
27 Reviews
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
An outstanding series minus a few glitches.
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this series once it was played on Netflix. Outside of a few items, this was an outstanding series. Most of the script seemed to be historically accurate for the most part. The sets, photography and locations were outstanding. The chosen actors portrayed their roles quite well. An interesting take on a pirate film outside the Disney/Depp comedies. Always found pirate adventures to be of interest since I was a child.

Thought the chosen actors were quite talented. Jessica Kennedy played her part very well.

My two negative comments are regarding the script's version of the execution of Edward Teach or Blackbeard, and the ending outcome with Captain Flint.

Edward Teach was a unique pirate, in that he was known to actually try to avoid bloodshed and violence if possible, during raids on shipping. Blackbeard would try to use intelligence and experience to frighten enemy crews into surrender, thus saving lives of both enemy and his crew members. According to historical documents, Blackbeard was not executed by a governor from Nassau as the film displayed. The film portrayed Blackbeard's execution as him being keel hauled three times, then shot by the governor. Blackbeard was caught and executed by Robert Maynard, a British officer of the HMS Pearl. Blackbeard was shot and stabbed by sword multiple times, then his severed head was displayed upon the bowsprit of the HMS Pearl.

My main complaint would be the closing portion of the series where Captain Flint's crew manage to talk him into surrendering to a prison camp. Unsure if this was injected into the script as a possible back door to another season, thought it was a very weak way of concluding Flint's character as the master of most of the season.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Even Isabella Rossellini couldn't save this dog.
2 March 2024
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Used to enjoy Sandler on SNL - on occasion. Once Sandler started making movies in the 90's - it only took a couple of flops to cure me of his activities. Swore I would Never waste my time on another Sandler/Happy Gilmore mess.

I only gave this a chance because of Ms. Rossellini's part. The film initially had promise, but quickly fell short of all marks. The plot became less cohesive and thinner throughout. The Kubrick 2001 and 2010 science fiction films were some of my all time favorites - 2 of the best Ever made. This attempt was nothing but flaccid in every category, especially with Sandler at the helm.

That's 2 hours of my life I won't ever get back. Sandler can continue to make comedy golf movies for the rest of his days.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Nothing but a Train Wreck....
15 October 2022
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The film makers of this mess are riding the coat tails of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' which is a mistake and another disastrous film.

This film is geared toward those with a teen age mentality. It is nothing but background noise, to be played during a party when a school age kid's parents leave town - just to make sounds like MTV.

'Bullet Train' is an insult to the Japanese film community of present & past. I wish the two Japanese actors that appeared in this tripe, the best of luck after taking this job. I would watch every Godzilla movie ever made, in a row before watching this again. If you want to see a good film about trains - watch something called 'The General.' This film is 1000 percent better than "Bullet Train' in every category, and is silent.

This film has no plot, no plan and no logic. The script is merely hundreds of smarmy one liners that they threw up in the air and pasted back together. The actors chosen here, regardless of their skills - could not ever rescue this chaos.

Many of the revues here (from 5 - 10 scores) can be explained by those who left the reviews - they even admit that they were inebriated while watching this movie. So.... if you trust a review written by someone soaked in bodily fluids, vomit and liquor - that is your option.
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Likely the worst MCU product of all time. Don't Bother.
10 September 2022
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Worst Thor film yet. Likely the worst MCU film that I wasted my time on - which is saying something after the latest Dr. Strange installment. Thought I'd give this film a chance based on the outstanding cast. Found my decision to be in error. The cast, even including some of the crew from Guardians of the Galaxy cannot save this bomb. A little surprised that actors of this caliber agreed to participate in this mess. Throwing in the Guns N Roses tracks didn't help either. The plot of this movie was, to use a direct quote from the film "Not every God has a plan." The actors seemed to be begging the audience for approval or laughter.

The photography and effects were Weak.

I believe if I was around 9 or 10 years old - I might have enjoyed this film. The script and humor were beyond juvenile.

They really spent $250,000,000 on this mess? For that kind of money - I could have made a better film. Over $80,000,000 more than what they spent on the new Top Gun flop.
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Another excellent film by Ron Howard
9 September 2022
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Highly recommend. Will not compare this film to the documentary - it stands alone quite well. A film that highlights one of the most dangerous activities on earth - cave diving rescue. Don't believe there's been another film quite like this with the subject at hand. The script was very well written. Excellent photography. Actors performances were outstanding - even the Thai actors performed very well.. This film could have been 3 times longer if it described the back stories of all the activities and characters - it stuck to the basic format of the story, which had enough drama to make this an outstanding creation. A film that pretty much anyone can enjoy, only a very small amount of obscene language. Watched this at home - but it would have been an outstanding film to see in the theater.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Great series - hope the next season is as good,
30 August 2022
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Great cast and script. Hoping the next season arrives soon and is as good as the first. Wish that Kyle Chandler's character was still on the show.

