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21 January 2022
I was reluctant to watch this film when I saw the cast, the ahistorical interpolation of black actors common in a traditionally European story is common among the anti white Hollywood (((elite))) today but this was a masterpiece and may be the best adaptation of Macbeth to date. The cinematography is perfect. The acting is amazing, despite denzel's American accent, his attempt at an English or Scottish accent would have been forced. The music is atmospheric and fitting. Joel Coen has proven that Hollywood can still make classical style films once again.
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Latin? **Native central and south American*
9 November 2018
This isn't Latin history it's the history of native people of the america's, Latin's are Romans, Europeans, the name Latin for Native americans is as much of a problematic misnomer as Indian is to native americans. Regardless, funny show.
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The Encounter (2016– )
better than the movies
14 April 2018
I was reluctant to get pureflix to watch this but i don't regret it, the show is amazing, each episode is a self contained plot where someone encounters jesus while undoing hardships in their life, it's more moving than the Encounter movies, if you enjoyed the encounter movies you'll love this show even more. The production quality is really good and the acting is top notch for a christian series. Wish it was on dvd or blu-ray because i would rent it out to people at my family's video store.
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Propaganda filled trash
15 September 2014
This movie is nothing but anti-western communist propaganda, the cold war never ended and those that convinced us it did are guilty of the ultimate betrayal and according to the UN's definitions, genocide. From the opening of this movie it's filled with negative and destructive propaganda, the introduction of walburgs daughter is telling, she and her friends want to "get a tan and get wasted" tanning is destructive to the skin, unhealthy, increasing aging to the skin and it's downright xenophilic for anyone with light skin to want darker skin and obviously getting wasted is very destructive to the individual and the family as well, they portray her father as an antiquated oaf who thinks her slutty clothing is inappropriate while they portray her as a mature and responsible person, they even spell it right out for the really dumb people in a conversation early on where she says shes more mature than he is. The makers of this movie know that children are watching transformers, it's not an R rated film, they know exactly what they're doing to condition children. The "minorities" in this film are also comically stereotypical. They've managed to turn a benign children's cartoon series into a metaphor for the mass immigration of western society but portray anyone against the mass immigration as being evil, phobic and regressive. Communists have controlled the media for over 100 years and most of these communists are members of a single ethnic group that is not native to the areas they disproportionately rule over, this makes their actions outright genocide.
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promotion of egalitarian anti-eugenics
13 April 2014
This movie was nothing more than an appeal to emotion in the worst way possible, by pretending that we're all equal and just as important to the survival of species as every other member of species regardless of ailment or illness which is absolutely insane. NO ONE is equal to another person in ability, intellect or potential, there is nothing noble about choosing who lives and dies based entirely on emotion. Saving a small group of outcasts just because you like the emotional feeling you get by acting against the "fascistic" philosophy of letting logic override your emotions. They literally are promoting the idea that it's better to die and exterminate the entire human race than to exclude "social and biological outcasts" The movie itself isn't terrible or terribly made the propaganda and message it conveys is naive to say the least, subversively egalitarian at most.
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Misfits (2009–2013)
amazing show funny and well made
24 September 2012
I started watching this show on hulu then on netflix so i didn't have to watch the advertisements and after i bought a copy for my video store. First things first if you buy the ntsc version on DVD it doesn't seem right, all the movement is all choppy and very cheap looking when watching it on netflix and hulu it looks great no problems at all so i would recommend that if you are in north America watch it on netflix since its on netflix in both USA and Canada. The show is a riot you'll love it if your into super heroes and even if your not. The writing is brilliant and some things you think might just be a joke or are insignificant to the plot turn out to be very important in later episodes. I just wish that they kept the full cast for season 3, one of the funniest characters is gone but its not like there's no reason or they don't come back you'll see. some of the jokes are crude and there's quite a bit of sex and nudity but if you can handle that then watch and enjoy. 10/10
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one of the slowest movies ever made
29 June 2012
After watching this movie i left a lasting impression of how horribly slow this movie is. The movie was so boring but i thought it would pick up and it never did. a good chunk of the movie is a wedding scene with almost no dialogue. They shouldn't called this movie wedding rehearsals,3 minutes of deer hunting, 10 minutes of war and an ending that just pisses you right off. This is by far the most over rated movie of its time, excluding blade runner a decade later. There is almost no real entertainment to be had in this film. The messages of the movie are cliché's about how war changes people but its been done much better other films. If you want to sit there for over 2 hours and watch a tedious wedding rehearsal with a few minutes of actual content then you'll love this, if your not then avoid this like the plague and just watch the 5 minute trailer everything that this movie has to offer is shown in the trailer on the DVD, including the "surprise" ending.
