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Free Fire (2016)
An Awesome Shoot Em Up
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There is a point in the movie, which is also shown in the trailer, where Armie Hammer yells over some initial gun fire "NOW WE'RE COOKIN'!!" and that sums up this movie. Free Fire was a fantastic display of skill in how to utilize a small space to it's utmost value. It also boasted some great performances and a really awesome premise.

Free Fire is about a gun deal that goes wrong due to a bunch of different personalities not trusting one another. That is really all the premise is, and as the first shots go of an everyone gets shot in one way or another, the movie just kicks into high gear and hilarity as you see everyone crawling around and screaming which is way way funnier than it sounds.

I really want to stress the use of space in this film because I am a big fan of claustrophobic filming. The one thing I always go back to is the episode of Seinfeld where the group is waiting to sit down at the Chinese restaurant and the entire episode takes place in the waiting lobby. It really is a testament to the film makers to be able to use a small amount of space to tell a really great story. Free Fire takes place completely inside of a warehouse with just a few minutes taking place outside and on the second floor. It made the movie so exciting because again, and it isn't a spoiler, but everyone gets shot in some way or another so most of the movie is at ground level of the characters hiding behind pillars or crawling around in the dirt.

I thought it was hilarious that so many of the people had these small guns and someone would get shot in the leg or arm and just get angry and fire back. It played a lot like a paint ball match and these characters all had different personalities and it was so cool to see them all interact.

Free Fire is a fantastic movie to go see with anyone who is a fan of comedy or guns or Brie Larson. I highly recommend this one also as it is an A24 studio movie and in my opinion they always make creative movies and this one is no exception.
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Gifted (2017)
A Gifted Treat
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gifted was a movie that could easily be overlooked by many as a run of the mill story but what sells this movie goes beyond that. The story is basic but the characters and how they come to the end of the story is what pulls you in.

Frank played by Captain America Chris Evans is the surrogate father of a gifted young girl who we find out comes from a long line of gifted people. After her mother takes her life shortly after she is born, Frank, her brother, takes the child in, as no one else will. The crux of the movie is that Frank believes his sister wanted this bright young girl to have a normal life and not be stuck in some fancy school to develop her math skills. The problem comes when Franks very distant mother comes into the picture and tries to take her away so that she can have a "better" life and live up to the potential she has inside her. The supporting cast delivers in spades along with a very touching and emotion turn from Chris Evans with whom you all know I share a rich history with due to his prior commitments.

Marc Webb the director, who also directed the Amazing Spider-Man movies does a great job guiding these characters and really pulling out the love inside them. I think it is funny that Marc directed a super hero movie and Evans also was a super hero so I hope they had a conversation about that on set…I can only imagine "Hey how's everything being Captain America? Did Marvel mention the work I did on Amazing Spider-Man?" "Uh sure thing, your movies were hogwash and clearly Sony doesn't know how to make a Spider-Man movie these days so it makes sense they had Marvel help out, also I am a handsome rugged simple guy just playing a cool super hero and you made a critically and financially panned movie where you tried to cram too many things into it". Maybe they had a different conversation but who knows, I wasn't there.

The setting of the movie was also really cool being that it was in Florida. It was not New York and there were no web slingers swinging around crying about how no one understands what they are going through. What I also enjoyed was how they treated Mary, the young girl. She was brilliant in every sense of the word and everyone around treated her like an adult so if there was tough news to be shared it was shared or very deep conversations that were had. I really enjoy seeing that in movies because it seems like parents treat their children the same way Sony treats the Spider-Man property: with total disregard of who these characters really are and what they can become.

Overall, I loved this movie. I was engrossed the entire time, unlike when I saw Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2. If you love movies with brilliant child actors, see this movie. If you love Chris Evans then you have to check this out. If you love cool movies about math and geniuses, catch this flick.
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The Boss Baby (2017)
The Best Boss
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of animated movies that are being made in this day and age that essentially cash out on certain things that children love, like farts and cool slang and toys. What I really liked about this movie was while there were some silly portions, the overall movie was very intelligent and funny and also expertly crafted in terms of animation.

Boss Baby is the story of a young boy who is getting a new baby brother and is scared that his parents won't love him the same as they used to. This boy has a wild imagination that really lends to some cool scenes where his imagination takes over and the animation changes to fit his mind. Those scenes were by far my favorites in the movie. What ends up happening, though, is instead of a baby brother, he gets Boss Baby. A suit wearing, business lingo talking baby with a hidden agenda who was put at this home to combat the growing rise of puppy love over baby love. See, Boss Baby comes from Baby Corp, a place where certain babies are not meant to be with families, but are meant for management, as the film so hilariously explains it. The crux of the movie is that the other brother wants the Boss Baby gone and the Boss Baby needs to investigate a new puppy that is being announced so they tag team to fulfill each others needs.

The script is very sharp and again the animation really sticks out and stays with you after you leave the theater. Much of the movie has you remembering the times you may have had a younger sibling coming into the picture and were worried the same way. The laughs come thick and fast and most of them are from the titular character as Alec Baldwin plays him just as he does with most of his adult roles.

The story, while interesting and without spoiling, was an idea I had long before this movie as a business idea (whatever who cares I'll be famous one day doesn't matter), and the typical animated movie formula is in play here so there are not too many major surprises as you watch but I still recommend you watch. It is the perfect family movie or a cute date movie. It is also a great movie for business majors and puppy lovers as well.
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An Empty Shell
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There came a time in this movie when I started thinking back to the previews and really wanting to watch them instead of this. I turned to my brother and thought I saw he was asleep but apparently he wasn't and turns out he really liked this movie so as with any review take this with a grain of salt.

Me on the other hand, I wish I had taken this with a grain of something else. I was not impressed by this movie. I will start by saying I have not seen the anime movie this was based on but I know it was better. When the news broke that Scar Jo was playing the Asian female lead I rolled my eyes. Another chance for Hollywood to embrace diversity and also stay true to source material but they crumbled again to the whims of what I am assuming were some old movie executives who said "Scar Jo Sells BABY". Well only time will tell if that is true but I already have a feeling my sentiments are being shared by others.

In the movie she plays a robot with a human brain who is a cop or some type of fighting weapon. The story is not fleshed out very well and you can never tell if this is the government or a different organization. It obviously takes place in the future, were everyone is turning into robots so I guess there is some relevancy there as well. She is surrounded by a cast that includes the wonderful French actress Juliette Binoche, another Danish actor, and everyone else is Asian. The entire city is mostly Asian so it is very strange that Scar Jo isn't. Even stranger is a scene towards the end of the movie where we find out she probably was Asian and just feels annoying.

