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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Kinda dissapointed
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This started very promising, but it went from sci-fi to weird melodrama: and android mom that made her android husband jealous by having a flying snake baby... wtf? Don't know, I thought this was up to something.
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The best sequel to T1 and T2 to date
30 September 2017
I was 13 years old when T2 came out, I remember I was blown away. Later I watched T1 and again, I was blown away, I liked it even better that T2 and I consider it a real classic, a hell of a movie.

Many years past and I did not bother to watch what came next, I knew it could not equal T2, much less T1. I remember seeing the trailer of T3 and hating it because it seemed so lame, but I never saw the film.

Few weeks ago my interest got reignited, and I watched T3, so disappointing as I expected. Then I watched T4 expecting nothing and it surprised me, actually it was much better than expected.

Then I saw all two seasons of TSCC and it was REALLY good. I felt sorry that they did no continued the series, it was very addictive.

Today I saw T5 and I felt sorry again, even worse than T3

I hope someone picks up TSCC and continue in that direction.
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Terribly disappointing
30 September 2017
After watching T4-Salvation my expectations about Terminator resurrected (they had died after watching T3). Then I saw the two seasons of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which are brilliant. I though they could follow up with a good T5 film.

I was wrong. It seems they pick up from T3 and were decided to destroy again the Terminator franchise. If that was the objective they really succeeded!

Still hope someone picks up TSCC and continue that way, someday.
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Much better than 3
8 September 2017
Really a huge improvement over Terminator 3. The story on 3 was not bad, but the direction was awful; yes there were a lot of action scenes, but the heavy mood was lightened too much. Remember, it is doomsday, the fall of civilization and possible extinction of humanity; and Terminator Salvation try to recover that dark and painful feeling. I applaud that.

The story fits well within the series, the actors do a good job. What brings the film a down, in my opinion, is that humans cannot compete with machines in brute force. No way! Bones cannot hold to nuclear powered steel. Humans cannot street fight with Terminators.

Besides that, I pretty much enjoyed the movie, much more after watching T3. I feel it redeemed the franchise, congratulations!
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They tried, and they failed
6 September 2017
For some reason I didn't watch this until now, I knew it was crap.

I only give them one extra star because actually they COULD have done a decent film; They somehow made up a story that could have worked out. But they were not able to execute it in a decent way.

Hey idiots, it is the rise of the machines, the end of the world... The director couldn't nail it, he fell very, very short to the challenge.
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hide what you have to hide, and tell what you have to tell
5 October 2009
I give this film 3/10 just because I think the film is very well done... but as a documentary the film lacks impartiality.

It is impossible not to feel some sort sympathy for a man like Polanski, who has such a tragic past and even so he has been able to succeed in a world in which succeeding is not easy at all. But for most people I know, including myself, this sympathy is brutally shaken when one knows about the horrible crime which he committed.

I know that no one is an angel and we all have done some wrong things, but after reading the little girl's testimony (which is available in internet) it is really shocking to hear that such fascinating person as Polanski could have done something so vile, so disgusting and so perverse.

This film shows Polanski's side which we all like, but it fails to show his darker side. It chooses parts of the facts, and it ignores others which are also important. The films shows Polanski as a victim of a corrupted judicial system, but it fails to show the corrupted side of Polanski.

It is true; he may be remarkable man in many aspects, he is doubtlessly a great film director, and probably he has many other good qualities. But is that enough to put him above the laws, specially above such laws which protect the most fragile in our society? If Polanski was not famous and rich, if he was just a "simple mortal" just like most of us, then he would have probably stayed in jail for many, many years. But he is rich and famous, and then he can hire flashy lawyers, and he can make deals and buy justice. But the truth is that he sexually abused of girl who was just too young, and there is a higher justice which does not accept "plea bargains". I think Mr. Polanski, if he has not paid his debt already, he will not be able to escape the consequences of his crime.

I think this film does well showing the corruption in the legal system, and also showing the sympathetic side of Mr. Polanski. But I also think this film attempts to hide the fact that he has done something terrible, something so destructive and repugnant: he raped a 13 year old girl. If I was the father of that little girl, I would find it very difficult in my heart to forgive him.
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authority: the roots of authoritarianism
28 November 2008
this movie is very strong. if it wasn't for the romantic story crammed in-between it would be EXCELLENT.

i don't really see the need of the car crash girl, one night stand, love story... instead some inclusion of psychological background of the experiment subjects could have been stronger... childhood, adolescence... why we are such a "beautiful", fragile and hostile little creatures.

this movie left me thinking a lot about what kind of society have our ancestors built, and how we just keep on going the same way... society is "not so bad", as long as we follow the rules... even if the rules are so unfair...