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Lebanon (2009)
The greatest war movie ever made.
21 January 2011
i watched this not knowing what to expect and was blown away by this film. I have seen many many war films in my life but this is by far the most emotional. It brought me to tears several times though out the movie, which is unusual for me. The presentation in this is superb, which shouldn't be hard since 90% all the shots in the movie take place from within the tank. Everything is seen with the most meticulous detail and everything seems authentic. Much of the tension in the film arise from how each character is interacting with the environment and the other characters. All of the acting is completely believable but its story is the strongest point of all. without spoiling anything i can just recommend this to anyone who loves emotionally deep war dramas that exhibit the duality of each man's psyche in the most stressful situation imaginable. There is no doubt in my mind this will be hailed for years as a masterpiece in filmmaking completely deserving an Oscar win for "Best foreign film".

10/10 Sincerely a video store clerk
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5.4 really?
2 December 2010
I just finished watching this movie and i was surprised at how good it was. in fact is was so good I'm on here trolling about it. but really 5.4 average?? are u kidding me. this movie is much better than a 5.4, what were they expecting a cheesy slasher horror movie or something. this movie was brilliant, shocking, unpredictable and gritty. none of the acting seemed off the movie is set in one room(well 2) which doesn't require a huge budget but it let them polish it up more with what they had to work with. I'm not saying this is perfect but its definitely going to be a cult classic if they refrain from making sequels or if they make an adequate sequel. don't let the IMDb average fool you. this movie is a must see for anyone who likes movies.

many won't like the ending because they are too pampered into only enjoying movies with happy Hollywood endings, if u are one of these people avoid this movie if u are not I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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pinnacle of 60's psychedelic anthology shows
26 October 2010
if your a fan of the old twilight zone series you'll love NBC's experiment in television. Each episode is something new and unexpected even though its 40 years old. It's message is reflective of the era which has many key elements that are absent in todays media like the emphasis on thinking about what is happening instead of just the over styled empty series of recent years. I for one am hoping for a return of that psychedelic touch in todays culture but the use of hallucinogens isn't as trivialized as the thing to do as is was in the past, its become more about the party stimulants like ecstasy and cocaine which don't conjure up the same imaginative burst of culture that mushrooms, LSD, DMT, or even marijuana has. so besides my opinions on the era differences this is a great show more than worthy of a remake. but many of the episodes are of very poor picture quality likely because the original reels must've been lost or not archived.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Went in expecting crap came out with a great film
17 September 2010
First off, i've never seen a robin hood film before so i wasn't blinded by any preconceptions of the way robin hood should be and wasn't expecting anything good at all. For the first half an hour to 45 minutes the editing and some of the acting just seemed damn poor, but somehow the rest of the movie actually becomes pretty good (story,editing,acting,everything!!) it seemed almost like they were going for pg rating for half the movie but near the end the battles become more epic and the visual quality and editing goes up(Not 1 bad camera angle in final fight). all and all i hope they do a sequel that would be amazing i actually ended up enjoying the movie enough so to get on here and recommend it to others and to go into the movie with an open mind think first (this is not gladiator and it might be a little different from past robin hood's)
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Inception (2010)
Masterful, epic, metaphysical, psychedelic trip no to miss
16 July 2010
This movie is spectacular in almost every way. From the bazaar dark city like special effects(only much better) to a perfectly thought out non-linear style somewhat reminiscent of memento this movie just all fits together impeccably. The acting is convincing and there are many familiar faces from previous "Nolan" films also many new ones. This film may be to difficult for some to follow if they don't pay attention or if they are unintelligent if thats the case u could always go see it again but it shouldn't be necessary for most people, I hope. The movie has a very polished look to it throughout and it seems to draw from many different influences such as Dark city, COD:MW 2, The Matrix, Lost, its a satisfying film in the end and it leaves u thinking and with a sense of uncertainty. this movie is a must watch for any fan of mystery, sci-fi, drama, and action.
