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Girl Lost (2016)
May be low budget but don't pass it by for that reason.
7 January 2022
This was a hard watch. I'm grateful to not have had to have such a life but boy could I think of the way men have made me feel disgusting. Non consentual situations. Hot rancid breath leaving a pungent odour upon your body. Being desperate to survive ready to do anything. The horrible people greedy to exploit people for their own personal gain. I almost cried. I did have goosebumps by the ending. Very heartbreaking. I liked that the actors weren't perfect. Our star has a tummy, mom is aged, friend pock marked, boyfriend extremely scrawny underneath. It's real!!! And that just made it so much harder to stomach. I wish I could save all who want to be saved from such a life. I'm proud of the creator getting this out there. Nudity also added to the uneasiness of watching. People are ignorant to what's going on in our own backyards. It's everywhere. Having to degrade yourself and have sex just to eat? It shouldn't be. But it's part of this world.

Anyway thanks to all of you who made this real.
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It had so much potential.
1 October 2020
The concept and some of the horror was good. But too much was thrown in that is cheesy. I hated that aspect. The other is plot holes. Many good movies even have them but this one wasn't good enough to make those mistakes. It was often just too none sensible which drove me nuts. It's like why is this happening? Huh? But why...? And so on. I had too too many of those. It was annoying. I felt it was filmed without having the script edited enough. I feel someone just wasn't listening and was confident in it being how it is but no. It was not. The acting could be good at times but others just bogus. I hated when I could tell they're just acting. You know? You are no longer submersed into the movie. You see it for the reality and no one wants to see that when watching a movie.

Sigh! You could have had something good, not great, but good. Instead no. Okay at the most. I'm disappointed in whoever dropped the ball here.
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Read the book!!! The show is far from it.
26 August 2020
Can I just type Boo over and over again as my review? Lol

I can't rant enough at how angry I feel. They took a good book and DESTROYED IT!!!! I'm caught between giving it a 7 because it's watchable. I don't give under 5 unless it's boring or just that awful. So I'm considering giving this a 4. I've only watched up to the end of ep 3, but I'm writing this ahead.

I HATE Mia!!! I hate her SOOOOO much!!! I really liked everyone in the book. Honestly I wanted to punch her in the face. I almost NEVER feel that way.

There's always changes made when there's adaptations of books but they went way WAY too far in the changes. It's almost not even the book anymore. So if you plan to watch this thinking you're getting the same as the book but visual? You will be sorely wrong. It's like they've gone too far! There was NO race or LGBTQ issues in the book. Ok no race issue like they're focusing on. I'm so mad. I swear it's thrown in to hit current topics very publicized right now. You want to do that? Fine! But make something original. Done use a book to do so. I feel it takes from the real issue the book put forth.

They've changed people so much they aren't really their characters anymore. Closest would probably be Pearl. The show also focuses on Reese's character much more than the book. I LOVE Reese so I let that slide. Lol But there just isn't as much focus on the kids as it is in the book. Agh!!! They've just gone too far. I'm really upset. I was so pumped with what Reese had to deliver and now I'm so angry during all of it that I can't say I'm even enjoying it. I'm not going into details to prevent spoilers. Ugh I can't stand it. Mia's character bothers me the MOST!!! Like why did we have to give her all these loose morals? Why did they have to take straight kindness and turn it into a pity/racial undertones. I'm so mad. I just can't.

I'll finish the show but I'm so disappointed. Whether you liked the show or not. Pick up the book. Heck if you are debating on watching the show. Read the book first. It's a common thing we are always told but it's not always the case. Hey! I watched Water for Elephants (Reese again <3) then decided to read the book. The movie was much better in my opinion. The changes were good. Maybe it's because I watched the movie first. I'm not sure. Anyway sometimes I read about the differences to decide if I'll read the book or not and to get a sense of what I might be missing if I don't read the book. Well! You could read all blogs, websites, articles, etc explaining the differences but you won't get it. You can't! Because they went too far. You won't get a sense or feel of each character nor how they think. You need to read it to get that bond with them. I found the book to be beautiful. Even to the ending which was in a sense open ended which I hate but couldn't because it was just too beautifully done. It was heartbreaking and tragic in a way different than well anything I've ever read before. It was also very realistic/true to life. We don't always get those nice wrap ups. Life just doesn't go how we wish or intend. It takes time to learn to accept it as the way life goes.

I understand why it takes place in the 90's which you can probably figure out or we'd have some serious plotholes.

Another thing with the show that impresses yet bothers me is how young the teens look. I'm impressed because they actually look like teens rather than the nearly 30 actors we've often seen in the past. It's hard to see these issues with children but it's the reality. The older we get the more teens do look like children and it's really hard to accept where they are at emotionally but especially sexually. It's almost cruel, puberty. If only our bodies weren't so ready for sex well before our minds are. We think we are ready but we aren't. Not at that age. Whether you agree or not. That's how I feel and most people as they age seem to agree. We think we are older than we are as teens. Yet we are children. Our minds are still growing. Find me a teen that believes that though? Lol

Okay! I am done now. So?! Is it just me or is there no other adaptation so far from the book it's almost not connected anymore? It's like they were given a framework of what the content will be about. It's someone else's interpretation of that framework to make a series verses the author. I don't get it. I almost feel I have to reread the book t be sure of what my memory recalls. At times I asked myself "are you sure that wasn't in the book?" I was nearly considering.

Go read the book!
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The Paradise (2012–2013)
Only okay
16 June 2017
I'm glad the show rapped up more or less by the end. I was fearful for a cliffhanger. Season 2 was certainly better though no mention of where Pauline went. Guess she didn't win over Sam.

