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Nefarious (2023)
The ending is my only grievance
23 March 2024
Checked this movie out of my local library, but I suspect it's available mostly due to the fact that the author of the book this is based on is a local.

From an entertainment standpoint, this is a very engrossing movie, not really a horror in the traditional Halloween or Friday the 13th sense, but more in line with silence of the lambs. A psychological thriller.

The vast majority of the movie is two men conversing, one a psychologist who's been asked to decide if a man on death row is sane or not, if he concludes that the man on death row is insane then the execution needs to be cancelled. The plot contains a few unexpected twists but once you see the twists unfold you pretty much know how the movie is going to end, as a viewer it's up to you to decide if the psychologist made the right decision or not.

From a Christian theological position, the movie stands on solid ground and actually surprised me a bit so I was hoping the therapist would make the opposite decision.

It's a good movie and we need more "Christian movies" like this.
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The Homesman (2014)
Not for everyone
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just learned about this movie a few days ago (available for free on the Roku channel) and my initial thought was "a western with Tommy Lee Jones? Yes please, and in my usual manner I decided to look into it to try and discover why I hadn't heard of this movie until nearly a decade after it was released.

It didn't take long as terminology like "feminist western" were occasionally sprinkled about by multiple reviewers. I nearly decided not to watch it.based on the things I read online about the movie. As one reviewer here at imdb said, it's not for everyone and if we're going to allow social commentary to be addressed by reviewers, I'll include mine.

While I wouldn't call it blatantly "anti Christian" or a movie glorifying feminism, I will say that I certainly wouldn't blame people who criticize it for those reasons because it cuts pretty close to the bone into deserving that criticism. The vast majority of the Christians in the story walk a fine line between hypocritical and godly in their beliefs, the only man in the movie that is portrayed as a good guy is Jones and it could be argued convincingly that he was forced into the "do the right thing" against his will.

But I typically enjoy movies where morality is a gray area and there's a thin line dividing good and evil and this movie certainly didn't disappoint. Some aspects of the movie that I appreciated regarding the portrayal of specific genders that I tend to agree with is that women, by nature, tend to force communities to become more civilized when they occupy it.the scene where Hilary Swank chastises Jones for desecrating an Indian burial site because "for the last two nights i was cold when i was sleeping, and that indian is wrapped in a pelt. I can use it to keep warm but that indian no longer needs it" then later when they come up on the grave of a little girl that has been dug up and Swank chooses to re bury the child Jones decides to continue on without her when she chooses to do the Christian duty of returning the child to the ground I believes shows the intrinsic difference between men and women, men by nature are more logical and practical while women are more civilized, expecting those that they are involved with to have higher expectations.

Early on in the movie we see the three women they are taking to Iowa descend into madness and I can appreciate the way the movie depicted the harshness of life on the prairie taxing them mentally and emotionally, and it's difficult not to feel compassion for them despite some of the bad things the did during their mental health crisis.

Another thing that I can appreciate the movie depicting and disagree with the professional critics, is the claim that social pressure on women to get married, especially for Swanks character. That might have held more merit in 2014 when the movie was produced, but in the post #metoo movement when we see 40 something women on twitter and tictoc proclaiming "where are all the good men at?!?" And men responding online by telling the women that you're too bossy and well past your prime now, shows that in some ways this move is more socially relevant than it probably intended to be, especially regarding the growing number of the do called red pill mens movement.

Truth is that I enjoyed the movie more than I expected, if you enjoy Tommy Lee Jones or Hilary Swank movies, either one, you'll enjoy this movie. You might suffer through some cringe moments, but do try and preserver through them, they are worthwhile. If you enjoy movies where things ain't quite as black and white as they tend to be in movies, especially Westerns, give this a try, I suspect you'll enjoy it.
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The Survivors (1983)
Enjoyable flick but fell short of my expectations
22 February 2024
Never heard of this film prior to a couple of weeks ago, came to my attention after seeing a YouTuber give a quick synopsis of the movie. The main attraction was the star power, growing up watching movies like Bad News Bears, Smokey and the Bandit & Mork and Mindy, I'm quite familiar with Jerry Reed, Walter Mathew and Robbin Williams but had no idea they stared in a movie together.

