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The Beekeeper (2024)
skipped a lot
18 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found myself skipping a lot, a whole lot of this movie just to get to the action parts with Statham Those were great but also flawed.

Skipped all the non convincing fbi agents with the heavily ripped jeans Skipped the guy who was talking on the phone while holding a screaming baby Stayed for a while and went lol on the choice of leader for the fbi squad, a short and thin asian guy barely visible among the other tall men of his squad and having difficulty speaking the english language, was the leade. 'Cause why not brah!

The action parts had a lot of bloodless scenes, statham stabs someone in the back 3 times, no blood and a clean knife, shoots a lot of people no blood, stands over someone to shoot him, there's blood but we don't get to see the body getting shot and at some point he elbows the helmet of a guy and the guy falls lol anyway

And there's the ridiculous appearance of the guy with the mop hair? No way i can take the guy seriously

At least the fight with that dude was great

The movie is being carried by Statham alone, the others are just noise, except the lady in the beggining who gets scammed in a ridiculous way and the President who is a total bombshell

Better scenario writers are needed A bit of Talented actors are also needed.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
safe, like oat milk
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sooo....take parts from minority report, a bit of bond (a little tiny bit), a strong female lead who one punches men double her weight, the male antagonist who is a seasoned war veteran, but fights like a little girl with zero training another guy in an elevator who just swings punches in the air and a "support team" that offers absolutely nothing, there's your movie.

Expensive but cheap.

When she shoots the bad guys, they don't bleed. They just fall down.

Then a woman with her weight, with no help at all, makes 6 bodies "dissappear", yeah.

She gets a whole freaking punch and an elbow in the face, here's a little cut for the camera. And she gets up and she's fine.

A battle choreographer should have been hired. But maybe he/she was too expensive?

Bad, silly dialogue. Dumbed down and easy to digest immediately (and forget).

Movie with female lead that was done right?

Atomic Blonde.

P.s playing this at 1.2 speed shaves about 30 minutes.
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hey hey
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did ya know?

This movie teaches U that :

when you get injured, your DNA changes and it's not compatible with your spaceship anymore!!!111!!!!


(5 for the SFX work)
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Restraint (2008)
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gee man

the people who made this film probably thought: scenario sucks, direction sucks, so let's throw boobies and booty of the female actress we got (basically pimping her), to divert attention

yeah, that worked (not)

laughable stuff (like when the hostage takes down his shotgun wielding captor with a shovel and then leaves him there so he can recover and attack again, or the girl recovers in mere minutes after car exhaust poisoning, people usually die from that, but what the heck eh?)

good to know she actually moved ahead in her career, even after this dumpster fire

the people who made this didn't need talent, they needed a beautiful female to pimp.
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Our Man Flint (1966)
100% more
16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
100% more suave than No time to Die (which has 0 suave, 0 hero charisma) :P this spoof has it.

Plus a super gadget

So much fun to watch ~

Hero (James Coburn kills it, yeah!), gets the sexy girls(s), saves the world and LIVES happily ever after with his girl(s)
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extremely underwhelming
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not really a Bond movie either, the title could be anything else

the plot is a complete ripoff from Metal Gear Solid 1 minus the good ending ahaha

the most fun character and a ray of sunshine was the girl with 3 weeks training (Ana de Armas) ~

people get shot left and right and yet there's no blood anywhere the bullets are family rated lol

props to the stuntmen

movie intro and song was great, but that's about it

very weak overall

and a threat that Bond will be back after the credits end.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
very nice
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Story is about 2 vampires (major serial killers) and a sweet girl that gets corrupted and friends and family who die viciously (great concept ! :P )

Seasons 1-4 are the best (8 out of 10)

Loved the trio: leading lady "Elena" (Nina Dobrev), leading duo: "Stefan" (Paul Wesley), "Damon" (Ian Somerhalder) but most of all loved the leading lady's other role "Catherine" who is a freaking rock star hahaha ~ good stuff!

(and also great chemistry between "Elena"/"Damon" characters)


5-6 nice (7,5 out of 10)

the Catherine/Nadia arc is great Kai character is super more background story nice wedding ~

should have definitely ended at season 6 tho.


season 7 (6,5 out of 10) you can skip most of 7, it's infested with fake British accents.

