
20 Reviews
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Session 9 (2001)
Criminally underrated, this is what psychological horror is all about right here
30 October 2023
Simple, clean, unique. Where do I start ? The camera work is flawless, some of the transitions seem so elementary yet stylish without being distracting. The performances are out of this world, which is good because for low budget horror, the acting is usually what carries these kinds of films. This director had a clear, disturbing vision and executed it flawlessly. No stupid jump scares, just pure unadulterated eeriness and tension ratcheting that you just don't see in many contemporary horror flicks these days. Creepy sound design is on point and compliments every scene without overdoing it. Little slivers of uneasiness throughout the first and second act gently ease you into the nightmare that unfolds. Some nice simple gore that doesn't expose the budget, so good.
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Kitchen Nightmares: Sebastian's (2007)
Season 1, Episode 6
Why is the score for one of the best episodes so low ?
2 December 2022
The producers must have known when discovering the goldmine that is Sebastian's, just before it's inevitable collapse would be difficult to top.

This is reality TV at it's absolutely best and I'm convinced nothing will top this. As much as I enjoy the infamous 'Amy's Bakery' saga, I believe the levels of delusion displayed by Sebastian is more entertaining. The episode starts you off with an already promising premise: The oaf of an operator openly admitting he married into money and convinced his wife to buy him this restaurant. The actual location is in good shape, has a patio bar and nice dining areas. The kitchen staff are competent, young and loyal; the waitresses all young and gorgeous. So much potential, yet the only problem is the owner himself is incredibly stupid. So stupid that his pea brain malfunctioned when he witnessed his business doing well with the changes Chef Ramsay makes. His staff and the locals respond incredibly well to the changes and has everything working like clockwork with barely even a need to supervise.

How does he manage to screw that up ? I have to watch this episode a few times a year to constantly remind myself how he managed to intentionally destroy his chance at a successful reboot of his restaurant.
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Clerks (1994)
The only film Kevin Smith ever made that can be considered a classic
25 November 2022
Along with this masterpiece, Kevin Smith put out a few other decent comedies in his early career. It's unfortunate that the only thing Kevin Smith does now that's funny is post teary eyed selfies on twitter.

Clerks was his absolute best and you can see he tried to squeeze everything he could out of the success of his first film. Even to go on and create 2 awful sequels and an animated series; none of which capture the spirit of the first film. This movie is truly a lightning in a bottle scenario, they didn't know what they had and were just making a simple movie about a group of characters...
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UHF (1989)
'Space Balls' and other comedies from this era tried to be this funny
25 November 2022
I have no special connection with Weird Al, found some of his parody songs funny growing up but they were usually hit or miss. This film however, is a rock solid comedy with gags that hold up beautifully. There's a few misses with some awkwardly executed and dated jokes but none of them drag the movie down and they're far few and between some excellent setups and payoffs. The acting is quite good from the entire cast, Weird Al I was especially surprised to see putting on a performance that reminded me of Gene Wilder himself. This is possible the only movie to execute movie parody gags correctly.
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Spaceballs (1987)
Most of the gags did not hold up
22 November 2022
While classics like Airplane and Naked Gun still make me laugh. This spoof film is just plain unfunny. I can count on one hand how many gags made me chuckle. The honest truth is that this just didnt age as well as other comedies from this era. The performances fall flat aside from Lord helmet, I was surprised with how boring John Candy is in this, as I loved him during this time period.

I can see what many still hold this dear to their heart and I don't knock them for it. But even if this movie did spawn a whole genre, parody spoofs just aren't that funny to me. The jokes just seem lazy nowadays.
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Midsommar (2019)
22 November 2022
Very strange mixture of themes that I've never seen before in a psychological horror film. Glad I got to see this in the theater because the production is tight.

This is a psychologically gripping piece cinema that ties in themes of romantic relationships slowly disintegrating with murdery cult horrory goodness. The slow realization that your significant other could care less about you, especially when you're in a dark place in your life and need the emotional support the most. Letting go of a crumbling relationship and embracing a cult that's treated you more like family than anyone ever has.

If you are the type of person who gets upset when the movie doesn't spoon feed you exposition and makes you use your brain, this isn't for you.

Stick to SAW if you want a popcorn horror flick.
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Starts off very promising but Snyder just can't help himself..
22 November 2022
You've probably heard that this movie boasts the best opening to a zombie apocalypse movie. Well, it certainly does! This film starts off VERY promising but unfortunately the first act is the only good bit and gets progressively worse.

This is not a worthy re-make of Romero's Dawn of the Dead.

