23 Reviews
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His House (2020)
Don't watch it as a horror, in a good way!
6 November 2020
Not sure why I watched it as don't do horror anymore, maybe as Matt Smith was in it (hardly though) and Wunmi Masaku (like her in everything she's been in), but wanted some escape. Not cheery, but so glad I watched it. Wunmi is brilliant! Low key, no amazing special effects needed, just a good story, surprises you (well it did me). If you want to watch great actors, something that keeps you wondering what's going on with a supernatural twist then give it a go. Struggling to describe it but it's well worth a watch.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
OMG, brilliant!
1 November 2020
Well I had no idea what to expect, usually like some idea of what's going to happen, so glad I didn't. Really has you on the edge of your seat, no idea what's going to happen next, full of twists and turns. Has you rooting for the heroine (Elizabeth Moss superb), but you're never sure what will come of her. I think it was really original, didn't read any negative reviews and can't see why there should be unless you're very picky. Great thriller at the end of the day, wouldn't describe it as sci but but simply a thriller. Very satisfactory ending. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Very stylish too.
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Just so good!
31 October 2020
Perfectly cast and acted, Paul Walter Hauser played it so well. Great pace, the suspense around the bombing has you holding your breath. As the story unfolds it makes you so angry about the media and the blind focussed FBI. Also some very emotional moments that had me tearing up a bit, but in a heartwarming way about human emotion. Wasn't sure about watching it but so pleased I did, it keeps you gripped all the way through.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
Really not sure
25 October 2020
The premise and promise from good reviews didn't come fruition. For most of it I was easily distracted, and almost gave up a few times but then the last 22 minutes or so suddenly had me gripped wanting to know what was going to happen. If the rest of the film was as gripping then it would have been great but it wasn't. Also couldn't get past it was Simon Pegg I was watching even though it was a new character for him. Maybe harsh, but I could not help but focus on his American accent, if it was good or bad I'll leave that to Americans to decide. I liked the ending though!
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Underwater (2020)
Gave up
25 October 2020
Well I like my sci-fi and read some of the good reviews but gave up after 25 mins, simply didn't care about any of the characters and could not see sci-fi in it. Maybe I shouldn't have reviewed without watching the whole thing but don't bother.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Never try to remake a black & white classic
25 October 2020
I've seen the original a few times, full of atmosphere and menace. This was not it I'm afraid. I don't think I'd have given it much of a higher score if not seen the original. Characters were innocuous and no real menace at all. Great wardrobe and settings, however not enough to make this worth watching.
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Such a joy to watch.
25 October 2020
I vaguely remembered this from being a child, needed something to cheer my Sunday so gave it a go. Really lovely film, the child actors were brilliant, the setting and photography and effects were a sheer pleasure to watch. Uplifting film, though if you don't have a tear in your eye at least once (happy tears) then you're cold. Great way to escape life watching this. Good for adults as well as children. Can't fault it.
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Just grows and gets deeper and I was hooked
22 September 2020
Watched the series back to back with my friend and we both thought it was just so good and so well acted. We had previously watched Scandal and Big Little Lies together so this seemed a natural for us. Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon we're perfect as their characters. Kerry playing quite a different role was great. Reese was yet another privileged housewife and she played it SO well, might seem like typecasting after BLL but she does it so well and her acting is brilliant. Characters grow and so much raw emotion, really cannot fault it. When we started it not hooked straight away but after not long we had to see what happened next. The teenage actors were brilliant too, especially Megan Scott, what a future they deserve. You make your mind up on characters but you soon have to admit you were wrong as they develop, things come to light and and they change. So full of surprises. Long awaited drama and well worth a watch.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Not what you expect, very very good
10 September 2020
The official synopses have you think it's one thing but it's so much more and very surprising. Great story and acting and casting. Has you thinking one thing for most of the film but then really throws a surprise twist and turn, well it did for me! Both the leads are perfect and the supporting cast excellent. Very well cast. Had me gripped all the way through.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
So surprising and jolly good fun!
10 September 2020
I don't like gory horror and not much is really funny these days but this was brilliant!!!! Went by some 10/10 reviews and they weren't wrong. It was very funny, found myself laughing when someone got killed in the most gory and creative way, the lines were perfect. Was rooting for the heroine all the way through and felt her pain. It was just SO good and the ending was great. It keeps moving all the way right to the end. Really original stuff. Great casting and visuals, it will be a while until something matches up to it. Give it a go.
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Absolutely loved this!
28 August 2020
I like my subtitled European detective serial killer stuff and the comic superhero genre and this has it all. Fantastic to look at, stylish, a mystery and perfectly cast characters. It builds and builds and gets you hooked, twists and turns I never saw coming. I started it thinking it was a series but works so well as a film. Seen nothing like it and loved it. Well done everyone that made it. So if you want style and murders to solve this is the film. Really one of a kind.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
Great "fun" and hooks you.
25 August 2020
Well yes, a bit far fetched story (you'll particularly know what I mean when at ep. 7) but don't let you distract you. Real thriller with superb acting and casting. Really develops as it goes, lots of surprises as well. One definitely for a 2nd series that if it happens hopes does as well. Not read the books (didn't even realise they were books). For teenagers and adults. Really refreshing stuff.
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Kath & Kim (2002–2007)
After watching the 5th time still perfect!
