Ironheart (1992) Poster


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A dull trudgefest with awful fight scenes
BrickNash29 January 2021
This film is notable as being the final movie of Director Robert Clouse. Clouse had previously directed Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee, and a slew of other low budget martial arts films in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Only a few of these, such as China O' Brien, and The Big Brawl were really that good, so I was keen to see if this would be hos swansong.

Unfortunately, it isn't. It's a poorly cobbled together junkfest with little redeeming features.

The main problem is that this film was supposedly a kickstart vehicle for lead star Britton K. Lee, but the issue is that Lee was also the producer, so he basically made the film for himself.

Now there's nothing wrong with that in itself, but the problem is that Lee is neither a good actor, nor is he charismatic in any way. In previous films, Robert Clouse had Bruce Lee and Cynthia Rothrock in front of the camera - two very strong personalises who came across well on screen. Britton K. Lee has none of thee qualities, and come across as an out of place protagonist, and more like a sidekick who got his own film.

All of this could be forgiven if the martial arts action was good, but it's not. In fact - it's dire. Loads of tight shots with too much slow motion, and some clumsy choreography make this look like a TV episode.

With films like China O' Brien, fight choreographer Nijel Binns created some really cool action scenes with wide angle shots so that you could see the full glory of the fights and the actors skills, but here it just feels awkward and messy.

The film's one saving grace is that it features the legendary talents of Bolo Yeung and Richard Norton (both veterans of Hong Kong cinema,) and it's great to see them again.

They unfortunately can't save what is a dull and meandering movie with bad fight scenes and a boring plot.

Bob Clouse will always have Enter The Dragon, and no one can take that away from him, but his final word in film is not worth bothering with unless you are a super fan of Bolo Yeung.
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"I was born and raised in Korea ..."
Pete Falco27 January 2002
The hero John Keem is going after some drug dealers who kidnaps girls for some reason. On his journey he uses karate and kung fu moves and I don't believe he got hit a single time during the movie. This is Crap.
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Well.... At least Bolo is in it
AlbinH16 October 2000
Me and a couple of friends went to rent some movies one day, we picked one each and one of us picked Ironheart. Lets just say that from now on, we never let him pick a movie. This movie sucks
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How much would you pay to laugh at a horrible film?
brand_nu_sim10 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on sale - NEW - at my local store for $6 and said "hey! an action film with that guy from Bloodsport and Enter the Dragon, directed by the guy who did Enter the Dragon - and it's cheap!" So I bought it. Oops! This is possibly the worst film I've ever seen, and I've seen some doozies.

You know how movies which are intentionally campy, like Evil Dead II and Dead-Alive, are AWESOME? You know how movies that are supposed to be serious but turned out so awful that you have to laugh out loud, and watch them again, like Lionheart (an old Van Damme film) or John Carpenter's Vampires, are pretty cool? This film, Ironheart, manages to be NEITHER of those. I don't know what the filmmakers were thinking, but it looks as if this movie was made with no time to shoot, no budget for anything, and no script to speak of. (While I'm on the script note, I should point out that Bolo Yeung has NO LINES in this movie - the only reason he gets first billing on the box is the fact that he's the only actor in the film that you'll ever recognize (unless you're a Jackie Chan fan, in which case you'll recognize the bad guy - and you'll want to call him Giancarlo!).)

What's also sad is that this film is from '92. By that time, T2: Judgment day had come out, so you know that the era of 80s campiness was over... but not quite. After this, you'll think 80s Chuck Norris films, high-school comedies, and Jason/Freddy sequels were works of sheer genius.

Things to know:

1) Nobody in this film can act for beans. The closest you get is Richard Norton looking appropriately rich and cocky, and Bolo Yeung looking appropriately mean ... and cocky. Everything else is dreadful.

2) The martial arts scenes are forgettable - just many instances of white guys with lots of muscles taking off their shirts, yelling, running at Britton Lee, getting kicked by Britton Lee, getting punched by Britton Lee, then falling down. Even the final showdown against Bolo is disappointingly short, and about as creative as the design of my running socks (and equally stinky).