  • drink your milk!!! - can we sort things out without recurring to some sort of violence? we are such a coward bunch... or maybe we are precisely coward; but among out life-prolonging medicine, high-tec communications, stealth killing weaponry; maybe we are just primitive.

enjoy the flick
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Hannibal (2001)
27 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
well, i saw silence of the lambs since long time ago, and i thought it was a good film, but not MAGNIFICENT, as many labeled. The thing i disliked the most about it was the end, when Buffalo Bill could have easily killed agent Starling but in a classic Hollywood move something near to impossible happened and at the very last millisecond the good guys won. however I was quiet impressed with the central character in that movie, besides Sterling... yes, I mean by Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

Many years passed and only until now I saw the "sequel" Hannibal. I am not sure why I waited so much to see it, when actually I've heard many people talk good about it but I didn't care about it. Only till now that the fourth part came out I decided to see all of the films again, starting with the Silence of the Lambs, which left me exactly the same impression as before, and now Hannibal, which actually was a little bit of a disappointment.

The film goes more into the fiction realm, where Dr. Lecter transform from being a cannibal into a super-cannibal. He gets super powers, super strength, stealth movement. Some scenes remind me of the suspense you feel while watching Aliens; Scott's masterpiece.

I must say the film is not completely bad, there are some good scenes, which fulfill their purpose of shocking the audience. Good examples are the hanging of judas, the pigs eating their dinner, and maybe a little bit too exaggerating the brainz scene. But these are mixed in between with too many Hollywood flaws, as the rambo scene at the beginning of the movie, the super-cannibal-man speed and stealth, and the worst: Agent Starling, waking up after days in comma, and walking down the stairs without taking off her high heels...

Silence of the lambs was simpler, and that's what made it better.
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definitely the worst of the series
19 April 2007
I remember when I saw this film for the first time; I walked really disillusioned out of the cinema... After some years I almost had forgotten all about the new episodes of star wars (thing that has never happened with the original movies), and I wanted to give them a try again to see if my judgment has changed, but unfortunately it has not :( Yesterday I saw "The Phantom Menace" and actually I was not so disappointed as the first time I saw it when it came out. Maybe because that time I was expecting something reaaaally reaaaaally great, but now I knew it was nothing to compare to the original ones.

Today I continued with "The attack of the clones" which I reconfirm is a complete disaster. There is a lot of action in this film I most admit, but it seems to be boring because there is nothing behind it. I still think there is enough material to have made a decent film, but all the concept and the direction just went very crappy. The actors are lame and the characters are even confusing (how a senator becomes a blasting warrior, surviving while dozens of trained jedis are killed? and how Yoda that uses a cane to walk starts moving like Bruce Lee on some sort of amphetamine?, etc) It is just sad they ruined the chance to make a good movie to complement the great three originals. "TPM" started no so good but "AOTC" is really a shame. As I remember episode III "The Revenge of the Sith" was the "less worse" from the new three, but still far far away from the glory of "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back" and "The Return of the Jedi".

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it astonished me as a child
7 March 2007
and for this is why I give the 7. I think this is a film directed to children, and taking this in account I think it makes a good job, I also remember that I was quiet impressed with the effects in those days... but for today they are of course very outdated... but anyway I think children still would enjoy of the story.

The most important thing is that even if the story just takes a little bit from here and there from the incredible Greek mythology, it makes a very good job stimulating interest in children to learn more about it... at least that was my reaction, after seeing the movie I wanted to learn more about Perseus, Andromeda, Zeus, Medussa and Cia. And then the real valuable thing comes when you visit the closest library searching for books.

For adults I think the film is not so interesting, so if you missed it as a child, I think it will be difficult appreciate... better luck next time ;)

Hmmm... one thing that actually annoyed me a little bit and I didn't remember at all was the owl R2D2, there is no doubt such things do not create any impact on the viewers, please directors, take note of this.
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A step backwards for R. Scott
12 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well... I heard before from a good source that this was not a very good movie... so I didn't hurry to see it, but finally curiosity took its toll today, only to prove what I heard before.

