
34 Reviews
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Good not Great
7 November 2023
I was a huge fan of the book, and I really was excited for this show when I first heard about it. I do like when the book doesn't match a show perfectly, and I could feel the presence of the book throughout the show.

I felt like the overall cinematography and soundtrack were appropriate and very good. The acting was decent with some strong performances and some less-so. I didn't care for the book to show adaptation of Von Rumpel.

I felt like this series should've been extended to 8 episodes to fully incorporate all that the book has within it. I think the point of a mini series over a movie is to be able to accurately portray more information, and I felt like this was very rushed at moments leading to a less than fullfilling ending in my opinion.
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Real Facts
18 February 2023
Dahomey was a tribe in which enslaved surrounding tribes and sold/fueled the slave trade. This movie is a social justice project to fictionalize the past. We're there actual female warriors who defended the king? Yes. Did they perform well fighting the French? No. While it's not that cut and dry. The French had about 5,000 soldiers and the Dahomey had 10,000. The French had 85 deaths from battle and 205 from disease. The Dahomey had anywhere from 2,000-4,000 killed and 3,000 wounded. That's a 70% casualty rate. Not necessarily the fearsome domination depicted in this movie. Don't claim something based on true events when it's clearly not.
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4 February 2023
There were moments where I enjoyed the film and moments where I thought I was watching a hallmark film. Some CGI was good and others were less than impressive. The red suit of armor looked more like a power rangers episode than Marvel. The storyline as a whole lost it's origins and while I felt there was passion and heart in the first movie, this get hollow. It was not a bad movie, but I wish it was about 45 mins shorter.

I can't actually pick one memorable dialogue moment from the movie, and I can't even begging to describe how idiotic the ending was.

Also, I love the end where Namor described Black Panther as the most powerful of the land people... lol. Must never have heard of Thor.
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Not too shabby
12 November 2022
As far as sequels go, I do think it was definitely interesting and they continue to develop certain characters and storylines.

I do think the movie is extremely cheesy and there are a lot of political, woke movement like themes throughout the film which if that is not your thing, you may not enjoy.

I personally think that they did a pretty solid job with the storyline and the plot. I really don't think Millie is that great of an actress and there are moments where it shows. I tend to enjoy shows and movies in which the audience could potentially guess the clues and hence, and I think this movie sometimes you can do that and other times they just make stuff up randomly on the spot.
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The Patient (2022)
Completed entire season before reviewing
27 October 2022
The shows is a super interesting concept that I think was decent at times and downright confusing at others. I so badly wanted to love this show because I'm a fan of Steve and also a big true crime fan.

Sadly, a 5/10 is the best I could muster after the show came to a resounding conclusion. No spoilers here. The acting is pretty solid all the way around.

The plot is filled with so many holes and felt more rushed than season 8 of game of thrones with about a tenth of the action.