And a vampire hunter that sorta looks like "Elena" makes an appearance too (which sucks, could be looking like anyone else but it's obvious why it was done, oh well) Season 7 is watchable after episode 9 (best episode of that season is 10)


season 8 (7 out of 10)

another sorta looks like "Elena" character makes an appearance (again, she could be looking like anyone else)

The ending was kinda lame, there was no chemistry between "Elena"/"Damon" , I got a let's do this and go home vibe from the two (probably because of background story between the two actors in real life I guess)

So you don't get the reaction you expect from "Damon" who was working to wake his epic love "Elena" from her slumber for all these years

You get a martyr ending from "Stefan", and a "farewell my friend" hug between "Stefan/Elena" and then he goes on to meet "Lexi" (what a great character she was by the way!)

aaaanyway, all in all it was an OK ending, not epic, but OK I guess they worked with what they got


here's the Kill Bill epic ending I wanted though: Elena wakes from her slumber on her own because Kai's spell weakened, as he lied (duh) about it being unbreakable and all

She's finally aware that she fell for serial killers who killed her friends and scores of other people, takes a sword and finds out she has mad skills (wow!) and kills brutally the vamp duo with epic battle choreography, then goes on her way to study hard and becomes a doctor/vampire hunter, finds a human epic love and lives happily ever after hahaha Human faction wins ~

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All in all:

Great series! (but) watch 1-6 , half of 7, last episode Of 8

great choices on the leading lady actress Nina Dobrev (she's very good for someone so young and handling two major roles/characters as well, seriously) and dynamic duo Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder.

Loved the soundtrack, the theme music ~

P. S: "Tyler" was such a wasted opportunity. We never got to see an actual transformation to werewolf (just watch "A werewolf in London" to see how it should have been done), props to Michael Trevino for doing his best with what he got.very nice ~
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Buried (2010)
yeah... no
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, when you get buried alive you get: infinite oxygen to scream at everyone you call on the phone, infinite fuel for the zippo lighter, glow sticks (cause why not) , and why didn't anyone think to have some fried chicken in there as well anyway?

There is a cell phone but no one can track the signal, even though there's actual reception (lol)

main character (who is a good and honest trucker trying to make a living at the destroyed country of Iraq) dies from an extreme case of stupid

boo hoo

laughed my a$s off when the guy on the other side of the line practically said "oops! Wrong coffin bro!"
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Red Notice (2021)
wooden acting and chemistry left the chat immediately
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie succeeds in wooden acting and 0 chemistry between the 3 protagonists and below 0 chemistry between the mystery couple gadot + the rock

Reynolds is just not enough to carry the movie and doesn't seem really into it, looks more like he's doing a chore

soundtrack is completely forgettable.

Too much cgi

ed sheeran adds to the overall cringe


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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
Fantastic series
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Binged this 3 times already haha, And found out about this series by mistake someone was saying on reddit "check out Person of Interest, it's awesome" (and it was)

the characters are very well written, they grow and evolve.

Glasses (Harry) plays excellent

Jes... eh... John is the badass with few words

The girl leads for root and shaw have obvious great chemistry and are uber fun to watch together ~ "root" and "shaw" have their parts nailed Loved them

tubby officer's evolution to badass is a pleasant surprise and the nicknames haha

the music. Man. It's a 10

root, shaw, man in the suit favorite themes

music makes the series and sets the atmosphere

I have the series split into a "main plot" and "save the numbers" plot

main plot (starts when Harry's adversary discovers him and opens that terminal window to have a chat and the whole fight with the opposite ASI arc) gets a 10 from me

it's a love letter to nerds and gamers.

P.s every time the man in the suit walks into a bar I always say "Jesus walks into a bar" for some mysterious reason :P.
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Heartbeat (2016)
1 October 2020
If you love political correctness and shallow characters then this is a must-see. If not, it's a hard pass. Hard-pass for me ~
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Superman II (1980)
can we please get a combined version
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Of the Donner Cut and the Lester version. I had to watch both, liked both, Lester is a little lighter, Donner more serious, so in the Donner cut (it's the one I saw first and a pleasant shock), have the Paris scene included, the orange juice scene, the jump into the waterfall by Lois, which ties with her coming out of the bathroom later and the freaking epic gun reveal (huge smile on my face with this and Gotcha!), all the fun stuff from Lester version, to get a complete movie?

and the forget kiss ending was great and funny, the rewind worked it's magic the first time, just didn't match the second movie

pretty please with cherries on top?

come on!

