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One of the most deep and emotional documentaries out there.
22 March 2017
The Smash Brothers is easily the best documentary I've seen in the last 10 years. Not only does it tell the long history of one of the most competitively played games of all time, but also the emotional tension that comes from being a professional. Strangely enough, it reminded me a lot of the anime Dragon Ball Z in the sense that more and more powerful foes showed up throughout the series, much like how players only get better and better. The documentary covers the character arcs of many (and I really mean many) players, and really shows how people so different can come together just to fight and have a good time.
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Bibleman (1995– )
Garbage that borders on being offensive.
4 March 2017
First of all, let me say that I am in no way a Christian, but even if I was, I would still probably find this show to be horrible.

There is absolutely nothing of value here. It basically revolves around some half-assed villain that refuses to follow god, and just ends with Bibleman reading off some verse of the Bible that's meant to show that villain that he is indeed a villain.

The first time I saw this, I thought it was a joke showing how dumb some Christians are, but after a little while, I realized that they were seriously trying to pass this garbage off as a show.
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Trying to keep a well ended story going.
14 February 2017
After letting it sit in my mind for a while, The Force Awakens seems to get worse and worse. I enjoyed the movie the first time, but the more I think of the story, characters, and plot devices, the more bad it becomes. In my opinion, Return of the Jedi wrapped up the Star Wars saga perfectly, and to be brutally honest, The Force Awakens feels like just another way for Disney to make money by bringing the legendary franchise back. The new antagonists don't seems to have any meaningful motivation and follow the original villains WAY to closely, with a pure evil character overseeing the whole plan, and a younger villain struggling between the light and dark side. And just like before, there is a resistance fighting against a bigger empire trying to take over the galaxy. For the most part the movie felt like an unoriginal cash grab trying to start another saga from the ashes of an old franchise.
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Homeless people fighting for money...
14 February 2017
People say this movie is supposed to be funny, but that does not change the fact that they are exploiting the people's need for money can causing them injury for it. A lot of other reviewers have said that this is supposed to be funny, but it turns out to just be a crude collection of people whaling on each other with no real purpose. One scene shows someone sneaking up on a homeless man while he sleeps and ties up his legs and sits on his back while treating him like an animal. You have to be a low class of human being to find any entertainment in these people harassing people in a much worse position than them. I honestly don't even know if I can call Bum Fights a real movie, since there is no story, no pacing, no real scene structure, and half of it was just fights people happened to capture on video, and was thrown into a compilation of homeless people getting hurt.
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A very emotionally moving short film, that would make for a great movie.
29 January 2017
I've seen a lot of short films in my life, but none have been as deeply emotional as this one.

Why Does God Hate Me may have comedic elements, but I took the whole thing a lot more seriously, which was the real undertone of the film.

The true message of the film is that we should all be tolerant of gay people, and that the state of being gay is not some sort of disease, or something that can be cured.

I found the acting and scene structure to be even better than some major Hollywood features. The younger actors did an excellent job in their roles, which is not an easy thing to do, but they managed to convey the character's emotion perfectly without over acting.

I can only hope the director goes on to make more great films like this, or even make this short into a feature movie, like what happened with Lights Out.
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An excellent DBZ movie.
26 January 2017
While I don't feel like Cooler's Revenge is quite as good as Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan, this movie had just the same effect. Cooler's revenge does a great job of doing a mini-saga with a new villain, full with character development, motivations, and a good ending.

Many people in the DBZ fandom see Cooler as a great villain, and while I don't like him as much as some of the main villains, he is good enough to warrant his own movie.

This movie also confirmed the joke that Frieza's clan is all named after cold things; Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, etc....

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A fantastic movie that could have been one of the best sagas.
13 January 2017
Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan feels less like a movie, and more like a short, but amazing saga from the normal Dragon Ball Z. I felt like the movie had some great characters, and easily one of the greatest villains the series has ever seen. I honestly would have loved to see a saga for Broly himself, as he could have been an even better villain, but the movie still does an excellent job. The voice acting, animation, and action scenes maintain the same high quality level as the show. The only real criticism I think I can give is the ending that seemed a little lack luster for me, but it still wraps up in a decent fashion, and I don't think I would have been able to write a better ending anyway. All in all, any negatives are vastly overshadowed by the rest of the movie, and well worth a watch for any DBZ fan.
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A few laughs, but mostly boring and humorless.
12 January 2017
I understand that Team America was supposed to be kid of poorly made, as it resembles South Park for good reasons, but just like South Park, I found myself turned off by the horrible puppetry and I just couldn't enjoy watching it. Some of the humor I enjoyed, but for the most part it just seemed like a 10 year old trying to act edgy around his friends. I enjoy a good offensive joke, but this really didn't have any; it was just bland and uninteresting. I honestly had almost forgotten about this movie until someone mentioned it, and the memory of wasting over an hour of my life came back to inspire me to write this review to tell people not to waste their time like I did.
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Not really much point...
27 December 2016
As a big fan of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I was really excited for a remake nearly a decade after its release, unfortunately, the game suffers from a few too many problems for a positive review.

