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The Buccaneers (2023– )
Puts Bridgerton to shame.
1 February 2024
This was surprisingly good! I did not expect to get into this but I binged it. Very compelling and took turns i didn't expect which is rare. Shondaland this Isn't. Thank goodness. As a brash American married to an "upper class" English i vouch that there's truth here underneath all this made for TV drama. Classism, gossip, judgmental twittering about meaningless social politics. The show is also about forging your own path in life. To be your most authentic self when the world at large wants you to conform & tow the status quo lest we face the unbearable truths. And make life that much more uncomfortable. It's about how "polite" society is a constructed ruse to keep the hidden-hidden. A lesson in mass conformity unless you find the fortitude to break free. Very enjoyable and even somewhat inspiring!
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Wolf (2023)
Stupid & wholly unnecessary
8 August 2023
You're not missing a thing if you skip this. It tries to be intriguing & clever but too much so for its own good. Ultimately though, the characters (the victims in particular) make the dumbest choices. For instance, the wealthy couple have something sinister on the front garden, go to ring the police & then realise their land line has been cut, yet 2 seconds later throw their front door wide open when the bell rings. Oh and then lets Ramsey Bolton in w/ another random punter & making the assumption they're the police - coincidentally. 1st - don't these people have cell phones? 2nd - why would you open the door without asking who it was first & then ask for proof of ID? You know .... Just basic safety fundamentals. Oh and 3rd - Doesn't anyone watch GOT up in this biach? Once a psycho, always a psycho..! No seriously this series is dumb AF. Boring, meandering and we could care leas.
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Obsession (2023)
TV series remake of the movie "Damage" by Louis Malle
14 April 2023
I find it odd that the description for this series doesn't admit to being a 100% remake of the mesmerising film starring Juliette Binoche & Jeremy Irons from '92. I mean there is dialogue ripped from it verbatim. Its not a bad series but could've been better. And nowhere near as psychologically demented, captivating or shocking. If you want to watch a true fkd up psychosexual drama/tragedy, with two huge indie stars from the 90's in one of the true indie cult film favourites of the 90's ? Go watch "Damage". The movie is legit. Not this watered down, Adrian Lyne lite version. And although Charlie Murphy (Anna) does an admiral job, NO ONE does that watery, luminously mysterious, sucking the soul out of you brown eyed stare like Juliette Binoche. NO ONE.
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Incredibly cheesy, In particular the dialog for the adults
12 February 2023
I came for SMG & hoped for an intelligent paranormal show a La Buffy. Alas.....

Although the acting is pretty good with the two leads everyone else seems wooden and overwrought. The dialogue , particularly for the adults is basic and flat out dumb. I mean BAD. I watch and think these are the stupidest and most random adults I've ever seen on screen. All walking around spewing dialogue that makes no sense half the time and feels lobotomised.

And SMG seems like just a ploy. All of that amazing nuance she's capable of relegated to bad B movie execution and script writing. Boo.