3) The rest of the action is pathetic, too: the guns look like they came from the toy department at K-Mart, and indeed they fire with the sound of a capgun. When someone gets shot, they bounce around a little bit, then lie still with splotches of brownish-red liquid on their clothes. Britton Lee apparently gets shot in the side, but you don't see it at all, then later that day you see the wound ... I've had paper cuts that were worse than that!

4) Of course then the girl dresses the wound, then they kiss, then next thing you know they're lying in bed talking after sex. Huh? What? Believable development of the love interest, as well as any kind of character development at all, are overlooked completely in this film. Remember how Bruce Lee's characters didn't need to have sex with anybody to be cool?

5) The car chase is by far the worst I've ever seen. It looks like the director was sitting on the curb with a hand-held camera as the two cars weaved down the road doing, oh I don't know, about 30 miles an hour? Don't try this at home, kids, these people are professionals! Hah!

6) Really bad writing. Here's a scene for you: Lee is being followed, so the girl follows the followers to "warn" Lee, but her car is too slow. So by the time she catches up, Lee and the bad guys are out of their cars and there's a gunfight in progress. Lee has killed two bad guys, but the third is shooting at Lee when the girl almost runs Lee over, so the bad guy runs away. (Huh?) Then the girl's car stalls and she can't start it. She tells Lee she's involved now and she's coming with him. He points out to her that they can't leave her car there because the bad guys will trace it to her. She somehow convinces him that he should decide how to deal with this problem - so he shoots the gas tank and blows up her car. (And remember, later that same night they have sex.) Huh?!?

7) If you look closely, in more than half of the nightclub shots, the dancers are very much out of sync with the music. The dancers are also all way too co-ordinated with each other (apparently in the '80s all people at dance clubs took dancing lessons). There is a girl in the DJ booth with a microphone, but she never does anything except dance. The bouncers tell people who are fighting to "take it outside" - without moving their lips. In one scene, the only bouncers Lee and Stevo pass by are just inside the entrance, but with their backs to it! Also, apparently, if you're a major character in the film, you can go straight to the head of the line.

8) Lee notices the first time he is being followed, but he doesn't notice the second time - even though it's the same guy in the same car. The girl, however, notices. Bad guys get followed twice, but they never notice.

9) Lee is worried the bad guys will trace the girl's car back to her, even though they have already seen him show up where she works twice. The girl proceeds to leave her child at work, in the care of a friend, while she is off having sex with Lee. DO NOT learn parenting from this film!

Can't think of more gripes right now ... you get the idea ... Ironheart is so bad, it ain't even funny, it's SAD.
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This movie has no plot and five lines of dialogue
darren_steven27 May 2003
The acting was bad, and the plot, well i don't think there was one.

Some fat blonde chap who is always dressed in a dinner suit, kidnaps a sort from a nightclub, i think he then kills a copper. pointless fights then happen Kidnapped girl is put in cage on a boat, why? Tough uncompromising martial arts trained cop turns up, speaks bad english and does stuff that does not make sense. Its utter tripe. But he does have a nice car. christ on a bike, this film was a waste of 90 minutes.
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A few insights
mnlnamba30 August 2006
While I agree that this was the most horrendous movie ever made, I am proud to say I own a copy simply because myself and a bunch of my friends were extras (mostly in the dance club scenes, but a few others as well. This movie had potential with Bolo and the director of Enter the Dragon signed on, but as someone who was on set most every day I can tell you that Robert Clouse was an old and confused individual, at least during the making of this movie. It was a wonder he could find his way to the set everyday. I would also like to think that this might have been a better movie if a lot of it had not been destroyed in a fire at Morning Calm studios. I can't say that it would have been for sure, but it would be nice to think so. I was actually surprised that it was ever released, and that someone like Bolo would attach his name to it without a fight. Oh well. Also look at the extras for pro wrestler Scott Levy, AKA Raven. He was a wrestler in Portland at the time...nice guy, very smart.
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This movie had the potential,but blew it.
martymaster21 January 2002
This movie had it all,great fighters,among them Bolo Yeung and Britton K. Lee and a descent budget,but it seems that the director did everything to ruin it.The movie starts of good,but after that it only gets worse.WHY didn't he have more fight scenes in this movie.Bolo Yeung was only in one real fight scene that I can remember,I hoped to see more of him,because he has one of the sickest styles ever.