First of all, the game just has updated graphics and not much more. I was mostly expecting this, but it just seemed boring as I played through the campaign and multiplayer since it was basically the same thing I had played years earlier, and I could get the same amount of enjoyment from the original.

Another big problem is that you NEED to get Infinite Warfare for this game, so it you're not interested in that game, I would just stay with the original. The other thing that made me really upset was the micro transactions in the "Remastered" multiplayer.

Honestly for any fan of the original, it's just not worth it.
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High School DxD (2012–2018)
Ecchi Action Adventure
24 December 2016
It's unfortunate that some people can't see past the sexual comedy in the show to realize the story is quite well developed, and the action and characters all have motivations.

Personally, I like a good sexual comedy anime every once and a while, and DxD delivers. Some of the jokes are subtle, while others are nearly straight up pornographic, which I don't always have a problem with.

The show is well animated and has an excellent English dub for those who prefer to not read sub-titles.

All in all, DxD is amazing and one of my personal favorites. I highly recommend this title to any anime lover (above the age of 13)
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Amazing thriller.
27 August 2016
Don't Breathe has one of the most interesting ideas for a movie I've seen in a long time, and it doesn't fail to provide a good movie to go along with it. The characters, story, and twists could have used some work in my opinion, especially nearing the half-way mark, but it didn't take away too much from the rest of the movie since scene structure and pacing were done so well. Despite being classified under the horror genre, I found it to be less scary and more suspenseful than anything else. If does a great job of setting the atmosphere, and making the audience feel connected to the characters. All in all, Don't Breathe is a very well made horror/thriller that I don't think people are going to forget about any time soon.
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Definitely hardcore!
14 April 2016
Hardcore Henry is essentially an intense action movie with a lot of shoot-outs, in FIRST PERSON!

The story to Hardcore Henry left me scratching my head at times, trying to figure out why certain characters did certain things, and how some of it all fit together, but to be fair, the experience isn't as much about the story as it is the intensity.

The idea of a first person action movie is certainly a new and interesting one, which may be a problem for some people; a very shaky camera. Personally, I think the shaky camera added to the experience because it made me feel like I was actually there, and seeing things from Henry's perspective, like the movie was meant to be seen.
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Decent gore, but no story.
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
People should understand that short horror films like Guinea Pig aren't very story based, but for me, Guinea Pig failed at being scary just because I didn't feel like the characters had any motivation, and I was just left with a bad taste in my mouth from the gore.

I understand that this film was mostly meant to shock viewers and make them feel uncomfortable with it's disturbing visuals, which could make Guinea Pig decent in the sense that it achieved what it set out to do, but because of how realistic the torture scenes and gore were, I really just didn't enjoy it as much as movies like Cannibal Holocaust where the gory scenes are planned out really well and give the scenes a freaky, shocking feeling, instead of just someone getting stabbed.

The only part I kind of enjoyed was the final scene in which the girl is stabbed through the eye with a needle. I'm not a fan of needles to begin with, so this really freaked me out. While the special effects were really good, I still >>DIDN'T SEE<< any reason for the scene in the first place.
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One of the best, scariest, nastiest movies out there.
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Cannibal Holocaust tells the story of a film crew that was lost in the amazon while filming a documentary on life in the jungle. Their camera reveals the a horrifying truth about what really happens away from civilized society. From start to finish, the movie is filled with shocking and graphic moments, so if you get squeamish at the thought of cannibalism, I would recommend steering clear of this movie.

When people tell you not to watch this movie, they mean it. I saw this when I was 15 after I was told by several people it was too intense for anyone. I thought I would be able to handle it, since I watch a lot of scary, intense, and gory movies, but Cannibal Holocaust too it to a whole new level.

Even though this movie is extremely well made, and delivers it's message well, the one major thing I don't like about this movie it it's REAL animal cruelty scenes. Yes, actual animals were killed while this movie was being filmed, and it was all caught on camera. I could have gone my whole life without seeing those scenes, and I would have died a happy man, but not anymore.
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Hunger (I) (2009)
It really tried to be scary...
18 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I thought this movie had potential, but fell short in one to many areas for me.

The idea of the movie is to have several people trapped in a hole with plenty of water, but no food. It turns into a fight for survival as the group must decide what they are going to do to survive. Considering what they are given in the beginning of the movie, it's not to hard to guess what.

I honestly liked the main villains motivation for experimenting on the people was good enough to work. The main idea of the movie is pretty interesting as well, dealing with a big fear of mine; an inevitable ending.

Now for the things I didn't like. The characters were HORRIBLE! I said the main villain had a decent motive, but I still hated him. About half way through, I just wanted all the characters to be killed. The acting, logic, and ending were really disappointing, leaving me feeling unsatisfied.