I have to play the movie combined in my mind now hahaha
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Bones: The Ghost in the Machine (2012)
Season 8, Episode 9
ehh why do that?
24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was easily an 8/10 but the ending ruined it, hence the 6. No, there was no need to watch the kid sing for 2 whole minutes, there was no need for the team to stand there as well and sure as hell there was no need to show us the live kid as he skates towards the afterlife in the lab (LOL), what were you thinking story man?

It should play out like this: team solves the crime, team finds the video (aww it's a love song), hands it over to the girl, girl watches this ALONE sitting on a park bench or in her own house (we see a 10 sec scene), then skip to the poor parents who lost their boy who stand in his room, holding his picture (I mean why forget the parents, losing a child is a tragedy) and then skip to Bones/Booth like in the original, bam, the end.

The First Person View idea was great, well done on that. It instantly reminded me of Hardcore Henry (great movie)
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Gemini Man (2019)
the future is bleak (for hollywood)
20 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let's just make cg crap movies then and insert some live actors, with cg stunts and huge plot holes in the story shall we?

Are the writers trying to tell us, that one (1) successful clone in 25 years was made (in 25 years there should be hundreds of them) and another revealed later and killing one guy would stop everything and everyone from furthering this tech? Really? The labs would stop working and the scientists in charge would magically disappear, the clone would eventually go to college, the girl is safe and the MC would get to walk around in broad daylight like nothing is wrong LMAOOOO

The actors are doing what they can but this is uber failure in script writing. The audience are smart people not morons.

the 5 is for Will Smith, the last good movie from him was Hitch, go watch that and have your faith restored, all this guy needs is a good script.
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The Benny Hill Show: Show 35 (1979)
Season 10, Episode 3
very funny stuff
26 September 2019
Comedy at it's finest, editing and sound effects guarantee an epic result
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24 August 2019
You want to actually enjoy the movie? Have it running at 1.5 speed, then you won't fall asleep, fighting scenes will be good and the last scene will actually be funny. This movie was slowed down on purpose.
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Amazing work
30 December 2018
I've seen war documentaries before, but nothing comes close to this level of work done in this one. It's not simply colorized, it's restored. Amazingly restored. Cleaned and upscaled and colored. The shock for me was the brilliant change from black and white to color and the upscale quality. There are things I've never seen in other documentaries as well. You need to see this for yourself.
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It follows the manga
20 November 2017
I've watched the alternate version too, which is also great. However... this one follows the manga exactly and it is damn great. I won't spoil anything, it's one of the best series/anime ever made and in my top ten list. I watched (or rather heard) the English VA outtakes recently and man it was hilarious! (Watch the outtakes after the series end, seriously) (Scar and Alphonse playing the vicious troll VA are epic in this haha) Although Ed steals the show when Hawkeye asks him a question and he replies har!

This is one of the very few anime where I watched the dubbed English version, because it's so damn good.

The VA put a lot of soul into their work and the result is excellent. Totally recommended... by me! ~
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It's very bad.
31 July 2017
Crap movie. Some of the actors are good but alas it's not enough to save this movie from the crap tsunami. At parts it's like watching a music video clip, the only thing missing are the dance moves. At other parts the editing makes it look like a movie trailer and at some parts it's an actual movie. Bucketloads of CGI won't save it either.

If you treat this like a comic book/movie trailer/music video clip and not take it seriously at all, yeah you'll like it plenty.

If you want a good movie about the Excalibur, this is not it.

great movie about Arthur, Knights, Excalibur , Merlin, great acting here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082348/

you can thank me later ~
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Sausage Party (2016)
You can't polish a t***
20 October 2016
This is the movie that made me get an account on IMDb because I wanted to write a review about it. 11 years of lurking the IMDb site down the drain.

On to the movie. I wish there was a subzero rating. I really do. This movie is complete and utter trash. A steaming pile of BS. The F word used in abundance for no reason start to finish, yeah it's R rated but this is ludicrous. You can't have a single line of dialogue without the F in it. Instead of blah blah blah, It's F F F fFFFFF FF FFF FF. It would actually be better if you mute it and have the screams of hyenas playing in loop throughout the movie.

Your brain WILL go numb. I just don't understand how Rogen got actors like Hayek and Norton to play in this garbage heap. It's not funny. Nope. No humor there. Gone.

But you know what? If this movie had a decent scenario writer, it could turn out pretty good. It had a good concept: talking food. Animation was OK. All it needed was a good story. Instead we got this pile of garbage.

Don't waste your time with this. And, if you have to watch it, ask to be paid in advance for your lost time.
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