The story is a very typical story and while there are bunch of lofty ideas that were very interesting, it seemed like they were not meant to be talked about as more than a throw away line here or there about what is real and what is fake and what it means to be human. This movie could have been really good but I just did not enjoy it. It tried to be a thinker but ended up being a stinker. I did enjoy Scar Jo's boss, I don't remember his name but he spoke in Japanese the entire time and no one else did, which seemed strange but again, the Shell is cooked by this point.

If you like movies with Scar Jo or adaptions of anime then this is your ticket to paradise. If you don't like movies where you are confused about the casting, or things just seem a little off, then maybe skip this one for a home viewing. Ghost in the Shell is by no means a terrible movie, I just can't recommend it.
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Power Rangers (2017)
Not So Powerful Rangers
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
POWER RANGERS! That is a quote from the movie Power Rangers when all of the power rangers are geared up and about to battle the bad guy. My wife told me that is the theme that was played in the old show. I was a power ranger toy boy not the show man so I didn't know. And for those of us out that both fan and casual viewer alike. This is exactly what you would expect from a TV show power ranger movie.

I will start by saying all of the rangers, none of whom I have seen before, were great. As was Bryan Cranston as a hologram on a wall and Bill Hader as a robot. While I am a big fan of Elizabeth Banks, she was a strange choice for the bad guy. Also a shout out to Roy from the office as an angry dad who has a heart of gold and is just trying to do his best on deadliest catch.

As a movie, it was nice to see something that could have turned into a punch fest as more of a character driven film. The rangers don't even get into their suits until almost the last thirty minutes of the film which would make sense since I think I heard they are planning five more movies after this one (something that makes me want to have a power ranger punch me in the spine). All of the characters are easily likable, and while a few of them don't get the same attention as the others, it is still a great team that is gathered.

The action scenes were pretty cool but nothing we have not scene before. Again, this movie was obviously made for the same fans of every other reboot of that generation and I am sure many of them liked the movie, but when the rangers are just karate hi ya'ing around it doesn't impress me the same way as some of the better choreographed fights in other movies.

Another issue I had was that I wish I could say this next sentence was a spoiler. All of them ride in dinosaur machines that then morph into a giant machine. This could have been a super cool scene but they show that in the trailer and take away any surprise that might have been there.

Look all I am saying is if I had to choose between watching the Texas Rangers or the Power Rangers I would pick the former. If I had to choose between watching Walker Texas Ranger and the Power Rangers, it would depend on the episode. If you think I didn't try morphing all my neighbors power rangers trucks into one giant vehicle while they asked how I got into the house you would be wrong. This was an enjoyable movie, if you are a fan go see it. If you need a date movie I hope both of you are fans. If you need your Elizabeth Banks fix until Pitch Perfect 3, then go see it but just be warned she looks more like an Mayan Mummy or the Enchantress from Suicide Squad than anything else.
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Life (I) (2017)
Done Before and Better
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I had to sum up this movie in one succinct sentence it would be this: A poor mans remake of Alien with a rich mans budget. The reason for that is visually, this is a really cool film. While Alien had very pushing the envelope effects, any older movie will have a tough time standing up to current day graphics (2001 notwithstanding).

As a story, it is exactly what you expect. A space station just brought back some rocks from Mars and have found life, which they incubate and grow on the space station. Turns out this life is not nice and wants to kill. The race is then on to not only kill this creature but to make sure the space station and this threat does not reach earth.

I found myself constantly comparing the film to Alien, and while there is no central character, the plot cannot be ignored. That is not to say it is a bad movie. The opening title shot was really cool and Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gylenjelloronalddalh were both fantastic. The suspense was also great and I found myself constantly on the edge of my seat as this creature grew and killed. What was cool was the creature was never portrayed as evil, just as someone else trying to survive in this crazy thing we call space.

What I did not like was there were constantly frustrating parts as people didn't do what they were supposed to do to ensure the safety of earth. One scene in particular where a certain character ruins really smart plans was particularly irritating. With that said, the ending was a surprise. I saw it coming a little early but still found myself happily shocked. The movie, beyond Alien, looked as though it took some inspiration from Interstellar, 2001, Gravity, and Passengers. Some parts making you roll your eyes and others making you smile.

This is the perfect movie for those Alien fans who are already creating their rubber costumes of the alien in preparation for Alien: Covenant. It should whet their slimy appetites, but if you are spooked by space or broken dangly hands or slippery strong alien squids with ambivalent agendas then you might skip this one.
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My Kind of Ghost Story
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Personal Shopper is both a ghost story with bits of horror, and a mystery movie in the world of high fashion. From the same director who directed Clouds of Sils Maria, which won Kristen Stewart her coveted César award (the French equivalent of an Oscar) for best supporting actress, comes a movie about Kristen Stewart, a medium who lives in France as a personal shopper for a famous model. She is living in Paris because her brother recently died there and she is trying to communicate with him. Both supernatural and psychological, this movie, surprisingly, had me at the edge of my seat.

Kristin Stewart was a standout in this film. As much as I don't like her, she is continuing to grow on me every time I see her in something that isn't Twilight. Most of the movie is of her just alone and that is the sense that is given to you. She is alone in Paris trying to deal with the grief and loss of her brother all the while working for a woman she does not like at all. The script is perfect for Kristen and some of her strange acting like being jittery or aloof is perfect for this role as a skeptical medium.

There was not a lot of sound used in the film when it comes to a score but when the music plays it really enhances the film. There are also a lot of fade out scenes that is not something you often see but enhanced the mystery of the movie as it seemed like a lot of questions were going unanswered. There is also a lot of texting in the movie between Kristen and an unknown person who at the end of the film will have you wondering who exactly it was. This was brilliant in many regards to show how alone she was and also how much of communication is done over text these days.

What I really enjoyed about this movie is while it was very artsy, it was not afraid to get spooky. There are some scenes with ghosts that are very horrifying but are played for the sake of the story and not at all for sight scares. There are only a few ghost scenes as well and by the end of the movie I was clamoring for more but happy that they didn't over stay their welcome.

This was a great movie and I would recommend to anyone who is a fan of Kristen Stewart or of mystery movies. It's also a good flick for supernatural fans or fans of mediums, art, and Paris.
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Song to Song (I) (2017)
Song of the Year
13 June 2017
If you would have asked me five years ago who my favorite director was, I would have told you whoever makes the Marvel movies. Today I am proud to say that I have stepped out of the cave and over the last two years have submersed myself in cinema in all of its forms. Because of that, I could now tell you who my top five favorite directors are and why and one of the top people is Terrence Malick. Everything about him is magic and Song to Song is no different.