Dont let the cover fool you,this is nothing what it could have been.
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A great film...if you're 12.
wilbertvonbork14 November 2007
My brother plays "Moose" in this film. Although most of his scenes were left on the cutting room floor. The funniest line is the movie is "nothing wong with stat." So anyway, this is filmed in Portland, OR, where we grew up. The dance club is/was called "Up Front FX". What I loved about this movie is that the main character (who is not named on the box because Bolo brings more clout) is supposed to be a police detective...a great opportunity to drive around in a red convertible Porsche. I need to get a copy of this, preferably the director's cut, so I can see all the scenes my brother is in. The only scene he is in is the beginning when they are in the dance club. He got the spot because he was dating this cheerleader from a semi-pro football team called The Oregon Thunderbolts. It is interesting because his name comes up as the first entry in IMDb. Fame has him, fortune, not so much.
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The worst movie I have ever seen.
michapringle16 April 2002
This really is the worst movie I have ever seen. For a while, I made a habit of watching lousy movies, including "Battlefield Earth", "Delta Force Commando" and "Starship". All of these movies are cinematic gems compared to Ironheart.

There isn't much point in summarizing this piece of junk; I think it's more beneficial to summarize my reaction to the movie, which is as follows: I become furiously angry and I want to rip the tape out of the VCR and burn it after (roughly) 80 minutes of play.

I rate this movie a 0, but IMDb does not let one rate a movie less than 1. I give it a 0 knowing full well that I am saying any movie that has any score above 0 is infinitely (undefinably) many times better than this one - That's really how bad it is.
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Bolo Yeung is hardly in this movie...
Aaron137513 May 2023
They got him in the poster, his name is on the poster so you may be forgiven for assuming that he is the star of the show. He is not, he is just another henchman, doing what he usually does, but not with much effort. Instead the star is a guy who beats up random dudes who attack joggers and parks and drives his car a lot! In fact, pretty sure that fight with the random scumbags attacking the jogger was 10x longer than his fight with the star of the film Bolo...

The movie has a girl being kidnapped, leaving a club with someone who was rich and taking the easy way out. Yes, that is how it is described to the hero when the person who was kidnapped explains to him that the girl quit dancing and tried to get a rich man, thus taking the easy way and deserving of what she gets! Harsh dance teacher. Well the hero is more concerned that these guys killed his former partner and so we got lots of action with our bad ass martial arts cop! Well, not really. Honestly, Samurai Cop was more action packed than this thing was and featured way more action as we mainly see our hero parking...

I understand why they featured Bolo on the poster with his name featured as he is the only person I recognized in this thing! The hero's English is not too good, but he is not horrible (what a compliment). Then there is the dance teacher who looks like Pam Dawber from Mork and Mindy. Not unattractive, but not all that great and she certainly would not have stood out and been kidnapped at the club when she goes undercover. Then there is pizza guy who dated the actually hot girl who got kidnapped at the beginning, I guess he could not make a pizza to her satisfaction!

This one is definitely not good, but amusing. Where else you gonna save a jogger and she runs from you screaming too? This is a movie, she is supposed to be thankful, though her reaction was probably more realistic. The cop's was not as he just left the men dead or dying behind. Then you get a anticlimactic finale where Bolo must of been like, "let's just get this over with, man..." You will witness more than your fair share of parking though!
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afro_neil5 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I think that just sums up this film. Watch it and you'll find out why. The acting of the lead character John Keem is really, really bad and he has no on screen charisma whatsoever. It's very funny because of this thought, as is the ending where Keem beheads the bad guy despite the fact he is unarmed and has surrendered. Brilliant!
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'Iron-Fart only the pong will survive!'
Weirdling_Wolf27 April 2021
I seem to be one of the rare birds that genuinely appreciates martial arts maniac Bolo Yeung's funky, steel-thewed fight-flick 'Ironheart' (1992) perhaps it is only because I got scrambled eggs for brains! Ha! Only yolking, as y'all don't need any kind of working brain batter to fully appreciate 'Ironheart' as it is one triple-chees-a-tron B-movie bomb-lette that reeks in all the most delectably odoriferous ways! (I'm not too sure where I'm actually going with all the rotten egg references, but eggy way this is one clucking good/bad martial arts movie!)