Find it amazing that some of the bad reviews here complain about too much violence and racism - then they say Yellowstone is much better. Not necessarily a Yellowstone hater but I'm missing the logic.

So Yellowstone, a show about "ranches & cowboys"where they pretty much beat, rape and or murder someone (including many Native Americans) on every episode is acceptable. But a show like M. O. K. - which is about police, crime and prison violence is not acceptable?
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The Boys (2019– )
Not for kids, but outstanding for adults.
22 August 2022
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Outstanding show, excellent cast, cutting edge scripts, amazing effects. Not for children - or the feeble minded. Finally a show that hits all of the marks. For those of you anencephalic haters that can't accept the narrative - if you can't stand the heat - get OUT of the kitchen. I hear Hee Haw and Roseanne are still showing as re-runs for those who desire to remain permanently in the pre 20th century (or earlier) - we won't need you.
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21 August 2022
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Just can't get by the question - why would the military draft a 60 something year old veteran to train other pilots, and assume a combat role flying multi million dollar aircraft? Grew up riding motorcycles - we Never rode our bikes with our leathers unzipped - that scene was a travesty. Why did Cruise make this "sequel" in the first place? Hoped this film would actually accomplish something. Corny dialog, story and characters. The kids that Cruise was training were mostly wrong. I've met the real top gun and combat pilots and spoken with them - they are decorated senior officers, with degrees and manners, that don't act/look anything like these Kardashians. Also, Top Gun fighter training is Not in San Diego anymore. Basically identical plot to the first film - which I did enjoy. Have to admit the action scenes were well shot. Was really hoping for something new and different from the original - just didn't happen. $170 million budget for this? Only giving it a few stars for the technical achievements otherwise - very little praise. L. Tom Cruise - time to hang it up.
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Newcomer (2015)
No, no and NO.
21 August 2022
Gave this film a chance - that it did not deserve. Poor plot, actors weak, low budget, pretty much complete waste of my time. Nothing against Serbia/Yugoslavia. The producers/writers of this film should return to their day job.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Not a fan of Gosling but....
25 July 2022
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Gave this movie a chance. Grew up watching Sean Connery playing Bond, this movie was a disappointment. The plot was far fetched at best. They spent all the money for the budget on the special effects toward the end of the film. I guess it could have been worse.
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Unless you're an extremely die hard Kevin Hart fan......
25 July 2022
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Don't bother. Only gave this film a chance because of Mr. Harrelson's role, and gave Hart a chance to redeem himself - won't make that mistake ever again. Kevin Hart is NOT funny. The script for this film was horrible. Most of the script contained flaccid one line dialog that children in junior high school could have written better. The plot was weak. One of the worst new films I've wasted 2 hours of my life on.
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Worst Marvel film yet...
11 July 2022
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I actually enjoyed the previous Dr. Strange movie. It actually had an adult oriented plot. Perhaps if I was 10 years old it would have been better.

The plot in this bomb was horrible from beginning to end. I'd say the CGI was good - until they flew into another universe and became cartoon characters. I was waiting for Homer Simpson's appearance. Even captain Xavier couldn't save this tripe. Going to flip a coin to decide if I watch the next installment, maybe.
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At first the title seemed kind of Corny...
11 June 2022
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Gave this film a chance, and I'm glad I did. Beautifully located in New Zealand. Glad to see that Taika Waititi has now starred in, written and directed the new Thor movie - good for him!
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The Decline and Fall of "Western" Civilization
8 May 2022
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Amazed at how many right wing misogynists and all of the other xenophobes that went to the trouble of bashing a Star Trek series. I hear Dukes of Hazzard and Roseanne are still being rerun...
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Not for everyone...
20 March 2022
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Very well photographed in stunning locations. A little slow on the plot side. Based upon a true story. Acting was of high quality. Heroes in Danish history.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Marvel Comic Superheroes? Why Bother?
12 March 2022
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Who are giving this show high ratings?

Perhaps I'm missing something. Barely made it thru the first episode - about 3 seconds of action in the entire show. People eating, attending a show, attending an auction, etc. Is this where comic based cinema is going?

