubanks is dynamite and a vision to behold...

My only complaint about this film is that it loses a bit of momentum after its blazing beginning. If you are into Russ Meyer you have undoubtedly seen this film- if you haven't, you must! The transfer to DVD is of a very high quality- the sound and picture and crystal clear. If you have never seen any of Meyer's films, this as good a place to start as any...
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Gummo (1997)
Visionary White Trash Art from Korine...
17 January 2007
So many wonderful moments... The first time I watched 'Gummo' is permanently etched into my mind. It was one of those rare and incredible sensory experiences that stay with you. Like the first time you hear 'Bitches Brew' or see 'Requiem For A Dream'. 'Gummo' is not your typical Hollywood film; its non-linear flow really turns some people off. Not every film needs a cogent story arc...

'Gummo' is more a series of vignettes and unique characters, filmed beautifully by Jean-Yves Escoffier. He viewed white-trash suburbia (outer Memphis) through foreign eyes as if it was a third-world country or an alien landscape. It is presented to the viewer lovingly here. The retarded, mullets, and the disturbed denizens of Xenia, Ohio are beautifully combined in a surreal stew of glaring reality...

At times, 'Gummo' has the feel of a documentary (possibly it is). There are few 'proper' actors in this film and that definitely adds to the charm. Korine claims to have assembled most of his cast in approximately 45 minutes from Memphis Burger Kings and Laundromats. Nick Sutton (Tummler) was discovered by Harmony on a talk show that pertained to 'paint-sniffing survivors'- he commented that anyone who can survive copious amounts of inhalants must have a good constitution and that those were the kinds of people he wanted to work with...

Much has been made of the shocking nature of this film. But really how shocking are animal abuse, inhalant intoxication, and the exploitation of the retarded? It was all simulated (probably not the inhalant usage though) for this film. These things happen every day...

Korine has a knack for letting the camera naturally flow places it has likely never been. There is an indescribable aura permeating virtually every frame of this wondrous creation. It is one of my favorite movies...

What is 'Gummo' about? Korine basically follows Tummler & Solomon (Nick Sutton & Jacob Reynolds); two lost teenage boys as they go about the business of amusing themselves, having milkshakes, and staying sane in Xenia, Ohio. This is facilitated by indulging in inhalants, purchased with money obtained from selling dead cats to an unscrupulous store owner who then sells the felines to a Chinese restaurant. The camera also follows Helen, Darby, and Dot. Dot is played beautifully by Korine's girlfriend at the time, Chloe Sevigny who also handled the wardrobe for this movie. By the way, you will undoubtedly see some of the best dressed people ever in this film (and let us not forget the spectacular display of mullets)...

A number of scenes from this one-of-a-kind film will stay with you long after watching it. The soundtrack is another highlight, for it is one of the best I have ever heard. The movie really wouldn't be the same without the exquisite soundtrack which includes Sleep's 'Dragonaut', Buddy Holly, Ray Orbison, Brujera, Eyehategod, and other delights...

I can't recommend this movie to all. If you prefer big budget Hollywood fare and linear narrative, then please steer clear of this amazing film. However, if you are adventurous, artistic, and fascinated by the human animal in its natural habitat, then by all means see this incredible film...
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The only DVD document available of an incredible man...
17 January 2007
... I can say this unequivocally regarding Robert Anton Wilson. The man's wit and glittering intelligence is utterly phenomenal. His humor and light is infectious. This DVD is essential viewing because it is the only place I know of where one can see and hear the man. Robert Anton Wilson's books have changed my life. He has entertained, dazzled, and enthralled me, helping me to become a more enlightened, intelligent, and compassionate person in the process. It made me incredibly sad to hear that RAW is having major financial difficulties right now in the Twilight of his amazing life. This is a grave injustice. It boggles my mind that this incredible man is not more known. The fact that he has such a brilliant and relevant oeuvre of work, yet is penniless actually makes me want to cry (and nothing ever makes me feel that way).

If you are reading this review, you no doubt are familiar with RAW's amazing books. You need to purchase this DVD immediately. Not only will it help RAW financially, it will also help you. If you have not read any of RAW's books but happened to serendipitously stumble across this DVD, I highly recommend reading one of them first. 'Schrödinger's Cat' is possibly my favorite fiction book of all time. 'Prometheus Rising' is an amazing life-changing operator's manual for the infinitely lovely human brain. Either of these books or 'Cosmic Trigger' would be perfect entry points into the one-of-a-kind body of work put forth by RAW.