'Iron-Fart only the pong will survive!'
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Getting drugs off the mean streets of Portland, OR with martial arts!
a_chinn22 December 2023
An LAPD cop goes after a powerful drug dealer, Richard Norton, following him to Portland, Oregon. The best part of this film is the cop has to face off with Norton's henchmen, the near-mute actor Bolo Yeung (the beefy villain from iconic martial arts classics ENTER THE DRAGON and BLOODSPORT). Watching this early 90s martial arts flick, I think I was most excited to realize it was filmed in Portland, Oregon when I spotted Mr. Hood in the background of one shot, which means Bolo Yeung and Richard Norton were in Oregon at some point! This is only one of two films that lead actor Britton K. Lee appeared in. He's a pretty terrible actor and martial artist, so I'm pretty sure he only got the part because he also served as a producer on the film. Director by Robert Clouse, director of the seminal Bruce Lee film ENTER THE DRAGON, I'd have hoped for better, though outside of that film, Clouse never made another descent film (unless you want to include GYMKATA, which needs to be seen to be believed! I will admit I'm a sucker for THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR though.). Although this film was made in the '90s, it has a strong 80s vibe to it, featuring Jazzercize, loads of synthesizer music, and some terrific 80s hairdos and fashion, which did add to the film's entertainment value, but overall this is a so-bad-it's-good type of action flick that I quite enjoyed, but probably only die-hard Bolo and Norton fans will be entertained by this one.
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Misleading poster as I saw Bolo Yeaung he's not even the star
jordondave-280857 April 2023
(1992) Ironheart ACTION

Misleading poster cover in which Bolo Yeung is not the star of this straight to rental movie, but it really stars Korean martial artist Britton K. Lee, as officer John Keem moving to LA to investigate the death of his partner. Who eventually uncover a human trafficking ring lead by Australian martial artist, Richard Norton as Milverstead.

Directed by Robert Clouse who was infamous for "Enter The Dragon" and a much cheerful movie called "The Big Brawl" starring a rather young Jackie Chan. This movie is a stinker with a much lower budget he had to handle, but at least Clouse had Enter the Dragon and The Big Brawl in his resume.
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Meh, archetypical early 1990s action martial arts flick...
paul_haakonsen27 December 2022
Well, I have to admit that I was having a hard time seeing why fans of Bolo Yeung consider this a cult classic, because Bolo Yeung wasn't really in the movie for all that long. Yeah, he had very limited time on the screen, yet he was showcased on the movie's cover and was the only name on the cover as well. Guess it was because he was the only semi-famous performer in this 1992 movie.

The storyline in "Ironheart", as written by Lawrence Riggins, was a pretty archetypical early 1990s action martial arts screenplay, you know, where some law enforcement officer who knows martial arts takes matters into his own hands and goes postal on the bad guys. Talk about vigilante justice, huh?

It can't really be said that "Ironheart" was harboring a great many famous actors or actresses. I was familiar with Richard Norton (playing Milverstead) and of course Bolo Yeung (playing Ice), the latter whom had very limited time on the screen. The acting performances in "Ironheart" was as expected, I mean, this is an early 1990s action martial arts movie, so you're not exactly in for a Shakespearian performance of any sorts.

The martial arts sequences in the movie were fair enough, though you knew the outcome of the movie from the very beginning of each fight, and Britton K. Lee (playing John Keem) definitely had some martial arts skills, but there was just a lack of natural fluidity missing to it, as it felt somewhat scripted and rigid in its choreography.

Director Robert Clouse's 1992 movie "Ironheart" is not a movie that impressed me, and it is not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time. Now, late in 2022, was actually the very first time I heard about it.