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Open Water (2003)
Deals with many people's deepest fears.
18 February 2016
In recent memory, Open Water was the only movie that scared me a whole lot. The scariest part was not the thought of being stranded in the water with sharks, and being completely isolated, but the fact that stuff like this has happened before.

The general idea of the movie is a couple is left behind after scuba diving, but no one noticed. They are in a fight for survival with the tide, fatigue, and SHARKS.

The movie is incredibly emotional all the way to the end, and may make you think twice before going onto a boat ever again. My only issue with the movie may be the soundtrack that seems to come in at random times. It didn't make sense in some parts, and I felt like I was missing something, but other than that, it's a great movie.
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When They Cry (2006)
Fantastic psychological horror anime.
11 February 2016
When They Cry is a perfect example of a horror/thriller done right. The show takes place in an isolated village in Japan, giving it an ominous feeling. As the show progresses, we learn that not everything that happens there is all innocent and nice. It starts out looking like a cute show intended for children, but there is no way a kid should be exposed to this. Starting around the second episode, we are introduced to several horrifying stories, that may or may not be true. Stories and events contradict each other, making the viewer decide for themselves what actually happened. Amazing characters, paired with the confusing and terrifying story make the show worth the time to watch.
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Decent retelling of the second half of Death Note
28 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I liked the second half of Death Note a lot more because there were more characters, and we see Light turn more and more evil. I think the only issue with the movie was the amount of content that needed to be scrapped for it to stay under 3 hours. Several plot elements like Mello being the main villain in the beginning, and almost dying in an explosion, giving him a burn that was left unexplained in the movie.

But let's switch gears and talk about what the movie got right. Several scenes were changed to have the plot make more sense in a smaller time, like Kiomi already knowing about Mikami, and having several of the SPK members killed.

Overall, the movie was not quite as good as the first re-light "Visions of a God" but I did enjoy "L's Successors", and I to anyone who wants to revisit the series.
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Death Note (2006–2007)
The Most Incredible TV Show Ever!
11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Death Note is without a doubt one of, if not the greatest TV show of all time! Everything from the characters, to the story, to the music, to the visuals are done 100% spot on. The story all begins with a boy called Light Yagami who finds a notebook that claims to have the power to kill anyone who's name is written in it. He soon learns that the book does indeed have the power to kill. All of the characters have an amazing amount of development, the scenes are incredible dramatic, and the story is the kind of genius you would see from Sherlock. Yet another thing to admire about the writing of Death Note was the right place to know when to end the series. There are two places where people could stop watching if they want one ending, or they could choose to keep watching and see the alternate ending.
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Retelling the epic story of Death Note
5 January 2016
If you enjoyed the original Death Note series, you will most definitely enjoy Death Note R. It is essentially a compressed version of the first half of the series before Near and Mello are introduced. The movie's intro and ending have been changed from the original show to give the movie a sense of originality. If you have not seen the Death Note show, I recommend watching it first, or else some scenes might not make sense because a lot of content had to be removed to keep the movie under 10 hours. All in all, Death Note R is nothing new, but still an extremely well done adaptation of the original Death Note that I highly recommend any fan to watch.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Absolutely Amazing Anime
31 August 2015
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is easily one of the best, if not THE best TV show of all time. Everything from the characters, to the setting, the the titans themselves are perfectly done. The atmosphere the show provides is also very noteworthy with it's music, camera angles, and animation. The show takes place in the year 850, where creatures called titans showed up on earth. They basically eat people and are extremely hard to kill. The remaining humans built several walls to keep the titans out. Needless to say, the show starts when something goes wrong and humanity must be saved. The show may seem to have a pretty basic idea, but it is so well done and has plenty of twists to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat
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The Sacrament (2013)
Scary, messed up, and fun.
22 August 2015
While The Sacrament has no real reason to be a found footage film, it provides a grim re-telling of horrible true events. The movie may seem to take some time to get started, it is definitely worth it to see things get slightly more and more sinister. Once the movie seems to hit it's climax, and you think it's going to be other soon, there is another climax and another and another. The multiple points of view during the climaxes can be slightly confusing, but add to the atmosphere being created. From time to time, you get to see things from a farther away angle to show the mass carnage that took place. The acting in the Sacrament is also spot on with the evil characters seeming legitimately evil, and the good characters seeming like real heroes. My only real complains with this movie is the slow beginning and the unnecessary found footage aspect, but other than that, The Sacrament is a great movie.
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Disturbing, gruesome, disgusting fun.
11 August 2015
The Human Centipede is pretty much exactly what is sounds like; a centipede made of people. The movie's plot really does not have to much to talk about, so let's just say it's a mad doctor movie. While pretty much all the characters in the movie were horrible, the acting was actually really good, especially the main antagonist (Dr. Heiter) While this movie may be classifies under the horror genre, it does not feel like as much of a horror movie as it does just a torture porn, but the idea of the dehumanization of innocent people is a very sinister concept. While some people may be disgusted by this movie, I recommend it to anyone who finds this at all remotely interesting. 7/10.
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