
45 Reviews
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The Godfather (1972)
I might be in the minority who read the book first
25 February 2024
And i have to say the book is so captivating and gives so many additional layers to the characters presented in the movie. "The Godfather" is very well directed and acted film. Also, almost all the scenes are very truthful to the source material. No wonder the movie is "Mario Puzo's The Godfather". From a classical movie perspective there's a lot to appreciate. I think they tried to be as authentic as possible casting Italian actors, but some were pretty weak in their performance. Also some didn't fit the character very well - I really can't accept Robert Duval as Tom Hagen. The ending of the movie also felt so much more rushed. With the pace it was all going I thought the ending of the book was going to be unfolder in the second movie, but that wasn't the case. Suddenly everything just happened quickly and that was it. I don't know, but I'm getting regrets that I didn't see the movie first. Honestly, Mario Puzo set the bar pretty high.
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Dune (2021)
more visuals and less of everything else
12 February 2024
I haven't seen the original Dune movie and I finished the book not even 6 months ago so I can only compare this movie to the written material. Visually it's quite appealing and I'm surprised how well it looks considering Dune is supposed to be a bland desert world after all and it's the narrative that drives the book. On its own the movie is not difficult to follow, but compared to the book, it felt like a brief resume without going into any particular details anywhere. There were some characters left out completely and the ones present are not well established. It just felt like the story was rushed and then it just ended. I really wonder what was the point of casting those big names when majority don't serve any purpose. I really didn't see anything from Josh Brolin or Dave Bautista. I imagine they wanted to threw them in to draw the audience and ensure part 2 was being approved. I still enjoyed the movie, but I wish for a director's cut or something similar as it doesn't feel complete in its current form. With one annoying exception, it's faithful to the origin story, but that alone is not sufficient. I was split but gave it 7 and not 6 because of the styling and designs (except for the shields which felt like cheap CGI).
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whoever wrote this needs to quit
17 December 2023
I grew up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show from the 87, saw all the movies up until this one. I was not impressed with the last 2 remakes but as average as they were at least they didn't make me upset. I don't even know where to start. They changed the origin story which might which could have been okay if it was well-written, but that was not the case. Everything seemed so bland and unbelievable. I almost lost it when there was a scene where Splinter was sitting in a couch scrolling through his cell phone like an old man having nothing else to do. The writers tried so hard to be smart and funny but to me failed at all levels. Most of the jokes didn't land and I couldn't care less or sympathize with most of the characters. This seems like one of those "modern" remakes that are so popular these days. I could almost feel Seth Rogen's touch all over the material. I still liked the animation and the voice acting was decent. Other than that it's an empty shell. Even at 100 minutes it felt so long.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
for 2 hours I was wondering if it was really necessary
30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the original animation and while not my favourite it's somehow charming, a little goofy and most of all short. This movie repeats everything but adding more on top which extends the runtime to over 2 hours and that's not helping at all. I bet most kids who have seen the original will likely get bored by the end. None of the added scenes are good - the songs are so cringy I can't believe someone gave the green light to include them in the movie. I liked the original songs. The re-design of Sebastian wasn't to my taste at all. The cartoon crab was so much more entertaining. The bird changed from being a bit awkward in the original to annoying and quite irritating in this one. That scuddlebutt song was the lowest point of the whole movie.

Of course, there were good changes which made a litlte more sense compared to the original. I liked how the relationship between Ariel and Eric progressed more naturally. I liked all actors and the effort they put in this movie. Everyone did their best with what was given to them even though with so much blue screen there wasn't much space to really shine.

Overall, it was a decent movie, but rather uncalled for. It was done just because they could do it. Even the effects weren't as good. I can tell this won't age well in 20 years.
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um, what was that?
10 December 2022
Had such high hopes for this movie. It's one of those that the title just grabs you without knowing anything about it. Almost convinced my wife to watch it with me. Well, I'm glad I didn't. The movie had so many awkward moments and it tried to send a message of some kind the whole time, but somehow I did not buy it. It reminded me of some other multiverse movies(it borrows from them too), but does its own, I call it goofy version, which I did not enjoy at all. I haven't seen it mentioned here, but there's something about it that made me recall Cloud Atlas. Maybe because it involved same characters in different scenarios? I can see the effort put in it and the acting was quite good, but after it was over I felt like watching some random fan fiction parody. To me it does not feel like a complete movie and it is understandable considering the smaller budget. However, there should be a fine line between cheap production and just having low budget. A real masterpiece is the one you can never guess the budget for it. The movie is okay to watch even if a bit long, but doesn't come even close to TOP 250.