My rating of "Ironheart" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Milverstead - Greatest Villain Ever?
mr_bill_clay2 May 2006
Richard Norton really lights the screen up in this Portland, Oregon based martial arts masterpiece. Norton, an Aussie heartthrob, plays the evil Mr. Milverstead who runs a successful import/export business both smuggling arms and participating in the female flesh trade. Usually the women are plucked from his favorite dance club with the help of a squad of goons the most well known of who is Bolo Yeung, playing the role of Ice. Trouble comes for Milverstead when a new cop in town John Kim (Britton Lee) is out to avenge his dead partners murder at the hand of Milverstead's organization. If you have time to see only one martial arts movie this year, don't miss this classic.
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Ironheart is not the slickest, most coherent, or most streamlined beat-em-up you'll ever see, but it's fun for sure
tarbosh2200027 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
John Keem (Lee) is an integral part of the LAPD. Not only does he bust the baddies, but he also runs a Martial Arts training program at the police academy. When a woman named Cindy Kane (Hughes) goes missing - and his former partner Douglas (Mountain) does too - Keem hops in his Porsche and travels to Portland, Oregon to get answers. While there, he runs afoul of the criminal mastermind Milverstead (Norton) and his henchman Ice (Bolo). Keem must stop the human trafficking while finding time for love with Kristi (Kruschke). In the process of busting up Portland crime, he screams in an amusing manner and beats a lot of people up. But who will be the true IRONHEART in this situation?

Hot Flash Pizza. It's a great place to get a slice, especially if you're a nerdy sort of fellow and you're looking for a job. Or you could head on down to Up Front FX, the hottest nightclub in town. There's plenty to do in Portland besides get beat up by John Keem. Assuming you don't want to be beat up by John Keem.

Thankfully, there are numerous New Jack City (1991)-inspired dance club scenes, which we always like to see. Ironheart gets off to a bang with an extended one right from the jump, and the very catchy song, "If U Were Mine" by U-Krew plays continuously. Bobby Brown and Bell Biv Devoe were very hot at the time, and U-Krew is right in that vein. The clothing and occasionally synchronized dance moves are a joy to behold.

Now, even though there are several dance club scenes, an aerobics scene, a standout moment where Keem foils an attempted rape, all the songs are by U-Krew, and there's plenty of 90's charm on display, surprisingly, not much actually happens in Ironheart. At least in terms of plot or characters, which is why most people watch movies. There are major pacing issues throughout the film which slow things down for the viewer.

Director Robert Clouse, who was born in 1928, was a bit out of his depth on this one. He passed away in 1997, only five years after the release of Ironheart. Needless to say, it was his final film as director, but he had just come off a hot streak of Gymkata (1985), China O'Brien, and China O'Brien II (both 1990). By the time he got around to Ironheart, I think it's fair to say he was a bit unfocused, at least in terms of his directorial abilities.

While getting Richard Norton and Bolo Yeung to appear side by side was a good idea, the movie might have been more successful if there was a casting change-up: make Norton the hero and Bolo the main baddie, rather than just a goon. Britton K. Lee could have been his henchman. Or perhaps make Bolo the hero and Lee the main baddie, with Norton as the henchman. It's all very fluid, but it's pretty safe to say that only fans of Norton, Bolo, or 90's video-store action will be watching Ironheart in the first place.

In the U. S., Ironheart got what appears to be quite a limited release on VHS on the Imperial label. At least for us, it was never easy to find. Thankfully, MVD have rectified that situation with their Bloodfight/Ironheart Bolo double feature on DVD or Blu-ray. Now these movies are easier to access than ever before. In both films, Bolo is a scowling baddie that doesn't say much, if anything at all. But even going back to the VHS days, he was always front and center on the box art. He was, and remains, a fan favorite even if he doesn't always get the amount of screen time that he should.

In the end, Ironheart is not the slickest, most coherent, or most streamlined beat-em-up you'll ever see, but if you have an affinity for these sorts of things like we do, the nostalgia factor should carry you through at least one viewing.
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