I realize I have not talked much about the DVD, and therefore this may not be the most affective review... however, whilst bumbling around Amazon, I happened upon this DVD (which I purchased 3 years ago), and felt instantly and very strongly compelled to give it my glowing endorsement. This is more of an endorsement for the amazing polymath Robert Anton Wilson, than anything else. That being said, if you are a fan of RAW, you MUST purchase this DVD immediately. It is touching, intelligent, fascinating, entertaining, and like nothing else- just like Robert Anton Wilson...
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AnotherCat III Masterpiece from Yau and Wong...
17 January 2007
I have no frame of reference as to how much of this film was cut from the actually originally HK release. However after doing some serious research, I have come to the conclusion that this film is only missing 3 minutes from the original disease infested masterpiece. It appears that all current DVD versions of this film came from the same print (which is actually the only print known to be in existence). Therefore, this is the best version any of us are likely to ever have the pleasure of viewing...

That being said, I found this film to be incredibly entertaining and highly amusing. Once again, director Herman Yau and Cat III Master, Anthony Wong have teamed up for an exploitative winner. The first film I had the pleasure of viewing from this winning team was the amazing 'The Untold Story'. That film was based on a true story and was much more serious in tone. This little gem was much more exploitative and over-the-top...

I absolutely love the plot of this masterpiece. The movie starts out with a bang (literally). Anthony Wong is caught having sex with his bosses wife. He then quickly and violently dispenses with both of them. Now of course he needs to disappear so he heads to South Africa where he obtains work in a filthy restaurant. The price of meat becomes too much for him and his boss to handle so they head into the bush to acquire some 'bush-meat'. On the way back to the city he rapes one of the natives. This woman happened to have the Ebola Virus...

Luckily for us, Mr. Wong is a rare one-in-a-million case of individual who will carry the Ebola Virus without succumbing to it's terrible deadly side-effects. The rest of the film is a joy to watch as Mr. Wong careless spreads the disease to the terrified populations of South Africa and Hong Kong in various entertaining ways...

Anthony Wong is pitch perfect as the perverted psychopath and Herman Yau once again provides the deft direction needed to please use gore & sleaze fiends...

I don't want to give away too much of the plot (like it matters), but as a fan of sleaze, exploitation, and gratuitous entertainment I can wholeheartedly recommend this sweet little film. If you are a fan of wonderful Cat III filth directly from Hong Kong, the 'Ebola Syndrome' does not disappoint....
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Not as bad as I expected it to be...
17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(This review is for the Director's Cut from FrightFlix, NOT the R-rated Lion's Gate release)

I feel this film has been unfairly maligned. This is probably some sort of backlash due to the annoying spamming and ridiculous lengths that Palmubo & Co. went through to promote and hype this endeavor. Of course there are some flaws in this production. Namely lack of character development and a paper-thin plot...

However on a visual and visceral level this film succeeds. When I watch a serial killer film I want to see brutal killings and a true monster. Sven Garret plays a ruthless psychopath adequately. He was also rather amusing. I could not help from laughing every time he launched into his gruff Germanic tirades before raping and murdering another prostitute (or small child)...

Visually this film was fine. I expected it to be the work of a total hack. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the look of numerous scenes. Clearly Palumbo has seen his share of Dario Argento films and made liberal use of blue and red lighting. Sure it's not original. However it was rather effective...

Quite honestly I expected this film to be much worse. It is actually light years ahead of his previous shot-on-video effort 'Nutbag'. That heap was truly one of the worst movies I have ever witnessed. It was terribly boring and had no Soul. At least in MSP the killer is somewhat believable. I found it entertaining to see what brutality the Photographer would dispense with next...

A few things in this film were rather cheesy (the gratuitous 9/11 footage and the silly Nazi undertones). Overall though, I was entertained. I honestly think hype killed this film. If the average horror film viewer would have had no preconceived notions going into viewing, I believe they would've been pleasing shocked and entertained...