Very much a PG show. I was looking for something to suck me in but this was not it. Denise arrives already in love with Mr Moray. Ummm wtf?!!!! She just arrived. Nothing seemed like she was in love except people saying it. I found none of the romances to feel real just seemed well acting. I don't like that. I want to feel it is real. Hope for couples to be together. At times I didn't know where people's thoughts or feelings were such as Jonas. Where did his loyalty actually lie. I don't know how shows make romances feel so real but if this show had of accomplished that for me it would have been better. I'm comparing to Downton Abbey where romances felt real. Guess I'm still on the hunt for something to quench my thirst since Downton is no more.
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Better than expected.
2 April 2017
Okay I was not too thrilled over the movie by the time it was coming out. First announced yes. I wasn't so happy to see it anymore because Emma Watson got the role of Belle. I like Emma but prefer unknown women as the classic princesses. Even when I heard Angelina was Maleificent but I LOVED her in the role after all. So with Emma, I didn't love it but she suited the part. Did rather well and I was pleased.

After the beast transformed at the end I was smitten with Matthew from Downton Abbey. Lol Oh how I miss thee. The show is no more.

Another thing was the other characters. I did not like their new looks. That also wasn't so bad when watching. Although I much prefer Lumiere and his women more like how they were. The bird is weird. Oh and Mrs Potts, I miss the spout being her nose. Well I liked the cartoon ones much more but I wasn't as bothered by these ones as I had thought. Same for the beast. In the posters and ads he looked extra ugly but when watching it he was actually similar to the Disney beast.

Lastly I thought this was going to be a whole new telling of the tale but it was actually a retelling of the classic which I actually enjoyed possibly more than a new creative spin. Including the classic songs. That made me happy. Wasn't a fan of the new songs added but oh well.

So all in all. I liked it better than I had expected. Now I want to watch the Disney one. Lol
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My Life as a Dead Girl (2015 TV Movie)
I cried
1 April 2017
I really like Cassandra so maybe that's why I liked the movie more. I don't know. It is definitely a bit sappy but I like sappy. By the end I was crying like a wiener. It is hard to write a review when you don't want to spoil anything. Okay I didn't find her role as a prostitute overly believable but boy did she look hot. LOL And I'm a girl that isn't into girls.
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A Crime of Passion (2003 TV Movie)
Ha! I knew it.
31 March 2017
Well I enjoyed the whodunit. The guessing game. I found Freddy's acting to be a bit difficult to bear. Especially near the beginning. I am amused that who I had joked had committed the first murder is actually who it was. Time seemed to get a bit confusing. What I thought would have been like the next day or something may have been weeks. I do not know. It seemed things jumped ahead often but then it wasn't as far into the future as it would seem. People just move quickly with drastic events in their lives.
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26 March 2017
If you like cheesy girly movies then you may enjoy this one. A bit over the top with fantasy clips which I wasn't much of a fan of but some were alright. I hated being able to notice there was screens behind them at times. I was impressed by Lindsay's singing and dancing. I feel sad seeing her in her youth as well as Amanda Bynes whom I had loved. It's a shame what has become of them. On an interesting note for me was I wasn't sure if I had watched it before. Even watching it I kept questioning myself. I have seen it before but sadly it was clearly not that memorable. It was really just an alright movie. Certainly not a gotta watch before you die one. Lol
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P2 (2007)
It was alright
24 March 2017
Very gory! Often cringe worthy. Would have enjoyed it more if she didn't seem like such a bag. Not a spoiler because you get that right off at the start. Still had me tense though. I actually thought the movie was going to be a kidnapping in a parkade then the woman taken to another location. I was prepared to be terrified of parkade a after but nope I'm okay. Although parkades still kind of freak me out. Lol
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I was torn between a 4 and a 6. So it gets a 5. Lol
24 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There was aspects to this film that I did enjoy such as the twist ending and that it was interesting to watch but I had so many beefs with it. Oh but kudos to his friend on being smart about getting evidence. People are often too dumb in movies. Lol What happened with the phones was no shocker.

1. OMG She had like NO personality. How rapidly they had sex seemed almost unbelievable for me BUT he was a teenage boy and she was a hot woman. Very pretty and seductive. Too skinny in my opinion. Lol

2. Agh I was annoyed he didn't grab the purse and run. As soon as she walked in I knew she was in on it. So about the gf. Why the heck point out the murder in the first place? They weren't paying much attention and it was going as an accident. Why stir the pot? I only see it as making the story interesting and the plot twist. Unless I missed something. Yes there was the rent a cop but he had no proof and they weren't paying him much mind.

3. Sex behind the store. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? As entertaining and thrilling that was (the almost getting caught n milk (why was milk outside? Was that milk? Lol) not the sex itself but clearly he has an instant boner for her) they were outside. Wasn't just trees hiding them back there. There was the LAKE! They didn't exactly check to make sure the coast was clear. 😒

Not a beef but my friend n I had a debate on why her gf was telling him all that in the cop car. I think it was part jealousy and part mocking him. In a way that he didn't know but she did and that was enough to give her some satisfaction.

I guess in the end she cared about him somewhat and so would have the gf because she was driving and reversed back. Lol
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Not a Fan
27 June 2016
Overall I felt rather bored. I did not care for any of the characters. I had read it was to get better as you go but I did not overly feel it. Sure there was some interesting aspects but I believe if I had cared more for the characters perhaps then the situations would have effected me more. Though I have not read the book myself, I am certain that those who had read the novel should enjoy the show better being that they should have much more insight into the characters. Although they may not actually like the show if it does not accurately portray the novel. All in all it may just depend on your taste. It was much too bland for me.
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