
46 Reviews
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Immense fast paced fun
7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ignore the loser nerds. Terrific entertaining show with an extremely likable cast. Only Cohan seems a bit stiff but with her looks who cares. I've never liked Foley but here he makes an engaging funny character. The rest of the cast does a great job keeping you laughing nonstop. Witty as hell. The loser nerds are too dense and anal to figure out that this is not a serious show but they seem to want another 24 or something. With tongue firmly in cheek this is as fun as it gets. Ignore the nerds and catch a breath of fun, light air. Uh for those who still know how to enjoy life that is.
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The Enemy Within: Black Bear (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Aaaaaannnnnddd we're done!!!
5 March 2019
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Wow this is as bad as it gets. Never realized Morris was such a bad actor. Either that or he's on Prozac. And Deborah.......uh I mean Jennifer sucks in this too. The opening action scene in ep 2 looked like one of those straight to DVD movies.........only worse. Incredibly stupid premise and really????? She went to prison just to avoid hurting her daughter's feelings????? I think her daughter would have preferred to have her Mother home over needing therapy. If she's even that weak. Bottom of the barrel. Drop this nonsense and go watch The Blacklist!!
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Robin Hood (2018)
Terrific movie
4 March 2019
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Ignore the whiners who have zero taste these days. Immensely entertaining movie with not one biting moment. Tremendous action set pieces and an engaging cast makes this a fun experience. I'm flabbergasted by all the bad reviews. And when did slow motion become a cinematic evil? Shot in somewhat the same style as 300 and the recent King Arthur. Say what you will about CGI but it's still better than any old time effects and of course safer than real stunts. People today just look for what's wrong with a movie than you know, actually enjoying them. On the other hand total dreck like It and Get Out ( two of the worst movies ever made ) mystifyingly get championed. This is an origin story and not set in Flynn's ridiculously clean forest wearing clothes so new, they must have taken it off the rack. Eggerton and Foxx do a great job in the lead roles. One star less for the somewhat underwhelming ending.
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Anybody championing this trash is
2 March 2019
Seriously mentally ill or rock dumb stupid. There is no other explanation. Perry if he had any integrity should be woefully embarrassed. Nuff said.....
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Great romantic episode
2 February 2019
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Probably the best episode in the series. Isaac is my favorite character and he shined here showing that's he's capable of having emotions to a certain degree. As did Clair looking lovely when she dressed up. Great writing by Seth and some real funny lines. Wonderful episode and probably the best one yet.
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First Man (2018)
Chazelle is a terrible director
23 January 2019
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Shaky cameras don't affect me but when it takes up 10% of the movie; it's a crap experience. Terribly directed movie. Zero characterization. I didn't get to know a single character and barely knew their names. Apparently no one told Gosling he wasn't supposed to act like a replicant again. Horrible one nite performance. I've seen driftwood with more range. Only Foy manages a decent performance. Apparently Chazelle thought we'd rather see the inside of the cockpit instead of the majestic sight of seeing a rocket soar away from the Earth. The one good scene was when they were trying to land. Tedious, uninvolving and a terrible slog. I can't beluevevwnyone would champion this movie.
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IO (2019)
Io?? Why the bel would anyoneho to Io??
21 January 2019
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It's a tortured volcanic World that periodically gets turned inside out every so often. Anybody living there would die in ten minutes. What nonsense. Some idiot probably thought Heyno one's used Io before as a potentualcoliny, let's go for it. Ten years to Alpha Centauri?? What mumbo jumbo is this??? Yes to the stupid sports moron or bimbo Kardashian wouldn't know but most people that can read would. Boring claptrap that goes nowhere. The girl breathes at the end the infinitely better Z for Zachariah that's similar but withbetter actors, pacing and anything else you can think of. If you have 90 minutes to kill, stare at a wall. You'll be better entertained!!!
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Glass (2019)
Less than half glass of entertainment
20 January 2019
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The only redeeming thing was Mcavoy's performancecwhich was spectacular. Jackson barely performed in it and does absolutely nothing except type in a code and frees the Beast.and Willis barely registers a pulse. Shyamalan is a terrible action director. The fights are poorly done and amateurishly made. Pathetic. Some good psychological moments but too few and far between. Unbreakable was booring but Split was good. The movie just ends stupidly and then ends again with an uninteresting premise for Glass's ho him motivation. Critics were spot on. Ignore the pretenscious fools spouting this as a must see. Dissapointing is an understatement!!