I wasn't expecting greatest show ever, but I would consider skipping this one all together. There are many people who come into the picture that serve absolutely no purpose in the show.
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Directing, Acting and Writing?
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not that this movie isn't entertaining, but some scenes are hard to get through. The acting by Butler is pretty solid because that's what you would expect from someone with his caliber of acting. The supporting actors were either plagued with poor writing or directing. Certain moments the scene completely blows up with overacting and yelling almost like you missed some part of the conversation. The whole premise of the movie is actually ridiculous but there are explosions, killing and drama. I would really give it like a 4.5/10. The scenes where Gerard is interacting with his wife's parents, interacting with Knuckles and at the end when the cops know he kidnapped knuckles and yet he is just not handcuffed allowed to roam around is just part of the ridiculousness.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Who done it?
31 July 2022
So many things to unpack with the show. First off, the acting was pretty solid and I particularly think Olivia Holt did a fantastic job. The show was slightly confusing at times by jumping years. It was mostly congruent and easy to follow. Honestly, this show would easily be a 8 or 9 out of ten but the ending kind of ruined it for me. I would still definitely recommend watching.
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Interceptor (2022)
Netflix original garbage
6 June 2022
To be fair, I was able to make it through the entire movie, but I couldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Acting was horrendous, so many moments are just incredibly unrealistic that you have to wonder is this a super hero movie? It is a Sunday afternoon doing chores kind of movie.
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Not surprised
15 May 2021
Based on tons of reviews you don't need another to let you know how extremely inaccurate and pointless this movie is. CGI is basically every single scene and the slow-mo was cool in 300 but is used way too much. Just rewatch 300 or find something else.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Where was the plot?
3 May 2020
This is a well filmed and edited show with a lack of plot. Majority of the drama happened before the viewer even begins the show. I only finished season 1 because it was so short and because the episodes were so short. The show really never gave me feelings of any kind and most of the time it lacked substance. I wasn't a huge fan and probably wont look for season 2. Even during quarantine there is better stuff out there
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Not horrible, has potnetial
25 March 2020
With just 3 episodes completed so far I am writing this review because there have been some consistent things. 1) Kerry Washington is really hard to watch. She only seems to have emotional extremes and it really makes you wonder how no one has ever coached her on subtle acting. 2) Reese Witherspoon is basically the exact same mom from Big Little Lies but now in a different show. 3) The child/teenage actors are actually all pretty good so far. I think the plot is developing nicely and has been pretty in-line with the book so far. Looking forward to seeing more. Sorry for you Scandal lovers but Miss Washington is tough for me
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Suits: Right-Hand Man (2018)
Season 8, Episode 1
I Used to love it...
5 October 2019
Katherine Heigl? What? No.... I love Suits and I can't believe they hired one of the only actors I can't stand. She thought she was too good for Grey's anatomy and left to try to star in big movies and quickly got a bad reputation for offscreen drama. She's a poor addition to the loss of Mike and Rachel
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The Lion King (2019)
nostalgic Childhood Memories
29 July 2019
This movie offers nothing new on the original and while the cinematic aspects of the movie are fantastic; the voice acting, singing and emotion was not there. I felt as if the voice actors failed to watch the original movie and experience the passion portrayed in the characters. I felt like the flat animated 1994 movie had more heart than this revamped movie. I didn't agree with the casting of many of the characters. It's as if Disney chose people are viewed as "popular" in today's' world instead of the best talent. Beyonce as Nala was a very poor choice especially when matching up with Donald glover's Vocals. Scar made me miss Jeremy Irons and Seth Rogan as Pumba was laughable and not in the HA HA kind of way. All in all it's still the Lion King and a good movie but you would be better served watching the original or maybe playing this movie on mute and matching up the old movie's soundtrack
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Early seasons 9/10 later seasons 6.5/10
21 October 2018
Don't get me wrong this show has lots of action, so-so acting and who doesn't like watching a superhero based show? You get what you expect really but at what point has the show drawn on too long for its own good? At this point I feel like every single bad guy knows Oliver Queens identity as Green Arrow, Every bad guy knows exactly where their hideout is located but they continually choose to stay in the same location. Season 1 and 2 Green arrow could beat up everyone and was constantly beating the villains or they would just narrowly escape. That has changed in Season 6. Green Arrow has failed several times already and Oliver Queen can't seem to defeat even basic crime mob guys. I have never watched the show for the acting because it's soap-opera like, but I have expected it to maintain some normalcy but it's fallen off pretty greatly recently
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Arrow: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 (2017)
Season 6, Episode 8
Not really feeling the storyline here
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I do have a huge issue with one particular fight scene that takes place. Black Arrow enters STAR labs and fights mick rory, killer frost, Mr Terrific, Black canary and wild dog and wins. Are you telling me that black arrow is so incredibly powerful that he can defeat 5 heroes? I know they're not the strongest but that seems super improbable to me. I enjoy watching the flash but never would watch ledgends of tomorrow because that series just seemed super lame. Supergirl is an okay 5-6/10 but flash and arrow were the two decent shows and with each passing season I become less and less interested. The acting has never been great and somehow I feel like the acting has gotten worse
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I tried and tried
30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. I liked the concept of a middle-aged man finding love again but the movie centers around a middle-aged man who lost his wife trying to breakup his daughters relationship with "over-the-top" do gooder. The acting is cringeworthy as well as a lot of the writing. I don't like how a lot of these Christian movies push marriage super young on girls. The daughter isn't even 21 yet and wants to get married? That's crazy to me. The boyfriend David is like 22-23. I just can't get past that. I can be emotional during movies but not one moment did I "feel" anything. This is probably a cliche enough movie to get into a lot of people's soft spots but it missed the mark with me.
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1 Mile to You (2017)
Not a bad watch for a low budget film
30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure, I had no expectations when watching this film and had a sick day from work and decided why not? Will I remember this movie a month from now? Probably not but it was entertaining enough. I think the plot has been done a couple too many times where an athlete falls on hard times and then needs help finding his way. This is a spoiler but I didn't like that he was one minute madly "move to Montana" in love with Ellie and then after he transfers schools within a matter of months he is making out with another girl. I felt like that romance was really forced. I like the filming sequences where he is running and Billy Crudup is great. I wouldn't watch it again but I would throw it in the Christian movie genre of Hallmark films where if you ever need kind of a pick-me-up movie this would do. No one particularly stands out and it falls flat many times. There was just a slight piece missing from making this a really good movie.
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Fighting (2009)
Not the worst movie
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I was watching this on a lazy sunday and that's the kind of movie it is. It isn't a great movie by any means. The acting, dialogue and plot are all played out and subpar. Even the fighting scenes don't have any real climactic buildup. There are much better fighting films out there. What I can't forgive is how does a washed up high school wrestler who lives on the streets and doesn't ever train seamlessly takeout a professional boxer? It's not realistic. There is one scene of Channing training total. I also can't forgive the biggest drama comes about when Channing finds out the girl he likes is the girl who his agent uses to place bets. To me that really isn't a big deal but the movie blows it out of proportion.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Great Movie! Better acting than the originals
26 February 2018
Some of the best acting os Sylvester's life. Really a well done movie. I liked how it wasn't just natural talent that allowed Donnie to succeed but he needed the support of others and hardworking to achieve his goals. Great movie
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Suits (2011–2019)
So Glad I stumbled on this
25 September 2017
Hands down one of the best shows I have ever watched. Among my list are game of thrones, the office, breaking bad, 13 reasons why, stranger things.