I'm two episodes in and could care less.
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The Ex-Wife (2022)
Tedious and stupid
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This tried so hard that it was obvious by the end of episode one, what was really going on. I least they could've casted a child that didn't look like Tasha's friend with benefits if they really wanted to throw us off. Tasha is stupid, arrogant, naive and selfish. Jack is convoluted, arrogant, gaslighting and selfish and Jen is deluded, desperate, gaslighting and selfish. So basically - it's a show a show about raging sociopathic narcissists who just need something to do and are too stupid to live. Oh and let's not mention Jacks nasty sister. Although perfectly encapsulates the extreme passive aggressive barbed arrows the English are perfectly practiced at slinging - her character was next level awful. I don't get the high marks.
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Wow. Sam Reid is a star!
10 October 2022
Where did Sam Reid come from!? He's absolutely Lestat! Perfection. The man has done his research. He got the specificity how Lestat speaks, his mannerisms, the slight bitchiness to him, the captivating flirtatiousness w/ Louis and his temper. And the chemistry is off the charts between him and Louis. And Jacob is doing a wonderful job as Louis but it's hard not to be outshined by Reid's Lestat who's hypnotic. I didn't expected much from this and I'm so beyond happy! I don't get the negative reviews at all, esp if you love the books. Sure somethings have been changed but these are Rices characters 100%.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Best thing about this was the set
21 March 2022
Loved that house, the styling and decor. Ben Affleck reprises his role as The Accountant but the suburban hubby version. The whole thing was weird & made no sense try as it might.
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So far, so great!
23 December 2021
Three episodes in and My family and I are loving this. I grew up when SATC hit the nail on the cultural zeitgeist's head and I think so far, it's done an admirable job at keep their characters true and this period in their lives topical. So far I've laughed, I've cried and waited with baited breath to see Carrie's next outfit. I love the new characters and marvel at how far we've all come technologically and socially since 2004 when the show ended. I hope it continues to be great!
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Only watch if you don't mind your ears bleeding
30 August 2021
We love makeover shows but these women give Valley Girls a bad rap. Their lingo and intonation is so OTT awful.....It's no wonder they're partners cause they are probably the only two that could stand to listen to one another. They legit hurt our ears so we skipped ahead to various reveals.
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You Get Me (2017)
Acting is decent but it's boring AF
30 August 2021
Been there and done that and also dumb. The main character is as dumb and helpless as a box of rocks. When writers ignore obvious solutions in their plots - it makes me wish for time back.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Trolls may disagree but I found a lot relatable.
27 June 2021
This show reminded me a lot of Unreal (which I loved). A bit OTT but rooted in a sense of reality enough to make it compelling and addictive to watch!

It illustrates how confused, manipulative, secretive, lonely, insecure and desiring - us human beings are I relate a heck of a lot to Billie and Sasha at times. I've experienced much that is eerily similar and so I am very appreciative of this honest exploration through a women's POV. I feel the show correctly points out that by and large as a societal culture - women are taught to keep our true sexual selves buried In order to tow the line drawn by men which in part is to be smaller for fear of threatening them. We're not supposed to be allowed to have these feelings right? Only mean ..... yeah well that's all a bunch of BS.

Because we're all human beings first. Period. And it's messy and complicated and I think the show does a great job at displaying that nerve wracking inner conflict to truly desire more for inner yourself and grapple with neglecting it for the sake the status quo. And, the snowball effect this female disillusionment can have on the male ego/ male construct in your spouse.

Plus the show was just soapy and sexy! It's like if Aaron Spelling was alive in '21 and partnered with Marti Noxon and didn't have to be on prime time. What would he have come up with? Probably something like this but campier. So if a man wrote it - I wonder if it would be more palatable to all the negative reviewers here? It's a shame this concept seems to be dismissed by the trolls.

I wrote this review because I thought it was important to offer a POV that doesn't slam the writing and for characters for simply being "shallow", "wh-sh", "sex addicted".

For goodness sakes - the title of the series and the poster for sets the stage for what to expect! If sex on film or discussing it makes you uncomfortable- this isn't for you. I actually thought this was going to be little more than a contemporary version of The Red Shoe Diaries. And I found a compelling storyline that was relatable and had more depth than expected.
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Poor book makes for an even poorer movie
16 May 2021
Don't waste your time. I hated the book. Found it insipid and juvenile. But there have been many books I haven't liked and wound up loving the movie. Great cast so I gave it a go. Just as horrible. And the acting didn't help either.
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The Silencing (2020)
Wow. This movie makes stupid as all heck look smart.
30 April 2021
One of the worst films I've seen since the last couple of Hero Fiennes films I tried to watch- which were also lazy and completely inept. Someone needs to help him chose scripts poor kid. But Jamie Lannister!?.. what's you're excuse Nikolas Coster-Waldau!? I mean we know you screwed your sister for 8 seasons of Games of Thrones so that means you're a little doolally but come ON. Bad. Beyond bad. Don't bother. The best thing was me and the hubby had so much fun commentating the entire time. We were cracking each other up. This is Mystery Science Theater GOLD all the way. Or Googlebox.
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Them (2021– )
Brilliant. One of my new faves with Watchmen & Euphoria.
16 April 2021
I went into this with low expectations due to reviews I read that Lovecraft Country (which I started watching but haven't gotten into yet) did it better. The critic reviews have mostly been scathing toward THEM - saying too bad LC came out first cause this seems like a poor relation copycat (cause it's a black centric anthology series too what? We can't have two?)