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Andor (2022– )
Made me appreciate Rogue one even more
27 November 2022
I waited to finish the whole season before I commit to writing anything about Andor. I always felt that it might slip at some point and go downhill but it never did. Unlike any other Star Wars universe series to date it did not focus on the force or the Jedi, but touched instead on a much more serious side of the Empire and the regular people living within its borders. It's a very mature story that might not appear to everyone especially the ones seeking fast paced combat and lots of space fights, but it connects very well with the atmosphere in Rogue One. Being as good as it is, the series come with certain compromises. It feels very distant from most of the Star Wars universe we've seen to date - there are very little non-humanoid aliens present if any. Most characters speak with British accent for some reason. If you don't know better you get the impression that the Empire was ran entirely by people from Earth. I get that their vision is supposed to match a certain other evil empire from our own history, but we're not the 70s when there was a lack of FX and lack of diversity in casting. It doesn't spoil it for me, but it's distracting. To make the whole thing even more "Earthly" I saw a lot of references to space "coffee" and "cereal" as if the universe far away has to be exactly like ours. Once again, those are minor distractions that don't decrease the value of the show. In conclusion, it's really refreshing to see that everything doesn't just resolve around Tatooine. My ranking would be somewhere on the same level with the Mandalorian and much better than anything else. I'm definitely looking forward to S2.
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Prey (I) (2022)
like a computer game with cheat codes
7 August 2022
As someone said it, this movie is just like a computer game when you turn on god mode because it's simply too hard. The main character is introduced as good tracker but not much more and in a week or so turns into a hunter that makes Arnie from the original look like a boy scout. The movie feels long even if it's only hour and 40 minutes and quite honestly how long could it be when you have an alien who is probably millennium ahead technologically hunting people with bows, arrows and muskets? There was this familiar feeling hovering for the entire time and then I read that Disney bought Fox. I can't believe any parent company can put such a distinct mark and not in a good way on a very single product they produce? Seriously, I feel like every movie that comes out recently goes through a checklist of things that should be included in it. Unbelievable. Anyways, at the end of the day the movie was enjoyable to a certain extend. It introduced fresh new elements to the Predator weaponry and likely would have been much more if not for all the incredible coincidences which existed only drive the movie somewhere. Finally, the scene with the snake should be impossible considering the Predator has a thermal vision. Find this very sloppy for the writers considering 300 years into the future the Predator he can't even detect a man covered in mud.
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concept was good but execution was lacking
17 July 2022
There's not much more to say that hasn't been said already. 8.3 is absolutely unrealistic and only driven by nostalgia. I have not seen the amazing spiderman even though Andrew Garfield plays very well, but I don't think that should affect the enjoyment of the movie. This is also the worst of the new MCU spiderman movies. The reason for that is the movie is filled with too much unnecessary drama and cringe worthy comedy. I watched Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness just last week and it didn't feel boring at any point. This movie made me check my watch at least 3 times. A big flaw is the inclusion of so many irrational and completely dumb decisions which characters would never normally make. Why? Well the writers are too lazy to think around the most obvious path to getting to the end of the story. Cause if Dr Strange or Spiderman did what they normally would, this movie wouldn't even exist. It wasn't completely a waste though. I find acting was good from almost everyone, it was nice to see old faces back. To conclude, right after I finished watching this spider man I decided to do a quick run of infinity war. It was like a medicine for a bad headache.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Writers aren't that smart after all
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everything that happened in this finale serves only pone purpose - to make S4 possible. All the characters acted irrational and illogical doing stuff they would never do in other circumstances. All of them except maybe Frenchie and MM. Butcher switching sides because of a promise? The kid would have turned normal after the blast and so would Homelander. What's the point of attacking Soldier Boy at that moment except to drive the story further. I doubt Maeve would have lasted normally that long against Homelander either. Obviously everyone wants to see more, but they better not drag the show to the bottom simply driven by greed.
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definitely better than the original even if predictable
1 July 2022
The movie is done right on so many levels and I can tell the huge effort put into it. The skill put into work is outstanding - visuals, sound, directing and acting. The movie follows a similar formula as the first even if obviously up to modern day and age. Whoever did Tom Cruise's make up deserves a special award. That man does look 40 at most. The movie is really enjoyable and the only downside is that is actually quite predictable.
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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
no seriously, how do you top this?