I was hoping to be laughing to the point of tears with these three in the same movie but it wasn't as funny as I hoped or expected. That's not to say that it lacked any humor or funny aspects, several parts managed to be hilarious, but mostly it was chuckle worthy.

Robin Williams plays the zany over the top character, Walter Mathew plays the well established grumpy old man character, while Reed plays a blue collar thief (if there is such a thing) out to murder them to prevent getting caught.

The climax of the movie where Reed and Williams is hunting each other in the woods at the survival camp is hilarious, but getting to that point in the movie was a bit long to get there.
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Good sitting on the edge of your seat quasi horror movie
14 August 2023
Getting this movie was more of a happy accident than it was a deliberate act. Part of a western 4 pack movie deal, I was looking for a difficult to find movie and this came along with it.grego

The movie is slow in parts but manages to keep your attention. The climatic chase near the end makes it worth the wait and drugury to encountered to get you there. Has some mild horror elements to it, you learn early on that the Indian father desires to retrieve his son and anyone that comes in contact with the group gets killed so you're literally expecting him to pop up out of nowhere at any moment as they make their way to Gregory Pecks farm.

I'm kinda surprised it's not more well known outside of fans of the western genre, but it's not as popular as it used to be which is unfortunate.
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Disturbing movie to watch
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book this was based off of over a decade ago (2010) and the book caused me to expand my interest in history to include WWI history as well which causes to understand how each war we are involved with is often an nothing more than an extension of the previous war. Once you begin to understand that concept it becomes easy to understand how the Afghanistan war is little more then unresolved issues stemming from the first Iraqi war.

The movie is fairly accurate to the actions depicted in the book. The battleship wasn't sunk right away as depicted in the movie, the Navy did get a team onboard the battleship and examine the damage caused by Mitchell's airplanes but as depicted in the movie he did manage to drive home that ships were indeed venerable from the air.

Between the sinking of the battleship and his court-martial, general Mitchell took a tour of Japan, a nation that had been our allies during WWI and tension had been growing between our two countries between the wars. After he toured the country he saw the increasing military buildup of a Japanese air power and the potential threat their military presented and wrote up an evaluation of the country presented to the United States as a whole. His assessment was brought up during the trial and it seems disturbingly prophetic watching a movie taking place more than two decades prior to our entry into WWII and filmed a little more than a decade after the conclusion of WWII, and the filmmakers took full advantage of that situation in how they presented it to the viewers.
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Terrific biopic
8 July 2023
This movie was a staple of broadcast and cable tv in the 1970s where I'd seen it multiple times, it's availability was probably largely due to the poor reception it got in the theaters when originally released.

I recently purchased on DVD and just as good as I remember it, maybe even better after growing older and having more life experiences giving me more understanding of just how risky his trip was.

Jimmy is a convincing Lindberg in both the looks department as well as mannerisms, probably with some of it due to his experience flying during WWII. I've read that some creative liberties has been made with the story, the inability to sleep prior to the start of his flight was due to him partying, not apprehension of the upcoming flight but not so unrealistic or unbelievable to ruin a good story.
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Gravity (2013)
Loved this movie.... Until...
26 June 2023
I remember the first time watching this movie, one of the very first Blu-ray movies I purchased. The first 1/3 of movie was pure nail biting adrenaline for me because I thew that the science behind it was accurate. Pushing the boundaries or reality maybe, but that's just great storytelling. Then we get to the George Clooney part where he's sacrificing himself and all the tension they had built up to that point made me feel deflated and took some time to get me reengage with the movie

Overall this is an excellent movie that is probably the most accurate to what the dangers associated with space travel is like, their use of sound and it's absence is so awesome. There's a scene where our heroine enters the ISS and as the airlock is getting represurized you can hear the claxon gradually getting louder and louder. When she's in space all you hear is her breathing. These little audio cue's helped me enjoy the movie and stand out.