It is a bit of a shame, that a director of such category as Ridley Scott make such a step backwards, needless to say that he had a huge budget to make this film.

The film has many problems I think, it start from the casting; Orlando Bloom to be the hero of the movie... Wrong!! He played well his role in Troy as Paris, because in the Iliad he is defeated in the battle field and saved by Aphrodite, and Helen was ashamed of his cowardice... But he does a terrible job in Kingdom of Heaven, he is just not convincing as a great leader that can inspire courage to his fellow men.

The story also doesn't have a logic or a clear development. Suddenly the wife of some guy suicide, and then he is going to Jerusalem, and suddenly he is a great warrior, and he sinks in the ocean, and then he is a noble, and then he sleeps with the princess, he is offered to be king but he doesn't accept, and some minutes later he becomes like a king by his mighty leadership, his huge knowledge of military strategic, etc... just too much!! the dialog is poor, and although the effects are some of the best of this film, sometimes they are just too exaggerated.

It's a shame that they wasted a good chance to make a good film. I keep Gladiator in my collection, Kingdom of heaven has been just put into the garbage can :(
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it made me enthusiastic about Chinese films
4 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film several times and I still enjoy it. I remember hearing some people saying that it was crappy -with people floating around and walking over the water-, but when i saw it i actually enjoyed the special effects and i could understand that this flying around is a part of the Chinese fantasy, just like in arabic tales there are flying carpets, or cyclops and flying horses in the Greek mythology, etc.

I also enjoyed the plot of the film, i like the line when the old guy tells "even the greatest of heroes, in matters of the heart can be an idiot" XD that's very true! The effects are nice, the fights are also good, they seem like dancing what doesn't really disturb be, because all the film gives certain atmosphere that it fits. I also liked the music very much.

Also the subplots are very cool, i really liked the part when the girl remembers how she met dark cloud :) I would give this film a 9/10, but there is something... The end of the film... I don't know, I feel like it is a bit forced, I would rather see how the story goes on :D 8/10
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Hero (2002)
if you can put the politcs aside... this film is stunning
31 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have been thinking about it and now I edit my previous review and lower the score of this film from 8 to 7. I understand those who attack this film because of the political meaning... but it is just impossible to deny that as an artistic expression it is stunning. Sometimes it is hard to judge if something is beautiful or not because of the political background.

The fact is, the amazing work of photography and detail of the film is just too amazing, the music helps this film making it even more memorable, and the acting and the special effects are also great. I agree that there is a nationalistic message in this movie, but even I detest nationalism and I adored this film... why? because I didn't focused on that, but in the beauty of the film itself, on the colors, the sounds, the flowing and the time. The emperor isn't the main character in this film. I feel the main characters are broken sword, the nameless warrior and Flying Snow... they are the ones that carry the meaning of the film, and not the empire idea... tho it would have been even better if nameless had kill that tyrant... well, enjoy the film.

It is always easy to question the politics because they are (maybe by definition) dirty and egoistic... but we cannot question that the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall, Chichen Itza, the Gothic cathedrals, The Taj Majal, etc. even if built under very questionable political control, are great states of art. But come on, I am not comparing this film with them of course, I just want you to understand that the politics should be put on the back. I think this film is beautifully made, and that it contains valuable messages, you just have to separate what it really matters from what does not.
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A good introduction to Victor Hugo's masterpiece
29 May 2006
As usual... no movie can compare to the book in which they are inspired... I've read Les Miserables, a masterpiece which share the top with my all time favorites. The movie... I think it isn't bad at all, considering that for a film it is impossible to show the detail of the book. Even if it is incomplete and many characters are missing, I think it is a very good introduction to the fantastic world that Victor Hugo created for us. I remember the film as touching and highly emotional. I would recommend to everyone, even those who have read the novel. Please understand that this is a movie, and not a Literary work.

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overestimated... but good for bringing up a heated discussion
27 May 2006
I had heard that this film was very good, and certainly my expectations were too high. The director, although she's Spaniard, manages to produce still very "North-American" film, she seems to be confused about liking or disliking some aspects of western lifestyle. This impression makes film contradictory in my opinion. She criticizes the superficiality of today's western society (for example when she ridicules Ann's obsessed with losing weight friend, or the hairdresser which cares only about "Milli Vanilli", or the waitress who would like to be like Cher) But she doesn't criticize more complexes matters, about the emptiness which the lost of values and principles has left, actually she shows sympathy about them. To make clear this point I'd like to bring up Ann's wish list to think about it:

1. TELL MY DAUGHTERS I LOVE THEM SEVERAL TIMES - This is not a bad wish I think, but what does it mean to say "I love you", I think words should always be backed with actions to be convincing. She says "I love you" at the same time she weakens the family by having an affair, and instead spending her last days with her daughters, she prefers to go with the lover and leave the children to the care of strangers. Does it make sense?