The characters arcs make no sense. The first act does a good job of setting up some villains...only to have them disappear from the whole 2nd and 3rd act and just randomly become good guys who act selflessly for the survival of the group. The tonal shifts are bizarre, going from urgency during the zombie combat scenes to lighthearted banter during a candle lit dinner. Characters making really bad decisions on a whim without any second thoughts. The entire 2nd and 3rd act are just completely disjointed and introduce more flat characters that really had no reason to be there. This movie was all over the place, a huge disappointment to anybody looking to be invested in a serious zombie apocalypse story.

Watch Romero's Day of the Dead instead. It's by far the best zombie movie ever made and this pales in comparison to a true classic of the genre.

Note: Just out of curiosity, i clicked around some of the profiles giving this a 10/10 - those same users gave the same score to movies like TED and Adam Sandler's Click. That should tell you everything you need to know about just how brainless the average fan of this movie is.
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One word to describe this film: Cozy
22 November 2022
I grew up watching this movie and while I never found myself laughing out loud, there's scenes that always bring a smile to my face.

The soundtrack is perfectly curated and fits the mood and style of every scene. The dialogue is delivered in a very dry manner that makes the conversations feel authentic. All the little quarks and absurdities every character possesses makes them feel real. The movie is shot in almost a documentary style but none of the shots feel flat, the camera work and lighting is surprisingly good for the budget.

This captures the awkward teenage years of a midwest high schooler in the early 2000s so perfectly. It's weird to say but there's something surprisingly "warm" about this movie on repeat viewings. Like you're visiting a group of old weirdo friends that you're comfortable being around.

I'm glad the sequel never came to fruition, because there's simply no recreating this. It was lightning in a bottle, they really didn't know they were making something special.

This is up there with Mike Judge's 'Office Space' as one of those flicks I throw on for the 100th time for comfort. When I'm stressed about something work related or suffering from anxiety, movies like this are just what the doctor ordered.
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First time I ever fell asleep in a theater
22 November 2022
I loved the Sam Raimi spiderman movies as a kid but haven't watched any super hero movies since. Decided to give this a shot while it was in theaters since it was such a huge block buster at the time.

There wasn't a single character I felt anything for, firstly because there's so many of them and also because none of them felt real. None of their actions or dialogue had any weight, the movie didn't take a moment to explore anything more than cliche, forced "heartfelt" moments and "witty" banter that was more cringe-inducing than anything.

No practical effects were used in this film, it's 100% CGI and it shows. When compared to a real blockbuster film of similar scale - Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings, Avengers: Endgame DOES NOT HOLD UP. Peter Jacksons use of miniature work, costumes, set pieces and practical effects puts this to shame. The ending fight scene was just CGI chaos, similar to that Ready Player One race scene; no idea what's going on but the movie never once gives the audience the feeling that the heroes are in any real danger.

The story was so convoluted, it can be explained as such: "We need to time travel to get the macguffin so we can stop the bad guy" Somehow, they manage to stretch that out and it really shows the limitations of the writers imaginations.

I could not keep any interest in this mess. And unless you're a 30 year old manchild who collects Funko-Pop figures and wears a dead pool graphic T shirt everyday, this movie is for teenage boys.
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Nope (2022)
Slow, bizarre and genuinely unsettling
21 November 2022
If you like genuinely creepy films that take time to build tension, anxiety and mystery (think Cronenberg) then you can safety ignore the bad reviews and give this a watch, you're in for a treat.

On the other hand, if you're a brainless automaton that needs the movie to explain everything to you like you're a child. And you're the type to be wildly entertained by over-the-top jump scares. You're going to likely find this film "boring".

The actual alien horror scenes are built up to perfectly and are legitimately terrifying without jump scares and without blunt violence. The sound engineering plays a big part!

The protagonist gives off a real modern cowboy vibe. Strong silent type with a lot on his mind. Though I did find the sister a bit annoying and her dialogue a little out-of-place.
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Road House (1989)
A Solid Flick
2 November 2022
I don't understand why people treat this as a "cheesey 80s guilty pleasure". The writing, acting, stunts, set pieces, music and editing is all solid. I went into this blindly expecting a corny 80s action movie with a cocky, invincible protagonist. What I got instead was a wildly entertaining movie with a respectable hero that teaches an important lesson on stoicism. Everything is very well paced, the fight scenes seem real and brutal. And while our hero does kick a lot of rear, the film doesn't hesitate to remind the audience that he is just human; getting injured during fights and needing help in situations where he's outnumbered.

The final act and main villain leave a lot to be desired but the movie has a serviceable ending and wraps up quite nicely.