Song to Song, like most Malick movies, doesn't really have a plot. It is a movie about two different love triangles set to the Austin, TX music scene. That is about as much as you will get from the movie but that is the point. A Malick movie does not need a plot. Each film is a display of art and a cruise through cinematography. Malick is also famous for casting a bunch of famous people and then cutting some or all of their footage at the last minute. He is also famous for taking forever to make his movies. This movie was worked on for a long time and stars Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender, and Natalie Portman. It also was originally billed with Christian Bale but all of his scenes were cut. With that said, all of the above actors (minus Bale) were phenomenal. They take you through a journey of love and loss, death and life, and their interests criss cross each other throughout the film. As little a plot as their is in these films, I was able to follow this one the best.

The cinematography, as stated earlier, is top of the art. Malick always uses Emmanuel Lubezki who you may know as the man who did the cinematography for Birdman and The Revenant. He has an ethereal flow and a great eye for wide shots and tracking shots and utilizes both of those to brilliant effect in Song to Song. There was also a great soundtrack throughout the film that had no rhyme or reason and most of the songs were completely different from one another but they are meant to evoke emotions inside of both the characters as they are going through current events, and the viewer.

The message of this movie is that a song can evoke a memory or emotion from a past time, but you may not know that seeing the film. It is tough to grasp but that is what makes Malick's movies so brilliant. It is like staring at a moving painting for two hours and trying to discern what it is about. Two people may have very different ideas of what is going on and that is why many of Malick's movies are either hated or loved.

Go see Song to Song if you love art and cinema. Go see it if you are a Malick fan or a Lubezki fan. Don't see this movie if you need to have a plot in your film. The usher at the beginning of the movie told the crowd that many people walk out of his movies because of that and I would hate for you to be one of those people. But if you want to experience a truly immersive art piece, hurry and find this movie near you.
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Beauty and the Box Office Beast
13 June 2017
Beauty and the Beast has gone through a lot of movie and TV variations over the years and luckily I have only seen a few. I watched the black and white 1946 French "La Belle et la Bete" last year, and I have seen the cartoon countless times but have never watched any of the TV iterations or other movies and I am glad for this otherwise I would say this is movie overload.

Beauty and the Beast is a bright eyed loving remake of the cartoon from the choreography down to the songs and even the script. In many respects that is what makes it fun to watch. As many of you know, I have a very complicated relationship with Hollywood and their remakes and reboots because I hate most of them but when it comes to Disney they have been making some really great live action remakes of their beloved cartoons and this one is no exception.

The casting was spot on, and Emma Watson is a perfect fit for Belle. All of the other characters also shine but I particularly enjoyed Gaston and LeFou as a pair. Luke Evans and Josh Gad, respectively, worked so well off of each other and added some fun comedy to the mix. Most of their interactions were a little over the top but I was able to channel that frustration towards the children behind me kicking my seats.

There were also some really noisy people next to me who kept laughing and shouting and one phone went off as well. It was at this point that I really appreciated the plight of the Beast in the film. I really wanted to attack many people around me and tell them to get out of my castle and as each rose petal fell in the film, so did the rose petals holding my patience together. I think it is very important to note that when you are going to see a movie you should make sure that not only is your phone off but that your crying child is fully out of the theater and not just around the corner so you can still watch the movie. I know it is frustrating that you have a child but also really want to go see this movie from your childhood but a good parent can wait for this movie to come to Netflix instead of forcing a packed theater hear your child scream as the wonderful musical numbers come across the screen.

Overall, this is a great date movie. It is also perfect for those of us who loved the cartoon growing up and don't yet have a young child that doesn't like loud noises. I think while some parts of the movie were over the top, nothing really took away from the movie besides all of the children who took one thousand years to open their bags of candy and as the crunchy sounds of the packaging pushed me over the edge, the soundtrack and score saved me from jumping.
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Take Me Back to the City
13 June 2017
You know a movie is powerful when you continually think about it after it is long over. What makes this movie great is showing the lengths someone will go to achieve their dream. As well, it shows how one moment can change the way you look at things in an irreversible way. With all of that said, Lost City of Z is a powerful movie, and one that can't be missed.

Charlie Hunnam plays Percy Fawcett, a soldier in England in the early 1900′s and starts out as a tale of redemption. He feels this urge to be something greater because all the soldiers around him have medals and awards and he has none, yet he is better than his peers. We come to find out due to his father his family was in a sense shamed. It is at this point that a group of men in the geographic society task him with charting the jungle in South America. We find out that Percy was an explorer previously and while reluctant, he takes up the offer as a way to clear his family name. Upon going to the jungle he discovers signs of older civilizations deep within and that is where the movie flourishes. At this point he realizes his dream to discover a lost city not just for glories sake, but to further mankind and show to those close minded English that there are older civilizations predating the Empire. This then becomes his life's journey as he makes multiple trips over the course of the movie and his life for which the movie follows almost completely.

What makes this movie so great is the power behind it. Told over time and many large events, the filmmaker manages to capture that old world feel and the sense of wonder and grand scale. Shots of lush jungles and desolate battle fields along with various civilizations will have your jaw dropping multiple times. Often times this movie will have you thinking of Apocalypse Now and also in some ways Paths of Glory, but never in a lazy way but with admiration.

Charlie Hunnam, along with all the other actors, knock it out of the park. I have not seen Charlie in much except trailers for King Arthur but from what I surmised he seems like a macho action movie guy, but as this was my first real look at him, I saw the makings of a determined actor with heart. This will clearly be known as one of his best performances. Robert Pattinson also stood out to me as he can sometimes seem achy to me just based on what I have seen him in *cough* twilight *cough*. Here he was embodying a completely different person and did excellent work. Tom Holland is also a perfect addition not just because I am a Marvel fan but he does a great job.

Overall this movie just oozes with old world charm and grandiose ideas of purpose. It made me want to become an explorer and chase down lost cities, too. I would recommend this movie to anyone looking to visit South America or who enjoys searching for glory. This would also be a good movie to watch on a date but just make sure you eat a proper meal after that would embody an explorers meal.
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Cash Grab of the Caribbean
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It is not often that a blockbuster movie is shorter than the title of it, but this is one of those cases. I did appreciate that the run time of this movie is only around two hours, but at some points it still felt a little too long. There are moments in Hollywood, although I would describe them more like seasons or phases, where they decided to franchise absolutely everything and reboot the failures and bring old TV shows back as movies and cater to this nostalgia that everyone is currently feeling because they hate the current world they live in. This can be seen in movies like Baywatch, the upcoming Scarface, Smurfs, etc. To be honest, almost every movie that has come out so far this year has been a remake, reboot, sequel or adaption from a TV show or book. Don't believe me?