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didn't know what to expect, very moving
16 July 2010
I never really expected what this movie would be like it was a strange film. at first i was a little put off by the style the opening sequence was a little confusing and cheesy but after 20 minutes or so i got into it, the really retro style of filming like its the 30's. the story its self is what kept me into it just to see how much suffering the guy goes through. this is first movie that actually made me cry since i was a child and it was really unexpected they just make u really feel sympathetic towards john hurts character. The most convincing part of the movie is the acting itself. Hopkins was superb throughout but a bow has to go to John Hurt for what should have been an Oscar winning performance. If u can handle an a retro-stylized and emotionally intense film then this is definitely worth a watch.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
as perfect as it gets
28 June 2010
this movie was so good it was surprising. I didn't know what to expect coming into it but i found myself enjoying every second of it and I'm not usually one to be into romantic movies or anything so it was strange. First off all of the music in this movie is amazing i will by the soundtrack asap and the visual styling of the movie are reminiscent of pushing daisies at times but it just all fits together so perfectly this is for sure a movie that anyone can enjoy men, women, young, and old or especially for someone who just smoked a big blunt or took a drop of acid. not that i am in any way encouraging the use of "illegal" drugs because obviously if u take any of these drugs u WILL go on a murderous cannibalistic rampage and assassinate the president while at the same time leading a communist revolution.. so don't say i didn't advise against it
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
Intensely desensitizing sexy blood bath
20 April 2010
I just finished watching season 1 and i have to say this show is not only gripping and compelling in its story telling but its mash up of different styles servers it perfectly. Yes it is probably going to go down in history as the goriest and most vulgar show to ever air on any TV station but its just such a satisfying story, although a little predictable if u have already seen any other iteration of the story of Spartacus. This is a show that many will not like because it is so violent and the sexual content is very strong, so if u don't like seeing things like peoples faces being skinned off, or countless arms limbs being severed, or like seeing full frontal nudity in every episode then go watch something that doesn't have that. For everyone that does like the above for-mentioned then this is a show for u. Watch it if u liked Rome, 300, gladiator, Braveheart, Spartacus the mini-series, or Spartacus the movie.
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Blade Runner (1982)
an extremely overrated and dated movie
20 July 2009
i remember watching this movie when i was a kid and i didn't understand it so just a week ago i wanted to see why IMDb gave it an 8 outa 10 and i can't understand why they did they is easily the worst movie Harrison ford has ever been in. first off everyone reviewing this always comments about how good the soundtrack was and i agree with that the 80's synth music really matches the movie but other than that there are almost no redeeming factors to this movie. the acting is pretty good for the most part when it comes to ford and the protagonists but when it comes to the antagonists they're just plain horrible. no emotion in the acting at all and they're just so one sided very 80's villain cliché i kept thinking they would stop and start singing a flock of seagulls song. the visual effects were pretty good i liked them over all but the poor plot and bad acting really drag this movie down this movie definitively needs a remake which is pretty bad seeing this its an 80's movie so its only like 20 sum years old and movies like 2001 a space oddessey(which to this day does not need a remake) show how sci fi should be done and how timeless it can be if done right. if u like this movie ur probably judging it from when the time u saw it in the 80's and if u want to rewatch it i do not recommend it hell even the horrible highlander was better than this crap oh god.
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