2. FIND DON A NEW WIFE WHO THE GIRLS LIKE - This seems to be a noble wish but I think it is not. How much time does a husband need to recover from the death of his beloved wife? Is it that easy to fall in love again and get a "brand new mother" for his daughters? Who will take such step and make the decision? If she wants to show her unconditional love for him while she still lives, why doesn't she better try to make their last days together wonderful and honor their marriage and him, who seem to be deep in love with her?

3. RECORD BIRTHDAY MESSAGES FOR THE GIRLS FOR EVERY YEAR UNTIL THEY'RE 18 - This one is fine; I think it is a nice detail and a part of the movie's structure, I think the authors try to use this "recording sessions" to display some emotional content... not a bad idea.

4. GO TO WHALEBAY BEACH TOGETHER AND HAVE A BIG PICNIC - This is also fine, but I don't remember her accomplishing this wish, or at least not with her children.

5. SMOKE AND DRINK AS MUCH AS I WANT - Why does she normally doesn't smoke and drink as much as she wants? Does getting drunk and stoned will help her to make her last days more beautiful? Anyway, I don't remember her getting wasted, not even drinking.

6. SAY WHAT I AM THINKING - Is this really a nice wish? It is good to express our thinking sometimes but not always. We are not always right and words can harm the feelings of others, one's freedom ends when the freedom of someone else's begins. I think this is a very imprudent wish.

7. MAKE LOVE WITH ANOTHER MAN TO SEE WHAT IT IS LIKE - Maybe the most controversial wish. Is this simple curiosity or a display of hedonism? What is she throwing away? She is breaking her marriage promises, she is also using her last breath to dishonor her marriage, her husband and her family… Nice girl no!? But I know that honor, loyalty and honesty are not so significant for many now-a-days. I just wouldn't like to be on her husband's shoes… Poor guy!

8. MAKE SOMEONE FALL IN LOVE WITH ME - As if no one ever fell in love with her, but they show us a loving husband in the back... what the hell? This is a quiet perverse wish that they want to show as "neat". Doesn't she love her husband? Doesn't she think about the pain that she'll leave in the heart of the people involved? Or if there's no pain, then how deep is the love they talk about?

9. GO AND SEE DAD IN JAIL - This could have been transcendental wish, because involves not only her but also her father; an opportunity for her to help him. Anyway, the scene runs really fast, and nothing seem to happen. This was a good chance to include a meaningful dialog between father and daughter, what a pity they didn't use the chance, no wonder why.

10. GET FALSE NAILS AND DO SOMETHING WITH THE HAIR. Well, it is quiet obvious that this is mostly humorous, but is there place for such humor in the last 10 wishes of a dying person submerged in a sad story?

Is it coherent? How is it possible a girl with so many problems in her life is so happy? Suddenly a completely unexpected thing happens: "she will die soon." This element is supposed to make her "extraordinary", because every extraordinary story requires an extraordinary character right? But without the fact that she will die soon, then the movie leaves only a happy girl in a world of boredom. Her lack of determination, conformism, selfishness, her weak character and principles keep me from feeling sympathy from her.

At the end I think it is not a very good story, but since it brings up interesting points for discussion is not so bad either. Anyway I think the film is much overestimated and although it could have been a good criticism about the emptiness of western lifestyle and values, it falls into trying to create sympathy about the same emptiness but in another deeper level.

ps. By the way, I agree with the one who pointed out before that Homer Simpson's list of things to do before dying is much sensible and meaningful that the one in this film... One Hurra to Homer Simpson!
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A good fictional portray of Mexican reality
25 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely a very good Mexican film, which is inspired in the unforgettable "Herods Law" and follow the same line; showing a little bit of how things work for Mexican politicians... but is it fiction? yes and no I would say, I think for someone who has not lived under such circumstances it is hard to believe that these things could happen... well, i think that there are even worse things going on sometimes with the corrupted politicians... but indeed, it is not a historical film and it tells a fictional story, it has also a dose of that very Mexican black humor which is hard to understand. Many non-mexicans have asked me how is it possible that mexicans laugh in some scenes of Herod's law and Conejo en la Luna, when what they are showing is our own misery... I say, well my friends, when crying seem to be useless, there are not much way out than laughter... but i know this may sound cynical.