25 August 2020
Loved it first time round still love it now. So well and cleverly written, fabulous characters and observation stands the test of time. There's so little like this these days with one liners you will quote for years with those fellow fans. Look at moy! Every character is worth the screen time, even the minor ones and even the non speaking ones Placed in the background are fab! All the actors give it their all and no overacting needed. Very obvious but at the same time subtle. Really cannot rate it enough, wish I could give 11 or more out of 10!
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Kath & Kim (2002–2007)
Watched it all 5 times!
25 August 2020
When it was first on TV, loved it and watching for the 5th time for something to cheer me up and forget reality it was still perfect! Has not lost its edge even though it's quite old. Funny, clever and the characters and actors all so talented. Ok, not all episodes 10 out of 10 but not far off. So well written and observed and full of classic one liners. Not much is really funny these days, this was and still is. Absolute classic. What more to say, LOVE IT, and will watch again.
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Project Power (2020)
A film to stick with
25 August 2020
Read a couple of reviews and saw a focus on effects but it also seemed very popular so gave it a go. It was ok to start with but stuck with it and it got better and better. Yes, as per usual these days a lot of effort put into effects but the story was more. Great characters that surprise you, story develops and it's worth sticking with. Really enjoyed it and it takes a lot for me to see a film through. Fun as well as a fight against baddies fought by the very few.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Been waiting ages for something like this!
25 August 2020
I've watched so many series of this genre, given up after 1or 2, or watched 2nd of an anticipated one only to give up after 1. Right from the start I loved this and watched all episodes back to back with nothing in between. I was hooked and each episode introduce new levels of storyline and characters. Characters all worked well together and warmed to all. It's not just for teenagers but also for adults. It just got better and better, simply cannot fault it. Good effects but it's more than that, great direction, production and casting. So refreshing. It's the Buffy the Vampire Slayer equivalent in terms of a team you just want to win, underdogs saving the world.
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Strike (2018)
What a gem!
29 June 2020
Well, I don't like football, I'm so not a child and no kids but really enjoyed this! Can't believe this seems to have gone under the radar. Was looking for escapism and animation and SO pleased I watched it. First glance one might think it's just for kids in the daytime but one would be wrong. Things that spring to mind while watching (without giving anything away) are: clever title; tale of friendship, family, espionage and dreams fulfilled; Bond villain; betrayal. It's also got some funny lines that are adult and childish at the same time so generations would get them. Listen out for one line that for adults with a naughty sense of humour will get but don't worry it'll pass little kids by! Also a tale of workers against corrupt greed. And anything where a character refers to the "interweb" has my vote. Watch it as an adult on your own or with the kids, if you've a heart you'll enjoy it.
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Spides (2020)
Really good mix
29 June 2020
Sci-fi, aliens, corruption, crime, detective work, European feel, great mix of things. Great characters, surprises, keeps you wondering exactly who or what is behind it all and what their motives are. Really like the two main characters that are the detectives, really work well together ("usual" mix of quite different people). The aliens are something different keeping sort of in the background and you do winder who is who and what's going to happen. Love the German setting, makes it better than if set in the good old USA that you might expect of such a thing. All in all a great take on aliens taking over people (or are they?). So pleased I came across this.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Nice bit of escapism
29 June 2020
I wasn't hooked all the way through but stuck with it and though not the most gripping I did enjoy it. Will Smith very good as were most of the actors and the effects of his clone were very good. I like my thriller/sci-fi movies and if you do then do give it a go. I was doing other things while watching it TBH so maybe missed a few things but good day time viewing. Fast moving but you can easily keep up with the story. Good ending without giving anything away. Nice bit of a movie to get you away from real life.
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Car Share (2015–2020)
Can't fault it.
27 June 2020
Just absolutely superb. Well written, clever observation, fab acting, so absolutely funny amp moving. Great characters, and heartwarming. Didn't see it when on originally but friend could not believe I'd not seen it! Yes, I'm from the North West so maybe I'm a bit closer to it but even if not give it a go. I've watched them all twice in the last few weeks and every time I see something or hear something I missed. Attention to detail is second to none, soundtrack superb, comments on society are spot on, and I could go on and on about how superb it is but I think anyone reading this would get the gist. Perfect!!!!!!!
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
27 June 2020
I was so looking forwards to this after reading and loving the books, however didn't recognise and characters as I imagined them. Special effects can't make up for lack of depth and any feeling. Such a shame, opportunity lost. Don't know what else to say but if you loved the books don't bother.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
You don't need the biggest budget
27 June 2020
I saw the overall rating so with my normal anything less that 6 why bother, but I did delving into the reviews and glad I did. Ok, not Babylon 5 or Star Trek or any other big shows but really enjoyed it. Not bad acting, well only a couple of stilted performances (not from the cast under 40) but varied characters and back stories kept me going and glad to see another series! Worth giving it a go if you like sci-fi with underlying storyline.
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Stick with it
7 April 2020
I started to watch and a few times thought of stopping. The score was ok, the animation seemed a bit simple, and wasn't gripped initially but pleased I stuck with it. It really grew on me, such a lovely "simple" story and really warm. A joy to watch as the story unfolded. All you need is a good tale with characters that draw you in, and this is what it was. In such dark times it was a distraction and I really liked it.
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