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In no Universe is this the best Spider-Man movie!!
15 January 2019
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Anyone thinking that is seriously delusional and might even need help. However the film is immensely entertaining and hilarious. My wife and I watched this with huge grins on our faces. The first hour is superior as we meet Miles and watch him become Spider-Man. It also has the best Spiderman ( the one from Miles own World ). Unfortunately it goes off the rails in the climactic altered reality battle where the animators went haywire loco. It also loses points for the hunchbacked and unnaturally strong Kingpin. The manga and pig Spidermen were also stupid. But just about everything else is spectacular and spot on. Great twist from one of the villains and some shocking deaths. I'd love to see a movie with the first Spider-Man and his ( Alfred ) Aunt May. Overall the movie delivers and the high praise is well deserved!!
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An exercise in infantile stupidity
6 January 2019
If you're under 16 years of age, a man child or seriously demented; then you might, granted might enjoy this utter dreck of moronic stupidity. No one with lucid thoughts could possibly enjoy this. The first one was mildly entertaining. This one is shall we say...........not in any rational dimension or Universe. Everyone speaks like a mutated moronic Canadian. After 5 minutes I FF several times just out of curiosity. No improvement. If anything it became even more the type of movie a simpleton would gleefully and vacuously champion. Avoid at all costs unless you're one of the aforementioned people!!
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Awesome premiere. The best!!!
4 January 2019
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Wow that was great. Gotham is hands down the best comic book tv show out there. Better than the Netflix Marvels ( and I'm a giant Marvel fan ) and the declining CW shows. Gotham has hit the ground running on all cylinders and the preview for the upcoming season looks nothing short of spectacular with the Dark Knight, Harley Quinn and Bane showing up at some point. Can't wait!!!!
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12 Monkeys: One Minute More (2018)
Season 4, Episode 9
Mind blowingly dull and beyond comprehension
3 January 2019
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I long ago stopped caring or trying to figure out what the hell is going on as any sane person would do. No one in the planet, including the lunatic creators could even begin to comprehend what's happening. There has never been a show that makes no sense as much as this one. Just going to see how it confusingly ends. First couple of seasons were good; then it went off in 25,000 different directions. It has literally taken me months to watch these 11 episodes..........
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Galveston (2018)
Zero layers and an exercise in tediousness
3 January 2019
Ignore the pretensious cellar dweller nerds pontificating about so called layers and deep meaning in this utter bore of a slog. Absolutely nothing of interest or entertaining happens. The acting is good but it's nowhere near enough. The trailer is incredibly deceiving tricking you into thinking it's a thriller. Zero thrills, zero layers, zero story, zero movie. Stay away and be spared.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Yet another unwatchable mess
18 December 2018
I have yet to make it pass 20 minutes if an Anderson movie. Both Wes and Paul Thomas. Are they related? Between them two and Mallick, they've directed some of the all time worst crap movies ever made. Don't believe the pretentious sheep championing this utter dreck who need tons off therapy. Keep well away from any movie directed by an Anderson and you'll be spared the horror.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Believe the haters. It's even worse!!
3 December 2018
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Gobbledygook miniseries with an unlikable and uninteresting cast. Any competent crew would have thrown the psychic freak out the airlock within minutes. It's going to be hard to watch if every episode, the stupid crew has endless boring visions. I remember liking the novella and the low budget movie back when but this was total schlock. I'll give it another couple of eps but it's just not good tv.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Grand entertainment
28 November 2018
Now this is what watching movies in the theatre is all about. Likable characters, good acting, great effects and spectacular action. Ignore these anal nerds who hate practically anything except the movies that really suck like It if Get Out ( two of yhesll time worst movies ). Eggerton and Fox acquit themselves well in this adaptation. Well casted all throughout and a good twist in the end. I've seen several movies and series based on the character and this is one of the best. Ignore the clueless critics and do not miss if you want to see grand entertainment.
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The Walking Dead: Evolution (2018)
Season 9, Episode 8
What an absolute snooze fest
26 November 2018
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Another supercrap episode. Unlikable characters across the board. Carol's fright wig look continuously hurts my eyes. One extra star for the decent fight at the end and another for the " Whisperer " kill but loses one keeping the disgustingly useless Eugene alive. Tedious and boring beyond comprehension. The show is just a list cause. Probably my last season. There's only so much a normal person can watch!!