All in all, this would be a great binge watch with The Martin, both are based on the same philosophy. Work through each problem that is brought up and you work your way through all of them, you'll make your way home. Compared to the Martian this movie is able to hold its own in the despite predicament storyline but I'll give the Matt Damon movie slightly higher score for two reasons. The limitations of making that one realistic enough because of budget reasons made the looking past the lack of realism easy to do but what they missed in realism Matt made up for in acting. This movie they had set the bar so high in realism that the one place where they ruined it for me was such a cold splash of water in the face during the first watch it took several minutes for me to get back into the movie. That's not to say that Saundra is a bad actor in this movie, she's actually quite good, but some scenes that Matt had you could feel his desperation and his joy. Saundra you was convinced she was scared, angry, frustrated, etc but you didn't feel it.
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Interstellar (2014)
Fantastic edge of your seat movie.
26 June 2023
It may take a few watches to take in all the relevant plot points but it's worth it. The changing of aspect ratios is a subtle change that you likely won't notice until it's pointed out but adds to the tension and unconscious sense of clostaphobua inside the spacecraft and overwhelming sense of vastness of space when outside the ship, especially if watched at the theater.

Chris Nolan's enjoyment of playing with timelines is at home in this plot and the use of time changes/dilation the faster you travel or the closer you are to a black hole adds to the tension of the movie.

If you enjoy sci-fi this is a must see movie and if you enjoy character driven drama's you should give it a shot.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Not as good as I thought it would be
14 June 2023
Enjoyable movie that probably won't watch again.

I won't say this is necessarily a bad movie but following the plot can be difficult at times. As a result I ended up watching it a second time in order to catch some key plot points I missed during the first viewing and there's a difference between watching to pick up key plot points you missed the first time and watching in order to see if you can find key details.

On the positive side the trailer didn't give away all the best or funniest parts of the movie nor did they show all the action, one of my biggest concern about movies like this but it's unlikely that I'll go out of my way to watch it again or invite friends and family over for a pizza movie night. The best thing I could say about it is that it's slightly better than okay.
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The Old Way (2023)
Surprisingly Good
9 June 2023
I purchased this used from Redbox and took me a little while to breakdown and watch it because I made the mistake of reading some of the reviews prior to playing it but I should have known better. Westerns can be an acquired taste because some of the greatest plots take a long time to build up to the climax where most of the action takes place in an era where modern audiences expect action every other scene.

I won't say that there's no action until the climatic last gunfight but is limited, maybe even purposely so, the majority of the movie has Cage and his "daughter" played by Ryan Kiera Armstrong tracking the individuals down that killed the wife and mother of the two and you quickly see why he's got his reputation for being such a cold hearted killer.

If you're a fan of his work, you'll enjoy this movie because this movie falls in line with traditional Cage popcorn movies from the 90s and 2000's & if you enjoy traditional classic westerns you'd expect with Randolph Scott and John Wayne I think you'll enjoy this just as much. It's very much a character driven story that will unfortunately be overlooked by those who have no interest in the genre and it's kinda unfortunate because it is good. Fortunately it'll make its way to a streaming platform that targets western fans or Netflix where the algorithms will put it on the "suggested for you" list getting it a wider audience, but if you're a Nic Cage fan or a western fan reluctant to try it out because you believe the two would mix like oil and water hopefully I can put your mind at ease and tell you to give it a try. You won't be disappointed, they actually fit like a glove. If you enjoy character driven drama's then I encourage you to give this a watch.
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Cherished classic
19 May 2023
I'd seen this movie a few times as a young kid, a staple of weekday afternoon movie that aired in the early 1970s and occasional late night movie on Friday or Saturday after the 10 PM news. It had been several decades since I watched it and found it on eBay so figured I'd get it.

The movie was released in 1950 but takes place in the 1920's and contains no real plot or story arc to speak of, rather it more or less follows the same template used by A Christmas Story, a series of short humorous snippets of day to day life in a household that has 12 kids.

Most of the.story centers around Anne, the eldest of the brood but most of the kids have an opportunity to create havoc for the Uber conservative father but he's a man of quick whit and enjoys his role of being the father of so many kids, even taking the time to play chaperone to her daughters high school dance.

It's pleasantly enjoyable and at the risk of coming across as a fuddy-duddy, some standards and expectations that we no longer have that probably wouldn't hurt to return to.