Guardians 2, Logan, John Wick 2, King Arthur, King Kong, Lego Batman, Alien: Covenant, Beauty and the Beast, Power Rangers, Ghost in the Shell, Fate of the Furious, Fifty Shades Darker, XXX: Return of Xander Cage (who the hell is Xander Cage), Smurfs, Underworld, Resident Evil, Chips, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Trainspotting, and probably more. I got all of those off of Box Office Mojo and honestly, there are more of those than original movies released so far this year and it isn't going to end, almost every week until August has at least one more remake or sequel being released. Oh also Pirates.

Pirates, much like many of the above movies (except for the first four), was decent, but didn't need to happen. I think soon (dear God please) people will just be fed up and stop going to these movies. It is starting to happen as many of those listed above did not do well at the box office or review wise. I remember when I first saw the first pirates movie and I fell in love. I had the DVD, I had the book, I didn't have anything else because I wasn't that crazy about it, but you get my point. It was a fresh movie and an outstanding performance by John Depp. The second movie was just as good and the third I can even say I really liked. Then the fourth came out and I thought to myself, that's enough. Now we are here on the fifth movie and after it was over I was no better than when I entered the theater. I actually was worse off because I had three fillings, not cavity related, just an hour before so my mouth was numb but by the end of the movie that sensation went away and a new one arose which was the numbness in my brain.

How many times do I have to see Jack Sparrrrrrrrrow (that's my Javier Bardem impression) get drunk and do his classic fast wake up from sleep? How many times do the pirates of the I don't care a bean about them have to tell really bad jokes? Why couldn't the movie just focus on the new characters instead of relying on the nostalgia of Sparrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow. I'll tell you why, because John Depp is in massive amounts of debt and needed some cash money to buy more wine.

Look, it wasn't a terrible movie. If you like the other pirate movies then go see this one! I didn't not enjoy it, I just didn't exactly love it as much as I wanted to. It was a nice two hour vacation to the beach with some cool special effects and great performances, except for Johnny who at most parts just seemed like he was phoning in his past performances and literally is nothing more than the catalyst to bring all the other characters together. Take your scurvy mate to see this movie, take your crew, take your captain, but I might walk the plank before I see it again. OK I wouldn't walk the plank, I'd rather live with a repeat viewing than be dead at the bottom of the ocean, but you get what I mean.
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All Hail the King
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There comes a time in any man's life where he decides to get excited about a movie trailer instead of listening to the haters. While that is a very specific time in any man's life, it was a time that occurred to me when I made the conscious decision to visit Camelot at the movie theater, and in 3D no less. I say all of that because when I first saw the trailers I though to myself "this looks like the next sad attempt at Hollywood trying to milk the populous of more money based off some franchise". I scoffed a few times in my seat…I think this might have been during multiple movies as I see a lot of movies and I get trailer fever, which here is not the type of fever like Bieber Fever but more of the type of fever like Cabin Fever or perhaps a type of Fever that was present during the Black Plague.

Trailers to me are one of two things. They are tasteful glimpses into what a new movie will be or they are blatant ploys to show the best parts of a movie to get people to go see it. Trailers are like mini movies. A great trailer, like that of Dunkirk or Star Wars, is the type of trailer we deserve. One where not a lot is revealed, but just enough to tease you and make you want to spend so much money going to see the movie. A trailer like that of super hero movies (yes I'll admit that) or basically any trailer where you go "I know exactly how this movie will play out" are the types of trailers that should be banned from theaters. The reason this steams me like a bag of broccoli is because I see so many movies so I see the same trailers over and over and the good ones can get me excited multiple times, the bad ones make me sick to my stomach and make we want to throw up a bag of steamed broccoli.

The first trailer of this movie was not great. I then saw the second trailer and there was some new music and scenes and that had me very interested. The kind of interested that would make me want to see this movie in theaters with friends or family or alone. I made up my mind that I would and as soon as I did I saw reports that shocked me. I saw terrible reviews about this film "The Director Stinks! This movie is stinky! Lots of stink!". I became nervous. Then I saw that it bombed at the box office. Like SCUD missile bombed. It was at that point that I turned my fear into excitement. I decided to see this movie regardless of all of that and truly judge its merit on my viewing and not anyone else.

I saw it in 3D which may have helped, but I have to tell you all, this movie was amazing. I enjoyed it so much more than I thought and just as much as I hoped. The effects were really cool and Guy Ritchie, the director, has some fantastic touches that he uses like some really funny flash back sequences and some amazing action scenes. He really did a good job trying to make this a story of his own and not just a retelling of King Arthur. Charlie Hunnam is great as Arthur and the rest of the cast is also well placed. I was enthralled the entire time so I don't know what is going on in Hollywood currently.

In a world where Smurfs just got a reboot and Spider-Man is on his third actor (the best actor, the movie is going to be so good and I literally cannot wait), why not weed through all the remakes and reboots and try out this movie for size and see if you like. If you don't like it then don't blame me because I just write these reviews, you may have different tastes than I do. I can't be held responsible for your own decisions to see this movie but if you do enjoy it, just know who to thank for the great review. Take a friend, take a relative, take a date. Dress up in armor, but maybe not because you might get in trouble. Either way, go see this movie.
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Did We Need This?
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Alien: Covenant is in a very precarious spot. On one end, if you never saw any Alien movies before and stumbled into this movie you could think this is a phenomenal movie. On the other end, seeing all the Alien movies you might think that this was trying too hard to be like the first Alien movie while also trying to answer questions from Prometheus. I was sandwiched right in between in that I found this an enjoyable sci-fy movie but nothing I hadn't seen before.

I really liked the Aliens because they were CGI and creepy crawled everywhere in ways that they couldn't in the prior movies, but at the same time I liked that you never saw the Alien fully in prior films. There were always shadows that made things much scarier. The locations here were very cool as well ranging from the classic cramped in space to a cool planet.

Michael Fassbender did a wonderful job playing a robot and I really was impressed with Danny McBride's performance as a typical Danny McBride character but with more heart. Guy Pierce was also able to make some money from this movie as a five minute cameo at the beginning of the film. Other than that, there was no real stand out in terms of performances. Everyone played the freaked out astronaut really well.