So, if you liked those you may or may not enjoy my review.

now, this show is about as factual as CSI or greys anatomy when it comes to actually portraying what a lawyer does but I love it nonetheless. It's actually sad how invested I became with this series but it is so freaking good. The character dynamics, the humor, the romance. The show actually has it all. The show also doesn't follow the cookie cutter formula and is constantly surprising me. I used to like Mike and Harvey the best but then more and more new favorites came along like Rachel, Donna and Lewis Lit. If you don't know those names you surely should watch this show and find out.... In my top 5 all time shows
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Ozark (2017–2022)
I wanted to like this
25 September 2017
Honestly, I tried so hard to like this and there were moments where I did but they were so few and far between. I watched this show through to the end of season 1 and really have no desire to watch a second season. I found all the characters to be unlikeable which is really hard to watch a show when you're not cheering for anyone. It really is the ugly stepchild to breaking bad unfortunately. Not to say many viewers will love this show and find it extremely entertaining but i'm not one of them. I think that viewers times are better spent watching other Netflix original series or branching to HBO. I would say this show is worth a watch but if you don't enjoy the first couple episodes you most likely will not enjoy the show.
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Boy (I) (2010)
Low Key Friday Night Movie Choice
25 September 2017
I watched this movie based on the trailer and really found the main actor to be super funny and thought what the hell, I have 87 mins of my life to give this a shot. I'm super glad I did because this movie is just full of quirky humor and while not a whole lot actually happens in this movie it was enjoyable nonetheless. It is a lighthearted film with more serious undertones and it really makes you appreciate certain things about your life
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Quite Entertaining
25 September 2017
For all of you expecting a dazed and confused 2 think again. This movie has a totally different vibe and feel to it but that doesn't mean it was bad. I really enjoyed this movie because it depicted 1980s pretty accurately and for people complaining the movie had no plot neither did dazed or confused (which I also liked a lot). Maybe i'm just biased because I love the 1980s but the movie was entertaining and had me laughing and while some of the acting was a little off it's forgivable. Basically a summary is these guys are "hot stuff" and are just trying to find out where are the ladies are at. I would recommend if you are looking for a goofy laid back movie that doesn't take any thinking at all
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American Vandal (2017–2018)
Lots of Satire and actually pretty good acting
23 September 2017
I watched this show out of a recommendation from a friend and ended up finishing the first season in a few days. While it's not the most riveting show in the world and wont change your life it will thoroughly entertain you if you can handle some crude humor and enjoy the sarcasm and satire.

I thought the acting was superb and really enjoyed how this show was filmed and how even the most mundane character had a storyline instead of focusing on the main characters. I originally thought this would just be something I threw on so i could have background noise but i really did enjoy this.

I would recommend this for anyone who wants something easy to watch, enjoys a "who done it" kind of show, and wants to laugh. I am really curious to see if there will be a second season because how they took a prank where 27 cars were vandalized with phallic symbols and got me to watch the whole season is amazing.
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GLOW (2017–2019)
Surprisingly entertaining
23 September 2017
Warning: there is some adult content present (nudity, drugs, sex)

I was really surprised that I enjoyed this show as much as I have so far. Alison Brie is an excellent actress and I really thought she nailed this role. The whole premise of taking misfit women and teaching them how to wrestle is funny in itself but there are little moments or scenes here and there that take the show from being mediocre to something worth watching. This is not just a show for wrestling fans. The plot while predictable is still entertaining enough. The acting has been really good so far with only a few characters lacking slightly but definitely worth a watch.
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