I plan on looking for the second movie in the series. Belles on Their Toes which I don't think I've seen yet.
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Enjoyable flick but lacks anything special
16 April 2023
Purchased this because I saw the movie mentioned by a John Wayne fan. Looked up the trailer and the trailer was enough to get me to purchase it.

Down on his luck former collage football coach (John Wayne) is going through a custody battle with his ex-wife over their daughter and the court assigned investigator (Donna Reed) isn't all that thrilled with what she sees regarding the child's upbringing, meanwhile a Catholic priest who is in charge of the local Catholic college needs a way to bring money into the school and sees football as the opportunity to do that and offers the coaching job to John Wayne's character.

Entering plot and great comedic moments, young Sherry Jackson does manage to stan out as a young girl being raised by her father and lacking any feminine role models and being Tom boyish in her mannerisms. Donna Reed does a good job playing the court representative that is trying to ensure that she's acting in the best interest of the minor child Charles Coburn is nearly perfect as the priest who wants to save his school. In my opinion John Wayne falls a little short, I'm not fully sold in this role and think Charlton Heston (the Private war of Major Benson) or Robert Mitchell might have been a better choice. That's not to say that it's a bad movie, I enjoyed it plenty but my expectations from Wayne's performance wasn't fully met.
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We need more movies like this
7 October 2022
My review is probably going to trigger a lot of believers and for that I'm truly sorry. I enjoyed this movie and believe that we need more movies like this one. Whether we like it or not Hollywood has a lot of influence in the culture and we need more films to counter worldly views and this movie does it so well.

Inspired by the Biblical story of Gomer and Hosea, its set in the American west shortly prior to the Civil War and told from "Gomers" perspective. While it does contain some pretty steamy scenes that many would consider softcore porn I think that those who are critical miss the point of showing them in the movie.

Angel is truly broken in the movie and it's only due to being shown unconditional love that she begins to see how broken that she is and this movie does a great job of showing that no matter how depraved we become God does offer his unconditional love and that through him we can have a better more fulfilling life.
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The Batman (2022)
Exceeded my expectations
4 March 2022
To be fair, I'm biased when it comes to Batman, he's my favorite superhero and has been since I was 5 years old watching Adam West play him on TV.

The trailers managed to set high expectations but caused me to fear that we're seeing the best parts of the film, too. Obviously there's a lot of hype surrounding the movie and concerns that it might be overblown because a studio wants to earn it's money back. Then on the other side you have the fanboys who love their superhero movies and will rate them high even though it's a piece of trash.

I'm a fanboy, I'm not even going to apologise for publicly admitting it, and Batman is my favorite superhero. I'll even admit that I can make a good argument in support of any Batman movie, but there comes a time when you just need to open the door and invite someone to try it out themselves.

The movie is 3 hours long, but it doesn't feel like it at all and that's about the highest praise I can provide.

I do have some minor issues with the story, they could have ended the movie sooner than they did and it felt like the final act was a little contrived, but it didn't feel forced or that it didn't add to the plot in any way, I just didn't think it matched the overall tone of the movie.

Their pick for Catwoman wasn't my favorite. I'm not saying that I didn't like her, I'm saying that she didn't "own" the role, Margot Robbie owns the Harley Quinn role, I don't think anyone could do it better. Linda Carter owns the Wonder Woman role. Zoe Kravitz fell short of that kind of casting choice, but I can't emphasize this enough, she's not bad at all and even admit that there's some great chemistry between her and Batman but this could be because I've got mixed feelings of how she's portrayed in the movie.

I'm not a huge fan of this portrayal of Alfred, either. I've always seen him as the traditional Butler, something you would see watching Downton Abbey, this seems to be influenced by Gotham or even Joker, but these are minor issues I've got and minor they are.

Riddler makes a great Batman adversary here and will be compared to the Dark Knight version of Joker in many aspects. Complete departure from classic versions but well grounded in realism and hope to see him make another return, maybe even influence other material he's used in.
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Dream Horse (2020)
Great movie
16 February 2022
I picked this up mostly because I'm a sucker for movies based on real events but also because just about everything I've seen Damian Lewis in I've enjoyed.