26 June 2022
You'd expect this level of awesomeness to be reserved for a season finale but there are 2 more episodes in S3. It's probably the best episode so far in the entire show. I can't wait to see where the show is going cause it's getting better and better.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
did leia write this episode
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is absolutely no thought put in writing this episode. A nobody pulls a rank on the main security officer in a top-secret establishment? Storm troopers shooting randomly when glass breaks from blaster fire? Glass withstands tons of pressure underwater yet breaks from one shot with a blaster? Rebel ships come out of nowhere and nobody can detect them even though the base is the only structure on the entire world? I can go on and on. Not a single minute of this episode that wasn't a convenient sequence to convince the viewer that this dumb stunt could actually happen. The scene from Epsiode 4 with the millenium falcon and the death star when they saved Leia and which happened over 50 years ago is still way more believable than this nonsense. By now I'm entirely convinced that this show is nothing more than a rushed attempt to capitalize on SW yet again.
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what kind of movie requires plants to write reviews
6 June 2022
Haven't seen it, haven't put a score, but just clicked on all 10/10 reviews and what a surprise that the only review those users have ever written are of this movie. I'll just leave it at that. Those reviews are obviously too shallow to be credible, but it's just sad.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
magical coincidences doesn't make for a good episode
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We're already half way through the show and it seems like another failed attempt. Half the episode is aimless wandering though some wilderness until they bring Vader in. By that time you're thinking some epic fight scene will be revealed but disappointment strikes yet again. That second half is also what makes me so disappointed with the majority of all the recent shows. Everything recently is being written so lazily. They're given so much epic material and the effort is just laughable. First thing, Obi-Wan is fire-proof. How? Darth Vader is afraid of fire and so are his soldiers? Why? He is also randomly murdering innocent locals? Since when? Reva finds the secret pathway with no effort just so she is the one to find Lea even though Lea was much further ahead. How did Reva teleport all the way at the end not even knowing where the tunnel was heading? When will those writers learn that making something magically happen for no reason except to fit the story progression is not fun and spoils the enjoyment of the whole show.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part II (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Am I supposed to shut my brain down because it's fiction
29 May 2022
Let's be honest. This was not a good episode. The concept is there, but the execution is simply sloppy. The whole episodes if full of holes and questionable decisions by the inquisitors. Their leader acts tough, but can't even control a complete novice letting her do basically whatever she wants without zero consequence. This is the Empire we are talking about, they shoot people for a lot less. The other huge flaw which will follow the show throughout the whole season is this Reva who's either written very badly, or is a really incapable actor. I understand baddies are ambitious, but I'm hardly convinced that Vader send some nobody to hunt one of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy. On top of that her acting feels so over the top than even Hayden Christensen's in Episode 2 and 3 is Oscar worthy in comparison. This is something that plagues so many shows recently and Obi Wan is not an exception. At least the kid has an excuse cause she's too young anyways.
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fan fiction more than anything else
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think comparison with the original are almost inevitable as that is where this new movie goes so far away and forgets its roots which ironically it glorifies in the first 30 minutes. The original Matrix was a visual revolution, no doubt. Resurrections provides nothing even close to extraordinary. Quite the opposite. It even falls behind some of the recent movies in the same category. For example, the analyst speed power feels extremely cheap. The world of the original was almost a timeless stylized alternative reality while this one feels like just another movie set in 2022. The crew of the Nebuchadnezzar all mattered and had a role to play With a few exceptions this new ship's crew matters very little. I don't even recall the ship having a name. There was a sense of threat and tension in the old Matrix. Resurrections has none. Nobody dies nor is even remotely threatened. The urgency to find a phone and escape is non-existent here. Agents appear briefly and that's it. The new bots are supposedly more effective but while 1 agent can dispose of the whole crew, it takes a thousand bots to do absolutely no damage. Neo went from being the one into being less than half. In Reloaded the architect is supposedly a busy program and was close to impossible to locate. Here, the analyst is Neo's psychiatrist. To what purpose? There could have been a program for that. There's probably more but that is all I can think of on top of my head.

Major annoyances and spoilers: Never understood how did they bring Trinity back from the dead? She died in the real world where none of the matrix's rules works. At least Neo's body was physically preserved save for the eyes but they recovered those as well. No way could the Matrix work as a game. What would happen if the player picks the blue pill? Game over? It's way more plausible if it was a movie, but the new generation associates more easily with video games. Niobe's makeup was just horrendous. She looks fake and nowhere near whatever age she's supposed to be. Nobody else survived since Revolutions to remember Neo? Zombie chase scene and Neo's Jedi powers near the end feel very very cheap and for what is considered the climax of the movie, it is extremely poorly executed. Agent Smith shouldn't be in the new Matrix. He had a clear purpose as an agent in the original before going rogue. There was some huge purpose that happened in between and yet the biggest nemesis to everyone and everything got spared??? Him addressing Neo as "Tom" is probably the most annoying thing I found with the whole movie. NPH was too much himself from any other movie and not enough of a matrix character or a villain. I was expecting him to say "wait for it..." at some point. New Morpheus was confusing since he was nothing like the original, too. I don't even get how his character was mixed with Smith while being programmed.