I think what would have made this movie better would have been if there had been more creatures. I'm talking about TONS of creatures. I think it would have been cool if there had been a creature on the spaceship right at the beginning of the movie and they have to figure out how to survive as a swamp creature chases them. This could be played by Stellan Skarsgard just like he played Bill Turner in Pirates. In fact, he could just be wearing the exact same get up except more swampy, and he just roams around the ship trying to kill everyone and gets everything all swampy and misty.

Then they decide to land on a random planet and they fight the Alien monsters just like normal, but there are also Predators on the planet as well. They have been engaged in an all out war against the Aliens for a long time at this point and the astronauts have to decide which side to take. The Aliens are spooky and evil, and the Predators are also spooky and evil but there is a long back and forth where they side with the Aliens but it turns out that they double crossed then and sided with the Predators instead and once the battle is over there is a very VERY shaky alliance with the Predators and they are allowed to leave the planet, but as they are leaving the camera pans to one Alien that is still alive and is very VERY angry.

At that point they escape and it turns out the Alien was on the ship all along but there are also other monsters on the ship as well that one of the crew had been collecting in secret and they have all escaped. This third part of the movie would play out kind of like Fantastic Beasts mixed with Hotel Transylvania but ten times scarier. The movie would then end with all the monsters and crew being destroyed as the ship careens out of orbit or something and the last living person is on an escape pod but as they are floating away you realized they are possessed by an ancient ghost with unspeakable power.

I think if that was the movie it would have been better, but it was still enjoyable. If you like the other Alien movies then go see this one. If you like gruesome deaths and spooky spaceships, then this will feed you. If you like monster mash movies like Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein (which also has many of the other Universal monsters), then you may be disappointing at this film as it is just Aliens.
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A Welcome Return to Space
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well here it is. Here is what you were all waiting for. My first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie review. You won't believe the amount of calls and texts I have received. The letters are just pouring in as my many many fans are rioting outside my home asking me "what did you think?". I've had to barricade myself in my closet so I am writing this by candle light as I hear the loud cheers and cries from outside. Now there are those that call me beholden. There are some that say Marvel bribed me to write the following review. There are some that say it doesn't matter how bad the movie was I will give it a good review. To them I say that is called mystique. The world is a wild and weird place and in the state this country currently is in, I'd say that this review is not only timely, but necessary.

That morning I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed as I put my Marvel comic vans on, my best Marvel polo and headed to work. I don't know how it happened but the hours flew by and suddenly I was going faster than I have ever driven in my Prius, 75mph, which is the speed limit, as I raced in eager desperation. We arrived at the theater a little early, I'd like to point out that the town that I live in is pretty big but when it comes to premieres there are not a lot of people but you NEVER KNOW. So I think I was justified in arriving almost two hours before hand and sitting in front of the door as I listened to Boss Baby play in the theater next to me.

It was at this point that my breath became very short. I could feel the air around me, it was crisp. The AMC attendant came by and looked at me like she had seen a ghost. She clearly didn't understand dedication but I don't expect it from anyone but myself. She said I could go in and so I alerted my family and we raced in and got the perfect seats. As the trailers began I got more and more excited for movies like Spider- Man and Thor and even Star Wars, although I've already seen those trailers a dozen times. Suddenly the Marvel Studios logo came on the screen and the theater hushed. It was at that point that I was abducted by movie magic and taken to the far end of the universe for one of the most wild and exciting movies I've seen all year.

Guardians was hilarious on all accounts. So many of the jokes just had me cracking up both because they were so well written but also because we had come to love these characters. Sure some of them fell flat to me and you could tell they were trying to hard but that was few and far between. The colors and sounds and shots were just beautiful and made me wish I had seen it in IMAX 3D (which I plan to now do). Baby Groot was both completely adorable and kind of annoying. You could tell that Marvel really wanted to capitalize on that from the ending of the first movie and to really, I'm assuming, push those toy sales. The problem is that he was still so darn cute that it made sense. It's that same feeling when the super cool and famous kid in high school is also super smart and just won both a track award, violin award, and a full ride to any college he wanted. Of course he deserved it but COME ON. Rocket was feisty as ever and what really impressed me was some moments he shares with Yondu. With that said, it was the relationships and interactions that won the day for me. Pairings of characters and the rapport between them. The villains in the movie were also amazing, way better than what the MCU has pumped out in terms of being fleshed out with high stakes and purpose. The soundtrack was great, nothing like the magic of the first movie but still nothing to make you annoyed at.

The point is: go see this freaking movie. This is the kind of movie you wait all year for. This movie is perfect for friends and family and relatives you've never met. This is a movie that will bring strangers together. It is a movie that should be seen on the big screen. You should be reading this review as you are waiting in line for this movie thinking, "I made a good choice today".
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonderful Woman
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get this out of the way because as you all know I am a Marvel boy. I want nothing more than to see Marvel movies and watch DC crash and burn as they make poor attempts at creating a film universe mirroring Marvel's very successful one. So far, my wish has been granted. While I really liked Man of Steel, the rest were nothing to write home about. But now that I have seen Wonder Woman I am compelled to buy as much paper and pen as possible to write home to all my family and friends that DC did something fantastic.

It speaks volumes what the difference in direction, action, villains, and actors will do. Gal Gadot, while no Oscar winner (yet), does an amazing job as the titular character. Surprisingly all the supporting cast also is great. Everyone has moments to shine, though Diana of Themyscira shines so very bright. Party Jenkins as the director was a fantastic choice as well, it's been a while since she's seen the light but as I stated. Everyone shines in this movie.

The previous movies in the world, Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad felt like footnotes to this movie. So much needless action and terrible writing along with wasted characters and motives that didn't make sense made this movies trash. It was even the talk of the town that critics were being paid to give bad reviews because they weren't Marvel movies but to all those psychos who couldn't wrap their head around the fact that they were just bad movies can now shut up for good. I am not the only critic who loves this movie. Last I checked it was at a 95 or above on rotten tomatoes and even high on Metacritic. I'm not a fan of rotten tomatoes but it says something that it's one of the highest rated movies. It's a big sign for DC and for super hero movies in general. Make them more like Wonder Woman.

I don't even want to go into what the movie is about because you need to go see it. It had amazing action scenes, tender and sad emotional scenes, and some laughs along the way. But we have now reached the stage of this review where I point out something that maybe could be a spoiler so I will say it as vaguely as possible. Basically there is a scene at an undisclosed part of the movie that is in a way identical to a Marvel movie. I'm not saying they copied it, but I'd like tot think it was an homage. If you notice it too, let me know or just ask me and I'll tell you but it's something that cannot be ignored. Obviously Marvel is king, but Wonder Woman is now queen and honestly I'm OK with that.