-spoilers coming!- One thing I really enjoy of this film is the end... no happy bullsh*t Hollywood end, but bitter reality, the English government giving the poor guy to the Mexican authorities... damn! but what else could happen? The guy that plays the chief of the PGR (something like the Mexican FBI) portrays very well the image that this police division have in Mexican society, can you imagine that in Mexico people are more afraid of cops than thieves, or murderers? although they are actually the same people, with some exceptions I presume. Just watch the film, it's a good one, and although it is fiction, believe when I tell that it is not so far away from reality.

By the way... you may be wondering why the film is called "Rabbit on the Moon"... well, i heard it from the mouth of the director on the Berlinale... he explained of course because of the painting that the designer gives to the English girl... the relation is that we mexicans are told when we are children to look for the rabbit shape on the moon, that's different of the "man in the moon" version which i've heard about in Europe... When I look to the moon as a Mexican I see a rabbit, as well as when I see as the Mexican government I see filth... Europeans tend to see a Man on the moon, and what's their image about our government? a rabbit maybe?
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an insult to the Heavy Metal Classic!
19 May 2006
This movie has left me so disappointed that i must write this review... it is so sad when they take a name of a classic movie, and just destroy everything what it means...

this movie has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the first heavy metal movie, which i really like because it has something called "spirit" damn right! that movie is based in the crazy stories and the mood from the immortal heavy metal fantasy magazine! but this guys that made the "heavy metal 2000" film only stole the name, and they think that by putting some naked chicks and nu-metal music can reach again the ecstassy of the first movie... damn wrong!! what the did is a complete piece of garbage, it is boring and stupid. they made a horrible mixture of a pseudo star-wars and a pseudo lord of the rings... it stinks!! if you have seen the first heavy metal movie, better save yourself from getting angry and don't even bother to watch this piece of crap. If you haven't seen the first heavy metal movie, so better watch it, and please understand that it is about the magazine!! and pls don't compare this two films that the only common thing between them is the name! those guys that made this animation make me sick! they must be really idiots to compare Taarna with Julie!!
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Kids (1995)
sad but true
21 October 2005
This is an amazing film, I saw it when it went out, I was in that time 17 years old. I remember my mom pass in front of the TV when there was some nudity scene, she was really shocked when she saw the lesbian part of the film, and she told me to stop watching such sh*t... I didn't stop watching it, but I understand her, I know she think this film is crap because she is not a part of this generation, and she sees this as unreal and pornographic... for me it only means a piece of bitter reality, not so far away from things that I've seen with my own two eyes... in that time the film really struck me, when I saw it I knew this guy was telling no bullsh*t. He takes a raw piece of reality and shows it to the world, he doesn't hide sex, drugs and violence... everything is there, everything that our youth is exposed to (and maybe now even more than before). I pity those who show disdain for this movie because the think it is too raw and believe they are too sensible to see this kind of stuff. I think they are not only insensible but cowards to deny the misery of others, and attack this brutal piece of art.

This is a great movie, sad but true!
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Troy (2004)
Some unforgivable mistakes took the magic away
19 October 2005
Troy could have been a great epic film... if wouldn't have been for some really disrespectful and unnecessary alterations that they did to the immortal story, the great Iliad written by Homer, and considered a masterpiece of literature through thousands and thousands of years... but this guys here just modified it like if all this wouldn't matter...

Note: Spoilers coming!

Yeah! I am talking about Menelaus killed cowardly by Hector, or Agamemnon killed by Briseis, or Achilles being the cousin of Patroclus, or Hector killing one of the Ayaces, and where is the other Ajax, Diodemes, and all the other Heroes??? If it would not have been for these alterations to the original story, which really disturbed be (if you ever read the Iliad, you'll understand me)and which i really regard as unnecessary, and the usual Hollywood crap added to most American films (a good dose of machismo, exaggeration, historical inaccuracy, etc) This could have been a great film but unfortunately it is not...