Pretty much standard fare up to the point where the horse was born but after that the movie keeps you guessing. Each race is a nail biter because you just know how much each race means to the investors. Sure, it's a typical family tear jerker but kudos to the production team, they kept my attention and even got me to cheer a few times. I do enjoy my movies but getting me that invested into the plot and characters does take some skills.
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Green Book (2018)
Enjoyed it
12 February 2022
My biggest fears about movies like this is that critics and reviewers give it high ratings because of the subject matter, not because of the story and performance, but the trailer managed to reel me in.

The movie caught my attention from the opening scene and held onto it until the closing credits. I know it sounds cliche, but it's the true.

Tony Lip is a bum but has some good qualities that makes him tolerable. Don Shirley is a pompous jerk that literally looks down on people from his throne yet pushes Tony to do better because he sees that Tony can, not because he's embarrassing him and the two are forced to ride in a car together.

I don't know how much embellishing the producers made with this film compared to the actual events, but if they did, they didn't do it to for the wrong reasons.

I can't call this typical Hollywood woke trash and I feared that it would be, however I did see one review here that called it a buddy movie and I would say that it's not far off the mark, the bonding friendship between the two doesn't come across as forced.

I would classify this as a must see.
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Way overrated
29 January 2022
I'm about to post a very unpopular view. 2001: A Space Odyssey is overrated. It's an okay movie and part of the reason why I only gave it 4/10 stars is simply to counter balance the rave reviews that this movie seems to get.

I'll give credit where it's due, visually it's stunning and the special effects that they did to make you feel like you're on a spaceship is fantastic, but the plot is weak, the storyline longer than it needs to be and the ending is a mess. Without a decent story the visual and special effects are worthless for a story. I would much rather watch The Last Starfighter or Enemy Mine, movies that have dated and cheesey special effects but a much better story than this flick.

I hate to give this harsh of a review but I can't help myself because I'm sickened to see so much accolades tossed on this movie when I can think of several that are far more deserving.

If you have any interest in trying out a SciFi movie to see what they are all about and why they are popular with so many people, avoid this like a COVID-19 infection, go with something that has a much better story like The Day the Earth Stood Still or Forbidden Planet. Maybe even Planet of the Apes which came out the same year. If you plan on getting into film production, watch the multiple film documentaries on the making of this film, it's fascinating stuff, but if you want to take a nap with classical music playing in the background, this is the perfect movie for that.
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Not quite as good as the first but decent follow-up
27 January 2022
Yes, I enjoyed watching this but the first one was in my opinion better. Not that the villain that Venom was bad, just that he wasn't different enough from the villain in the first movie to stand apart.

That being said, I'm eagerly awaiting this version of Venom and the latest version of Spider-Man to go at each other, I think we got enough background on both of them to see the action take place quickly.
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The Marksman (2021)
Standard action movie
27 January 2022
Picked this up at Redbox because it has Liam Neeson in it. Not a bad movie keeping me interested, but I did feel like I was watching a remake of the latest Rambo movie where he goes toe to toe with the Cartel. Not that it's a bad thing, just that several plot points were reused.

If you like action movies, you'll enjoy this. If you enjoy Liam Neeson movies, he doesn't disappoint. If you enjoy action movies staring Liam, make the popcorn and break out the big gulp cup because you'll be entertained.
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Old Henry (2021)
Best Impulse Buy I Ever Made
12 November 2021
Great movie and glad I purchased it. The revel at the end was unexpected but the plot kept me engaged all the way through.

I felt like Trace Adkins was underused in this movie, I don't think he has more than five minutes but the last movie I saw him in was Mom's Night Out (not by choice) but each scene he was in was good and wished he would have been in more.
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Man of the House (I) (2005)
Enjoyable movie
1 November 2021
This is one of those "the critics don't get it" movies. Sure the plot is a little contrived but it's about the comedy that it brings to the screen.

Tommy Lee Jones plays an old school Texas Ranger who is forced to play protector to some collage cheerleaders who witnessed a murder and the cheerleaders resent him because they feel like are prisoners in their own home due to his commitment to protecting them. Along the way he forces them to up their standards in the academic world as well as the dating world and they get him to loosen up around his daughter.