During the film I thought to myself multiple times that I will train my future daughter to be like Wonder Woman and I was so happy that young girls world wide will have an awesome role model to look up to. She does a great job being a powerful figure that can inspire girls and women and, hell, men too!

Take anyone to this movie. Take your daughter, take your sister, take your friends and family. Make this the date movie to save your marriage. Wonder Woman is truly wonderful, and she can kick my ass any day of the week.
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The King Returns
10 March 2017
What a trip! The movie takes place in the early 70′s and the entire movie has that vibe. As the movie starts the soundtrack of classic 70′s rock lit up the theater and really blended well with the whole island vibe. This is a great movie that seemed more concerned with a good story than focusing on the big monkey himself and that is a good thing.

A crew of military and scientific people head to an island never before seen until recent satellite images discover it for the first time. From the beginning the crew realizes the man heading the expedition, John Goodman, knows more than he is letting on. Everyone still goes along with it all for their own reasons that are fleshed out as the movie progresses. Samuel Jackson plays a army general not quite done with the battlefield. Tom Hiddleston is a tracker who is searching for something more. Brie Larson is a photographer looking to snap the next big thing. If this sounds like a Marvel reunion then this is the movie for you. Everyone plays their part in this film and while there are plenty of different characters they are all fleshed out just enough to make you want to know more. As with giant cast movies the filmmakers could have dropped the ball like a certain Star Wars movie but that didn't happen here. All the characters have their own quirks especially the incredible John C Reilly.

Kong himself is a technical marvel. At this point in the game CGI really is make or brake and him along with all the other creatures on the island are beautifully rendered. The island itself is also stunning. The whole filming process really had me ooing and awing at everything. This was a very colorful movie fill with very vibrant scenes. Along with that it was really well shot with a lot of thought put into making the movie feel like an art piece. It is hard to describe exact shots but it's the sort of thing that you will know when you see the film.

As I stated earlier, the soundtrack really added to the movie. There were many songs that were perfect for the film along with a really great score. This was a really great telling of Kong and a perfect entry into the monster franchise that started with Godzilla. Speaking of which, there is an after credits scene that fleshes more of that world out so I would recommend staying until the final credits roll.

Overall this was a fantastic movie. Perfect for the whole family. Perfect for fans of Steve Brule. This is a great movie to go to after having a personal pan pizza that you might have waited too long in line for. It is also is the type of movie for a fan of big screen monsters but also cinephiles who love a little art in their movies. Go feast your eyes on this flick.
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Logan (2017)
A Brutal Masterpiece
2 March 2017
I knew I was going to enjoy this movie because as you all know I am a huge comic book nerd but this time around enjoyed it not because of that, but because it was a stellar movie. Logan is now the bench mark that Marvel has to deal with when it comes to serious super hero movies. This is the Dark Knight for them and I know that is a bold statement but it needs to be made. Having this movie be rated R made it so much better, seeing Logan lose his mind and start swearing as he hits his car with a shovel is brilliant, as is seeing him slice and dice men like they are cheese.

James Mangold directs and writes what succeeds both as an serious drama with action peppered in, and a western. The year is 2029 and mutants are all but extinct. Logan lives on the Mexican border and honestly just go see the movie because the thrill of it all is not knowing what will happen next. Knowing my comics, this movie is loosely based on the comic Old Man Logan but only in title and location, the story is completely different so we are treated to what I hope is the future of comic book movies where original stories are told in lieu of adaptions of the source material To be clear, I love the adaptions but I also love not having to worry if it is staying true to the material and not once did I feel like I was checking boxes off of some comic I have in my closet.

Hugh Jackman stated this is his last go as Wolverine so with the story being about an old man Logan, there is a poignancy to his performance that you can feel in every single scene. This is Jackman's movie through and through and if any superhero was more deserving of an Oscar nomination it would be him. Patrick Stewart also returns as an ailing Charles Xavier who is both hilarious and haunting as you can tell he is close to the end. The breakout star, as anticipated, was Dafne Keen, who plays Laura, aka X-23, aka Wolverine's clone/daughter. She is ferocious and innocent and better be in more movies.

The score and the cinematography also stand out as well as western type music plays to wide shots of desolate wastelands and old decrepit locations. I can't stress enough how professional this movie looked in terms of a comic book movie. The action was warranted and earned every time, character work was the main focus. It is truly a display of substance over style, but the style is also beautiful.

If you have followed Hugh Jackman's X-Men career this movie is for you. If you are a fan of super hero movies, westerns, or great movies, this is the one for you. It's the perfect movie to see twice or you could also see it once and then buy it later on Blu-Ray. Other great ways to view this movie would be to see with friends, family, or neighbors, but I don't recommend this movie to my worst enemy because he or she doesn't deserve this caliber of incredible.
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Fist Fight (2017)
Violence is Not the Answer
28 February 2017
If you were wondering if Fist Fight is just like most comedies that come out these days, the answer is yes, but in some cases that is not a bad thing. Fist Fight is a movie with a simple concept. A teacher rats another teacher out and is then challenged to a fist fight after school. Sound ridiculous and implausible? There are only a few times you will think that. For most of the movie you can suspend your belief enough to enjoy it without wondering why the teachers swear so much around students or why there is a mariachi band following the principle around all day.

I imagine the real reason we all want to see this movie is the interactions between actors Charlie Day and Ice Cube and that is the selling point of the movie. They work very well together and are the basis of most of the laughs in the movie. While they are playing their typical characters, Ice Cube is the mean teacher and Charlie Day is the erratic funny man, those personalities mesh well together.

The big misstep in the movie is the supporting cast. None of the other characters come off as very funny. Jillian Bell, of Workaholics fame, plays off as very creepy teacher constantly talking about meth and sleeping with students, all played for gags but we end up feeling like Charlie Day as he constantly gives her a very scared face and tries to tell her that is illegal. Tracy Morgan while normally very funny is not given a lot to work with and comes off as very dumb to the point my wife told me she felt bad for him.

The climax of the movie and the whole selling point, the fight, is the best part about this movie. The movie makers had to go big as the entire movie is build up and it pays off in a big way for a very unexpected and exciting piece of action. Unfortunately after the climax the movie slides back down into is mediocre state of rest.

If you are looking for a basic comedy to get some laughs and see Ice Cube fight Charlie Day then this is a great movie to snag from Red Box. Otherwise you are not missing a ton if you decide to wait for the next Horrible Bosses or Barbershop.
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The Wick Burns Brighter
20 February 2017
If you saw the first John Wick, then buckle up, because you are about to be in for a ride. This movie improves on the first in almost every way and was a visual spectacle.