Minor annoyances: Music wasn't up there with the original soundtrack. Up to this day I listen to Reloaded soundtrack. The music in the original trilogy went so well with the action scenes. In here it felt as if it was just thrown in. It's not terrible but not memorable at all.

Good impression: Bugs was probably the best thing in the whole movie. She really stole the show. Her and maybe Trinity were the most memorable characters.

Last thoughts - I honestly don't think Lana Wachowski wanted to make this movie. It was almost clear when they mentioned WB and the sequel game inside the movie itself. Obviously, there were good ideas within, but it is almost as if the desire to do it wasn't present. You can't make a film of which 1/5 is just a rerun of the original. Everything felt as if the green light was given for a fan-made direct-for-TV movie with the exception of the huge budget. I don't care how bad Revolutions was, at least it tied up with the other movies and was a good conclusion. After I finished the original back in the days I came out of the theatre not realizing what I just watched, almost wanting to back in again for a rerun. For Resurrections , I feel no desire to do so. Nothing remains unanswered.
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Not the bounty hunter I remember
31 December 2021
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I remember Jango in the prequels and his son Boba in Ep 5 being among the most dangerous bounty hunters in the universe. What we get in this episode is an old dude who almost got his a** kicked by some weird desert ninjas and got saved by his pig guards, the same useless ones in Jaba's palace. Understandably he's recovering from past misfortunes, but seriously how did he get to be the crime boss? He's neither menacing nor ruthless. He's almost got Ben Kenobi's attitude of living in the desert and not caring much about anything. Surprised Robert Rodrigues actually directed this. This episode felt rushed as if they knew how to make it good, but just wanted to get it over with sooner. I'll give it another shot in Ep2.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Chillingly accurate even if strongly exaggerated
28 December 2021
I wonder how this movie would be viewed by the audience 20 years ago as it is completely influenced by the events in the past decade. It would be like watching the Matrix for the first time. On one, side it mocks end of the world movies which many younger viewers probably haven't seen at all. On the other, it mocks all social media obsession, political zeal and blind party support. There's also the big tech corporation's desire to exploit every possible scenario for profit with little to no regard to people or environment. It tries to cover many topics and while it succeeds in some areas it doesn't in other. The cast is crazy with so many famous actors which could be either a big plus or a big distraction. Meryl Streep's acting was so funny even if over the top. Other notable performances were from Jennifer Lawrence, Rob Morgan, Cate Blanchett, Mark Rylance. I think the movie did exactly what it aimed to do so in that aspect it succeeded and I enjoyed it. If it was a bit toned down and some of the ridiculousness was left out, I would have probably rated it higher. It just missed the mark of being entirely a clever satire and stepped into the mindless comedy territory. Solid 7.
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Encanto (2021)
just watch the trailer and the last half hour
26 December 2021
The movie seemed promising from the trailer but then I started watching and something didn't click from the beginning. Normally the first 10 minutes can tell me a lot about the overall enjoyment of the whole movie. 80% of the trailer is probably based on the first half hour which is a bit strange, but then not much happens after that is really significant. The pacing seems uneven with parts going too fast and others slow. It is not a short movie and it went by fast but I felt like nothing much was happening through most of it. Visually it's beautiful and probably better than Raya and similar to Luca, but that alone doesn't make it good. The singing wasn't to my taste at all with at least 50% of the songs I could just skip. Not just that but it felt so forced as if a computer decided by an algorithm when there should be a song. There were too many characters thrown in with very little development or explanation. The main reveal in the whole story came based on short refences which I felt most kids won't even get. I feel like all those smaller things done right could have changed the movie for the better, but at the end it just doesn't deliver.