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Tagumo Attacks!!! (2018)
Season 4, Episode 5
Full bore in kiddieland
23 November 2018
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The show is first than a Saturday morning cartoon show and less sophisticated. I don't know how the cast is but embarrassed by every scene their forced to shoot; as well as any adult watching praising it. While Arrow has improved vastly with more adult storytelling, this and the Flash keep regressing into a children's show. Doubt I'll come back next year!! Episode gets a 2 for the Godzilla nod!
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One episode is all it took
20 November 2018
Discombobulated gobbledygook of mishmashed, unmitigated crapola!!! The sentence above makes as much sense as this dreary mess of incoherent scenes stapled together; culminating in a lifeless exercise in episodic tv. Ignore the pretensious lunatic praisers and skip this unholy mess that not a single person on the planet will be able to understand and lying if they do. Nonsense!!!
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The Walking Dead: Stradivarius (2018)
Season 9, Episode 7
Yet another crap ep
19 November 2018
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Had high hopes when the season started. The first 5 episodes leading to Rick's departure were well paced and entertaining but now they've gone back to the same drudgery. The bed characters all suck with not one interesting one in the bunch. If they were gone the next ep I wouldn't even notice. Continuous never missing head shots with any weapon imaginable from any distance, the frightful appearances of Carol and Daryl and the aforementioned problems are making this the final straw to throw in the towel. I'm sure that when the show comes back for the last half of the season it will have lost considerable viewers. The Whisperers are not going to help!!
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Bodyguard: Episode #1.6 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
One of the most suspencefull episodes ever
16 November 2018
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Put in TV. Nerve wracking exciting and because you know they can kill the main character; the outcome was very much in doubt. Ignore these pathetic reviewers who apparently are experts and have faced bomb threatening negotiating proceedings before ( eye rolls ). Great acting throughout and one great final twist. Again pathetic reviewers know what goes on in the minds of these crazed terrorists ( another eye roll ). Great acting throughout, tense and did one pathetic reviewer say it was dull? ( my eye is beginning to hurt ). Terrific season or series finale when so many overrated lauded ones fail to be so. Do not miss!!!!!
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Hereditary (2018)
Hahahahaha. These reviews are a joke!!
15 November 2018
When I say that nothing happens I'm understating the movie. Literally nothing happens. Somnambulant people walk around talking about nothing. There are zero scares, dread or any menacing scenes to speak of. I would question the mental capacity of ANYONE being scared by this movie. They'd probably be scared of the wind or crickets chirping. Truly one of the worst movies ever made alongside Get Out. I refuse to believe that ANYONE that's lucid could possibly enjoy this travesty and joke of a movie. Good actors are completely wasted. Avoid at all costs unless you're brain dead.
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The Walking Dead: Who Are You Now? (2018)
Season 9, Episode 6
Back to the drudgery
12 November 2018
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All it took was one episode without Rick to make us realize he was definitely the star. 6 new, fairly unlikable characters adding to the roster of 40 already there did not help and once again, making Carol a bad ass while was laughable as always. The actress simply can't pull it off. Making her look like a witch didn't help either. Piss poor episode with terrible dialogue. It gets an extra star because of the introduction of the Whisperers. Let's hope they don't mess that up like they did Negan.
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Daredevil: The Devil You Know (2018)
Season 3, Episode 6
Yet another overrated episode
10 November 2018
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Amazing how this episode is so highly overrated due to its fairly mediocre fight. Unlike the one shot take in ep 4, there's nothing special about this fight. The season has been one long slog and definitely not binge watchable. Tough going but Cox and D'Onofrio keep things afloat barely. There's so many filler scenes that make up the bulk of the show that the season could be easily be halved and not matter. The second season was vastly superior and faster paced.
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The Flash: The Death of Vibe (2018)
Season 5, Episode 3
Awful Awful Awful
25 October 2018
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Who the hell praised this episode? 5 year olds? This was bottom of the barrel. Flash beaten to a pulp yet again. Another intolerable Wells. Elongated Man continuing to bra worthless character. Zero action. This show has fallen so far into kiddyland and has become an embarrassment. While Arrow has once again retained its greatness the Flash has become nearly unwatchable. And what's up with Martin sitting down for every scene? Is he hurt or ill?? Who's behind this now terrible travesty and more importantly why are adults seriously giving these episodes high marks.
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