Chapter 2 picks up right after the first movie ended with John having to deal with the unfinished business of his car. There is an unnecessary exposition about who John Wick is by the leader of the Russian gang that would only benefit those who are walking into this sequel blind but it is given by a man who was perfectly fit to be a Russian mob boss and who my brother actually thought should have played the boss in the first movie.

After that the movie goes completely into high gear with action around every corner, insane kills, lots of blood, and great cinematography. John and the viewer are thrust into the underworld we so briefly glimpsed in the first movie as he has to deal with some skeletons from his past and create a swath of skeletons in his wake. This movie will make you reconsider Mr. Wick on your totem pole of bad ass hit men and assassins. Every kill is so beautiful and insane and we are even treated to how the legend of him killing multiple people with a pencil came to be. As well as that, the kills are very realistic and blood. Many times I found myself laughing and clapping because of how insane and real they were.

Keanu Reeves is fantastic as the main character with is very slim dialogue but each word has power. You know John Wick is a kick ass guy when he can just say "Sure" in sign language and make it look cool. Common and Ruby Rose both stood out as great assassins to go up against John. As usual, the background and depth put into this underworld and society of assassins with their coins and hotels was flesh out and so interesting. There is a particular scene in Rome where John is sampling wine, er guns, and also getting a suit tailored that is priceless.

Despite a few missteps in dialogue and a gratuitous if arguably unnecessary cameo from Laurence Fishburne who is there mainly to give some winks and comedy to the camera, this movie is fantastic and heart pumping. Without a doubt one of the best action movies we will see this year and by the time you are finished you will want a Chapter 3, which is saying a lot in this day and age of unwanted and unneeded sequels.

The Wick burns brightly in this beautiful and well made sequel. I highly recommend this movie, especially to those who saw the first movie or who are looking for a great action movie. I would not recommend this movie to my worst enemy, because they don't deserve to see it. I also would not recommend this movie to my mom cause there is a lot of blood.
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A Great Movie: Brick by Brick
20 February 2017
Going into this movie I had high hopes since I had loved the prior Lego movie and the trailers made this seem just as quirky and fun and it delivered.

The movie centers around the caped crusader as he fights villains ranging from Condiment Man to the Joker. As the movie roles along, though, the true villain ends up being Batman himself on his never ending quest for family and not being alone as he attempts to foil a plot by the Joker. The best part about this movie is that it seems every minute there are jokes after jokes that are more funny than not. The entire crux of Batman and the Joker is a joke about them being in an evil relationship and most of what Joker does in the movie has to do with him trying to prove to Batman that he is his greatest enemy.

The voice acting was awesome with so many great people lending their hands to the various characters in the bat universe and also the wider DC comics and Lego universe. This includes plenty of amazing callbacks to prior Batman movies no matter how old. Michael Cera does a fantastic job as Robin and Will Arnett has the perfect Batman voice. The same stop motion for the first Lego movie was used and it was just as cool seeing the explosions and vehicle building as before. The soundtrack is also catchy and fun with a joke throughout the movie of references to "Man in the Mirror".

At almost two hours of run time, the movie was brisk and exciting constantly keeping my eyes full with visual delight. It was also a nerd dream to see all the Lego references to prior Batman movies and to see some Lego characters from Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

Overall this is a great movie for the entire family, kids and adults alike. A perfect addition to the Lego franchise and also the Batman franchise. Take your young son or daughter and buy a nice big tub of popcorn and just munch on that while you spill most of it chortling at the jokes and spoofs throughout. You could also go by yourself or with a loved one or maybe just an acquaintance or that one relative who says "uncle" instead of "ankle".
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Lion (2016)
Lion Roars
20 February 2017
Lion finally helped me complete my viewing of all the best picture nominees, and I'd have to agree it deserves a place up there with the other great films.

Lion is the story of a boy in India who gets lost and ends up traveling far from home not knowing where he is. He is then adopted into a family in Australia where he grows up and decides he wants to find his old family. The movie has two distinct parts: young Saroo and older Saroo. The younger of the two steals the show and makes you want to see more of his young bravery.

Nicole Kidman plays his adoptive mother and she does a fine job but Saroo is the central character the entire way and I felt gripped the entire time rooting for him not to give up. The film briefly brings up the idea of leaving your past in the past. It asks the question, if you don't like what you find would you continue searching, but neither of those points are focused on for too long. Besides that brief discussion the main focus of this movie is just watching young Saroo survive surrounded by Indian's but not speaking their native Bengali since he is from another part of the country and speaks Hindi. The movie does a great job showing what many young children face being alone in the streets. As the movie ends, the credits explain there are over 80,000 displaced children like Saroo which really lends weight to the story and makes his one to root for.

Dev Patel plays the older Saroo and he does a great job playing a man who has a conflict of roots. He speaks Australian, almost forgetting his Hindi, and assimilates to the culture. In college he meets Rooney Mara and some other students and while at a dinner party of an Indian friend he sees something that jolts his past square into his present making that search for his family the main focus while trying to juggle his current family.

The music was beautiful and really helped push these emotions home without feeling forced as it so easily could have. The locations were also beautiful, giving a true feel to the streets of Calcutta and the wilderness of India along with Australia as well.

Lion is a must see for this Oscar season with more going for it than not. Great performances especially from newcomer Sunny Pawar as young Saroo along with beautiful music and a feel good story that will have you teary eyed.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Shyamalan is Back
20 February 2017
I want to stress as I write this review that the ratings I give at the bottom are reflective of my ratings on my IMDb profile. I often times find it difficult to rate movies on their scale because one movie may be an easy 8 but is it a 9? It's no question a high eight so might as well give it a 9, right? So from now on I will have a more fluid and descriptive rating at the end of my reviews that does not give a number or pros and cons.

One of the great things about this movie, right off the bat, is that it does not mess around. Within the first five minutes the scene from the trailer of the girls being kidnapped happens and it is edge of your seat suspense the entire way through. For all the trash that M. Night Shyamalan put out over the years, I think it is safe to say that he has had his midlife crisis and has moved back into what made his movies great. I would like to give a quick shout out to The Visit which came out two years ago, movie because that really was his return to form and it seems apparent he is back and better than ever.

The plot is almost fully given away in the trailer which really says a lot for this movie because you are still engaged the entire time waiting for The Beast to show up and to see if these girls get out alive. If you haven't seen the trailer, three girls are kidnapped by a man with 23 different personalities that are all vying for control of the body of James McAvoy who does a phenomenal job playing so many different people including a woman and a child. I don't want to say more about the plot because it is a movie you just need to go see.