Anyway .... blah blah pre-reviews were poor. Well that's just rubbish. This is Fing brilliant. Every ounce was thought about & put together with heart and soul. I've never read nor seen anything which portrays the brutal and relentless pressure of simply being a black person in America like this. This show is QUALITY.

And the message couldn't be clearer- that pressure that has accumulated because of slavery, disenfranchisement, systematic racism, redlining, Jim Crow "laws" etc. That these evils of our country's history which has lead to too many shameful and tragic problems for black people including mental health, which has always been ignored and belittled. Well this show.... THIS show shows THEM.

No detail is overlooked. The acting is superb all around. The music is on point and purposeful. Surprises abound and me and my family all found it unceasingly intense (and we all watched it at the different times). On second watch I'm seeing more Easter eggs . This is just talented illustrative storytelling, Pure and simple. Every episode is assured we feel squirmy, nervous or flat out dread. It's just so good.

Everyone I've recommended it too has been drawn in.

Look this is great entertainment and powerful and true messaging all in one. It's important and even educational because it's rooted in our countries history and the black experience. Personally, I think the bad reviews that I read (and they are slating) - my instincts tells me they're threatened & just simply don't want to acknowledge what the messaging is actually about. This show punches on so many levels. Strap in and deal with it. It's about fing time.

Cause if you adore amazing acting, storytelling and attention to detail - you're in for a treat AND a bit of an education, you compassionate souls you.
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Adorable. Funny and heartwarming.
19 December 2020
This is a better than average family-centric holiday movie. It's also a succinctly heartwarming story about being scared to come out and live in your truth, whether your gay or straight. We all have secrets, skeletons and aren't "perfect" in some people's eyes. And even though it centres around a lesbian couple, It just another viewpoint about being human but, also an important film because it represents and we need that now more than ever. But it's not good just because it represents, it's authentically funny and awkward. Frustrating and loving. Dan Levy steals every scene he is in - man does he have a transcendent charisma! And I think this is K Stews best role to date.
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Little Voice (2020)
The music is fantastic but Bess is annoying
13 August 2020
I find the main character and her brother annoying and unlikeable. While Brittany O'Grady is a decent actress, her inability to draw any sympathy or empathy for her character is what makes the show seem pointless for me. I don't care if she gets a record deal. I don't care that she's so put upon ..... I just don't care about what happens to her. So I suppose I'm watching for the music. And poor Luke Kirby. He's such an amazing talent and relegated to this tripe? Come on Sara Bareilles...... but songs and the Soning is dope. The harmonies with Colton Ryan keep me watching.
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Horrible show about horrible people
20 July 2020
As everyone said, great acting. And culturally, I've witnessed firsthand, how the act of having affairs by the white privileged, English upper class is fairly acceptable. But this show is so OTT, and everyone is so incredibly awful I couldn't finish it. Each character lacks any values and personal accountability (therefore integrity), so it's hard to give a crap about any of them. So who cares how it turns out? I didn't and was ready to throw my remote at each one of the actors that came onscreen. Is it a classic soap opera, yes. But there's nothing redeemable about any of the people to care.
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Don't expect anything like Penny Dreadful
16 May 2020
The production value is like a B-movie. It feels nothing like the vastly rich predecessor it shares a name with. It's just dull, and too overt in its messaging about racism and political strife to have any impact. Even Natalie Dormer comes across, at times, as overwrought in her delivery because everything is so flat. I fell asleep twice when trying to watch the first episode. Not kidding.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Boring. Acting is marginal.
6 May 2020
I loved To All the Boys (the 1st one) and Kissing Booth. As well as Atypical and Stranger Things. I thought they were great teen movies & show.

This one is so, so boring. The actors have zero charm and most over act. The plot is plodding. Paxton is completely flat, all looks and no substance. Devi is a cute character, and the actress who plays her is great but she alone can't save this IMO. I've trying watching this twice now and it's not doing it for me.