But this movie is also far away from being a terrible film. The director and the actors did a nice job, Brad Pitt acts very good as usual, The guy that plays Hector does it in an amazing way too, taking most of the sympathy of the public. The movie is exciting and the battles are good, my favorite scene is before Achilles fights Hector, and he repeats the same line that in Homer's book "There are no pacts between men and lions"!! Another thing that I quiet liked and that was different that the book, is that in the film the GODS don't have much to do with the story, while in the Iliad they are central... but that's not too bad, I didn't miss Zeus or Apollo in the film, and I think this is a smart move for the film, because including the Gods would have been quiet difficult for a film like this.

What i missed was the respect for some important aspects of the story, which i mentioned before, and which were removed unscrupulously ... It could have been and immortal epic, but those omissions and alterations are unforgivable, and bring my given note from 10/10 to 7/10
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Dragonslayer (1981)
unfortunately not great!
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quiet nice, but after watching it I feel like there is something that stop this movie from being GREAT, somehow it could have been much better... Maybe the main problem is the main character, he was a little bit too soft, he didn't seem to be able to defeat in single-handed combat the warrior nor the dragon, but somehow he beat them without showing a convincing way of fighting, well actually he couldn't kill the dragon but that was more the fault of the blacksmith... Yeah, I think that's something that I didn't like so much, the character could have looked a little bit more like a man, but he looked more like a child... maybe that was the idea of Disney, to make it popular among children... But besides this and some other small details the movie is nice, I enjoyed the fact that the princess dies and she's eaten by the dragons, I am sure that no one expected that! The special effects are cool, more if we consider the time when this was made!... I would give this film 8/10 (good) but the song at the end annoyed me a little bit... this kind of details are also important.
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King Arthur (2004)
It could have been a nice film
14 October 2005
I am not an expert about the history of Great Britain, but it is very clear that this film wasn't intended to tell history as it could have been... This film is more about entertainment, but unfortunately the exaggerations are just too many... Yeah, I mean when you put to fight 20... or OK even 30 against 6 or 7 very cool knights, and the knights win... OK I can accept it... 100!! and I'm far away of my limit, but OK... but thousands... c'mon gimme a break. And the woman warrior, OK she is hot, she is a great archer, but also a great swordwoman, she can kill also thousands of Saxon warriors, without even losing the lipstick on her lips? oh my god... too much fantasy. And the Saxons... why are they so bad and stupid? I've lived in Saxony and people there are quiet normal, some of them are really smart actually, and I think they had some worthy warriors in the past, at least they were never really conquered by the Romans or other empires... but in this film they seem to be disabled or idiot people or something like that, I don't know if this is very respectful to history or other cultures (by the way I am not Saxon)... if you want to see good fights between Saxons and Romans better see Gladiator... and if you want to see a good film about King Arthur, then wait for something better, something more serious to come...
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A very good fantasy film
10 October 2005
This is a very strong film that tells a VERY modified story of Conan, the character created by Howards in his series of books written in the 1930's. Actually I don't see a good reason for modifying the original stories in those great fiction books... but well, maybe the director John Milius also wanted to put a piece of his imagination on the tale, but it is clearly he isn't a writer that could compete with Howards.

However Milius is a good director in this film; The film is very constant in keeping the mood up, the actors are also good, specially Arnold, to whom the role of "Barbarian" Conan fits more than perfectly. The other main actors have also an acceptable acting, even the role of the wizard.

The special effects are not so bad for the time, only the ghosts that try to take Conan's body look kinda funny, but without the computers of today, I think it was just not easy to represent such things...

Another important thing of this film is the music... The score written by Basil Poledouris s doubtless a classic; Conan without this music wouldn't be the same! This is a good film for the genre.

Just a last advise: If you like this film, please be careful with watching the second film of Conan "the destroyer" which is really, really, really, reaaally crappy, and has not much to do with the first one.
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Shame on Hollywood
10 October 2005
This movie is a really pity! After the awesome first film of Conan, they just made profit of the success to cash in with this cheap flick. I can't understand how Arnold accepted to take part in this film, it is really degrading. The story is lame, the effects are terrible, the dialog is boring at the most, the jokes are not funny... my god, it seemed to be really hard to spoil the great saga of "Conan the Barbarian", but this guys have really done it this time. Shame on this film!! I still hope that someone with real love for film making, will embrace the original story of Conan, and will make a good film about it. After all, there is still a tale to be told ;)
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