Thinking Disney is trying to attract pre teen girls to Marvel Comics films. If I buy a package of chocolate chip ice cream - and when I open it - it's all vanilla, without any chocolate chips - who's to blame? Think about it.
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The Batman (2022)
Batman - a Twilight Saga. Don't Even Bother.
11 March 2022
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Are they kidding? WORST Batman film EVER. Too Many "Dark" scenes - saving money on props & scenery? Pattinson's part was let's just say - he won the Flaccid Award for weakest Batman portrayal ever. Pattinson can't even raise his voice. Also, Dano as the Riddler? I've met homeless people on the street that would have played the part better. The Riddler's Costume? They transformed one of the coolest costumes in Comics ever - into one literally made with Duct Tape and Felt Tip Markers? What did the Riddler costume cost - nothing a trip to the 99 cent store wouldn't solve. Coming soon - Batman takes on the Kardashians. $185 million to make this movie?
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1883 (2021–2022)
Keeping up with the Kardashian's Conestoga.
21 February 2022
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We're supposed to believe.....These immigrants risked their lives, worldly possessions and what little funds they had on something they had zero experience or knowledge of? By that time, they could have hopped a train to San Francisco, then steamed to Oregon. 14 years after they drove the golden spike. Travel time; weeks not months, much cheaper & safer than thousands of miles by wagon. The behavior, appearance and dialog DO NOT match the period either. The photography is decent, beyond that - this is Tripe. Guess all the Yellowstoners swallow up anything they're served.
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Absolute Trash Don't Bother
18 August 2021
Kind of shocked anyone gave this more than a star. "People" who create fake mockumentaries like this belong in a special place. Recall when this scam first surfaced. It was picked apart in seconds. Very sad that this is how new movies are created now? Had to Shut this down within 5 minutes. This belongs on the pinnacle of the Fecal Films pile with Blair Witch and many others.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
A classic Scorcese/DeNiro Film.
15 October 2020
Those who did not understand this film and gave it a poor rating are likely the same "people" who raved over The Joker or Blade Runner 2049. If you cannot comprehend this plot, you should most likely take up another hobby; or just stick to watching Pokemon movies. Real films do not hold your hand like a child and walk you to the restroom.
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In One Word - FLACCID.
2 February 2020
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Tarantino is an idiot, and if you enjoy his films - well.... For me this film has 2 strikes on it before it ever leaves the hamper; Tarantino directed/wrote it & DeCrappyowe starred in it. Never got the over exaggerated hype regarding Pulp Friction either. The weak role Pitt played did not improve this mess either; perhaps the Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses from the 99 cent store were supplied to impress someone? Never going to happen. Even an appearance from Pacino couldn't save this expired tripe. The story line in this movie is non-existent; it starts somewhere and leads nowhere, yet another common Tarantino trait. If a young child in a film has to speak up to tell you "that was the best acting I've ever seen" - you're already sagging pretty damn low. If you have the limited mental capacity of an 8 year old child - you might enjoy this film - I was NOT impressed, not by any of it. Yet another film that I would never visit the cinema to watch - not even close to being worth the investment in time or money. Might as well pitch this film into the same feces heap as the Joker or Blair Witch. Wondering why this mess has such a high average rating - as most of the reviews are not very positive.
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Joker (I) (2019)
20 December 2019
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Over rated by many. Interesting attempt, I enjoy the DC films for many reasons - most of which are not included in this script. What are included are too many reality based scenarios - which I watch the DC films to Forget about. Was waiting for them to show the Joker getting a Prostate Exam. Overall, I'd say that a standalone film about a DC villain - doesn't fly.
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Blade Runner (1982)
One of the top Sci Fi films of all time.
26 October 2019
After watching the sequel to this film - went back to watch the original again just to wash the bad taste off of my palate. Denis Villeneuve directed the sequel as well as "The Arrival" - which is somehow even worse than the Blade Runner sequel - it was insulting to watch. Willing to bet that many of the people who left the poor reviews for the original Blade Runner - went on to watch the sequel and say it was great. Casting Gosling to lead that film pretty much destroyed it right out of the box. The only thing that could of been worse would of been to put DiCaprio in the lead - which makes me even more nauseous. If they make another sequel - I wouldn't watch it if it was the last new movie to ever be made.

Anyone who requires needs an explanation as to why this film is superior.- is beyond help. This film is not Star Wars, Avengers or Alien. It is NOT a story regarding flying about in space ships and chasing aliens and interacting with comical robots. This story is about relationships and was very well crafted.

The technical aspects of this film, the music, photography, story line, acting, etc. make it a science fiction classic that will never be reproduced.
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I enjoyed this film, even though it's a sequel!
7 October 2018
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Read some of the poor reviews - thought they picked apart the plot a little too much. Yes, the story line was a little iffy - but ITS A MOVIE - not real life. Would have given it a 10 - but certain parts could have been improved. Thought Brolin and Del Toro played their roles well. People who nit pick certain movies should probably find another hobby - I heard bowling is fun...
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Should not have been labeled Documentary
3 October 2018
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Watched the majority of this and was stunned. Until the part showing Mickey Mouse beneath the sea. Not a 2000 year old relic. Thought something was amiss, then that confirmed it. Not a very good idea to make claims that this is legitimate and then be discovered as a scam. Next he'll be finding the Arc of the Covenant or the Holy Grail. The artwork is nice, but I would never have wasted my time if I would have known.
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