I will let all of you in on a secret, which my brother can attest to. Upon viewing the trailer for maybe the second or third time during other movies, one night I had a really scary nightmare that I was trapped by that guy and the movie spooked me ever since. I almost didn't want to go see it but I faced my fears and I'm glad I did. One of the reasons I got so scared during the trailer was the jumpy music in spots where Kevin aka Barry aka Dennis aka the bad guy pops up very quickly but in the movie the music is more relaxed and intricate than jumpy. I think the trailer was trying to portray this as more of a horror movie when it is really a thriller and thinker. When learning about the main girl, Casey's past, that is when the real sadness crept over me due to how terrible her life was as it unfolded in flashbacks. Anya Taylor-Joy is in top form and is a rising start to watch after seeing this and her performance in The Witch.
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La La Land (2016)
California Dreaming
20 February 2017
The first time I saw this movie was before my resolution to write reviews on all theater movies but I just saw it for a second time which was a very good choice. Being able to watch and enjoy twice added because I was able to not only appreciate the story but see a lot of the technical side, too.

This movie is a perfect romance. The story of not just two people falling in love but two people falling in love with their craft. Ryan Gosling loves jazz and wants to open a jazz bar, and Emma Stone loves acting and aspires to be an actress. The movie follows them through the changing seasons of a year as their relationship develops and they strive for their goals. Oh and there is singing.

I think what changed for me upon second viewing was that I did not enjoy Emma as much as the first time. She is a fine actor but some of her mannerisms threw me especially her singing. Goslings singing wasn't fantastic either but I like that both of them are just being real with their voices and aren't some famous singer like the cameos by John Legend that I still didn't like even on the first viewing.

What changed in a good way was that, again, the technical aspect was amazing. The camera work and coloring along with the directing and cinematography were all spot on. I found myself many times marveling at a certain shot or way that the camera follows people around a busy highway or crowded room. As with before, my favorite part is the ending flashback of what could have been that is so clever and enjoyable I would be fine just watching that part.

There is one final glare that I would like to address and that is the theme of this movie. It has already won massive awards including all seven of it's nominations at the golden globes and will no doubt be represented at the Oscars. This is a movie by Hollywood, for Hollywood, about Hollywood and I don't like that at all. To me it feels like a cop out. Any film maker knows that if they make a good movie about Hollywood that Hollywood will eat it up and give it every accolade that it can give and La La Land is no exception. It angers me because in a year with movies like Arrival, Moonlight, and Manchester by the Sea, I have a bad feeling that La La Land will dominate Oscars as well just because it is a movie about Hollywood and the voters are all Hollywood. Hopefully I am wrong but throughout the entire movie there is that lingering wink towards Hollywood and actors and actresses that this movie is for them which is unnecessary because every movie they make is for them, they don't need extra praise.
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Silence (I) (2016)
Silence is a Good Thing
20 February 2017
The movie opens in pitch black with just the background noise you would hear in a Japanese forest when all of a sudden all sound cuts completely as the title of the movie flashes on the screen. From that moment I knew I'd be in for a great movie and I was right.

Silence is a movie not just about faith but more about what that concept means to different people. What are you willing to give up for your faith when others lives are on the line? Is it worth it? These are big questions and Scorsese attempts to answer them in as best a way as he can. Even if at times he doesn't answer all the questions, he leaves it up to the audience to discuss at length afterwards.

The story begins as two priests from Portugal head to Japan to attempt to find one of their own who they fear is either captured at best, or he given up his faith at worst. As they make the trip they find themselves thrusted directly into the lives of a town of hiding Christian's during a period of inquisition and fear in Japan. There are a lot of similarities that could be drawn to the inquisition here and those that were held by the Christian's themselves in other parts of the world but that's a different discussion suffice to say that it seems the movie is acknowledging it. It even seems at times the movie asks you to question who actually is wrong and who is right.

The performance by Andrew Garfield is the driving force of this film along with some great help from Adam Driver and a slew of wonderful Asian actors. Liam Neeson also gives a memorable performance during the climax of the film. Beyond that all of these performances and moments are assisted by a mostly absent soundtrack, with most moments filled with appropriate silence to make you reflect and draw your own emotion.

As you'll find when you look up this movie, it is long. At almost 3 hours it does drag at times if but briefly but I was surprised to find myself at the end thinking it had flown by. The dragging mainly comes at the end of the movie as there are multiple times I thought it would end and then it didn't. The cinematography is beautiful with amazing shots of forests, ocean shores, caves and Japanese culture which more than makes up for the length because it feels like you are glimpsing at something truly majestic.
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Answer the Call
20 February 2017
For a movie that pushed back it's release date to the new year, presumably to be considered for Oscar season, there are many times in the movie that show that was a smart decision. The movie grips you from beginning to end as you are thrust into the eyes of a 12 year old boy named Conor who is dealing with a parent who has cancer. It's a tough message to convey to an audience if that audience were 12 year old's but for an adult the movie speaks volumes. While the script is predictable in that everything happens the way you imagine it would, that doesn't lessen the grief that you experience while watching it. The performances by all of the characters are wonderful and you really attach yourself to the main character especially in the final third of the movie.

What I really appreciated about this film is that it didn't shy away from the very tough conversations that come with someone having cancer such as figuring out what to tell a child about his parents progress and how dealing with it bleeds into other parts of your life such as school. The real stand out of this film though, is the monster. You can tell Liam Neeson had fun playing this role and as the movie progresses you will want to see more scenes with him. The stories he shares with Conor are beautiful in their creation as is the monster himself. The CGI was lifelike and did not take me out of the movie at all, quite the opposite. Those stories that the monster shares are the highlight of the film as Conor is told that he will be told three stories and then have to tell one of his own about his truth that comes from his nightmare. All of those stories are beautiful metaphors and really hit home.

Where the film stumbles is in it's script. The story itself is very predicable so if you have ever seen a sad movie like this before you know how it will go. It seems like at many times it is coupled with the score to tell you exactly when is the right time to cry. The movie is sad in and of itself and don't worry, you will cry. With that said it makes you see that the story is not about the illness but about how a young person deals with such an illness and the coping mechanism they use. My brother came out of the film asking who the audience was for this film and I didn't have a fast answer because it seems like a perfect movie to have a young child watch to help them understand but the adult tones and rating beg to differ. I imagine this is the type of movie that is good for a parent to see how to help their child when they are going through something difficult.
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