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Hawkeye (2021)
like, but dislike
6 December 2021
I don't know what to make of this show. Does it even take itself seriously? Cheesy comedy, and villains? It is also the worst of the recent marvel series. Very far from the quality of Wanda Vision or Thor. And it's not because of the lack of talent. At least I like Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld. 3 episodes in and nothing has developed. The team hawkeye and kate created seems very forced considering the circumstances. I don't feel anyone's motivation to be in this story which is also not very exciting. The worst sin of all is that it feels like I've seen it all somewhere else already. It sticks to a formula that has been used over and over and it is past the novelty. Despite all this i still intend to finish it, so being average in almost all aspect, at least it's not that boring.
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Free Guy (2021)
It's like skiing down Mt Everest
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts well with sort of an interesting concept, even if seen in other movies already. Ryan Reynolds is a good actor that presents a likeable average "guy" who happens to be an NPC in a shooter game. I've played a bunch of video games, but who knew that NPCs have daily routines written by the programmers. They actually live somewhere with a pet fish. So during the time they walk from their house to whatever their job is, players can't do missions or what??? That's the kind of childish logic that leads the movie completely downhill. The protagonist and supports are doing a decent act, but the main antagonist is a complete idiot. How did someone like him manage to run a game company without the basic knowledge of computers? I mean the guy tried to axe the servers instead of pulling the plugs near the end. You'll say that it's a videogame movie, so it can't be too realisitc, but everything in it defies the most basic logic of software development. The original Tron makes more sense than this movie and it was written almost 40 years ago. So story aside and all the plotholes, the movie is further ruined by a bunch of youtube personas whom I've never heard of nor do I care to know. I did not need their opinion on guy to like or dislike him. Additionally, for a gamers' movie, it's somehow weird that all the male characters seemed like jerks or idiots while the good and ethical real player happens to be a female. I can go on and on since it's a trend throughout the whole film, but it's the kind of product you get when it passes through disney filters. At the end of the day it's mindless fun like pixels, but even that one stayed away from unnecessary messaging. In my book they're both equally fun/bad so I'll leave it at that.
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Entertaining but shallow
8 October 2021
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This season finale felt rushed for so many reasons. Someone told the writers they had to connect all episodes into one final and get the protagonists/antagonists from earlier in here to fight mega powerful Ultron, but there was hardly any time to bond or develop a plan for that final battle. In "infinity war" the avengers couldn't beat Thanos and they had so many battles together already. So you're trying to convince me that a bunch of misfits with no strategy whatsoever could defeat a being so powerful it threatens the whole multiverse?!? The only one who was of any threat was Strange. The rest were just filler. This time around there was no iron man, no hulk, no guardians, no antman, etc. In reality Ultron would have decimated them in seconds. The fighting and all that were exciting to watch but the rest is way too shallow to be a satisfying finale. 9 for animation, 2 for story makes for an average 5.5.
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what if I read the reviews and skipped this episode
25 September 2021
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Watched all episodes so far and this is by far the worst of the series by a huge margin. It's so bad that I skipped chunks here and there. It has no plot, substance or anything interesting going on. Couple of dumb jokes here and there, characters from various movies in a one giant mess of an episode. Oh, and how did Ultron get the infinity stones in the end when they were on Asgard at the beginning of the episode? He just took them without anyone noticing? Someone in elementary school wrote this.
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Entertaining but doesn't tell the whole truth
23 July 2021
I'll try to keep it simple by saying it's enjoyable and informative to a degree, but also very one dimensional. The dictators portrayed are not of the same level and it's more of a "let's diversify a bit" kind of deal. Hitler and Stalin are the obvious candidates but I have to disagree with some of the other choices. Some are intentionally omitted not to stir controversy for which I take 5 stars alone. Selling out is not cool!!!
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Not much improvement over annihilation except for the fx
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To summarize the general agreement :

The first10 minutes are the only thing worth watching. Cole Young was unnecessary and given powers he did not deserve. Acting from all the cast was average or below. Worst of them were raiden, kung Lao, Liu Kang which were supposed to be the main ones. Best ones were sub zero, kano, scorpion and that's about it. The movie suffers from the same thing as annihilation. It throws characters without explanation who die within 10 minutes. How can they kill main characters without giving them barely any background story. The gory kills work in the game but here they're so cheesy it's just laughable.

Overall I'm a fan of the games and even the cutscenes in the last one make for a better story or acting than what's being told here. This is a B movie with good fx. Nothing more. Mk 1 is much better and that should tell you something . That one I can still watch because it was fun. This is a pretentious mess. Sure it tries to cater to fans but we need something more than mindless action. This movie is just an average flick that feels like a fan fiction of some sort. The costumes don't make things much more convenient, that's for sure. Saying one liners from the game didn't work in the previous movie. Doesn't work here either.
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