This gets a 10/10 from me, because no way does the current score of 6.5 make any sense.
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The thinking man's horror flick
19 October 2022
Low budget PG-13, super natural thriller, "based on actual events" ? This was free with ads on youtube at the time of watching. I honestly planned to tune in for 15 mins just to laugh at how bad it was.

There's nothing too terribly new being done here but the execution is on point. The entire time I watched this movie I felt something was wrong, an eeriness that's hard to capture. No masked murderer or gorefest can come close to the spookiness of the unknown. I also can't help but feel there's an underlying message about "forbidden knowledge" that really adds another layer of creepiness.

If you've ever watched the documentary "Missing 411: The Hunted" and have an interest in spooky high strangeness, this movie will be right up your alley.
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Dredd (2012)
Marvel/Disney super hero flicks don't even come close
9 January 2022
Besides some cheesy lines here and there this hit all the points of an action anti-hero blockbuster. I wish I saw this when it came out in theaters. It's all there with some very stylish cinematography! This was better than any MCU or DC movie I've ever seen.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Honestly suprised with how much I enjoyed this.
8 June 2021
Never watched a single Purge movie, went into this with very low expectations and was actually very pleasantly surprised.

The entire premise is a little sloppy with the way it's all laid out, there's problems for sure - but let's look at the good. Cinematography is excellent. I was even pleasantly surprised to see some tasteful hand-held shots during some of the close quarter combat scenes, not too shaky. The camera work does a lot to build tension throughout the entire film.

Besides the main villain being "cartoony evil" - there's solid development in all the characters. I love the slow realization that the family is no different to who they're hiding from outside based on their actions. I love the class analysis, it doesn't go too deep and it doesn't hit you over the head..but at the same time I suppose these themes could of been introduced more subtly.
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Hypnotizing and that feeling of impending doom lingers after the first watch
5 July 2020
This is a great film. Really just about everything is solid; camera work, script and acting are solid. The pacing of this dark story really takes you out of your head and puts you somewhere worse. Not a lot of films can do that for me, can't wait to give this a second watch.
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25th Hour (2002)
Pretty awful
8 March 2020
I don't hate Spike Lee, he's had some solid flicks in the past but unfortutely he's put out more bad than good.

The one word I can use to describe this movie: Clumsy. Clumsy in it's narrative, clumsy in it's editing and cinematopgraphy. The sets are all dull and uninspired (boring NYC club scene after club scene). The scenes that attempt to communicate tense emtoions fall flat on their face. I think Edward Norton is a decent actor but he was working with such a weak script. None of the dialogue feels real or fluid.

Honestly, I can't even bring myself to waste anymore time reviewing this - you're really not missing anything here.
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Excellent intelligent and from the golden ages of sci-fi
12 May 2019
A must watch for anyone who's a fan of the genre. The acting, screen play and music is great!
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Solid flick
12 May 2019
This is a great thriller, I got worried when it started to get a little horror/supernatural but it all raps up rather nicely. Psychological thriller with some great court room drama.

it's great to see AP play such a devious part in this, he really nailed the sinister nature of his character. Keanu Reaves worried me a little bit at the start with the southern accent but it really wasn't that distracting. His acting really pops out in this little gem.
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The Mule (2018)
Not nearly as good as many reviews make it out to be
12 May 2019
No depth to any of the characters. So much of the humor fell flat and tonally this movie was all over the place. They really didn't know where they were going with this, incredibly hard to sympathize with the protagonist. All of the characters are two dimensional and nothing pops up.

It's a safe story that doesn't attempt to really do anything besides draw sympathy from the audience for an uninspired main character. Nothing is grounded in reality because the movie fails to make any real world parrallels.

If you're a proud American 50+ yr old white man who watches a lot of FOX news and doesn't question anything about what you're told about the global drug trade - you'll love it and will probably enjoy watching Clint in this movie thinking "Wow, just like me if I was in this situation!" which is funny because even though the bare plot points aren't rediculous, the director attempts to overload you with small details that only confuse and disorientate anybody looking for some grounding.

I will say that the camera work is brilliant, but really that's it.
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Sausage Party (2016)
An "adult" film made for 14 year olds
3 March 2017
The same tired, bland stoner humor from one of the most uninspiring writers- Seth Rogen.

Seriously, if you're THAT curious about this garbage; go search "sausage party top scenes" in youtube- watch 3-4 minutes and you will experience 95% of the movie's jokes.

and don't get me wrong, I love raunchy animated slapstick humor but this movies tries way too hard. You can see all the jokes coming from a mile away.
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