This was my first introduction to Cedric the Entertainer and it was kinda blah as far as introductions go. Not great, not bad, just blah.

Playing a former criminal who's turned to religion, our hero Texas Ranger uses him to get info and we find out that he was also a cheerleader back in the day. I could do with more of the "Holy Cow! It's a miracle" jokes and a lot less of the 'Dance off between him and the cheerleaders' action, but in all it's a small inconvenience to sit through for an otherwise funny movie.

There is a subplot with Tommy Lee Jones meeting a professor at the college and takes a liking too, but she's convinced that he is with the girls for selfish reasons resulting in the grocery store scene being comic gold.
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Entertaining movie
10 October 2021
Good movie cut from the same type of plot as Heaven can Wait and Drive Angry. Gangster finds out that he's dead and condemned to Hell. After attempting to break out to take revenge on the guy who murdered him, the Devil sees that he's a doppelganger as a righteous Court Judge running for office. The Devil offers to help him escape Hell to exact revenge, but before doing so he needs to do the Devil one small favor. Take possession of the judge's body and ruin his life.

Despite the subject material, it is a good family friendly movie using 40's slang with typical violence and innuendos from the era.

This movie has been in the public domain for quite a while and as a result a staple of late night cable networks through the 80's and early 90's but finding a version in decent quality is hard find.
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Enjoyable film
18 September 2021
I've seen this movie several times over the course of my 50 years and it never gets old. It's public domain status makes it easy to find on various streaming services, but if you want so see the best picture quality available, the Criterion Collection Blu-ray is the one to watch.

Godfrey, a "forgotten man" who's down on his luck is hired to be a Butler by a wealthy family after one of them tried to exploit him in a scavenger hunt. Typical screwball romantic comedy from the era sharing the antics you would see in movies like Bringing Up Baby and The Awful Truth.

Easy to find to watch on any streaming device, give it a shot.
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I would like it better if I could find a higher quality print of the film
26 June 2021
Classic screwball comedy cut from the same cloth as the classics like Bringing up Baby or My Man Godfrey, but I think it's lack of popularity is due to two things.

1. It was released in 1950, some time after the "screwball comedy" popularity had waned

2. Most prints of this movie are pretty poor quality

The Internet Archive has a couple copies of this movie available for download for free due to it's public domain status and they are quite watchable but it's not not as crisp of a picture as you should have from movies of that time frame.

Some of the reviews complain about the plot, four veterans "playing the system" in order to avoid work, but that's what makes it a "screwball comedy", the plot lends itself to the hijinks that the characters are involved in.

Personally, I enjoy these types of comedies and if you're a fan of movies like My Man Godfrey, It Happened one Night or early Cary Grant films (Bringing up Baby, His Girl Friday, The Awful Truth etc.) then you'll likely enjoy this as well. Same zany antics and colorful characters with some tender moments driving the story along. It may not be at quite the same level of quality but still enjoyable.
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Fantastic movie
9 June 2021
Not usually a horror fan I had decided to check out all the classic Universal horror movies. This one does have some dark humor which is why it appeals to me.

Growing up in the modern era and knowing how green/blue screen works it wouldn't be all that hard to make today, but the special effects truly had me baffled resulting in my curiosity researching how they did it and the ingenuity that these guys used in making him invisible still holds up as believable nearly a century later, a true testament to their skills.

The movie is remarkably close to the source material, another unusual trait to films from this era.

This is a must see movie, especially if you're hesitant in watching anything old or in Black and White, the acting and dialogue is superb, even by modern standards. Special effects are convincing enough for the most part, there are some where you can easily figure it out but rarely anything that distracts a modern audience.

Unless there is yet another copyright extension bill, this will soon fall into the public domain meaning that it will become a staple of late night viewing and available on every single streaming service in just a few short years. Watch, when it does it will catapult to the top of the list of favorite horror movies to watch at night. It will become a staple of independent tv stations and digital subchannel "October horror movie" lineup becoming even more popular than Dracula and Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein.
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