I don't understand the hype.
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Knives Out (2019)
I don't understand the hype
27 March 2020
I went with four friends and all four of us this felt it was meandering and pointless. They revealed everything far too early so nothing was surprising, and even the reveal was meh. Lastly, Daniel Craig's accent was like a parody of a southern accent. It grated so. I'd say wait till it comes out on Netflix.
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Gilmore Girls redux for adults
17 February 2020
The first season was great. The second season started off odd, then by ep 3 was much better (plus the set and costume design is perpetually delicious). However, the last few episodes of season two started to grate on my nerves JUST like the Gilmore Girls. And season three is a complete Gilmore Girls transformation. The same fundamental scenarios and characters. The same exhausting scenes of banter with people speaking over one another and making rambling pseudo-inspiring speeches. More narcissistic personalities That we're supposed to root for, making poor choices and not really getting called out on it. More wealthy, emotionally stunted parents who don't support their kids, more oddball side characters ...... just more of the same dressed up in a different era.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Wow! I didn't expect to love this so much!
20 January 2020
This show does a brilliant job of showing the complexity of being a working woman in a mans world, and how the Me Too movement has really turn life on its head for both sexes. It's such a huge topic and an important dialog for men and women to be able to have and understand. I loved that this show dealt with the repercussions of what confronting that reality has on everyone in a powerful corporate workplace. It deals with the impact of when the penny drops, makes you ask yourself what it means and looks like to be complicit - especially as a women. The writing is brave, smart, nuanced and empathetic. The cast was terrific. Every single one of them. I was so happy to see Billy Crudup onscreen. I've been a huge fan since Inventing The Abbott's, and Crudup was made for this role. Aniston was truly excellent, yo-yoing between being sympathetic one minute, and unsympathetic and borderline the next. More than that, she deftly reflects what it's like to be a hardworking, ambitious women who grew up like so many others be groomed to ignore what's really going on around them, especially if they're succeeding. I applaud this show for focusing on what the Me Too movement meant for a person in that position. It hasn't been easy for most people and it shouldn't be because it too big and too important - as this show stresses - to sit on. And aside from the topic - the writers and producers have just put out a flat-out compelling TV show that is also surprisingly fun and bingeable. Definitely check it out.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Seems like another indulgent Shyamalan piece
19 January 2020
Don't get me wrong. I watch all of Shyamaln's films with hope. Full stop. I always give him the benefit of doubt due to the brilliance of The Sixth Sense and I always root for him. Enough is enough already. The Servant has its moments but is generally hackneyed. I'm annoyed that there is actually a season two planned with so little of season one explained to want me to watch season two! This is where I think Shyamalan's artistic freedom fails him and the audience. Sure we get enough if the backstory of the Turners but so what? There's nothing compelling revealed about the nanny, Leanna and more than that - apparently the story was ripped off from The Truth About Emanuel. Which, I then watched and I have to say - they're not wrong. Regardless, this show is middling at best. I'm tired of Series dragging out stories for greed and glory, that could actually be wrapped up for the audiences sake because the director remembers and respects the tenant and this is - there is a contract between the storyteller and the viewer. Don't waste my time. Which I felt in the end, was completely wasted.
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Long Shot (2019)
Adorable, fun and funny!
12 January 2020
The kind of movie we need right now. A hilarious woke male/ feminist comedy about politics and love. Completely OTT but you can also see some home truths subversively running underneath all the laughs. My husband and I laughed throughout which was unexpected. Loosen up when watching and have fun. Seth and Charlize were fantastic together too.
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Dracula (2020)
Starts promising but a very weak ending
11 January 2020
I'm all for twisting classic stories and giving them a new spin but this came across pretty self-indulgent and important. There are clever elements, but I could hear how clever the writer felt he was being throughout watching. There's nothing worse than being able to hear the authors own voice through the material. He should've taken the quote he wrote for his main character more seriously when he said some time the effect of; "a book is a contact between the author and the reader". He then went on to say something about why it's important for authors to remember that or else they're wasting people's valuable time. Ain't that the truth! Dracula is one of my favourite stories of all time so I was looking forward to watching a different perspective on the material. All I kept thinking was that it was such a shame the TV series with Jonathan Rhys Meyers was cancelled. If you're going to subject yourself to a new spin on an old classic that strays but isn't a million miles away, I'd recommend watching that. It was great. This was ...... meh. Pretty much a waste of airtime when there are so many other great shows to binge.
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