If you do enjoy brutal senseless violence and nasty murder/rape scenes you will enjoy this film. If you are looking for a deep plot, look elsewhere. Overall I was entertained, and actually surprised... I expected this film to suck much more than it actually did...
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Very entertaining sexploitation trash...
13 January 2007
'The Devil's Bloody Plaything' is by no means a good movie. However, it was rather entertaining. It felt like Doris Wishman hopped into a time machine, emerged, and than crept into William Hellfire's mind and helped him make this little sleazefest... I found myself laughing laughing out loud at numerous times due to the over-the-top nature of the dialogue, and the ridiculous actions of Ruby Larocca. This is a very trashy movie, which is exactly what I expected when I ordered it. I read many reviews in which this little gem was lambasted and maligned. Really, what does one expect when viewing a movie entitled 'The Devil's Bloody Plaything' directed by a man named William Hellfire and starring Zoe Moonshine. It delivered exactly what I was looking for: cheesy sleaze, over-the-top dialogue, and ridiculousness... Ruby Larocca does a great job as Christine, the insane antagonist who films and black mails her roommates. She is total trash, and very crazy. She is very entertaining in all her sleazy glory. Zoe Moonshine performs admirably as Karen, the seemingly innocent victim. I don't want to give too much away, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the tables will eventually be turned on Chrsitine... If you are looking for a great film, you probably shouldn't view this (hell, it' not even a film). However, if you looking for some harmless sexploitation sleaze, than this little gem comes highly recommended. This movies really feels like the bastard modern offspring of David F. Friedman and Doris Wishman. If you dig the roughies, and the classic sexploitation pics of the 60's, you will most likely find 'The Devil's Bloody Plaything' to be a memorable and enjoyable 90 minute diversion...
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Nutbag (2000)
Not a very good movie... Terribly boring... See 'Maniac' instead...
13 January 2007
Let me preface this review by stating that I am much more forgiving than most reviewers. I have a high tolerance for trash, and I often find myself enjoying movies that have been poorly reviewed by most. That being said, I can say without reservation that this is one of the worst movies I have seen in quite awhile...

Lately I have been off on a tangent exploring the dark world of shot-on-video horror/exploitation films. In the last week I have seen quite a few ('Scrapbook', 'August Mordum's Underground', 'Murder-Set-Pieces (Director's Cut), 'Devil's Bloody Plaything'). Of all of the above mentioned movies (and others), this was by far the worst, and least entertaining of the lot...

Perhaps it was the unconvincing Mack Hail as the lead. He just didn't work for me. He appeared empty and vacant. He didn't have the fire and desire necessary to portray a believable on screen serial killer. This film seemed like a grade-Z, poorly acted remake of 'Maniac'. Mack Hail and Joe Spinell are not even in the same universe....

The killings did not really work for me either. The gore effects were decent, but there just wasn't any fire or emotion behind Mack Hail's murderings. He seemed to be going through the motions. There just wasn't very much emotion behind his physical actions...

In addition, there were some going-ons in this movie (not a film) that made absolutely no sense. For example, you see him approaching a very large African-American male and woman at the park. The camera cuts away, and then you see both of them bound and in the Nutbag's hotel room. OK, how did our serial killer manage to abduct a strong full-grown man and a woman by himself? This makes no sense at all as I do not recall Hail having any superhuman powers...

The voice-over internal dialogue provided by Hail got on my nerves early and often. It sounded as if he was reading (and not very well) from an angry 12 year old's diary. His readings contained zero emotion and not an inkling of believability. Perhaps this movie would've been better if these infernal narratives has been omitted...

All in all, there is no way I can recommend this movie. The most important criteria I consider when offering a recommendation is whether or not I was entertained. In the case of 'Nutbag' I was most definitely not entertained. It was quite possibly the most boring slasher movie I have ever witnessed. I can think of many other serial killer films (yes, actual films) that are much better. Off the top of my head,'Maniac', 'Schramm', 'Man Bites Dog', and 'Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer'). Hell, even 'New York Ripper'was better than this tripe. Do yourself a favor and seek out another DVD to fulfill your cinematic bloodlust. If curiosity compels you to see this little mess, please rent before you buy...
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The Best Film of 1899...
27 July 2006
The reader's of the IMDb have spoken, and this was declared the best movie of 1899- seriously, check this link: After viewing this cinematic treasure, I must concur. The dialog was a little weak, and the cinematography could have been better. However, the exquisite dance moves more than made up for this lack of cinematic substance. My major complaint with this film was it's length. This masterpiece clocks in at a hair under 5 minutes. Just when the film starts to entrance you and pull you in, it seems to end. Perhaps the dancers were fatigued, they appeared to be moving at double speed- then again this may be due to the speed I had the projector set at. This is one those films that will haunt you for years after witnessing it. I have not been the same since... Do not let that deter you, this is quite an amazing little piece of cinema history. If you ever get a chance to view this fine film, please do so- I assure you, you will not be disappointed...
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A psychedelic, Afro-centric, free Jazz classic...
30 September 2004
A true underground classic. Witness: not-of-this-earth music, the funky righteousness of Ra, cinematic excellence and be prepared to alter your destiny. I'd heard good (and bad) things about this film, so my curiosity was peaked. Usually when very strong reactions are evoked of such diametric opposition, it can only mean one thing: Great Art. This movie is truly mind blowing. I can think of nowhere else, where one can obtain: Sci-Fi, Blaxplotation, Philosophy, Space Jazz, and dynamite costumes in one easy-to-swallow capsule. I highly recommend this to Sun Ra fans and those with an interest in fine Avant Garde films. Sun Ra is truly an enigma, and in excellent form in this movie. See him battle the devil across many dimensions and get ready for transmolecularization and isotope teleportation...
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